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Which answer is correct?


A lot of / lots of – jelentésük: sok, megszámlálható és megszámlálhatatlan főnevek előtt

A lot – jelentése nagyon,sokkal, sokszor a mondat végén áll

 He looks ___ younger than me.

a lot

lots of

a lot of

 ___ of taxis pass down this street. / pass down - elhalad


A lots


 There are a ___ smokers in my family.

a lot

lot of


 We have ___ time to get it finished.

a lot

lot of

lots of

 I don't like apples ___.

lots of

a lot

a lot of

 I spent ___ money on my house.


a lot

lots of

 There are ___ books that I want to read.


a lot of

a lot

He looks a lot younger than me.

Lots of taxis pass down this street.

There are a lot of smokers in my family.

We have lots of time to get it finished.

I don't like apples a lot.

I spent lots of money on my house.

There are a lot of books that I want to read.

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