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By G2
the centrioles have replicated to form daughter centrosomes.
(b) Prophase: centrosome migration. The centrosomes, each with a
daughter centriole, begin moving toward opposite poles of the cell.
The chromosomes begin to condense, appearing as long threads.
(c) Prometaphase: spindle formation. The nuclear envelope
fragments into small vesicles and spindle microtubules enter the
nuclear region. Chromosome condensation is completed; each
visible chromosome is composed of two chromatids held together
at their centromeres. Kinetochores at centromeres attach
chromosomes to spindle microtubules. (d) Metaphase:
chromosome alignment. The chromosomes move
toward the equator of the cell, where they become
aligned in the equatorial plane. (e) Anaphase:
chromosome separation. The two sister chromatids
separate into independent chromosomes. Each
chromosome, attached to a kinetochore microtubule,
moves toward one p

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