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Ebony Tolbert


British Lit (1)

09 January 2019

​ Patience is a Virtue

Self improvement, a topic that many of us don’t want to address. It is a good thing to

make improvements of yourself even if you don’t believe that you can. Things that my type

seems to struggle with include being competitive, overworked, and our defensive mechanisms.

I find myself always in competition with my younger siblings. It doesn’t matter what it is,

I will find anything that I know how to do and remind everyone that I am the best at it. I think

that sometimes my competitive ways are stimulating, and by stimulating I mean they perhaps

encourage my siblings. Even though, I am in the most challenging grade and I often tend to tease

about my grades being better. Other times my competitiveness can be overbearing and I may go

to extreme measures by arguing.

Impatient, I seriously hate that I have zero patience. My type is quick to get annoyed

because we just simply hate waiting. If I ask someone to do something and they don't do it right

away I get frustrated. When I’m at home and I ask my brother to take out the trash and he

doesn’t; I yell. When I’m in the car and someone is signaling to turn but doesn’t turn;I yell. Even

when it comes to school if the teachers are behind on updating grades I begin to get annoyed.
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My biggest challenge is defensive mechanisms. I always try to keep my guard up because

I won’t allow myself to ever be hurt. I believe that my type struggles with this we don't want

people to know our emotions. We often put up a wall so people won’t ever know how we truly

feel, or what is truly going on inside of lives. The article describes threes as generous and likably

but difficult to really know. I believe this to be true because I have friends that have known me

forever but still don't know me. I tend to be a private person and I don't want people in my

business so i don't share much.

The only challenge that I know I can overcome is being impatient, I wasn't always

impatient. I need to come to the realization that if I want something no matter how big or small it

will come to me. I believe that competition is needed but I should stop taking it to the extreme. I

often tell others not to expect the worst from others but I expect the worst from others so I need

to take my own advice. If KI stop expecting the worst and start living a more positive lifestyle

then I could potentially get rid of my defensive ways.

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