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Restoring the Faithful Heart

Lesson 3

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What we covered last week was a lot. For more than one reason we need to
open this lesson with a brief review. There is nothing here that you may not
have read before in other books of wisdom. It’s only natural that we would
discover points of wisdom in living and share them. However, I have never
before seen all twelve points collected and observed as one coherent pattern
that guides our life and nourishes our heart.

Below is a diagram for you of a twelve pointed star. This star has been a sacred
symbol for many spiritual and religious practices since before recorded history.
But no one knew what it meant until now. At the center of this star is the
window through which the soul enters and exits incarnation, and though which
you will manage your life at an optimum level of joy and achievement.

This star of the Faithful Heart is made up of four triangles layered and spaced
evenly. Think about the basic elements of our universe: Love, Spirit, and
Substance (Adamantine particles). Put them together four times, and they
represent a stable and well established universe imprinted upon us.

Do not add the laws of the universe to this star, because those laws, such as
the law of gravity, are to the service of God, and serve without respect of
person wherever their power applies. The law of gravity does not know who
you are or care what you’ve done. It’s just important for you to know and
respect its power.

But the Laws of the Faithful Heart are different, because they apply to each life
individually and respect your sovereignty over the ways you manage life,
whether successfully or poorly.
The star spins according to your priorities and purposes. It does not matter
which point is at the top or bottom. It adjusts to support your life is at any
given moment. Interestingly, it seems as though where you place the names
on which point may be a subtle portrait of your soul.

Ecclesiastes 3:11-13 “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set
eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from
beginning to end. Know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy
and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find
satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God.”

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

1. Law of Thinking – Thinking affects your life and all the opportunities that
come your way. Clarity of thought brings peace. Confusion and lack of focus
affect your health and happiness. Whatever your dominant thoughts are,
that’s what you become.

2 Law of Supply – There is an infinite supply that almost magically materializes

if you simply ask. You Have Not Because You Ask Not. (James 4:2-3) And,
asking does not have to be with words. Our actions are the most common way
of asking. it’s easy to understand if we roll it down to a parable of growing
apples. If you don’t prune the tree, water, and feed it you probably will not
have apples next summer.

3. Law of Compensation – We get back what we put out, is innately balanced.

Just consider the seeming miracle of how water in two containers will balance
out to an even level if only they are connected by a short hose from which the
air has been sucked out. It’s called osmosis.

4. Law of Obedience – The first part of this is keep your promises, especially
those you make to yourself. The second part is to surrender to what is actually
possible at the current place and time of your life. Surrendering to the
Universe is a great feeling! Life was meant to be easy, and obeying your inner
guide will only lead to your happiness and positive experience.

5. Law of Increase – Also called the Law of contribution, gratitude and

appreciation. You increase whatever you are affirming in a positive way. You
push away what you complain about. It seems so logical. But you would be
surprised how many people try to have through first taking up issues about it.
They think they could have it if only they could change or correct the things
they don’t like.

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

6. Law of Non Resistance – When we experience problems just allow them to
pass through you or turn them in another direction. This is an ancient skill of
Zen mastery. And Jesus said “Turn the other cheek.”

7. Law of Attraction – Also considered the Law of Reflection. We were born to

be surrounded by the light we reflect, and when we expect them to happen
they will. What we shine forth will be mirrored back to us.

8. Law of Forgiveness – The first person to forgive must be yourself, but don’t
confuse this with justification. True forgiveness is humble, and a servant to
God and a servant to the will of God. Then forgiving others becomes easy.
Eventually people we have harmed may forgive us as well. It begins within us
though, right here in the Faithful Heart.

9. Law of Sacrifice – We must give up something in order to gain something

else. Make a careful choice about what you would give up in order to gain.
Parents should be very familiar with this, all the personal pleasures you have to
give up so that you kids can have what they need. It could be as simple as
giving up football on Sunday to go watch your son or daughter play soccer
instead. Sacrifice can be joyful, when its supported by all the other laws of the

10. Law of Receiving – We should give freely, without worrying if we’ll even
have enough for ourselves. When we give from the proper “place” in our
hearts, we are always able to receive more and better than we can even

11 Law of Choice and Preference (free will). We do not always like the choices
we are given, but when we make the best choice allowed, we will be given
better choices to make. We will experience true freedom through our choices.

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

12 Law of Success – Success may not bring you exactly what you hoped for at
first. But it always presents you with a clearer picture of life that you can use to
plan your next journey toward success. This universe was created for our
success, but you must be faithful to find it. Another way of saying this is, there
is someplace where you are important. Never stop looking.

Now our study will turn to your workbook and personal journal.

Open your notebook and assign a page to each topic, so you may have room
for notes. And coming back later with reflective notes.

On the first page, and the most important question:

Which points are the strongest in your life?

On the second page ask this: Which points have been most neglected or

Now begin to go back and forth reflecting how this has affected your life in
positive or challenging ways.

Last of all, on a third page consider how the stronger points can help you
strengthen the weaker ones. Write a few suggestions or plans about how you
could implement some of these ideas.

Next we must consider the stories of our life.

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

One of the greatest interferences we have to knowing and mastering the
Faithful Heart; indeed, to knowing faith at all is our greater belief in the stories
of our life. “It’s been this way forever. It will be this way tomorrow.” We think
stories are reality. That’s because others believe them too. Once we have a
tight agreement, even if its negative in nature, we think that holding onto it
gives us some confidence about what to predict for the future. In the Keys of
Jeshua there is a whole chapter devoted to the controlling power of stories in
our life. It seems we do need them, but we need a better understanding of
benefits they can bring to our life.

In “Love Without End, Jesus Speaks” there is a similar and correlated revelation
about God and Reality. In that chapter the topic of illusion is addressed in an
important way. I would like to bring it to your attention in this context.
Basically what it says is that illusion is what passes away with time, often even
hard to remember. Reality is what endures without effort because it is one
with God.
I think you can see that correlation with stories. The love within stories
endures through our life. The trivia passes away. No one says this better than
Jeshua, so I have brought some important passages to this lesson from
Chapter 13 in “The Keys of Jeshua.”

“In the beginning, life was given as a gift unto itself. It existed long before
there was a story to tell about it and life will endure long after the last story has
ended. Life does not depend upon stories for its authenticity and authority,
although it does seek to experience and fulfill its nature. For that reason, life
connects with stories. Stories are the containers of experience.
“Time is a wondrous and powerful dynamic of our universe that is yet to be
seen accurately. Time is a dynamic of energy, coordination and attraction, and
not just the basis of history and future potential. Through the addiction to
stories, however, time is feared, maligned, and considered a source of aberration.
When you view time as the consecutive record of events (whether physical or
social), you create history…his-story, her-story, its-story! For lack of higher
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
understanding, people make sense out of time with the stories they tell. This
creates the desire to see the future as a continuation or correction of the past,
and nothing new ever happens. When a story ends, there is often pain and
sorrow. This is falsely blamed on time. The real hurt is caused because you
believed in the story more than you believed in life. You took an identity from the
story that you believed in more than yourself. Then the story ended. You felt
betrayed or lost. When I said long ago that a man must lose his life to find it, I was
referring to the delusion of story-generated identities. If you would truly possess
the fullness of life, you must shift your attention from the identity you hold in
stories to the truth of who you really are.
“Complete dependency on stories will cost a person his personal liberty and
destroy creativity. He will long for the past, and even more so to be ‘in present
time’ as if that were a strange and special place to be. I promise you, there is
nothing but present time! It’s just that you can’t perceive it when you are
completely engaged in the perpetuation of your history. What you long for is to
be free of your stories, while yet retaining the positive connections and
experiences that built them. There is a way to do that, but first you must
understand the limited nature of stories and the greater power of life.
“Stories express the adventure of life, but they can become prisons when
they begin consuming your life for the sustaining of a story! Some stories are so
widely believed they seem like reality. Many souls endure their stories with
thoughtless submission, and others, sensing a trap, react rebelliously. The drama
between teenagers and parents provide many examples of this. Teenage conflict
is nothing more than a young person pushing back on a parental story at a
moment in time when he has gained enough self-awareness to envision a
different destiny.
“At our best, we make choices about life each day as we go along. Some
choices are of long duration and consume much of our life. However, we still need
to acknowledge frequently that the choice was, and is, ultimately ours.
Otherwise, one may become entrapped by habitual expectations that reduce
consciousness. All compulsory behavior, every unnatural habit, and dependency
has its roots within some story hidden just beneath the surface of consciousness.
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
Many valuable therapies have been developed to help a person bring submerged
stories up to conscious view thereby releasing dysfunctional content. Many times
this kind of healing has changed a person’s view on life and restored a willingness
to live. Even so, this is not the ultimate answer for personal liberation. There are
simply too many stories to examine and resolve. Too much involvement in
reviewing past events can reinforce an already strong belief that one’s history is
actually the key to one’s future. This is just a new dependency and a new story.
“To be truly liberated from your history, you must first be restored to the
knowledge that you were created to live beyond and above ALL stories. Your life
is special unto itself. You are a creator of stories and Love is the redeemer of
stories. Every story—one way or another— is potentially a love story. It may not
be about fulfilled love, but still it is about love: desired love, denied love, lost love,
broken love, oppressed love, tender love, tough love, forbidden love (jealousy),
refused love (hate), forgotten love, sacrifice, service, or compassion. Your
challenge is to find the power of love within whatever story you live.
“By discovering the presence of love weaving through all stories, regardless
of how unlikely its presence, you are led to true enlightenment and personal
fulfillment. The touch of genius in writing, telling, or living any story is to find love
in forms, expressions, and places that have not been observed before. Because
Love is the master creator of the universe, there is love in every authentic
“You have a choice in every story you live or write. Will you focus on its
drama, or will you focus on the power that gives it greater meaning? When I
speak of being reborn into a new life by the power of the Holy Spirit, I am not
offering you a better story for your old one! When I speak of being lifted from the
turmoil of earthly life into a higher life, I am not referring to a better script on a
higher stage. The alternative I am presenting you is not between two classes of
stories. The choice is between life in its true and higher nature … and life in its
captured state. The best description I can give you of the difference between
Heaven and Hell is that Heaven is the end of capture by stories. A soul is restored
to his love in the presence of others being their love. In that blessed state, one is
free to simply BE or to create new stories from the heart. This can be
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
accomplished on the earth now. By contrast, being in Hell is being captured by the
stories of your life, which are now ‘creating you’ and driving you to become the
inevitable conclusion of that story. There are many degrees of this capture. Some
degrees are subtle, and some are almost unbearable. This also is happening now.
“The law of entropy governs all stories left to their own unfolding. Therefore,
stories capture life to seize energy. All stories that follow their own inertia to the
bitter end, do just that —end bitterly! Stories can bring endless experience and
opportunities for growth, but unless love enters and creates a perspective
outside the story, there is no fulfillment or escape. Many souls are caught in the
clutches of story simply to discover the outcome, or perhaps in hopes that it will
be the one story in all existence that can write its own happy ending. There is a
great trap in being blindly committed to a story out of false pride or misguided
“All happy endings are created by souls that step outside their story,
realizing that their loyalty is not to the story itself, but to themselves, to their
loved ones, and to the spirit of love pouring through the story. Stories are not
sacred! Souls are! It is a great crime to perpetuate any story to the detriment of
souls suffering within it or because of it. When you realize this, you will step
above the dramas of earth and into the Kingdom of Heaven.
“In my life on earth, I was always in service to God and those who needed
me, but I was often viewed as rebellious. This is because I was vigilant about
disengaging from stories. Although stories have their value, there is a much
better way of relating to life; by having purposes and goals that lift one to a
higher level, and then applying oneself to achieve them. Purposes, goals, and
missions parallel the elements of story, but connect with one’s Source and play
out on a higher level of consciousness. My purpose is to serve the will of God
completely and to fulfill the oneness of that relationship. My goal, or intention,
two thousand years ago was to redeem the earth from its darkness and conflict.
My mission was, and is, to teach love and be a living model of how to love God
with all one’s heart and others as oneself. To these ideals, I gave my whole being. I
passed through many stories and created a few, but at no point was I dependent
on the consent of a story to accomplish my purpose, goal, or mission. By being
Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020
firm in this, I demonstrated that when one’s life is for a purpose, it transcends all
“In some cases, change will happen because of innovation — unexpected
and accelerated areas of progress and discovery. This will create a great shift in
values as new opportunities arise for redefining reality. Ideals will leave the
powers that have previously supported them and reappear in new parts of the
world, in new contexts. Planetary changes will contribute to shifting populations.
Massive relocation of people will transform economic systems and the way
people relate to each other. Belief systems will be fully reexamined. There will be
so much transformation in the next century that what you now consider reality
will only be found in history books. Whether this is peaceful or bloody depends on
how attached people are to their stories and how faithful they are to life and the
“Stories serve only to be containers of experience, to support the evolution
of consciousness, and give passage to the soul’s enlightenment. As truth emerges,
the container is cast away.
“Examine your life. Are you living purposely with goals and missions that
are relevant to your being and those you love? If not, discover your purposes,
goals, and missions and step out into the stream of life. New stories will naturally
shape around you that fit the true nature of your being.
“I will always be with you, sharing your hopes and anxieties. I will be in your
heart to guide you in your choices. But remember … I am a servant to love, and
often a rebel to story. Therefore, I will never hold any story above the truth or
love needing to emerge from it. Nor will I conform to the promises of any story
over and beyond the opportunity of elevating you or all of humanity to a higher
level. I am delighted to surprise you with revelations of truth and love that lift you
to freedom. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it could be no other way.”

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020

Now to complete your study for this week, follow through just as you did for the
star points of the Faithful Heart.

Set up a new page in your notebook and ask: What positive story am I most
attached to?

What it the love in that story?

What other passages of that story can I simply erase, knowing they will fade in
time anyway?

On the next page of your notebook ask: What story am I most attached to which
is negative.
Then ask yourself these questions:
a. How can I learn from this?
b. How can I forgive this?
c. Which point of the Faithful Heart will allow me to accept this as a part of
my life?

Free up energy on the best and worst stories and the other stories will flow like

Have a blessed week.

Restoring the Faithful Heart © Glenda Green 2020


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