Alcpt 61

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1. What kinds of animals does Mr. Shore have?

a) He is one of the kindest people I know.
b) His farm is in Texas.
c) He has pigs, sheep, and a few horses.
d) He grows corn and beans.

2. The children can see the movie without paying. Who can see the movie free?
a) men and woman
b) military only
c) women only
d) boys and girls

3. Where did he buy the pencil?

a) for 10 cents
b) he needed one
c) last week
d) at the store

4. My chair is made of aluminum. What is it made of?

a) strong plastic
b) strong cloth
c) light metal
d) light wood

5. Tom went to the doctor to have his hearing checked. What did the doctor check?
Tom’s eyes
Tom’s ears
Tom’s lungs
Tom’s feet

6. The weather report is received daily. When do we get the report?

every week
every hour
every month
every day

7. Mary’s the cashier in our office.

She cleans the floor.

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She answers the telephone.
She types all the letters.
She handles the money.

8. He was a passenger on that bus.

He cleaned it.
He worked on it.
He polished it.
He rode on it.

9. Smoking in the classroom is prohibited.

Smoking is permitted.
Smoking is not allowed.
Smoking is encouraged.
Smoking is safe.

10. Bob’s an expert mechanic.

Bob used to be a mechanic.
Bob’s a really good mechanic.
Bob’s not a very good mechanic.
Bob wants to become a mechanic.

11. When we went on the picnic, we participated in many games.

We watched the games.
We played the games.
We got tired of them.
We took pictures of them.

12. The trip was very long. What was long?

the movie
the journey
the lesson
the boat

13. In what season does snow usually fall?


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14. How long a period may I work on this project?
for sixty inches
for sixty pieces
for sixty minutes
for sixty degrees

15. What was the result of the accident?

John fixed it.
John was hurt.
John brought it.
John was driving.

16. The weather is getting cooler. What is happening to the weather?

It is getting humid.
The temperature is going down.
It is clearing up.
It is getting cloudy outside.

17. Sandra made a long distance call. What kind of call was it?
It was to a business office.
It was from a public phone.
It was to another city.
It was at a low rate.

18. The heart is an important organ. What does it do?

It digests food.
It pumps blood.
It cools the body.
It protects the spine.

19. The parents are watching their children cook the food.
The parents are talking to their children.
The parents are cooking the food.
The parents are looking at their children.
The parents are feeding the children.

20. The commander says he approves of the plan.

He wants to mover the plan.

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He doesn’t agree with the plan.
He accepts the plan.
He wants to change it.

21. This city needs a little more housing.

It needs more parks.
It needs waterways.
It needs living quarters.
It needs traffic control.

22. I’ve got to have my car fixed.

My car is running well.
I’m having trouble with my car.
I just bought a new car.
I’m going to buy a new car.

23. My socks have disappeared.

They are lost.
They have become old and worn.
They are on the table.
They have changed colors.

24. Mr. James is a commercial pilot.

He flies for the airlines.
He flies for the Air Force.
He flies for sport.
He sells airplanes.

25. Joe and his friend went out to eat.

They ate the food at home.
They ate too much food.
They ate at a restaurant.
They ate the wrong food.

26. This book is a reprint of an old book.

This is the original book.
This book is completely new.
This book is the same as the old book.
This book has been in my family several years.

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27. Joan has a temporary job.
She is very efficient at her work.
She receives a high salary for her work.
She does work for several people.
She took the job for only a limited time.

28. Joe got on the wrong bus this morning. Bill did too.
Joe rode on two buses.
Bill missed the bus.
Joe and Bill didn’t get the right bus.
Bill didn’t get on the bus this morning.

29. The insulation on the wire was damaged. What was damaged?
the fuse
the covering
the copper
the plug

30. Who is most likely to use a nut?

a doctor
a mechanic
a painter
a salesman

31. The ride was bumpy. How was the ride?


32. Bob slept in the open. Where did he sleep?


33. In his haste, he forgot to turn off the stove before he left the house. What happened to his

第 5 頁,共 17 頁
It got cold.
It was painted.
It burned down.
It was constructed.

34. The box was made of lumber. What was it made of?

35. Did the driver break a traffic law?

Yes, he stopped for a red light.
Yes, he was driving too fast.
Yes, he showed his ID card.
Yes, he was parking his car.

36. Are you getting used to the weather?

Yes, it’s raining hard now.
No, I don’t think it will snow.
No, it isn’t hot today.
Yes, I’m becoming accustomed to it.

37. Mr. Smith will train Lois for that job.

He will thank her for doing it.
He will take her to it.
He will stop her from doing it.
He will teach her to do it.

38. Chew your food well.

Chew your food occasionally.
Chew your food in half.
Chew your food thoroughly.
Chew your food in small pieces.

39. I watched the men build a racecar.

They constructed the car.
They put gas in the car.
They rode in the car.

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They drove it to town.

40. The man did his duty.

He did not want to do anything.
He did whatever he felt like doing.
He did not know what to do.
He did what he was supposed to do.

41. After the doctor put some drops in David’s eyes, David’s vision became blurred.
His sight became very sharp.
He couldn’t see very clearly.
He couldn’t open his eyes.
His eyes began to hurt.

42. There was an explosion at the refinery.

Some workers were promoted.
Some workers were hired.
Some workers were injured.
Some workers were retired.

43. Something went wrong with the engine and we had to make an emergency landing.
The engine was working.
The engine wouldn’t start.
The engine failed.
The emergency landing wasn’t necessary.

44. I asked the captain for some time off, but I was turned down.
I was whirled around.
My request was rejected.
I put the time down.
The captain asked for some time off.

45. There’s a shortage of food.

There’s ______ food.
very little

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46. Jack says he doesn’t mind the warm weather.
He doesn’t think about the weather.
He worries about the warm weather.
He doesn’t object to the warm weather.
He can’t stand the warm weather.

47. Do you care about your job?

Yes, I am careless.
Yes, I am conceited.
Yes, I am callous.
Yes, I am concerned.

48. Tools should be protected against moisture. What should they be protected against?
dry weather
oil and grease
improper use

49. She has something wrong with her respiratory system. Where is the trouble?
in her heart
in her ribs
in her lungs
in her stomach

50. Sue bought some tableware for the occasion. What did she buy?
fruit and vegetables
spoons, knives, and forks
chairs and tables
pots and pans

51. Why did the welder use goggles?

to protect his feet
to protect his hands
to protect his hearing
to protect his sight

52. The soldier worked in transportation and supply. What did his job involve?

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53. Someone walked away with our new book. What happened to the book?
It was printed.
It was sold.
It was stolen.
It was signed.

54. The pilot carried out his mission.

He accomplished his mission.
He planned his mission.
He continued his mission.
He cancelled his mission.

55. The jury decided that the company’s actions were deliberate.
The company acted _______.

56. Belinda can’t stand her supervisor.

She can’t ______ him.

57. F: Did you plan to take pictures on your trip?

M: Yes, but my camera was not working.
What do you learn from this conversation?
The man took picture on the trip.
The man did not take any pictures.
The man did not make any plans.
The man worked instead of going on a trip.

58. F: What did the secretary tell you?

M: To come back.

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What did the man say about the secretary?
She told him to leave.
She told him to return.
She told him to enter.
She told him to hurry.

59. F: Is Kevin going to the movie?

M: No, he said he would be busy all day.
Why isn’t Kevin going to the movie?
He is sick.
He has no time.
He doesn’t like movie.
He is going away.

60. F: I’m going back to the house.

M: You’d better take a flashlight with you.
Why does she need a flashlight?
to see the way.
to open the door.
to start a fire.
to take a bath.

61. M: What happened to your beautiful plants?

F: The freeze killed them.
What happened to the plants?
They bloomed.
They grew.
They died.
They faded.

62. F: Did you move the books?

M: Yes, I thought they would fall.
What did the man think the books would do?
drop down.
pile up.
roll around
push through

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63. F: Did you remember to put water in this? The leaves are beginning to
M: No, I didn’t. I’ll do it now.
What needs water?
the grass
a salad
the forest
a plant

64. M: Can I help you, ma’am?

F: I want my car checked. What do you charge?
What does the woman want to know?
how long it will take
what tools it will take
which parts of the car will be checked
how much it will cost

65. M: There is a car with its lights on in the parking lot. It is a blue Mercury Cougar with
Georgia license plates. The car ______.
is illegally parked
was stolen in Georgia
is stalled at a light
has its lights on

66. M: What are they building on the highway out by the Garrett’s farm? W: That’s going to be a
new city landfill. The city will _______ in it.
deposit trash.
clean water
produce electricity
build a stadium

67. Do you _____ the time?


68. ______ is to use it.

A language the best way to learn
The best way a language to learn

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The best way to learn a language
A language to learn the best way

69. Do you ever eat in a restaurant?

No, I ate in a restaurant never.
No, I never eat in a restaurant.
No, never I eat in a restaurant.
No, in a restaurant I eat never.
70. Cotton is the principal product of this state.

71. It is illegal to carry a gun.


72. One of the prisoners escaped.

was wounded
got away
was released
wouldn’t work.

73. Linda can have only liquid foods. What’s the only thing she can have?
foods the are fresh
foods she can chew
foods that are cooked
foods she can drink

74. Sue: You’d better get to class on time. Joe: You’re right. I ____ go now.

75. Portable electric hand drills are used for _____ holes in materials.

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to bore

76. Joan doesn’t want ______.


77. Select the correct sentence.

Mary likes on Thanksgiving Day to visit her grandmother.
On Thanksgiving Day to visit her grandmother Mary likes.
Mary likes to visit her grandmother on Thanksgiving Day.
Mary likes her grandmother on Thanksgiving Day to visit.

78. Today one finds that plastics are being used almost everywhere. Plastic articles can be
produced at rather low cost; the machines for molding them are neither large nor heavy.
Furthermore, most of the products are light in weight and can be stored and transported
easily. According to this paragraph, plastics are _____.
popular but not practical
practical but not popular
both practical and popular
neither practical nor popular
79. He cut the meat into pieces before serving it.

80. The astronauts descended to earth. They came _____.


81. All Bob heard on his radio was static. What did he hear?

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82. Monkeys like to show off.

try to get food
make a present
sleep long hours
attract attention

83. He isn’t used to this food. It is _____.

Strange to him
Not new to him
His favorite
His native food

84. I had been listening to the teacher before the bell ______.
is ringing
will ring

85. Robert: Does he brush his teeth every day?

Sally: Yes, he always ____ his teeth.

86. In baseball, the first ball of the season often _____ by the President.
was throwing
did throw
have thrown
is thrown

87. He walked _______ the path.


第 14 頁,共 17 頁
88. The diamond is a beautiful, brilliant gem. Although it is commonly used in engagement rings,
its greatest use is in industry. Today, the automotive industry is the main buyer uses for this
mineral in an automobile factory. According to this paragraph, ________
All diamonds are used in engagement rings
15 minerals are used in automobile factories
industrial diamonds are used in automobile factories
all diamonds are used in industry

89. Lee wants to register his letter.

drop the letter in the postbox
have the post office record it
put an airmail stamp on it
send it with some cash

90. In America, there was plenty of room for everybody for a hundred and fifty years. America
could take all those who chose to come. According to this paragraph, ______.
America is 150 years old
America chose to take everyone
there was living space for all who came
people stopped coming to coming to America after 150 years

91. The path is so narrow that ______.

I’m tired
I must walk behind you
It’s damaging my shoes
I can see for miles

92. You shouldn’t have much trouble getting around here.

Finding your way will be difficult.
Your movements here will be restricted.
You should be able to find your way.
You will get lost very easily.

93. When will you wind up the job?


94. Has anybody met the ____ scholar who is visiting our department today?

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had learned
has learned

95. The dead bank guard _____ three times in the chest.
had been stabbed
was stabbing
had stabbed
is stabbing

96. _____ Paul’s request for leave was in poor judgment.

To deny
Should deny

97. Don’t _____ that old shirt; it will make a good cleaning rag.

98. The woman was seized.


99. The silver vase is tarnished.


100. His perplexity during the discussion was evident.


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