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12 characteristics of a quality physical

education experience
AFL Team September 15, 2014 3 Comments »

Children who are physically active are more focused, better prepared to learn, and
more emotionally and socially resilient. A successful physical education experience
reverberates through his or her other classes, and contributes to a healthy school

Here’s what quality PE experiences share:

1. The teacher is qualified, enthusiastic, prepared.

2. Lessons are well-planned, incorporate a wide range of activities, and meet
provincial curriculum learning outcomes.
3. The teacher uses a variety of assessment and evaluation strategies.
4. There is an emphasis on student learning, personal success, fair play, and
personal health.
5. Activities are appropriate to the age and stage of development for each
6. All students look forward to physical education class.
7. Provincial safety guidelines are followed.
8. The school is fulfilling the minimum time mandated by your province for
physical education.
9. There are opportunities to be physically active beyond the physical education
time (intramurals, extracurriculars, and school wide initiatives such as daily
physical activity).
10. There are opportunities for student leadership development.
11. The school has the facilities, equipment and teaching support to provide a
quality program.
12. Recognition through PHE Canada’s Quality Daily Physical Education Award

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