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Fill in the missing forms of the irregular verbs

Base form Past Tense Past Participle

arise arisen
begin began
buy bought
caught caught
deal dealt
feed fed
found found
forgave forgiven
get got
hang hung
hid hidden
keep kept
lay laid
let let
make made
pay paid
put put put
ran run
saw seen
shake shaken
sink sank
smell smelled / smelt
spoke spoken
swear sworn
swing swung
teach taught
told told
throw threw
won won
write written

Fill in the missing forms of the irregular verbs

Base form Past Tense Past Participle

bite bit
bleed bled
blew blown
break broke
built built
come came
cost cost
drew drawn
dream dreamt / dreamed
eat ate
fall fell
flew flown
forget forgot
gave given
grow grew
hear heard
hid hidden
know knew
lead led
lend lent
lie lay
met met
read read
said said
sell sold
shine shone
shot shot
sing sang
spend spent
stand stood
steal stole

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