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2/26/2019 Gmail - Legal Studies Academy

Charlie Tamayo <>

Legal Studies Academy

1 message

Charlie Tamayo <> Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 1:32 PM


Good afternoon,
My name is Charlie Tamayo, and I am a senior at the Legal Studies Academy at First Colonial High School. One of
opportunities at the Legal Studies Academy is the completion of a Senior Project class, where we select and explore a
topic of interest and create an advocacy project, often times as an event. The topic I have chosen is human trafficking, as
it is a significant issue in our community. I was interested in using Station 14's Charlton Hall as a venue to hold a panel
about human trafficking. When I was reading through the terms and conditions, I noticed that the hall could not be used
for personal use. I was uncertain as to whether or not the Senior Project event I described would be eligible to use the
hall. I was also unsure about the cost, if any, of using the Charlton Hall as a venue for the event. Could you possibly
email me back at your earliest convenience regarding my concerns about whether I could use your facility and if there is a
cost to it (and if so, how much)?
I have copied my teacher on this email in case you have any questions for her.
Thank you
Charlie Tamayo… 1/1

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