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Circle the adverb in each sentence below. Underline the verb it describes.

1. We eventually found our way out of the woods after we got lost.
2. Sometimes we visit the museum when it rains.
3. I recited all of the capitals of the states perfectly!
4. Matthew stomped angrily when he was punished.
5. My dog always barks when someone comes to the door.
6. We enthusiastically cheered on the runners in the race.
7. The policeman immediately ran to our rescue.
8. My Mom thought I had magically cleaned my room!
9. I looked amazingly at the bright, starry sky.
10.I acted very bravely at the doctor’s office when I had to get a shot.
11.Grandma peacefully read her book in the hammock.
12.I hungrily gobbled up my dinner.

Circle the adjectives in the sentences below. Then underline the noun it describes.
1. Sandy picked the pink roses.
2. A tiny spider crawled up the wall.
3. Alex wiped his dirty hands.
4. Tomorrow is going to be a hot day!
5. We looked up at the tall building.

Use the verbs above to fill in the blanks

1. Tomorrow, I __________ watch the holiday parade.
2. My old shoes __________chewed by my dog.
3. Kenny usually _________not like vegetables.
4. I have _________helping my Grandma weed her garden daily.
5. I _________going to get the newspaper for my Dad.
6. She _________ play much better after taking piano lessons.
7. He _________ go to the dentist again in six months.
8. Travis _________ always ask his teacher for help.
9. Melanie and I_________ performing in the school play.
10.My boy scout pack _________camping out in the backyard.
11.I_________ scored ten goals this season.
12.He _________ been a very good friend to me.

Use simple past tense

1. The dog _______ the boy. (see)
2. I __________ a sandwich for dinner. (have)
3. Yesterday Sally _______ a car. (drive)
4. John _______ to her very loudly. (speak)
5. We _________ alot last night. (dance)
6. _______ Alex meet him again? (do)

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