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1- THIS is a data mining task
a. computing the total sets
b. sorting of student acts base an based on students ID
c. predicting of future stop price of a company using hestorical records
d. dividing the customers of a company acording to their gender

2- data mining as a reach dispn does not drow Ideas form this reasch
A. statsics
B. lanugrstic
C. airt
D. confermation theory

3- set of odd integers from any in equal 5 in equal 25 which type of

A. categorical
B. interval
C. independent
D. ordinal

4- boxplot and scatter diagram technics are

A. genetics
B. graphical
C. icon beasd
D. bixel beasd

5- the first high DOLAP with minimal cupping uses ______________ for cube
a- multi-way array aggregation
b- bottom-up cube aggregation
c- inverted indies ophsichel fragments
d- no of the abve

6- one way to interact OLAP styel analysis with data mining

a- using cube space to define data space for mining
b- using OLAP queries to generate features of target for mining
c- using data mining model as bulding blocks in a multi setps
d- all the above

7- improving A priori the general idea is

a- reduce pass transaction of the data base scans
b- does not shrink number of candidate
c- not support counting of candidate
d- non of them

8- dividing and conquer is

a- Decompose both the mining task and DB recording the frequency
b- led to fouced such for smaller data bease
c- both a and b coreect
d- only a is correct
e- only b is correct

9- application of frequent pattern are

a- bas test data analysis
b- cross-marketing
c- catalogue design
d- sell comping analysis
e- all are correct
f- only a anr b are correct
answer is e

Short answer questions

 Explain the benefits of FB tree structer in term of completeness and

compactness ?

 Why is frequent pattern mining is important?


 Explain some important application of data mining?

1. In semce
2. In biology
3. In health care

 Explain following terms:

Sector blocked
 How can data visualization help in decision-making?

 Also assignment 2 is important

True and False

 visualization technique often specialized 4th type of data being analysed T

 Binary attribute are special case of ordinal attribute F
 Info cube is 3D visualization technique where hieratical information is
displayed is listed same transparent cube T

Fill blank:

 KDD is ______ discovery in data (Knowledge )

 KDD process includes __________and_____________ (cleaning and integrate)

 Draw the lattice of cube words labels for latest key word for the following
3d sale group

 Dimension 1 time
 Dimension 2 location
 Dimension 3 item

 OLAP is important,

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