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Financial Freedom Frequency Call Part 1

5th July 2018 call about program Living Your Money Miracles
with Darius and Jarrad ~ first hour!

Darius: begins talking about seasons have frequencies ~ can feel in our bones. Abundance
has similar footprint – can feel it. Welcome Jarrad.

Jarrad: [Was in a funny mood today – might do accents – James Mason in his field

Humour – plugs in 10 minutes early, starts doing work on everybody]

Right off the bat about releasing trauma

Felt guttural energy, being supplied and fed by illusion/reality of universe of lack, chaos,
disharmony. A space that’s feels unsafe, not just about current events although that was a
definite layer in the etymology of the self there, but it went back to some deeper soul levels

Some of you may have already been feeling a little bit of heat/warmth – space where some
things are going to be transmuted, we’re lifting some things out. Financial freedom was
personal intent for today’s call.

Definition of freedom is a little bit different than what a lot of people think of freedom.
Collective energy has this idea that freedom is, especially from guttural level – freedom is the
escape, is the lack of an oppression. There’s a dualism that’s tied into that freedom ~ creates
duality, battle, that ultimately creates a cage. True freedom is the ability to express, to create
whatever you desire in that moment made manifest. Add to that, choosing from the open
heart, because that space of Divine Love is a space that never chooses to harm self or other.
So it really is a space of community and communion with the one True Source of All Energy,
no matter what your name for that may be. It’s a space of knowing that the Self is that part of

So as we start looking at what (my nose is running quite a bit so there’s a LOT of releasing ~
what that tells me is that a lot of you are starting to release quite a bit of … the trauma that
our thoughts create in our energy body. A lot of you have heard talk about pain bodies and
energy fields where we hold there…somebody may say something, and it may seem very
innocuous on the surface, but it triggers this deep emotional wound within us where we feel
this well-spring of emotion. Sometimes it feels like we’re not worthy, sometimes it feels like
it plugs us into being completely worthless, sometimes it plugs us into hatred or anger ~
plugs us into those lower vibrational places ~ that’s because there are places where these pain
bodies, these emotional bodies (being these thoughts that have feelings attached to them) ~ so
we feel a feeling and then we immediately relate it back to a previous thought that is tied into
an experience ~ so our body goes into a chemical reaction. It is those spaces that get
triggered; so that’s one of the places that we’re starting to life out these old trauma energies
around what it is to step into a space of our power ~ that seems to be the biggest space that a
lot of you are holding this trauma is that ‘When I step into my light, that light is snatched
away or that somehow I am snuffed out in some form or fashion’ ~ and so what that creates is

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‘I don’t trust my heart, I don’t trust the universe, I don’t trust God’ ~ and our energy becomes
… if you want to call it the Law of Attraction, if you want to call it the Law of Creation
(whatever you want to call it)… it’s basically the vibrational ~ it’s quantum physics ~ it’s the
vibrational sensations in our being ~ it seeks to validate and recreate the space we find ourself
in. So our mind will seek to validate itself while our vibrations continue to create the space
that we’re in.

So, for example, if we are saying to the universe, ‘I want’ ~ and we’re doing it from a space
of ‘I don’t have’ ~ what we continue to create is the ‘I don’t have’ ~ and so all of this is tied
into ~ again, for a lot of you, I feel a lot of it in the face and even more in the gut ~ the face is
the place where a lot of times people will feel an allergy, sinus infections, it’s that
inflammation ~ but it’s also the gut level of inflammation ~ and that inflammation stems from
anger. I just also went into the knees there. So joints represent inflexibility, places where we
are so rigid in our lifestyle, where we have grown angry at the world, or we have grown
angry at the self, or we feel like there’s not a space where we can truly have everything that
we want.

So a lot of times what we’ll do there or how this looks is … for example: you have a job
making 30-40-50,000 – what’s your dream like – living on billion dollar yacht – but your
energy body/heart/being has no real connection to that life other than that’s a fantasy. So you
put this energy in a bubble and say that’s not real but it’s what I want and I want it because I
don’t have it and I never will have it ~ so therefore that’s the energy of escape. And we label
that lifestyle as ‘freedom’ ~ and so now we’ve literally locked ourselves inside of this space
where we say, OK what I really want is in that bubble, but I’m never going to have it. Then it
creates a resentment around what we do have, which just then keeps us in that space of what
we have or constant restriction of where we are. We continue to bring in lack and lack and
lack! And the lack is not the universe punishing us for anything, it’s the universe trying to
show us our own vibration, it’s experiencing contrast so that we’ll snap out of it and start to
see ~ ‘OK, there are places where I can start to clean up my own vibration and clean up my
resonance and start to experience within my body what it would feel like to open up to a
different reality and making it real.

There’s even spaces where, and we’ve talked about this in various ways before, where in the
energy field. As an example: TV show about lottery winners who go broke ~ so big a
phenomenon there is TV show about it! There is a desire for wealth/freedom in the escape
mode/enough of a vibratory pull in that person’s energy field to bring that into their field;
they have cleared/moved enough to get it into their field. Within a year, two years, they’re
broke or even more debt, because there was not a BASE for any of that stuff to land. They
had a pure desire for that wealth (not wanting to escape, to get out, the desire was pure
enough…not in the way of ‘of if you don’t have what you want the desire isn’t pure…but I
mean that vibration was coming from a real place within them where they were wanting to
express abundance in a space of true freedom so they connected to it. But it didn’t have a
place to land, because then they plugged into the self-worth issues, family issues, all of the
other things that often come along with that.

So ~ one of the things in self-expression that I feel in a lot of your throats ~ one of the things
I am already doing [clears throat] is starting to just lift that out as we talk, moving through the
field ~ we are all connected through a universal energy field. Science has proven… cool

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experiments where blood samples drawn from a person taken thousands of miles away and
tests done on the person will register on the blood samples the same as in the body. The
biofield of the person and the biofield of the blood means both react the same even though a
huge distance apart.

Many neat things showing just how connected we are ~ call it the Energy Field/Source
Field/Zero Field lots of names, but there IS a FIELD beyond who we are as people. Can take
high-powered microscope and see through what we think of as solid objects… our body is
mostly space…beyond the atomic level what is holding these atoms together? There’s a lot
of space in the body, see through body, or table, or a tree ~ mostly space at quantum level!
That space is a unifying space that unites everything. There is a literal power that fuels that
Field of Everything. When you can learn to tune into what you really are, learn to tune into
that infinite field ~ it’s not…

That’s another place people often can start to hit a block ~ because they feel like if they are
turning their tap of source up, that somebody else’s flow must be getting turned down. This
is a space also of understanding that no, everyone has an infinite tap, their own personal
gigantic ocean ~ can take a cup out of it, but at same time rain is filling ocean more! But we
have this fear that we live in a finite universe. Thus we start to create finite things in the

We are going to be doing quite a bit of brain restructuring, quite a bit of field restructuring
and really opening up to abundance in a way that allows us to not be as rigid as we are as
well. We get so in the ‘exterior world’ [interior world being our inner monologue that gets
caught into and buys into the exterior as well] but we get so caught up in the rigidity of times
and schedules ~ and beyond them it is the belief systems that we have about who we have to
be, what we have to do, what we have to project out into the world, how the world sees us, all
the things that we have to be-do-have in order to get the things that we desire or hold on to
the things we desire ~ in a lot of ways we enslave ourselves to our own thought process/to
our own creative process

So the energy of abundance and the energy of money now in this space on this planet,
particularly in this portal of energy that’s open on the planet, from Solstice to Solstice ~
going back from the 21st all the way up until December 21st ~ and this is 2018 so we’re in that
special kind of gateway space of creation and manifestation. This is a beautiful space to be
able to allow the light to become physical… when I talk about the brain (this will help
everybody to put it together), there is the space and place where dimensionally ~ I will talk
about the 5th Dimension – the space of the Open Heart, the space where we are living from,
where synchronicity abounds, a space where we are living from really that Open Heart space,
as we begin to move into 4th Dimension ~ that’s the space where that open heart, that pure
connection starts to be able to allow the light to come into physical formation, where we start
to manifest it…so when I talk about 3D in terms of manifestation, that doesn’t mean a denser
in a less or pejorative negative term, it simply means allowing the light to come in and be
everything that you are, allowing the light to become manifest in physical.

So that’s what we’re really going to be working with here, because it’s about allowing those
feelings of abundance that so many of us have as spirit and as source but we get real hesitant
about allowing them to become physical because we don’t just quite know how to hold that
vibration. Our bodies literally go into fight or flight!
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So we are going to be working with opening up to receiving and also opening up to giving,
because it’s giving ourselves.

D: Still there?

J: Yeah, can you hear me?

D: Yeah! Questions about portal/slip stream ~getting caught in current/slipstream/flow from

car in front. Same thing as going down a river and getting swept up in the current. YOU
have been doing that with a lot of people, creating a Portal of Abundance that begins to move
people into a higher space with training wheels! Tell me about why that might be working

J: 100%. So the simplest way to say that is ‘Feeling good feels good!’ There’s a space
where, and it gets a little transcendent here, because there’s a space where that past
patriarchy/wall street greed is good/lower vibrational stuff that clogged up a lot of people’s
money energy. It’s been around for a long time because even before that there were the
Inquisitions, everything was about the Gold and who had the Gold had the Power ~ so the
patriarchy kind of energy has been around for a very long time.

There was this idea, though, of what felt good was having power over someone else. So
when I say ‘what feels good’ that’s NOT what I’m talking about, because that’s not what is
supported in this energy. That’s not even what’s really supported on the planet ~ even
though those things show up; they show up so that they are being exposed so people can see
it and people can change it.

What I’m talking about is again, coming from that place of Divine Love ~ that space that
desires to do no harm to the self and no harm to anyone else; it is the space of knowing that
everyone in this world is sovereign, including the self ~ and in knowing that, you can let go
of needing to ~ and this gets into a little bit of the holographic universe that gets into a deeper
concept ~ but it lets you embrace the idea that everyone is on their own path and it gives you
your own strength, it gives you your own space to say, ‘OK, I can put my own mask on first’
(airplane example - if you pass out then you’re no good to anybody else) so this is that space
that allows you to say, ‘OK wait: I realise that I’m not exercising my muscles and my power
because I want to control or be controlled by someone else. I’m letting go of that. I’m
moving into the space, kind of like the child ~ this is that space where a lot of people start to
hit ~ OK what did I learn from mom and dad, what are my genetic things, what are those
things that I need to start clearing out?’ ~ which is one of the tracks we start with in the
program is Karma Cleanser, the number one track, but there’s also a bonus that’s Genetic ~
so what we’re looking at is ‘What feels good from that Divine Space?’

Because abundance is going to feel different for everybody: There are some people that are
going to feel, when they tap into the abundance of what it feels like to be loved in their
relationship, what it feels like to be seen, what it feels like to be in a space where they are
honoured ~ whatever that number is, the number is going to be different for everybody as far
as what the physicality of the money looks like. At the same time there is a level of freedom
that comes with that money, because we all chose to birth into a world at a time where we
don’t exchange goats for food, or beads for things… maybe jewellery [that was one of the
things that Linda and maybe some others have had some good success this month with but
that’s more related to the business of fulfilling what their passion is!]. So this is a space of

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plugging into your passion ~ and for a lot of people out there they don’t know their passion
because it is buried under so many wounds.

I don’t mean this as an egotistical pat on the back but one of the things I am very good at is
helping somebody walk through that space where they say ‘Hey, I’m buried under these
wounds ~ I either can’t feel anything or I don’t want to feel anything’ and getting them to the
space where they can actually start to see the light coming in through a doorway or through a
crack and then moving towards that light and then going ‘Wow ~ this is what I’ve been
missing out on, this is actually starting to feel, I’m starting to feel good and then sometimes,
no, wait, I’m starting to feel bad…’

Someone wrote in today: ’I just noticed this pattern that I shift from feeling really good to
feeling really bad’ and I said ‘yeah, there’s this space where before there was kind of nothing
and now you’re seeing the underlying place where now you’ll get mad, but now you have the
conscious choice ~ now you’re seeing what the patterns are and you’re feeling it’ ~ and what
happens is we start to notice and we go ‘Oh, you know what? Now when I feel mad I start to
realise I’m closing my heart and it doesn’t feel good and I’m pushing people away and OK
wait! Now I notice that when I feel good, the universe opens up and so it becomes way easier
to choose feeling good.’ So when I say we start choosing to feel good and we start doing
what feels good, that’s because what feels good is that space where we start feeling loved and
supported, and the universe starts to literally bestow all of its blessings upon us.

Then it’s that space where we go ~ and there are people much like me who are probably very
stubborn in their journey and they go: ‘OK, well I tried that and that’s some really good stuff,
but I’m going to go back to my old patterns because, you know, I know better than anybody
else or I know better than the universe’ ~ and then we walk right into a door, or we stub our
toe maybe in a metaphysical way or a physical way! And that’s kind of the universe going:
‘Are you really sure you want to go back in that direction?’

So there are all kinds of little guideposts that we get, that send us, but once we start getting in
the drift mode where you get behind a big truck on the highway and you don’t need gas
because your car just starts rolling with it ~ you literally plug into your own flow, and once
you start plugging into that flow, again that is that universal power source, that is the energy
field of the infinite that I was talking about. And once you get into that space, it becomes
easier and easier to stay in that space, because you notice when you’re not in that space. It
starts to feel compressed, you start to feel the contrast where ~ a lot of times when people
will start stepping into energy work and start stepping into You Wealth Revolution, they start
to notice things that they didn’t notice before. They start to notice where things are…they
go: ‘Wow, I didn’t even realise that I was so out of alignment – or – I didn’t realise there was
this much negativity – or – I didn’t even realise I was saying these things to myself or
thinking these thoughts.’

So you start to kind of awaken a little bit.

The next step beyond that are these choices ~ you get into that flow ~ into that movement ~ it
creates the self-perpetuating cycle where you really start to build momentum over and over
and over and over ~ because just in doing what feels good!

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Example: pull up one thing that you’d really like to have, then feel that your doorbell rings
right now and that thing is either in somebody’s hand or in your driveway, there’s a cheque or
whatever it is

D: OK, do that everyone ~ and let’s make it fun, send in what you chose ~ then imagine a
big truck comes up and delivers this thing

J: Delivers it right to your door

D: Let us know what it is. And then, what do they do after that?

J: So OK here’s where this gets fun…because whatever it is that you really wanted, comes to
your door, like a kid on Christmas morning, or Hanukkah, or whatever you saw on your
birthday … and some people go ‘I didn’t get to celebrate’ … that’s OK, tune into guess what,
you just got this thing that you want. Tune into, and this is where some of you have to
actually kind of let go of a little bit of story and pretend a little bit, but let yourself feel the
excitement of [I’ll pull the microphone away but] WHOO HOO!!! IT’S HERE! I JUST GOT
IT! LOOK WHAT’S THERE!!! It’s like that thing that you’ve been waiting for your whole
life has just showed up!!! And it’s outside! FEEL the EXCITEMENT!!

And sometimes people go [blah tone]: oh, no, ok, it’s out there, great, just leave it out there,
I’ll get to it later

You’re not going to do that, you just got everything you wanted, you’re going to be so
excited, and literally some of you might actually vomit! Because you’ve been holding inside
this energy of just like I can never get it, I’m not good enough ~ so just let yourself feel that
excitement for a second of whatever it was you wanted is literally parked outside your door.
Don’t go! Don’t go look right now but just know it’s out there. Feel: ‘My gosh it’s out
there, they’re about to ring my doorbell, they’re coming, I can hear the steps, it’s out there,
I’m so excited!’ FEEL the excitement in your body. FEEL IT! It’s not about thinking it ~
thinking it is kind of, meh, it’s kind of a mental pftt, it doesn’t really work. FEEL it! That
feeling is the gasoline, that feeling is what lights your body up, that feeling is the vibration
that gets the universe to go: ‘Oh hey, woot, over there Sally just lit up, we need to send her
something! What is she broadcasting? She changed her signal! Oh, OK, we need to…’
That’s the feeling! So when you start to feel that, that’s when you start to bring the

So, now imagine, and we are going to the imagination but also with the feeling, so FEEL that
you just got that! How good that FEELS, right? So that FEELS GOOD TO FEEL GOOD!
So what if that became your new state of being? Now there’s a part of us that wants to
sabotage and go: ‘Well if I’m always getting what I want to be getting, well that’s going to
become old really quickly ~ I’ve gotta have the bad so I can enjoy the good.’ What if the
good only got better? So, you see, it’s all relative. So it feels good to get what you just got,
but when you get it, then you’re going to have this new direction and this new space where
you’re going to want something different.

And I just felt a very large portion go: ‘Then I’ll be an asshole’ ~ so what came up there was
judgement around people who always get what they want and celebrate it. So it’s kind of
like: ‘I can only get what I want once, and if I get it I have to be real quiet about it and I’ve
got to hide it from others.’ And it’s like hiding your light under the bushel. So these are all ~
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I’m trying to do it in a fun way because these are all really deep things that we’ve all been
taught, you know ~ hide your light, don’t celebrate yourself, don’t be showy because that’s
mean for other people, they didn’t get to create that … Well, they’re not choosing what you
are choosing and what if you choosing it gets to remind them and yeah it may ignite in some
people jealousy. It might do that, but that’s their choice to choose that. And it might ignite in
somebody else: ‘Wow, if that person can do it, I can do it!’

Think of it in this term, think of it in terms of this ~ the more you create in your life, the more
you both inspire yourself and inspire others

And I’m going to start putting some light out into the field right now, with a little bit of
Violet Flame action, to start to life out ~ because I really pressed some buttons.

D: Yup, you did!

J: [raucous laughter!] Because that’s what real abundance is about. And I’m not saying you
have to go around waving your cheques at everybody ~ there’s this old Eddie Murphy stand
up from the 80s where he’s talking about ice cream and he’s going: ‘You ain’t got NO ice
cream!’ and while he’s doing that his ice cream falls on the ground ~ and so we all have that
idea that OK if we’re waving it in someone’s face … I’m not talking about waving it in
someone’s face, I’m just talking about YOU being so focused on you that you’re able to feel
and celebrate yourself free from anyone else’s judgement.

But that place where you just plugged in shows you the places where you are allowing other
people’s thoughts about you, who are your projections of other people’s thoughts and
judgements about you to limit, to put a ceiling on what you are able to create in your life.
And how unfair is that to you? You’re letting someone else define what you can create!

Which means you’re letting your fear of their judgements define whether or not you can get a
raise, whether or not you can have a good relationship ~ think about all the… when I say that,
everybody goes: ‘Well that’s really stupid!’ And it’s not a judgement, so we can just start to
let … there we go … we’re just … I’m going to do just a little bit more around letting that
go! Some of you are really feeling it in your stomach so I’m going to bring in a little
Grounding Energy ~ there we go ~ alright, cool.

I feel like – do you want to take a couple calls? And then we’ll do like a big process for
everybody or do you have some questions Darius?

D: I do, yes. I wanted to say I felt when that thing showed up, it wasn’t the jumping around,
it was part of that, but it was like the corollary of relief, like ‘I’m OK ~ I’m going to be safe ~
I’m not forgotten!’

J: That’s a good one

D: ‘I’m not alone.’ There’s also that side of it, like if you can get that sign that yes,
somebody’s listening to my prayers, or it’s possible to be heard’ and everything just goes:
‘Ahh, I can finally relax now.’

J: Yeah. Well and so, there’s actually ~ that was a good catch! So when we have that part
of us that, what that often does though is that creates a build-up in our system that says: ‘I’ll
know I’m creation when I create.’ And the Universe says: ‘You can’t create until you know
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you are creation!’ So then we start to feel like we’re unsupported, we feel like
God/Source/Universe isn’t listening to us. We feel cut off; we feel like: ‘OK, now not only
is the money not flowing, but now my communication isn’t there, now I’m not hearing spirit,
now I’m not hearing guidance ~ OK, now my jobs not flowing, my relationship isn’t
flowing.’ Because we are literally enforcing that pattern of: ‘I’m not heard because I’m not
getting what I want.’

I know that’s not how we think of it, in terms of that way, but we have that, it’s what we’re
basically sending out is: ‘I don’t know it until it shows up’ and the universe is saying: ‘you
have to …’ and when I say ‘know it’ it doesn’t have to be a physical space, it’s just that space
of being able to feel it, being able to give yourself permission. And so even at a deeper level
than that, there’s another aspect of that of … this is kind of a, it’s a corollary and I’m going to
come back around but I want to hit this because it’s coming up for some people … ‘I have to
give myself up to create myself.’

So that’s that space of: ‘I have to either not be heard … I have to mute myself.’ That’s
where maybe in childhood, in order to create, they had to be really quiet because if they ever
piped up, you know, they got beaten down or they got downtrodden ~ so they learned very
quickly to kind of hide in the background and when they hid in the background they were
safe and they could navigate life. But now, being sort of in the background is not suiting
them because they are wanting to step forward but they are afraid. It’s the space of where
maybe other people around them, they are kind of giving them their creative powers and
helping them create what they want, but they’re not creating what they want because they’re
giving that power away to others. So this is that space of knowing every single person,
including yourself, is sovereign. And every single person has not just the access to that field,
that love, that infinite abundance, but they ARE that!

And so, everybody just direct your energy centres to open up. And I say ‘energy centres’
instead of ‘chakras’ because really your energy centres are so much more than that ~ it’s
every place and space that you both connect back to the light, that you are the light, that you
are birthing from the light, it goes all the way back to your DNA, not just in physical form,
but that Light DNA all the way up to the first time that you birthed as an individuation of
Source. There we go. It starts to just open you up, and we’re just going to let this White
Light pour down…

And just start to set an intention that everybody begins to opening up to what it feels like to
just be safe, to KNOW you’re safe, to know that you’re heard, to know that you’re seen, to
know that your order is placed and received and delivered; it didn’t get lost in the mail; it
didn’t get delivered to someone else’s house. And maybe if it hasn’t shown up yet, we are
open to lifting some of that rigidity off our own beliefs, our own schedules, our own past, our
own past experiences.

You know, we may have placed orders a million times before and they’ve never shown up
and we realise all of a sudden we’ve been dialling the wrong number! So we’ve been mad at
the wrong place. So this is that space of … there we go I’ve just felt some Ascended Hearts
start to open … so it’s just allowing the space to open up within us, to change that story…

So now what we’re going to … There’s also a tie-in here to:  'When I am loved I am
accepted' but what comes up there for people is they have to FEEL loved in order to know

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they are accepted ~ and what we’re asking everybody to do today, what Source is coming
forward to say is:  ‘Can you know you’re loved and accepted all the time?  Can you drop the
conditions on who you have to be in order to love yourself, or feel accepted?  Can you do that
from within, and can you allow that energy from within to be so strong that it permeates out
into your field at such a huge level, that in every part of you, you know for yourself that your
I AM presence is THE I AM PRESENCE!

And we’ll set the intention to balance all frequencies in your energy field for total wholeness,
wellness, creation ~ physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, chemically, cosmically,
dimensionally ~ allowing you to accept and know and have the experience in a joyful,
wonderful way that your presence, you, the I AM PRESENCE within you (that’s capital I
capital A capital M – not me, not Jarrad – Source, that I AM PRESENCE within you) is the
CREATION of ALL creation.  And genetically that you are open, you are allowing, that you
are knowing that highest answer resides within you and that you are opening up to it.  

And it’s not that it’s the highest answer residing within your ego and then expressing through
the ego of your individuated self, or the alter ego that fights to keep you separate ~ but it’s
that space of allowing yourself to open up to the memory of what it is to be the I AM THAT I
AM ~ to be that star particle, to be that creation particle flowing through the universe, to be
such a huge creative force that literally through time and space YOU could be created.

Think about just what it takes to create a human life!  Just think about that through time and
space, you know.  However you see science, the universe, spirituality ~ you know from
amoebas to cells to the sperm and the egg ~ it’s a pretty giant process…you’re here!  That’s
pretty huge in and of itself!  And whatever you’ve created in the past ~ whether you love it or
hate it ~ you created it ~ which means you’re a pretty big creator!  So when we can open up
to allowing responsibility in a new way ~ not meaning that:  ‘Oh gosh, I’m stuck with all the
ramifications!’ ~ That’s what that Karma Cleanse energy is for!  You can let it go.  You can
allow yourself to say:  ‘You know what?  I’ve learned my lessons.  I’m now choosing to step
into the light.  I forgive myself.’ 

So any part of you that wants to go back into the light, meaning leave physicality, but feel
stuck, because you don’t realise you can be the light here in the body ~ or that you’re scared
to death to be here and bring that light into the body, because it feels like the light is finite
and may die if it comes here.  So therefore you’re afraid to bring all of your abundance, that
sort of Kingdom of Heaven to Earth ~ We’re going to bring some Divine Love, a little gooey
golden light to lift that energy out ~ any part of the energy that says:  ‘I can’t get my intellect
and my heart to move together.' 

And that intellect means the brain, and that’s what I was talking about when I was talking
about how we process light.  The brain is our electromagnetic field as well; it’s how we start
to begin to process light/feelings; it’s how we…it’s kind of like our human whiskers ~ it’s
how we start to feel our way through the world with our energy bodies and as it becomes into
our field, it starts to move into the thought realm, and then we start to process it and it
becomes physical reality.

And so we’re allowing the heart to open up for our Self in all dimensions, just releasing any
toxic energy fields ~ opening us up so that we can choose to wholly be in this lifetime ~ just
again directing all energy centres to open as we move this gooey golden light through the
body, particularly down, down into the root, so that any spaces of fatigue, any spaces where
we’ve given our power away to things that kind of suck our life force out, suck our creative
joy out....

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Ahhhh, there we go!  Everybody just take a deep breath.  I’m just going to bring this energy
down through the legs so we can stand in just the golden power of all that is ~ bringing
through a swirl of white light ~ again, just breathe that energy in ..."

I feel a lot of energy in people’s throats so I’m going to hit that with a little Violet Flame
energy and we’re going to bring in some Emerald Energy as well, which just opens you up to
speaking your truth, opening you up to expressing the truth, and also opening you up to
expression and again, expression being that space of: ‘I’m abundant and it’s OK that I’m
abundant. I don’t have to hide myself from people who maybe are choosing something
different. I can be the big boss in the world; I can be all that I am’

I’m going to bring in a little of this ~ well the Archturian Energy (as I call it) ~ a kind of
purple energy ~ it’s the energy of knowing yourself. And so for some of you that’s going to
bring a lot of trust in; and we’re going to bring that in through the back, up and down the
spine and kind of through the navel and in the navel also a little Andromedan which is pink,
it’s a lot of support energy/nurturing energy…. When I said the word ‘boss’ some people
went ‘WHAT? I don’t want to be the boss! I don’t want to be the boss!!’ So that’s a space
of just owning your own space and feeling free to express in your own space.

Yeah, there we go. That’s nice. Now I feel that solar plexus energy starting to settle, which
is that power centre, the throat energy starting to settle. So again just feel into what it would
feel like ~ what is financial freedom ~ it’ll be different for everybody but What is Financial
Freedom? Again, remembering that freedom is not the lack of bills, freedom is not the lack
of oppression or suppression. Freedom is the ability to express. And so for some of you, it
may be just living in your house, peacefully; it may be the ability to just notice ~ just feel
around, kind of put yourself in that space and look around. How are you acting differently?
Are you acting differently? Maybe you’re not. Maybe you’re already in a space resonant
with that. Are you…how do you believe that that financial freedom will change your life?
Does it change your relationship with your partner? Because if it does, there’s another step to
financial freedom that you’re really looking at, which is wanting to control or be controlled
by an aspect of your relationship that we want to open up to releasing right now, so that you
can allow that money to flow through.

See a lot of times we think that it’s the money we want but it’s really the money we think will
bring the desired outcome and sometimes that desired outcome is we think it will change a
relationship dynamic ~ whether it’s with our kids or our spouse or our parents ~ or even with
the world ~ we think it will bring us more power…so in other words, it’s a space where we
think it will allow us to get control, have more control over our own life, or FEEL like we
have control in relationship to others.

So we’re going to allow that to release out. Ooohh I feel that in a lot of your cores! Yeah.
And that’s not releasing your power, that’s actually opening you up to your true power but
letting go of the limitation that came from wanting to cord in and either control or be
controlled by someone else. It’s bringing you back to your space, your sovereignty, which is
where you can bring in your financial freedom. So again … just … What does financial
freedom feel like? Just feel into that. Just breathe into that. Feel how your body feels in that

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And actually some of you feel a little frightened in that space, so we’ll bring in a little bit of
more supportive energy, more Violet Flame, we’ll bring in a little Pleiadean Blue into the
vital organs so that you can realise that it’s OK ~ it’s OK. There are some light workers that
have that template of: If they’re not living in chaos, and they’re not helping and healing,
then, their body literally doesn’t know what to do.

So we want to open up to that new template of: I can just be on earth, just can be in paradise.
This doesn’t have to be the space that I come to work off karmic debt. This doesn’t have to
be the space that I come to heal everyone. I can just simply shine my light and by shining my
light, my resonance, raising my vibration can heal more people than I could ever heal through
suffering and trying to go out and work through my stuff. Simply by raising my own
vibration and shining my light, it goes back to the scale of consciousness.

You raise your vibration to a certain point; tens of thousands of people start to raise their
vibration. So just start to feel into happiness and completeness and wholeness. And I
actually ~ this is surprising to me ~ but I feel a lot of sadness because a lot of people that
brings up they have to give up literally the story of all of their struggle.

So let’s just press pause on that and just let that be OK. What if we gave up all of our
struggles? And I know sometimes we have 40-50-60-70 years invested in: ‘But this is my
story, this is what I’ve put all my energy into. I’ve got to fix it, resolve it ~ this is my
struggle ~ it’s my identity.’

What if you were able to be ~ and this is where the phrase comes from, this is the true gnostic
meaning ~ be born again into a pure divine connection where you could experience and
create whatever you wanted today?!

There we go ~ most people go: ‘Absolutely ~ sign me up!’ Well, all you’ve got to do is say:
‘Yes! I’m open to that!’ And so around starting to make choices that are in alignment with
that and thinking the thoughts that are in alignment with that, choosing those thoughts,
choosing to direct our energy and know that we are sovereign in that way… Invoke a little
bit more Violet Flame Energy, pour some of that out ~ bring in the gooey golden light to fill
your field up and to give you a template for what financial freedom feels like.

And again, just starting to allow that to soak into you at a cellular level what financial
freedom feels like. Again knowing that financial freedom is the true ability to create
whatever you desire in your life ~ the sovereignty to go out and be and do and have
whoever/whatever ~ create yourself however you desire… Create yourself free from any
strings, free from manipulation or control ~ allowing yourself to express and what comes up
next is then being able to really trust and know yourself. And so just really allowing Source
to pour in the downloads and the codes that allow you to look past the ego and start to really
understand who you are. Because this is the space that goes: ‘Yeah! You know what?
Maybe I would rather have a bigger house and a boat ~ but my smile would be so big because
I would love every day.’

And so that’s the space where you can actually start to, right now, feel what it would feel like
to love every day and feel that smile ~ and that’s where you can literally start to draw this to
you right now. And so we’ll just start to bring that energy into the field, into the stomach, to
start to digest through the energy bodies ~ there we go.

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That was a little longer than I intended for the process to be, but (ha ha) we kind of got
everybody on board. It was a … we’ll put a little bit of grounding energy in here as we bring
everybody back into their bodies. I can feel a lot of people feel like they kind of got their,
really their brain scrambled a little bit ~ and that’s because that pushed a lot of different
buttons around in a lot of different ways that people have thought about things. It let go of so
much struggle and belief archetypes around money ~ that people went into kind of this weird
space of … we’ll call it a little bit of a blank space. So yeah, we’ll put just a little bit of
grounding energy there and let everybody come on back in.

D: Darius reads a lot of comments. Says: you touched on something a lot of light workers
feel about the suffering, the journey, the awakening that needs to happen, how humanity
needs to evolve. Once we realise there’s this path we can go down, that humanity can go
down, and there’s this thing coming ~ be it ascension, awakening ~ we start to focus on all of
that instead of ‘wow maybe I’m here and maybe I just can be happy right now.’ We start
putting it outside of us or in front of us.

J: Yeah, it’s a huge ‘purpose button’ ~ I had it big time, you know obviously my backstory
was just basically suffering….having an awful first 25 years of life… to realise, especially
being an empath … it was like ‘Yes, but I’m suffering for everyone.’ It was very much a
template of taking it all in. But then I realised there may be somebody across the street
suffering for me and ME suffering for them? They’re not suffering any less because I’m
choosing to take on their suffering. They’re still going out and making the same choices and
just creating more suffering because they’re still on their journey. I’m just choosing to feel it
and kind of enable it and take it on.

So when I came to the realisation, and this is a weird way to phrase it, when I was going
through a lot of my heart stuff as well, it was like ‘if I were to die tomorrow, the world is still
going to turn!’ And I think at some level it was kind of like ‘No, I’ve got to save every--- and
it was like whoa! Wait a minute! I don’t have to save…that’s not what I….whoa’ ~ Then
ok, it really involved into: ‘Wait ~ I can just share and I don’t have to ~ there’s not a cord ~
there’s not like this dependent thing where I’m going to be like struck down from On High if
I step into this in a different way and literally that allowed me to step out and actually step
INTO my gift. Because then I feel free to share as opposed to it was something I HAD to do.
It became something that I WANTED to do and I was able to give more freely because of it.

Dialogue here between Darius and Jarrad talking about how that sort of behaviour does
not really help anyone! So can light workers let go of the feeling we have to suffer to change
the world?

J: We’re not doing anyone any favours by allowing people who still abuse that template of
money to keep it all! [Raucous laughter] So it’s kind of our responsibility ~ instead of
going: ‘Oh no no, I’m going to be abundant in spirit and step out…’ We’re separating it, and
in that way we’re basically giving other people rule over the planet. And it’s like: ‘No no,
it’s time to reclaim all of it and bring all of it into a new era, bring it all into a new space.

And yes, there will be spaces where the bathwater’s going to go, but don’t throw the baby out
with the bathwater. Or in this case, like I said, we didn’t choose to be birthed into a space
where we raise a goat and take it and give it away and we trade a goat for our house or
whatever…. WE all of us, at some level, even if we have resentment around the choices that

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we made, which is another thing we can work through in the program ~ but we chose to come
into a time when physical money is the means through which we’ve created this system of
supporting ourselves and recognising/seeing our own worth mirrored back to us in the world.
That’s really all it is! Money in that equation is really just an expressive energy. So how
willing are you to be seen and heard and express yourself? So it reflects your power. I and I
don’t mean power ~ a lot of times people have a negative connotation with power ~ again I
don’t mean it in a negative way. I mean your ability to stand firmly in your own presence;
know who you are and know your own worth.

D: Yes, interesting. And I’ll even say abundance is not just about money, it’s the ability to be
in the moment and experience what you want out of reality! Example of Mother Teresa
helping the poor in Calcutta…

J: 100% for her. That’s vitality. There was a time in my life when all I wanted to do was
get out of bed and not have my heart doing all of these crazy things. So vitality to me was
abundance! I could have lived in a box as long as I had my health – that would have been
abundance to me!

Abundance is a very multi-levelled thing. Relationships ~ there’s abundance in relationships

~ that space where we are open to being loved. There’s abundance in our own universal
connection to Source where we feel heard and seen and where we feel safe to express who we
are. So abundance is a very very broad, very multi-layered energy within is, where as we
open up to it, we open up and peel back more and more layers of empowerment. And as we
do that, we do it in … it’s even more than a Venn Diagram ~ it’s like the onion ~ but instead
of like the onion, we peel back and oh there’s another layer to peel back ~ no, it’s like there’s
another gift, and another gift, and another gift, and another gift, and another gift.

Darius then shares comments from people on line.

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