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Name of Patient: __J.C.R.__ Attending Physician: ____Dr. ______ Impression / Diagnosis: _Massive Pleural Effusion prob. s/t __
Age: _53_y.o._ Ward/Bed Number: ___MMSW, Bed 15___ suprabilar mass right; HPV stage II
Dosage, Route,
Name of Drug Frequency and Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic: Dosage: Inhibits Hypertension Hyperkalemia, Use cautiously in -Assess for pain
Losartan 50 mg/tab, 1 tab vasoconstriction and hypoglycemia, diabetic patients with impaired -Monitor V/S especially BP
aldosterone secreting vascular disease, renal or hepatic and do not give if BP is
Route: action of angiotensin II angioedema function 90/60 mmHg
Brand: p.o. by blocking -Instruct not to get up
angiotensin II receptor abruptly
on the surface of -Instruct to lessen and limit
Frequency: vascular smooth salt intake
OD muscle and other
tissue cells.

Timing: (W. Kluwer, Nursing

Classification 4 pm Drug Handbook 2013, Contraindications Side Effects
33rd Edition)
Functional: Contraindicated in Dizziness, pain,
Antihypertensive patients with asthenia, fatigue,
hypersensitivity to the headache, insomnia,
drug and its hypertension,
Chemical: components. peripheral edema,
pharyngitis, sinusitis,
n/v, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, UTI, back
pain, myalgia, cough,
URTI, flu like
symptoms, nasal
congestion, cough

Student’s Name: ____ MARK IANNE S._ANG______

Clinical Instructor: ____DODGE CHURCHILL P. TOLEDO, RN___
Name of Patient: __A.C.R.__ Attending Physician: ____Dr. ______ Impression / Diagnosis: _Diabetic Ketoacidosis; DM Type II-IR; __
Age: _33_y.o._ Ward/Bed Number: ___MMSW, Bed 14___ CKD stage 3 s/t Diabetic Kidney Disease
Dosage, Route,
Name of Drug Frequency and Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic: Dosage: Paracetamol exhibits For fever Thrombocytopenia, Patient w/ chronic - Observe 12 rights of
Paracetamol 500 mg/tab, 1 tab analgesic action by leucopenia, alcoholism, known medication administration
peripheral blockage of pancytopenia, G6PD deficiency, -Monitor VS especially
Route: pain impulse neutropenia, severe hypovolaemia, temp.
Brand: p.o. generation. It produces agranulocytosis chronic malnutrition. -Monitor CBC
antipyresis by inhibiting Renal and hepatic
the hypothalamic heat- impairment.
Frequency: regulating centre. Its
PRN Q4H for weak
Temp equal or
greater than 37.8 (W. Kluwer, Nursing
C Drug Handbook 2013,
Classification 33rd Edition) Contraindications Side Effects
Functional: Contraindicated to Drowsiness, nausea,
Analgesic/Anti- patients with vomiting, abdominal
pyretic hypersensitivity, pain
Intolerance to
tartrazine (yellow dye
Chemical: #5), alcohol, table
sugar, saccharin

Student’s Name: ____ MARK IANNE S._ANG______

Clinical Instructor: ____DODGE CHURCHILL P. TOLEDO, RN___
Name of Patient: __A.C.R.__ Attending Physician: ____Dr. ______ Impression / Diagnosis: _Diabetic Ketoacidosis; DM Type II-IR; __
Age: _33_y.o._ Ward/Bed Number: ___MMSW, Bed 14___ CKD stage 3 s/t Diabetic Kidney Disease
Dosage, Route,
Name of Drug Frequency and Mechanism of Action Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Generic: Dosage: Inhibits HMG-CoA To reduce risk of Rhabdomyolysis Patients with hepatic - Observe 12 rights of
Atorvastatin 2 mg/tab, 1 tab reductase, an early stroke and MI impairment and/or medication administration
(and rate-limiting) step heavy alcohol use. - Teach about adverse
Route: in cholesterol reactions of drug
Brand: p.o. biosynthesis - Instruct client to inform
nurse if adverse reactions
(W. Kluwer, Nursing occur
Frequency: Drug Handbook 2013,
OD 33rd Edition)

Classification 8 pm Contraindications Side Effects
Functional: Contraindicated to Headache, asthenia,
Antilipemic patients with insomnia, peripheral
hypersensitivity and edema, pharyngitis,
those with active liver rhinitis, sinusitis, abd.
Chemical: disease pain, constipation,
diarrhea, dyspepsia,
flatulence, nausea,
UTI, arthritis, myalgia,
bronchitis, rash

Student’s Name: ____ MARK IANNE S._ANG______

Clinical Instructor: ____DODGE CHURCHILL P. TOLEDO, RN___
Student’s Name: ____ MARK IANNE S._ANG______
Clinical Instructor: ____DODGE CHURCHILL P. TOLEDO, RN___

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