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ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Case Study
Hayley Haines
ETE 443

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Table of Contents

Introduction…………………………………………. Pg 3

General/Background Information…………..……… Pg 5

Observations…………………………………………. Pg 8

Assessment Data……………………………………… Pg 11

Results of Appropriate …………………………....… Pg 14

Assessment Measures.

Instructional Recommendations…………………….. Pg 33
and Educational Goals

Communication plan for ……………………….……. Pg 35

Sharing Results

Reflection……………………………………….…….... Pg 37

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.


ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.


After being observed for a few weeks, Peter, a 3-year-old in my class, has difficulty

carrying out conversations and pronouncing his words. He shows slight delays in his speech and

his social skills. The report that follows describes classroom observations of Peter, testing results

from two different assessment tools, and describes the domains that Peter is at for his current age

and what he still needs to work on.

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.


ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Name: Peter

Birthdate: August 26th, 2014

Gender: Male

Language: English at home and at school (daycare)

Ethnicity/Race: White American

Prenatal & birth history: Mom had a fairly healthy pregnancy. She had low amniotic fluid

towards the end of her pregnancy and also discovered an issue with the right kidney towards the

end. She had hypothyroidism prior to pregnancy and continued to treat this throughout

pregnancy as well. She was induced at 41 weeks and had a vaginal birth with an epidural and

there were no complications.

Developmental milestones: Peter had good head and neck strength immediately and he seemed

to roll over “on time” and he crawled a little “later” than the typical baby. He took his first

unassisted steps the week after his 1st birthday. He seems “in line” with his peers according to


Medical history & any concerns: Peter has tounge-tie and lip-tie which was discovered during

visits with a lactations consultant. This was fixed at three weeks, then nursing became a lot easier

mom said. He had a combination of nursing/bottle feedings with breastmilk until he was about

14 months.

Agency involvement: Peter goes to speech therapy through Shine Therapy. They started this

program when they became concerned with his speech development and his school shared the

same concerns. They started with Shine around the age of 2.5 and he has shown amazing

improvement. They are continuing speech therapy, and getting ready to start feeding therapy as

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

well. They recently had a feeding evaluation performed by Shine, and they all agreed that he

wasn’t a “picky eater” just a “problem feeder”.

Family information: Peter lives with his mom and dad. He lives next door to his Mimi and

Papa, which are his dad’s parents and he also lives very close to his Nona and Papa, which is his

mom’s parents. They are all a support team for Peter and he sees them all a lot.

Educational experiences: Peter’s mom and dad are both accountants at Caterpillar. Dad has a

bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree. Mom has two bachelor’s degrees.

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.


ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

September 15th, 2017
10:00am- 10:30am
o Went straight to superheroes
o Hard to understand when he talks
o Asked a friend a question multiple times with no response
o Lined up super heroes
o Playing with superhero town with a friend
o Talking to himself
o Another friend joined the superhero center
o Friend asked if he wanted to play with a different center and he responded “my daddy
o Next, he played with bugs
o He put bugs in small tubes
o He called the tubes water bottles
o Played with a magnifier and said “I see you”
o Went to tools next, he was following a friend around
o Used a ruler to “cut” blocks apart
o Hammered the blocks
o Told a friend he was going to help fix his house he built
o He pulled out the line for the tape measure and tried to figure out how to put it back; he
gave up quickly
o He started talking to himself again and playing by himself
o He stole a toy from a friend and the friend yelled so he gave it back quickly and just
looked around
o Ended up playing with the friend
o He watched other friends play with cars
o He started using the tape measure as a tunnel for his car
o The friend said to leave the tools on the carpet and he said “my mom be here soon”
o The friend asked what his favorite color was and he said “yellow”
o “want to build a house” he responded “yes”
o He watched a friend build a house
o He was prompted to help and he did
o He grabbed a car and said beep beep after only putting one block on the “house”
o The friend started hammering the blocks so he grabbed a wrench to help
o He said the friend’s name and they left and said the same sentence four times until he was
o I said “thank you for playing” and he said “your welcome” (it was very clear!)

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

September 28th , 2017
outside at school

o Climbed up and down the stairs multiple times in a row

o Playing with another friend
o Climbing again across the bridge
o Kicked a ball
o Following what other kids were doing
o Chased friends around
o Climbed a climber
o Wanted to climb something someone else was on and he yelled “but I want to” and then
came and cried and growled at the teacher
o When he did something to a friend, he ran away when the kid went and told
o Trying to hide from the teacher
o Teacher said “jazz line up” and then he yelled “Jazz Line up!!” (being the teacher)

October 26th, 2017
At school

o Was tested on his alphabet, numbers, colors, and shapes

o He knew all of his colors
o He knew all his numbers except for #3, #2, and #9
o He knew all of his shapes
o He only knew the letters A, D, and P
o He was playing with a matching game
o A friend tried to play with him and he said “no”
o Then he told on the friend
o He moved to the next center and he put sticks on a foot and said “I gonna get you” and
when it touched me he said “got you”.
o He played with himself a lot and talked to himself
o When he says something, he asks for approval
o When someone asks another person/teacher a question he yells across the room the same
o He asks for help when he couldn’t put something away. The teacher said to wait a minute
o Instead of waiting he tried again himself and when he did it he yelled “there ya
o He was told to get his coat on. The teacher helped him with one arm and without really
trying he started crying and begging for help. No patience
o They went outside and he just followed everyone else around; not really playing with
other kids just doing what they did

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.


ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Assessment Data

Gross Motor Skills Peter shows gross motor skills in a couple of ways. He runs around

obstacles outside, he can push, pull, steer, wheeled toys. He can also use the slide without

assistance and can run forward very well.

Fine Motor Peter showed fine motor slightly when he was observed in the classroom. He

was able to build a tower of nine small blocks. He can use one hand consistently in activities.

His teacher said that he was able to hold a crayon and pencil and he loves to color!

Receptive Language Comprehension His receptive language comprehension is something

he is still working on. He can understand sentences involving time, like when they say it is

time to go inside or we have five minutes to clean up. Sometimes if you ask about something

that happened last week, he usually responds by saying “yesterday” and the event. He

understands size like big and bigger, which is known from the Wiig assessment data. He also

understands if, then, and because and he can carry out one to two directions. If there are any

more he usually tends to lose focus. He can also point to pictures of common objects when

they are named and this is shown in the assessments.

Expressive Communication Peter’s expressive communication is also something getting

worked on with speech therapy. He can talk in a sentence of three or more words with an

object. He can also talk about past experiences, like his birthday. He uses –s on nouns and he

uses self-pronouns to say what he is doing or what he wants.

Cognitive Skills Peter is able to show cognitive skills when he asks questions for

information like why he has to do something. He also is able to draw a picture and he can

stack blocks on purpose. He can also recognize colors and uses self to pretend play. He

knows his age but he does not know his last name when asked.

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Self-help Skills are shown when he is playing and showing that he has understandings of

concepts and functions. He has a short attention spans and learns by observation. He is able

to get a drink unassisted and he can open a door by himself. He can take off his coat and he

can put it on as well.

Social Skills Peter shows social skills a lot but also could use some work on a few things. He

is able to join in play with others and he has begun to interact with other students. He can

share toys most of the time and sometimes decides he really wants a toy and doesn’t want to

give it up. He can also act out scenes and when he sees someone who is sad he will pat their

back. He also will join briefly in others play and he will participate in simple group activities.

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Results of Appropriate
Assessment Measures

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Results of Assessment

Two different types of assessments were used to assess Peter that deal with Expressive

and Receptive Vocabulary. The assessments were two different tests over the same thing because

it gives a better answer to what age Peter is at. MAVA and the Wiig Assessment of Basic

Concepts were the two assessments that were used. The MAVA measures the development of

children’s oral language by assessing listening and speaking. It assesses vocabulary in direct and

formal approaches. The age range for this assessment is three to twelve years eleven months. It

takes about thirty to forty minutes to administer. A child is given a picture and either asks which

one matches the word that is said, or they are given a picture and have to say what it is or what is

happening in the picture. After the assessment, Peter’s score summary was calculated. For his

expressive score summary, he had a raw score of 45 and a standard score of 96. He had a

confidence interval of 90 to 102 and he ended up in the 39th percentile. When his age

equivalence was found, he was at an age of less than three. His receptive score summary had a

raw score of 46 and a standard score of 92. His confidence interval was between 86 and 98 and

he was in the 30th percentile. When his age equivalence was found for this test, he was also at an

age less than three. From those scores, what percent of words he uses from each of the three tiers

were established. For receptive, he used 65% of words at tier 1, 13% of words at tier 2, and 0%

of words at tier 3. For expressive, he used 66% of words at tier 1, 5% of words at tier 2, and 0%

of words at tier 3.

The Wiig Assessment of Basic concepts also tests receptive and Expressive scores. This

one does not take as long to assess because it is just a short story that you then ask questions

about. It takes about 15 minutes to give this assessment. You ask the child a question that deals

with receptive vocabulary, and from there if they get that correct you move to the expressive

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

vocabulary over the same page. This is not assessed very well because if a child is better at

expressive than receptive, they will not be able to show their expressive because they have to get

the receptive correct before they can move to the expressive. After assessing Peter on this

assessment his receptive scores are as follows: The raw score was 25, the standard score was

101, the confidence interval is 91-112, he is in the 45th percentile and he has an age equivalence

of four. For expressive vocabulary, the scores are as follows: The raw score was 14, the standard

score was 85, the confidence interval is 76-93, he was in the 18th percentile, and his age

equivalence is a 2.8. When you add both of them together, his age equivalence turns out to be a

2.11, which calculates to about the same as the MAVA assessment.

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Expressive Vocabulary Test Qualitative Response Analyzer (MAVA)

Name Peter
Age 3;0

Expressive Score Summary

Raw Score 45
Standard Score 96
Confidence Interval (90%) 90-102
Percentile Rank 39
Age Equivalent <3.0

Tier 1 Peter uses 66% of the words in tier one.

Tier one words are the most basic words. They are the early reading words, sight
words, nouns, verbs, and adjectives that students learn to identify or decode with
instruction. They learn to read them-identify them in print form-because they already
use them in their speaking vocabulary. Examples of tier one words are: boy, fence,
happy, chicken, green, fancy, and running. There are about 8,000 word families in
English in tier one.
Tier 2 Peter uses 5% of the words in tier two.

Tier two words are the high frequency words that are found in many domains. They
play a large role in our speaking and reading vocabulary. These words often represent
multiple meanings and subtle nuances. In addition, they typically ‘add productivity to
an individual’s language ability”. Tier two words are the most important ones to
directly teach to students because they are assumed to be known as students’ progress
through school. Examples of tier two words are: masterpiece, preference, fortuitous,
glean, and measure. There are about 7,000 word families in English tier two.
Tier 3 Peter uses 0% of the words in tier three.

Their three words are those related to specific domains and have a low frequency of
use. Domains might include subject areas in school, hobbies, geographic regions,
technology, weather, etc. Examples of tier three words are: ukulele, asphalt, genome,
crepe, and cornice. The remaining 400,000 words in English are in this teir.

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Receptive Vocabulary Test Qualitative Response Analyzer (MAVA)

Name Peter
Age 3;0

Receptive Score Summary

Raw Score 46
Standard Score 92
Confidence Interval (90%) 86-98
Percentile Rank 30
Age Equivalent <3.0

Tier 1 Peter uses 65% of the words in tier one.

Tier one words are the most basic words. They are the early reading words, sight
words, nouns, verbs, and adjectives that students learn to identify or decode with
instruction. They learn to read them-identify them in print form-because they already
use them in their speaking vocabulary. Examples of tier one words are: boy, fence,
happy, chicken, green, fancy, and running. There are about 8,000 word families in
English in tier one.
Tier 2 Peter uses 13a% of the words in tier two.

Tier two words are the high frequency words that are found in many domains. They
play a large role in our speaking and reading vocabulary. These words often represent
multiple meanings and subtle nuances. In addition, they typically ‘add productivity to
an individual’s language ability”. Tier two words are the most important ones to
directly teach to students because they are assumed to be known as students’ progress
through school. Examples of tier two words are: masterpiece, preference, fortuitous,
glean, and measure. There are about 7,000 word families in English tier two.
Tier 3 Peter uses 0% of the words in tier three.

Their three words are those related to specific domains and have a low frequency of
use. Domains might include subject areas in school, hobbies, geographic regions,
technology, weather, etc. Examples of tier three words are: ukulele, asphalt, genome,
crepe, and cornice. The remaining 400,000 words in English are in this tier.

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Instructional Recommendations and

Educational Goals

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Recommendations and Goals

Peter is developing slightly below his age level by about two months. Every child needs

goals and one goal that could be used for Peter would be finding an interest or talent or a game

that he really enjoys and use it to practice sharing and turn taking. This can be done at school or

at home and in the end, he will start to learn how to share which will improve his social skills.

Peter is slightly below for the age range in the domain of receptive language comprehension. A

goal that can be used for this domain is to get him to understand past tense a little better. Have

pictures and have him put them in order from when they happened and try to get him to repeat

when they happened. Also, give him a few more directions at a time and see if he is able to do all

of the directions without getting side tracked. Doing this one on one will be better because you

can keep him on track. Self-help skills is something else that technically he is age appropriate

level on but he could use some help. Focus on having him do things himself without getting mad

and angry. Start with a short amount of time to try something before getting help and every day

add a little bit of time. This will hopefully get him to either (a) learn the skill or (b) learn to be

patient and not throw tantrums right away.

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Communication plan
for Sharing Results

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.

Communication Plan

Peter’s parents will be provided a written report of this case study. There will be a

conference to review the results of this case study during conference times. The conference will

include the teacher, the parents, Peter, and a speech therapist. The child’s speech therapist will

get a copy of this case study to match to her results. The speech therapist will also be in on the

meeting to talk about the next step in the child’s education.

ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.


ETE 443-01 Hayley Haines.


This case study was done at a daycare on a 3-year-old child. He is behind on his speech and

attends a speech therapist and so I thought he would be a very well-rounded student to be able to

observe. I liked being able to do some assessments myself and see how they work. It really made

the experience and learning hands on and I really understood everything a lot better. There

wasn’t really anything that I didn’t like but the thing that was most challenging was deciding

what assessment tool to use and then in return trying to figure out how to use them correctly and

effectively. Doing this case study has made me realize that every child is different and that

assessments can be used for a multitude of different things. Before this project and this class, I

really only thought assessments were used for showing a child’s ability and skill from what was

taught. To look at the array of possible assessment tools that are around us is awesome. You are

able to assess a child on anything and everything. Doing this case study, it shows me that there is

a lot to a child and to their development. You have to look at every aspect of the child and pick

apart piece by piece to see where the problem lays. Observing Peter and giving him the

assessments put a whole new meaning to testing for me. You have to pick what should be tested

that will give you the best results. You also have to make sure that the assessment tool is valid

and reliable, because if it is not than it will not help you or the student out in the best way



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