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For first assessment in 2017
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Candidate personal code:

Extended essay cover sheet

It is the school’s responsibility to ensure that each extended essay (EE) is submitted against the correct subject. If a
discrepancy between the registration and the actual subject of the EE is identified, the coordinator must contact the IB and
request a change to the subject for which the EE is registered. The EE for a candidate should not be uploaded until the
registration change is authorized and the eCoursework upload screen is updated. Failure to do this will result in the EE being
assessed as the original subject for which it was registered.

Supervisor’s comment:
Please comment, as appropriate, on the candidate’s performance, the context in which the candidate undertook the research
for the EE, any difficulties encountered and how these were overcome (see page 9 of the EE guide). The concluding interview
(viva voce) may provide useful information. These comments can help the examiner award a level for criterion K (holistic
judgment). Do not comment on any adverse personal circumstances that may have affected the candidate. If the amount of
time spent with the candidate was zero, you must explain this, in particular how it was then possible to authenticate the essay
as the candidate’s own work. Please avoid using the candidate’s name in the comment to ensure anonymity for assessment

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