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Choose the best answer.

1.A credit card no longer be used after the ……

a) latest date b) retirement date c) payment date d) expiry date
2.If you return goods to the seller because you were dissatisfied with them, you get ….
a) a retail b) a refund c) a discount d) a revenue
3.What do you say if you don't have a particular product available to sell?Sorry we are ..
a) out of stock b) out of order. c) ex-warehouse. d) unreliable.
4.If you want to leave your job, you usually have ______ of one to three months.
a) a leaving schedule b) a notice period c) time off d) early retirement
5.Someone who enjoys meeting and talking to new people is ……
a) outdoing b) outspoken c) outgoing d) outflowing
6.All the people who work in particular company or factory are called……
a) workmates b) working capital c) the working group d) the workforce

Read the definitions and write an appropriate word in each gap.

1. something you buy cheaply or for less than the usual price ______________
2. to send goods to a place _____________
3. a formal word meaning ' to buy ' ______________

Write a definitions.
1. an account _____________________________________
2. an overdraft _____________________________________
3.a loan __________________________________________
4. interest _________________________________________
5. savings _________________________________________

Match the verbs and nouns in the box bellow.

Verbs Nouns
To achive A breakthrough
To build up A patent
To apply for A range
To miss An award
To receive An opportunity
To swamp The market

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