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Descriere FlyGo – targul de turism


Din momentul in care notiunea de "low cost" a devenit accesibila pentru toata lumea, a fost infiintata
agentia de turism Fly Go Voyager, pentru ca oricine sa ajunga unde isi doreste la preturi reduse si cu
minim efort. Intr-o lume in care tehnologia pune stapanire pe toate domeniile, este simplu sa rezervi un
bilet de avion chiar de acasa pentru orice destinatie din lume si la orice companie aeriana atat low-cost
cat si traditionale. Gama noastra de servicii este insa mai variata, pentru ca oferim cu deosebita atentie:
pachete turistice, personalizate la sugestiile clientilor, cazare / rezervari hotel, inchirieri auto, asigurari
de calatorie, call center specializat, zboruri private, rezervari feribot, bilete concerte, croaziere. Fie ca ne
apelati la numarul de telefon 031 99 88 sau ne contactati prin e-mail la, aveti siguranta
ca veti beneficia de serviciile dorite intr-un mod profesionist.


Since the notion of "low cost" has become accessible to everyone, the Fly Go Voyager travel agency has
been set up so that anyone can get where they want at low prices and with minimal effort. In a world
where technology takes hold of all areas, it's easy to book a plane ticket from home for any destination
in the world and any low-cost and traditional airline. Our range of services is more varied, because we
offer with special attention: tourist packages, personalized to customer suggestions, accommodation /
hotel reservations, car rental, travel insurance, specialized call center, private flights, ferry reservations,
concert tickets, cruises . Whether you call us at 031 99 88 or contact us by e-mail at, you
have the certainty that you will benefit from the services you want in a professional way.

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