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Chemical change
Chemistry is the study of how substances react with one another and how the properties of
substances can be used in everyday life. In particular, chemical reactions can be used to create
new substances and new materials. Industrial chemists look at processes that allow us to create
new substances, while material scientists design and determine uses for these new substances.


Physical and chemical
change 5.1
Matter can undergo a number of different types of changes. Physical changes are where
matter undergoes a change in state, such as from solid to liquid, or a change in shape,
such as breaking glass. Chemical changes occur when there is a change in the chemical
makeup of the substances involved and a new substance is formed.
»» identify that chemical changes are characterised by a change in temperature, the original
substance disappears or a new substance appears
»» compare chemical and physical change based on particle arrangement and reversibility
»» demonstrate that chemical change involves reactions between substances to
form new substances

Common chemical reactions 5.2

Chemistry is all around us, whether we notice it or not. Chemical processes occur when
plants photosynthesise, when organisms respire and when rocks are weathered by
chemicals within rainwater.
»» investigate everyday chemical reactions like photosynthesis, respiration
and chemical weathering

Chemistry in industry 5.3

Have you ever considered the materials that surround you, such as the clothes you wear,
essential lifesaving products like medicines, the technology you use, glues, dyes or
fashion? Chemistry is used in industry to create these and countless more
products that we use every day.
»» propose reasons why the development of polymers and pharmaceuticals
is important to society
»» describe how collaboration across different fields of science can improve scientific
knowledge, particularly in making or obtaining new materials from the Earth’s spheres


5.1 Physical and chemical
We are surrounded by substances continually undergoing change. When
a substance just changes in shape or appearance, this is a physical
change. When the change involves one substance changing into a different
substance, it is called a chemical change. Some of these changes are
spectacular, such as fireworks or special effects used in movies. Some
changes are not so dramatic, but can affect our lives in very important
ways, such as photosynthesis in plants or the digestion of food in our
bodies. These changes can happen very quickly or they may be so slow
they are hard to notice.

Physical change
You have already learnt that everything
around us is made up of matter. Anything
that takes up space and has mass is matter.
Even you are made up matter. The way
different types of matter interact determines
some of their properties. In chapter 4
you examined some common atoms and
elements as well as some compounds. This
chapter will look at how matter changes. Figure 5.2 Ice melting to water is an example of a
physical change.

Characteristics of
physical changes
In a physical change, the substance still
consists of the same particles but the
substance looks different before and after
the change. A cut diamond is made of
the same material as an uncut diamond.
Chocolate that has melted is the same
substance as the original block of chocolate.
A change in appearance, size or shape is
called a physical change.
Physical changes can happen when
a force is applied, when substances
Figure 5.1 Melting break down into smaller pieces or when
chocolate is a physical substances change state between solid,
liquid and gas.

Figure 5.3 Heating can cause physical and chemical



Arrangement of particles of glass is a physical change, but the glass
is not easily changed back into its original
When physical changes occur, the particles
size and shape. You would have to melt the
within substances rearrange themselves
pieces of glass (a state change), and then
and molecules often gain or lose energy,
reshape the glass to reverse the change.
however, the chemical bonds between
the atoms are not changed. Freezing
water is a good example. In liquid water,
Conservation of mass
the water molecules have enough energy In any reaction, mass is always conserved,
to roll over each other. When we freeze meaning it is the same before and after the
water, the molecules lose that energy and reaction. You will always have the same
become relatively still. The water molecules number of atoms or molecules before and
themselves remain the same; they are not after a physical change.
broken up into hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
Energy changes
Reversibility There may be some energy changes that
Physical changes are usually much easier to occur when physical changes occur. For
reverse than chemical changes. For example, example, ice absorbs energy from the
if salt is dissolved in water, the change can environment to become liquid water.
be easily reversed by separating the salt from However, this energy change is a lot smaller
the water using evaporation. However, it is than the energy changes that occur in
incorrect to say that physical changes can chemical changes.
always be easily reversed. Breaking a piece

Experiment 5.1.1: Exploring physical changes

Read the method carefully and write an appropriate aim for the experiment.
• Aluminium drink can
• Elastic band
• Rock salt
• Ice
• Sugar cube
• Vitamin C tablet
• Slice of bread
• Piece of cloth
1 For each of the materials provided, find ways to change their appearance. There
may be more than one way for each substance, so be creative.
2 Record your method(s) used and observations of the results for each substance in
an appropriate table in your results section.

Include your methods and observations in an appropriate table.

1 Identify three different ways a physical change can take place.
2 Explain what each change had in common.

Write a statement that summarises your results and addresses the aim.


5.1 Physical and chemical change 5
Questions 5.1.1: Physical change

1 Define the term ‘physical change’.
2 Identify some physical changes that are easy to reverse.

3 Use an analogy to describe the way particles interact when physical changes occur.
4 Explain whether each of the following diagrams shows a physical or a chemical
change. Justify your reasoning.


Chemical change
A chemical change occurs when new energy changes in physical reactions. To
substances are formed as a result of the break chemical bonds, a lot of energy
change. This involves the chemical bonds is required. However, the making of
that connect atoms being broken and new chemical bonds will release energy. An
chemical bonds between different atoms exothermic reaction is a reaction that will
forming. Chemical change creates new release energy into the environment. An
products that have different properties from endothermic reaction is a reaction that
the substances present before the chemical will take energy from the environment.

Characteristics of A + B A B
chemical changes
A B A + B
Arrangement of particles
In a chemical change, chemical bonds
are broken in the original substance and
A B + C A C + B
re-formed in a different way in the new
substance. This is called a chemical
A B + C D A C + B D
reaction. Chemical changes alter the nature
of the substance that was originally present.
This is the most important difference Figure 5.4 A model showing four different types of chemical reactions. In each case,
new products are formed although all the substances are present in the reaction
between chemical and physical changes.
Chemical changes produce a new substance,
while physical changes do not.

Chemical changes, which can sometimes be
reversed, are often more difficult to reverse
than physical changes.

Conservation of mass
As with physical reactions, mass is
conserved in chemical reactions. A chemical
change does not create or destroy atoms; it
just changes the chemical bonds that hold
those atoms together. The total mass of the
reactants (the substances or chemicals
used) equals the total mass of the products
(the substances or chemicals that are

Energy changes
The energy changes involved in chemical
Figure 5.5 Burning wood is an example of a chemical
reactions are usually far greater than the change. The wood cannot go back to its original form.


5.1 Physical and chemical change 7
Experiment 5.1.2: Comparing physical and chemical change

To compare some of the differences between chemical and physical change.

This experiment compares some of the differences between chemical and

physical change. There are some highly dangerous components in this activity,

which is why your teacher will be completing it as a demonstration. Ensure
you are wearing safety glasses and you follow all instructions from your

• Powdered iron (iron filings will also work)
• Powdered sulfur
• Bar magnet
• Evaporating basin
• Wooden spatula or ice cream stick
• Test tube
• Bunsen burner
• Test tube holder
• Paper towel
• Hammer
• Tweezers
1 Add 5.6 g of powdered iron and 3.2 g of powdered sulfur to an evaporating basin
and mix well using the wooden spatula. Record what these substances look like.
2 Check for magnetism with a magnet. Record your observations.
3 Return the iron to the mixture and use the wooden spatula to ensure a very even
4 Pour some of the mixture into an appropriately sized test tube (the mixture should
take up about a third of the test tube).
5 Over a heating flame, heat until a reaction takes place. As soon as it does,
remove the test tube from the flame and allow reaction to continue. Record your
6 Once the product has cooled, wrap the test tube in some paper towel and break
open with a hammer. Remove any glass fragments from the product with tweezers
and dispose of them in a sharps disposal container. Ensure that the product has no
glass fragments.
7 Observe the product and test it for magnetism.

Record your observations appropriately.

1 Identify the chemicals used in this reaction.
2 When the two chemicals were mixed in the evaporating basin, was this a chemical
or physical change? Justify your answer.
3 Suggest what elements might be in the substance formed.


4 Is the substance formed a new chemical, different to the original substances used?
Justify your answer.
5 Is this second change a chemical or physical reaction? Justify your answer.
6 Identify the bonds that were likely to have been broken and what bonds were
probably made.

Write a statement that summarises your results and addresses the aim.

Chemical equations skills

A chemical change can also be described For example, the chemical equation for
as a chemical reaction. In chemical the demonstration in Experiment 5.1.2 can
changes or reactions, chemical substances be written as:
change to become new substances. Word equation: iron + sulfur → iron
The substances you start with are sulfide
called reactants. They react or change to
produce new substances. The substances Symbol equation: Fe + S → FeS
you finish with are called the products. You may also find large numbers in
There may be more than one reactant and front of the chemical substance in an
product for each chemical change. equation. For example:
You may see chemical reactions written
Word equation: Aluminium + oxygen
in the basic form of the equation below.
gas → aluminium oxide
This means that the reactants A and B
chemically react to form the products C Symbol equation: 4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3
and D. This is known as the general form The large numbers indicate how
of a chemical reaction. The arrow indicates many of those atoms or molecules are
that a reaction has taken place. required. You will learn more about these
Chemical equations can be written as in year 10.
a word equation or a symbol equation.

Questions 5.1.2: Chemical change

1 Define the term ‘chemical reaction’.
2 Recall some characteristics of a chemical reaction.

3 Use an analogy to describe how chemical changes occur.
4 A year 8 student said: ‘A chemical change just involves changing the position of the
chemicals in a reaction.’ Is the student correct? Justify your answer.


5.1 Physical and chemical change 9
Signs of chemical change
Although some chemical reactions involve
gas reactants and products that we cannot
see, we can generally determine whether
chemical reactions have taken place through
a few key signs:
• a gas is produced, which is seen either as
bubbles or fizz, or can be smelled

• energy in the form of light is produced

• energy in the form of heat is absorbed or


• a permanent colour change occurs

• a precipitate (insoluble solid substance)

forms in the solution and does not

Production of gas
If a reaction releases a gas, this indicates Figure 5.6 We can tell a chemical reaction is
occurring when a firework explodes because light
the production of a new substance and
and heat are produced.
thus a chemical change. Gases can be easily
detected if the reaction takes place in an
aqueous environment (in a solution).
A good example of a chemical reaction acetic acid + sodium bicarbonate →
producing a gas is the reaction between sodium acetate + water +
Figure 5.7 Mixing sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid, as carbon dioxide
bicarb soda (sodium shown in Figure 5.7. The carbon dioxide
bicarbonate) and vinegar CH3COOH + NaHCO3 → NaCH3COO
(acetic acid) produces gas created in this reaction is easily seen as + H2O + CO2
bubbles (carbon dioxide). bubbles.

u n d e r s ta n d i n g Chemical reactions in cars: Airbags
An airbag in a car provides extra protection A driver’s side airbag contains
to the driver or occupant in the event of approximately 50 grams of sodium azide.
a collision. Airbags are designed to work This compound is heated electrically and
in conjunction with seat belts. They fill reacts to produce 60 litres of nitrogen gas.
rapidly with gas and then deflate (go down) The nitrogen gas fills the airbag within 40
relatively slowly after they have absorbed milliseconds. By the time the driver’s body
the force of the person. impacts the airbag, the bag has filled and
In an accident, an airbag is activated is deflating. This means that the airbag is
by a sensor. The sensor detects the very soft when the driver’s body hits it. After
sudden stopping of the car, such as a about two seconds the air bag is fully
high-speed collision. This generates deflated.
an electric current, which detonates The nitrogen gas is made by the
(explodes or ignites) a small amount of decomposition of sodium azide. The
a compound called sodium azide. sodium also produced in this reaction may


be a health hazard, but it reacts with other
chemicals in the airbag to produce an inert
(unreactive) powder. This powder remains
sealed inside the core of the airbag. Even
if the airbag were cut apart, the powder
would not harm you.
The passenger’s side airbag is much
larger than the driver’s side airbag, so it
has more sodium azide because more gas
is needed to fill it.
Some newer airbags contain reactants
other than sodium azide. These bags
produce different products from the
reaction but they still produce nitrogen gas
at the same rate.

Figure 5.8 Airbags in cars fill rapidly with gas to protect the driver and passengers
in a car crash.

Permanent colour
A colour change needs to be permanent to
show that a chemical reaction has taken
place. A colour change usually indicates
that a different substance is formed, but not
all colour changes indicate that a chemical
reaction has taken place. Heating an iron
nail will cause it to become red hot. Whilst Figure 5.9 Rust will ‘eat away’ iron metal and cause
this is a colour change, it is not permanent the formation of holes. When iron reacts with the
air and the moisture, it forms a completely new
and the nail will return to its normal colour
substance that can be washed or scraped away.
when as it cools again.
Rusting, on the other hand, is a chemical
reaction. In this reaction, iron metal reacts
with oxygen in the air or water to produce
the orange-brown compound iron(III) oxide
(Fe2O3), which is more commonly known
as rust. If you try to scrape rust off anything
iron, you will find that it leaves a hole
in the metal. The chemical equations for
rusting are:

iron + oxygen → iron oxide

4Fe + 3O2 → 2Fe2O3

Figure 5.10 Rust is a

big problem for ships
and cars. If not looked
after and exposed to the
elements, iron will rust
very easily.


5.1 Physical and chemical change 11
Experiment 5.1.3: Rusty nails

To determine the variables that affect the speed of nails rusting.

• 6 medium test tubes
• 6 iron nails (with no galvanising)
• Salt
• Oil
• Kettle
• Rubber test tube stoppers
• Petri dish

Boiling water is used in this practical. Care needs to be taken so it is not


Rubber stopper
1 Carefully observe the nails before you
start and record your observations.
2 Set up the equipment as shown in
Figure 5.11.
3 Leave the equipment set-up and make
as many observations as possible over
the next two weeks. Nail Water Oil Boiled Salt
water solution
Dry salt
4 After the two weeks, make one last Figure 5.11 Rusty nail experimental set-up.
observation of the nails by pouring the
contents out into a Petri dish and examining them closely.

Record your results in an appropriate format.

The following table lists some of the reasons why certain chemicals may have been
used in the test tubes for the set-up.

Substance Reasoning

Boiled water Lower oxygen

Oil No water, lower oxygen

Water Moisture

Salt Increased salt content

1 Explain why each of the test tubes were set up the way they were and what they
were designed to show.
2 Compare the different test tubes and the amount of rust found on each nail.
3 Deduce the main causes of rusting.

Write an appropriate statement that summarises your results and reflects the aim.


Student Design Task

Investigating the rate of rusting

Use one of the variables of rusting in the previous experiment (salt level, presence of
water or oxygen level) and design and carry out a quantitative test to determine how
that particular variable affects the rate of rusting.

Questioning and predicting

• Choose one of the variables listed above.
• Write an appropriate aim for your experiment.
• Write a hypothesis about the effect of your chosen variable. The hypothesis needs
to be phrased in the form: If <factor you are investigation> increases, then the rate
of rusting will <increase/decrease>.
Planning and conducting
• Consider what you can alter easily and what can be completed in the required time
• Remember you are carrying out a quantitative test, so you will need to consider
how you will measure your variables and the results.
• Identify the controlled, experimental and dependent variables for your tests.
• Identify any safety considerations
• Write your method as a series of clear steps and show your teacher before carrying
out the experiment.
Processing, analysing and problem solving
• Use your data to construct a graph to compare your results. Hint: a line graph
showing the amount of rusting over time may be appropriate.
• From your graph, determine the relationship between the amount of your variable
and the rate of rusting.
• Evaluate how well your experimental design determined the cause and effect
relationship between your variable and the rate of rusting. How could you have
improved your experiment?
1 Present your findings as a scientific
report, verbal presentation, poster
or other format as approved by your
2 Identify which variables you kept the
same in your experiment and explain
why this was necessary.
3 Evaluate whether or not your
hypothesis was supported.
4 Describe any cause and effect
relationship you may have discovered
between your variable and the rate of
5 Based on your findings, suggest a
method that could be used to prevent Figure 5.12 Rusting nails can be a problem in
or slow the rate of rusting. structures where they can cause weakness in the


5.1 Physical and chemical change 13
Precipitation reaction itself. Energy in the form of heat
is required or absorbed by the reactant in
A precipitate is a solid that forms order to break the bonds that hold the
inside a solution. The formation of atoms together. As new chemical bonds are
a precipitate is one of the more formed, energy is released.
common signs that a chemical In most chemical reactions, the
reaction has taken place. temperature is likely to increase and the
A precipitate is different from a energy is released into the surrounding
solid that does not dissolve. For environment.
example, sand is not a precipitate. In any one chemical reaction, bonds
A precipitate forms in a reaction may be both broken and formed. Chemical
when the reactants both contain reactions that have an overall increase in
dissolved substances in solution, temperature are called exothermic reactions.
but after the reaction one of the new Where there is an overall decrease in
substances formed is no longer soluble temperature, they are called endothermic
and suddenly appears in the solution. A reactions.
Figure 5.13 The yellow precipitation reaction will form a precipitate Many chemical reactions require some
lead iodide precipitate (the solid) and the solution (the aqueous energy to get them started, but once started
is a very vivid reaction
substance). An example of a precipitation they often release energy themselves.
between two clear
solutions. reaction is the reaction of lead(II) nitrate This little ‘push’ of energy is called the
and potassium iodide, producing yellow lead activation energy of a reaction. The
iodide as a yellow precipitate: activation energy is given to the reactants
lead nitrate + potassium iodide → lead and starts off a chemical reaction by
iodide + potassium nitrate allowing the energy to break chemical
Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI → PbI2 + 2KNO3 bonds. Activation energy can be thought
of as a barrier. If the bonds between the
chemicals in the reactants are weak, little
Energy changes energy is required to break them. However,
If you place a thermometer into a beaker or if the bonds are very strong, a much
flask where a chemical reaction is occurring, greater amount of energy is required. If
you often notice a temperature change. This the activation energy is not supplied, the
change is due to the nature of a chemical reaction cannot start.

Figure 5.14 A sparkler

is made up of powdered
magnesium. When lit,
an exothermic chemical
reaction takes place that
releases energy in the
form of heat and light.


Activity 5.1.1: Modelling chemical and physical reactions

What you will need: Polystyrene balls or jellybeans, toothpicks

1 Design a model of a chemical substance using the materials you have.
2 Show that chemical substance undergoing a physical reaction. Draw or take
photographs of your model.
3 Show the same chemical substance undergoing a chemical reaction. Draw or take
photographs of your model.
• What are the key differences between chemical change and physical change that
you have modelled?
• Is this model a good model of chemical and physical reactions? Why/Why not?
• How can you improve this model?

L i t e r ac y
The legacy of Hans involved in finding a use for nitroglycerin. bu i l d e r
Goldschmidt and By combining nitroglycerin with an
Alfred Nobel absorbent non-reactive material, Nobel
packaged the chemical into sticks called
Thermite was discovered in 1839 by dynamite. Initially, dynamite was used
Hans Goldschmidt. Hans Goldschmidt, a for road building and other construction
German chemist, was a student of Robert works.
Bunsen (the inventor of the Bunsen Due to the sensitive nature of
burner). Thermite is usually a mixture of nitroglycerin, many lives were lost simply
aluminium powder and iron oxide that, through the production and transportation
when ignited by heat, undergoes a highly of the material. Nobel’s own younger
exothermic reaction. The equation for the brother, Emil, was killed in a nitroglycerin
reaction is: explosion that occurred at a manufacturing
iron oxide + aluminium → iron + plant.
­aluminium oxide
Fe2O3 + 2Al → 2Fe + Al2O3

The thermite reaction requires a

very large input of energy, such that
only temperatures achieved by burning
magnesium can allow it to be set alight.
Once alight, the heat from this reaction will
melt iron, which generally means that it
will reach temperatures of above 2500ºC.
When the thermite reaction was
discovered, Goldschmidt immediately
recognised the value of such a process in
industrial welding. Even today, underwater
welding occurs through the use of
thermite, as it does not require oxygen to Figure 5.15 Underwater
welding requires a
burn metal. process that does not
Nitroglycerin is known as a contact involve free oxygen,
unlike most combustion
explosive and is a substance that will react reactions. The use of
violently when a small amount of friction thermite reactions is
or shock is applied. Although not invented typical when welding
by Alfred Nobel, he was the chief person
5.1 Physical and chemical change 15
Nobel spent much of his life trying to Questions
stabilise nitroglycerin and, in the process, 1 Identify which of the chemicals
became very rich through the various mentioned has a low activation energy,
patents that he generated. and which one has a high activation
When one of Nobel’s brothers died, a energy. Justify your answer.
French newspaper accidently published 2 Identify the uses of the thermite
Alfred’s obituary, claiming him to be the reaction.
‘Merchant of Death’. This prompted Nobel 3 Recall two different uses of
to consider the legacy that he would leave nitroglycerin.
when he passed away. As a result, he
4 Research the Nobel prizes. What
included in his last will and testament are the six categories? Are there any
that he wanted the vast majority of his Australians who have won the prize? If
fortune to be used to recognise significant so, what did they win them for?
achievements and contributions to science 5 Choose one recipient of a Nobel prize
or culture. In 1895 the Nobel prizes and create a biography for this person
were established and now include six including their contributions to science
categories. that prompted their award.

Uses of endothermic and

exothermic reactions A
There are many uses of endothermic and
exothermic reactions. An instant ice pack
is a good example of an endothermic
reaction. Instant ice packs are commonly
found in first aid kits because they can be B
activated anywhere. The ice pack is made
up of two sealed bags, one inside the other.
The outer bag contains ammonium nitrate
crystals and the inner bag contains water.
Squeezing the outer bag until the inner bag
bursts allows the water to mix with the C
ammonium nitrate. As the ammonium
nitrate dissolves, the weak bonds holding
the molecules together break. Whilst this
is not a chemical reaction, as dissolving is
a physical process, the overall reaction is
endothermic and feels cold to touch.
Figure 5.16 How a glow stick works. (a) The green
Glow sticks are an example of an glass vial inside the glow stick separates the two
exothermic reaction. The chemical reaction reactants. (b) As you break the glow stick, the two
reactants come into contact with each other. (c) The
inside them gives off energy, but not in glow stick fully glows when the two reactants are
the form of heat. When you bend the mixed well.
glow stick, you hear a ‘snap’ sound. This
can use it for things such as movement,
is a smaller internal vial breaking within
repair, growth and generating heat. The
the main glow stick. As the two chemicals
reactant in respiration are sugar (in the form
react, they release energy in the form of light.
of glucose) and oxygen gas that we breathe
Much of the food we eat also undergoes
in. The equation for respiration looks like:
exothermic reactions inside our bodies.
The process of respiration allows energy glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
to be released from food so that our bodies C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 +6H2O


Experiment 5.1.4: Energy in reactions

To observe changes in temperature in chemical reactions.

• 3% hydrogen peroxide
• Measuring cylinder
• 3 teaspoons yeast
• Beakers
• Thermometer
• Stopwatch
• Vinegar
• 3 teaspoons baking soda
1 Add 30 mL of hydrogen peroxide into a beaker. Measure and record the
2 Add 1 teaspoon of yeast to the beaker and gently swirl the beaker.
3 Measure and record the temperature every 10 seconds until it becomes constant.
4 Repeat steps 1–3 two more times to increase reliability.
5 Calculate the average temperature at each time interval.
6 In a new beaker, add 30 mL of vinegar. Measure and record the temperature.
7 Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda into the beaker and gently swirl the beaker.
8 Measure and record the temperature every 3 seconds until it becomes constant.
9 Repeat steps 6–8 two more times to increase reliability.
10 Calculate the average temperature at each time interval.

Record your results in an appropriate table. Draw a line graph to represent your
results for the hydrogen peroxide reaction (temperature on the vertical axis and time
on the horizontal axis), and a separate line graph on the same set of axes for the
vinegar reaction. Ensure you label each line or provide a key.

1 For each reaction, identify when the temperature changed the most.
2 Identify if each reaction is an example of an endothermic or an exothermic reaction.
Explain your answer.
3 Hydrogen peroxide in the reaction is breaking down into hydrogen gas and oxygen
gas. Write a word equation to show this reaction.
4 Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and acetic acid (vinegar) reacts to form carbon
dioxide, water and sodium acetate. Write a word equation to show this reaction.

Write a suitable conclusion that addresses the aim.


5.1 Physical and chemical change 17
Questions 5.1.3: Signs of chemical change

1 Identify the four main signs that a chemical reaction has taken place.
2 Identify the easiest way to determine whether a gas has formed.
3 Define the term ‘precipitate’.
4 ‘A colour change generally indicates that a new substance has been formed.’ Justify
this statement with your understanding of chemical reactions.
5 Recall why energy is required to start a chemical reaction.
6 Define the term ‘endothermic reaction’ and give an example of an endothermic
7 Airbags in cars work by a chemical reaction. Explain how this occurs.

8 Explain how you would determine that a new gas is being formed when all the
reactants in the reaction are gaseous.
9 Compare and contrast a precipitate with a solid substance.
10 A student said: ‘If a reaction is absorbing heat, it will feel cold’. Is the student
correct? Justify your answer.
11 When you open a bottle of soft drink, you will see bubbling. Is this a sign of a
physical or chemical reaction? Justify your answer.

12 Find out more about endothermic and exothermic reactions. Find an example
of each type of reaction not already mentioned in this chapter. Present your
information as a poster and include any relevant diagram and images. Remember
to properly site all your resources, including any images.


Physical and chemical
Remember and understand
1 Identify some physical changes that are
between melting butter and baking a
cake. [4 marks]

hard to reverse. [2 marks] Analyse and evaluate

2 Identify some physical changes that can 12 The following are descriptions of
occur to a piece of paper. [2 marks] interactions that occur around us in our
3 Identify some chemical changes that daily lives. Describe what the products
can occur to a piece of paper. [2 marks] of these interactions might be and
4 Recall the meaning of the term explain whether you think the changes
exothermic. [1 mark] described are useful or harmful, and
whether they are a chemical or physical
5 Recall two examples of chemical
reactions. [2 marks]
a A bike is left out in the rain and the
6 Recall the signs that indicate a
parts of the bike made of steel are in
chemical change has occurred.
contact with water for a few hours.
[4 marks]
[2 marks]
7 Identify the difference between a
b A barbecue fuelled by propane gas
chemical change and a physical
is turned on. [2 marks]
change. [2 marks]
c A hairdresser adds bleach to
8 Recall some uses of exothermic
someone’s hair. [2 marks]
reactions. [2 marks]
Critical and creative thinking
13 An environmental action group wants
9 Compare the process of melting
to ban the use of chemicals in your
chocolate and burning chocolate.
school. Write either of the following:
[3 marks]
• a letter to your school principal
10 Two chemicals have been added to a explaining why you think this ban is
beaker. When you touch the beaker, a good idea
it feels very cold. Is this a result of an
• a letter to the leader of the
exothermic or endothermic reaction?
environmental group explaining
Justify your answer. [2 marks]
why you think this ban is a bad idea.
11 In terms of the changes that are [4 marks]
occurring, explain the differences

[ /40]
5.1 Physical and chemical change 19
5.2 Common chemical reactions
Chemical reactions do not just occur in science laboratories – they happen
everywhere, from within natural cycles to within your own house, even
within you. Our bodies use chemical reactions every second of every day.
We digest food, convert oxygen into carbon dioxide during respiration, and
build proteins from more simple compounds called amino acids. These
chemical reactions are occurring all the time. Some use energy and some
release energy. These reactions are essential for our survival. There are
also chemical reactions we can use and control in our daily lives.

Chemistry of cooking
The process of cooking involves a lot of or sodium bicarbonate. In cooking, baking
chemistry. Cooking causes the chemical soda is mainly used to allow cakes to rise.
reactions within the things we are cooking. It belongs to a class of chemicals that
As we burn toast, we are altering the are bitter to the taste known as bases. To
structure of the chemicals within the toast. counter the taste of baking soda, often salt
Preparing and cooking food involves or sugar (depending on the recipe) will need
many physical and chemical changes to the to be used.
food. There are other similarities between
chemistry and cooking – some of the
techniques used in cooking, such as heating,
mixing and filtering, are similar to the tasks
of a chemist.
There are many chemical reactions in
the kitchen. Baking meat and vegetables
turns them brown as the sugars are
caramelised. Usually the sugar comes from
the breakdown of the starch granules into
starch molecules, followed by a chemical Figure 5.17 Sodium bicarbonate is a white powder
that can be added to water. It has many different uses
change into a sugar. Other chemical in the household.
changes involve the breakdown of proteins
in meat. A few vitamins may be destroyed by Baking soda works by the reaction:
some cooking methods.
sodium hydrogen carbonate → carbon
Chemicals may be added to our food
dioxide + sodium oxide + water
to help keep the food stable, improve its
appearance and increase its shelf life. These 2NaHCO3 → 2CO2 + Na2O + H2O
chemicals include emulsifiers, flavourings, This reaction is also known as a
colourings, antioxidants and preservatives. decomposition reaction – a reaction where
Processed foods usually have a list of these a compound is broken up into simpler
additives on the packet. substances. The carbon dioxide produced
by this decomposition is responsible for

Baking soda the ‘rising’ of cakes. This reaction also only

occurs in high temperatures or in water,
Baking soda, or bicarb soda, is also known which is why a container of baking soda will
chemically as sodium hydrogen carbonate not just spontaneously explode!


Experiment 5.2.1: Heating baking soda

To observe the effects of baking soda when it is heated.
• 1 spoonful baking soda
• Bunsen burner
• Heating mat
• Test tube
• Test tube holder

Warm the baking soda in the Bunsen burner flame gently, with the test tube
facing away from yourself and other students.

1 Place the baking soda in the test tube to a depth of 1 cm.

2 Heat the test tube for a few seconds and then check the contents. Record all
3 Reheat the test tube gently for another 10–30 seconds. Record any further

Draw an appropriate table to record your observation.

1 Explain what has happened to the baking soda.
2 Is the change a physical change or a chemical change? Justify your answer with
appropriate evidence from your results.

Write an appropriate conclusion for this experiment. Your conclusion should address
the aim.

In chapter 2 you were introduced to the
process of fermentation. Fermentation
is used in many food processes such as
making bread, yoghurt, cheeses, alcohol,
and even chocolate, coffee and tea. Recall
that the process of fermentation uses a
microorganism called yeast. Yeast gains
energy to survive by using sugar to produce
carbon dioxide and a little bit of alcohol
called ethanol. This reaction is a form of Figure 5.18 A microscopy
respiration that does not use any oxygen, image of the yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, also
so fermentation is also sometimes called
known as baker’s yeast.
anaerobic respiration.


5.2 Common chemical reactions 21

Figure 5.19 The yeast in

action in a bowl. Notice
the bubbles that are
formed in the process of

In most cooking processes, the ethanol b

is burnt off, but the air holes caused by
the carbon dioxide remain. Bread is fluffy
due to all the air holes created during the
fermentation process.
The following chemical reaction gives a
summary of the process of fermentation:
Figure 5.20 (a) Fermentation is a critical process in
glucose → carbon dioxide + ethanol cheese production. (b) Fermentation gives bread its
C6H12O6 → 2CO2 + 2C2H5OH air bubbles, causing the bread to rise.

Experiment 5.2.2: The role of yeast

To compare bread made using yeast and bread made without yeast.

• 380 mL warm water
• 1/2 sachet dried yeast
• 600 g plain flour
• 1/2 teaspoon caster sugar
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 60 mL olive oil

Remember, no food should be consumed in a science laboratory. If the tasting

part of this experiment is to be done, it needs to be completed at home or in
a food technology room.

1 Combine 190 mL of warm water, caster sugar and yeast together. Set aside for
5 minutes until the mixture is foamy. In the meanwhile, continue with the method.
2 Combine 190 mL of warm water and 300 g of flour slowly to form a dough.
3 Add 30 mL of oil and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Combine well by kneading the dough for
2 minutes. Label this dough ‘without yeast’.
4 Leave dough aside in a container.
5 Combine 300 g of flour and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Make a well in the centre of the
mixture and pour in the foamy yeast mixture you prepared earlier.
6 Combine well by kneading the dough for 2 minutes and label this dough ‘with


7 Leave both balls of dough in a warm place and observe the difference after 30
8 (Optional) Flatten both dough balls to a thickness of 1 cm and bake both dough
balls in an oven of 220ºC for around 8 minutes.
9 Remove from oven and measure the height of both bread balls. Break open
the bread and observe any other differences. Record your observations and
10 When cooled, taste the different bread and record any differences.

Draw an appropriate table to record your results.

1 Identify the independent and the dependent variables in this experiment.
2 Identify at least two controlled variables in this experiment.
3 How could you have improved the experiment to make the results more quantitative?
4 Relate the differences you have observed between the dough made with yeast and
the dough made without yeast to the experimental variable.

Write an appropriate conclusion for the experiment that addresses the aim and
summarises the role of yeast in baking bread.

N u m e r ac y
Graphing with computer 3 Identify how thick the bread is without builder
any yeast.
4 Predict how much yeast is required to
The use of graphs in science is very make the bread rise 4 cm.
important. Therefore it is also very
Without deleting your current
important to learn to draw graphs using
graph, add the additional information
computer technologies and software
in the table below, which shows how
programmes such as spreadsheets.
sodium bicarbonate affects the height
The following data was gathered from
of bread.
an experiment examining how the amount
of yeast affects the height that a sample of Amount of sodium Height of bread made
bicarbonate added (g) (cm)
bread rises.
0.0 1.5
Amount of yeast Height of bread made
added (g) (cm) 0.5 2.2

0.0 2 1.0 2.9

0.5 2.4 1.5 3.6

1.0 3.1 2.0 4.5

1.5 3.3 2.5 5.3

2.0 3.8
5 Write a statement that compares the
2.5 4.2 results.
6 Identify is yeast or sodium bicarbonate
1 Plot the data as a scattergraph in a
is more effective at raising bread and
spreadsheet program.
justify your answer.
2 Using the program, insert a line of
best fit.


5.2 Common chemical reactions 23
Questions 5.2.1: Chemistry of cooking

1 Identify the chemical name for bicarb soda.
2 Identify some foods that are made using the process of fermentation.
3 Recall the gas released when sodium bicarbonate is broken down. Compare this to
the gas released when fermentation takes place.

4 Explain why yeast is often used instead of sodium bicarbonate in cooking.
5 Draw a table to compare the processes of fermentation and the reaction that
sodium bicarbonate undergoes. The table headings may include reactants and

6 Design a poster to show the process and uses of either fermentation or the reaction
of sodium bicarbonate.
7 Research some recipes that use either fermentation or the reaction of sodium


Chemistry in nature
There are many places where chemical within cells. Chloroplasts are green in
reactions occur in the natural world. Life colour due to the presence of the chemical
on the Earth began as a result of complex chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is an enzyme,
chemicals that combined and recombined in a specialised molecule that helps to reduce
many different ways over billions of years. the activation energy of a reaction and helps
Chemical processes are even occurring the reaction to happen faster without the
within you. Whenever your body moves, enzyme itself being used up. Chlorophyll
many chemical reactions take place in order works by absorbing most colours of visible
for muscles to have the energy required – light except for green. The green light is
energy that is produced from food. reflected back, which is why leaves usually
appear green. Light and chlorophyll are

both necessary for the reaction to progress,
but they are not reactants in the reaction
Photosynthesis is a metabolic process – a itself. Many different chemical reactions
process that organisms use to gain energy. occur during photosynthesis. However, the
Organisms that photosynthesise are known following word and symbol equation show
as autotrophs, as they create their own the overall process:
nutrition (auto means self). While there
carbon dioxide + water → glucose + oxygen
are a few different ways organisms undergo
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
photosynthesis, photosynthesis mostly
occurs within the cell inside chloroplasts. Glucose is a sugar, which is part of
Chloroplasts are organelles, which are a group of substances known as simple
membrane-bound small ‘organs’ found carbohydrates. You may have heard of
carbohydrates in terms of wheat products
such as bread and noodles or rice. When
plants create glucose during photosynthesis,
that sugar is converted to more complex
carbohydrates for storage and later use.
Starch is one of the first carbohydrates
converted from simple sugars. If we want
to test whether a plant is undertaking
photosynthesis, we can test for the presence
of starch. If starch is present, then we can
infer that photosynthesis has occurred.

Figure 5.22 A simplified

Figure 5.21 Plants need sunlight to undergo diagram of a plant cell.


5.2 Common chemical reactions 25
Experiment 5.2.3: Role of starch, sunlight and chlorophyll in

Ethanol is highly flammable. Do not heat ethanol directly, always use a water
bath and keep away from open flame.

To test leaves under different conditions for starch and use this as an indicator for
• Green leafy plant with many leaves
• Plant with variegated leaves
• Beaker
• Water
• Test tube
• Tongs
• Bunsen burner
• Tripod
• Gauze mat
• Iodine solution
• Ethanol
• Petri dish
• Paper towel
• Aluminium foil
• Paper clips

Part A
1 Half fill a beaker with water and boil the water.
2 Remove a single leaf from the green leafy plant and place it in boiling water for
1−2 minutes. This causes any chemical reactions occurring within the leaf to stop.
Remove leaf from the boiling water with tongs.
3 Place the leaf into a test tube and add
enough ethanol to cover the entire leaf.
4 Place the test tube into the beaker Beaker
of boiling water. The boiling water is
being used as a water bath to prevent Boiling water
accidents that may arise from the
flammable alcohol. Leaf

5 Remove the flame when the ethanol Test tube

boils. Ethanol

6 Re-introduce the flame when the Gauze mat

ethanol stops boiling. Repeat until the
leaf is decolourised (the leaf turns white
or very pale green in colour).
7 Carefully remove the leaf from the
ethanol and dip it into cold water. Pat Bunsen Tripod
burner stand
the leaf dry with paper towel.
8 Place the leaf into a petri dish and add
dilute iodine solution to the leaf surface Figure 5.23 Testing a leaf for starch.
to cover the leaf.


Draw a diagram of your leaf before and after the experiment, and write down any
observations you have made.

1 What colour did the leaf turn when the iodine was added?
2 Starch will cause iodine to turn black whereas iodine in no starch remains a brown/
yellow colour. What does this mean for your results? Justify your answer.
3 When the leaf was in the ethanol, what did you observe about the colour of the
ethanol? Explain your observation.

Part B
Read the part B method carefully and write an aim appropriate to this part of the
experiment. Ensure you write your aim beginning with ‘To …’.

1 Fold the aluminium foil into a small strip. Place the foil over one part of a leaf on
the leafy green plant. Ensure the plant is well watered (see Figure 5.24).
2 Draw a diagram of the leaf showing the covered and the uncovered parts.
3 Leave the experimental set-up overnight (at least 4 hours of sunlight is required).
4 Remove the aluminium foil and test the leaf for starch as in part A of the
5 Draw a diagram of your results, labelling where starch is present and where starch
is absent.

Draw a labelled diagram of your results.

1 Identify the purpose of placing the
aluminium foil over one part of the
Paper clip
2 Identify the relationship between
sunlight and the presence of starch.
3 Recall how the presence of starch can Exposed to
determine where photosynthesis is sunlight
4 Using your answers from questions 1 Foil clipped
to 3, deduce the relationship between to cover
both sides
sunlight and photosynthesis.
of the leaf
Write a statement that summarises the
results of both parts of the experiment Potted plant
and addresses the aim.
Figure 5.24 Investigating if light is necessary for


5.2 Common chemical reactions 27
Respiration is often described as the
opposite reaction to photosynthesis, but it is
actually more complicated than this. While
the chemical reaction that describes the
overall process of respiration may look like
the reverse of photosynthesis, respiration
is really a series of complex biochemical
reactions (as is photosynthesis).

The overall chemical reaction of

respiration can be expressed as:

glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

The process of respiration allows an

organism to gain energy. Respiration occurs
in cell organelles called mitochondria
(singular: mitochondrion). Mitochondria
are found in every living cell since every
living cell requires energy. Even cells that Figure 5.25 When you are more active, you breathe
contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis also faster as your body needs more oxygen for your cells
to undergo respiration and produce more energy.
have mitochondria.
Respiration is often confused with The process of breathing out pushes the
breathing. Breathing is the process that waste products of respiration out of the
allows oxygen to be taken into the body. As body. This is why when you breathe out
the body takes up the oxygen, red blood cells against a pane of glass you see moisture
carry the oxygen to all the body cells, which being formed. We can test the presence of
then use the oxygen and the glucose that is carbon dioxide through a simple test (see
also carried in the blood to respire. Experiment 5.2.4).

Experiment 5.2.4: The products of respiration

Part A involves burning using a Bunsen burner. Ensure that standard laboratory

safety including wearing lab coats and safety glasses are followed. Ensure that
your hair is tied up and your tie is tucked away.
Part B involves blowing into chemicals. Ensure you only blow through the
straw and do not suck.

To examine whether carbon dioxide is produced when you breathe out.

Part A
• Calcium carbonate
• Bunsen burner
• Side arm flask with delivery tube
• Test tube rack
• Test tube with a little limewater


Method Retort stand
1 Set up the equipment as shown Clamp
in Figure 5.26.
2 Make observations of the Test tube Delivery tube
chemical before the reaction.
3 Light the Bunsen burner and
observe any changes.
Calcium Test tube
Part B
• Drinking straw
• Small beaker containing water
and a few drops of universal Bunsen
• Small beaker containing Heatproof
limewater mat
Figure 5.26 Experiment set-up for investigating the
1 Make observations about the reaction between limewater and carbon dioxide.
appearance of the two small
beakers and the solutions they contain.
2 Using the straw, blow bubbles into the small beaker with universal indicator for
2 minutes. Record any changes in appearance of the solution.
3 Repeat step 2 using the beaker with limewater.

Record your results for both parts in an appropriate way.

1 Knowing that calcium carbonate decomposes (see page XX), suggest what the
decomposition reaction produces.
2 Explain why part A of this experiment was necessary.
3 What can you conclude about the product of your breathing? Justify your answer.

Write an appropriate statement that summarises your findings for both parts of the
experiment and addresses the aim.


5.2 Common chemical reactions 29
Chemical weathering components of the rock through chemical
In Oxford Insight Science 7 Student Book you Water causes the most chemical
examined some useful minerals and ores, weathering. Water can dissolve many
and later in this book you will look at the minerals found in rocks. As minerals often
rock cycle in detail. One of the key steps hold rocks together, the action of dissolving
that help rocks and minerals be recycled in by water can often break the rocks apart.
nature is the process of weathering. This process of water dissolving and splitting
Weathering breaks down larger rocks is actually a physical change, however,
rocks into smaller particles. It is a slow rocks become more susceptible to chemical
but continuous process that affects any weathering during this process.
substance exposed to the atmosphere. There True chemical weathering of rocks comes
Figure 5.27 The different
layers of the rocks of are two main types of weathering: chemical in two forms: oxidation and the actions of
the Bungle Bungles in and mechanical. acidic substances.
Western Australia are
Mechanical weathering is physical
susceptible to different
types of weathering. Most
of the Bungle Bungles
change. It causes the parent rock to break
into smaller components without changing
were likely formed due to Oxidation occurs when oxygen chemically
the physical weathering the chemistry of that rock. Chemical
actions of water and wind. weathering will change the chemical combines with another substance. Oxidation
can affect many different minerals within
rocks. Two of the most important metals
that undergo oxidation are iron and copper.
When the iron or copper minerals within
rocks become oxidised, the new compounds
in the rock may not hold together as
strongly. This can cause the rock to crumble
and become weathered. The colour of the
rock often changes too. For example, when
dolerite rock weathers it forms iron oxide,
a red substance similar to rust.
The equation for the oxidation of iron is:
iron + oxygen → iron oxide
2Fe + O2 → 2FeO

Figure 5.28 An iron ore mine. The earth is stained

red by the iron oxide.


Experiment 5.2.5: Chemical weathering through oxidation

To simulate how chemical weathering affects iron.
• 2 similarly sized pieces of steel wool
• 2 zip-lock bags
• Tongs
• Plain white paper
1 Place a small piece of steel wool into a zip-lock bag labelled ‘dry’. Examine it
carefully and record all your observations.
2 Wet the other piece of steel wool by running water over it. Place it into a zip-lock
bag labelled ‘wet’.
3 Ensure both bags are sealed and store for 3–4 days.
4 Examine the two bags of steel wool after 3–4 days and note all observations.
5 Using a pair of tongs, pull the steel wool apart over white paper. Record your

Draw an appropriate table to record your results.
1 Compare and contrast the two bags of steel wool
before storage.
2 Compare and contrast the two bags of steel wool after
3 Describe the substances from both the wet steel wool
and the dry steel wool that may have fallen onto the
white paper.
4 Are you observations from after storage the result of
mechanical or chemical weathering? Justify your Figure 5.29 Steel wool. What do
answer. you think will happen to it when
water is added?
5 Identify some controlled variables in the
6 Identify the independent and dependent variable in this experiment.

Write a suitable conclusion that summarises the findings of your experiment and
addresses the aim.


5.2 Common chemical reactions 31
Acidic substances
An acid is a substance that tastes sour and
has a pH of less than 7 when dissolved
in water. You may have heard of many
common acids such as citric acid (found
in citric fruits such as oranges and
lemons), acetic acid (found in vinegar)
or hydrochloric acid (produced by your
stomach for digestion). Figure 5.30 Citric acid can be found in citrus fruits
such as oranges, lemons and limes.
Acids can sometimes be formed
naturally. When carbon dioxide is dissolved Chemically, the following reaction
in water, the result is an acid known as occurs when an acid such as nitric acid
carbonic acid. This means that rain is reacts with calcium carbonate:
normally slightly acidic. Other acids found
calcium carbonate + nitric acid →
in the environment are due to pollution.
carbon dioxide + water + calcium
The burning of fossil fuels such as coal
Figure 5.31 Acid rain has can release sulfur dioxide and nitrogen
worn away the delicate CaCO3 + 2HNO3 → CO2 + H2O +
oxides into the atmosphere. As they combine
features of this statue. Ca(NO3)2
with the moisture in the atmosphere, they
can create acids such as sulfuric acid and Calcium carbonate normally does not
nitric acid. When these acids fall with dissolve in water. However, when calcium
natural rain, it is called acid rain. carbonate reacts with nitric acid, calcium
Acid rain can corrode substances and wear nitrate is the product formed – calcium
away at rocks, metals and other materials. nitrate is extremely soluble in water.
Acid rain particularly affects limestone and In the natural world, acid rain causes
marble, two similar rocks made up of the many problems including changes to
same compound: calcium carbonate. Acid ecosystems. Nutrients in soils often
Figure 5.32 A forest rain has caused damage to many ancient are often destroyed, and trees are often
affected by acid rain. stonework and statues made of marble. defoliated (lose their leaves).


Experiment 5.2.6: Effect of acid on limestone and marble

To determine the effects of acid on rocks such as limestone and marble.
• 1M hydrochloric acid in a dropper bottle
• Rock samples: limestone, marble, granite, basalt, sandstone, gneiss
• 1M sulfuric acid
• Beaker
• Electronic balance


Hydrochloric and sulfuric acid are corrosive. Handle with extreme care. If you
get any on you, wash under running water straight away. Wear safety goggles
and lab coat.

Part A
1 Obtain a rock sample and record its name. Write a general description of the
2 Drop several drops of hydrochloric acid onto the sample and record any

Part B
Your teacher will perform the rest of the experiment as a demonstration.
1 Weigh a small beaker filled with 1M sulfuric acid. Leave the beaker on the
electronic balance.
2 Very carefully, place a small sample of limestone or marble into the beaker.
3 Record the immediate mass when the rock sample has been placed into the water.
4 Leave for 20 minutes. Make observations and record the mass.

Display your results in an appropriate manner. You may wish to use a table.
1 Identify the rock samples that reacted with hydrochloric acid.
2 Your teacher used a different acid in the demonstration. Does the type of acid make
a difference to how the rock sample is affected? Justify your answer.
3 You may have noticed some bubbling in your observations. What does this mean?
Explain your answer fully and identify the substance produced.
4 What did you notice about the mass of the rock sample in the demonstration? What
does this tell you about what is happening? Explain your answer fully.
5 If a rock was discovered to contain components of limestone and sand, describe the
effect of acid rain upon that rock.

Write an appropriate statement that summarises your results and addresses the aim.


5.2 Common chemical reactions 33
Questions 5.2.2: Chemistry in nature

1 Compare and contrast respiration and photosynthesis.
2 Identify where respiration takes place in cells.
3 Recall the word equation for photosynthesis.

4 Explain why testing for starch can be seen as testing for photosynthesis.
5 Recall how rocks containing iron can be chemically weathered.
6 Recall one main ore of copper that is typically mined.
7 With your understanding of the chemical energy required, would more energy be
required to obtain a relatively unreactive substance like gold or to obtain iron that is
much more reactive? Explain your answer fully.
8 Would you expect acid rain to be a bigger problem in developed industrial areas or
in natural areas? Justify your answer.

9 The pH scale can be used to determine how acidic or basic something is. The more
acidic a substance, the lower the number. Water, which is neither acidic nor basic
but neutral, is 7.0 on the pH scale.
a Would you expect acid rain to have a pH lower or higher than 7.0? Justify your
b Would you expect sodium bicarbonate to have a pH lower or higher than 7.0?
Justify your answer.

10 What are some consequences to the natural and human environment if acid rain
occurs? Use reliable sources from the Internet as well as reference books such as
encyclopedias and textbooks to help research this question. Present your research
in the form of a report appropriate to classmates and others in your school.
Remember to cite all your resources.


Common chemical reactions
Remember and understand
1 Identify the gas given off when baking
soda decomposes. [1 mark]
2 Recall what is required for baking soda
10 Compare and contrast breathing and
respiration. [3 marks]

Ethical behaviour
11 Do we have a responsibility to preserve

to decompose. [1 mark] historical artefacts such as marble

3 Define the term ‘decomposition’. statues and buildings and protect
[1 mark] them from acid rain? Compare
4 Recall the term for a class of chemicals different viewpoints and share between
that taste bitter. [1 mark] classmates. [5 marks]

5 Recall one of the products of 12 Must we label different foods with the
fermentation. [1 mark] chemicals that they contain? Compare
different viewpoints and share between
6 Identify the organism responsible for
classmates. [5 marks]
fermentation during cooking. [1 mark]
7 Recall where photosynthesis takes Critical and creative thinking
place in cells. [1 mark] 13 Produce a pamphlet, video or web page
8 Recall the word equation for that aims to persuade people to stop
respiration. [2 marks] burning fossil fuels, such as coal, to
prevent acid rain. [5 marks]
9 Using your understanding of energy
in chemical reactions, identify
whether the decomposition of sodium
bicarbonate has a high or low activation
energy. Justify your answer [3 marks]

[ /30]


5.2 Common chemical reactions 35
5.3 Chemistry in industry
It is easy to forget how much we rely on manufactured products in our
life. Increasingly, many substances and materials are processed or
manufactured before they are used. Substances such as medicines,
electronic components, polymers and new materials such as carbon
fibre in aeroplanes, only exist because of the work of chemists. Chemical
engineers are also important because they help design the processes that
ensure that the chemical changes used produce high-quality products
with as little energy, pollution and waste as possible.

Figure 5.33 Many everyday items are the result of carefully considered chemistry.

Petrochemicals and polymers

Oil, coal and natural gas are all called fossil Currently, Australia’s main source of
fuels as they are made from the chemical energy is fossil fuels. The biggest problem is
decomposition of ancient fossilised remains that fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource
of organisms. The remains that form fossil – they are not easily replaced. Our current
fuels are often from marine creatures and usage of fossil fuels is constantly increasing,
ancient forests that were rapidly buried and it is highly likely that fossil fuels may
before being subjected to millions of years eventually run out. Chemically, fossil fuels
Figure 5.34 Offshore oil
rigs are used to extract
of pressure and heat to form oil, coal or are simply carbon and hydrogen, in different
natural gas. natural gas. ratios and molecules of different lengths.
As well as being used as energy sources,
fossil fuels are also used to produce
petrochemicals, which are products or
chemicals produced from crude oil.

Obtaining petrol and gas

Extraction of fossil fuels depends on the
fossil fuel itself. Oil and gas are obtained
through a process of extraction from
the lithosphere. Natural gas tends to be
extracted from offshore rigs, such as those
found off the coast of Western Australia.
Industrial chemists work closely with
mining engineers and structural engineers


Figure 5.35 Petroleum is pumped from the ground. Figure 5.36 Coal is a mined product.

to ensure that the products produced Gas

by mines and rigs are of the appropriate 20° C

quality. Once petroleum has been

extracted from the ground, it is separated 150° C

into components that we can use by the Gasoline

process of fractional distillation, which you 200° C
Crude oil
encountered in Chapter 5 of the Insight Kerosene

Science 7 Student Book. 300° C

Diesel oil

Polymers – plastics
370° C
Fuel oil

Petroleum is useful in our everyday lives 400° C

for more than just transport and energy.
You rely on petroleum more than you may
Lubricating oil,
realise. A small component of petroleum is Paraffin wax,
used to make polymers. Furnace
The term ‘polymer’ means many
Figure 5.37 The process of fractional distillation
repeating structures. You may have heard
used to separate petroleum. Different ‘fractions’ are
them being called ‘plastics’. However, the separated due to the difference in boiling points.
term plastic is a property of these specific
polymers, meaning they are malleable and
There are many different types of
able to change and take on different shapes
polymers. Think of the types of plastic you
easily without breaking. Whilst all plastic
come in contact with on a daily basis. How
materials are polymers, not all polymers are
are they different? How are they similar?
plastic materials.

Figure 5.38 Some of

the different types of
polymers or plastics that
you will probably have
seen throughout the day.


5.3 Chemistry in industry 37
Activity 5.3.1: Polymers and their properties

What you will need: A3 paper or butcher’s paper, felt-tip markers

1 Brainstorm a list of polymers you come in contact with on a day-to-day basis.
2 What properties are required for each of these polymers to be used in their
3 If you were making a new polymer, what types of properties would you try and
include? Justify your answer.

Experiment 5.3.1: Making plastic from potatoes

To extract plastic from potatoes.
Part A: Extracting the starch
• Potatoes
• Grater
• 400 mL beaker × 2
• Large pestle and mortar
• 250 mL beaker
• Distilled water
• Tea strainer
1 Grate 100 g of potato into the mortar.
2 Add 100 mL of distilled water and use the pestle to grind into a paste-like
3 Pour the liquid through the tea strainer into a beaker and leave the potato behind
in the mortar.
4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 two more times.
5 Leave the solution to settle in the beaker for around 5 minutes.
6 Decant (carefully pour out) the water from the beaker, making sure to leave the
white starch at the bottom.
7 Clean off the starch by pouring in 100 mL of distilled water, stir gently, and then
leave to settle again.
8 Decant off the water and leave the starch behind. You will use the starch in the
next part.

Part B: Making plastic

• Starch slurry (from part A)
• Beaker
• 2 Petri dishes or white tiles
• Universal indicator paper
• Plastic droppers
• 25 mL measuring cylinder
• 10 mL hydrochloric acid (0.1M)
• 10 mL sodium hydroxide (0.1M)
• Distilled water
• Food colouring


• 2 mL glycerol
• Large watch glass
• Bunsen burner
• Heat-resistant mat
• Tripod
• Gauze
• Glass stirring rod
1 Add 22 mL of distilled water into a beaker, then add around 4 g of the starch slurry
you made in part A, along with 3 mL of hydrochloric acid and 2 mL of glycerol.
2 Put the watch glass onto the beaker and gently heat the mixture using a Bunsen
burner. Bring to a gentle boil and allow it to boil for around 15 minutes. Do NOT let
it dry.
3 Dip a glass rod into the mixture and drop it onto indicator paper to measure the
pH. Adjust the pH to neutral (7) using sodium hydroxide. You will likely need to use
about the same amount of acid that you did at the beginning (3 mL).
4 Add a drop of food colouring and mix thoroughly.
5 Pour the mixture onto a Petri dish and spread it with the glass rod so there is an
even covering.
6 Label the Petri dish appropriately.
7 Repeat steps 1 to 6, except leave out the glycerol.
8 Leave both Petri dishes to dry (about 2 days).

Examine and compare the two plastics you have made.

1 Does the addition of glycerol into the solution make a difference to your plastic?
Explain your answer.
2 Plastics come from petroleum, a resource that is non-renewable. Is the plastic you
have made from a renewable or non-renewable resource? Justify your answer.
3 Is it likely that Australia will increase its use of biodegradable plastics? Explain
your answer.

Write a statement that summarises what you have observed and addresses the aim.


5.3 Chemistry in industry 39
Polymers – fabrics colour retention. To improve the feel of
polyester, often it is woven into natural
In addition to the plastics that we use, fibres to produce a blend that has properties
petroleum is also used for the plastics of both the natural fibre and the polyester
that we wear. The main type of polymer itself.
used in fabrics is polyester. Made from a Rayon is another popular material
petrochemical derivative, polyester is the used in fabrics. Unlike polyester, rayon is
same chemical as used in PET plastic drink made from cellulose, a natural polymer
bottles (polyethylene terephthalate). produced by plants. Because rayon comes
Often polyester does not have the same from a natural resource, it is often seen
natural feel as those fabrics made of cotton to be a semi-synthetic material. There are
or wool, but polyester has many advantages different types of rayon including viscose
such as wrinkle resistance, durability and and modal.

Figure 5.39 A short

section of polyester with
repeating structures.
Polyester is usually
made up of thousands
of the same repeating

Figure 5.40 Most clothing labels indicate the blend Figure 5.41 Polar fleece is made from 100%
of the material. Adding 10–20% polyester to cotton polyester. It has the ability to retain heat, which
allows shirts to remain wrinkle resistant. makes it ideal for winter wear.

Figure 5.42 Viscose

is often used in


Sportswear is designed for specific uses
and needs to have specific purposes. Most
sportswear these days is designed to be light
and non-restrictive so the clothes are able
to move with the body. Sports materials
also tend to wick away moisture, stay warm
when it is cold and keep cool when it is
Polyester and other synthetic materials
are used with special weaves to satisfy
specific purposes. Sporting brands have
sports scientists and material scientists who
work with sportspeople to research and
develop new materials and blends.

Figure 5.45 A
Figure 5.43 What kind of properties would a football snowboarder at the snow.
jersey need to have? What kind of properties
would the snow jacket
and pants need to have?

Figure 5.44 Close-up view of a pair of nylon sports

shorts. Notice the weave of the fabric, which would
allow for increased air ventilation.

Questions 5.3.1: Petrochemicals and polymers

1 Suggest why fossil fuels are named as such.
2 Define the term ‘non-renewable resource’.
3 Compare and contrast the difference between petrol and petroleum.
4 Compare and contrast the terms ‘plastic’ and ‘polymer’.
5 Recall three different fabrics that are synthetic or semi-synthetic.

6 Explain why cotton or wool may not be the best material to make sporting wear.
7 Using evidence from the text, explain why research into new polymers is required.

8 As a non-renewable resource, petroleum and objects we make from petroleum,
such as polymers, will eventually run out. Research current developments in
bioplastics such as polylactic acid (PLA) and evaluate the importance of the
research and development of these plastics.

9 Plastics tend to melt when placed in fire. Design an experiment to test the
flammability of some synthetic fabrics compared with natural fabrics. Explain
which material you would use to make a laboratory coat and why. Remember to
include any safety considerations and a risk assessment.


5.3 Chemistry in industry 41
When a person is feeling sick, they may • chemistry – how to develop new
take medicine. These medicines may pharmaceuticals through chemical
be painkillers such as paracetamol, reactions, and how medicines react
or antibiotics if it is a bacterial with the human body.
infection. How did the first medicines

Traditional medicines
come about?
Pharmacies are where medicines are
prepared and dispensed. A pharmacist In the past, the discovery of traditional
(sometimes called a chemist) has studied medicines tended to be reliant on luck.
chemistry, but has specialised in the Traditional medicines come from natural
study of medicines and their effect on the products such as plants or animals. Some
body (pharmacology). The development chemistry research nowadays looks at the
of pharmaceuticals or medicines effectiveness of traditional medicines by
involve the study of three main branches looking for active ingredients – chemicals
Figure 5.46 Pharmacists of science: that have known activity to biological
are chemists with a
specialisation in medicine systems. The research has been surprising;
• biology – how microorganisms affect
and medications. many traditional medicines contain
humans, how human immune systems
materials that are active. You may have
work and how our systems interrelate to
already tried some traditional medicines,
help with normal functioning
such as eucalyptus drops when you have a
• pathology – how diseases affect a healthy sore throat or aspirin for a headache.

u n d e r s ta n d i n g Indigenous medicines 3 Billy goat plum/Kakadu plum
The world's richest source of vitamin
From witchetty grubs to kangaroo apples, C is found in this native fruit from the
native medicines were used to cure ills woodlands of the Northern Territory
the traditional way. Here are the 10 most and Western Australia. The plum has
common traditional bush medicines: 50 times the vitamin C of oranges, and
1 Tea-tree oil was a major source of food for tribes in
Bundjalung Aboriginal people from the the areas where it grows.
coast of New South Wales crushed tea- 4 Desert mushrooms
tree (or paper bark) leaves and applied Some traditional Indigenous Australian
the paste to wounds as well as brewing societies suck on the bright orange
it to a kind of tea for throat ailments. desert mushroom to cure a sore mouth
In the 1920s, scientific experiments or lips.
proved that the tea-tree oil's antiseptic 5 Emu bush
potency was far stronger than the
Concoctions of emu bush leaves
commonly used antiseptic of the time.
were used by Northern Territory
Since then, the oil has been used to
Aboriginal tribes to wash sores and
treat everything from fungal infections
cuts; occasionally it was gargled. In
of the toenails to acne.
the last decade, leaves from the plant
2 Eucalyptus oil were found to have the same strength
Eucalyptus leaves can be infused as some established antibiotics. South
for body pains and fevers and chills. Australian scientists want to use the
Today the oil is used commercially in plant for sterilising implants, such as
mouthwash, throat lozenges and cough artificial hips.
The sap and leaves were sometimes
used to treat sores and wounds.
8 Sandpaper fig and stinking passion
The combination of the two plants was
used in northern coastal communities
to relieve itching. The rough leaves of
the sandpaper fig were crushed and
soaked in water, then rubbed on the
itch. The pulped fruit of the stinking
passion flower was then smeared on to
the affected area. Sandpaper fig leaves
have also been used to treat fungal
skin infections such as ringworm,
sometimes in combination with the
milky sap.
9 Kangaroo apple
The fruit was used as on swollen joints.
The plant contains a steroid that speeds
up the healing process.
Figure 5.47 Witchetty grubs, well known for being a
traditional bush food, also have medicinal properties 10 Goat's foot
and were used to treat skin burns.
For pain relief from sting ray and stone
6 Witchetty grub fish stings, the leaves of goat’s foot
were crushed and heated, then applied
Witchetty grubs, also a good source of
them directly to the skin. Goat's foot is
bush tucker, were crushed into a paste,
common near sandy shorelines across
placed on burns and covered with a
bandage to seal and soothe the skin by
some people in Central Australia. Source: Adapted from Top 10 ­Aboriginal
7 Snake vine bush medicines, Marina Kamenev,
8 ­February 2011
Communities in Central Australia used
to crush sections of the vine to treat
headaches, rheumatoid arthritis and journal/10-most-common-aboriginal-­bush-
other inflammatory-related ailments. medicines.htm

Discovery of penicillin bacteria, he could not isolate the chemical

compound from the mould. It took another
One of the most widely used medicines was two scientists, Australian Howard Florey
discovered by accident. Alexander Fleming, and British Ernst Boris Chain, to isolate
a British scientist, was known as a brilliant and refine penicillin to the point where
scientist, though very messy. In 1928, it could be mass-produced. Penicillin was
Fleming returned to his laboratory after a first mass-produced in 1943 during World
holiday and realised he had not cleaned up War II. Florey, Chain and Fleming all went
his bacterial culture plates. He found that on to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine or
on one of the bacterial plates some fungus Physiology in 1945.
had grown, and there were no bacteria
where the fungus was growing.
Fleming identified the mould as from the New drug development
family Penicillium and called the substance
New drugs are consistently required. As
penicillin. While Fleming could show that
we use certain drugs, pathogens such as
penicillin could stop the growth of many
microorganisms and viruses becoming more
5.3 Chemistry in industry 43
resistant (see Activity 5.3.2). Additionally, Chemists find appropriate chemicals
with newer technology and research that have biological activity through one of
techniques, we are finding new pathogens two main processes: random screening or
all the time that cause diseases. For example, combinatorial chemistry.
it was only in the 1980s that two Australian Random screening involves creating
scientists, Dr. Barry Marshall and Dr. Robin thousands of new chemicals through
Warren discovered that stomach ulcers were various chemical reactions. These chemicals
caused by bacteria, and not by stress. As are then screened one by one for biological
a result, a new drug was required to treat activity by how they affect pathogens such
these newly discovered bacteria, known as as bacterial and fungal cells or viruses. The
Helicobacter pylori. chemicals that show signs of being able to
New drug developments these days are prevent pathogens from growing are then
less dependent on discovery by luck. Research taken forward for further testing. Similarly,
scientists generally discover new drugs for non-contagious diseases such as cancer,
through several different processes such as: random screening is used to see whether
the chemicals will affect cancer cells whilst
• New understanding into a disease. This
leaving normal cells undamaged.
allows scientists to design drugs that
Figure 5.48 Red bull ant, Combinatorial chemistry is a less
Myrmecia gulosa, secretes can counteract a specific effect of a
a substance that has
intensive process and involves adding a ‘tag’
antibacterial properties. to new chemicals that have been created.
This bull ant can be found • Unexpected effects of existing These tags allow scientists to track chemicals
around the eastern coast
treatments. Some drugs will have side as they move through biological systems
of Australia.
effects that may be beneficial to other such as bacteria, viruses or abnormal cells.
diseases. For example, aspirin is used If biological systems take up these chemicals
as a multi-purpose painkiller but when and the tag can be easily detected, it means
given in higher doses it has an additional that the chemical will probably be able to
effect of thinning the blood. This makes affect pathogens or diseased cells.
aspirin very useful in treating heart Another way of developing new drugs
attacks and strokes. is through looking at natural medicine.
• Development of new technologies. Diseases do not just affect humans – by
Technologies that manipulate genetic looking at how other organisms, both plants
material or provide new ways to target and animals, prevent disease, we can often
medical products to specific sites within find chemicals to help us. As previously
the body can enable drug treatments mentioned, antibiotics started with the
that were previously impossible. Gene accidental discovery of penicillin. Australian
therapy is one such new technology, red bull ants contain substances within
which is being used to treat diseases such their saliva that have been shown to have
as leukaemia. antibacterial properties.

Activity 5.3.2: Drug-resistant infections

The search for new medicines never ends. As we develop new medicines, pathogens
such as bacteria and viruses develop resistance to these medicines. Methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), is a potentially deadly strain of S. aureus that
is resistant to most antibiotics. Without the use of antibiotics, we must rely on our own
immune system to combat MRSA infections.
1 Research MRSA infections. How many people have been affected by it? When and
where was the last outbreak?
2 Examine how antibiotics have changed the way we deal with diseases. How many
people died due to bacterial diseases in World War I?
3 Where do you think we may find the next new medicine? Explain your answer.


L i t e r ac y
Blue-blooded horseshoe crabs bu i l d e r

Horseshoe crabs are a very old organism blood harvesting process, however, more
that has remained relatively unchanged over recent studies have shown that this rate is
450 million years. They are an arthropod, likely to be closer to 10 to 15%.
and are closely related to arachnids. On top of this mortality rate, due to
Horseshoe crabs can be found during the value of the blood (currently priced at
mating season along the eastern coastline around $15 000 per litre), horseshoe crabs
of the United States of American as well are also subjected to poaching.
as through the seas of China and Japan. Questions
Originally used for eating and as fishing bait,
1 Explain why horseshoe crabs have blue
horseshoe crabs are now being used in a
very interesting way.
Horseshoe crabs have blue blood. 2 Explain why the blood of horseshoe
crabs is used in the pharmaceutical
Rather than the iron-based blood that
mammals have, horseshoe crabs have Figure 5.49 The blue
blood that is copper-based. In the 1950s, 3 Evaluate the reliability of mortality copper-based blood of
studies completed by companies horseshoe crabs contains
scientists found that a clotting agent in proteins that could be the
licensed to harvest horseshoe crab
the blood reacts to fungi and some toxins, key to new medicines for
blood. people.
and binds to them causing the blood to
clot. This coagulation allows us to detect
contamination or impurities in drugs. If you
have ever had an injection for vaccination,
horseshoe crab blood would have been
used to test that batch of drugs.
We can extract the blood from
horseshoe crabs without killing them.
There are companies that have been
licensed to collect horseshoe crab blood
humanely, without killing the organisms.
Some studies completed by these licensed
companies have shown that approximately
3% of organisms are killed during the

Questions 5.3.2: Pharmaceuticals

1 Recall another name for a pharmacist and explain why they are also called this.
2 Identify three branches of science that are commonly involved in developing

3 Suggest why traditional or bush medicines were usually discovered by chance.
4 Draw a flow chart or timeline to describe the discovery of penicillin through to its
mass production.
5 Explain how new modern medicines are being discovered today.
6 Explain why research into new drugs is required.

5.3 Chemistry in industry 45
Obtaining new materials
In the past, humans have had to rely on
what was available from the Earth’s spheres:
atmosphere (the gas and air around us),
lithosphere (the rocks and minerals that
make up the Earth’s crust), hydrosphere
(the water-based regions on the Earth) and
the biosphere (all the living organisms on
the Earth).
You have already learnt about how
humans have used living substances from
plants and animals (the biosphere) for
medicine, but what about products from the
Figure 5.50 Aluminium is used in vast quantities in
other spheres? We can extract some metals aeroplanes as it is incredibly lightweight yet strong.
in their pure form, but what additional
processes can we do to make other metals although pure aluminium is very reactive,
useful? How can we enhance materials so aluminium oxide protects the metal and
that they have the properties that we need? makes it very unreactive. The aluminium
oxide layer also means that pure aluminium
is very difficult to extract and electricity
Extracting metal must be used to extract it. This extraction
Many substances that are mined are found process is known as electrolysis. Because
as compounds, rather than elements. electricity is expensive, the process of
You have already learnt about how some extracting aluminium is very expensive. We
metals such as iron and copper are need pure aluminium, rather than a mixture
extracted using heat. However, we need to of aluminium ores, to make important
use electricity to extract other substances aluminium alloys.
from their compounds. Aluminium is an The extraction of aluminium requires
incredibly reactive metal that forms a layer industrial chemists to determine the quality
of aluminium oxide between itself and and purity of the aluminium. Material
the air, which does not chemically react scientists and engineers then use that
with many compounds. This means that aluminium in alloys that they make.

Carbon anodes

Carbon lining Solution of aluminium

as cathode oxide in molten cryolite

Steel tank lined with

refractory bricks

Molten aluminium
collects at the bottom

Figure 5.51 A simplified diagram of one of the final steps in the aluminium extraction process. Cryolite is a
compound used to dissolve the aluminium oxide to help with the electrolysis.


Activity 5.3.3: Extraction of aluminium

While at school, you may work by yourself in some aspects of some subjects or you
may work with others. This is the same situation when it comes to science in industry.
Scientists will work on small parts of a project themselves, but in most situations, they
will collaborate with other experts. The flow chart in Figure 5.52 shows the steps in the
production and recycling of aluminium.
Working in groups, complete the following tasks.
1 For each step in the production and recycling of aluminium, brainstorm the input
that scientists working in different branches of science may have had to understand
the process.
2 Propose what types of scientists are required to keep the processes at each step
3 Compare your group’s answers with the rest of the class.

Bauxite ore is mined. Approximately

five tonnes of bauxite is required to
obtain one tonne of aluminium. Aluminium is melted down for reuse.

Bauxite is refined by crushing mills

and additional chemical reactions to
produce aluminium oxide (alumina)
Aluminium items are junked or scrapped.
Alumina is treated using electrolysis
to produce aluminium.

Other compounds are added to the Aluminium is then moulded, shaped and cut into
aluminium to make different alloys different products such as aeroplane parts, car parts,
depending on the product that is bicycles, drink cans, sporting equipment etc.
Figure 5.52 The production and recycling of aluminium.

Extracting oxygen
Oxygen is the vital gas that keeps us all living. You may have
nitrogen (-196°C)
seen oxygen in tanks being used in hospitals for patients
who are having trouble breathing. How do we obtain
this relatively pure oxygen? Chemists working in the late fractionating argon (-186°C)
1700s were the first to extract pure oxygen. While oxygen’s column
ability to combust was known since the 2nd Century, as a
gas, it was notoriously difficult to isolate. Three chemists oxygen (-183°C)
have been credited with the discovery of oxygen: Carl
Wilhelm Steele, Joseph Priestly and Antoine Lavoisier. krypton and
pump to xenon (-154°C)
The air we breathe from the atmosphere is made up of cooler liquify
approximately 20% oxygen. Scientists and engineers use air
high pressures to make the air into a liquid. Once it is in heater
a liquid form it is fractionally distilled, which means that solid water and
various components of the air can be extracted based on CO2 removed
their boiling points.
Oxygen is usually extracted as a pale blue liquid. It is Figure 5.53 The process used to extract oxygen from the air.
then placed into different sized tanks, depending on the
use of the oxygen.
5.3 Chemistry in industry 47
u n d e r s ta n d i n g Scientists often have to work outside of and nappies. Additionally, because it is
their specialties and collaborate with biologically compatible, there are plans for
each other to develop new materials medical researchers to test Shrilk for use
for production. Shrilk is a relatively new in surgical procedures such as stitching.
plastic created completely from biological Shrilk is a pioneering new material as it
sources. It is made from two main is the first biologically inspired material
components: chitin and silk. designed using molecular science methods.
Chitin is found in insect cuticles – the The development and use of Shrilk has
rigid exoskeleton of insects. Biologists involved many different fields of scientists
have been studying how insects produce and many different aspects of engineering
these structures, which are light enough and design. Without biologists to study
to allow insects to fly yet strong enough to chitin, biochemists to understand the
provide protection. structure of fibroin, material engineers
You may know of silk as a type of to study this material and medical
material produced by the silkworm, researchers to test the material, material
however, many other insects also produce scientists would never have been able to
silk. Silk is made primarily of fibroin, an develop Shrilk.
incredibly strong polymer. Biochemists Questions
have used their understanding of 1 Recall the two substances that Shrilk is
chemistry to determine the chemical made from.
structure of fibroin. 2 Identify some fields of science involved in
In 2011, material scientists working developing Shrilk.
at Harvard University developed the new 3 Is Shrilk a material that is made from
Figure 5.54 Shrilk is a material Shrilk, which combines chitin the biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere
tough, low-cost plastic
and fibroin. Shrilk is made from discarded or lithosphere? Explain your answer.
made completely from
biological sources. shrimp shells and fibroin extracted from 4 Identify the material that Shrilk is
silk. Material engineers who study the looking to replace.
properties of materials have found that
5 Explain why scientists often collaborate
Shrilk is ten times stronger than either to find new discoveries.
silk or chitin.
6 Suggest some other uses for Shrilk with
There are many different uses for
reference to its properties.
Shrilk. It is produced as a thin film such
7 Do you think Shrilk is biodegradable?
as cling wrap and can then be layered
Figure 5.55 Silk pupae Why or why not? Justify your answer.
or moulded. Because it is as strong as
from a silk worm. Fibroin 8 Would Shrilk be considered to be a
is extracted from silk aluminium but only half the weight of it,
threads and used in the
renewable resource or a non-renewable
Shrilk can be used to make packaging
manufacture of Shrilk. resource? Justify your answer.

Figure 5.56 The chitin used to make Shrilk can be

extracted from the usually unused and discarded
shrimp shells.


Dyes William Perkin, a chemist, developed the
first synthetic dye in 1856. Derived from
Before the use of dyes, all clothes were only coal tar, it was named maueveine, though
the colour that natural fibres (raw cotton, we know it as mauve. The development
silk and wool) could produce. This was of the dye allowed a whole new field of
usually off-white, brown or black. chemistry to be developed. Alizarin, a red
The first evidence of dyeing textiles dye, was the first to be synthesised and by
(materials) dates back to the Neolithic the 1870s natural dyes were disappearing to Figure 5.57 The murex
period (around 10 200 BC to 4500 BC) be replaced by synthetic ones. whelk that gave rise to
when traces of red dyes likely to be from the dye Tyrian purple.
Computer printers use dyes when they
a natural pigment called ochre have been print photographs. Technology and science
found. Textiles with dyes from plants, bark are constantly improving the length and
and insects have been found from China brightness of dyes and inks used in printing
dated to around 5000 years ago. so that pictures last longer and look more
Also around 5000 years ago, a vegetable vibrant.
dye on a piece of cotton was found in
Pakistan. Dyes were traditionally a heavily
traded commodity with some dyes more
precious than others. A purple dye, known
as Tyrian purple, was made from murex
whelk shells, a type of sea snail. It took 9000
shells to make enough dye for one Roman
emperor’s toga! Only the emperor could
afford such a luxury, which is why the colour
purple has always been associated with
royalty. So scarce and in demand was the dye
that the murex whelk almost became extinct
as a result of being hunted for its dye.
Figure 5.58 There are
many synthetic dyes now
Questions 5.3.3: Obtaining new materials available in a wide range
of colours.
1 Recall the name of the process used to obtain aluminium.
2 Identify some uses of oxygen.
3 How is oxygen extracted from the air? Explain this process.
4 Recall the first example of the use of dyes.
5 Identify some professions that use dyes.

6 Explain how scientists work together to develop or create new materials.
7 Describe some uses for aluminium. Explain how its physical properties are related
to these uses.
8 Explain why natural dyes are used less nowadays than during the 1800s.
9 Explain why research into dyes is still important.

10 There are many different dyes used for different purposes such as dying cotton,
synthetic fibres or hair. Develop a scientific experiment that will allow you to
compare the effectiveness of the different dyes on one particular fabric (choose
either cotton or polyester for ease).


5.3 Chemistry in industry 49
Chemistry in industry
1 Recall the generalised term given to
fuel sources such as gas, coal and
petrochemicals. [1 mark]
Analyse and evaluate
8 Based on what you have learned in this
section, evaluate the importance of
continued scientific research to society.
[5 marks]
2 Compare and contrast renewable fuels
such as biofuels with non-renewable
Ethical behaviour
fuels. [3 marks]
9 Imagine you are a scout for a mining
3 Identify at least two polymers that you
company and you have discovered a
use everyday. [2 marks]
large deposit of copper under Uluru.
4 Identify at least two fabrics that are The company wishes to mine around
made up of plastics [2 marks] the area. Prepare a report for the
5 Recall a traditional medicine used by company to determine the best way
a traditional Indigenous Australian to mine the copper. In your report,
culture and explain its use. [3 marks] consider aspects such as cultural
significance of the region as well as
Apply environmental effects. Conclude your
6 Explain the advantages that synthetic report by giving a statement of whether
fibres have over natural fibres. you agree or disagree with starting the
[2 marks] mining process in this region and your
reasons for it. [10 marks]
7 Explain why traditional medicines are
usually made up of natural plants or
animals components. [2 marks]

[ /30]


1 Fill in the gaps, using the words in the Word Bank below:

Chemical reactions are an essential part of _____________________ life.

Creating new materials requires an understanding of the difference between
_____________________ changes and _____________________ reactions.
Physical changes are changes in physical state of substances, such as from
_____________________ to gas, from solid to liquid, or_____________________.
Chemical reactions involve changes to the basic chemicals that make up a substance.
Chemical _____________________ are used to discover new pharmaceuticals,
_____________________ to use in technology, as well as in dyes and mining.

Scientists who work in these fields often need teamwork and to

_____________________ on many projects, as one single person cannot
have all the understanding required for many of the tasks. For example,
scientists researching the best way to produce a dye would need people who
understand _____________________ (to extract dyes from natural sources),
_____________________ (to create a synthetic version of natural dyes) and materials
(to test out dyes). Chapter
biology collaborate liquid reactions Review
Word Bank

chemical dissolving materials

chemistry everyday physical

Identify that chemical changes Demonstrate that chemical

are characterised by a change change involves reactions
in temperature, the original between substances to form
substance disappears or a new substances
new substance appears 7 The reaction for respiration is as
2 Identify the signs that indicate a follows: C6H12O6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O
chemical change has occurred. Explain how this reaction is a chemical
[1 mark] reaction in terms of reactants and
products. [2 marks]
3 Define the term precipitate. [2 marks]
8 Using the symbols “A”, “B” and “C”,
Compare chemical and physical write a general equation which
change based on particle shows a:
arrangement and reversibility a A chemical reaction between
4 In the following reaction, identify the substances A and B [1 mark]
products and the reactants: Mg + O2 →
b A chemical reaction between
MgO [2 marks]
substances B and C [1 mark]
5 Compare physical and chemical
c A chemical reaction between all
changes in terms of changes in
three substances [1 mark]
arrangement of particles. [2 marks]
d A physical reaction between all
6 Contrast the reversibility of chemical
three substances [1 mark]
reactions with physical changes.
[2 marks]


5 chapter review 51
Investigate everyday chemical scientists often discover another. This
reactions like photosynthesis, is known as serendipity. Research
respiration and chemical some cases where serendipity has
weathering played a part in scientific research and
9 Photosynthesis is an example of a inventions. [5 marks]
chemical change that occurs daily.
Describe how collaboration across
Recall the:
different fields of science can
a reactants of photosynthesis improve scientific knowledge,
[1 mark] particularly in making or obtaining
b products of photosynthesis [1 mark] new materials from the Earth’s
10 Explain why respiration is often
described as the opposite of 14 When substances are extracted from
photosynthesis. [2 marks] the Earth, such as copper or iron
from mining, often different specialist
11 Describe an example of chemical
scientists need to collaborate with each
weathering. [2 marks]
Propose reasons why the a Identify the branches of science
development of polymers and commonly involved in industry.
pharmaceuticals is important to [2 marks]
society b Explain why collaboration is
12 Explain why scientific research is required in scientific industry.
important in fields such as drug [1 mark]
development or the production of new
c Describe one example where
materials such as polymers. [3 marks]
TOTAL MARKS different types of scientists have
13 Scientific research often relies on collaborated in the development of
[ /35]
chance: when researching one thing, a product for industry. [2 marks]

Choose one of the following topics for a Traditional medicines

research project. Your job is to examine There are many different types of
more in depth into how scientific research traditional medicines, including traditional
and chemistry affects your life. Chinese medicine as well as Middle
Eastern medicine. Research some of
the items used in these medicines and
NASA is the American space agency
what scientific evidence there is for their
that is responsible for the launches of
space shuttles and satellites. They have
suffered many public outrages due to their New materials
perceived funding levels. Research how Smart technology such as phones and
much they are funded by the United States touch pads are everywhere. One new piece
government compared with how much the of technology is flexible displays. Research
government spends on military. Examine how these flexible displays work and what
some of the developments that NASA has kind of chemistry is required to make
produced and how they have improved them.
people’s lives all over the world.



Figure 5.59 Flexible displays may

eventually become the standard in
consumer electronic devices.

Reflect 5 How does scientific research improve
Me your life?

1 What have you learnt about chemical My future

and physical reactions?
6 How will changes in funding into
2 How does chemistry affect you and scientific research change the way
your life? technology is developed?
3 How does scientific research in 7 How do you think scientific research
chemistry affect you? will change the future?

My world
4 What are some things you rely on that
are based on chemical research?

Key words
acid chloroplast fermentation precipitate
acid rain chlorophyll matter product
activation energy combinatorial mechanical random screening
active ingredients chemistry weathering reactant
anaerobic decomposition metabolic process reaction
respiration reaction mitochondrion respiration
aqueous solution ethanol oxidation spherification
chemical change exothermic petrochemicals symbol equation
chemical equation reaction photosynthesis weathering
chemical reaction endothermic physical change word equation
chemical reaction polyester
weathering enzyme polymer


5 chapter review 53
Acid sulfate soils
Acid sulfate soils are found around The following are needed for pyrite to
Australia’s coastline, where most of the form:
population lives. These soils were formed • sulfur – usually from sea water
underwater a long time ago when the sea
• anaerobic conditions (a lack of oxygen)
level was much higher. When the seas
receded, the acid sulfate soils remained. • anaerobic bacteria
These types of soils are found in muddy • rotting material (e.g. mangrove leaves)
and sandy low-lying coastal areas, such as to supply energy for the bacteria
coastal plains, wetlands and mangroves. • a source of iron – usually from mud or
Under the right conditions, they can still sand
form today, caused by the interactions • temperatures above 10ºC
MAKING between chemicals and living bacteria.
In an undisturbed and waterlogged state,
How are acid sulfate soils acid sulfate soils cause minimal problems.
However, when these soils are exposed to
formed? air (usually due to drainage or excavation
Acid sulfate soils contain compounds works), a chemical reaction occurs and acids
called iron sulfides (pyrite). They form are produced in the soils, which can cause
when sea water (or water that contains a major environmental problems.
lot of chemicals called sulfates) mixes with
waterlogged soils and sands that contain The effect of acid sulfate soils
iron and some organic matter. This process Acid sulfate soils can produce sulfuric acid
occurs where there is not much oxygen when exposed to the air and become strongly
present, such as in mangrove swamps. acidic. The sulfuric acid and toxins released
Some bacteria flourish under anaerobic end up in our estuaries and waterways. It
Figure 5.60 Acid sulfate conditions – conditions without oxygen. has been estimated that 72 000 tonnes
soils are commonly found These bacteria carry out chemical reactions of acid have been washed into Trinity
around mangrove swamps
that help form the pyrite. Inlet in Cairns after 700 hectares of land
and estuaries.


containing acid sulfate soils was drained in
the 1970s. This decreased the quality of the
water, killing fish and damaging sensitive
ecosystems. Acid sulfate soils have had huge
effects on our fisheries. Acid run-off also
affects human constructions, such as drains,
pipes, bridges and foundations.

Changing colours
The presence of sulfuric acid causes toxic
quantities of heavy metals to be released into
the environment. The acid run-off from acid
sulfate soils reacts with iron in surrounding
rocks and soils, causing it to dissolve. This
results in the water containing more iron
compounds than normal. Jarosite is an iron
compound. It is yellow in colour, which can
make the soil yellow too.
As the sulfuric acid moves through
the soil, it can also interact with clay
containing aluminium. This causes soluble
forms of aluminium to be released into the
Figure 5.61 This concrete bridge pylon is being destroyed by sulfuric acid from
waterways. High levels of aluminium in acid sulfate soils, which reacts with the carbonate in the concrete.
the water causes suspended particles in the
murky water to clump together and drop to 7 What changes do you think would occur
the bottom. This makes the water go clear to pipes and bridges if the metal in the
and turn a blue–green colour. bridges interacted with the acid from
the actual acid sulfate soils?
Questions 8 How could knowledge of chemistry be
1 How do you know that the formation of used to reduce the effect of acid sulfate
pyrite is a chemical reaction? soils?
2 How are bacteria involved in changing 9 How can the colour of soils be used to
the nature of the soil? identify actual acid sulfate soils?
3 Why do you think that a temperature 10 What interactions cause the level of iron
above 10ºC is required for the dissolved in water to increase?
interactions between the chemicals and
11 Describe the changes caused by the
the bacteria to cause a change?
interactions between aluminium
4 Why are acid sulfate soils a particular compounds and solid particles
problem where major building or suspended in the water.
landscaping work has been carried out?
12 Apart from affecting the colour of water,
5 What substances interact to form actual increased levels of aluminium in the
acid sulfate soils? water can be a risk to health. Find out
6 How would the water in an estuary be why aluminium in water is dangerous to
changed if sulfuric acid and toxins were living things.
washed into the estuary?


5 making connections 55

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