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Do you often feel insecure?

Do you have trouble setting boundaries with

people? Do you consider yourself a “people please”? Do you constantly seek
approval from others? 
On the other hand, maybe you have an overly domineering personality. Do
you find yourself bullying others? Do you tend to manipulate people to get
what you want?

Name in Sanskrit:  Location: In the abdomen above the belly button up to the
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Signs of balance: Confident, motivated, purposeful, reliable, responsible
Signs of imbalance: Aggression, overly dominating toward others, low self-

Location: Navel area

Color: yellow

Element: Fire element

Bija Mantra (seed syllable): RAM

Sanskrit Name: Manipura meaning lustrous gem

Main Issues: power, will, self-control, vitality, purpose, direction

Excessive: Dominating, blaming, aggressive, scattered, constantly active

Deficient: Weak will, poor self-esteem, passive, sluggish, fearful

Shadow Element: Shame

Resolution: Self-Compassion; Self-Assertion

The position of the Solar Plexus Chakra is best described as four fingerbreadths
above the navel.
This chakra is where your power and self-confidence manifests.
Manipura” means a lustrous gem
It is associated with this chakra strengthen the digestive system and diaphragm
It has the power and autonomy of metabolism
 The element for the Solar Plexus is fire
It represents the color yellow that brings brightness and balance of energy.
When the Solar Plexus Chakra is in balance, a person experiences confidence is
self-motivated and has a sense of purpose
 When surrounded by negative energy, he or she can suffer from low self-esteem,
feel troubled making decisions, and have control issues.
Imbalances of the Solar Plexus can also cause fatigue, overeating, excessive
weight gain especially around the stomach, digestive system disorders,
hypoglycemia, and diabetes.

 I feel calm, confident, and powerful.

 I feel ready to face challenges..
 As I take on new challenges, I feel calm, confident, and powerful.
 I feel motivated to pursue my purpose.
 I am ambitious and capable.
 I forgive myself for past mistakes, and I learn from them.
 The only thing I need to control is how I respond to situations.
 I have the courage to create positive change in my life.
 I stand in my personal power.
 I honor the power within me. 
 I am open to new ideas.
 I don’t seek the approval of others.
 I am courageous.


 Physical signs
 Improper processing of nutrients
 Constipation

 Irritable bowl syndrome

 Eating disorders

 Ulcers

 Diabetes

 Issues with the pancreas

 Liver disease

 Diseases of the colon

Mental signs
 Difficulty in skillful self-expression

 Aggressive, overly rigid, or controlling behavior

 Quick to anger

 A victim’s mentality

 Neediness

 Lack of direction

 Feeling afraid or lacking courage

 Poor self-esteem

 Feelings of stagnation or inertia


Cobra pose

Ardh matsyendrasnaa



Boat pose

 Parvritta Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose)


Supine spinal twist

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