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Nr. 1 / _____________

Of the Conference ,,The role of youth in the state development” within the State University in
Moldova, the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences

Attendees: 6
Absentees: -
1. Rusu Felicia
2. Prunici Viorica
3. Rotari Iana
4. Slesarciuc Iana
5. Lîsîi Victoria
6. David Mădălina
Guests: Minister of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova, Ambassador of
America to the Republic of Moldova, Ambassador of France to the Republic of Moldova, President
of the Municipal Youth Council in Chisinau...
1. Opening speech from the coordinator: ,,Involvement of youth in volunteering - a challenge for the
country's development”
2. Successful young people from Moldova: David Mădălina
3. Relations between young people and local public administration: Lîsîi Victoria
4. Voluntary activity among Moldovans - Responsible: Prunici Viorica
5. The difference between young people from Chisinau and those from abroad: Rotari Iana
6. Description of the Municipal Youth Council in Chisinau: Rusu Felicia
7. Jobs for young people: Slesarciuc Iana
1. Preparing support materials to inform young people about the importance of volunteering in training
a professional.
2. Evaluating young people's knowledge of NGOs.
3. Planning of voluntary actions.
4. Making a video about the activity of the Municipal Youth Council in Chisinau.
5. Conducting a survey on the problems faced by young people in society.
6. Making an interview with the successful young people from Moldova

Voted: PRO: 6 AGAINST: - ABOUT: -

Coordinator – Rusu Felicia__________________

Secretary – Prunici Viorica__________________

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