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1408 San Pedro St

San Luis, AZ 85349


January 14, 2019

To whom it may concern,

Working hard to achieve my goals has always been very present in my life. I’ve always been
sure that I want to continue with my education until I’m adequately prepared for the job I want. I
wasn’t quite sure what I wanted as a major until a few weeks ago. Today I’m sure that I want
agriculture as my major, the only thing that I am not sure about is how I’m going to pay for my

After having a long conversation with my peers about what awaits for us in the future. I realized
that the only thing that is in my interest is a career under agriculture. I’m so amazed about all the
different jobs under one major that I still don‘t know which one to choose. I can really see
myself under agricultural engineering since it involves a lot of creativity. In my business
operations class they show us how a business works, I feel like combining business and
agriculture would really work out for me.

Paying for education has always been something that worries me since my family doesn’t count
with the money to pay for my education. I hope hard work will help me get there.


Ginna Saravia

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