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Anveeth Vietla

Mrs. Arndorfer


11 March 2018

Out of Edmond Dantes’ many enigmatic character traits, the quality that most struck a chord

with me was his ability to take matters into his own hands. He proclaims many times

throughout the novel that providence has failed to protect him and weaker men, leading him

to refuse to sit by and let his life to turn turmoil. I take a liking toward characters of this

archetype as I myself believe that sitting by, expecting a mystical force to navigate one

throughout their life is a waste of life. However, I dislike how the Count refu sed to see

things from others’ perspective and only thought of himself. For instance, Monsieur de

Villefort had been placed into a difficult situation where he had to betray Dantes’ in order to

protect Dantes, or else his reputation might be tarnished if it is revealed that his father is a

Bonapartist. Not to say that his conspirators’ punishments aren’t deserved, but he should

have at least taken some time to understand others’ motives and situations. By reading of his

exploits as the Count, I was educated of how to take control of the life that I am given,

instead of idly watching it pass by. In addition to this, the old Machiavellian adage of

“speak softly but carry a big stick” was drilled into my head. Instead of flaunting his

newfound wealth to his enemies and making a fool of himself, he chooses to use it

intelligently, so he can receive reparation for losing all that he held dear. The Count best

supports the novel's theme of taking control. The rebirth that he undergoes during prison

conveys the message that it is ultimately one who decides their own faith.

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