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The Ra Sessions first Contact 8th September 2010 channelled by Susan Evermore

and transcribed by Ron Ritter session 1

Susan channelled Ra on the 8th September 2010 and this is the information contained in this first

It begins as Susan holds a lovely earth crystal and stills her thinking mind, a few minutes pass
and I feel this intense wave of emotion passes through me as if a warm wind had passed over a
chilly night, for I have already stilled my thinking mind.

We are here! the entity as unknown has begun

Ron asks: who do we have contact with?

The entity answers: I am Ra,

(this is the usual way non physical entities respond to us)

Ron answers: and we greet you with much love Ra

Ra answers: do you have a question?

question to Ra: yes, where is your origin?

Ra answers: I am from Orion

Ron note {Susan later explains that she had the message that Ra although presently connected to
the Orion band was originally from Sirius}

Question to Ra: In Orion have you existed in the physical form

Ra answers: yes in many forms, but not like the human form, we sometimes existed as light energy
forms, which is difficult to explain fully at present, you might say we sensed each others vibration
in the same way as we sense yours”

Ron note {names are not important with entities, each entity has a vibrational tag that identifies
them, names help us in our physical form to describe the entity}

Question to Ra: were you present in the physical form in Atlantis

Ra answers: I was there in the physical, for I had important work there as a light being”

Question to Ra: did you exist as human beings exist today on Orion?

Ra answers: do you mean in the physical , is that your question?

Reply to Ra: yes that is what I mean, what physical form did you take?

Ra answers: we were not in the human form at all, we were light energy, we acted by mass
consciousness and we were connected both individually and on a group level.
Question to Ra: when Atlantis was destroyed what happened to you, did you go to Egypt?

Ra answers: I did not go to Egypt at the same time as the rest of the survivors in the time of Osiris,
I came there at a later time

Question to Ra: how did you get there, was it by boat as was the way of most of the survivors?

Ra answers: I did not leave Atlantis at the same time of the other survivors I returned from my
ethereal presence to Egypt as I was needed to assist in the restructure of our light energy community

Question to Ra: I would like to ask some questions about your time in Atlantis,

Ron note{there was many a time when there was a pause, sometimes they told us they had pauses
or blanks when they were scanning Sues vocabulary looking for the right word to translate the
emotion from}

Ron’s note: { it is not the purpose of the non physical entities such as Ra to pass judgement or to
give specific advice that would make us make some critical or important decision in our lives on
that advice, as we are all free willed beings we have the ability to create whatever we like in our

The first law of the universe of non dominance says that questions are answered where appropriate,
but answers are only given where we won't be unduly influenced by the answer, we can manifest
and create all that exists for ourselves, but not for others, they are mindful(the entities) of self
fulfilling prophecy, that is if they tell us something will happen and we go about creating that reality
ourselves then this is self created manifestation. We as well as the entities can only manifest our
own world reality as we are free willed beings. We are able only to manifest our own perceived
reality. This relates to allowing each and every other life form in all its myriad forms to be able to
create and have their own experience of existence. No one can interfere in another’s experience,
this is something well to keep in mind in our world of human pursuits.}

so I continued after the first pause again

Question to Ra: what was the purpose of Atlantis?


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