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Thursday, Feb.

21, 2019

Dear Birmingham Learning Community,

I am writing to express my deep disappointment after reading the Feb. 19 published article in Bridge Magazine. I
understand the frustration and the concerns expressed by the author, parents and students. After reading the
article several times, among many things, I regret that our actions and systems led to the desire for it to be
written. As your new superintendent of Birmingham Public Schools, I offer my personal apology for this situation
ever occurring and a commitment to partnering with our constituents to ensure this is not repeated.

It is clear that the District failed its obligation to provide an African American History course pilot that was both
appropriate for our students and reflected the necessary input from our community, including the voices of many
students, parents, teachers and administrators. We recognize that the resources listed in the course pilot syllabus
failed to meet the depth and breadth of African American history. The syllabus that was distributed to students in
our African American History course pilot should never have reached our students’ desks. In the short-term, our
Teaching and Learning department has already changed processes regarding the launch of pilot courses to provide
much greater due diligence during the development phase while also requiring input from students, parents, staff
and key administrators following the completion of the pilot period.

Part of my 100-Day transition plan for the District includes analyzing district operations leading to the design of
better systems for new course considerations, approvals and reviews. Furthermore, I committed to outlining
opportunities to produce curricular and instructional clarity including the District’s procedures related to approval
of new courses. I also made a commitment to our Board of Education to deliver a summary report following the
expiration of this important transition period. After the transition period expires, recommendations related to this
subject for public review will be included in that report near the end of the school year.

While the article and issues that led to it being written shine a light on improvements that must still be made, I
know that outstanding work is being done across the District by so many to create inclusive environments for all
students. I have met with students, teachers and administrators across Birmingham including Groves High School,
who work tirelessly, daily, to support the needs of all BPS learners and develop a greater sense of community
within our schools. I understand fully that we are only as good as our last instance of injustice. Therefore, we must
ensure that all voices are included and valued in the District’s continuous improvement process. I am fully
confident that by collaborating with so many fine educators and community members of Birmingham Public
Schools, we will deliver on the promise of providing an exceptional educational experience for ALL students.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or
further concerns.


Mark Dziatczak
Birmingham Public Schools Superintendent

31301 Evergreen Road

Beverly Hills, MI 48025-3800
(248) 203-3000 Fax (248) 203-3144

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