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Semestrial test paper

I. Choose the correct item 2 marks

1. He had to … because of the poor working conditions. a. resign b. fire c. sack

2. I would like to congratulate you … your recent promotion. a. on b. to c. in
3. I can’t … to go out on Saturday; I haven’t been paid yet. a. help b. afford c. stand
4. I didn’t mean to upset her. It was just a figure of … a. style b. speech c. talk
5. What’s wrong with Sandy? She’s as quiet as a(n) … today. a. snail b. owl c. mouse
6. When he retires at sixty he’ll get a very good … . a. wage b. salary c. pension
7. The tomatoes we ate at their house were home … a. made b. grown c. done
8. She feels … when she has to speak in public. a. offended b. stressed c. astonished
9. I felt ashamed … myself for being so angry. a. of b. for c. about
10. He has no one to talk to so he feels very … . a. foolish b. lonely c. modest
11. I wouldn’t say that he was very…; he’s been late every day this week. a. patient b. persuasive c. punctual
12. We are looking for self- motivated people who can … the initiative. a. do b. take c. get
13. I’m sure Angelica won’t change her mind. She’s as … as a mule. a. cunning b. stubborn c. sick
14. During the summer he feels too … to go to the gym. a. lazy b. shy c. sad
15. Tim was grateful to his father … lending him the money. a. of b. with c. for
16. Don’t … your fingers on the desk! It’s so annoying. a. clench b. wrinkle c. drum
17. She doesn’t like to keep anything hidden: she always … her mind. a. says b. speaks c. tells
18. John’s new flat is right … the centre of town. a. on b. in c. at
19. He has a reputation for being … to his employees. a rude b. annoyed c. furious
20. Julie has always been afraid … the dark. a. from b. for c. of

II. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold: 2 marks

1. I can’t understand his behaviour; it’s completely ……………………………. LOGIC

2. You have to be ………………..…………………. while using this machine. CARE
3. They need to put a ………………………………………. covering over the swimming pool. PROTECT
4. I’m very … ; can I have a glass of water, please? THIRST
5. David has always been … in collecting stamps. INTEREST
6. I have a very … relationship with my grandmother. LOVE
7. The … for the World Health Organisation saved many lives. FOUND
8. The art of Feng Shui is … new in my country. RELATE
9. I found the shop … most helpful. ASSIST.
10. He didn’t even thank you for all that you did for him. How … GRATEFUL

III. Read the letter and put the verbs in the list in the Present Simple or Present continuous. 1 marks
1. write 2. stay 3. have 4. be 5. build 6. play 7. just/ go 8. go 9. not do 10. go

Dear Janet,
How are you? I 1) … to you from Hawaii. The hotel we 2) … at is amazing!
It’s very hot here and we 3) … a great time. Today, we 4) … all at the beach. Right now, my sisters, Carla and Daniela, 5)
… a sandcastle, mom and dad 6) … beach volley and Gionvanni, my brother, 7) …. diving with some friends. They 8) …
diving every day. So far, I have tried windsurfing. It’s really thrilling!
We 9) ….usually …. sightseeing on holidays, but tomorrow we 10) … on a trip round the island. We’re all looking
forward to it. Write to me and tell me about your holiday.
See you soon.

IV. Write a letter of reply to Luisa. 150- 180 words. 4 marks

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