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Manifesting Your Dreams

With EFT, SK, and More



Dr. Phillip Mountrose and Dr. Jane Mountrose

with EFT, SK, and More

Dr. Phillip Mountrose and Dr. Jane Mountrose

Holistic Communications
Arroyo Grande, California
What People are Saying About

Manifesting Your Dreams

with EFT, SK, and More

“The Mountroses’ Manifestation Program gives you the pieces that have been missing from
everything else you’ve ever tried. It has the ‘missing links’ that will help you climb to new
heights in your finances, relationships, career, personal development – or anything else you
really want.” -Craig Santini-G, International Success Coach

“Manifesting Your Dreams with EF, SK and More” is a powerful and complete program for
anyone interested in allowing greater levels of abundance, joy, and soul connection into their
lives. The emphasis on aligning with one’s soul purpose will bring great joy, and the tech-
niques for releasing blockages provide a powerful way of moving beyond resistance.”
--Stephen Chroniak
Yoga Teacher

“This is the best, cleanest, down-to-earth material manifestation I’ve ever read!”
--Mikaya Heart
Author of A Different Rhythm

“A very helpful program, as for many years I have been told to ‘focus’ and ‘manifest,’ but no
one told me how to go about it. This is clear and concise information on how to manifest
one’s life.” --Samuel Turner
Holistic Therapist

“I recommend this program to help people know how to attain what makes them happy and
what they want out of life. It helps in achieving long-term and short-term goals; knowing how
you start and get the ball rolling; and having enough patience, when you need it, to wait to
get there.” --Tak Matsuda

“This material is very helpful to focus your goals into reality. It gives us the tools to use over
and over.” --Ginny Matsuda
Office Manager

“The healing work that I did helped me release the lifelong resentment I held towards my
mother. I now can understand that she did the best that she could. I was also able to mani-
fest my ‘dream job.’ Thank you for all your help and support.” --Martha Jiminez

“I discovered hidden blockages and old beliefs about my self image and real estate sales peo-
ple. This is useful because I now know I can have a career and still be a spiritual person. I’m
now clear that I can give myself permission to prosper as a real estate agent or other career
and continue on my spiritual journey. --Tonia Neumann
Small Business Administrator

“I value these techniques for manifesting, and seeing how easy it is. I also reaffirmed that we
are co-creators with the universe. These are wonderful tools to share with people, too, and
they are lots of fun.” --Nikki Wood

“The Manifestation Process is amazing! Also, much to my surprise, I discovered that my con-
cept of having a relationship was sabotaging me from having a successful practice. I was able
to resolve that problem and cut that cord. This information empowers the individual to create
their dreams.” --Sharon Williamson
Registered Nurse

“These techniques helped clear my worries about money. Seeing the principles of manifesta-
tion in print as reminders of what to focus on is also very helpful.” --Anna Easter

“The concept of manifestation is not new to me, or to most people. I have endeavored to ap-
ply principals of manifestation for several years, without much success. However, it all finally
clicked for me with this program. The new concepts I learned at the Manifestation Program …
clicked better than they ever could have trying them by myself. I cannot begin to illustrate for
you the opportunities that have presented themselves to me in the last 18 months, and I now
try to share what I have learned with others at every opportunity. My life will never be the
same. Thank you!” --Matthew Davis

“Now I know the miracle of manifestation and that it works! I used to manifest too many of
my worries and anger. Now I know how to manifest through hope and confidence. I no longer
feel alone and know the universe is helping me.” --Martie Johnson
Spiritual Intuitive

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this book. Your purchases support the Awakenings Institute, a non-profit religious organization, in its
mission of helping people to realize their true potential. For more about Awakenings, refer to the end of
this book.

If you have associates who are interested in this book, please refer them to Awakenings website at to purchase their own copies.


P.O. Box 279, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Version 1.1
Copyright © 2007, Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose.

No part of this e-book, in part or in full, may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system, without the express written
consent of Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose, except in the case of brief quotations used in articles
and reviews.

Publisher’s Disclaimer

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Spiritual Kinesiology (SK), the guided visualizations,
and the other healing methods described in this book have helped many people to make posi-
tive changes in their lives, but there is no guarantee they will work for you. We do not rec-
ommend substituting these techniques for the professional services of a doctor, psychologist
or psychiatrist. Please consult your medical health professionals regarding their use.
These are self-help and self-healing techniques, and you are in control of their use. As
such, you have sole responsibility when you use them. If you do not wish to be bound by this
disclaimer, you may return this book with proof of purchase to the publisher for a full refund.
Table of Contents

FOREWORD ..................................................................................................................................ix

OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................... 1
Having a Fabulous Life........................................................................................................................... 1
The Field of Infinite Possibilities............................................................................................................. 2
Love Versus Fear................................................................................................................................... 3
Key Steps for Manifestation.................................................................................................................... 4
Adding EFT and SK ................................................................................................................................ 7
Accessing Higher Vibrations with a Pendulum .......................................................................................... 9
The Manifestation Roadmap ................................................................................................................... 9
Committing to Your Dreams .................................................................................................................. 11
Awakenings’ Master Spirit Community ................................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER ONE: SETTING YOUR COURSE......................................................................................... 13

Propelling Yourself Forward ................................................................................................................. 13
Getting Out of the Crowd and Taking Command ...................................................................................... 14
Aligning Yourself with High Vibrations................................................................................................... 17
The Healing Journey ............................................................................................................................ 17
Raising Your Vibrations with EFT........................................................................................................... 19
Bringing Alignment Fully into Your Body ............................................................................................... 21
Releasing Entanglements with EFT........................................................................................................ 23
Taking the Driver’s Seat ....................................................................................................................... 26

CHAPTER TWO: OPENING TO THE SOUL'S REALITY ................................................................................ 27

Understanding Your Purpose ................................................................................................................ 28

Accessing Your Universal Home with Soul Centering............................................................................... 29

Staying Connected............................................................................................................................... 33
The Twelve Principles of Manifestation.................................................................................................. 35
Beware the Empty Façade of Cheerfulness ............................................................................................ 38
Enhancing the Manifestation Principles with Soul Awareness and EFT..................................................... 38
Developing a Soulful Homing Thought .................................................................................................. 41
Deeper Issues..................................................................................................................................... 42

CHAPTER THREE: BRINGING THE SOUL'S REALITY DOWN TO EARTH ..................................................... 43

Our Experience ................................................................................................................................... 44
The Anatomy of Setting Goals .............................................................................................................. 45
The Spiritual Path Process ................................................................................................................... 49
Opening to Your Soul’s True Longings .................................................................................................. 51
The Four Levels for Goal Setting........................................................................................................... 53
Creating a Focus List ........................................................................................................................... 57
What to Expect.................................................................................................................................... 59

CHAPTER FOUR: TRANFORMING INTERFERENCE.................................................................................... 61

Overcoming Fears and Limiting Beliefs.................................................................................................. 61
The Importance of Healing, the Missing Ingredient ................................................................................ 62
Clearing, Integrating, and Activating ..................................................................................................... 64
Getting to Know Your Limitations .......................................................................................................... 65
Clearing the Fast and Easy Way............................................................................................................ 66
Body Awareness and Clearing............................................................................................................... 67
Using the Manifestation Checklist – a Powerful Resource........................................................................ 69
Examples of Clearing Interference......................................................................................................... 70
What Money Represents ...................................................................................................................... 72
Listening to the Whispers .................................................................................................................... 75

CHAPTER FIVE: LEAVING THE PAST BEHIND .......................................................................................... 77

Leaving the Past Behind with the Reframing Process.............................................................................. 78
Delving Deeper into the Past................................................................................................................ 82
Creating a Bright Future by Changing History with EFT ........................................................................... 82
The Bigger Picture of the Past.............................................................................................................. 87

CHAPTER SIX: ENLISTING THE SUPPORT OF THE UNIVERSE .................................................................. 89

Asking for What you Want .................................................................................................................... 90
Your Menu of Possibilities.................................................................................................................... 90
Cosmic Ordering .................................................................................................................................. 91
Creating Your Celestial Communication System....................................................................................... 92
Hiring the Heavens .............................................................................................................................. 99
The Manifestation Process ................................................................................................................. 100
Creating the Manifestation Map........................................................................................................... 103
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 104

CHAPTER SEVEN: OPENING TO NEW OPPORTUNITIES.......................................................................... 107

Taking Action .................................................................................................................................... 109
Making Your Dreams a Reality ............................................................................................................ 110
Appreciating the Journey.................................................................................................................... 115
The Success Expansion Process.......................................................................................................... 117
Awakenings’ Master Spirit Community ................................................................................................. 119
Concluding Thoughts ......................................................................................................................... 121

APPENDIX A: USING EFT............................................................................................................ 123

How EFT Works.................................................................................................................................. 123
Steps in the EFT Short Sequence ........................................................................................................ 123

APPENDIX B: USING KINESIOLOGY .............................................................................................. 125

Preparation....................................................................................................................................... 125
Arm Testing with Two People.............................................................................................................. 126
Self-Testing ...................................................................................................................................... 127
Interpreting Your Results ................................................................................................................... 128

APPENDIX C: SK REFRAMING AND ANCHORING .................................................................................... 129

What is SK?....................................................................................................................................... 129
Steps in the Reframing and Anchoring Process .................................................................................... 130

APPENDIX D: USING A PENDULUM...............................................................................................131

Measuring Positive Vibrations and Negative Vibrations......................................................................... 131
Answering Yes-No Questions.............................................................................................................. 132

APPENDIX E: RESOURCES...........................................................................................................133
References ....................................................................................................................................... 133
EFT Resources from Holistic Communications ...................................................................................... 134
Websites .......................................................................................................................................... 135
More From Holistic Communications.................................................................................................... 135
E-Books............................................................................................................................................ 136
Other Books...................................................................................................................................... 137
Free Soul News and Awakenings E-News Email newsletters .................................................................. 137

ABOUT THE AUTHORS................................................................................................................139

Certification Courses.......................................................................................................................... 139
Classes and Courses .......................................................................................................................... 141
Personal Consultations ...................................................................................................................... 141
Awakenings Institute and the Worldiwde Master Spirit community ......................................................... 141

ORDER FORM............................................................................................................................143

Dreams are magical. The very essence of individual experience begins with dreaming about
something beyond what we have; something beyond our immediate reach. We all have
dreams. It starts at a very young age, maybe even before we are conscious about it, but even-
tually we know there are dreams. I can remember daydreaming often as a child. I had a favor-
ite big rock in our pasture where I would lay and watch the clouds go by as the delicious
warm summer rays of sun tickled my face. I would spend hours lost in daydreaming. Dream-
ing of the man I would someday meet to sweep me off my feet. Dreaming of the life I would
lead of travel and adventure. Dreaming of the home I would create.
Dreaming is second nature to all of us. It’s deep within our soul and is ever-present. We
would not have created anything without dreaming of it first. Sometimes as we grow older we
mistakenly fall into the trap of feeling guilty about dreaming as if there is something immature
or selfish about it. We are told to put aside our childhood fantasies. We may even believe that
it is better not to dream lest we be disappointed. To the contrary if we set aside our dreaming
we stop growing. Any accomplishment of mankind, big or small, began with dreaming. We
can call them something more mature; goals, aspirations, desires, visions. Regardless of the
name, they are still all dreams inspired by our need to reach beyond ourselves.
How do dreams become reality versus fantasy? Every one of us has indulged in dreaming
that we know will turn out to be nothing more than wishful thinking. But even though we are
aware it is fantasy it is still fun to think of the what if’s. What if I found a million dollars?
What if I was given the keys to that big mansion? What if I became the president of the com-
pany? It’s great entertainment to explore daydreams in your head. Likewise we have all had
the experience of believing in a goal so firmly that nothing would stand in the way. We knew
that fulfillment was only a matter of time. Whatever dreams we have they either turn into fan-
tasy or turn into reality. What determines this? How can we get what we want?
I remember going through a phase in my thirty’s of adopting the dreams that would create
a certain social status and being mesmerized by how things were “supposed” to look. The big
house, the nice car, the clothes were all part of the program. The movement at that time was
to replace your dreams with a pre-formulated template and approach. I noticed an interesting
shift in my attitude at that time. Everything became goal oriented and routine activities were
under scrutiny to remove any frivolous aspect. You scheduled parties with friends for the goal
of unwinding. You scheduled evenings with your mate for the goal of spending quality time.
Exercise was only done on a schedule for the precise goal of getting your heart rate up to
eighty percent of maximum. Measurable goals, that’s what we wanted and it was fun for a

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
FOREWORD Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More x

while but at some point I realized we can become so distracted by programmed aspirations
that we can get caught in the proverbial rat race and lose touch with our dreams, frivolous or
Another shift occurred as I entered my forties and my dreams took on a deeper origina-
tion, that of the soul. It became clear to me that we are on a journey with an express purpose,
a meaning, that begs to be explored and that many of our dreams are actually a calling from
our soul. We long to find purpose but purpose can only be found deep within ourselves. At
various times throughout our lives we hear the inner stirring urging us to go within and find
out what our soul is asking for. It may be at mundane moments such as washing dishes or
commuting to work, or during profound life-changing experiences but inevitably the calling of
our soul comes forth.
Whether we are merely entertaining ourselves with wishful thinking or answering a call
from our soul it all begins with dreaming. Through our imagination there is no boundary that
can’t be explored. The book you are holding in your hands gently persuades you to lift off any
dream restrictions you may have and to take the time to ask yourself some very important
questions. What do you long for? What makes you happy? What makes your heart sing? What
will it take to make your life more joyful?
The Mountroses have taken an incredibly complex topic and boiled it down to the essen-
tials and laid out a step by step plan to manifest your dreams. They encourage the reader to
dust off their dreams big and small, frivolous or not and dare to explore their soul desires at
the deepest level.
Fulfillment of your dreams is a natural process. Understanding this process and making it
part of your everyday life is easier than you think. This book presents the manifestation proc-
ess in a simple, straightforward approach. You’ll be amazed as your dreams come into focus
with laser-like precision and life takes on a whole new perspective. You may find that dream-
ing will once again be a favorite pastime and in fact, essential to your growth.
Is there magic in dreaming? Just wait and see!

Jean Slatter
Naturopath, Senior Minister of Holistic Healing, and
Founder of the Creative Mystic Certification Program
Loomis, California,

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Climb high. Climb far.

Your goal the sky; your aim the star.

Do you want to create a healthy, abundant, and joyful life? Do you want to know why you’re
here and what your unique gifts are? Do you want to have the opportunity for these gifts to
blossom in amazing ways? If so, ask yourself this: “Are you willing to do what it takes to
make this happen?” If your answer is “yes,” this book is for you. It provides a concise road-
map that you can follow to manifest your dreams and create genuine fulfillment in every way.


We all dream of having a fabulously wonderful life. It’s an exciting and creative part of being
human. Unfortunately, most people lack an effective plan. They dream of becoming rich and
living happily ever after, and for many, winning the lottery is their only strategy. With the
odds being overwhelmingly against them, this is clearly not an effective approach. For those
who do win, studies show that lottery winners frequently lose their fortunes within a few
years, or wish they hadn’t won. We would submit that this is because they are unaware of
the principles of manifestation we present here. Their goals are not aligned with their life pur-
pose and their approach relies on nothing more than wishful thinking.
You may have read about the law of attraction, “The Secret,” and other
approaches to manifesting your dreams. Even these approaches may have left you with
more questions than answers. What makes this book different? We have found some critical
missing pieces and practical applications for the manifestation roadmap through extensive
research, our own experiences over two decades, and the life-changing experiences of hun-
dreds of our clients and students who have followed this approach.
This roadmap is comprehensive, with the potential of taking you light years beyond where
you have gone before … into the most profound recesses of your awareness and the highest
reaches of the cosmos. It transcends normal ways of being, focusing on helping your to claim
your rightful place within the synchronous flow of the universe, where you can discover your

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 2

true purpose and connect with your infinite potential to bring it fully into your reality.
This manifestation roadmap recognizes that we create our reality in each moment and, in
this moment, we are the result of our creation so far. Wherever this puts you on the map, if
you haven’t produced the life of your dreams thus far, you have the opportunity to open to
doing something decidedly different from what you have done in the past, something that will
produce dramatically different results, and create a fabulously fulfilling life.
Knowing that you have already been trying to create a better life, this may sound discour-
aging at first. Actually, the opposite is true. If the state of your life was just the result of a se-
ries of random events that have brought you to this moment, you would be powerless to
change course. Recognizing that the universe is synchronous and that you are responsible for
what you create is empowering. What you have created, you can change. Taking responsibil-
ity means taking command of your life. It provides an opportunity for you to realize your pur-
pose, evolve spiritually, create something that is truly magnificent, and appreciate the many
blessings life brings.
Once you take command, even the most challenging and seemingly impossible situations
start to shift as you open to realms of infinite possibilities. If you are feeling overwhelmed by
your situation, take heart. This book is for you.


The version of reality we present here may stretch your thinking and we hope that it will do so
in an illuminating, magical, and joyful way. Considering the transformational nature of the
subject, we would find it difficult to address it without acknowledging the existence of the
vast realms of spirit. The terminology we use is spiritual, but if you don’t relate to your reality
in exactly the same way, don’t get hung up on words. The universe will interact with you in
whatever way you understand it. Whether you believe that God and angels are guiding and
assisting you from the higher realms or if you take a more scientific perspective following
quantum physics, believing that everything is energy and that you can shift energy, you can
manifest the life of your dreams. You can use this program even if you are not sure. You just
have to be open and allow yourself to explore what works for you.
For our purposes, we call the eternal part of the self that has a plan for our life the soul.
Some people relate to different terminology, like innate intelligence, true self or inner execu-
tive. If you relate more to business terms, by all means, use them. We encourage you to
translate our words into whatever terminology works for you to create a clear picture of reality
as you understand it.

The true power of this approach transcends the words we use to describe it. It lies in the
followings elements:
• Accessing the level of reality where your infinite potential exists
• Connecting with your soul, your true divine self, as your guide, and learning the
nature of your life purpose

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 3

• Drawing upon the full support of the universe in realizing this purpose in
unimaginably wonderful ways
• Clearing blockages like stuck emotions, limiting beliefs, and judgments of yourself that
interfere with fully aligning with the wonderful life you long to create
• Allowing your life to flow with ease and joy

We start with the recognition that we are more than our physical bodies. The French mys-
tic Teilhard de Chardin described us as spiritual beings having a human experience. If this is
true, there must be more to this physical reality than meets the eye. Beyond the physical di-
mension, we are, in fact, multi-dimensional beings flowing in a sea of universal life force en-
ergy. It is from this sea of energy that our reality and our creations emerge. When our feel-
ings, thoughts, and actions are in alignment with the truth of who we are spiritually, we are in
the synchronous flow. When they are not, we meet resistance. As Deepak Chopra said in his
book Creating Affluence, “The universe is truly a symphony of the stars. And when our body-
mind is in synch with this symphony, everything is spontaneous and effortless, and the exu-
berance of the universe flows through us in joyful ecstasy.”
The life force energy around us can be likened to the spiritual air we breathe. When we
are in synch with the universe, we are aligned with high vibrations, or good vibes, which are
positive. When we are out of synch, we connect with low vibrations or bad vibes, which are
negative. The higher the resonance of your vibrational field, the more you are aligned with the
synchronous flow of the universe and the field of infinite possibilities. With this crucial under-
standing, you want to aim for the highest possible vibrations to propel yourself forward toward
the life of your dreams.


Stated simply, there are two basic energies: love and fear. High vibrations stem from love and
low vibrations stem from fear. The high, loving vibrations are directly related to being on the
path to fulfilling your true purpose in life. Each of us is here for a reason, to realize the soul’s
true purpose. Though a soulful focus may sound esoteric, it is actually quite simple and ex-
ceedingly important.

The soul’s calling can be found in your greatest heartfelt joy and excitement. Key points:
• When you pursue the inner joy and excitement of the soul, you feel loving, open, and
alive. You are following your true calling. You feel happy and energized by the high
vibrations you are generating. Love allows you to feel good about yourself and seek
inner fulfillment. You are a free spirit who can step out of the crowd to follow your
own path and create an extraordinary life.
• When you ignore the calling of the soul, you feel fearful, stuck, and depressed. You
are following the limited perspective of the wounded ego and your soul’s calling is
repressed by the low vibrations you are generating. You feel unsure of yourself and

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 4

seek others’ approval as a way to feel better. Fear prevents you from trying something
different, so you follow the norm, and lead an ordinary life.

With this in mind, it makes sense to set a course that aligns you with your soul’s greatest
joys and the highest vibrations you can muster. In his book A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle de-
scribes joy as the sense of aliveness that emerges when the creative power of the universe
becomes conscious of itself. “Through enjoyment, you link into that universal creative power
itself.” The phenomenon of suffering and waiting for a better time or whatever the excuse is to
follow our true joy and excitement is a trap we fall into when we are not consciously in com-
mand of our lives.
Wherever you are now, you can open to the infinite. You have the opportunity today, right
this minute, to set your course and create an extraordinarily magical and joyful life.


As mentioned, this book provides a complete and concise roadmap that will take you where
you want to go, so you need to become intimately familiar with the territory.

We start with an overview of the elements of this roadmap for realizing your dreams.
1. Set your course.
2. Open to the heartfelt reality of the soul.
3. Bring the soul’s reality down to earth.
4. Transform interference.
5. Leave the past behind.
6. Enlist the full support of the universe.
7. Open to new opportunities.

You will explore these steps in detail in the chapters that follow this overview. Together,
they produce a powerful synergy that can draw amazingly wonderful changes into your life.

The Manifestation Roadmap

As a roadmap, it is critically important that you follow all of these steps systematically to pro-
duce the best results.

The steps in the manifestation roadmap are defined by the chapters of this book.
• Chapter One, Setting Your Course: Map in hand, the journey begins in Chapter One
with placing your hands firmly on the wheel and taking control of the direction in
which your life is going. While most people are reacting to the events of their lives

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 5

rather than taking charge of them, you need to be firmly in command. The simple act
of stepping out of the crowd and taking control will change your life forever.
• Chapter Two, Opening to the Heartfelt Reality of the Soul: Choose love over fear and
explore your soul’s universal home, where you can discover your divine purpose and
life’s most profound mysteries. Focus frequently on the higher, soulful levels of your
awareness where anything is possible, and create a firm foundation for realizing your
dreams with the Twelve Principles of Manifestation. These principles include
illuminating qualities such as expectancy, honor, love, and gratitude.
You cannot know exactly where the evolutionary journey will take you. As you
connect with your soul and the synchronous flow of the universe, you will realize that
this is part of the magic. You cannot possibly know all of the forces that are at play in
your life and around the world, but the synchronous flow of the universe will know
how to best connect your dreams and purposes with the full range of possibilities that
exist for you. From our experience, the results are generally better and more amazing
than we could have imagined from our limited perspectives.
• Chapter Three, Bringing the Soul’s Reality Down to Earth: Now you translate your
soul’s callings into goals for the creation of your dreams. The focus here is on making
the process joyful, so you will learn the secrets to creating a reality that supports you
in manifesting with joy and ease.
We all know that simply having more of the trappings of success doesn’t produce
fulfillment. The soul’s elevated awareness understands what is genuinely fulfilling for
you and you can access this awareness as you set your goals. With an understanding
of where you want to go, you can determine precisely what you want to create, with a
focus on aligning your goals with your soul’s true purpose and genuine fulfillment.
An important key here is to put your goals in writing to make them concrete.
Goals clarify your desires, provide direction, and strengthen your commitment. And to
create the greatest joy, you can include items related to all aspects of your life: physi-
cal, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
• Chapter Four, Transforming Interference: This is one of the often overlooked elements
for creating the life of your dreams. Energetic interference in the form of painful
emotions, limiting beliefs and judgments about yourself can create substantial
roadblocks in your path. Rather than spinning your wheels or running into a brick
wall, many of these obstacles can be easily removed with EFT and the other healing
tools in this book. This includes clearing limitations like insecurity, fear of failure,
feelings of not deserving the best, feeling that your situation is impossible, and more.
This chapter provides a checklist for pinpointing such issues, along with several
powerful processes for clearing them.
To some, clearing may seem like a deviation when you want to focus your atten-
tion on manifesting your dreams. It is important to realize that addressing the road-
blocks along the way is how we learn about ourselves and advance on the spiritual
journey. It is also the fastest way forward. Clearing interference accelerates the proc-
ess, reducing the limiting impact of the wounded ego and increasing the expansive

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 6

presence of the soul. Without clearing, progress can easily come to a standstill, and
we want you to succeed.
In addition to helping with manifestation, clearing blockages is an integral part of
life’s evolutionary journey, and we cannot shortcut this process. Releasing fears and
perceived limitations opens us to more love, joy and other positive qualities discussed
throughout this program.
• Chapter Five, Leaving the Past Behind: In his book Being in Balance, Wayne Dyer
recommends letting go of one’s personal history, which is precisely what this chapter
is about. Freeing ourselves from the limitations of the past is critical, because many of
us gauge our potential in the future on perceived limitations from the past. Here we
explore the space-time continuum and provide ways to transcend any perceived limi-
tations that could restrict your possibilities moving forward. This essential element is
both freeing and enlightening, as you explore how your past, present, and future are
all connected and clear the path to a bright future.
Along with clearing internal blockages, you can also focus on eliminating old stuff
out from your closets, file cabinets, and drawers. Holding onto old stuff that no longer
serves you is like lugging around old ways of being. Leave the old stuff behind and
bring in the new. This releases stuck energy that you can use to manifest your dreams.
• Chapter Six, Enlisting the Support of the Universe: This is where you engage the in-
visible realms in the creation of your dreams. What could be more powerful? Now you
can truly align your goals with the power of the universe and make them concrete.
The methods presented in this chapter exponentially increase your effectiveness by
matching each of your activities here in this reality with requests for assistance from
above. These methods connect you even more strongly with your power to create, so
you can clearly sense, see, and feel your manifestations coming into being.
You can learn about the Manifestation Map here. By delineating your desires and
using all the components of this energetic map, you infuse your creations with even
more clarity, conviction, and energetic support.
• Chapter Seven, Opening to New Opportunities: Once you have taken all the steps to
set your dreams into action, it’s time to open to the different opportunities that may
emerge. Expect that your manifestations are happening in a perfect way and let go of
any specific notions of how this will occur. Open to the infinite. Your dreams may
come to pass in surprising ways that even exceed your expectations. In our instant
gratification society, it is also important to recognize that results will come in their
own time, which may not be yours.
It is critical at this stage to take appropriate action. Watch for new opportunities to
make your goals a reality. This may include taking specific steps, learning lessons, re-
ceiving information that can lead you in new directions, and looking at your situation
in new ways.

Staying connected with your soul’s reality helps you in three key ways, recognizing when:
1. You are on the right track

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 7

2. Your desired timing needs to be adjusted

3. The desired manifestation is not in alignment with your purpose.
Focus on the wonders of the journey. Ultimately, the most important thing is being con-
nected with the synchronous flow of life and appreciating the deeper significance of each
You will find transformational processes throughout this book that will help you to deepen
your awareness, clarify your direction, and release limitations. The key is to be open to learn-
ing more about your true identity, to reach below the surface of your awareness to bring into
focus the larger picture of who you really are and why you are here.


Ask yourself this: “Do I want the greatest success with manifestation in the shortest amount
of time?” “Do I want to have more joy and excitement in my life now rather than at some time
in the distant future?” If you answer “yes” to these questions, the key is in clearing the block-
ages that stand between you and your goals. Some people wait a lifetime for painful feelings
and self-imposed limitations to clear so they can be free to realize their dreams. Even people
who meditate regularly find that old stuck emotions and limiting beliefs hang on for years and
years. This is because these blockages are so deeply buried in the recesses of the mind that
even the most positive intentions won’t shift them.

Why wait when you can clear the limitations

that are holding you back now and move forward
with more joy and ease?

It makes sense to quickly release anything that is limiting you, to propel you forward and cre-
ate the life of your dreams. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and SK (Spiritual Kinesiol-
ogy) are two methods we use regularly with our clients, our students, and ourselves. Both are
so quick and easy that it can be hard to believe that they could work, but they do in most
cases. There are, of course, no absolute guarantees that they will work for you, but both can
most likely supercharge your results by quickly clearing the energetic blockages that may be
holding you back.

About EFT

You may already know how to use EFT and this book provides a number of opportunities to
use it to make amazing changes in your life. For those who are not familiar with EFT, we offer
this introduction drawn from our book Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT:
You are about to explore some emotional clearing techniques that many consider
a modern miracle. They are based on a series of discoveries that some psycholo-
gists consider to be among the most important breakthroughs in their field in the
twentieth century. EFT is a group of techniques that just about anyone can learn

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 8

to use to release the stuck emotions that prevent them from experiencing happi-
ness and moving forward toward their goals in life. These techniques were de-
veloped in and introduced in 1995 by Gary Craig and Adrienne Fowlie, based on
the work of psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan.
In its short history, EFT has already helped thousands of people with a vast ar-
ray of common emotions, including stress and anxiety, anger and frustration,
depression, all kinds of fears and phobias, negative memories and inner child is-
sues, self-doubt, guilt, grief, confusion, and just about any other emotion imag-
inable. … There are almost countless examples of people who have recovered
with ease from emotions that have disturbed them for years using EFT.
EFT is one of a number of meridian-based techniques that are now being developed
worldwide. It works by simply tapping on a series of points on the body that correspond to
acupuncture points in the energy meridian system. Fortunately, you don’t have to know any-
thing about the meridian system to use EFT; you just have to remember where to tap and we
present the EFT Short Sequence in Appendix A for new users.
If EFT is new to you, you may want to experiment with it as you continue to read this
book. You will find lots of case histories and opportunities to explore this wonderful method.
We compare it to being like superman; when we have something that is disturbing us, wher-
ever we are, just as Clark Kent steps into a phone booth and comes out as a completely dif-
ferent person, we can go into any restroom and come out transformed. Imagine how empow-
ering a technique that does this can be in your life.
This book also provides opportunities for experienced EFT users to add more tools to their
repertoires. You will also find a number of processes using EFT and SK, which is described
next, that are amazingly effective for practitioners to use with clients who want to create the
lives of their dreams.

About SK

Spiritual Kinesiology (SK) is another wonderful set of healing tools that we have developed
based on the fine work of Carl Carpenter. You can use these tools to transcend the unresolved
emotions, limiting beliefs, and judgments that we all encounter on the journey through life,
and specifically in the realization of your dreams and goals. Kinesiology, commonly called
muscle testing, can detect energetic blockages that you are ready to release and locate imbal-
ances that are completely unconscious, so you can release them and move forward with ease.
Once you know what you want to clear, SK also includes a healing process we call R&A (Re-
framing and Anchoring), which, like the EFT Short Sequence, can quickly and easily clear a
number of blockages. We use R&A and EFT interchangeably.
If you are unfamiliar with SK, you can find a description of how to muscle test in Appen-
dix B and how to do R&A in Appendix C. We will refer to ways that you can use these meth-
ods throughout this book.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 9

Guided Visualizations

You will notice that this book goes beyond the basic use of EFT and SK with visualizations
that help you to access information from your deeper awareness and connect with the higher
realms. In addition to providing these visualizations in written form here, we have created
audios of guided versions with background music that allow you to relax and experience the
processes. These audios are designed for people who find listening to the guided visualiza-
tions easier than reading through them in the book. They can help you to benefit even more
from the information presented here.

Seeking Assistance

It is worth mentioning here that there are times in all of our lives when we need to have help
from others to address challenges that are holding us back. Over the years, while we have
both become effective at clearing many of our own blockages, there are times when we need
to go deeper with the assistance of each other or another skilled practitioner. This is not a
sign of failure; it simply means that we all sometimes need support and the insight others can
offer. You can find information about personal consultations at the end of this book.


The pendulum is a dowsing tool that can be used for measuring vibrations, receiving answers
to questions, and even clearing blockages. With this wonderful tool, you can witness subtle
energy at play and determine how different thoughts and feelings affect your vibrations.
We have had the good fortune of meeting Sheila Hollingshead, who has taken the use of
the pendulum as a tool for creating the life of your dreams to amazing heights. Throughout
this book, we share tidbits of wisdom from her book Energy Therapy, Healing Your Life and
Body, along with ideas for ways that people who use pendulums can measure vibrations,
clear blockages, and more. Though teaching you how to use a pendulum is beyond the scope
of this book, we provide information on the system we have learned from Hollingshead and
her book in Appendix D. Learning to use a pendulum effectively takes practice, and it is well
worth the effort.


As you prepare to get into the nuts and bolts of creating the life of your dreams, know that
you alone hold the keys to your success. We provide the map, which works well if you follow
it. We have been using and developing these methods for nearly twenty years. In the process,
we have achieved the goals we initially set out with in 1988 and more. Our lives have blos-
somed in amazing ways that we could not have imagined. Many others have likewise pro-
duced extraordinary results with this program.
Your future is in your hands. Methodically following the stages itemized here will defi-
nitely transform your life. They will help you to maximize your efforts by enlisting the highest

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 10

octane of vibrational fuel to propel you forward into a bright future. We recommend devoting
a period of time to each stage, so you have a good grasp of it, then move on to the next one.
You may, for instance, decide to spend a week on setting your course, creating time each day
to focus on getting yourself firmly on track for moving to the next stage. If you can’t spend
time each day, you may decide to spend a couple of weeks on each stage, still creating time
at regular intervals to get on track.
As you focus on the whole picture, you may be sensing that this journey is more of a way
of life than a one-time process. It is a way of life, and it is an exciting one. When you joyfully
follow your heart’s desire, knowing that you are on track to fulfill your true purpose, life be-
comes an exciting journey into the mystical unknown, where you look forward to what each
day may bring, knowing that magical things can happen and your creations can take unex-
pectedly wonderful forms. This is the ultimate experience of being alive, being in the moment,
and riding the wave of the synchronicities that actively creating your dreams set in motion.

Suspending Judgment and Staying Positive

One of the most important parts of this journey is appreciating yourself and the steps that
have led you to this moment. People sometimes tell us that they feel like they have wasted
years of their lives being off track, believing they should have learned a lot of things sooner.
Or they may feel that their situation is impossible, that their lives are spinning so wildly out of
control that they don’t stand a chance of getting back in balance. Or they may have invested
so many years pursuing a specific direction that they are reluctant to change course, even
though their current approach is not producing results.
It’s kind of like holding on to a bad investment hoping that someday it will turn around
and pay off. As avid investors ourselves, we know this strategy doesn’t work. Sometimes you
just have to take a loss and move on. At the same time, realize that from a higher perspec-
tive, no time is wasted on the journey to wholeness.

Everything is happening in perfect time,

and if you choose to make this your time for change,
you can soulfully create the life of your dreams.

The past is behind you: the only choice is to go forward. Whatever your specific chal-
lenges, this book offers an opportunity to progress wisely and joyfully. You have the opportu-
nity to invest your energy in an approach that will start to pay off as soon as you set your
course, and continue to pay off more and more as you follow it. When we are connected with
the synchronous flow of life, we understand that each of us is precisely where we should be.
Judging and blaming ourselves or staying fixed on an old way of being that doesn’t support us
only lowers our vibrations, and limits our possibilities. We need to align ourselves with vibra-
tions that release limitation, not hold on to it.

On this journey, there is no failure,

only increasing degrees of success. We need to get
into the positive flow and stay in it.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 11

We also need to realize that our limited minds can’t see the big picture. The wounded
ego, which is disconnected from the wholeness of the soul, does not understand the synchro-
nous flow of the universe. It might believe that it can figure things out, but it lacks overview.
Something that could seem like a setback to the wounded ego may, from a more soulful per-
spective, actually be an opportunity to view things differently and adjust one’s course. What
we see as a failure may actually be a learning experience. Or it may be that our desired timing
is not in alignment with the flow.
We would be the first to admit that on many occasions our goals have not happened
when we wanted or in the ways our limited thinking would have wished. Yet, in retrospect,
we can see that the timing and the ways they have come into being have been perfect, even
better than we could have expected. For example, we can see now that the release of many of
our offerings had to be timed with the emergence of the internet, which has allowed us to
connect with likeminded people all around the world. While we would have liked some things
to happen sooner, we can see now that the timing was perfect and the results have magically
exceeded our expectations.
Having developed and incorporated this approach over several decades, we feel intimately
connected with the synchronous flow of life and our souls’ true purposes. We revisit each of
the steps discussed in this book regularly, refining our goals, reaching higher, and realizing
more of our dreams. By opening to synchronicity, we now realize that we could not have
planned our lives as well as they have turned out so far. We just keep setting out to take our
next steps and allow our manifestations to evolve according to the divine plan.
Our examples, along with others who have used this approach, validate its effectiveness.
What will be the most meaningful to you, of course, is applying this roadmap to your life.


Now that you have an overview of the approach, it is essential to enlist the full resources of
your heart and soul to make your dreams a reality. The following pages provide the keys to
unlocking the doors to the realization of your true desires and the tools you need to accelerate
your spiritual development. They can connect you fully with the joyous, loving essence of your
being and put you on the path to genuine fulfillment. Only you can do it, so your full com-
mitment to your journey is required.
In our society, which promotes taking the right pills to instantaneously solve all of life’s
problems, we are not trained to commit. We are programmed to follow authority. We all have
been influenced by this programming, which can be quite subtle and unconscious. As you
move forward, bargaining with the price severely limits your possibilities.

Rather than asking yourself what is the least amount you can do
to make this work for you, ask yourself this:
“What is the most I can do to realize my dreams?”

You have to be fully committed, even in the times when your dreams haven’t yet
emerged, and stay engaged to reap the rewards. Tony Robbins, perhaps the world’s most re-

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OVERVIEW Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 12

nowned self-improvement coach, believes that life tests our level of commitment to our
dreams and that the most magnificent rewards go to those who stay focused until their
dreams come true.
To start off on the right track, ask yourself this question and take a few minutes to really
think about it, because it could change your life.

Between one and ten, with ten being the highest possible degree
of commitment to your dreams, how committed are you to doing
what it takes to transform your life?

Are you ready and willing to step out of your habitual ways of thinking, doing, and being, and
take the chance that this program could actually work? Will you commit to staying with it af-
ter the novelty wears off? Can you see yourself doing something truly magnificent with your
life as a result?
It is important that you think about this, because your commitment forms the foundation
upon which you will build the life of your dreams. If you are not very committed, ask yourself
why? This will provide food for further exploration as you progress with the program.

Keep in mind that the greater your commitment,

the smoother the path ahead will be.

The future extends out before you and the decision of which path to follow is yours. Just re-
member, you need to do something different if you want to be someone different – someone
with more of life’s most fulfilling rewards, more abundance, more vibrant health, more ex-
citement, and more joy.


We encourage you to follow through with the tools you will find in this book and we are so
committed to this program that we are creating a worldwide Master Spirit Manifestation
Community to provide support in the realization of your dreams. You can find out more about
it and how you can become involved at the end of this book.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Setting Your Course

It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare,

it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.

The journey begins. The first step is to set your course for the road ahead. Just as a race
driver gets into the best possible shape and gets the car in its optimal condition for a race,
you first want to get yourself into the best possible condition to take full control of your life
and move optimally forward toward manifesting your dreams.

This chapter provides three important keys:

1. Getting out of the crowd and taking command of your life
2. Propelling yourself forward with higher vibrations
3. Removing roadblocks by releasing entanglements with people, organizations, and
ideas that could hold you back


The high octane fuel you need for manifesting your dreams is being your personal best, which
energetically is the highest vibration you can enlist in every moment. We all intuitively know
what good vibes and bad vibes are, but we rarely think of them as fuel for the journey through
life. High vibrations are fueled by positive thoughts and feelings about our lives and ourselves.
These uplifting thoughts and feelings create a sense that we have infinite possibilities.
Low vibrations are fueled by negative thoughts and feelings about our lives and ourselves.
These low vibrations create a sense that we have limited possibilities. We like to compare
being in these low vibrations to being stuck in the mud, where all you can do is wallow
around endlessly. As Albert Einstein once said, “You can never solve a problem on the level
on which it was created.” When you are stuck in the mud, you can’t see your way out and
you have few inner resources to guide you. You could likewise compare lifting yourself out of
these low vibes to rising above the fray to a higher place, like a lofty mountaintop. Here you

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 14

have a broad overview of your whole life and a clear connection with the synchronous flow of
the universe, along with access to the vast inner resources you need to guide you.
Imagery speaks more loudly than words, and we will be using it throughout this book,
both in the text and in the healing processes. Images that emerge from the deeper levels of
our awareness are holograms for our experience of this reality, so we will use them to help
you to receive insight.
For a moment, imagine yourself wallowing around, stuck in the mud, devoid of resources,
and notice how you feel. Now imagine rising out of it, drifting gently and safely upward to a
beautiful mountaintop where you are completely free and the air is clear and crisp. Notice
how you feel here.
You can probably connect with the feelings of being in the mud and the feelings of being
on the mountaintop even if you don’t think you can visualize. If exploring symbolic imagery is
new for you, just be open and playful like a child. Within you is a whole world waiting to be
explored. If you don’t usually see images, when we introduce imagery, focus on feelings,
sounds, and maybe even smells and tastes. Involving more of your senses strengthens im-
agery. Also, asking yourself how the image would look if you could see it often works.


Rather than being in the driver’s seat, fully in control of their lives, most people are simply
reacting to the events of their lives. This is a red flag that one is operating out of limitation,
rather than being an active creator of one’s life. To lead an extraordinary life, you want to get
out of the crowd and do something different from what most people are doing. This requires
an independent, adventurous spirit.

A Journey Through Your Life with the Car Metaphor

We will start our exploration of imagery with the metaphorical image of a car that is taking
you on your journey through life. We suggest spending a few moments exploring this meta-
phor now or sometime soon when you are in a quiet place where you can reflect. This meta-
phor is rich with imagery that can show you both areas of strength that you can build on and
areas of limitation that you can release.
In an example from one of Phillip’s sessions, Michelle found herself in a car that was very
comfortable and luxurious, with a big interior that was nicer than the cars she normally drove.
She was in the driver’s seat, with her cat and dog in the passenger’s seat. There was plenty of
gas, extra big tires that gripped the road well, and an engine that purred. She felt quite safe.
From these images, it initially looked like Michelle was ready to manifest the life of her
dreams. Everything seemed to be in order.
One problem, though, was that Michelle couldn’t see outside very well. When exploring
this fuzziness, Michelle felt the scenery was boring, with flat, monotonous buildings and unin-
teresting scenery. She wanted to travel along scenic routes, but had the notion that this bor-
ing road was where she had to go.

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SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 15

“Where do I really need to go?” she asked. “To a place where I can manifest the gifts I
brought into this world.” MIchelle realized that the fuzzy scenery had to do with a belief that
“life is a struggle.” She chose to let go of this belief, doing some EFT tapping on the struggle,
and asked for more fun in her life, so the route could be more enjoyable. She also realized
that there was a split between her enjoying her cat and dog inside the car, while feeling iso-
lated from the people and places outside the car. That was a deep issue that she planned to
address further with EFT and other energy healing tools.
You will probably find this metaphor rich with meaning, especially if you don’t take your-
self too seriously.

Your vehicle and your journey are uniquely interesting

and insightful. Have fun with them.

As mentioned earlier, you may recognize areas of strength you can build on, and if you don’t
take your foibles seriously, it will be much easier to simply acknowledge shortcomings and let
them go. This is where EFT shines. It can release limitations quickly and easily, without hav-
ing to wallow in them. Our limitations are just imaginary, after all, and we have the innate
ability to transcend them.
Bringing childlike wonder to this image and any image you explore in this book will help
you to open to the deeper levels of your awareness. With the car image, as with any image,
you want to bypass your rational mind, slow down a bit with a few deep breaths, and open to
allowing messages to emerge. Before continuing, have a paper and pen handy to jot down
what you notice with this image. Writing itself can help you to access information from your
unconscious, and it will also come in handy for review. Just let the words flow out on paper
and see what happens. It can be quite illuminating.
• Close your eyes and imagine yourself inside a vehicle that is driving through life.
Notice what the car is like and what the roadway is like. Just be open to whatever you
might perceive, accepting whatever that comes into your mind, without doubting it,
analyzing it, or trying to change it. You may see an image in your mind’s eye, hear a
voice that describes the scene, feel feelings, and/or notice smells that relate to the
image. If you cannot see the scene, ask yourself what it would look like if you could
see it. Take a moment to jot down everything you notice with all of your senses.
• Now ask yourself who is in the driver’s seat and notice what comes to mind. Often,
someone else is driving or no one at all is at the wheel. If you are not the driver, it
may be someone close to you, a group of people, or an organization that is setting
your course. The goal is to take charge. Again, jot down whatever you notice here and
in each of the following steps.
• If you are in the driver’s seat, how well can you maneuver the car? You need to be
fully in command with both hands on the wheel, able to freely maneuver where you
need to go.
• Is the car moving at a fast pace, slowly, or moderately? The car may be moving
steadily down the road or completely out of control. How does it feel to you?

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 16

• What kind of vehicle do you have? For now, just notice what you perceive, with the
awareness that you want one that has a lot of pep, so you can move freely on the
road. Also focus on the details. You want to have a nice, shiny clean finish and a
positive color that will support you on your journey.
• Is there plenty of gas? If not, why? Are you low on gas? Whatever the reason, you
want to be fully fueled for the journey.
• What is the condition of the tires? Is there plenty of air or are any of them flat?
• How is the engine? Turn it on and listen to it. Does it hum confidently, sputter like it is
about to quit, or does it sing a tune?
• How does the car look? Is it shiny and clean inside and out, or is it rusty from lack of
maintenance with a dusty, cluttered interior?
• Is the interior comfortable?
• Is there any excess baggage, trash, or litter in the back seat or in the trunk that is
going to slow you down?
In most cases, as the imagery emerges, it speaks for itself. You will probably know what it
means if you are out of gas, if your car is running completely out of control, if it is rusty from
lack of maintenance, or if you have excess baggage in your trunk. Review what you have writ-
ten for each item and ask yourself how it relates to your life. Remember to have fun with it
and not take it too seriously. After all, if you have a flat tire, it’s not the end of the world.
Whatever you create in your mind, you can change, and this is your opportunity to have the
best possible start.
When you have finished creating and reviewing the Car Metaphor, you should have a
clearer sense of where you need balance in your life. It is important to know this, so you can
be fully in control and move freely down the road. For now, you will use this information for
some or all of the following:
• Further reflection from a higher perspective, which we will explore in the next chapter.
• Limitations to clear with EFT and the SK Reframing and Anchoring Process. In the
example above, Phillip and Michelle used EFT to clear a blockage involving struggle. If
you know EFT or want to experiment with it using the instructions in Appendix A, you
can do this now. It can be interesting to do this and notice how the image changes as
any blockages are cleared. We will also discuss more about clearing later in this
chapter and in the ones that follow.
• Determining goals for different ways of being in the future, which you will do in
Chapter Three.
You can also return to the Car Metaphor again in Chapter Five with the Reframing Proc-
ess. With this powerful clearing process, you can transform your image of riding through life
into one that puts you firmly into the driver’s seat of a clean, shiny, powerful vehicle that can
take you on the most exciting, joyful, and rewarding journey of your life.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 17


The Car Metaphor may have exposed some limitations in your current life, which you will
want to change as you progress. Aligning yourself to hold high, positive vibrations places you
on course to create the life of your dreams. One way of understanding this is that certain pos-
sibilities exist within different ranges of vibrations, which you can often identify by the beliefs
that go along with them. For the person who believes “Life is a bowl of cherries and I got all
the pits,” you can imagine the range of possibilities that exist. For the person who believes
“life is a bowl of cherries and I enjoy them every day,” a totally different range of possibilities
exists. As another example, the belief that “It’s a dog eat dog world” draws continuous con-
flict into one’s life, while the belief that “People are kind to me” draws support.
With each thought and feeling you have about yourself and your life, you are creating a
range of possibilities. If you improve your thoughts and feelings for the better, a new, im-
proved range of possibilities emerges. Figure 1.1 describes characteristics of being aligned
with high vibrations versus being aligned with low vibrations. Fully embracing the characteris-
tics listed with the high vibrations is a journey in itself, with opportunities to reach higher
day-by-day and continue to rise as you progress. This book offers a roadmap on how to keep
your vibrations up.
If you use a pendulum, you can measure how well you currently resonate with the items
on this list. We describe how to do this in Appendix D. This tool can be quite illuminating in
identifying strengths and areas for improvement, which you can explore further with the heal-
ing processes in this book. As you focus on this list, the goal is not to be perfect; it is to un-
cover positive opportunities to create the life of your dreams.

You must commit fully to taking command

of your energies and embracing the higher vibrations
that lift you upward toward your infinite potential.

This includes releasing more of the low vibrations that heap on limitation, and keep you
wallowing more deeply in the mud. With this commitment to creating a positive field of en-
ergy around you, your journey will be more uplifting and joyful, with the higher vibrations pro-
viding extra leverage that accelerates your progress and opens new worlds to you. Also be
sure to acknowledge your strengths and build upon these assets as you progress. These are
gifts you bring to share in this lifetime. They can elevate you and all of those who come into
contact with you.


We all experience some low vibrations to greater or lesser degrees. We are all learning and
evolving spiritually. Aligning ourselves more with the higher vibrations and recovering more
quickly when we succumb to lower vibrations is the essence of the evolutionary journey.
As you review the qualities associated with high vibrations and low vibrations, we strongly
recommend that you take an honest look at the low vibration categories that pull at you the
most. Honest self-examination is an important key to your success, as is loving and honoring

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 18

Characteristics of High and Low Vibrations


Primarily living in a state characterized by love Primarily living in a state characterized by fear

Life feels light and exciting Life feels heavy and burdensome

Feels positive connection with soul’s higher Feels disconnected from the wisdom of the
guidance and wisdom for overview of reality soul, Instead connected with the wounded
ego, lacking higher guidance and wisdom for
overview of reality

Experiences joyful positive emotions Experiences painful negative emotions

Experiences positive thinking aligned with the Experiences negative thinking associated with
field of infinite possibilities limiting beliefs about possibilities

Enthusiastic about the future Wary of the future

Free spirit, clear of entanglements that could Co-dependent, dragged down by entangle-
drag energy down ments with other people or situations

Free flow of inner resources (poised on a Lacking inner resources (wallowing in the
mountaintop) mud)

Sense of inner strength and sovereignty, seek- Feelings of inner weakness, seeking the
ing to realize true purpose approval of others, with no understanding or
limited understanding of one’s true purpose

Feels stabile and aligned, knowing one is in Sense of instability and being out of sorts, un-
the flow, in the right place at the right time certain about one’s place in life

In command, fully prepared to do what it takes Reacting to the events of one’s life, uncertain
to pursue one’s dreams about making efforts to pursue one’s dreams

Feels relaxed, clear, and in control of obliga- Feels overwhelmed with life spinning out of
tions, can and will make time to realize one’s control, having too many obligations to create
dreams time for one’s dreams

Can leave the past behind and open to things Plagued by limitations from the past, seeing
being dramatically different in the future them weighing one down in the future

Readily clears stuck emotions and limiting Avoids clearing suppressed emotions and limit-
beliefs to maintain high vibes ing beliefs and stays stuck

Loves and honors oneself and others Judges oneself and others

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 19

yourself. It can help to realize that the wounded ego, which experiences the low vibrations, is
not. The soul is your true identity, and the wounded ego is comprised of the parts of you that
are disconnected from this wholeness. The wholeness we all seek is the soul, and the healing
journey involves healing the wounded ego so it can reunite with the soul. By releasing our
perceived limitations of ourselves, we open to our uniqueness and true magnificence.
The processes in this book are all designed to help you to release limitation and connect
more and more with your soul’s wholeness. As mentioned, the high vibrations are directly
linked with following the soul’s heartfelt joy and excitement. When you pursue this excite-
ment, you are aligning yourself with your life purpose, and you feel alive, loving, happy, and
fulfilled. Aligning yourself with this calling also frees you of limiting influences of those around
you. This is important, as the goal is to design your life as a free spirit, relaxed and in control
of obligations and entanglements that could drag you down.


It is essential to recognize the tremendous benefit of clearing the blockages that limit you.
Each of the wounded ego’s blockages drains essential energy or life force. This is energy that
you could be using more productively to realize your dreams. The blockages are like lead
weights that hold your energy down. With a lot of weights, rising in vibration into the realms
of infinite possibilities is more difficult, and a sustained effort is needed to stay there. Each
blockage you release frees you of more weight, moves you more into the infinite realms, and
allows you to stay there more effortlessly, so your life becomes lighter and more joyful.
You can take a positive step now to boost your vibrations and keep them up with the help
of Figure 1.2, the Commitment Checklist. This checklist can help you to identify strengths
that will help to fuel you forward, as well as general alignment issues that could reduce your
commitment and hold your vibrations down. As discussed in the Overview, it is important that
you think about this, because your commitment forms the foundation upon which you will
build the life of your dreams. In the overview, we asked how committed you are between one
and ten to doing what it takes to create the life of your dreams. If your commitment was low,
this checklist may help you to identify the reasons why this is the case. Review the checklist
and identify any areas where your commitment is wavering. Where this is occurring, ask your-
self why and write down all of the doubts and/or objections that come to mind. These are
your roadblocks, as you will see, there are many ways to overcome them.
As with the Car Metaphor, you can use this information for some or all of the following:
• Further reflection from a higher perspective, which we will explore in the next chapter.
• Limitations to clear with EFT and the SK Reframing and Anchoring Process. If you
know EFT or want to experiment with it using the instructions in Appendix A, you can
do this now. Notice how your sense of commitment changes as any blockages are
cleared by measuring it before and after you use EFT. We will also discuss more about
clearing later in this chapter and in the ones that follow.
• Determining goals for different ways of being in the future, which you will do in
Chapter Three.

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SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 20

Commitment Checklist

I believe I am capable of succeeding. _____ _____
If not, why?

I believe I deserve to succeed. _____ _____

If not, why?

I believe this approach can work for me. _____ _____

If not, why?

I am able to receive fine things in life. _____ _____

If not, why?

I am willing to have reasonable expectations of this approach. _____ _____

If not, why?

I am committed to shifting limiting beliefs and attitudes. _____ _____

If not, why?

I am committed to fostering positive emotions. _____ _____

If not, why?

I am committed to setting aside time to progress and create the life of my dreams. _____ _____
If not, why?

I am committed to taking the necessary action to succeed. _____ _____

If not, why?

I am committed to detaching from those who may want to hold me down. _____ _____
If not, why?

I am committed to doing what it takes to make this happen. _____ _____

If not, why?

Other doubts or objections:

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 21


A simple process you can do right now is to bring a positive alignment with your life purpose
fully into your body. You can also enhance this experience with EFT.
Dr. John Diamond, a pioneer in the field of energy therapies, considers straight posture to
be one of the very best energy boosters available, and you can straighten up any time. As Dr.
Diamond mentions in his book Your Body Doesn’t Lie, when you sit or stand in an erect posi-
tion, life energy flows freely through your body and we would add, your positive vibrations
rise. When you slouch, the energy flow in your body is compromised and your vibrations drop.
You can measure this with kinesiology or a pendulum. If you can use a pendulum with the
method we present for measuring vibrations in Appendix D, measure your vibrations when
you are sitting or standing erect. Then slouch over and measure again. You will most likely
notice a substantial drop in your vibrations. This should be a good motivation for maintaining
a positive alignment in your body.
The Dalai Lama also discusses posture in his book How to See Yourself as You Really
Are. The way he describes it is that straightening your body straightens the energy channels
that flow through it, which brings the energy flowing through the body into balance.
This is such a simple thing; you can straighten up any time you become aware of your
posture to give yourself an energy boost. We would note that breathing in a bit of joy and ex-
citement will further lift your vibrations. We also have a simple process you can do to receive
even more benefits.

Body Alignment Process

The following exercise can help you bring more awareness to your posture and to create a
way that you can lift your vibrations any time you think of it. As a note, this process includes
the optional use of the EFT Short Sequence. If EFT is new to you and you want to use it with
this process, you can find an overview of the steps in the EFT Short Sequence in Appendix A.
1. Sit or preferably stand as you normally do, noticing how your body feels. Breathe the
way you normally breathe. Say a few words about your potential for creating the life of
your dreams as you normally perceive yourself (silently or preferably aloud, as is ap-
2. Now imagine being fully committed to and aligned with your life purpose, breathing
more and more positive, enthusiastic, joyful energy in with each breath, and notice if
your posture wants to change.
3. Allow your body to take on the posture you feel as you imagine yourself being fully
aligned with your purpose and potential for greatness.
4. Breathe the way you would breathe if you were fully aligned with your purpose.
5. Say a few enthusiastic words about yourself, preferably aloud, from the perspective of
being successfully aligned with your purpose.

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SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 22

Note: As a variation, you can think of a person who epitomizes success and purpose to
you. Now, assume his or her vibration and stand the way that he or she would stand,
breathe as he or she would breathe, and speak with enthusiasm of yourself the way he or
she would speak of him- or herself.
6. Feeling the positive energies of being fully aligned with your purpose, note the positive
emotions you feel. You may feel joy, love, peace, harmony, genuine power, and more.
7. If you want to strengthen any of these positive feelings with EFT, pick one positive
feeling and complete the following process.
• Measure the intensity of the positive emotion from one to ten, with ten being the
highest possible.
• Use the affirmation “I release limitation and choose ___________, and I completely
accept myself.”
• Do one or two rounds of tapping on “This _______________.”
• Measure the positive emotion again from one to ten.
It is amazing how this simple process can boost positive vibrations. When you are done,
you can repeat the process with any other positive emotions you want to strengthen.
To follow up, be aware of your posture throughout the day and align yourself physically
with the positive vibrations as often as possible. This doesn’t take extra time, and, if practiced
regularly, it will raise your energies. You will definitely feel better; and you will open easily to
new possibilities.
The alignment of your body naturally follows your inner alignment. As you align with posi-
tive energies, feeling successful, joyful and alive, your body should want to straighten, lining
up perfectly from your feet up your legs to the base of your spine, and from the base of your
spine to your neck, aligning the way your head rests comfortably on your shoulders. You may
also notice a shift in the way your arms rest at the sides of your body. Your entire body should
feel straight, strong, and relaxed.
This alignment should also reach upward like a line pulling you towards the sky. This is
actually aligning you with your higher self, your spiritual source, which we will discuss in
depth later.

As a practice, you can fully occupy your body and raise your vibrations any time with these
three simple steps:
1. Focus your attention on your belly, just below the navel and feel yourself fully oc-
cupying your body. This grounding makes you sturdy and strong.
2. Breathe in pure light and energy with each inhale, sending the light throughout
your body, releasing tension and negative energy with each exhale, and straight-
ening your body so the energy can flow freely.
3. Breathe love, joy, and excitement into your heart, opening to fully embracing
your true purpose in a world where you are completely surrounded with love.

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SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 23

According to Dr. Diamond, fully occupying your body is excellent for your physical health
as well, because bringing more life energy into your body boosts your physical vitality.


Ideally those around us would support us in reaching our goals, but this is not always the
case. In fact, those of us who choose to step out of the crowd often have one or more people
around us who want to control our lives. Energetically, we are like telephone switchboards,
with wires connecting us to a multitude of other people. Sometimes these connections can be
positive and supportive; other times they can be constricting, holding us back from pursuing
the life of our dreams.
Having people around you who want to run your life can prevent you from following your
heart’s desires and experiencing genuine fulfillment. Simply feeling the need for the approval
of others will limit you. Having input from others is valuable on the journey to wholeness, but
it should help you to determine your direction rather than control your life. The things that
bring you the greatest joy and excitement might be meaningless to everyone around you. In
such cases, you need to be able to value yourself and claim your right to pursue your dreams
regardless of what anyone else thinks.

Creating Time for Yourself

You may also feel that your current obligations are running your life. To be firmly at the
wheel, you may need to look at how you are spending your time and find ways to free up
enough time to change your direction.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself related to creating time to realize your dreams:
• Do you do things because other people expect you to rather than because you have a
heartfelt desire to do them?
• Do you have a hard time saying no when people ask you to do things?
• Do you feel that your time is not your own? If not, whose is it?
• Are there things you have wanted to do for a long time that just sit on the sidelines
waiting for that elusive time when things will be different?

If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, you might want to look at releasing
time entanglements to make room for creating a positive future. You can’t be at the wheel of
your vehicle if you don’t have control over your time.
Waiting until time magically presents itself is not a good plan. Years ago, Jane waited for
this to happen until she became too sick to continue on her then current course. Once she
became ill, she had plenty of time. This scenario is common. We’ve heard similar stories
where people continued on paths that were not feeding their spirits until they became too sick
to continue or an accident stopped them. Continuing on the path of low vibrations is detri-
mental to the body, emotions, mind, and spirit, and it can take a long time to get the vibra-

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SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 24

tions back up again. We don’t recommend it. Though it is challenging at times, it’s easier to
create time before the universe does it for you.
The path of high vibrations is also much more pleasant and faster. To succeed with this
plan, we recommend setting aside as many obligations as possible to make room for creating
and fully living your life. After all, what could be more important?

Reaching Energetic Sovereignty

We view reaching a state of energetic sovereignty where we are free of limiting entanglements
as an important step on the spiritual journey. As mentioned earlier, while the input of others
can be valuable, each of us ultimately has to decide what is right for us and follow our own
path without entanglements. As we advance spiritually, some of these entanglements just
naturally fall away. Old friends or relatives may play less important roles as we fully embrace
our true selves and follow our callings. Fortunately, if you feel restrained, you can speed this
process along by consciously releasing entanglements with the help of EFT.
The first step is to identify the entanglements, which may be painful. Often the people
who want to control us are close to us, and it can be difficult to imagine reclaiming control.
There may also be a church, business, or other organization you are associated with that is
exerting unnecessary control. The important thing here is to identify when these controls are
blocking your path and to be willing to release them so you can move freely forward.
If you have someone or something like this in your life, as many people do, you want to
be ready to detach yourself. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the relationship has to dis-
solve, but it does require change, which the other party or parties may or may not be wiling to
accept. We recommend reflecting on the entanglements in your life as soon as possible. Once
you feel that you are ready, you can follow this process using EFT to free yourself.

The Entanglement Release Process

This process for freeing yourself of entanglements with EFT should be done in a quiet place,
with an open mind, allowing some time for reflection. As mentioned, the EFT Short Sequence
can provide amazingly fast and easy clearing. If EFT is new to you, refer to the overview of
the steps in the EFT Short Sequence in Appendix A.
1. Identify a single entanglement that you are ready to release. It can be a relationship
with a person (alive or dead), an organization or business, or any energy you sense
that drains you and interferes with your well-being.
2. Scan your body to identify where this entanglement is located. These entanglements
often resemble cords or chains that connect you with another person, organization, or
thing. You may see it or sense it being lodged in a specific part of your body or to one
of the energy centers or chakras. If you are familiar with the chakras, you can explore
the entanglement’s location from this perspective. If not, just notice where it is and
how it feels physically and emotionally. If you aren’t sure where it is, ask where it
would be if you could perceive it and trust that you are getting the right answer.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 25

3. Notice also what the attachment looks like, how big it is, what color, and so on.
4. If desired, you can dialog with the person, organization, or source of the entanglement
to explain why you need to disconnect, and wish them well.
5. When you are ready to let go, ask yourself how strong this attachment feels from 1 to
10, with 10 being the strongest.
6. Use the EFT set-up affirmation to address releasing the unwanted presence. Possible
statements can include any of the following or you can come up with your own de-
• I’m now releasing this entanglement with _______________ and I completely ac-
cept myself.
• I release this energy into the light and deeply love and accept myself.
• I release this entanglement with ______________ and move on with my life, more
able to live and express my purpose and manifest for my highest good.
7. Do one or two rounds of EFT tapping while you imagine sending the entanglement
back to its source, using the reminder phrase “this entanglement.”
8. When you are done, take a nice deep breath. Scan your body again to insure the de-
tachment is complete. If not, continue with another round or more of the tapping until
the process is complete. You may also identify specific emotions you need to address
to complete the release and use EFT to clear these emotions before continuing further.
Look particularly for the need to forgive the other person or yourself.
9. Afterward, visualize healing light filling your body, especially in the area where the en-
tanglement used to be. You can also visualize going into a cleansing waterfall and put-
ting on fresh clothing.
Releasing entanglements in this way can be quite powerful and freeing. In a session with
a client we will call Robert, Jane helped him to release a cord to limitation and struggle,
which were a way of life for him. When asked where he sensed this cord in his body, Robert
identified the heart area. Connecting more with the feelings in this area, he mentioned that he
felt like he was not good enough, that it seemed that it was easier for other people to live
with ease. To him, the cord to struggle was attached with a grayish violet and black-colored
claw into his heart. Since they were dealing with a cord to a way of being rather than a per-
son, Robert wasn’t sure where the cord went, and that was fine. The important thing was to
release it and send it back where it came from.
At this point, Robert also mentioned that his parents grew up during the depression and
he was raised with the belief that he would have to work hard. The deep sense of limitation
felt like a black hole. Robert knew that he no longer had to accept these old ways of thinking.
He was ready to let go of the belief that struggle was necessary, so he and Jane simply re-
moved the cord without the need for tapping. In many instances, this may be possible. When
it is not, when there is emotional intensity to release, EFT can speed the process along.
Afterwards, Robert felt ready to stand on his own and move forward. As healing light filled
his body, the message came to him to be open for new opportunities, situations, and

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
SETTING YOUR COURSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 26

thoughts about his possibilities. He now saw himself flowing through life, riding on a magic
carpet. Life felt easy now.
In a case like Robert’s, this process produced a huge shift in his awareness and a new
range of opportunities. It is important to take advantage of these opportunities to make the
shift a part of one’s daily life. Over coming days and weeks, Jane encouraged Robert to rein-
force the image of flowing through life on a magic carpet, where life was easy.
We particularly recommend focusing on the messages and images, if any, that come from
a process like this as many times as possible during the first couple of days following the
process. Also, taking any action that reflects this new way of being will help to make it a real-
ity. These are critical steps that will help to avoid recreating the conditions that attracted the
unwanted entanglement in the first place.


This chapter provides plenty of food for thought and self-exploration.

We suggest taking time to reflect on each of the areas covered, including:

• Taking command of your life
• Raising your vibrations
• Releasing entanglements

Exploring these areas will allow you to free yourself to create the life of your dreams.
While there may be a tendency to reflect primarily on the areas that need improvement, re-
member to also focus your awareness on your strengths. These strengths will help you to
identify your life purpose and resources you have available to build on moving forward.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Opening to the Soul’s Reality

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.


This program teaches us that our limitations are generally figments of our imaginations. As
mentioned earlier, the goal in releasing them is not to achieve perfection. Rather, it is to open
to a higher reality and align ourselves with the lofty vibrations of our soul’s true purpose. We
all know that different people live in different realities. Some live in worlds where violence and
hatred rule their lives or where enslavement to a job rules. Others live in a world where peace
is a way of life, or where the simple joy of being alive becomes the guiding force. We recom-
mend taking the high road, where you can create increasing amounts of inner peace, joy,
love, and freedom, and connect with the realms of infinite possibilities.

This chapter focuses on three important and interconnected areas:

• Your life purpose
• Connecting with the truth and wisdom of the soul
• Twelve important principles for manifestation.

The information presented here complements our book Getting Thru to Your Soul, and we
recommend that book as an enhancement for manifesting your dreams. The Soul Book de-
scribes how each of us learns to manifest in alignment with our true purpose as an integral
part of the spiritual journey. First, we realize that we are unconsciously creating all the time
with our limiting beliefs and attitudes. Then we can learn to create consciously with our infi-
nite potential. As we continue to evolve and clear out more limitations, we learn to co-create
with the divine plan, so our creations also serve a higher purpose. The further we progress,
the more powerful these creations become. And as we are better able to support the well-
being of all people, life forms, and the planet itself, our creations synchronously receive more
support from the universe around us.
As we evolve, co-creation provides a form for the expression of the soul in our everyday
lives. We move more into the present moment, focusing mainly on the next step on the jour-
ney, allowing the more distant future to come into focus over time. Co-creating with your soul

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 28

builds trust that you are in the right place at the right time and that the universe supports you
in all you choose to manifest.


The most essential part of this program is developing a strong sense of your true identity and
your life purpose. We do this by connecting with the wholeness of the soul, the eternal part of
the self that understands our true identity and purpose, along with many higher truths of the
universe. While many people consider a soulful presence to be an elusive state that only hap-
pens accidentally on rare occasions, we have found the heightened energy and wisdom of the
soul to be readily available at any time, every day of our lives.
Thousands of people have used the version of the process that we present in our book
Getting Thru to Your Soul. When used on a regular basis, this process is life changing; we
will never forget the impact it has had on us. The day we learned to consciously connect with
the higher wisdom and vibrations of the soul marked the beginning of an amazingly empower-
ing and enlightening stage on our journeys that has transformed our lives.

The soul is where our dreams and visions are born.

It understands our mission (our life purpose)
and it is this purpose that drives everything else.

Without the guidance of the soul, we are virtually in the dark, following the wounded ego.
When this is the case, we may be confused, not knowing what we want or thinking that we
want something that will only provide a fleeting moment of happiness, leaving us back where
we started in the next moment. It’s critical to understand how the soul guides us, because it
can save a lot of time and wheel spinning. What we think we want and what the soul wants
may be different things.
The most common question clients and students ask is “Why am I here?” We all know at
some level that we’re here for a reason. By consciously connecting with the soul, you can rec-
ognize why you are here, the nature of your life purpose, and much, much more. The soul’s
light and wisdom resonates at wonderfully high vibrations that open you to new possibilities.
The terms “mission” and “purpose” may feel a bit overwhelming, suggesting that you
have to do something earthshaking. This is not the case. And it is worth noting that, being
multidimensional, you are probably here to do more than one thing. You don’t have to have a
mission to save the world or find a cure for cancer. Your mission may be much simpler, like
being a chef in a restaurant that serves wonderful food, owning a flower shop, caring for your
family, or being a poet living in the woods. Joyful soulfulness can lift any environment and the
universe benefits when you allow your soul’s gifts to blossom in whatever way most suits you.
What does your heart wish to create to bring more light to the world? Whatever it is, only you
can know. The answer comes from within you.
To create in ways that will bring true joy and fulfillment, you want to be able to connect
easily with the part of you that understands your deepest desires, and make daily use of its
higher wisdom as your guide. You may have ways you do this now. We nonetheless recom-

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 29

mend experiencing the Soul Centering Process we present here. It is an integral part of this
program that aligns you with your true purpose and manifesting wonderful things in your life.
We follow it with a simple process for connecting with the soul through the experience of
oneness with nature.


Just as each of us has a physical home that makes us a citizen of planet earth, on an ener-
getic level, the soul has a spiritual home in the higher dimensions as a citizen of the universe.
As creators of our reality, we want to align ourselves with the synchronous flow of the uni-
verse, which directly supports us in fulfilling our life purpose. To accomplish this, we provide
a special version of the Soul Centering Process we have used ourselves for nearly two decades
with amazing results.

Connecting with the soul will align you with your true joy,
unconditional love, and a deep sense of your purpose.

This joy, love, and purpose become your guides on the journey of manifesting your dreams.
It is worth noting, as an alternative, that some of our students and clients prefer the op-
tion of connecting with the soul through the experience of oneness with nature and a process
for connecting with the soul in this way follows. Nature is always with us, inviting us to ex-
perience our wholeness through it.
You can read the process to yourself, closing your eyes at any time to visualize and taking
a few breaths to deepen your experience, as needed. As you prepare to start, we recommend
being in a quiet, comfortable place with a paper and pen handy to jot down some of your ob-
servations. Also, allow a bit of time; as this type of experience cannot be rushed. It requires
being in a receptive, relaxed state where you can connect with the deeper levels of your
Open to experiencing the process with all of your senses, accepting the images, feelings,
and messages that come into your mind, and avoid allowing your rational mind to analyze.
Find a comfortable position, as you take a nice deep breath and begin to relax. As
you continue to breathe, focus on breathing in more relaxing energy, feeling the ten-
sion melt from you body, and making any adjustments to relax further. Now breathe
some relaxing energy into your brain, allowing your mind to relax … and allowing your
thoughts and concerns to drift off into the air, where they can just float away for now.
Opening to the energy of the soul is a receptive process. Allow your focus to shift
from the active, rational part of the mind to the more intuitive, creative part, noticing
also what you are sensing in your body. As you make this shift, notice your forehead,
jaw and face muscles relaxing as the relaxation drifts gently down over your body,
flowing down your neck and shoulders.
Now take another clarifying breath as a wave of relaxation flows down your arms to
the tips of your fingers, allowing your shoulders and arms to relax completely. Now,
focusing on your shoulders again, allow the relaxation to drift down your torso, so all

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OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 30

of your internal organs can relax from your chest down to your hips, then, as you take
another nice breath, feel the relaxation flowing down your legs to the knees, ankles,
and all the way to the tips of the toes.
As you continue to breathe and relax, shift your awareness to the area around your
heart, where the soul connects most deeply with the body. As you focus on the heart,
notice the love you hold and open to the energy of the soul there. You may sense the
soul’s energy as a feeling of expansiveness or a light in the area of the heart that be-
comes brighter as you continue to breathe into it. Now allow this energy and light to
lift you, so you feel like you are rising up into the sky. As you continue to breathe in
more of this beautiful light, imagine that you are going to a higher place, in a higher
dimension that is above our planet, to your soul’s universal home. As it comes into
view, notice that it is a magnificent structure with many levels, where you can freely
explore your divine nature and purpose.
Upon arrival, you are surrounded by your celestial support team, the guides and
angels who are assisting you from behind the scenes in your current life. From the en-
try, they gently guide you to a comfortable place inside where you can relax and re-
flect. As you settle in, notice that you are surrounded with unconditional love, which
embraces you now like a nurturing blanket of energy. Breathe this loving energy into
your heart now, allowing it to radiate out, so it fills your whole body and surrounds you
completely with the higher frequency of your soul’s energy. Allow these high vibrations
to touch you with an awareness of yourself as a magnificent, unique being with won-
derful gifts to share. In your universal home, you are deeply appreciated, highly val-
ued and fully supported in the mission you have come into this life to fulfill.
From this soulful place, you can also connect with a higher frequency, accessing
your higher self or oversoul, a higher aspect of the soul that is connected more di-
rectly to the source of all that is. You may sense or see your higher self as a bright
light high above you, and, as you do, allow this light to begin to shine down on you,
flowing into the top of your head and flowing down so it can touch every cell of your
body, all the way to the tips of your fingers and the tips of your toes, then radiating
out around you, so you are completely surrounded with this higher frequency, sensing
the perfect peace, love, and uplifting energy you need. Enjoy this connection, knowing
that you can access it at any time.
From this quieter place now, you may sense that you are more aligned with your
inner wisdom, your greatest joy and your soul’s true divine purpose. The soul is where
your dreams and visions are born, and in this place of peace, you can open to its wis-
dom to guide you with your manifestations.
Now put your hand on your heart for a moment, anchoring the soul’s energy there,
and ask the following questions:
• What is your soul’s vision for you?
• What are the most joyful and fulfilling things you can bring into your life?
• What gifts (strengths) do you bring to the realization of your dreams?

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 31

Without analyzing them, jot down the thoughts that enter your mind in response to
each of these questions. They may include big things or little things, things related to
your work, play, relationships, enlightenment, well-being, and more. Take a few mo-
ments and allow yourself to open to your greatest gifts and highest possibilities.
When you are done, still holding your hand on your heart, notice what you are feel-
ing emotionally and notice any colors and/or images that you associate with being in
this peaceful, resourceful place. Know that whenever you put your hand on your heart
in this way, you can connect again with the feelings, colors and images, so you can
easily access your soul’s true joy to guide you throughout the day. Also know that this
connection strengthens the more you practice it and, if you want to bring more of its
light into your life, the best way is to return to this internal place of peace regularly.
Now, look around again at your universal home and notice all the work that is go-
ing on behind the scenes. Your guides may be able to show you how they watch over
you, send hints into your reality to help you to grow and move more into alignment
with your purpose. Just make note of what you notice and we will return to this place
later to enlist direct support for your manifestations.
As your guides lead you back to the entrance of your universal home, you may want
to take a moment to thank them for all they do to help you and say goodbye. Now you
can begin the journey back to planet earth, gradually drifting downward gently back
into your seat. Now prepare to come back to your normal waking state on the count of
five, breathing in more active energy and feeling yourself firmly resting in your seat.
One starting to come back, two, knowing you can use this process however you
choose, three, moving around a little, four, ready to open your eyes, and five, opening
your eyes, feeling awake, alert, and confident about creating the life of your dreams.
Having completed the process, we recommend devoting just a few minutes each morning
to returning to this place, to bring more of your soul’s light, love, and wisdom into your life.
Note that if you experience pain or resistance in your heart when you connect with the
energy there, this means a blockage is preventing you from connecting with the soul’s joy in
your heart. We explore how to address interference in Chapter Four and refer you to Figure
4.1, which can help you to identify the nature of the interference. Clearing the way to experi-
encing the soul is essential to recognizing your purpose and creating a joyful and fulfilling life,
so it is well worth the effort.

Connecting with the Oneness of Nature

Connecting with your wholeness through the experience of oneness with nature is similar to
the Soul Centering Process. As you prepare to do this process, we recommend being in a
quiet, comfortable place with a paper and pen handy to jot down some of your observations.
Also, allow a bit of time, as this type of experience cannot be rushed. It requires being in a
receptive, relaxed state where you can connect with the deeper levels of your awareness.
Find a comfortable position, as you take a nice deep breath and begin to relax. As
you continue to breathe, focus on breathing in more relaxing energy, feeling the ten-

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 32

sion melt from you body, and making any adjustments to relax further. Now breathe
some relaxing energy into your brain, allowing your mind to relax … and allowing your
thoughts and concerns to drift off into the air, where they can just float away for now.
As you continue to breathe, allow your focus to shift from the active, rational part
of the mind to the more intuitive, creative part, noticing also what you are sensing in
your body. As you make this shift, notice your forehead, jaw and face muscles relaxing
as the relaxation down over your body, flowing down your neck and shoulders.
Now take another clarifying breath as a wave of relaxation flows down your arms to
the tips of your fingers, allowing your shoulders and arms to relax completely. Now,
focusing on your shoulders again, allow the relaxation to drift down your torso, so all
of your internal organs can relax from your chest down to your hips, then, as you take
another nice breath, feel the relaxation flowing down your legs to the knees, ankles,
and all the way to the tips of the toes.
Now allow yourself to recall a time when you had the experience of the oneness of
nature. It may have been a breathtaking sunset, standing on an expansive view point
or mountaintop, or by a clear, calm lake. You will know the time when you experi-
enced this sweet sense of being in perfect harmony with all that is. As you connect
with the memory, allow yourself to focus on all of the sights, sounds, and feelings you
felt then, breathing the fresh air of nature into your body and allowing yourself to feel
now just as you felt then. Notice the details of the experience and allow yourself to
feel total peace.
From this peaceful place of wholeness, you may sense that you are more aligned
with your inner wisdom, your greatest joy and your true divine purpose. Your connec-
tion with this soulful wholeness is where your dreams and visions are born, and in this
place of peace, you can open to its wisdom to guide you with your manifestations.
Now put your hand on your heart for a moment, anchoring the soul’s energy there,
and ask yourself where your soul wants to take you. What are the most joyful and ful-
filling things you can bring into your life? Without analyzing them, just jot down any
thoughts that enter your mind. They may include big things or little things, things re-
lated to your work, play, relationships, enlightenment, well-being, and more. Take a
few moments and allow yourself to open to your highest potential.
When you are done, still holding your hand on your heart, notice what you are feel-
ing emotionally and notice any colors and/or images that you associate with being in
this peaceful, resourceful place. Know that whenever you put your hand on your heart
in this way, you can connect again with the feelings, colors and images, so you can
easily access your soul’s true joy as a guide for your manifestations. Also know that
this connection strengthens the more you practice it and, if you want to bring more of
its light into your life, the best way is to return to this place of peace within regularly.
Now prepare to come back to your normal waking state on the count of five.
Breathe in some active energy and feel yourself firmly resting in your seat. One start-
ing to come back, two, knowing you can use this meditation however you choose,
three, moving around a little, four, ready to open your eyes, and five, open your eyes,
feeling awake, alert, and confident about creating the life of your dreams.

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OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 33

As with the Soul Centering Process, you can use this process on a regular basis to anchor
more of the soul’s light, love, and wisdom into your life. It is worth noting, nonetheless, that
the Soul Centering Process makes a direct connection with the ideas and images that you will
access later in this book, so it is more complete.

If you connect with the soul each morning, your life will change dramatically for the better.
We guarantee it. This practice will provide a vibrational boost for your day, and with repeated
use, it will help you to hold a higher vibration throughout the day. It will also align you with
your life purpose and the synchronous flow of the universe. With practice, you will also find it
easier to return to this place in your awareness. Any time during the day, you can put your
hand on your heart or imagine putting your hand on your heart, take a few deep breaths, and
reconnect with the love and joy you hold in your heart. This will again boost your vibrations,
so you can feel more positive and resourceful, and expand your possibilities.

A soulful state is a resourceful state

that holds the answers to your questions about life
and the keys to creating the life of your dreams.

Your sense of being connected with the wholeness of the soul and your rightful place in
the universe deepens over time, so you gradually feel more and more aligned with its loving,
infinite perspective in each moment. By contrast, being in contact with the fearful, limited
perspective of the wounded ego is not a resourceful state. When the ego is at the wheel, your
vibrations are low and your possibilities are understandably limited. Fortunately, in each mo-
ment, you have the opportunity to consciously choose the light and wisdom of the soul.
As a note, if you feel resistance to connecting with your soul regularly, we recommend ex-
ploring the reason for this resistance and clearing it with EFT. After all, if you want to evolve
in a positive way, the state you are aiming for is one where you are aligned with the whole-
ness of the soul much of the time. The best way we know to accomplish this is to practice it
and make it an intentional part of your reality. Over time, you and your soul will become one.

Opening to Your True Identity and Purpose with Journaling

Daily journaling is a wonderful way to learn more about your true purpose and your possibili-
ties. Connect with the oneness of the soul, and ask any question you have about yourself,
your possibilities, or the nature of reality. Then use a process of automatic writing to log re-
sponses to your questions by simply writing the responses as they come into your mind with-
out allowing your rational mind to analyze them. You will be amazed at the results.

Here are some suggested questions for daily journaling:

• What positive qualities have I brought into this life to fulfill my purpose here?
• What are my next steps on the path to wholeness?

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 34

• What burdens can I leave behind as I take command of my life and reach for my
• How would the world be different if everyone was connected with the love and joy in
their hearts?
• How can I help to change the world for the better?

We cannot overemphasize the importance of connecting with the soul, your eternal spark
of divinity. Almost twenty years after we first learned it, we still use it regularly to learn more
about ourselves and the journey to wholeness. The following excerpt from our book Getting
Thru to Your Soul provides some examples of how our clients and students experience this
simple process.
• “It’s a stillness, stopping activity and busyness; a quiet, centered place, not for
or against, neutral without controlling.”
• “I experience an expansive unconditionally loving energy that transforms
• “A bright, sparkly, energetic feeling comes over my whole being, a
knowingness and expansive feeling.”
• “I feel totally open, with a large expanse above me. It is very uplifting,
connecting to my higher power. There is so much more than I ever realized.”
• “Warmth flows like a river from my head through my body.”
• “Being centered in my soul creates a serene and peaceful view of life.
Everything is as it is meant to be.”
• “It is an absolute knowing that all is well. I am at peace with myself in the
• “I feel deep peace and tranquility. With that comes a heightened sense of
knowingness free of fear, negativity, and uncertainty. I’m a different person,
the person I am meant to be, with all of the fragmented aspects blended into
• “It’s realizing that the small plane I’ve been having so much trouble flying has
actually been on auto pilot, and is in reality the Starship Enterprise. Not only
do I have intergalactic access and multidimensional capabilities, but there’s an
on-board computer system that tells me anything I need to know. And all is
joy and all is love. Of course, this only happens for a few minutes at a time,
but it’s enough to let me know that it’s my natural state.”
There is a common sense of peace, acceptance, and expansiveness in these ex-
periences. You may also notice that the messages from your soul become clearer as
you progress on the spiritual journey. In the early stages, fear can interfere with the
divine truth that your soul wants to share. It is much like the effect a storm has on
radio transmission. As the storm subsides, the transmission becomes clearer. Simi-

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OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 35

larly, your soul’s transmissions become clearer as you attain higher levels of truth and
connect with your soul more deeply.
To further anchor the light and wisdom of the soul into your life and to build a firm foun-
dation for your manifestations, we will next explore the principle ingredients that are needed
to manifest your dreams.


Like building a structure on a firm concrete foundation, we all want to construct a solid, last-
ing high vibrational foundation for our manifestations. We know that we cannot build a solid
structure on insubstantial substances like mud, straw, or shifting sand; similarly, we cannot
build the life of our dreams on negative emotions like fear, greed, and resentment, which are
characteristics of the wounded ego.
Manifestation ideally springs from higher, positive vibrations that fuel the emerging
strength of the soul. This approach creates more joy, love, and genuine freedom.

Here are twelve elements that provide a firm foundation for manifestation:
1. Desire: First, you have to want something that relates to your soul’s heartfelt desire
and joy. Again, you can recognize the soul’s desires because they are motivated by
your greatest joy, excitement, and inner fulfillment whereas desires of the wounded
ego are motivated by fear and impressing others.
If you take an attitude of not caring what happens to you, you are not aligning
with the soul’s joy and it is unlikely that you are going to make positive changes. Hav-
ing desire and envisioning what you want helps to bring your creations into reality.
Some people are afraid to have desires for fear of being disappointed. This fear ex-
ists at the low vibration of the wounded ego. From this muddy place, not much is
possible. To manifest we need to open ourselves to the higher vibrations of unlimited
potential and our heartfelt desires. On a scale of one to ten, how strong is your heart-
felt desire for what you want to create?
2. Expectancy: To manifest freely, you have to expect it joyfully and unconditionally.
Doubt and limiting beliefs about whether or not this could work lowers your vibrations
and cancels out whatever you want to create. If you invite in limiting thoughts about
what you can expect, it is like throwing your dreams into the trash.
Joyful expectancy replaces the limiting beliefs that tell us that we have to make
due with an ordinary life. We actually have the potential to create an extraordinary life
and even exceed our expectations. This expectancy needs to come from a sincere,
soulful, joyful place in oneself to carry a high vibration. In contrast, if it is coming from
a fearful place, hoping to be saved from imminent doom, or from a sense of being en-
titled as repayment for all of one’s suffering, this is the ego, which carries a low vibra-
tion. Out of ten, how strong is your joyous expectation for what you want to manifest?
3. Honor: Appreciation of others and the desire to manifest our creations in a way that
honors everyone and everything allows us to co-create in harmony with the highest

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good. Honor creates a reality that benefits everyone. By honoring yourself and others,
you optimize the manifestation process. As you manifest your dreams, everything and
everyone you touch can likewise be affected in a positive way.
4. Gratitude: Deep, heartfelt gratitude for the many blessings you have now is another
vital ingredient. If you cannot be thankful for the blessings you have now, how can
you expect to appreciate having more blessings in the future? Appreciating what you
already have raises your vibrations and draws more abundance to you. By contrast,
taking what you have for granted or mourning your fate stops you from attracting
more. This negative attitude just brings more negativity. What you focus on grows.
5. Love: We all know the phrase “Love conquers all.” Here we refer both to loving others
and loving oneself. Self-love builds a sense of worthiness. You have to know that you
deserve joy and abundance to create it for yourself. You also have to love yourself
enough not to be affected by what others might think or say about what you are
doing. EFT is very effective for clearing judgments toward oneself and we will explore
how you can do this later in this chapter.
6. Trust: Here we refer to trust in the divine order to provide for us in accordance with
our highest good. With trust, we can count on ourselves and the universe to attract
what we seek. With this trust comes the realization that our dreams may not come to
pass exactly as we might imagine. From our experience, our dreams have come
together in ways that have far exceeded our expectations. The timing may not always
have been what we desired, but in retrospect, we can see that it was perfect. Our
creations may not have looked exactly like we expected, but they have manifested in
wonderful and surprising ways.
7. Joy and Lightheartedness: Don’t take things seriously. Buying into turmoil and
suffering creates low vibrations and limitation; you want to reach for the infinite. Aim
high, and do so in good spirits. Laughter is commonly recognized as being
therapeutic. Studies have shown that it reduces stress, boosts the immune system,
and releases endorphins. Energetically, lightheartedness frees you from that heaviness
of wallowing in the mud. It lifts you to the freedom of being on the mountaintop we
mentioned earlier, where anything is possible. It shifts the heaviness of a perspective
that views the density of what you can perceive with your five normal senses to the
lightness of what you can dream of creating.
Returning to the realization that we are what we create, we have to recognize that
much of our suffering is our own creation. Just as we create difficulties, we can also
let them go. As you progress on the evolutionary journey, with conscious awareness of
the soul, you can release your suffering more quickly and simply exist joyfully in the
present moment. You can also realize that however engrossing the material world may
be, it is ultimately an illusion that is molded by your perceptions. Why not have a
good sense of humor about it?
8. Flow: Manifestation occurs in a frequency of free flow, where nothing is stuck to
create limitation. Being in the flow creates more freedom to just be and to allow

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 37

wonderful things to enter your life. The free flow of resources is part of this equation,
releasing that which you no longer want or need, and reaching for your soul’s desires.
Being in the flow means that you let things be synchronous in your life instead of
spending time worrying about what is or isn’t happening. This is a big idea. James
Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy, has said that the most important mes-
sage of his book is to allow the mysterious “coincidences” that occur as we follow our
true purpose to guide us toward our destinies, along with believing that each of us can
help to create a better world.
If you are in the flow and accept things as they are, you can focus on the positive
and attract more of what you want rather than resisting what you don’t want. You can
let go of the old stuff you no longer need. It takes energy to support all of this old stuff
and this is energy that could be better used to bring in the new.
9. Openness: We would all like to think that our manifestations will just immediately
drop into our laps. In some cases, they do. Other times, they cannot, because
something within us is blocking them, the timing is not right, we need to take more
steps to bring them into reality, or they are not in alignment with our purpose. You
need to be open and allowing, so the synchronous flow of the universe can provide
the lessons or new information you need to to progress toward your dreams. As Saint
Basil says, “Many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that
it brings abundance to drive away the hunger.”
10. Transcendence: Allow your dreams to transcend the limitations of your reality by
focusing on what you want to experience rather than on how it will come to pass.
Focus on ways to create joy, peace, creativity, freedom, balance, and wholeness.
Through the systems and institutions we have created, we as a society often hold
ourselves in limitation in different areas of our lives. Transcending these limitations
provides freedom for us to be ourselves and fully realize our purpose. It also allows us
to co-create in accordance with the divine plan.
Consider the monetary system. People generally view money as the key to happi-
ness. Accumulating money may not help; the key is to create a life filled with joy and
love that fulfills your higher purpose. Studies have shown that although poverty can
make people unhappy (not having one’s basic needs met), wealth does not correlate
to happiness. Wealthy people are not necessarily joyful and fulfilled. Abundance pro-
vides resources for realizing one’s purpose rather than an end in itself, and it can
manifest in different ways. Opening to different possibilities, living in the house of your
dreams may or may not mean that you need to own it. Maybe it will. On the other
hand, it may be more in alignment with your purpose for you not to own a house that
would tie you to a single location. Maybe your soul is planning to take you somewhere
else in the future that will be more suitable.
11. Power: It is vitally important to recognize that we can command the power to create
our heartfelt desires. This connects with the need to love ourselves and realize that we
deserve to have our soul’s joy come to fruition. You can claim abundance and
prosperity in the name of your highest good, your purpose, the universe, or whatever
inspires you to higher and better creations.

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12. Will: Finally, we have to have the will to follow through on bringing our desires into
reality. You have to be willing to do what it takes to manifest. This may involve taking
action or just waiting and being patient. Will requires having the discipline to take
whatever steps are needed to realize your dreams.

As you progress on the path to manifesting your dreams, you may think of other uplifting
qualities that are relevant for you and unique ways of applying these ideas. While being in a
higher state of awareness that is conducive to the presence of these qualities may seem like a
lofty goal, each of us can start successfully on the road to manifesting our dreams now, wher-
ever we are on the journey.
You may feel that you have already manifested many wonderful things and are ready to
take your abilities to a higher level, or you may be a complete beginner. Wherever you are is
perfect. As you step forward in a positive direction, raising your vibrations, wonderful things
can happen. Continuing on the path, the changes will build exponentially over time, until you
can look at your life in awe of all of the blessings that have come your way.


It is important to note that a cheerful façade is not necessarily the same as a genuinely joyous
and soulful state. Thousands of people use a smile and a cheerful demeanor to hide the fear,
emptiness, and depression that lie below the surface. Depression is generally just the absence
of the soul’s energy and none of the external trappings of success can change it. This is why
having everything you could possibly want and finding genuine happiness are different things.

External rewards are not the source of fulfillment.

True happiness radiates from within, from the life-giving light and
simple wisdom of the soul.

This isn’t what the media tells us; advertisers want us to believe that houses, cars, and
the latest fashions create fulfillment. They work for a fleeting moment, but then we are left
again with ourselves and we long for peace within. Developing an ongoing relationship with
the soul, our greatest ally, is the solution. It’s free and anyone can do it with a bit of practice.
All you have to do is take the time to get to know each other.
In her book Cosmic Ordering, Barbel Mohr says, “The more open you are, the more you
trust, and the more you are who you are, the easier it will be for you to access and listen to
your inner voice and to disregard what others may think of you.” Connecting with the soul
and integrating the Twelve Principles of Manifestation allow you to truly learn who you are.


Making contact with the high vibrations and wisdom of the soul opens you rapidly to your
infinite potential. You can make conscious use of this resource to enhance any positive vibra-

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OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 39

tions you want to bring fully into your life. Reviewing the Twelve Principles of Manifestation,
you can use the Manifestation Principles Evaluation in Figure 2.1 to make note of how strong
each one is for you now on a scale of one to ten. Then, with the light of the soul and EFT, you
can align yourself more with each of these positive qualities. As mentioned previously, the
goal here is not perfection. Wherever you are on your evolutionary journey, you can take steps
that will bring you closer to the life of your dreams. To manifest easily, you want each quality
to be as high as possible, leaving minimal resistance to success.
When Olivia reviewed the Manifestation Checklist, the areas where she identified block-
ages were honoring everyone concerned, loving herself, and being open to how her creation
might occur. Focusing in on one area, she knew that she felt limited by her age, being in her
late 50’s, and that she was concerned about what other people might think and say about
her. Being accepted was very important to her. She measured her concern about what others
might think or say at about an eight out of ten.

As mentioned earlier, being free to create your dreams

requires stepping out of the crowd and taking charge
regardless what anyone might think or say.

Olivia next did Soul Centering with Jane’s guidance to gain a higher perspective. From
this place, she knew that people could think and say just about anything, and ultimately,
none of it matters. If she can detach from their opinions, she can be truly free. To do this
more often, Olivia saw that she needed to let go of her expectations of herself and others ex-
pectations of her. She needed to be able to express herself and detach from the outcome.
With a bit of EFT, using the method that follows, she strengthened her ability to simply ex-
press herself and detach from the outcome. She felt much better being aligned with this ele-
vated perspective and her concern about what others might think or say was completely gone.
As you can see from this example, this approach requires a few moments of reflection,
connecting again with the wisdom of the soul and opening to its insights.

The Process for Enhancing the Manifestation Principles

With the need for reflection in mind, find a quiet place for this process and have a paper and
pen handy to record your observations.
1. Evaluate the strength of each of the qualities in Figure 2.1 and select one that needs
boosting. Make note of its strength between one and ten before you start this process.
Also ask yourself what is stopping you from fully embracing the positive energies of
this quality and jot your feelings down for future reference. If there is a specific nega-
tive emotion you are sensing, like fear of failure, resentment, or doubt, write that
down, too.
2. Use the Soul Centering Process in this chapter to connect with the light and wisdom
of the soul, feeling its energy throughout your body and all around you.

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OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 40

3. From this soulful place, ask yourself what the truth is about the quality you are focus-
ing on. Without allowing your rational mind to come in and evaluate the message, just
write down whatever comes into your mind. Reviewing the notes you made as you
started this process, is there really any reason you can’t embrace it fully? Again, jot the
response down without evaluating it.
4. The soul’s truth is generally quite different from your normal consciousness, as shown
in the example above. In most cases, it can fully embrace the quality you seek to
strengthen. You can use EFT to tap in this strength, using the affirmation:
I choose _________________ and I completely accept myself.

Manifestation Principles Evaluation


Think of your manifestation(s) in relation to:

1. “… heartfelt desire.” _____ ________________

2. “…having expectancy.” _____ ________________

3. “… honoring everyone concerned.” _____ ________________

4. “… gratitude.” _____ ________________

5. “… loving others and yourself.” _____ ________________

6. “… trusting that everything is in perfect order.” _____ ________________

7. “… being lighthearted and not taking things too seriously.” _____ ________________

8. “… the free flow of resources.” _____ ________________

9. “… being open to the way it may occur.” _____ ________________

10. “… transcending the limitations of our reality.” _____ ________________

11. “…. having the power to create.” _____ ________________

12. “…. having the will to follow through.” _____ ________________

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OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 41

If there is a specific limiting emotion you want to release, use the affirmation:
I release_________________ and choose _____________ and
I completely accept myself.
5. When you have completed the tapping, measure the strength of the positive quality
again between one and ten. If desired, you can do another round or so to bring it up
to full strength.
6. Once you have the positive quality up close to ten, ask yourself for an affirmation that
you can use to remind you of it and write it down for future reference. This way you
can jot the affirmation down on a small piece of paper and have it some place where
you will be reminded of your soul’s wisdom and to reinforce the high vibration.

Whenever you receive insight from the soul, it is essential to follow through on it to
strengthen its positive presence in your life. Remember, heaviness and darkness are associ-
ated with being disconnected from the soul; joy and lightness are associated with being con-
nected with the wholeness of the soul. Ultimately, the goal is to be connected with the soul’s
light as much as possible throughout the day.
You can also shout out the affirmation when you are driving alone. If you spend alone
time in your car each day, as many people do, you have a wonderful opportunity to affirm all
the qualities you want to fully embrace. Vocalizing the affirmation with tremendous volume
and enthusiasm is much more effective than just whispering it softly or tentatively. This opens
your throat and your self-expression. It generally takes this kind of energy to shift your vibra-
tions. Try it; it’s freeing. You should be able to feel the uplifting power of the energy you put
behind your affirmations.


For easy reference, you may want to develop a statement you can repeat regularly that re-
minds you of your soul’s heartfelt joy. John Diamond calls this message a “homing thought”
in his book Life Energy, and he recounts numerous stories of how it can powerfully balance
and heal. You could also call it a purposeful thought, because it reminds you of your purpose,
which raises your vibrations and makes you feel joyful and alive.
If you use muscle testing or a pendulum, you can use either of them to help you to iden-
tify a thought that quickly raises your vibrations and keeps your dreams alive. If you don’t use
these tools, just find a thought that consistently connects you with your heartfelt joy.

Your soulful homing thought may include some or all of the following:
• The role you want to play in your career or other aspect of life
• Where you want to live, if it is different from where you are now
• How you want to experience your life, i.e. joyfully, in the flow, and so on
• Any other aspect of your heartfelt joy that you want to connect with now

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OPENING TO THE SOUL’S REALITY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 42

A thought that soulfully aligns you with your purpose in this way is more powerful than
you might imagine. We have experimented with using muscle testing to measure how it af-
fects one’s vibrations Our Getting Thru to Your Soul DVD 1 shows a compelling example of
this approach. On the DVD, Juanita tests weak when muscle tested while the audience thinks
negative thoughts about her. Then she focuses on a soulful homing thought that connects her
with her higher purpose. Now she tests strong while the audience again projects negative
thoughts toward her.
The thought may be as simple as “Be yourself” or “I am light and filled with joy.” It may
also be more inclusive of your purpose, as with “I am becoming a holistic therapist helping
people to connect with their joy in a thriving practice in Hawaii.” Have fun and experiment
with it to find a phrase that works for you.

If you are finding it difficult to align yourself with your soul’s energies or to boost the energies
of the twelve qualities, you may need to focus more on clearing the exact issues related to the
blockages. We will explore this in depth in Chapter Four. First, we want to help you to bring
the soul’s reality down to earth.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Bringing the Soul’s Reality

Down to Earth
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."


Having connected with the soul, you are now ready to begin to make your heartfelt desires a
reality. We start with goal setting, the practical, nuts-and-bolts part of manifesting. Your goals
create your vision of the life you are creating. Trying to manifest your dreams without having a
vision and specific goals is like traveling into unknown territory without a map. Your course is
not clear, so you are leaving your success up to chance. You may get where you want to go
and, then again, you may not. Even if you do, it could take a long time, with the frustration of
making a lot of wrong turns. Our goal is to take the most direct and joyful path possible.
When done from a spiritual perspective, goal setting brings spirit into form, to clearly de-
fine your heart’s desires and establish your commitment to a course of action. You could see
goal setting as your way of telling the universe where you intend to go with your life.
In our polarized world, most people focus on physical form without spirit, following the
limited perspective of the ego. Many spiritual people focus on the higher realms, without
form, and find themselves ungrounded. Our approach acknowledges that both are necessary
parts of our development, to integrate the vast realms of spirit fully into our daily lives. Unit-
ing spirit and matter provides much-needed balance and synergy. Everything takes on new
meaning, as this union brings more fulfillment and joy of being alive. It also opens the door
for all of humanity to rise to a new way of being where love and joy can become the norm.
The Bible foretells of a new heaven and a new earth. In his book A New Earth, Eckhart
Tolle explains that heaven is a state of consciousness rather than a place, and that earth is
the outward manifestation of this inner awareness. A new heaven is the emergence of a new
way of being that emanates from the transcendence of our limited consciousness and the new
earth is the place of love and joy that we envision. It is the place where your outer purpose
and your inner purpose unite and align with the synchronous flow of the universe.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
BRINGING THE SOUL’S REALITY DOWN TO EARTH Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 44

With specific goals in mind, you open the door

to a new elevated reality where your course comes clearly
into focus. You now have a map of the territory.

Studies have shown that people who write down their goals achieve far greater success
than those who just think about them. We have confirmed this many times in our own lives.
Just thinking about what you want can be vague and it can lack commitment. Writing goals
down on paper defines and grounds them. It also opens you to mystical and transformational
experiences that may easily exceed your expectations.
We recently moved to a new home. Before moving, we wrote down a complete list of
what we were looking for physically, emotionally, and spiritually, enlisted the support of the
heavens (which we describe in Chapter Six), and took action. Our guidance told us when we
would find it and that we would be surprised and delighted. Lo and behold, we found the per-
fect place, just when we were told we would. We were and continue to be delighted with it.


Over the years, designing our lives and realizing our dreams has become a daily experience
for us. In this book, we share insights on how magical and fulfilling it can be. During the last
several decades, we have had many wondrous experiences with manifesting, using the ele-
ments in this program. Over the years, nearly every goal we have put in writing has come into
our lives. And, as often happens to people who use this approach, the results have exceeded
the expectations we had along the way. At the time we set many of our goals, we could not
have foreseen the amazing ways they could manifest themselves.
When we first set goals to merge our occupations with our spiritual callings, we could not
have imagined that we would become writers, teachers, and speakers known around the
world. One step led to the next and here we are. Similarly, when we dreamed of moving away
from the city, which we found stressful, we could not have imagined living in a place as won-
derful as where we live now. It would not have been believable to us.
As suggested, it has not all happened when we wanted it to happen, but we stayed on
course, continued to follow our hearts’ desires, and stayed connected with our souls for guid-
ance along the way. In retrospect, we can see that the timing was synchronously perfect, and
now we simply trust that our lives will continue in this synchronous flow. This approach has
supported us in creating the life of our dreams.
We dream big, but still not as big as many results have turned out over time. We share
examples throughout this book. Our insights and research about manifestation, combined
with our successes and those of students and clients, led us to share this information on a
broader scale. As shown at the front of this book, many people have had fabulous results.

Manifesting your heart’s desires is your birthright.

Realizing your heart’s desires also raises the vibrations on the planet. Having more and
more people soulfully manifest their dreams will help us to collectively transform the limiting

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
BRINGING THE SOUL’S REALITY DOWN TO EARTH Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 45

structures of society and create a new, joyful and loving way of being for everyone. So set
your course and open to having extraordinary things enter your life as you follow this program.
Also note that it is not the “size” of the manifestations that counts, though they may be
grand. Success will be felt by the quality of your creations.


In its most basic sense, goal setting is just a matter of pursuing your heartfelt joy, which we
described in the last chapter. In his book The Divine Blueprint, Robert Perala describes our
lives as novels we are writing each day. From this perspective, you can choose, through goal
setting, what kinds of roles you want to play and what you want to experience. Consider these
choices. Do you want to be a conqueror of life’s challenges standing confidently on a lofty
mountaintop or a forgotten prisoner languishing in a dark, dingy cell, or does life have other
plans for you? Your goals can outline the novel of your future. They can tell the story of how
you choose to live and realize your true purpose.
If you are in a situation that seems impossible or so challenging that you don’t know
where to start, take one step at a time. Look closely at how you perceive yourself and your
possibilities. Set aside any perceived limitations and set goals to help you to find easier and
more joyful ways of being. We do this ourselves, and we know the universe will respond.

Setting Your Ground Rules

With the question above, you can see that there is a full range of possibilities of ways that
you can experience life and we recommend experiencing it in a magnificent way. To optimize
success, we set Ground Rules that we apply to all of our goals.
Let some magic enter your thinking. Visualize for a moment the reality you want to create.
Do you, for example, want to live in a reality where you are in the right place at the right time
to live joyfully and realize your mission in perfect time or would you prefer a reality where you
seem to just miss opportunities? Is your world one where you can foster positive, loving, and
stimulating relationships or would you prefer to be alone with your dreams? Do you want your
goals to manifest with the highest possible ease and effortlessness or would you prefer to
have to struggle every day to make things happen?

We set Ground Rules in two categories:

1. Expectations related to the creation of our reality in general
2. Expectations related specifically to the creation of our goals

This way, we don’t have to constantly add a statement saying that we expect the people
around us to be friendly, helpful, and supportive. And we don’t have to add the statement
that we want the realization of each of our goals to manifest in alignment with our missions
and with the highest good of all concerned. Both are in our Ground Rules. We share how we
inform the universe of these intentions in Chapter Six.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
BRINGING THE SOUL’S REALITY DOWN TO EARTH Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 46

You can find an example of the kinds of things we include in our Ground Rules in Figure
3.1. Taking some of the examples provided there, you can, for instance, choose to produce
the results you seek with a lot of work and effort, or easily and effortlessly. Letting the uni-
verse know how you want to live and create your dreams can save a lot of wear and tear.
We also have to note that once you set your Ground Rules, it is important that you live in
a way that aligns with the reality you are outlining. If, for example, you have a mean temper,
treat others poorly, and expect at the same time that the people around will be consistently
friendly, helpful, and supportive, you will be disappointed. Since your reality mirrors your in-
ner world, you have to be friendly, helpful, and supportive to attract the same to you. If you
want your goals to be aligned with your mission, you need to have a connection with your
soul, so you know what your mission is.
Life is, of course, a journey, and none of us is perfect. At the same time, as you set your
Ground Rules, we also suggest aligning yourself with your soul and clearing areas where you
might attract a reality that is different from the one you outline in your rules.

As you write your Ground Rules and your goals,

we need to make an important point. Always state what you want
in a positive way. Remember, what you focus on, you create.

If you set a ground rule to experience less anger from others, your focus on anger will at-
tract more of it to you. Instead, you could set a ground rule to experience the good will of oth-
ers or, as we have done, state that people around you are friendly, helpful, and supportive.
Figure 3.2 provides some tips for wording your Ground Rules and your goals.

The Nuts and Bolts of Setting Goals

With your Ground Rules in place, you are ready to get into specifics. Much of the information
you will find here on goal setting is an edited excerpt from our Awaken to Your True Purpose
Program, updated with our most recent discoveries. Joyfully following your purpose adds life
energy and excitement, while stifling your purpose drains life energy and creates depression.
If we could all be abundantly joyful, we would have little need for guidelines or for a program
to help us. Suffice it to say that your joy tells you what to aim for.
Your soul’s purpose involves joyously filling your needs, which includes the full range of
your multi-dimensional experience: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Some people
limit their focus to the mental level, excluding the emotional world. Others focus on the spiri-
tual, ignoring the physical. To be complete and whole, you need to include all four aspects.
You can also focus on having a balance between joyful work, study, relaxation, and play, to
include all four of these fundamental elements in your goals. Both approaches highlight the
fact that we humans are multi-faceted. In reality, each of us most likely has a number of pur-
poses related to different aspects of ourselves and our lives. In any event, we all need balance
in our lives with a variety of experiences that feed the many facets or our souls.

When you create your goals, be sure to open to the infinite.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
BRINGING THE SOUL’S REALITY DOWN TO EARTH Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 47

Sample Ground Rules


In the creation of my reality, I expect the following:

1. I am synchronously in the right place at the right time to live joyfully and realize my mission in
perfect time. This includes:
• Where I live
• Where I am in each moment to receive input from the universe
• Creating my goals
2. People around me are consistently friendly, helpful, and supportive.
3. All of my needs are met easily and effortlessly.
4. Joy, health, abundance, and friendship fill my life. My creations come to me in ways that synchro-
nously support the following:
• Vibrant health and relaxation
• Positive, loving, and stimulating relationships
• Ample free time to relax and enjoy life
• Balance of the body, emotions, mind, and spirit

In the realization of my goals, I expect the following:

1. My goals manifest in alignment with my mission and with the highest good of all concerned.
2. The creation of my goals synchronously affects the people, places, and situations around me in the
most magically positive ways possible.
3. I attain my goals with the greatest possible ease and effortlessness.
4. When I offer services, and/or products, I consistently attract people who are ready to receive them,
who are in harmony with me, delighted with results, happy to pay my fees, and delighted to rec-
ommend my offerings to others.
5. When I place a timeframe on a goal, I expect it to be fulfilled within this timeframe or sooner.
6. When I place a quantity on a goal, I expect to create this quantity or more.
7. When I claim an achievement, I intend to achieve what I expect or something better that is in
alignment with my mission.
8. When the universe has a message for me related to my goals, I expect it to come in a way that is
obvious and clear to me.

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With your goals, focus on what would bring the most heartfelt
joy, excitement, and true fulfillment if you had no limits on time,
money, or location. This will open you to your full potential.

This focus is critically important. You need to override any limiting beliefs about what is
and what is not possible. In her delightful book Hiring the Heavens, Jean Slatter tells us, “On
the physical plane, we always seem to be dealing with limited resources, not enough money,
not enough time, not enough people or experts. If we switch our perception to the universe,
those restrictions don’t apply, so just imagine that you have all the money, time, and re-
sources in the world…” We will explore Slater’s insightful approach more in Chapter Six.
If limiting thoughts enter your mind, don’t add fuel to the fire by entertaining them; let
them keep going. Another perspective that can bring relativity to the experience is to ask your-
self what will be most important at the time of your death. What will you most want to have
achieved and experienced in your life? How will you have wanted to touch those around you?
As you prepare to set your goals, we also recommend that you reflect on what you have
gained from the Soul Centering Process in Chapter Two and experience the Spiritual Path
Process below. This profound process allows you to put your entire life into the perspective of
your evolutionary journey and life purpose, which will help you to recognize the areas where
you want to focus your attention going forward. Returning to this process over time can also
provide an update to fine tune your direction.

Goal Setting Tips

State goals in positive. “I am finding it easier and State goals in negative, such as “I don’t want to
easier to make house payments.” worry about my house payments.” Remember:
what you focus on, you create.
Use present tense to describe goals that are true Exaggerate or distort your descriptions of what is
now, as with the Ground Rules in Figure 3.1. possible for you now.
Use present progressive to describe goals that are State goals in future tense: “I will have my perfect
in the process of coming into being, as with the job.” Since the future is always out before you,
goal: “I am attracting my perfect job to me in so this goal will never be within reach.
many ways.” Examples of this are in Figure 3.4.
Use confident, assertive language. “I enjoy be- Words like “try” or “should,” such as “I should try
coming a growing success in my field.” to be a success in this field.”

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
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We again suggest connecting with the wisdom of your soul as you set your goals, remem-
bering that this resourceful part knows how to realize your divine purpose and experience ful-
fillment. The ego, which is disconnected from this wisdom, does not. It is fixed on material-
ism and personal gain as ways to relieve its pain. Rather than cultivate the ego’s misguided
desires, the goal is to transform and neutralize them, so the ego can become a positive sup-
porter, functioning in harmony with the soul. When this happens, one’s desires, which very
likely include abundance and more of the wonders of the physical plane, serve both oneself
and the higher good.


To get an overview of the journey, you can connect with your purpose and establish a positive
direction with the Spiritual Path Process. We first introduced this process in our Awaken to
Your True Purpose program and provide a guided version here. This simple guided visualiza-
tion can help you to sense the big picture of where you are on your spiritual journey and on
the path to manifesting your dreams.
As you prepare to do this process, we recommend being in a quiet, comfortable place
with a paper and pen handy to jot down your observations and insights gained during the
process. Also, allow a bit of time; as this type of experience cannot be rushed. It requires be-
ing in a receptive, relaxed state where you can connect with the deeper levels of your aware-
ness. To get the most from the written version, just read each word intentionally to yourself,
close your eyes at intervals to deepen the experience, and visualize the different aspects of
the spiritual path. Open yourself to experiencing the process with all of your senses, accepting
the images, feelings, and messages that come into your mind, and avoid allowing your ra-
tional mind to analyze.
Start by taking a few nice, relaxing breaths of fresh air and allowing yourself to
begin to relax. As you do, notice where there is tension in your body and invite it to
release, breathing some beautiful clear air into the tension and feeling it melting
away as you shift your attention inward.

Notice how good it feels just to take time for yourself and take a
moment to just be with yourself in your body as you open to
learning more about the magnificent spiritual journey you are on.

As you continue to breathe, allow the breath to bring in lighter energy now, prepar-
ing you to go through a beautiful mist that transcends time and space, on an adven-
ture to a place where there is a path that represents your spiritual journey. See and
feel yourself in the mist now and allow it to take you to your spiritual path. As you ar-
rive, notice what you are experiencing with all of your senses. Notice what you feel
emotionally, what you see around you, if there are any sounds in this place, and if
there are any scents in the air. Take it all in as you focus your attention on your path
and jot down the details of what you perceive throughout this experience. The act of
writing in itself will most likely bring out more details about the experience.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
BRINGING THE SOUL’S REALITY DOWN TO EARTH Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 50

As the image comes more into focus, look down and notice what the path is made
of and how wide it is. Also take a moment to look around the path, noticing the envi-
ronment, foliage, and any specific details of the scene. This is a special path that can
tell you anything you want to know about your journey. Behind you lies your past,
which brought you to this place, and ahead of you lies the next phase of your journey.
Now turn around to look behind you, noticing how the path has led you to this
point. Has it been straight or winding? Has it gone uphill, downhill, stayed on level
ground, or has it been a combination of all three? Was the path wide or narrow? No-
tice the quality of your journey and reflect for a moment on its significance in your
life. Ask yourself what events have been most instrumental in bringing you to the ex-
act place where you find yourself today. You may have overcome obstacles to reach
the present moment; you may also have learned things that are particularly important
for you and for your purpose. Jot the important points about your past down on paper,
so you can review them as you prepare to create a bright, joyful future.
When you are done, turn back around facing forward and notice again where you
are on the path now. Ask yourself what special opportunities are opening to you now
and what, if anything, is blocking your way. Is the path immediately ahead of you
straight or windy? Is it level or is there a slope in the path? Is it smooth or are any ob-
stacles blocking the way? As you focus on the details, you may see an image, receive
a message, or just sense your next steps. As the process unfolds, you may again want
to record your experience for future reference. Make special note of any obstacles in
the path, as present opportunities for clearing blockages and moving freely forward. If
you wish, you can also take a few moments to use EFT to clear any blockages that
come to mind now.
Focus now on the road ahead and where your heartfelt joy wants to take you. Put
your hand on your heart and connect clearly with this energy. Now look around again.
You may notice something new from this perspective. Maybe your direction will come
more into focus. Maybe there are resources available that can help you on your way
that you didn’t notice before. Just ask to see these resources now. They may include
people, situations, and useful items. Note what they are.
Since following your unique path also involves recognizing the special qualities you
have to share in this life, you will also notice that there is a treasure chest along the
side of the path that has within it a piece of treasure that represents a gift you are
here to share. As you focus in on this chest, notice what it looks like. You may want to
touch it and feel its surface as you prepare to open it and discover the treasure
within. Now open the treasure chest and see what is inside. If you wish, you can pick
up the treasure and feel it in your hands. Notice also if the treasure has any notewor-
thy details. As you focus on the treasure, its significance may immediately be clear to
you. If not, ask if there is a message about its purpose. Also ask if it is something you
may want to carry with you when you return from this journey.
Before leaving this magical place, reflect for a moment on your goals for the fu-
ture. Looking forward again on the path, open to your infinite potential and allow it to

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
BRINGING THE SOUL’S REALITY DOWN TO EARTH Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 51

light the way before you. Notice if anything stands out as being most important as you
set your goals and fully commit to making them a reality.
When you are ready to begin the return trip, know that you can return to this path
any time to see how things are going and to make note of where your journey is taking
you. As you again enter the beautiful mist that will bring you back, take some more
nice breaths, breathing in active energy as you return to your normal waking state. As
the mist clears, feel yourself firmly grounded in your seat, in the present moment.
People who have used this simple process have discovered unique and fascinating paths
with a variety of obstacles and opportunities, including pathways through jungles, the coun-
tryside, deep forests, and more. Obstacles on these paths may appear in the form of huge
boulders, walls, trees, loose gravel that makes it hard to gain traction, quick-sand, and more.
Each person’s path is unique and everything you experience is a message from the soul. You
may immediately know what the images mean or you may also use the Soul Centering Proc-
ess again to take you to a resourceful state where you can understand more. In a soulful
state, you can ask what any image means and write down whatever comes to mind. You can
also ask for guidance to find the specific areas and attitudes that need adjustment.
As mentioned, we recommend revisiting this process over time. You can also follow up on
it by creating a list of the strengths you bring to realizing your dreams.

Creating a list of your strengths can help you to recognize

your full potential. These are the qualities your soul chose for you
in this life to realize your true purpose.

This process may also reveal blockages in your path that you want to clear to move freely
forward. We will explore releasing blockages more in Chapter Four.

An Example of the Spiritual Path Process

In one of Phillip’s sessions, Larry’s spiritual path was straight in front of him, made of crushed
granite. It felt comfortable and familiar. It was bright, well-tended and maintained. It was also
getting narrower, with some plants encroaching on the path restricting the way.
Larry realized how too many activities can get in the way of his spiritual growth. He used
a hedge trimmer to cut back the overgrowth of vegetation. He realized it’s fine to give up
some activities that slow down his spiritual growth. Yet he can still maintain his many tasks
in life. With Phillip’s guidance, Larry did some EFT on his sense of struggling and the burden
of too many responsibilities. Afterward, the spiritual path widened, stretching out ahead to a
wonderful horizon. Larry felt confident and enthusiastic about his future.


Reflecting on the Soul Centering Process, since the soul connects in the heart, you might ex-
perience your deepest desires as heartfelt joy. You can put your hand on your heart, as you
did in the Soul Centering Process, to reawaken a soulful perspective. It is from this place that

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
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you can confirm how your goals align with your higher purpose. You might want to try this
now, placing your hand on your heart and opening to the love you hold there. As you notice
how this feels, allow a goal you want to attain to come to mind and focus on the energy of
this goal. Does this goal feel like it is in harmony with the truth of who you are? Does it align
with your heartfelt joy? If it doesn’t, you can select a more harmonious goal to focus on.

You may also find it helpful to ask yourself one or more of the following soulful questions to
connect with the things that have real value in your life.
• What you would want to do if you had only a few months to live?
• Would this goal (whatever it is) bring you more of a sense of wholeness and unity with
all that is or would it create division? For instance, do you want a huge diamond ring
to impress others or to feel the delight in marveling at its beauty?
• Would this goal (whatever it is) bring you more in touch with the truth of who you are
or create camouflage that masks separation from this truth? For instance, do you want
a million dollars to feel more secure, to mask your fear of being harmed, or to further
your joyful purpose in life?
• Will this goal make you genuinely happy or will it simply produce momentary relief
from the unhappiness you feel now? Is it more of an impulse or craving, or it is a true
longing and heartfelt desire?

The desires that hold the highest vibrations for you are the ones
that focus your true identity and reasons for being.

As Susann Shier writes in her book Soul Mastery, “One of the deepest concerns of our
heart and soul is that we do not wish to die with our song unsung, with our gifts unwrapped,
and, really, we do not wish to live in any moment that our spirit is not free to shine!”
We all deeply want to freely express our divinity, to allow our souls to blossom and feel
vibrantly alive in each moment. Heartfelt, soulful goals bring ever more love, joy, and freedom
to simply be yourself in each moment. These are the goals that will create true fulfillment and
an existence that is richly rewarding on all levels. They set you on a course for a life where
being on the journey becomes its own source of fulfillment, and you can do this now, what-
ever your circumstances are. Heartfelt goals connect you more consciously with the non-local
realm, the domain quantum physicists have noted transcends time and space.
Also remember that you are multi-faceted, and you can express your divinity in a variety
of ways. Your soul may want to help change the world in some innovative way, express itself
through poetry, take dance lessons, and much, much more. You may also want to play tennis
or ride horses in your spare time. However you do it, whatever fuels your soul’s heartfelt joy,
write down several goals for each level. This is a brainstorming process and you will refine
your goals further as you go along, so be free with it. Be sure to include all you genuinely
want to do with your life. By writing everything down, you avoid letting your fears and life’s
distractions get in the way, as putting things off into the future means that your goals might
be forgotten and never manifest.

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You can find a format to use for goal setting in Figure 3.3. To set goals, you can use this for-
mat, taking as much space as you need for each level.

Here is a description of each of the four holistic levels in this format:

1. Physical Level: Include ways to create physical well-being: your health and vitality,
exercise, where you want to live, what your ideal home is like, how much money you
want to have, things that would make life easier, more joyful, fulfilling, and more.
The universe is abundant and there is plenty for all, so it is fine to aim to have
anything you desire on the physical level. At the same time, there is a difference be-
tween feeding the ego’s desires for outward recognition and the soul’s desires for genu-
ine inner fulfillment. When you consider a goal for having a new BMW, take an honest
look at what you are really seeking. Are you looking for the joyful experience of driving
a fine car or for the admiration of those who see you in it?
As spiritual teacher and author Eckart Tolle asks, are you looking for yourself when
you seek for more? In essence, the spiritual journey involves seeking ourselves, whole-
ness, and oneness with all that is. As we progress, we realize that we are more mag-
nificent than we could have imagined and our perceived limits are imaginary. If you
are seeking the admiration of others to fill feelings of emptiness within, no amount of
money or physical trappings of success will fill that hole. Using others to create one’s
sense of self simply doesn’t work. The search for recognition has to come from within,
from truly loving and appreciating oneself as a spiritual being. The goal, then, might
actually be entered in the spiritual category: to discover more of your magnificence.
You can still have a goal to have a wonderful car that you would truly enjoy driving or
a beautiful ring that you would enjoy wearing.
If you want a million dollars to feel secure, why not clear your fears and feel more
secure now? As long as you have inner insecurity, money probably won’t help anyhow.
With your fears cleared, you can feel more at ease while you attract abundance for
more meaningful reasons and really enjoy it. We will also discuss the subject of money
in detail in the next chapter.

Remember that your goals can touch any aspect

of your experience that you want to change.

You may not initially think to have goals that relate to more abstract subjects. One
such area that relates to the physical level is time, a subject that is challenging for
most people in our busy society. If you constantly have thoughts going through your
head telling yourself that you don’t have enough time, this is the reality you are creat-
ing and you will always feel rushed. This kind of thinking runs rampant in our culture,
where people rush from one activity to the next, wondering when they will have a few
moments of rest. You have to create these moments yourself; no one else will. You
can have the goal to experience having plenty of time every day to accomplish every-
thing you need and want to do, to relax, to explore new ideas, and to enjoy life.

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Goal Setting Format

Date: ________________

PHYSICAL LEVEL: ways to create physical well-being, where you want to live, what your ideal home is
like, how much money you want to have, things that would make life easier, and more …

EMOTIONAL LEVEL: Include emotions you want to foster, filling your needs for friends and family,
ways you can have fun, ways to express yourself creatively, ways to nurture yourself, and more ...

MENTAL LEVEL: Include ways to manifest what you want in the world, your occupation(s), how you
can create abundance, educational goals, clarity on your next step, new information, and more ...

SPIRITUAL LEVEL: Include ways you can further your spiritual growth, spiritual retreats,
meditation/Soul Centering, filling your need for meaningful relationships, contributions you want to
make to society, and more ...

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Emotional Level: Include positive emotions you want to experience, ways to fill your
needs for supportive friends and family, ways to have fun, ways to express yourself
creatively, ways to nurture yourself, and more. Nurturing yourself is a way to demon-
strate in your daily experience that you care for yourself. Everyone deserves to be
treated well and this needs to start with treating ourselves well. If we treat ourselves
with respect and honor, others will, too.
If you are feeling frustrated by the direction your life is taking, you can set the goal
to find more joy in your life. You can likewise set a goal to bring more lightheartedness
into your professional life or more peace and quiet into your home life. Setting a goal
to create a positive emotional state starts to shift your experience to make more room
for it to become your reality.
2. Mental Level: Include ways to manifest what you want in the world: your occupation,
hobbies, how you can create success and abundance (which expands more
resources), and more. This is also where you can place goals to gain clarity on how to
achieve a career change, find new information about the meaning of life, and more.
People often have large goals, like wanting to change their careers, but they don’t
know how to take even the first step.

Asking for clarity to give you direction as part of a larger goal

is a valuable goal in itself.

Or maybe you need more information. Whatever you want, you can set a goal to have
it happening quickly and easily. With Awakenings Institute, we are pursuing the pos-
sibility of obtaining a grant to help us to build our worldwide spiritual community. We
set a goal to effortlessly find an organization that might offer this type of grant and
enlisted the support of the heavens (which we discuss in Chapter Six). Within 24
hours a friend contacted us with the name of an organization that looks like it is a per-
fect match. This may have completely cut out the research time we would have had to
put in if we had taken a strictly conventional approach.
3. Spiritual Level: This is where it all comes together, where the big picture of our true
identities and the evolution of humanity comes into focus. Understanding ourselves
and the nature of the spiritual journey provides a backdrop for everything we seek to
create. On this level, you can set goals for finding ways to further your spiritual
growth, fill your need for meaningful relationships, and bring likeminded souls into
yoiur life. You can focus on contributions you want to make to society, insights into
your spiritual journey, expansive ways of viewing things, meditative activities like daily
Soul Centering, and more.
Your spiritual goals might include being at one with all that is, being in the syn-
chronous flow of the universe, experiencing true joy, and taking more delight in each
moment. Each one can help you to bring focus to a specific area of your development
and your ability to manifest. If you set these kinds of goals, you also have to realize
that the universe may bring up the blockages that prevent you from living fully, so you
can release their hold. We will address clearing blockages in the next chapter.

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If possible, we recommend entering your goals in a computer. This way, you can review
and edit them, along with creating future updates with ease. Once you complete your list of
goals, review it with others who are involved in bringing these items into your reality. For ex-
ample, if you are in a relationship, you will probably both want to live in the same place. Aim
to reach agreements on the items that include others and edit your list accordingly.

Clarifying Your Mind

One essential thing to consider with subjects like money and relationships is the need to
clearly understand what they represent to you. In these areas, find the deeper desire that un-
derlies what you want. Millions of people want to win the lottery, because they equate wealth
with living happily ever after, without any challenges or issues. Likewise, a relationship might
represent unconditional love or a sense of security. We need to find these qualities of love and
security within ourselves as we evolve and grow. We take our blockages with us, and more
money or a new relationship will not free us from the need to learn about ourselves, grow
spiritually, and address our blockages. If you are not clear about what money represents, you
can set a goal to receive more clarity on any of your financial goals to set a positive course.
As noted earlier, we discuss money and ways to transform interference in Chapter Four.

Expanding Your Thoughts on Goal Setting

Connecting with your soul's purpose and manifesting your heartfelt dreams involves joyfully
filling your needs over the full range of your multi-dimensional experience. As mentioned, this
includes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. To be balanced, you need to
place equal focus on all four.
As you review each level on the Goal Setting Format in Figure 3.2, it is essential that you
avoid imposing any limits on yourself related to money, time, or place. Dream BIG. This is a
brainstorming process; be sure to include all of the things you have been wanting to do with
your life. An example that relates to many people is all of the things they keep putting off until
next year, and next year never comes.
In addition to including exciting things like wanting to connect with your soul more, ex-
press yourself artistically, write a book, open to your intuition, or whatever brings you joy, be
sure to include the things that would make your life easier. This might include things like cre-
ating enough abundance to have your house cleaned weekly, to have a gardener, to be able to
eat in a restaurant more often, or whatever you would like. Also, note that some things may
relate to more than one level. For example, you would ideally want the place you live to sup-
port you on all levels. It is listed under the physical level, because it is a physical place.

Look beyond what you currently think is possible;

reach for greatness.

From a spiritual perspective, it is important not to get hung up on the details of how your
goals are going to come into being. You don’t want to limit yourself to ordinary thinking, be-

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lieving that results have to come slowly, as the result of lengthy suffering, or through exhaus-
tive searching. Remember the magic. The following chapters of this book will help you to
enlist the full power of the universe to support you in making your dreams come true.


By writing down your goals, you have clarified your intent. Reviewing the list, you most likely
have dozens of items and we don’t recommend focusing on all of them at once. As you move
forward, the next important step is to pick out around three to five goals to start with that can
have the biggest impact on your life. You will begin by focusing on this handful of goals, add-
ing more as you progress.
You can identify where to start by categorizing each of your goals as immediate, medium-
term, and long-term. This can also help where a staged transition applies to a specific goal.
For example, if you want to change jobs, possibly to a new location, but have no idea where
your soul will lead you, you may want to set a goal to explore different places and possibilities
in the short term, with the ultimate goal of making a transition within a year. The first step
may be to find clarity to establish a direction or to create time in your busy schedule to make
a transition. On the Goal Setting Format in figure 3.2, you can use the small column at the
left to identify (1) immediate, (2) medium-term, and (3) long-term goals. This will help you to
organize and prioritize your manifestations, so you can take the appropriate steps to progress.
Before continuing further, select the handful of your immediate goals you want to priori-
tize now and create your Focus List. We will refer to this list through the rest of the book.
Once you have identified goals for this list, there is one more important step.

For each goal on your Focus List, identify the following:

• Precisely what the goal is now
• Why you want it
• Your action plan
• An image that represents successful achievement of this goal

In Chapter Six, you will be enlisting the full support of the universe in the realization of
these goals and, beforehand, you want to confirm in your heart that “the why” is aligned with
your true heartfelt joy and excitement.
Figure 3.4 is an example of a Focus List of goals. This will become your roadmap, which
you can review and update regularly as you progress. It is also your primary tool for enlisting
the support of the universe in the realization of your dreams. We will bring all of this together
in Chapter Six. Your updates will allow you to define what you regard as your next step in the
realization of a goal. If, for instance, you have the goal to change from your current occupa-
tion to a new business venture that is more aligned with your joy and purpose, you will up-
date this goal regularly as you progress to address what is needed next.
Starting a new business is a large venture, and it may take months or years to bring this
goal to fruition. The goal of creating a successful and profitable business involves a number of

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Sample Focus List

1. The completion of my new holistic healing website is proceeding smoothly heading toward my
goal of being online by July 1. I ask to receive any guidance needed to create the best communi-
cation I can to reach as many people as possible through this website.
Why: This website reaches to the heart of my mission, excitement, and heartfelt joy. I believe that
it will help many people to transform their lives.
Action Plan: I continue to prioritize the completion of this website in my daily activities.
Image: I see myself sitting at my computer bringing up the website on the internet for the first
time, knowing that it is now available for the world to see.
2. I choose to live in the flow with plenty of time in each day for everything I want and need to be
and do. I also ask for any guidance that would help me with having so many things to do and
wanting to do them all at once.

• Why: I can see that I have limiting beliefs related to having too much to do, and this lowers
my vibrations. I now claim my right to create from a perspective where life is easy and joyful.

• Action Plan: I am committed to clearing any blockages I become aware of and consciously set-
ting my intent to prioritize being in the flow over accomplishing more than I can joyfully han-
dle. I also recognize that I need to learn to delegate and foster teamwork.

• Image: I am flowing through life, perfectly balanced between the stars above me and the earth
below. A little bird is coming with a message.
3. My health is consistently strong, having overcome my recurring backaches.
Why: To create from a place of joy, I choose to release any limitations that drag me and my health
Action Plan: I am actively clearing whatever blockages I find related to my back, and I am open to
any input the universe can provide.
Image: I am on the top of Health Mountain, feeling vibrantly wonderful and alive, breathing the
fresh mountain air. My entire family is with me, and each of us has staked flags.
4. My business income is doubling year, and each month of this year, as more and more people
benefit from my services.

• Why: More income will allow me to get some help with the simpler tasks that occupy time I
prefer to spend on the creative parts of my work and on helping those who seek my assis-
tance. More income also means that I am reaching more lives.

• Action Plan: I continue with my work, flowing with plenty of time in each day, and choose for
this to happen effortlessly through the support of those around me, my soul, guides, and the
infinite resources of the universe, as more and more people participate in my offerings.

• Image: More and larger checks coming into my office. They are becoming so big, they hardly
fit through the door.

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stages. Using this example, the goal may include the following sub-goals on your Focus List:
• Seeking clarity on how to start the transition from one’s current occupation
• Building confidence in one’s ability to venture out and do something that is truly
exciting with one’s life
• Seeking resources for advertising the business
• Finding appropriate facilities with positive energy to house the business
• Seeking likeminded, compatible, trustworthy people to employ or for consultants
• And more…

Precisely defining each “sub-goal” along the way is an essential

key to your success. It will allow you to recognize and complete
each of the essential stages in the realization of your goals.

You can probably think of more possibilities of sub-goals that could be needed to successfully
create a new business. On your Focus List, you have an opportunity to define precisely what
you need next for the realization of your goal.

You may notice some changes immediately after putting your goals in writing, as you open to
new possibilities, and set a clear course for your life. This may even apply to goals that are
not on your short list, as focusing on consciously creating your life adds power. Other things
may shift gradually over time, as you hone in on them a few at a time. We recommend re-
viewing your list of goals every few months, to make adjustments and reinforce your resolve to
create an exciting and joyful life.
Setting goals may also bring up your reservations, meaning any fears or misgivings about
manifesting your dreams. Rather than going into denial, just observe these reactions and take
steps to transcend your limitations by clearing with EFT, SK, or any other method you have
available to you. We discuss ways to transform interference next.

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Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Transforming Interference
“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine."


With your goals in writing, you next want to set your intention. Intent is focused energy that
operates in the present moment. By contrast, goals are future-oriented. Your intent in this
moment sets into motion the creation of your heart’s desires. It boosts your commitment,
which helps your goals to manifest. Your intention may be a feeling, a knowingness, a brief
statement, or an image like the ones we discussed adding to your Focus List. It attracts your
goals to you.


As you set your intent, you don’t want anything to interfere with your success. Nonetheless, if
you are like most people, focusing on your intention to manifest your goals most likely will
bring up your objections, your limiting beliefs and fears about why it’s not going to happen.
Gary Craig, the originator of EFT, calls these stumbling blocks the “yes, but’s.” As you read
through this list, note which ones tug at your heart. This may help you to identify a starting
point for clearing.

Common stumbling blocks include the following:

• I have too many real problems for something like this to work.
• It hasn’t ever happened before and it won’t be any different now.
• I’m afraid of failing if I try something new.
• I’m afraid of public exposure (as with public speaking or stepping out in a direction
that is unconventional).
• Nobody appreciates all the things I do for them, and, with all the time I spend helping
others, I simply don’t have the time for anything else.

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TRANSFORMING INTERFERENCE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 62

• I don’t deserve to have the things I desire, because ___________ (fill in the blank).
• My family never created much success and I haven’t been very successful in the past.
Why should it will be any different this time?
• I don’t have any money, so I can’t afford to invest in the resources I need to succeed.
• I can’t wait for this to happen (subtext: I want instant gratification and I’m too
impatient to follow this approach). I need to change my life today.
• I don’t have time for this.
The last two examples, which are common, raise an important point. Wherever you are
now, the only way to go is forward. You can only start from where you are now. As the Chi-
nese proverb says, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” If you are wait-
ing for the magic bullet to bring instantaneous transformation, your life may pass you by. Your
best choice is to start now. You will feel much better about yourself if you don’t put off taking
action to be your personal best. Ultimately, being on course, feeling excited about your life,
and enjoying the journey become their own rewards. Your joy and excitement raise your vibra-
tion to connect with the synchronous flow of the universe, where anything is possible. On the
other hand, if you don’t choose to change now, next month or next year is not likely to be a
better time to start than this one is.

The moment is now.

If you don’t devote some time for your dreams today,
nothing is going to be different tomorrow.

If you take just a little time every day to create the life of your dreams, you will get results.
Positive vibrations are much more powerful than negative ones, so you don’t have to be per-
fect for this to work. When we first set goals and started taking seemingly infinitesimal steps
to achieve them, we were skeptical, but we soon realized that we had started on a wondrous
journey. If you choose to take control of your life and move forward, you will feel like a new
person. That’s what happened to us and we haven’t ever looked back.


Many people hope to move forward without taking time to clear the blockages that are in the
way. However real they are to you, and most of our problems seem very real to each of us,
every problem is actually an energy block that can be released. It is a question of optimizing
your time and your energy. Do you want to take the fast lane or slog it out until the fears and
limitations disappear on their own volition, which may or may not happen in this lifetime? We
like to show people how to get into the fast lane and enjoy the view along the way.
We want to be sure that you understand the importance of healing, since this essential
element is generally missing from manifestation programs. The energetic blockages that ac-
company painful emotions and limiting beliefs that need to be cleared drain your energy.
Emotionally, they create fear and self-doubt. For every area where you are holding on to limi-
tations, part of the life energy you could be using to make any kind of positive change in your

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TRANSFORMING INTERFERENCE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 63

life is being siphoned off. When this is the case, you will have to constantly work to raise your
vibrations, because this energy is constantly pulling you down. As you clear these blockages,
your vibrations rise, and life becomes more effortless and joyful. The clearer you are, the eas-
ier it is to hold the high vibrations that support you in manifesting your dreams. You naturally
feel more comfortable with who you are, appreciate your unique gifts, and experience higher
states like love, peace, and genuine freedom.

Ultimately, releasing limitations and learning to manifest

freely is the essence of the spiritual journey, which could also be
referred to as the healing journey.

We have devoted much of our lives to exploring the nature of this journey and the impor-
tance of realizing one’s true divine purpose. Many people agree that the goal is to achieve
higher consciousness, oneness, and wholeness. We also relate it to creating a more joyful,
loving, fulfilling life that aligns with one’s reason for being. The question, then, becomes,
what is the easiest, fastest, and most effective way to reach these desired states?
You could view the spiritual path as a spiral that lifts you gradually upward through a
combination of clearing blockages to your wholeness, integrating the changes into your real-
ity, and activating new levels of awareness. It’s curious that many expect to achieve their
goals without placing any emphasis on being more conscious of who they are and why they
do the things they do. In our exploration of the mind, we learned that in many people as little
as 5% of their awareness is conscious. This means that they are largely unconscious and the
vast majority of the time, they have no idea why they do the things they do.

Accelerated Spiritual Development

There are many paths to wholeness and some take much longer than others. We have
watched many well-intended people who pursue spiritual practices over periods of years and
even decades without clearing the blockages that prevent them from embracing their divinity
and realizing their purposes in life. Many have been told and fully expect that seeking higher
states of consciousness through regular meditation or other spiritual practices will eventually
heal the wounds that hold them in limitation. Meanwhile, the years pass while they wait, still
grieving old losses, resenting wrongs done to them ten or twenty years ago, holding wounds
from childhood, and on and on. If you don’t clear your limiting beliefs (like the ones listed ear-
lier), it will be much more difficult to hold high vibrations and move freely forward. And, ironi-
cally, many can be cleared in minutes, rather than hoping for years and years.
Reviewing Figure 1.1 from a spiritual perspective, heaviness, darkness, and low vibrations
are all associated with being disconnected from the soul, while joy, excitement, light, and
high vibrations are all associated with being connected with the soul. On a holistic scale,
viewing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of our awareness, the spiritual
level is the deepest. Accessing energy at this level also provides the deepest level of healing.
Over many years of helping thousands of people, we have consistently found that healing
is simply a process of reconnecting parts of ourselves that have become disconnected from
the wholeness of the soul. Without the light of the soul, these parts of the self are in the dark,

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TRANSFORMING INTERFERENCE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 64

or in the mud mentioned earlier, and lack the resources they need to find their way out. By
reconnecting these parts with the wholeness of the soul, they regain their resourcefulness, so
any related issues can diminish and disappear. The Reframing and Anchoring Process de-
scribed in Appendix C draws its power from the fact that this is exactly what it does. It simply
and directly reconnects disconnected part of ourselves with the wholeness of the soul.

Taking Action Now

Why wait for that elusive time somewhere out in the future when the blockages to your
wholeness will hopefully melt away? We prefer making immediate changes over minutes,
hours, days, weeks, and months rather than theoretical changes over years and decades. We
have found highly effective methods that allow people to clear blockages, in many cases with
astounding speed and ease. In the process, they learn more about their true identities and
reasons for being, and create the potential to move freely forward on the soul’s true path.
Interestingly, we have found that many people are reluctant to explore the unconscious
aspects of the self for fear of discovering bad things about themselves. Actually, it is quite the
opposite. It is the false, wounded parts of the self that live in limitation, feeling badly about
themselves. These parts judge us as being inadequate, undeserving, or flawed. They do this
because they lack resources, since they are disconnected from our spiritual source, the soul’s
truth and wholeness. We simply need to reconnect them. The soul understands our true iden-
tity and magnificence.

As we clear blockages, the soul’s presence becomes a more

and more powerful force in our lives, as we become more aware
of the wonder and magnificence of who we are.

In the process, we experience more and more joy, love and genuine freedom. We are more
able to be in the moment, because we are not being unconsciously pulled away by our
wounded parts. We can simply be ourselves, here and now, and connect with the synchro-
nous flow of life. To us, this is the essence of the spiritual journey and the key to creating the
life of our dreams.


The following excerpt from our book Getting Thru to Your Soul describes the role healing
plays in the evolutionary journey:
As we explore our inner worlds and develop a more unified understanding of our-
selves and our souls, we grow personally and spiritually. Gradually we return to
a sense of wholeness. There is a cycle comprised of three basic steps in any of
the healing processes we experience on the journey: clearing, integrating, and
1. Clearing: We start any healing process with the awareness that some-
thing is wrong. This may be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

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TRANSFORMING INTERFERENCE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 65

The clearing process releases the blockages, preparing us to embrace

more light and soul awareness.
2. Integrating: Once clearing has occurred, there is a period of restructuring
or integrating. With the clearing, a blockage has been released. Now our
energetic makeup shifts to accommodate more spiritual light and con-
scious awareness. This integration process may take hours, days, weeks,
maybe even months, depending on the nature of the blockage. It is
largely a process of experiencing the soul in a more expanded way, and
allowing the limiting patterns to release.
3. Activating: The last step is activating a greater awareness of oneself. In
each of our lives, the soul determines when we are ready to let in more
light and to activate a more expanded level of consciousness. As we have
seen, there are seven major activations, which are like milestones on the
spiritual path. There are also a many minor activations that correspond
with each of the individual healing processes we undertake.
Once these three steps are complete, the process begins again, like a spiral. The
light from the activation shines on other dark areas and new issues come up to
be cleared. Gradually, we notice that life is different; it becomes richer as we
spiral upward and integrate more of the soul’s light.
The healing journey provides opportunities for us to expand our awareness of ourselves
and our possibilities every day. With a willingness to confront our perceived limitations and
rise above them, our awareness expands. We connect with the synchronous flow, and recover
more and more quickly when old stuck emotions and limiting ideas of ourselves surface. The
essence of our approach involves moving fully forward on our paths, rising to a new way of
being. In the process we are also helping to lift all of humanity. With this in mind, we en-
courage you to include healing processes to speed you on your way.


Returning to the stumbling blocks described earlier, to progress most easily, you want to
lighten up and realize that your limitations are not you. They are misunderstandings created
by the wounded ego. Each of us has our own special “brand” of fears and doubts that are
particularly convincing. to us.
To reduce their impact on our lives, we need to become intimately familiar with our spe-
cific resistances and expose them for what they are: imaginary limitations that are waiting to
be released. It may be easier to see how others are convinced by imaginary limits than it is to
recognize them in yourself, and you may wonder why they take their limitations so seriously.
If you can see yourself in the same way, as others see you, the picture can become clearer.
You have the same possibilities that everyone else has. The main thing that will separate the
people who succeed with this approach from those who don’t is that those who succeed will
stay with the program until they reach their goals.
The information and processes in this book can help you to understand yourself better, re-

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TRANSFORMING INTERFERENCE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 66

lease your limitations, and manifest with joy and ease. Take a few moments now or at your
earliest convenience to jot down the reasons why this approach might not work for you. Refer
back to the list of “yes, but’s” at the beginning of this chapter. This will provide a focus for
you to clear your path to move forward with ease. Instead of butting your head against a brick
wall every day, facing the same worn out thoughts and fears, you can just step into the syn-
chronous flow of the universe and move on to freely create a magnificent life.
On a spiritual level, you could see your self-imposed limitations as challenges your soul
has arranged for you to overcome, so you can learn more about yourself and evolve. These
limiting thoughts and fears, which spring from the wounded ego, are blockages to your suc-
cess that you can clear with the wisdom of the soul. As mentioned earlier, we have come to
understand that such blockages are related to wounded parts of ourselves that are discon-
nected from the soul. Once reconnected, the issues diminish and disappear. And by releasing
these blockages, we develop the gifts the soul has to offer.
As mentioned, clearing such blockages is a missing component of many people’s manifes-
tation efforts that prevents them from freely moving forward. This is much like trying to reno-
vate a room without clearing out the old debris before bringing in new furnishings. You end up
with a confused mess. Just as you need to remove the debris to renovate a room, you need to
clear out cluttered areas of your consciousness that hold fears, limiting beliefs, and judgments
to create the life of your dreams.


The processes you found in earlier chapters have already provided opportunities for you to
start to target and eliminate any blockages that could hold you back and interfere with your
success. For clearing blockages for ourselves, our students, and our clients, we focus primar-
ily on the two healing processes we have already mentioned: EFT (Emotional Freedom Tech-
niques) and SK (Spiritual Kinesiology). The case histories throughout this book demonstrate
their speed and effectiveness. Both can quickly and easily identify and eliminate clutter in just
about anyone’s life.
You may already know these methods or others that you can use. If not, we refer again to
overviews of how to do EFT in Appendix A and the SK Reframing and Anchoring Process
(R&A) in Appendix C for you to explore. Once you learn the basic methods, you can use any
of the visualization processes you can find throughout this book, which are specifically tar-
geted at clearing issues related to manifesting your dreams and goals. These visualizations
allow you to reach into the deeper recesses of the mind and gain new awareness of yourself.
We generally start clearing any issue with the EFT Short Sequence or the SK Reframing
and Anchoring Process. We use them interchangeably. Both produce positive results in the
majority of cases. You can use either of them with any blockage to manifesting your dreams
that you identify as you read this book and use the tools for manifestation.

If you are not receiving results with EFT or the SK Reframing

and Anchoring Process (R&A), the most likely reason is that there
is something deeper that you need to understand.

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TRANSFORMING INTERFERENCE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 67

This is true in the vast majority of cases. Some people fear what might lurk below the
threshold of their awareness. To put your mind at ease, remember that the limitations you
encounter are not real. What you discover with clearing is that you are more unique and mag-
nificent than you imagined and that everything is indeed in divine order. The deeper methods,
like the Change History Process or Reframing Process presented in Chapter Five can help you
to access the information you need to complete the clearing. Then you can use EFT or SK to
clear the blockages and feel wonderfully free.


Holistically, the body could be viewed as a barometer that records everything that is happen-
ing below the surface of your awareness. Wherever you have aches, tension, or discomfort of
any kind, your body is trying to tell you something. This is a study in itself that goes beyond
the scope of this book, but you can benefit greatly by increasing your body awareness.

Body Awareness Process

A simple way to start is to take your Focus List and check each item to identify any resis-
tance. You may be able to easily identify something from the list of stumbling blocks at the
beginning of this chapter. If you encounter resistance, the best thing to do is to clear it. Also,
using your Focus List, check each one and identify any resistance, following these steps:
1. Read the goal to yourself. As you do, all of the reasons it won’t happen may immedi-
ately come into your mind. This provides some good material for clearing.
2. If no specific objections surfaced, you can look deeper. The body knows the truth. As
you continue to focus on the goal, close your eyes for a moment and check in with
your body. Notice if you feel tightness or any kind of physical discomfort anywhere in
your body. If your body feels wonderful and your thoughts remain positive, you may
be free of interference that could slow you down.
3. If you felt any discomfort, focus on the sensations and ask what emotions are behind
them. Close your eyes again to connect with them and accept whatever surfaces with-
out allowing your rational mind to evaluate it.
4. You can also ask the part of the body that is tense or stuck if it has something that it
wants to say to you. How does it feel about its potential for realizing the goal? What
are its specific objections, if any?
5. When a limitation surfaces, you can clear it with EFT or R&A. Since we have mainly
focused on EFT thus far, we will discuss how to clear the blockage with R&A now. To
use this process, you first need to know how to do the Soul Centering Process in
Chapter Two, as this is the state that you anchor to clear the blockage.
A. Begin by measuring the intensity of the issue or physical sensations between one
and ten, with ten being the highest intensity, just as you would with EFT.

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B. Now you are ready to clear. When you are dealing with physical sensations as we
are here, first anchor the area of the body where you feel discomfort by placing
one hand on it. Count to ten as you hold it and focus on the physical sensations
and feelings. Then release the hand.
C. Next, focus on the area around your heart, breathing energy into it and opening to
the soul’s energy there, allowing it to radiate around you so you feel completely
surrounded by it. Also ask the light of your source above you to send down the
perfect energy to clear this issue, and feel it coming down through your head,
down your arms to the tips of your fingers, down your torso, and down your legs,
to the tips of the toes, so you are completely filled with this higher frequency, then
allow it to flow out around you so you are completely surrounded by this higher
frequency. Now anchor this energy by placing your other hand on your knee, your
heart, or another convenient place. Remember, with R&A, you can anchor the en-
ergy anywhere. While continuing to focus on the soul’s energy, count from one to
ten, then release your hand.
D. Allow your mind to clear for a moment while you put both hands on the anchors.
Count to ten, then release the first one, which was associated with the blockage.
After another count of five, release the other hand.
E. Take a nice, deep breath and allow the energy to respacialize for a moment. Then
ask yourself how strong the issue is now between one and ten.
F. Re-evaluate the intensity of the issue or physical sensations. Note if the feelings
have changed. If you need to do more clearing, repeat the process.
G. When the intensity is close to zero, ask yourself how the goal appears to you now
and note the differences.
Your body is sending you messages all day that can help you to identify the emotions and
limiting beliefs that need to be cleared. Once you become aware of sensations anywhere in
your body, you can also use any of the processes in this book to find out more about what is
going on, if you are curious, and to clear it.

An Example of Increasing Body Awareness

A student in one of our manifestation classes reported having a lower back problem. Aaron
linked it to a fall he took while he was in high school. On the day of the class, he was in no-
ticeable pain and mentioned that it felt tight on the left side around his sacroiliac. He also
mentioned that he found it challenging to trust that everything is in perfect order, and we all
became curious to find out if there was a connection between the two.
As Aaron connected with the pain, Jane asked him to allow any emotions that were re-
lated to surface. The emotions just poured out; he felt overwhelmed, hopeless, powerless,
angry, alone, and unsupported. Reaching deeper, he reported feeling crippled and helpless.
When asked which emotion stood out the most, it was being unsupported, which Aaron re-
ported at a nine or ten out of ten.

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The class could see that there was a clear connection with trust, which is built on feeling
supported. Without support, Aaron became subjected to a whole series of painful feelings that
were dragging his energy down and causing extreme pain in his body.
With the high intensity of the emotion, Jane led Aaron through two continuous rounds of
EFT. This can improve results when starting with an intensity that is close to ten. Afterwards,
taking a nice, deep breath and allowing the energy to reconfigure, Aaron reported that the
intensity was down to a four, which was an excellent change. With just one more round, the
intensity was down to a one and Aaron’s back was no longer hurting. He also reported feeling
more trust that everything is in perfect order.
This powerful example clearly demonstrates the connection between the mind and body.
As we mention in our book Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT, there is no definitive
connection between pain and physical abnormalities like slipped disks and other back prob-
lems. Our beliefs themselves can produce the pain, particularly when it is also linked with
other emotions and beliefs that drag our energy down. This simple, powerful process can pro-
duce amazing changes and we highly recommend being open to the thought that anything is
possible, even in relation to pain and physical discomfort.
From here, we will provide more ways to identify and clear blockages. In addition to being
effective in areas where the EFT Short Sequence or R&A alone are not working, they provide
more information about the blockage, which can be insightful on the journey to wholeness.


As you open to the infinite, you may want to review the Manifestation Checklist in Figure 4.1.
This versatile and comprehensive list identifies qualities you will want to have in alignment to
raise your vibrations and make positive changes with ease.

We suggest a variety of ways to use The Manifestation Checklist:

• Questionnaire: You can use the Manifestation Checklist as a questionnaire and reflect
on how strongly you feel aligned with each statement between zero and ten, with zero
being not at all and ten being the highest possible alignment. When you identify an
area that is weak, ask yourself what is holding you back in that area to identify the
blockage. Using EFT or SK, you can eliminate or reduce it.
• Muscle Testing: If you know how to use kinesiology (muscle testing), you can muscle
test and identify any areas that are weak. This will allow you to probe more deeply
into the unconscious recesses of the mind. If mucsle testing is new to you and you
want to experiment with it, you can find a description of how to do it in Appendix B.
When you test the items in Figure 4.1, the test muscle should test strong for all of the
qualities that are balanced. Any that are imbalanced will normally test weak. This is a
simple way to identify areas that need attention.
• Pendulum: If you use a pendulum, you can measure how well you are aligned with
each of the qualities on this checklist using the method described in Appendix D. As
with muscle testing, this can help you to identify blockages that are below your normal

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level of awareness. We use pendulums regularly for ourselves, our students, and our
clients to measure frequencies and alignments with frequencies using the approach
described in this appendix. The pendulum can identify your current strengths, along
with areas that need boosting. Since it measures in a full range, from low to high, you
can also identify how far off you are in a specific area, as well as how quickly energy
shifts when you do clearing. In addition to being insightful, it is fun to do.

For instance, take the statement “Think of your manifestations in relation to your age.”
Reflecting on it, John immediately realized that he felt too old to be able to realize his
dreams. We would call this a limiting belief, which can and ideally would be changed to open
the way for him to freely manifest. As long as John believes that his age is a barrier, it will be.
Similarly, take the statement “Think of your manifestations in relation to your safety.” Reading
the statement, Irene realized that she was afraid of criticism when she thought about stepping
out into her desired occupation as a spiritual counselor. She felt a joyful inner calling to go in
this direction, but her fear was preventing her from taking action. If left unchecked, the fear
would undoubtedly prevent her from realizing her dream.


Lilly’s goal was to create the right job for herself. Currently, she was studying for her real es-
tate license. Using kinesiology, Phillip muscle tested her on the Manifestation Checklist,
where she tested weak for both “what others would say and think about her,” as well as her
“power to create.” The power to create was the weakenest element, so this is where they
started the clearing process. Also they kept in mind that sometimes clearing the greatest
weakness will generalize and clear the other areas as well.
Emotionally, Lilly felt trapped, measuring her weakened feelings at ten out of ten in inten-
sity. She had difficulty breathing as she thought about her power to create the right job. Her
limiting belief was that she would give up control of her life by pursuing a real estate career.
Deep down, she admitted that she judged herself as “not good enough,” a common judgment
that underlies many people’s problems.
By doing a combination of EFT and Reframing and Anchoring with Phillip’s guidance, Lilly
released the blockage. Once it was gone, she received a soulful message that she was safe
and supported. Looking for an inner resource, she saw a picture of a pink lotus that symbol-
ized her support.
Then another doubt surfaced. Lilly remembered how ten years ago she started to pursue a
nursing career, which was halted by family financial matters that prevented her from complet-
ing her training. Suddenly, Lilly realized that this seeming detour in her career was not such a
bad thing after all. It had enriched her ability to tend to family matters. In the process, she
had become a better caregiver and learned valuable lessons that she could apply to her cur-
rent situation. Lilly had spontaneously reframed her problem (the earlier aborted career at-
tempt) into a resource for her care giving abilities while increasing her life learning.
Lilly breathed a sigh of relief. She felt supported and empowered. She no longer had a
block about her real estate career, knowing that she would find a way for it to align with her

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Manifestation Checklist


Think of your manifestations in relation to:
• “… being lighthearted and not taking things too seriously.” _____ ________________
• “… heartfelt desire.” _____ ________________
• “… gratitude.” _____ ________________
• “… loving yourself and beng worthy.” _____ ________________
“… your age.” _____ ________________
“… your gender.” _____ ________________
“… your appearance.” _____ ________________
“… your size.” _____ ________________
“… your intelligence.” _____ ________________
“… your potential.” _____ ________________
“… your health.” _____ ________________
“… your past accomplishments.” _____ ________________
“… your family heritage.” _____ ________________
“… your ________.” _____ ________________
“… what other people might think about you.” _____ ________________
“… what other people might say about you.” _____ ________________
• “… being able to receive.” _____ ________________
• “…having expectancy.” _____ ________________
• “… honoring everyone concerned.” _____ ________________
“… your safety.” _____ ________________
“… your wellbeing.” _____ ________________
“… the wellbeing of others.” _____ ________________
• “… being open to the way it may occur.” _____ ________________
• “… trusting that everything is in perfect order.” _____ ________________
• “… the free flow of resources.” _____ ________________
• “… being open to learning lessons and clearing blockages.” _____ ________________
• “… being open to receiving new information.” _____ ________________
• “… being open to its timing, whatever that may be.” _____ ________________
• “… being unattached to the outcome, even if it does not occur.” _____ ________________
• “… appreciating the journey to wholeness, however it comes out.” _____ ________________
• “… having the power to create.” _____ ________________
• “… having the will to follow through.” _____ ________________
• “… doing everything necessary.” _____ ________________

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deeper purpose. Now she muscle tested strong for the power to create as well as what people
would say and think.
One year later, Phillip received an e-mail from Lilly. She happily reported that she had
found a rewarding position in healthcare, which was more aligned with her than real estate.
Her finances were good, and she had lost a lot of excess weight in the process.
In another example, Jay wanted to manifest a second home in two months. The Manifes-
tation Checklist revealed that Jay was weak on being lighthearted about his goal. He felt frus-
trated and impatient. Using EFT, he eliminated the blockages. His soul offered the message
“to trust and everything will work out.” Jay realized that he “can be patient to wait things out
and allow the flow to happen. The outcome will be positive.”


Creating abundance is a worthwhile goal. We all deserve to have an abundant life. It opens us
to new possibilities and provides resources that help us to realize our true purpose. However,
abundance and money are different. We regard being abundant as having the ability to mani-
fest the resources we need to realize our dreams and goals. It resonates with the frequency of
flow discussed earlier. In the flow, money comes and goes freely as needed. Having great
wealth may or may not equate with being abundant.
Pendulum users can measure the difference in the vibrations of these two words (wealth
and abundance) with a pendulum. The word “abundance” carries a much higher vibration
than the word “wealth.” One of our good friends, whom we will call Gary, is a holistic thera-
pist who specializes in coaching celebrities, CEO’s and other high profile people. As you might
imagine, these are typically people who have more money than they know what to do with,
and they seek Gary’s help because they are miserable. The story he tells is of lives spiraling
out of control. His clients are often idolized, but their celebrity status is a façade. Behind the
scenes, they lead empty lives and long to find genuine fulfillment, just like the rest of us.
The roadmap in this book for joyful, fulfilling life applies equally to people with little
money and a lot of money. Money is just paper and metal. Yet, people do all kinds of things
to get more of it and to hold on to it at all costs. Fights over wills commonly tear families
apart. Lottery winners are plagued by having so many people begging them for a piece of their
wealth that they may wish they could go back to life before winning. The reason why money
is so powerful is because it is an archetype, a collective pattern that imprints each individual
consciousness. Your experiences and beliefs influence your understanding of money.

To manifest freely, it is important to understand what money means to you. Here are some
common connections people make with money:
• security • freedom
• success • self worth
• choices • ability to invest
• power • energy
• happiness • access to resources

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All of these aspects come into play as you manifest things that require money, including
money itself. Returning to body awareness, notice what you feel in your body when you think
about money. If there is tension or discomfort, you have accessed an area that needs clearing.
As mentioned earlier, when you want money, it is important to ask “what for?” The an-
swer may be found in the list above, and the solution may or may not require money. A com-
mon example is security. In many cases, no amount of money will help a person to feel more
secure, and feeling secure may not require any money at all. It is much faster and easier just
to release the fears connected with feeling insecure. For example, if you have a belief like “I
need to be financially independent to be a success,” you may never have enough money to
feel like a success. Regardless how much you have, it may never feel like it is enough to rep-
resent success. On the other hand, with a simple clearing process, you may realize that you
can feel successful now, just as you are, without having any more money, or that you can feel
completely secure with no money at all.
For another example, a person who wants to travel may think it has to cost a lot of
money. Maybe the money will appear. It is also worth considering the possibility that there
may be ways to receive some of the joys of travel that don’t cost as much money as he or she
would imagine. Traveling often fills a need for new experiences, culture, and variety. As you
open to your immediate possibilities, there may be relatively inexpensive ways to bring these
joys into your life, like taking a weekend trip, finding cultural opportunities nearby, and/or go-
ing to an exotic restaurant. This doesn’t mean that you can’t set the goal to have more re-
sources available to travel; it just means that by being creative, you can have more joy now.
Maybe you will just manifest a large amount of money to travel the world. You can put
your heartfelt desires out there, following this program, and start incorporating some of the
things you desire from travel into your life now. The universe with all its resources will be
there for you. By learning how to manifest, you also become a good steward of the resources
you attract. Part of manifesting as you co-create with the universe includes valuing what you
seek and putting things in perspective.

Common Money Traps

Reviewing the connections with money listed above, you might notice that it can serve many
positive purposes, bringing joy and happiness into our lives. So why is it one of the biggest
sources of unhappiness on the planet? Most crimes and divorces are connected with money.
The answer, we know, is rather apparent. Factors that make money a problem are corruption,
greed, disparity of resources between rich and poor, and over-identification with money itself
By following the Twelve Principles of Manifestation in Chapter Two, you can steer clear of
these pitfalls. And in the occasional event that you get off track, you will know how to find
your way back to where you really want to go.

Limiting Beliefs about Money

In addition to the entanglements with money, there are common thought patterns or themes
that keep us from attracting money.

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These include beliefs that:

• Abundance is outside of my comfort zone. If I earn more than my parents or friends, I
may feel guilty.
• Money is not spiritual. People are starving, and the rich will never enter the kingdom
of heaven.
• I am undeserving. Something is wrong with me, so I can’t have it.
• Life is difficult and it’s hard to succeed. The system is rigged; it doesn’t matter what I
do; very few people really “make it.”

One of our clients had a belief from childhood that only the chosen few, the elite, had
money. This belief wrapped all three themes into one. Your childhood experiences with
money can create limitations that stay with you for life unless you intervene and clear them.
These experiences can include:
• Girls receiving a smaller allowance than boys.
• Being told you didn’t deserve money.
• Having negative associations with money, like having to clean your room to earn your
• Hearing that money doesn’t grow on trees (emphasizing scarcity).
Whatever the blockages, clearing them is worthwhile. Releasing your fear of not having
enough money is essential, because your attitude toward money is so basic to your well-being
and so directly related to manifestation. If you can’t write a check without feeling negative
about letting your money go, something is blocking the free flow of resources. There are also
many other limiting beliefs that can prevent you from attracting money into your life. With the
Manifestation Checklist in Figure 4.1, you can find yours. Limiting beliefs can then be trans-
formed using EFT or Reframing and Anchoring, which are described in Appendixes A and C.

What You Can Afford

Along with understanding more about what money represents to you, be sure to explore your
ideas of what you can and cannot afford. We are often fascinated with the ways people spend
their money. As with many areas, concepts of what we can and cannot afford are often
largely unconscious. There have been many instances where people have told us they really
want to accelerate their spiritual development or clear core issues but cannot afford to invest
in themselves. Then, the very next month, we learn that they are taking vacations to the trop-
ics or buying brand new cars.
Something is missing in this picture, and it often seems to relate to one’s early program-
ming about money. Ideally, we would want to spend our money in areas that we value, but,
without paying attention and clearing blockages, this may not be what is happening. As with
time, awareness is often needed to bring one’s spending habits into alignment with one’s
goals and priorities.

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We want to close this chapter on transforming interference with one more important thought.
Through the synchronous flow of the universe, the challenges you encounter in your daily life
are sending you messages. If you become angry driving in rush hour traffic every morning,
your reality is telling you something. Similarly, if you are afraid to step out of the crowd and
follow your own path, there is a message. These messages are not about being good or bad,
better or worse. Rather they are about disconnection and wholeness. You could see them as
whispers from beyond that are offering opportunities to release limitations and open to more
of the truth of who you are. Clearing the blockages brings you closer and closer to wholeness.
There is a saying that goes like this: if you don’t listen to the whispers, you get the
shouts. Ignoring opportunities to release limitation and allowing yourself to fall into more and
more suffering takes you further from your mission and purpose. From there, the messages
inevitably become louder and more dramatic. Listen to these whispers. They can guide you to
an experience of more joy and excitement as you discover and realize your purpose. To this
end, let’s examine leaving the past behind and creating a wonderful future.

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TRANSFORMING INTERFERENCE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 76

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Leaving the Past Behind

“The seed of perfection is within all that happens. All we have to do is see it."


“Learn to let go of the past so you can move ahead more easily. YOUR HISTORY IS NOT
YOUR DESTINY.” This statement from Sheila Hollingshead’s book Energy Therapy goes di-
rectly to the heart of the challenges that most of us face when we do something that is dra-
matically different with our lives. Transcending the limitations of the past is a critical part of
transforming interference that merits its own chapter.
We have done a lot of thinking about the idea that time is an illusion and that the past,
present, and future all exist together. With NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), there is a
process called Change History that illustrates this phenomenon. This process shows how
one’s present is on a continuum from the past that extends into the future. The whole contin-
uum is linked by an energetic resonance related to our thoughts and feelings about the vari-
ous aspects of our lives, meaning that the past, present, and future all exist together.

When we view our possibilities as being limited

because of something that happened in the past, the future will
reflect this limitation. If we clear the past and embrace our
infinite potential, the future will be correspondingly bright.

We have come to understand time as a continuum that includes the past, present, and future
that you can view in reference to specific areas of life. In each area, including your financial
success, relationships, health, creative expression, and so on, your energetic resonance cre-
ates a vibrational field, which attracts what is commonly known as your probable future.
An energetic blockage is created when a difficult or traumatic experience somewhere in
one’s past caused a part of the soul to disconnect from one’s wholeness. This “disowned part”
has been cut off from the light and wisdom of the soul, leaving it in the dark, at a low vibra-
tion, with limited resources. This darkness and limitation extends forward into the individual’s
present experience, again lowering his or her vibration and limiting his or her resources. Fol-
lowing the continuum out into the future, the darkness and limitation again extend forward,

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along with the low vibration and limited resources. The chances of succeeding in this area of
life are severely limited by this pattern.
What if the part that was cut off from the light is healed? The whole space-time contin-
uum changes. The part of the soul in the past is now surrounded by light and equipped with
resources. This light extends forward into an equally bright present, with a correspondingly
high vibration and the abundant resources of the soul. This high vibration makes life easier
and extends outward into the future, which also looks bright.
In every case, the past, present and future are all connected. If you are burdened by a
blockage from the past, your present and your probable future are limited in that area. It’s
generally difficult and sometimes impossible to connect with the high vibrations that will
permit you to easily realize your dreams when you have a heavy ball and chain around your
ankles or the weight of the world on your shoulders. Understanding the space-time continuum
and the phenomenon of probable futures, it makes sense to set yourself up for a bright future
by releasing the heavy burdens from your past and carrying a lighter, more joyful vibration
into your probable future.
While many blockages can be cleared with EFT or R&A without having to examine where
they came from, some of the most deeply held limitations may require closer examination and
the Change History Process can help. It may completely transform your life. Clearing the limi-
tations of the past and aligning it with your desired future brings you fully into your body in
the present moment.

Here are some examples of common limitations that you may want to explore to enlist your
infinite potential for manifestation:
• Seeing yourself failing because of who you perceive yourself to be
• Not believing in yourself because no one else does
• Seeing yourself as a victim of some kind of injustice
• Perceiving yourself as inept, not being able to do things right
• Being limited because you are overburdened
• Not feeling that you deserve to take time for yourself, including time to create the life
of your dreams
• Feeling that you have limited potential because of your gender, age, racial heritage,
grades in school, economic background, or any other measurement of who you are
• Feeling helpless in a society that seems to be headed in the wrong direction

You can use either of the processes presented in this chapter to release any of these limi-
tations and much, much more. We will start with Reframing.


Many people use their performance in the past as their measure of what they are going to

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LEAVING THE PAST BEHIND Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 79

create in the future. To leave the past behind, we frequently use Reframing. Reframing is way
of viewing the space-time continuum we just explored. With this process, you have an oppor-
tunity to explore the pictures you have in your mind. We all know the phrase “what you see is
what you get.” This is literally true. If you see yourself as being fearful or undeserving, this is
what you will create. In such cases, you are unconsciously settling for the low vibrations and
limited perspective of the wounded ego. You can consciously change this and connect more
with your wholeness. Reframing provides an opportunity to return to the car image you ex-
plored in Chapter One. Whatever your car looked like then, you can change the picture now
and, as mentioned, go on the most exciting, joyful, and rewarding journey of your life.
Amazing changes can happen with Reframing. The version provided here is a variation on
techniques that are commonly used with Hypnotherapy and NLP. It is also similar to the
process in our book Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT. If you are already familiar with
this earlier book, Reframing is well worth revisiting. In fact, we use it regularly for ourselves,
in our classes, and with clients. With this deceptively simple and effective process, you can
quickly and easily re-program yourself from a soulful viewpoint that will help you to align your
perspective with the wholeness and wisdom of the soul.

In essence, all healing is reframing,

or shifting your perspective on something.

You can use this powerful and insightful process with any image, emotion, or perceived limi-
tation that comes to mind. As a note, Reframing is also the basis for the R&A Process
You can read the Reframing Process to yourself, closing your eyes at any time to visualize
and taking a few breaths to deepen your experience, as needed. To do this process, you first
need to learn the Soul Centering Process in Chapter Two and feel comfortable about being in
a soulful state, because it is from this centered place that you will clear the limitation.
Before starting, you also need to have a specific limitation in mind to address, the more
specific the better. For example, if you want to address fear, start with a specific fear, like the
fear of speaking in public, which prevents many people from achieving the things they want.
Attempting to address all of one’s fear in a single process is not generally effective, because it
actually includes a number of different fears.
To make the most of this process, find a quiet, comfortable place with a paper and pen
handy to jot down your observations and insights gained during the process. Also, allow am-
ple time, as this type of experience cannot be rushed. It requires being in a receptive, relaxed
state where you can connect with the deeper levels of your awareness. To get the most from
the written version, just read each word intentionally to yourself, close your eyes at intervals
to deepen the experience, and visualize the different aspects of the process. Open yourself to
experiencing the process with all of your senses, accepting the images, feelings, and mes-
sages that come into your mind, and avoid allowing your rational mind to analyze.
Start by taking a few deep breaths and allowing any tension you feel in your body
to begin to melt away. Fill your lungs completely with pure, clear air with each inhale,
and allow more tension to release with each exhale, so you feel more relaxed with
each breath, and your body becomes lighter and lighter. Just allow any tension you
are releasing to melt down through your body, legs, and feet, into the earth. As you

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
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continue to breathe, allow the breath to be loving and nurturing, embracing yourself
with relaxation. Focus on sending this relaxation to every part of your body, starting at
the tip of your head and working your way down to the tips of your toes.
When you feel relaxed, allow the limitation you want to address to come into your
awareness. If it is disturbingly uncomfortable, imagine that you are moving away from
it as if you are viewing it from a distance or on a movie screen. This should make you
feel better. While you continue to focus your awareness on the limitation, allow an
image of it to emerge in your mind, such as a time when you experienced it. As the
image emerges, make note of each of the following:
• What you see
• What you feel physically
• Where you feel it in your body
• How you feel emotionally
• What you hear
You may want to jot each of these things down before you go further. Focus par-
ticularly on how you feel emotionally and on how strong the emotion feels. You can
measure the strength of the emotion from one to ten, with one being barely measur-
able and ten being the most intense. This will give you a measurement to compare to
when you are done with the process. Also notice how this blockage limits your ability
to create what you truly desire in your life.
When you have a complete picture in your mind, imagine that you can rise gently
above it to a higher place where you can view the situation from an elevated perspec-
tive, the perspective of your soul. You may want to imagine going to a mountaintop,
onto a billowy cloud, up onto a star, or back to your universal home described earlier.
You will know the right place for you. As you imagine yourself rising, take a few deep
breaths to clear your mind. Breathe clear, loving energy into your heart, recalling how
it feels to be connected with your soul. Then, when you arrive at your higher destina-
tion, allow the soul’s loving energy to radiate out through your body and all around
you, so you are completely embraced by this energy. Just breathe and feel the con-
nection with your soul.
When you feel connected, place a hand on your heart and focus all of your senses
on this experience of being aligned with your soul in this higher place, making note of
what you see, how you feel, and what you hear. Jot down what you notice from this
perspective. Focus particularly on how you feel emotionally and how you feel about
your possibilities. Now bring in the joy and excitement of creating your heartfelt
dreams. When the image is clear, ask yourself what color(s) you would associate with
this soulful state, and imagine surrounding yourself with this color.
The color(s), sounds, and positive energy you associate with your soul create an
energetic hologram that you can overlay onto the limitation you left below you to
transform it. Focus again on surrounding yourself with the soulful color, allowing it to
permeate every cell of your body and surrounding yourself completely with it. When
this feels complete, look down and notice the original image of limitation below you.

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Now imagine that you can send the positive energy and the soulful color down and
completely cover the limiting image below you, filling everything in the image with the
new energy and color. Focus again on the positive feelings and imagine gently follow-
ing the color back down into the original scene. Notice yourself there surrounded by
the soulful color and notice how you feel in this situation now compared with how you
felt when you connected with this scene earlier, jotting down any changes you per-
ceive. Also, return again to the emotion you measured earlier and measure its inten-
sity again between one and ten, making note of any difference.
Now, from this soulful place, reflect for a moment on the limitation you perceived
initially. Notice what your possibilities are now for manifesting your dreams. It should
be quite different. If it feels positive now, imagine that the future is extended out be-
fore you, and send the soulful color and energies into your future to enrich your entire
life. As you gaze out into this future, remind yourself that you will be able to recall
this soulful state and all that you have gained any time you wish in the future.
To complete the process, take a few final breaths, breathing in active energy, feel-
ing you are ready to return to your normal state of awareness.
When you are done, you should feel quite different. It is worth spending a few moments
of reflection to allow more insights to emerge and integrate the changes that have occurred.
Also remember that any time you are in a situation similar to the one you just transformed,
you can intensify the positive experience again by imagining yourself surrounded by the color
and energies from this process.
We have been using reframing with our clients and ourselves for years with remarkable
results. Here is an example with Jane and a client we will call Judith, who reported having
difficulty connecting with high vibrations like joy and lightness. When they started the Re-
framing Process, Jane asked Judith what she experienced physically and emotionally as she
focused her awareness on this difficulty. Judith immediately said “I’m just average, not a per-
son who will ever do something that is truly great.” In her mind’s eye, Judith saw herself as a
wallflower in a dull looking room, where she blended into her surroundings, not standing out
in any way. Physically, she saw herself slumped over and emotionally she felt a dullness that
matched her surroundings. Judith reported the dull feeling to be at around a five out of ten.
As their focus shifted to a higher place where Judith could benefit from an elevated per-
spective, she connected with the love in her heart and allowed this energy to radiate out, so
she was completely surrounded by it. As she did, she immediately felt giggly as the feelings of
dullness were replaced by utter joy. Judith then saw the image of herself brighten up, leaving
the dull room for the open air, where she raised her arms high up into the air and heard her-
self declaring, “I am bubbling with joy. I am unique and I can create an extraordinary life, not
just for me, but for everyone I touch. The world can be a brighter place because I am in it.
This is my reason for being and I want the universe to know that it will be hearing a lot from
me. My bright future is happening now and I stake my claim to greatness.”
Judith now reported her feelings of bubbliness and joy to be around nine out of ten. All
this happened in about ten minutes and it completely transformed Judith’s perspective on life.
It brings up the point that each of us has a choice. We can settle for feelings of dullness and
emptiness or we can choose to step out of the crowd and actively transform our lives.

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In viewing the past, we include earlier stages of this life and even past lives as part of this
continuum. If you don’t believe in past lives, don’t worry. To benefit from this approach, it is
not necessary to believe anything in particular. The main point is as follows.

In any area of life,

your responses to events in the past
influence your perspective in the present,
which produces a probable future.

Take the example of a woman we will call Mary who believed that she was burned at the
stake as a witch in a past life, as many free-spirited women who reached out of the norm
were. The experience terrified Mary, and left her with a deep-seated fear that she could be
killed and a belief that expressing herself is dangerous. Not surprisingly, Mary became an un-
usually quiet, shy person who was extremely reluctant to share any ideas that could be sub-
ject to criticism. As a child, she had extreme difficulty speaking in class and doing any kind of
public speaking caused her to freeze up completely. All of these failures at expressing herself
have left Mary in a low vibration in relation to self-expression.
Regardless, Mary found new ideas exciting and she learned a lot about healing and spiri-
tual development over many years of exploration. She had a lot to offer and felt guided to
teach what she had learned. With her extreme shyness, this thought was challenging. View-
ing the continuum from the past of being burned at the stake into her current state of believ-
ing that she could not express herself well, coupled with unconscious terror that she could
actually be killed for saying something that was out of the norm, her probable future as a
teacher looked challenging. Spiritually, the experience of being burned at the stake caused a
part of Mary connected with her self-expression to disconnect from the light and wisdom of
her soul. This “disowned part” was in the dark, resonating at a low vibration, and Mary was
completely unaware of what has happened. Extending this darkness and low vibration out
into the future, you can imagine the prospects.
This continuum stayed in place until it was intentionally cleared. Mary changed her past
by releasing the energetic blockage and disconnection with the soul. The darkness was
bathed with the light and high vibration of her soul’s presence. Extending this light into the
present, she could now learn to express herself more easily as her awareness of herself and
her abilities shifts. Her future had also changed, so she would be able to express herself eas-
ily and attract success in whatever her heartfelt joy and excitement would guide her to do.


Change History is an NLP process that is especially helpful with blockages that seem to have
always been with you, indicating that they are firmly rooted somewhere in the past. It is a
more complex and advanced process, which we recommend using once you have a good un-
derstanding of EFT, R&A, and accessing unconscious information. It is also well worth the

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time to master Change History, because it can provide deep healing in areas where core is-
sues are blocking the way.
One of the reasons core issues are so intense is because they have been with us for a long
time, representing issues that we have played out over and over, often over a period of many
lifetimes. This process traces this history back to its origin and, when the original or causal
event is healed, this healing changes your entire history, as well as your present and future.

An Example of Changing History

Jane was helping a client we will call Sonia, who was actively participating in manifesting her
dreams. Sonia knew that there were still issues from her upbringing that were limiting her
and wanted to move through them once and for all, so she could freely pursue her heart’s de-
sires. Considering the hold these issues had on Sonia, Jane felt that they were deeply rooted
in her unconscious and that Change History could locate and resolve the causal event.
Sonia started talking about her childhood and areas where she had picked up her parent’s
limiting beliefs about life. Her mother constantly undermined her with criticism, finding the
one thing she did wrong in every situation. She also saw her parents argue a lot about money,
even though there was plenty for them to enjoy. The message Sonia got from her mother’s
attitude about money and possessions was that things were more important than she was.
As Sonia began the process, she closed her eyes and started to relax. Her thoughts about
things being more important than she was took her mind back to a time when, at around 8 or
9 years old, she spilled fingernail polish on her mother’s dresser. She was too afraid to tell her
mother what had happened, and felt even guiltier about disappointing her mother by not be-
ing able to tell her. She felt bad about herself, like she was not worth much.
Following the feelings of not being worth much and disappointing her mother, Sonia then
reflected further, going back to a time when she was about three years old and she had
somehow gotten hold of a wallet. She knew she wasn’t supposed to have it and felt the same
need to hide it that characterized the dresser experience. With the wallet, she felt like a thief
and she was afraid of her father yelling at her. She recalled thinking that it wasn’t possible to
have the things she wanted in a situation where she needed to sneak around.
Several steps back further finally took Sonia to the causal event, which was in a past life
in a native culture in South America, around the year 500 AD. In this life, she was a young
male, who was the favorite son of the chief of the tribe. The son wanted to marry someone
who was not acceptable according to the way things were done in this culture. Nonetheless,
the son hoped to persuade his father somehow to allow the marriage. Instead, when con-
fronted, the father killed the son, which surprised and shocked him (her). This left Sonia with
an extremely traumatic memory and deep wound linked to feelings that it is not safe to want
what you want and that being honest doesn’t work. These beliefs had stayed with her since
that time, all the way up to the present, with limitations that projected into her future.
As mentioned, you don’t have to believe in past lives for this process to work. You could
just interpret the tribal image as a metaphor. In relation to the therapeutic value of the ex-
perience, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is to identify the blockage and clear it, which
Jane and Sonia did. Jane guided Sonia to clear the issue, which essentially boiled down to

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
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the belief that she would be destroyed for pursuing what she wants. This limiting perspective
would make it difficult to pursue her heartfelt desires. Clearing the strongest feelings con-
nected with the native lifetime, Sonia began with the feelings of being unsafe in having what
she wants. Starting at an intensity of nine or ten, one round brought up feelings of paralysis
and inability to act, which they then cleared. Afterwards, Sonia felt neutral about being effec-
tive creating what she wants, but not particularly positive. Doubt had surfaced, which she
rated at about an eight.
If you’re thinking that Sonia hadn’t made much progress since the intensity was still at an
eight, be aware that she was going through layers of different feelings, and each clearing was
bringing her closer to wholeness. The fact that the feelings were changing with each round
indicated that the clearing was proceeding well. They were able to bring the doubt all the way
down to zero in one round, which allowed Sonia to understand the situation in a new way,
from the perspective of the soul. Connecting in the heart, she felt optimistic now, loving and
supported. Looking forward to every day, Sonia felt safe and secure, trusting in the unfolding,
surrounded by synchronicities, and glowingly happy. Her entire history had been transformed.
She identified these high vibrations with a combination of yellows, teals, and pinks.
Sending this color and the high vibrations down over the scene in the native life, Sonia
now felt better about what had happened. She realized that as the chief’s son, she had been
happy much of the time and drew now from this happiness. Bringing the color up through
time into her childhood experience with the wallet, Sonia now felt shielded from her former
feelings. Coming back further to the nail polish experience, Sonia now felt like she could tell
her mother about the spill and wouldn’t need to take what her mother said about her seri-
ously. In the present, she realized that she could let her mother have her feelings without be-
ing limited in her ability to create. Her future looked bright, with sunshine, freedom, happi-
ness, and loving supportive people around her.
This profound process could easily transform Sonia’s ability to create the life of her
dreams. Change History can be equally effective with any area that feels blocked in your life,
using EFT or R&A to clear the blockage. As with any process, the more specific you can be
about what you want to clear, the better your results will be. Tracking the blockage back
through time requires that you have something quite specific in mind. This creates a clear
link, and when it is cleared, your past-present-future continuum is completely different.

The Change History Process

As mentioned earlier, before you start, remember that Change History is a more complex and
advanced process, which we recommend using once you have a good understanding of EFT,
R&A, Soul Centering, and accessing unconscious information. Again, we recommend being in
a quiet, comfortable place with a paper and pen handy to jot down your observations and in-
sights gained during the process. Also, allow ample time, as this type of experience cannot be
rushed. It requires being in a receptive, relaxed state where you can connect with the deeper
levels of your awareness. To get the most from the written version, just read each word inten-
tionally to yourself, close your eyes at intervals to deepen the experience, and visualize the
different aspects of the process. Open yourself to experiencing the process with all of your

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
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senses, accepting the images, feelings, and messages that come into your mind, and avoid
allowing your rational mind to analyze.
Find a comfortable position as you take a couple of nice deep breaths and begin to
relax. As you continue to breathe, focus on breathing in more relaxing energy, feeling
the tension melt from your body, and making any adjustments to relax further. As you
continue to breathe, ask any energy that is not your own to leave your field now, send-
ing it back where it came from. Like a tabletop picks up dust, we all pick up energy
from those around us and the places we go. Sending this energy back clears energetic
debris and allows us to feel clearer.
We similarly leave bits of our own energy in different places – now ask to have all
of your energy brought back to you, so you can feel whole and complete.
As you continue to relax, focus on the issue you want to address, remembering to
make it as specific as possible. As you continue to focus on it, measure its intensity
on a scale of one to ten, with one being the least intense and ten being the most in-
tense. Write down this number and any associated feelings. Also ask yourself what
your future looks like in this area of your life, from this wounded perspective and
briefly write your feelings down.
Now ask your mind to take you back to a time earlier in your life when you experi-
enced similar feelings, allowing whatever comes into your mind to surface, so you can
look at it. You may become aware of a scene you are familiar with or something that is
coming up from the unconscious mind. Whatever it is, take your pen and paper and
write down what was happening that caused those familiar feelings.
When you are through writing, close your eyes again, take a couple of nice, deep
breaths, and ask your mind to take you back to an even earlier time when you had
similar feelings, if this was not the first time. Again, accept whatever comes to mind
and write down what was happening that caused those familiar feelings.
When you are through, close your eyes again, take a couple of nice deep breaths
again, and this time ask your mind if this was not the first time you had these feel-
ings, to take you all the way back to the very first time, to the time when the blockage
occurred. Again, write down what was happening that caused the feelings.
Recognizing that the part of you that was experiencing this pain was doing the best
it could in the situation, make note of the precise emotion(s) involved. Then imagine
rising above the scene, so you can see it becoming smaller and smaller below you. Let
yourself float gently up to a higher place like a mountaintop, a nice billowy cloud, or
your universal home, where you can access a higher perspective.
When you arrive, find a place where you can relax, allowing the fresh air to clear
your head a bit. In this higher place, you can eliminate the blockage and you have
three choices on how to do it.
1. You can use EFT to clear the blockage.
2. You can use the R&A process to clear.

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3. You can connect with your soul and ask it for the truth about the situation,
writing down your thoughts about it as they enter your mind.
Take some time and use the clearing method you choose now. When you are done,
the blockage should be close to zero. When it is, place your hand on your heart and
connect with the soul’s energy. Ask yourself what the message is in this situation for
you and notice how you feel energetically. From this clear perspective, what quality
can you use to replace the old feelings that will provide a high vibration and connect
you with your infinite potential to create a bright future? Your soul should know, as it
aligns with elevating qualities like peace, love, lightheartedness, confidence, inner
security, and more. Again, jot down your perceptions for future reference.
This is also your opportunity to shout your new perspective out to the universe. If
you wish, you can use a round or two of EFT to enhance the strength of the new, posi-
tive feelings, to bring the intensity up close to a ten. Once you have finished, ask
yourself what color or colors you would associate with these positive feelings.
Now, imagine sending these new high vibrations and the color or colors down over
the scene you left below you and follow them back down. When you arrive, notice how
different the scene is now that your energy has shifted. From this place, imagine
sending these positive vibrations and colors forward to the present time, filling all of
the time in between with this positive energy and feel yourself gradually progressing
forward through all of your past experiences with this new perspective, with the vibra-
tions clearing everything in their path. When you arrive back at present time, note
how you feel now about the issue compared with the way your felt when you started
this process. Reinforce the new positive feelings again, feeling the positive vibrations
all around you. Write down your feelings about the issue from this new perspective.
To complete the continuum, send the positive vibrations and colors out to the fu-
ture, filling every moment with them as far out as you can see. When the future is
filled, imagine going out into the future and note what it looks and feels like now.
Write down the opportunities you see in your future from this new perspective.
When the process feels complete, you are ready to come back to your normal wak-
ing state, bringing all of the positive vibrations with you. Just breathe in a few nice,
deep breaths of active energy now as your awareness returns fully to being in your
seat in the present moment.
Your success with this process will be enhanced if you focus frequently on the new feel-
ings you are now carrying into your future, particularly over the next week or so.

You can never overdo reinforcing positive feelings.

You can also use the colors you associated with the positive feelings to enhance the experi-
ence. Imagining yourself surrounded with both the colors and feelings will instantaneously
bring back the positive state you created with this process.
If you didn’t feel completely clear at the end of the process, this just means that there is
more to explore. Notice what you are experiencing now and return to this process again soon
to explore it further.

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The Reframing and Change History Processes you have explored in this chapter can take you
well down the road on the healing journey. On a larger scale, if there are any places in the
past where you cannot see the value in your experiences, there is still something that needs
to be healed. Sometimes this is difficult to understand.
We are often asked questions like this: “How can you possibly see having an accident and
breaking your leg as positive experiences?” or “How could you possibly think that this disease
is a blessing?” Interestingly, cancer survivors often report that their disease is the best thing
that has ever happened to them. To see the blessings, you have to look at your life in relation
to learning, growing, and being a stronger, wiser, more complete person.

From the perspective of the evolutionary journey,

all of our experiences have messages for us.

These messages are not telling us that we are bad or failures; rather that our lives are
guided in ways that help us to learn about ourselves and our reality.
Fortunately, we also have choices. When we respond to subtle signs by clearing block-
ages and changing course, we can avoid many of the dramatic upheavals. Remember, “If you
don’t hear the whispers, you will get the shouts.” Listen for the whispers. Realizing at the
same time that healing is the essence of the spiritual path, it may take some time to heal
enough wounds to fully recognize that everything is indeed in divine order and all of your ex-
periences have served a positive purpose. If this idea is challenging to you, keep an open
mind and realize that the soul’s perspective on the events of our lives is vastly different than
the way we normally perceive them. We also remind you that there are times when we all
need help from a skilled practitioner to explore and clear core issues. Receiving assistance
can save a lot of suffering, when help is needed.
The opportunity ahead is to listen to the whispers and move forward into the realms of
our infinite potential. We will explore these realms more in the next chapter.

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Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Enlisting the Support

of the Universe

Expect your every need to be met.

Expect the answer to every problem.
Expect abundance on every level.

Once you have written down your goals and taken steps to clear the blockages that stand in
your way, you are well on the way to making your dreams a reality. To take it a big step fur-
ther, this chapter will allow you to enlist the amazing power of the creative forces of the uni-
verse for the realization of your goals. We have had the good fortune of coming across a vari-
ety of ways of doing this over the years, and we present our current assimilation of them here.
From a spiritual perspective, we understand that we are all being guided on our spiritual
paths and the universe is supporting us in creating our dreams. The beings in the higher di-
mensions who watch over us are aware of everything we say and do, along with our thoughts
and feelings. Through our vibrations, thoughts, words, and deeds, we are broadcasting our
desires out to the universe. Considering all of the thoughts that go through our heads and all
of the things we say and do, most of us probably send out a lot of mixed messages and pro-
duce a lot of static. One minute we are planning the wonderful life we want to create, the
next, we decide we want something else, and the next we are telling ourselves all of the rea-
sons why it won’t happen. What is the universe to make of it? And how can we create a finer
focus and enlist the full power of the universe to support us?
The simple answer is that we need to create a clear form of communication that will cut
through all of the static. Before we go further with this exploration, we want to repeat what
we said at the beginning of this program. Some of the ideas presented here may stretch your
beliefs and we again hope that this will happen in positive ways. We are presenting our ver-
sion of our spiritual reality here and it is fine for you to substitute terms and approaches that
align with your orientation. In fact, we encourage it. This part of the program is where the

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ENLISTING THE SUPPORT OF THE UNIVERSE Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 90

true power comes in and semantics need not get in the way. We recommend approaching the
information in this chapter in the way that makes the most sense to you.


At this stage in the program, you need to have prepared your Focus List, as described in
Chapter Three. Again, somewhere in the area of three to five goals is probably a realistic
number to start with. Now you are ready to enlist some support.
The way we see it, divine guidance and assistance is ours for the asking, but we do have
to ask for it. The guides and angels who surround us in the higher realms help us as much as
they can while honoring our free will. The synchronous flow of the universe likewise aligns
itself with our intent. If we request specific assistance with our goals, the invisible forces of
the universe will respond and our reality will align itself with our intent.

Creating a continuous connection with the higher realms

can help you to realize that you are not alone. Vast unseen forces
are available to support you every day of your life.

We have already discussed the importance of connecting with your soul’s wholeness in
the creation of your goals, so they correspond with your life purpose. Now we will align them
with the power of the universe. The approaches described in this chapter are all time-tested
ways to combine the power of the universe with your intent. This can be a creative experience
and we suggest having fun with it.


As mentioned earlier, the resources provided in this chapter allow you to turbocharge the re-
alization of your goals. Always match the efforts you make to realize your goals in your normal
life with the requests for support from the universe. This is where the magic comes in. The
amazing forces available to you in these higher realms have access to everything that is hap-
pening on the planet and knowledge of everyone who could help you, so they can find the
most direct way for you to realize your dreams.

The menu of possibilities that we draw from in our own lives includes the following:
• Cosmic Ordering: This approach focuses on placing orders with the universe to create
whatever your heart desires.
• The Celestial Communication System: This approach, which we have developed
based on Bob Scheinfeld’s The 11th Element audio program, provides a complete
systematic approach for enlisting the power of the universe in the realization of your
goals. It involves placing requests to your celestial support team and the synchronous
flow of the universe to support you with your goals. This approach is comprehensive
and it can easily include cosmic ordering and hiring the heavens, which is next.

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• Hiring the Heavens: This simple and fun approach comes from Jean Slatter’s book
Hiring the Heavens. It focuses on engaging the assistance of vast spiritual resources to
help you with anything you are doing.
• The Manifestation Process: The process we use was inspired by Vianna Stibal’s book
Go Up and Work with God and Lazaris’ audio Engaging the Mysterious Magic of
Claiming and Demanding. It takes you to a higher level of reality, the cosmic level,
where you can access the energetic blueprint for the structure of things and change it.
• The Manifestation Map: This is a physical representation that you can create for your
manifestations, within the supportive frequency of a heart. It energetically attracts your
goals to you. We provide a format for creating this map here.

The power of the universe is available for the asking, whoever you are, wherever you are.
As a note, for those interested in scientific evidence of the power of intention and focused
thought, we refer you to Lynn McTaggart’s book The Intention Experiment. The award-
winning science journalist carefully complies dozens of studies, experiments, and cases of
how human intention has tangibly influenced plants, animals, human cells, and people.
McTaggert discusses people who are pioneers in intention science and subtitles her book,
“Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World.”

We begin with the approach Barbel Mohr describes in her insightful book Cosmic Ordering.
Mohr’s book provides tools that allow you to directly enlist the power of the universe to help
you with your creations. With this approach, you simply put out your request to the universe
in whatever way feels convincing to you. Mohr mentions that if you believe the process needs
to be complex, then it does. And if you believe that if you don’t do it right it won’t work, you’ll
be right again. This means it can also be simple and it can be fine if you don’t do it perfectly.
The universe will understand you. After all, it’s the spirit that counts. The important point is to
make the process you use intentional, so you feel certain that the request has been delivered.
Examples that Mohr provides include placing your order in the darkness of night through
an open window or placing a call on an imaginary phone with a direct line to the universe. To
make the phone call approach intentional, you could use a specific object to place the call.

Be joyful and creative.

Approach this type of process playfully, like a child.

A five year old whose rational mind hasn’t developed enough to get in the way may just
take off one of his shoes and speak into it as if it was a telephone. Have fun with this idea.
You may prefer to use a large seashell that you can hold up to your ear, speak into a ring you
usually wear, or use a stick as a microphone. Placing your request aloud also makes it more
real, so you can just speak up into the microphone, saying something like “Hello Universe, I
am creating a new product that can help people to value themselves and I need your help to
find the right customers for it. Please let me know in some obvious way how to best market

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my product. Thanks a lot. I look forward to hearing from you soon.” Or “Dear Universe, I have
been trying unsuccessfully to find a ring I lost yesterday and I think I need some help. Please
guide me to its location. Thank you so much.” If you are open, you may even be able to carry
on a two-way conversation, allowing the universe to respond; you may receive some insightful
messages this way.
Once you place your request, Mohr recommends simply forgetting about the whole thing
as the best follow-up. Wondering if the universe heard you or going back and placing your
order again and again just creates doubt and you want to assume that the universe is in the
process of responding. Continued doubt, fear, and worry drag your vibrations down, which
may cancel your order all together. With this in mind, Mohr also suggests starting with some-
thing you are not identified with, something where it is fine if it occurs and it is fine if it
doesn’t. This way, you can easily let go of the outcome, focus on staying positive, and simply
allow your order to unfold in the most appropriate way.
We have developed a very specific form of cosmic ordering that we use to enlist the power
of the universe in realizing our goals. We call it the Celestial Communication System.


To clear up the static in the communication between ourselves and the beings who support
us in the higher dimensions, we have each created a Celestial Communication System, which
includes a Celestial Message Center and a Celestial Bulletin Board. These two simple items
have become our links between ourselves and the power of the universe. We use the Celestial
Message Center to send messages to our Celestial Support Team, which we understand to be
our higher selves, guides, and angels who are always with us. We address them as a collabo-
rative group and allow them to help us directly or, if necessary, to forward our requests for
assistance out to the creative flow of the entire universe to help us to realize our goals.
We first learned of this approach in an audio program for creating wealth and success
called The 11th Element, which was created and narrated by Bob Scheinfeld. Scheinfeld’s
audience is the business community. He calls his support team “The Invisible Network” and
directs messages to his “Inner CEO.” As mentioned earlier, this approach will probably work
best for you if you find terms for connecting yourself with the invisible forces of the universe
that align best with your orientation. You could have a Universal Message System, an Angelic
Message System or something similar of your own creation. Just make sure that the vibra-
tions of the terms you use are high, with the intent of connecting with the most positive forces
available to you in the higher realms.

The Celestial Message Center

The Celestial Message Center is the main hub of activity in your Celestial Communication Sys-
tem. This is the place where you can send messages requesting the assistance of your Celes-
tial Support Team in the realization of your goals. Again, as you set out, you will target in on
your Focus List of goals, the ones that will create the greatest positive impact on your life.

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It’s important not to confuse things by trying to change everything at once. Your efforts
would be too diluted if you attempted to realize 50 life-changing goals this week, this month,
or maybe even this year. Focus on quality over quantity, honing in on a few specific things
and updating these goals as you progress, as discussed in Chapter Three. We have found a
positive change in even just one seemingly small area tends to broaden out into a number of
areas and this change can transform one’s entire life.
As a simple example, Phillip once helped a woman we will call Carol who was going
through a difficult period in her life. Carol mentioned that she kept everything, so her closets
were packed full of stuff and she knew that she needed to let go of the old to bring in the
new. Phillip did a simple process with her to help her to let go. It worked. Not only did Carol
go home and clean out her closets, within a short period of time, she got a divorce, leaving a
relationship that was no longer serving either partner. By clearing the blockage and cleaning
out her closets, Carol opened to a whole new life.
The first thing to do is to create a special place for your Message Center. It can be a file
tray, like an out box, a nicely decorated box with a lid for more privacy, or anything that
seems right and magical to you. Just make it something special, with a high vibration, and
find a nice place to keep it. This will become your doorway to the higher dimensions.

The Celestial Transmittal

With your message box in place, you are ready to open the lines of communication. We use
what we call a Celestial Transmittal and we have included a sample of something that you
could use for your first message to your support team in Figure 6.1. Your communications
could be in the form of a letter, a work order, or something similar. Whatever you choose,
type them on your computer, if possible, to make them clean and clear. This also allows for
easy updating, when needed.
Your first message informs your support team that you are creating this system to clarify
your intent and streamline communication with them.

In your first message, include the following elements:

• Create a name that you can address your messages to. Though you are addressing a
collective of beings, you may imagine addressing the leader of the group, or a name
that represents the collective, which is what we do. One way to receive the name is to
do the Soul Centering Process in Chapter Two and ask for the name of your Celestial
Support Team.
• Claim your right to become the creator of your reality. This is important, because the
universe needs to know that you are serious about taking charge and moving forward
with your life.
• Identify an alternate form of communication that you can use if you need help right
away and cannot write a message. As mentioned in the sample in Figure 6.1, we tap
on our forehead three times and say “Hello _______ (use the name you have created

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Sample of Initial Transmittal to Support Team


Date: ___________
To: ___________, my Celestial Support Team
Re: Creating the Life of My Dreams,
Opening Communication Through the Celestial Message Center


I am writing to let you know that I have created this new form of communication with you
and, through you, to the creative forces of the cosmos. I joyfully and enthusiastically claim my
right to intentionally co-create the life of my dreams with the universe. I request your assis-
tance with making my dreams a reality in alignment with my mission and purpose.
For clarity, I will provide you with Celestial Transmittals stating my goals from now on.
Whenever possible, I will place these transmittals in the Celestial Message Center I have cre-
ated in my office. In the event that I need immediate help and cannot write out a transmittal,
I will provide the following signal: I will tap on my forehead three times and say “Hello
_________” either aloud or, if necessary, silently, and tell you what assistance I am seeking.
In response to these requests, I ask that you help me yourselves or through the creative
forces of the universe. In either case, please guide me to take the steps necessary to create
what I request or something better. I am open to exploring ways to change the way I perceive
things or do things, areas where I am limiting myself that I need to clear, new information,
new contacts, events that will guide me to my next steps, and alternate possibilities.
With this in mind, I request that you guide me with clear messages and signs that I can
easily understand. To open communication, I invite you to use the following signs to commu-
nicate with me: coming across a penny with the head up is a sign that I am on the right
track, and coming across a penny with the tail up is a sign that I need to adjust my direction
in some way that will be made clear to me. I am also open to any other clear ways that I can
receive messages from you and the universe.

With my highest regards and heartfelt appreciation,

_________________________ (your signature)

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for your support team)” either aloud or, if necessary, silently, and tell them what
assistance you are seeking.
• Create a way for the universe to communicate with you. In the sample in Figure 6.1,
the sign is a penny. Heads up means you are on the right track and tails up means
that you need to adjust your direction in some way that will be made clear to you. You
can choose any sign you want. Just keep it simple. Expecting the universe to put an
orchid in your path on a regular basis may not make as much sense as a penny.
• Make it official. When you have finished your communication, print it out and sign it.

Once you open communication, there is nothing that is too large or too small to request
assistance with in the creation of your reality. One time we were going to a holistic expo and
we had an extra ticket. While riding there in the car, Jane informed her Celestial Support
Team that she wanted to make the extra ticket available for someone who needed one, and
that she would look around when she arrived at the entrance to the expo for the person who
was to receive the ticket. When we arrived, Jane looked around, perplexed that no one was
there, when along came a friend who we were planning to meet later inside. Jane was still
perplexed, because she thought that our friend already had a ticket, but she found out that
the friend actually needed a ticket. We were delighted that our support team was able to con-
nect us with the intended recipient for the extra ticket.
This may sound like an insignificant matter, and it is, but it is an example of being in the
synchronous flow of the universe. It was joyful to be of assistance to the woman who needed
a ticket. Small requests like this can provide verification that your system is working. We find
that it works like a charm, and it allows us to actively participate in the creation of our reality.

Setting Your Ground Rules

Once you have sent the initial message to your Celestial Support Team establishing your new
communication system, we next recommend sending a message to set the Ground Rules you
want to apply to all of your goals, as discussed in Chapter Three. This will greatly simplify the
requests that follow. We are providing a sample for this message, as well, in Figure 6.2. Be-
fore you send this message, take some time to reflect on it, remembering that your actions
have to align with your Ground Rules. If you have a problem with your temper and are not
able to be friendly and helpful to others, we would recommend clearing and, if needed, set-
ting a goal to enlist the power of your support team to help you to bring this area of your life
into balance. Once you feel aligned with a reality where people are friendly and helpful, you
can add this to your Ground Rules, if desired.

Creating Your Celestial Bulletin Board

The final element that we have added to our Celestial Communication System is the Ce-
lestial Bulletin Board. As another form of communication with our support team, we post our
current goals on this board, along with those of our Master Spirit Partners (you can find out

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Sample of Transmittal for Setting Ground Rules


Date: ___________
To: ___________, my Celestial Support Team
Re: Creating the Life of My Dreams,
My Ground Rules


I am writing to let you know that I have developed a list that I call “Ground Rules,” which I
want to apply to my life and my creations.
In the creation of my reality, I expect the following:

1. I am synchronously in the right place at the right time to live joyfully and realize my mis-
sion in perfect time. This includes:
• Where I live
• Being in the right place in each moment receive input from the universe
• Creating my goals
2. People around me are consistently friendly, helpful, and supportive.
3. (Refer again to Figure 3.1 for complete sample list, which you can edit as desired.)

In the realization of my goals, I expect the following:

1. My goals manifest in alignment with my mission and with the highest good of all con-
2. The creation of my goals synchronously affects the people, places, and situations around
me in the most magically positive ways possible.
3. (Refer again to Figure 3.1 for complete sample list, which you can edit as desired.)
Please apply these Ground Rules to all of the goals I transmit to you.

With my highest regards and heartfelt appreciation,

_________________________ (your signature)

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more about becoming part of the Master Spirit Community at the back of this book.) We also
post our Manifestation Maps described later in this chapter, pictures, inspirational quotes, key
words, and anything else that inspires us in the creation of our dreams.
Figure 6.3 provides a sample transmittal that you can adapt to get started. In addition to
enhancing our communication with our support team, this bulletin board provides us with a
continuously present reminder that we are the creators of our reality. It is alive with the joy
and excitement with which we approach our creations that we can easily build upon and
draw energy from as we progress.

Notifying Your Support Team of Your Goals

With the Celestial Bulletin Board, you can easily notify your support team of the goals you are
currently focusing on (your Focus List). We write the list out and post it on the Celestial Bulle-
tin Board. In this regard, when you write out your goals, remember to identify what you want,
when and why you want it, and what your current action plan is. Take your time and make
sure that your request feels complete before you deliver it to your support team and enlist
their assistance.
If you can type your Focus List into a computer, this is ideal, because you can make adjust-
ments over time, add goals, and remove goals, as desired. You can also create a transmittal
notifying your support team of a new goal or goals, and deliver it in the Celestial Message
Center. Again, be sure to include that you want, why, when, etc.
As a note, we occasionally write other thoughts for our Celestial Support Teams. When
you notice their presence in your life, you may want to just let them know that you appreciate
them. You may have other messages and this system provides a way for you to communicate.

As a recap, here are the main elements in the Celestial Communication System:

1. Develop a Focus List of goals in alignment with your soul’s heartfelt desires.
2. Set up your version of the Celestial Message Center.
3. Create an initial Celestial Transmittal informing your Support Team that you are go-
ing to communicate with them in this way, along with how you will communicate
when you are away. Select a sign they can use to communicate with you.
4. Set your Ground Rules and transmit them to your Celestial Support Team.
5. Create your Celestial Bulletin Board and notify your Support Team about it and how
you plan to use it.
6. Post your goals on your bulletin board and/or notify your support team of your goals
using transmittals.
7. Keep in touch with your support team and update your goals as is appropriate.
Connect with your soul’s wisdom for guidance as you progress.

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Sample of Transmittal Describing the Bulletin Board


Date: ___________
To: ___________, my Celestial Support Team
Re: Creating the Life of My Dreams,
Opening Communication Through the Celestial Bulletin Board


I am writing to let you know that I have created this new form of communication with you
and through you, to the creative forces of the cosmos. In addition to using the Celestial Mes-
sage Center to deliver messages to you, I have set up a Celestial Bulletin board where I am
posting the goals that my Master Spirit Community partners and I have set and are envision-
ing for each other.

In response to these postings, I ask that you help us to realize our posted goals yourselves,
through collaboration with their celestial support teams, or through the creative forces of the
universe. In any case, please guide us to take the steps necessary to create what we request
or something better. We are open to exploring ways to change the way we perceive things or
do things, areas where we are limiting ourselves that we need to clear, new information, new
contacts, events that will guide us to our next steps, and alternate possibilities.

As with the Celestial Message Center, I request that you guide me personally with clear mes-
sages and signs that I can easily understand. To open communication, I invite you to use the
following signs to communicate with me: coming across a penny with the head up is a sign
that I am on the right track, and coming across a penny with the tail up is a sign that I need
to adjust my direction in some way that will be made clear to me. I am also open to any other
clear ways that I can receive messages from you and the universe regarding my postings on
the Celestial Message Board.

With my highest regards and heartfelt appreciation,

_________________________ (your signature)

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Jean Slatter’s engaging book Hiring the Heavens is a wonderful resource for anyone who is
actively involved in creating the life of his or her dreams. It opens you to another approach to
creating a direct connection with the higher realms for support in any area of your life.
This approach is so simple that you would have to work to complicate it. The idea is that
you can hire a spiritual consultant to help you in any area of your life. If you want to expand it
further, you can hire a whole team of consultants to help you in a variety of different areas of
your life. As you drive into a crowded parking lot, you can hire a spiritual parking attendant to
create a parking space for you close to the shop where you are heading. Then just drive up
toward the shop and allow the parking space to appear. This may seem like a silly example,
but doing this is a simple way to confirm that your intent can influence your reality. Expand-
ing it to a whole team, here is an example of Jane’s current team of spiritual consultants.
They include the Spiritual Grant Advisor mentioned earlier, a Spiritual Manifestation Advisor
to assist us with writing this book, a Spiritual Veterinarian to help our dog to achieve vibrant
health, a Spiritual Travel Agent to secure reservations we need for our travels, a Spiritual Ho-
listic Health Expert to help Jane to maintain consistently vibrant health, a Spiritual Invest-
ment Consultant, and a Spiritual Marketing Specialist. You can have as many or as few spiri-
tual consultants a you wish, requesting spiritual consultants with the exact skills you need to
achieve your goals.
In her book, Slatter suggests that you can view these consultants as angels. You could
hire a Spiritual Health Angel to help you to achieve vibrant health and a Spiritual Efficiency
Angel to help you to make your life easier and more enjoyable. If you relate more to a busi-
ness orientation, you could view them as a Spiritual Executive Committee. You could even sit
down and hold meetings with this committee to review your progress and update them on
your current needs in different areas of your life.
As with cosmic ordering and the Celestial Communication System, we recommend that
you make your process of hiring the heavens intentional, so you feel completely clear that you
have made the request for a specific spiritual consultant, along with the specifics of what you
need from this consultant now.

Remember to word all of your goals and requests in positive

terms, stating what you want, not what you don’t want.

We generally hire the heavens in combination with our Celestial Communication System
by tapping ourselves three times on the forehead, saying hello to our support team, then re-
questing the spiritual consultant we need. As a follow-up, you can also keep a current list of
your spiritual consultants on your Celestial Bulletin Board. This way, you can simply refer to
the list when you want to request further support.
A Hiring the Heavens request may go something like this: “Hello __________, I request
the immediate assistance of a Spiritual Development Advisor to provide clarity on the direc-
tion I need to take in my career to align it with my spiritual purpose. Thank you for your assis-

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tance.” As with cosmic ordering, assume that your order has been received and that it is oc-
curring. Trust in the divine. As Slatter mentions in her book, “Know that it will happen. It will
not serve any purpose to use this process as a testing ground for the Universe. An ‘I’ll believe
it when I see it’ attitude will keep success just outside your reach,” and you don’t want that.
Quite the contrary: why not open to a reality where miracles are a regular event? Slatter’s ap-
proach in Hiring the Heavens can help you to bring magic and miracles into your daily life.


We have been using this process for years with great results. The version we provide here is
specifically intended to allow you to consciously claim your right to take on the role of creator
of your reality. When you step forward and claim your right to create the life of your dreams,
you step into the driver’s seat. As Jean Slatter put it,
“By divine design, we are creators with God, literally in the director’s chair of
our life. God and the entire spiritual realm are part of our support system, the
wellspring of all our resources. … We are being asked to consciously create
our own world, fully confident in our seat of authority – and in our knowledge
that the entire universe stands joyfully ready to assist us.”
The Manifestation Process places you firmly in your director’s chair at the top of creation,
where you can view the entire universe and stir up your reality to create your dreams. It pro-
vides an ideal setting for you to proclaim to the universe your position as the creator of your
reality. This process works equally well to enlist the support of the universe in the creation of
a specific goal. For the realization of a goal, have something specific in mind to manifest. To
focus the energy, this process works best when used for a single manifestation or limited to a
few things at a time rather than for manifesting a large number of things all at once. You can
repeat it over time to include more manifestations, giving each one the individual attention it
deserves to bring it into being.
The process provided here focuses on a single manifestation. You can adapt it to add
more, if desired. As you feel your energy aligning with the creation of your manifestation, real-
ize that this is a visualization you might want to return to in coming days, so make particular
note of how the energy is being drawn to you and your manifestation.
As you prepare to do this process, we recommend being in a quiet, comfortable place
with a paper and pen handy. We also recommend allowing a bit of time; as this type of ex-
perience cannot be rushed. It requires being in a receptive, relaxed state where you can con-
nect with the deeper levels of your awareness. To get the most from the written version, just
read each word intentionally to yourself and close your eyes at intervals to deepen the experi-
ence and visualize the different aspects of the higher realms in which you are traveling. Open
yourself to experiencing the process with all of your senses, accepting the images, feelings,
and messages that come into your mind, and avoid allowing your rational mind to analyze.
As you prepare to begin, focus on breathing pure energy into your heart, and open
to the light of your soul. Continue to inhale this pure energy, allowing each breath to
bring in more light, clearing any tension you feel in your body, until you feel so light
that you can imagine yourself rising out of your seat and moving upward into the sky,

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heading once again to your soul’s universal home. As you read this visualization, take
your time and stop to close your eyes and explore the scenery along the way.
Notice as you float through the air, how you’re an integral part of everything you
see below you on the planet and that you are also an integral part of the sky above.
Now allow this energy and light to lift you, taking you to your place of peace in
your soul’s universal home. As this higher dimensional home comes into view, notice
again that it is a magnificent structure with many levels, where you can freely explore
your divine nature and purpose.
Upon arrival, you are surrounded again by the guides and angels who are support-
ing you from behind the scenes. If you have created your Celestial Communication
System, you may notice that your Celestial Message Center and your Celestial Bulletin
Board synchronously exist here in your universal home, just as they do in your physi-
cal home. When you put a message or posting into your communication system, it is
instantaneously received here in the higher dimensions, where your support team can
take immediate action on it.
Once you have had an opportunity to take a look at this communication center,
your support team guides you to a elevator with a panoramic view of the heavens
around you, that will transport you upward through the different levels of your univer-
sal home.
As the elevator rises now, feel yourself lifting up further into space now, so you can
see the entire solar system. From this perspective, you can look back down to the
earth and notice how our dense perspective holds us in limitation here. Also imagine
the earth we are evolving into as we open to the wisdom of our souls, and rise in
awareness, so that we can co-create with the oneness that is all around us. This jour-
ney will take humanity through the fourth dimension, which provides flow to clear the
density of the third dimension into the fifth dimension, where we can connect with
the divine structure that allows us all to co-create in each moment. While we can co-
create as individuals in the third dimension, when humanity as a whole is able to shift
to a fifth dimensional perspective, we will be able to literally create our reality in each
Focus also on the sun, the source of life for the entire solar system. As you can
connect with the energetic frequency of the earth, you can likewise connect with the
energy of the sun for healing and wisdom.
From here, as the elevator lifts you higher, you embrace an even higher perspective
that includes other planetary systems. Breathing even lighter energy now, allow your-
self to rise in frequency to the universal level of awareness. As you gaze over the
vastness of the entire universe, with its many galaxies and solar systems, notice how
incredibly small our earth is and how miniscule our problems are in relation to the
wonders that surround us. Feel yourself connected with the universe and its level of
awareness, which transcends the limits of time, where every moment is experienced
in a single instance and where reality shifts as we shift our consciousness. It can be
challenging to grasp the experience of existence beyond the limits of time, but you

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can return to the universal level any time you wish to expand your awareness of this
From the universal level, the elevator lifts you all the way up to a viewing area at
the top of our creation, the cosmic level. From this perspective, you have access to
many different universes, along with a viewing level of the different forms of existence
that make up our creation.

The cosmic level of reality is where all of creation begins.

At this level, you will also find a viewing platform where you can look down upon your
entire reality. You can come to this viewing platform at the top of your universal home
at any time to view or sense your reality from this elevated perspective and make the
changes you desire. It may be a platform with a telescope and guardrails that over-
looks your normal reality down on the physical plane or you may perceive another
form that is right for you to use for viewing and reaching into your reality.
When you arrive in the viewing area, take a look down upon your life on the physi-
cal plane noticing yourself going about your normal activities there. Now, take a nice,
deep breath and shift your focus to the subject of manifestation. Here, you can adapt
the approach to what feels right to you. You want to address God, the Creator, the
Creative Power of the Universe, the oneness of all that is, or something similar that
makes sense to you, and claim your right to be the creator of your reality.
Say something like the following, aloud if possible:
“Dear Creative Power: I come to claim my rightful place
as the creator of my reality in alignment with my highest purpose.”
If you have been here before and return to request the support of the universe in
creating a specific goal, say something like the following:
“Dear Creative Power: I claim this manifestation of ____________
in alignment with my highest purpose.”
Now look down again into your reality, and imagining that you have an arm that
can reach a longggggggg distance, stir your reality up a bit to shift the energy around,
so your manifestation can take form. Then imagine the energy of the cosmos, of God,
or whatever resonates with you reaching out into your reality to magnetize your mani-
festation to you. Take your time with this, imagining the different directions from
which your manifestation may be drawn to you.
If carrying on a conversation with the creative forces of the cosmos feels comfort-
able to you, you can also ask questions from this elevated perspective and allow the
universe to respond.
Finish with sensing/seeing yourself taking action to bring your manifestation into
reality and visualize the manifestation taking place in your future. Imagine your crea-
tion coming fully into form in alignment with your purpose.
You may also want to create a symbol or visualize a color that represents your
manifestation and send it down into your reality and into your future.

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When the manifestation feels complete and its realization is clear in your mind,
you are ready to close the process. With clear intent, say something like:
“Thank you Creative Power. It is done.”
Say this confidently, aloud if possible, and visualize your manifestation(s) taking
form. Now, looking down again upon your creation, ask if your soul has a message as
you prepare to realize your dream and return to your current level of reality. You may
also want to jot down any message that comes to you for future reference.
When you feel complete, you can begin to drift gently back down in the elevator to
the entrance of your universal home, then back down again to the physical plane. No-
tice the planet, landscape, buildings and trees coming into focus, as you return to the
place where you started, returning gently back into your seat. As you feel your body
resting in your seat, breathe in some active energy to bring yourself back to your nor-
mal state of awareness, feeling enlightened, grounded securely to the earth, and
wonderfully alive.

When you complete the process, draw your symbol, if you received one, and keep it in a
prominent place, such as on your Celestial Bulletin Board. It can also become a part of the
Manifestation Map, which we describe next.

Regular Use of the Manifestation Process

With practice, you should be able to do this process quickly and easily by simply finding a
quiet place where you can sit down and relax. Just close your eyes, imagine rising to your
viewing area at the top of your universal home on the cosmic level of creation, claim your
manifestation, stir your reality up a bit to help things to shift around, and come back down,
knowing that your reality is reconfiguring to conform to your request.
As mentioned earlier with Cosmic Ordering and Hiring the Heavens, once you have com-
pleted this process, know that your request has been received and that it is occurring. Let it
take its course. You can revisit your cosmic viewing area for new requests, and to update your
earlier ones. Enjoy the process and trust the universe to provide for you.


Most people have a limited perspective on reality, so we are all surrounded energetically with
frequencies of limitation rather than the joy, flow, and transcendence discussed in this pro-
gram. While this need not necessarily limit you, it also doesn’t provide any energetic support
for your creations. To counteract these low frequencies, we have developed a way to provide
energetic support for the flow of your manifestations with the Manifestation Map. Using a
photo of yourself or a lock of your hair, either of which connect with your energetic signature,
this map literally surrounds you and your manifestations with love and support in a way that
helps to draw your dreams to you.
The Manifestation Map has some similarities to treasure maps and vision boards, which
we describe briefly in this chapter. This map also is a distinctive tool in itself. Within its

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framework, you can place specific words, pictures, and symbols to make what you are mani-
festing clear and easy. You can find a guide for creating this map in Figure 6.4.

Here are the key aspects of the Manifestation Map:

• Photo: Your photo on the map identifies your energetic signature as the receiver of the
manifestations. As an alternative, you can use a lock of your hair, which also carries
your energetic signature.
• List: Around the photo are the desired creations. We suggest listing just a few things
on each map, like on your Focus List, so you can keep track of what you wish to
create and watch for the synchronous signs that your reality is responding to your
• Heart: The heart surrounding the photo and the list energetically surrounds you and
your creations with unconditional love. This archetypal vibration helps you to attract
your heartfelt desires.
• Four Cornerstones: This provides a structure for your creations. Include four qualities
that resonate with you, such as the manifestation principles discussed in Chapter
• Statement of Intent: Here you are enlisting your power by claiming your creation, so it
can come into being, as you also do in the Manifestation Process.
• Your Signature: With your signature, you acknowledge your commitment to your
creations and to all that is required to make them a reality.

Once the map is complete, put it in a special place, like on your Celestial Bulletin Board,
and check back with it regularly as a reminder of your goals. You also may want to change it
over time, as your reality shifts.

Dream Boards, Treasure Maps, and Vision Boards

Another activity you can do along similar lines to the Celestial Bulletin Board and the Mani-
festation Map is to create a dream board (also known as a Treasure Map or Vision Board).
This is generally a collage of magazine pictures, key words, and whatever you want to add
that are mounted on a cardboard backing, so you can hang it up as a representation of your
intentions. Creating a Dream Board can be fun, create expectation, and make your dreams
feel more real.

Enlisting the support of the universe takes the realization of your goals to a much higher
level. We offer a variety of approaches, so you can find the ones that work best for you and
enlist the power of the universe in the realization of your dreams. To review, they include

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Format for the Manifestation Map

Cornerstone Cornerstone


Describe your desired creations in the area outside

of the photo and inside of the heart


Cornerstone Cornerstone
The four cornerstones are the primary qualities with which you wish to manifest. The four chosen here
are suggestions. Others may come from the Principles of Manifestation described in Chapter Two
or from your intuitive knowing of how you can best create.

In this lower area, place a statement that describes your intent, like

“I claim that these creations come into being with love,

in perfect time, and in accordance with my highest good.”
Your Signature

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Cosmic Ordering, the Celestial Communication System, Hiring the Heavens, the Manifestation
Process, Manifestation Maps, and Dream Boards – an extraordinary wealth of opportunities.
We again recommend pairing each of your goals with requests for the support of the uni-
verse. Whichever approach or approaches you choose, once you place your order with the
universe, it is important to trust that your wishes have been understood and that your request
is in the process of being fulfilled. Imagine calling your local bookstore to order a book, then
calling the next morning to make sure they got your order, then calling again later in the day
to make sure that they still were planning to send it out, then calling again the next morning
to make sure that they were actually processing your order, and so on.
If you place a request with the universe, assume that it is occurring, let it go, and watch
for new opportunities to emerge. A round or two of EFT can also work wonders here and re-
move your worries. Clearing blockages is much more effective than trying to ignore them, pre-
tending they don’t exist.
If these types of approaches are new to you, just be flexible and have fun with them. As
you continue, you will notice that they become easier and more natural. Your sense of reality
will expand to include the unseen forces that are at work beyond your normal awareness. You
will feel more and more aligned with the synchronous flow over time.
You have come a long way on your journey and there is still a bit more to explore. So
what’s next? Chapter Seven tells you what to expect once you have completed all of the steps
described so far and it is time to enjoy some wonderful results.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Opening to New Opportunities

There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.


Once you have created your Focus List and enlisted the powerful resources of the universe to
help you to bring them into being, what can you expect? The outcome may not be what you
think, so it is critically important to open to different possibilities and unexpected opportuni-
ties. In The 11th Element, Bob Scheinfeld recommends separating completely from your ideas
about the outcome. This can be challenging, but if you are open, magic can happen. You can
also synchronously expect change and growth to enter your life.

Here are some possible outcomes:

• Sometimes your manifestation simply arrives, as desired.
• You may be given opportunities to change the way you perceive things or do things to
accommodate change.
• You may come across new information that will guide you in the desired direction.
• You may recognize synchronous events that will lead you to the next step on the
journey of self-discovery.
• You may receive messages from your soul through journaling or from the universe in
some way that will help you understand more of your divine nature and the magical
path you are on.
• Your manifestation may arrive in a different way than you imagined it.
• You may negate the whole process by doubting it and succumbing to fear. We don’t
recommend this; doubt can stop your manifestations dead in their tracks.

Over time, your creations and your purposes will synchronously come into alignment if

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you pay attention to the feedback your reality provides. Open your mind and heart to new
ways of experiencing reality.

To the Chinese, uncertainty represents opportunity,

when hidden possibilities can emerge.

We suggest adopting what could be called a “wow” attitude; after all, anything could
happen. You are on a treasure hunt to discover opportunities. To progress and avoid negating
the process, you need to be flexible, recognizing that something wonderful is happening now,
not sometime out in the future. Your goals are in the process of coming into form at this very
moment. The universe is realigning itself to accommodate your goals. Nonetheless, you may
need to surrender to a period of uncertainty as your goals prepare to emerge.

Here are some ways to deal with uncertainty:

• Keep your vibrations up with a positive focus to connect you with the realms of
infinite possibilities. This is your number one goal for whatever you want to create.
The ultimate goal is to experience each moment connected with the joy and
excitement of being you.
• Focus on being grateful for the blessings you have in your life and avoid complaining
or whining. These bad habits carry tremendously low vibrations that completely block
the synchronous flow of the universe. This will give you even more to complain about.
• Assume that your dream is in the process of coming into form.
• Take action, however small, to start incorporating your goals into your life. Be actively
engaged in your creations to expand the opportunities available to you. If you just sit
in a closet, it may be difficult for the universe to interact with you.
• Watch for synchronicity. If you are paying attention, your reality will provide messages
and new awareness as you progress.
• Joyfully open yourself to the new ways of thinking, doing, and being that will allow
you to shift from your current ways of creating to more effective ones. If you avoid
change, cultivate doubt, and stay as you are, your reality will stay as it is. Your doubt
will prove itself to be right. If you joyfully connect with the flow, the mysteries of the
universe will be revealed and your life will never be the same again.

Take the example of seeking vibrant health. With the storybook approach, you might ex-
pect the good fairy to come along and wave a wand that removes all of your ailments. Or you
may go to bed one night as an unhealthy person only to miraculously wake up as a healthy
person. Miracles do happen and you want to be open to this as a possibility. At the same
time, you also want to be open for it to occur in another way. Rather than a miracle, you
might be given an opportunity to make changes in your lifestyle that will bring vibrant health.
It is important to be open to learning new things along the way. Expect to succeed, but don’t
limit yourself in relation to the many possible ways that this may happen and how the final
outcome will appear.

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Scheinfeld also mentions that you may not even recognize it when your goal comes into
being in a surprising way. This almost happened to us recently. We had set the goal to have
more joy in our lives. When we set the goal, we didn’t have anything specifically in mind,
other than being watchful of our vibrations. So we didn’t realize there could be a connection
when, shortly thereafter, several people offered dogs to us. It seemed odd to us that this was
occurring, although we had been considering getting a new dog. We hadn’t set a specific goal
or taken much action on it, but we were intrigued. We went to see the first dog and he turned
out to be so irresistibly cute, loving, playful, and sweet that we took him home right away.
We named him “Mr. Sunshine,” or Sunny for short, because he is a light gold color and he
has a sunny disposition. Several weeks later, we noticed how joyful it was to have Sunny in
our family. It was then that we realized that synchronicity had been at play and that we had
received more joy in a completely unexpected way. We were surprised, delighted, and grateful
for the many blessings in our lives.

To make your dream a reality, it is essential at this stage for your
behavior to match your expectations.

If you are looking for a job, you need to go out and search, not just wait for a job offer to mi-
raculously appear. You may find one or your outcome may occur in a completely unexpected
way. Regardless, you want to engage joyfully with your reality to create opportunities. As Mo-
handas Gandhi stated, “Action expresses priorities.” Act with confidence, knowing that your
dreams are in the making.
As writers, we are often reminded of people who tell us they want to publish books, but
expect the universe to market them without taking any action, or the client who wants a per-
fectly toned body but will not exercise, and wonders why doesn’t happen. You can hire the
heavens, make a request through your Celestial Message Center, or place an order with the
cosmos, and we highly recommend that you ask for your goals to occur easily and effortlessly.
At the same time, you need to take steps in the direction you want to go.
Taking action is where the principles of power and will come in. Only you can make your
dreams a reality. This doesn’t mean that you need to struggle, spending endless hours each
day at the gym or exhaustively looking for a publisher for your books. The idea is to joyfully
experiment. If you want to tone your body, experiment to find a form of exercise that is
healthy and fun; then the journey becomes its own reward. Try different approaches and
watch for signs that the synchronous flow is guiding you forward. The signs are there if you
are open to seeing them.
As mentioned earlier, we have also found that we have to be open to having our dreams
manifest even better than expected. The universe often tells us that we will be surprised and
delighted with the results, and we are. Remember the story of Lily in Chapter Four. When she
came to see Phillip, Lily wanted to start a real estate career, but she had many doubts. A year
later, after using this manifestation approach, she reported that she had started a new career
in the healthcare field instead, and this is what she really wanted. The key here is to be ac-

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tively involved in bringing your dreams to fruition and to be open to how this might happen.
Setting goals and acting on them magically draws synchronicity into your life. Opportuni-
ties suddenly appear. Resources become available. Being in the moment gives you an unerr-
ing sense of timing. You develop your intuition and trust your inner guidance. As your possi-
bilities expand and your life becomes fuller and richer, you stay grounded and yet flexible. You
realize that there is no need to be attached to any outcome and you trust that the universe
will bring you into alignment with your mission and heartfelt joy. This process of evolution is
living your true divine purpose, fueled by your creations.


There’s the old saying “you can’t teach old dogs new tricks.” This isn’t actually true for dogs
and it certainly isn’t true for people. You can make positive changes in your life at any age.
You just have to pay attention to what you’re doing to replace old habits that haven’t been
producing the results you want with new ones that can take you where you want to go.
Wherever you are in relation to reaching your goals, you can take some positive steps
every day and you will need to do this to succeed. This is especially true for those in the most
challenging situations. When things seem the most hopeless, taking positive steps can be
more difficult, because one’s vibrations are so low.

Here are some suggestions for making your dreams a reality:

1. Focus on following your heartfelt joy and excitement. These heightened soulful states
are the true sources of fulfillment. Daily Soul Centering works wonders for aligning
with your heartfelt joy and excitement. Also find ways to remind yourself to connect to
this joy and excitement each morning as you wake up and as you drift off to sleep
each night. Or let your joy speak to you through journaling or a simple conversation.
During challenging times when it is difficult to connect with this joy, do something
to lighten up. Go for a walk in nature or watch some funny movies. After a good
laugh, notice how your perspective changes and how you recognize more possibilities.
2. Keep your vibrations up. Release negative emotions and limiting beliefs using EFT
and R&A as soon as you recognize them and connect often with the love you hold in
your heart. When the doubts and “what if’s” start to bring you down, have a prepared
response to take yourself back up toward the realms of the infinite.
Eastern faiths use a mantra in meditation to hold focus. A mantra is defined as “a
sacred verbal formula repeated in prayer, meditation or incantation, such as an invo-
cation to God or a syllable or portion of scripture containing mystical potentialities.”
You can similarly choose a phrase that helps you to raise your vibrations. Developing
and repeating the soulful homing thought described in Chapter Two can work won-
ders. Then you will have it ready to repeat to yourself any time you need a lift. Two
phrases Jane uses are “I feel whole and complete and everything is in divine order”
and “I am in the synchronous flow, surrounded with love and bubbling with joy.” Re-
peating one of these phrases and breathing love into her heart always lifts her spirits.

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You can find your own mantra or homing thought to raise your vibrations any
time. It can be as simple as “Joy to the world” or “Love is all around me.” The key is
to find something uplifting and to use it often. Remember, focusing on positive vibra-
tions is a continuous process that builds momentum over time. You may find yourself
“bubbling with joy” every day.
3. Visualize Success Every Day: This is vital. Seeing is believing. In his book Awaken
the Giant Within, Tony Robbins suggests doing a mental rehearsal each day by visu-
alizing and emotionally enjoying the experience of seeing yourself realizing your goals.
We discussed having an image that represents success with each goal on your Fo-
cus List. To do this, ask yourself how you will know when you have reached your
goal. If you want a new house, will it be when you excitedly put the key in the door
for the first time? If you want a vacation to Fiji, will it be when you are peacefully re-
laxing on the beach sipping a tropical drink with an umbrella in it? If you just want
more peace and quiet, will it be when you take a few minutes to walk in the park on
the way to work? However big or small, with each goal, know what success will look
and feel like for you and see it in your mind’s eye. Then set aside a few minutes each
morning as you rise and/or each evening as you retire to imagine yourself in the future
successfully achieving your goals and feeling the joy and fulfillment.
The essential thing here is to align with the positive vibrations of realizing your
heartfelt dreams. Jane does this each morning before she rises by envisioning herself
in the flow, surrounded with love, bubbling with joy, with her images of each of her
dreams flowing with her. This starts her day on a positive track where she feels fully
connected with the divine.
4. Take steps, however small, toward realizing your goals. Tony Robbins also notes that
even small steps help. He suggests creating a list of things you can do to create some
positive movement and doing something on the list each day.
We have found that any action taken toward reaching a goal helps to create posi-
tive momentum. If you want to travel more, get some brochures and travel guides.
You can also create a collage of pictures that relate to the achievement of a goal. If
you want to have a new home, create a collage with pictures of elements of a home
that you would like, such as a swimming pool, a roomy kitchen, a craft room, and so
on. If you want to live in a nicer house and can’t afford it yet, you can start by visiting
areas where you would want to live.
Enthusiastically voicing positive affirmations also aligns your energy with your
goals and helps to create momentum. A seemingly miniscule shift in focus today ex-
pands over time, and before long, it can become a major change in your life. The di-
rection in which you are heading is the most important thing.
5. Clean out your closets and get rid of anything that no longer serves you. As men-
tioned earlier, “old stuff” takes energy that you could be using in a more positive way.
6. Incorporate more of the things that you want into your daily life. If there are things
that are relatively easy to add, be sure that you find a way to fit them into your sched-
ule right away, even if it is just a little bit. If there is something creative you have been

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putting off like painting, writing poetry, or singing, or something recreational like hik-
ing or swimming, you may be able to start now, even if it is just in small ways.
7. Consider creative approaches to reaching your goals. If you want a new home, for
example, you may be able to live in a nicer place by renting instead of owning. Maybe
house sitting would be a way to be in nicer quarters as well. Don’t be fixed on a spe-
cific result; open your mind to different ways of realizing your goals.
8. Watch for synchronicity at play. When you are open in the moment, the synchronous
flow of the universe will provide confirmation and direction. Pay close attention to in-
sights that come to you from nowhere, books that drop on your head or into your
path, insights people share, and more.
One time Jane was walking our dog in the neighborhood, enjoying a sunny spring
day. For fun, she asked the universe to provide a sign that all was in divine order.
Within seconds, a large peacock flew across the road right in front of her, landed
alongside and stood looking at her. Jane views birds as bridges between heaven and
earth, so the message was clear and the beautiful sight lifted her spirits.
Being aware that synchronicity is at play is a good way to confirm that our physi-
cal world is not as concrete as we think it is. Much is occurring just beyond the reach
of our normal awareness that can bring deeper meaning to the events of our lives.
9. Always be open to having your results exceed your expectations and occur in unex-
pected ways. When we set goals and connect with our soul’s guidance for validation,
we frequently receive the message that everything is in divine order and we will be
surprised and delighted with the results. We still wonder how this will be possible,
but we have come to trust this message, because it somehow comes true. Our recent
move to our new home is an example where we received everything we aimed for and
more. The location was not one that we had considered initially, but it is even better
than we expected, with many advantages we had not considered.

One of our early goals was to travel more and to have it become an integral part of our
work. We started taking weekend trips and collecting travel brochures. After awhile, we began
writing books and traveling to different cities to introduce our work. Without noticing the tran-
sition, we eventually realized that we had achieved our goal and now we travel regularly.
Expand your possibilities and allow for more choices. Even small steps you take in the di-
rection of your goals can become gigantic shifts over time. You are telling your reality that you
are following your heart’s desires. You are setting priorities for what you really want to mani-
fest and doing what it takes to make it happen. Prepare to be surprised and delighted with
what happens.

Being Persistent – A Movement and a Rest

We all begin new endeavors with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. But, we also all know that
this initial enthusiasm, or honeymoon period, is going to wane somewhere along the way.

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Always remember that failure is a state of mind

and you have to be fully committed to your goals.

As Sheila Hollingshead reminds us “There is no failure, just stopping too soon.” If something
doesn’t happen immediately or if something that looks like an impenetrable roadblock sud-
denly appears on your path, take steps to clear the obstacle and continue on. You’re never
going to reach your goals if you give up.
An idea that we have found helpful in this area is to realize that in life there are times of
movement and times of rest. When our attention starts to wane in relation to a goal, or when
a roadblock appears, we have found it most helpful to take a break from it and go on to
something else temporarily, with the commitment of returning to the goal in the near future.
Herbert Benson calls this “the Breakout Principle” in his book by the same name. He reports
that research has shown that trying to will your way through a obstacle is ineffective. Rather,
he suggests changing your focus by taking a walk, sleeping on a challenge, or doing some-
thing pleasurable. When you return to the goal, you can easily overcome the obstacle.
This approach will help you to stay connected with the synchronous flow of life. A little
distance and variety is generally refreshing and you then return to your goal with renewed en-
thusiasm. In the interim, you may realize that you need to change your approach, release
some internal blocks to your success, or simply allow more time. The key here is not to give
up the first time something goes wrong or if your goal doesn’t come to pass right away. This
is where most people lose sight of their goal, when the initial enthusiasm wears off and they
face the long road ahead. If you refresh yourself and keep going after reaching the first bump
in the road, you will feel better about yourself and open to new possibilities.
Tony Robbins suggests that our commitment is continuously tested by life and the re-
wards come to those who unwaveringly persevere until they reach their goals. If you’re head-
ing in the direction of your dreams, this is what really matters. Realistically, what other path
could you take? Giving up definitely won’t get you where you want to go, while following your
joy and excitement will transform your life.

Time Management

As mentioned in Chapter One, most people need to look at time management to create space
in their lives for something new to emerge. Being free to follow one’s purpose doesn’t gener-
ally leave time for obligatory activities that are devoid of the soul’s heartfelt joy. Some people
need to learn to say “no” without feeling guilty to free up time to focus on the things that are
truly meaningful. Connecting with your soul and understanding your true identity can make
the difference here, along with clearing blockages to speaking up for yourself, if needed. If
time management is an area that you need to focus on, it can help to plan what you will say
ahead of time. You could simply say that you appreciate that they thought of you, but your
time is already committed.
As you open to new possibilities and establish a positive direction, your life should feel
different immediately. If you start in little ways, you can add more over time. You can make
adjustments as you proceed by reviewing your goals, updating them with your Celestial Sup-

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port Team, repeating the Manifestation Process, and creating new Manifestation Maps as you
proceed. You can add new goals, fine tune them, and reinforce your resolve. In the process,
you will become more awake, joyful, and alive, and everyone around you will benefit.

Letting Go

As you open to the new, remember to take some time to release old energy that might inter-
fere with the flow. Cleaning closets, file drawers, and so on to get rid of old stuff can help you
to free up the flow. Taking an opportunity to share with those in need by making donations of
useful items you no longer need can also be a rewarding experience.
But what if your manifestation doesn’t happen in what you consider a reasonable amount
of time? Jane used to think that this meant that she had failed, that this was an indication
that these types of approaches wouldn’t work for her. Then she realized that there may be
another explanation.

There are several considerations when you are not noticing any results.
• Perhaps you are in an expansion mode and your sense of self is currently in the
process of reconfiguring to be able to freely receive your manifestation. This is a
positive step and sometimes growth takes time. We also include a visualization
process in this chapter to help you with this kind of expansion.
As you expand and grow, it is important to stay focused on your goal regardless.
After all, if you are following your greatest joy, the journey itself should be a wonderful
adventure. Also consider the possibility that some part of you might not be in align-
ment with your manifestation. Consider the following points.
• Ask yourself if you are really being guided by your soul, and not your wounded ego. A
man we will call Bob, who attended one of our weekend seminars, comes to mind.
Bob wanted to be a Unity minister and he was quite determined. This may sound
positive, but Bob also admitted that he didn’t like to be around people very much. He
said that he had attended a Unity retreat and drew a lot of negative feedback from the
ministers there, but this only made him more determined to prove them wrong. When
we asked him why he still wanted to pursue this goal, he said that he wanted the
respect a minister receives from the congregation. Note that he was seeking external
adulation rather than internal fulfillment. This was a sure sign that his wounded ego’s
stubborn desire for respect was in control. The most likely result was bound to be
continued misery until he recognized the need to listen to the feedback his reality was
continuously providing. In this case, persevering is not the right approach.
• Take another look at what might need clearing. With the example above, Bob would
benefit most from clearing his need for respect. Ideally, he would realize that he
simply has to connect with his heartfelt joy and respect himself, rather than looking to
others to define him.
• Timing and patience are factors. Your timing may not be the same as the universe.
While some goals may occur quickly, others may take years to come fully into being.

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At one time in our lives, it took us three years to sell our house and move to our
desired location. Deep down, we knew it was not the right time for the move, but we
were anxious and continued to push to make it happen, without success. When the
time was right, we knew it. The house sold quickly and the move went amazingly
smoothly. While this could have been viewed as a setback, we understood in
retrospect that the timing was perfect. If your path is joyful, it won’t matter. You will
still be following your dreams.

Whatever the experience, avoid blaming yourself or anything that you tried so far. Remain
optimistic and know that things are working out in ways that you might not currently under-
stand. In retrospect, it will probably make perfect sense. It has for us.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Sometimes, life can just seem so complex that taking any action becomes confusing. As a
personal example, writing a book like this one can be overwhelming if you think of the entire
process and the desire to remember everything you want to say.

Feeling overwhelmed can stop everything.

As such times, simplify.

Come back to the present moment. It’s usually pretty simple. Then just decide on one step
you can take. With writing a book, it may be as simple as starting to put your first few
thoughts on paper without analyzing them. This can be your first goal. Then you can read
your thoughts and add some more or put them into the order in which you will want to pre-
sent them. Taking just one step at a time, then deciding what the next step will be is much
easier than looking at everything at once. By staying in touch with your soul’s guidance and
taking the next step, you will be grounded and inspired at the same time.
Remember to stage the goals on your Focus List to define the next step and to be realis-
tic. You can experience success and update your goals frequently as you progress. Having a
goal to put your thoughts on paper is a much simpler goal than writing a whole book. Find
ways to make the next step in each of your goals attainable. As the Chinese proverb states, “A
journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Make your life easy and experience
the success of taking comfortable steps regularly.


In all areas of our lives, we ultimately need to come to the understanding that what we do
and what we create are actually just props on the journey to wholeness. It is the journey that
is truly important, not what we have or how far we have traveled compared to others. Mani-
festing our dreams is an integral part of the journey that allows us to learn more about our-
selves, our reality, and the evolutionary path. In the process, we have the opportunity to
travel in alignment with the flow of being alive, rather than going against the tide.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
RECOGNIZING NEW OPPORTUNITIES Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 116

Being in the World

Being in the flow with one’s life creates a way of being in the world that is joyful, exciting and
free. You can resonate with high vibrations that are conducive to realizing your dreams. In his
book A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle aptly describes three ways of being that align your energies
with the creative flow of the universe.

Focus on these three ways of being:

1. Enjoyment: When your activities are aligned with your soul’s heartfelt desires, they
are largely joyful and fulfilling. You feel alive and connected with the creative flow of
the universe. You don’t have to reach your goals to lead a largely joyful life. As noted
earlier, being connected with the soul and your true purpose creates joy.
2. Enthusiasm: Nothing is more exciting than being in the process of realizing your pur-
pose. Tolle links enthusiasm with being aligned with your visions and goals. The en-
thusiasm that springs from being in the process of making your dreams a reality aligns
with the joy of being alive to create a powerful synergy, linked with the synchronous
flow of all that is. You are in the right place at the right time. This is your moment.
3. Acceptance: Acceptance is an important element to remember when it’s time to wash
the dishes or go to work, and the enthusiasm wanes. We all have to do some things
that are not that exciting, like house cleaning, brushing our teeth, pumping gas, or
working at the job that provides financial support until we are able to transition to
something new. Such activities may not create feelings of deep joy or enthusiasm, but
you can accept them as necessary aspects of life that will lead you toward your
dreams. After all, it is also hard to be joyful and enthusiastic in a dirty house, if the
car runs out of gas, or if there is no money to pay the bills. When engaged in the ne-
cessities of life, focus on being grateful for your many blessings, and accept these ac-
tivities as an integral part of bringing your dreams into being.

Focusing on being in one or a combination of these states will help you to maintain high
vibrational fuel to propel you forward toward your goals. Manifestation thrives in state of en-
joyment, enthusiasm, and acceptance.

Knowing that You Matter

Recognize that what you do matters. Your values express themselves through your actions.
With each action and with the vibrations you radiate out into the world, you are voting for the
reality you want to create. Unfortunately, most people create unconsciously and the result
generally includes a lot of limitation. Regardless, you can draw on the infinite, which lifts you
higher and provides more energetic support for others to follow in creating a joyful life.

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Before we close, we want to share a final visualization to give form to your manifestations and
appreciate the journey. This process was inspired by the Lazaris audio program Expanding
Success Exponentially. It is designed to stretch your ability to manifest by envisioning a sym-
bol that can resonate expanding success with your manifestations into your future.
As with earlier processes, have a paper and pen handy. To get the most from the written
version, just read each word intentionally to yourself, and close your eyes at intervals to
deepen the experience and visualize the different aspects of your success. Open yourself to
experiencing the process with all of your senses, accepting the images, feelings, and mes-
sages that come into your mind. Again, avoid allowing your rational mind to analyze.
As you relax, take a few nice, deep breaths, focusing on breath as life. Inhaling
fully signifies fully embracing life and its many facets, so as you breathe in, focus on
fully embracing life. Exhaling fully signifies fully releasing all that does not serve you
and relaxing now in the present moment, so as you inhale, connect with the richness
of life, and as you exhale, focus on releasing and relaxing more with each breath.
Take a few breaths focusing on life in this way, feeling more clarity with each breath.
In this process, you will give form to a three dimensional symbol that represents
your ability to manifest. The width of this symbol represents how widely you are able
to manifest, meaning in how many areas of your life you are able to freely realize your
dreams. Its height represents how highly your manifestations reach into the elevated
realms of the soul, allowing you to integrate your soul’s true purpose into your life. Its
depth represents the spiritual depth and richness that you bring to your creations,
how much you feel fulfilled and connected with the synchronous flow of the universe.
First, focus on the width of your symbol, on how much you have integrated your
ability to manifest into the different areas of your life. Take a moment or two to focus
on each of the following areas:
• Career • Education
• Relationships • Emotions
• Health • Surroundings
• Finances • Possessions

As you focused on each one, did any stand out as being off or lacking? With this in
mind, measure the width of your manifestations between zero and ten, with zero be-
ing not at all and ten being fully integrated. If you notice anything specific that is
blocking your expansion, you can also take a moment now to clear it with EFT or R&A.
Then imagine your manifestations reaching into more areas, expanding the width of
your symbol.
Next, focus on the height of your symbol and how high your manifestations reach
into the realms of the soul and your true purpose. Measure this height between zero
and ten, with zero again being not at all and ten being way, way up in the realms of
spirit. Again, if you notice anything specific that is blocking your expansion, you can
also take a moment now to clear it with EFT or R&A. Then connect with your soul and

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the infinite resources of the universe, integrating more of this elevated perspective
into your manifestations.
Last, focus on the depth and richness of your creations and how much you feel
each of the following:
• Joy • Openness
• Freedom • Trusting in the universe to provide
• Worthiness • Empowerment
• Loved and loving • Fulfillment
• Inner strength • Connected with the synchronous flow
• Gratitude
• Lightheartedness

Now measure this depth between zero and ten, with zero being not at all and ten
being deeply fulfilling and synchronous. Again, if you notice anything specific that is
blocking your expansion, you can also take a moment now to clear it with EFT or R&A.
Then connect with this flow and allow it to touch your awareness more deeply.
Now allow your mind to synchronously put all of your observations together to form
a three dimensional symbol for your manifestation. Just open your mind to accessing
the perfect image for you, and, as it comes into focus, notice how it looks, its color
and texture, and how it feels emotionally. Imagine touching it with your hands, if de-
sired, noticing how it feels physically, and how it feels energetically. Connect with this
resonant energy and ask the symbol to expand to increase the width, height, and
depth of your manifestations. Imagine your creations reaching into all aspects of your
life, to the full heights of spirit, and to deep levels of fulfillment. Ask the symbol to
bring you more awareness of the synchronous flow of the universe, so that you may
feel intimately connected with the deeper significance of your life.
Now, imagine your future expanding out before you and see yourself moving for-
ward, carrying your symbol into your future, allowing its energy to radiate out into your
reality and draw more of your heartfelt desires into your life. Look all around you, not-
ing the details of what you see and experience. Allow yourself to appreciate the jour-
ney and see your manifestations gradually taking form as you progress on the path.
Continuing on, as the process concludes, feel joy and gratitude for the many bless-
ings life is in the process of bringing to you and know that all is in divine order.

As with the other visualizations in this program, you can return to this one again and
again, exploring the unfolding of your creations and the enrichment of your symbol.
Phillip explored success expansion with a client we will call Georgia. In her process, Geor-
gia experienced the width of her symbol, which represents the range of areas in which she
was able to manifest, as being cramped. It felt like there were walls on either side of her so
close that she couldn’t spread her arms fully. Focusing on these walls brought up thoughts
that money is limited. A little voice inside her said, “After all, there is only so much money in
the world for so many people.”

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Georgia then did R&A and received the following message.

“The universe is infinitely abundant. See yourself

as a citizen of the universe, not a small town, and you will know
there is as much money available to you as you desire.”

With this thought, the walls softened and spread out, allowing her plenty of room.
Next, focusing on the height of her symbol, which represents the spiritual heights of her
manifestations, Georgia saw herself hunched over. This time, the barrier was above her, pre-
venting her from standing fully upright. She sensed this time that the restriction involved
doubt about being able to have full access to the resources of the universe. Asking for a mes-
sage from her soul, she heard a voice telling her that all she needed to do was stand up and
lift herself above the barrier. The barrier above her instantaneously opened up, so she could
stand upright. With the doubt gone, she realized, “Now I have access to everything.”
Next, examining the depth of her symbol, representing the depth and richness of her crea-
tions, Georgia realized that her life was indeed rich and that she had learned many wonderful
things along the way. Putting all of her observations together, she saw a bright formless light
resting in her hands. The light floated toward her, finding its place inside of her forehead. The
message then came, “Success is all in your head.” Feeling filled with light, Georgia laughed.
Georgia knew that her possibilities had no limits and felt fully connected with the syn-
chronous flow of the universe. Looking into the future, she noticed that her feet were still in
the little box where she had started. She easily stepped out of it and floated up into the uni-
verse, as her head and body were bathed with light.
This example shows how easy it can be to step out of the limitations that constrict us into
the infinite, where anything is possible. For Georgia, as she moves into her brightly lit future,
she can focus on the light within and again feel herself freely floating into a future where any-
thing is possible.
Moving forward, we have yet another opportunity for you to explore, one that offers some
powerful possibilities for you to expand your success even more.


We offer a final exciting and unique opportunity as you continue forward on your journey. You
are invited to join a spiritual community that is devoted to providing mutual support in the
realization of your soul’s divine purpose. It focuses on realizing goals and being in the syn-
chronous flow, following the approaches presented in this book. It further magnifies your po-
tential through the combined intent and vibrational support of the community. Exploring the
Master Spirit Community can be a natural follow-up to this book on manifesting your dreams.

About Awakenings Institute

You can get a larger picture of the Master Spirit Community as part of Awakenings Institute.
Awakenings is a non-profit non-denominational religious organization with this dream:

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
RECOGNIZING NEW OPPORTUNITIES Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 120

Imagine a world where love is the guiding force, where the unique gifts
that each individual brings receive honor and respect, where all are nurtured in
allowing their gifts to blossom, to manifest the joy of living in each moment...
Imagine a world where all of nature is also honored, so all may live
in harmony and share an increasingly vibrant and beautiful environment...
What we imagine we can create, starting in this moment.
This vibrant world will come into being as each of us empowers ourselves
to live the dream now and share it with others. Playing a part in the creation of
this dream is the mission of Awakenings.

In this dream, there is no poverty, because everyone is nurtured and loved. This love also
eliminates the focus on fear and separation as we bridge the divisions created by race, creed,
and national borders to co-exist in harmony. The environment synchronously benefits every-
one, as people all over the world shift their focus to a more holistic approach that creates bal-
ance rather than congesting our planet with chemicals and toxic fumes.
Increasing our connections with our wholeness, which we may experience as God, the
creator, the source, or the oneness, brings us closer to making this dream a reality. We have
an inherent connection with divine order. As we progress spiritually, we unite more with our
inner wisdom, which, in turn, strengthens our connection with all-that-is. This evolutionary
quest is an upward spiral, taking us to higher levels of consciousness and wholeness.
Awakenings views the Master Spirit Community as an integral part of an emerging move-
ment that is building momentum all around the world to lift humanity out of the fear and limi-
tation that create the problems we face as a civilization. The change is happening one person
at a time, by choosing love, joy, and fulfillment, and becoming a part of a vibrational reso-
nance that can support a transformational shift for the planet. Remember, as vibrations rise,
we have more possibilities individually and as a whole. The solutions to our problems and
unimagined new inventions are already present in higher vibrations. By connecting with these
higher vibrations, we can change the world.

The Master Spirit Concept

As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, Albert Einstein once said, “There are only two
ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything
is a miracle.” Awakenings’ Master Spirit Community embraces the latter.
The Master Spirit Community builds on the idea of master minding, as presented by Na-
poleon Hill more than seventy years ago. In his book Think and Grow Rich, Hill defined the
master mind as “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or
more people for the attainment of a definite purpose.” He considered the power of the master
mind as an integral component of achieving success. Many who have followed in his foot-
steps credit most great achievements in our history with following this principle of drawing on
the power of two or more people coming together in a spirit of harmony and cooperation to
achieve their goals. We all have had experiences of such power.

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Awakenings takes the master mind concept a step further, adding the spiritual element,
or master spirit. With the holistic model – the body, emotions, mind, and spirit – the deepest
energetic level through which we create is the spiritual level. In this book, you have witnessed
the power of the soul’s joy and excitement.

Connecting with the soul and the synchronous flow

of the universe in the creation of one’s dreams is the purest
and most joyful way of being.

In addition to claiming our birthright through the realization of our personal dreams,
changing one’s life to align with this synchronous flow has the potential to change our entire
reality as we know it, to make Awakenings’ dream a reality.

The Master Spirit Community

Anyone anywhere in the world who can use the English language and has access to the inter-
net can become part of Awakenings’ Master Spirit Community. It offers the opportunity to
step out of the crowd of the consensus reality, where most people’s lives are spiraling out of
control, and connect with people who are truly creating. The energetic environment we are
creating together can lift us all to a higher sense of reality and of our infinite possibilities.
As a part of the Master Spirit Community, you will have access to powerful resources, a
personal support network, and more. If you are interested in becoming a part of this commu-
nity, you can find more information at

You now have a concise and complete program for manifestation that you can apply to any
area of life that you wish to develop further. As noted at the beginning of this book, you alone
hold the keys to your success. We have provided the map, which works well if you follow it.
We leave you with our heartfelt best wishes on your journey. Again, this is a complete and
fully integrated program. For the best results, it is essential that you include all of the ele-
ments. You can individualize your approach and this is encouraged. Make it creative and fun.
To get started, Figure 6.1 provides a checklist of all of the key elements in the program. You
can use this checklist to get organized and to monitor your progress with learning and incor-
porating all of the elements.
By systematically following this program, your ability to manifest will blossom. You will
clear the blockages standing in your way, lovingly set your course with your soul, give joyous
life to your dreams, and align with your true divine purpose. Your life will be transformed as
you live in the synchronous flow.
We would love to hear about some of your results. Email us at Have
fun manifesting and enjoy your journey!

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Key Elements of the Manifestation Program

1. Setting your Course
Taking command of your life with the Car Metaphor
Fueling yourself forward with high vibrations
Exploring the Body Alignment Process
2. Opening to the Soul’s Reality
Connecting with your Universal Home with Soul Centering
Note: Ongoing practice is highly recommended
Creating a Foundation with the Twelve Principles of Manifestation
3. Bringing the Soul’s Reality Down to Earth
Setting your Ground Rules
Exploring the Spiritual Path Process
Setting goals in writing
Creating a Focus List of your most relevant goals
4. Transforming Interference
Overcoming Fears and Limiting Beliefs
Exploring body awareness and clearing
Clearing with the Manifestation Checklist
5. Leaving the Past Behind
Exploring the Reframing Process
Exploring the Change History Process
6. Enlisting the Full Support of the Universe
Creating your Celestial Communication System
Exploring the Manifestation Process
Creating the Manifestation Map
7. Opening to New Opportunities
Taking action
Managing your time and letting go
Appreciating the journey
Maximizing opportunities with the Success Expansion Process

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Using EFT

EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a group of powerful processes that can help just
about anyone to achieve genuine freedom from the emotions that have created problems in
their lives. These techniques have been described as one of the most important recent break-
throughs in the area of psychology and, according to Gary Craig, who developed these tech-
niques have been used by over a million people with a broad range of difficulties.
EFT is versatile and has been used confidently by therapists on clients with successes on
even the most difficult problems, by relieving imbalances in their clients' energy systems. We
have been using it personally and with clients and class participants since 1997 with consis-
tent success. We have written a book, Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT, which de-
scribes the EFT techniques in detail, along with different uses of these techniques.


EFT is based on a revolutionary discovery that contends that the cause of all negative emo-
tions is a disruption in the body's energy system. With remarkable consistency, EFT relieves
symptoms with a simple process of tapping on a short series of points on the body that corre-
spond to acupuncture points on the energy meridians. Where there is an imbalance, there is a
corresponding blockage in the flow of energy through the meridians. The tapping releases the
blockages that are created when a person thinks about or becomes involved in an emotionally
disturbing circumstance. When this blockage is released, the emotions come into balance.
Many energetic imbalances may be partially or completely relieved within a short time us-
ing this process. Others may be relieved through repetition of the process. The Short Se-
quence is the starting point for using EFT. Once you identify the pattern you want to release,
it takes less than a minute to complete.


We will break down the steps in the procedure here, because there are some subtleties that
can affect your success. Before starting, you need to have a single, specific issue in mind.

1.• THE SETUP: Focus on bringing an emotion or issue into your awareness in the present

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APPENDIX A: USING EFT Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 124

moment. The key to the success of this process is to feel the emotion and set up the dis-
ruption in the meridian system.

2.• THE EVALUATION: When you have brought the emotion up to its full intensity (or what-
ever intensity feels comfortable), measure how strong it feels between one and ten, with
one being the least intense and ten being the most intense.

3.• THE AFFIRMATION: While rubbing the “Sore Spot” on the chest, shown below, (see the
diagram in Figure 4.2 for location) in a circular fashion, repeat the following affirmation
three times: “Even though I have this ____________, I deeply and completely accept my-
self,” filling in the blank with the name of the emotion, like fear, anger, and so on.

4.• THE TAPPING SEQUENCE: Using the tips of your index and middle fingers, tap with a
medium pressure about seven times on each of acupuncture points in the order shown on
the diagram below while repeating the following reminder phrase once at each point:
“This ______________ ,” again naming the emotion.

Note: You can tap on the points on either side. It doesn’t matter which you use.

5.• THE RE-EVALUATION: When you have completed the tapping sequence, take a moment
to focus on the emotion or issue again and notice how it feels. Evaluate it again between
one and ten to bring any difference in your experience into your awareness. If some inten-
sity remains, evaluate the emotion again to notice if it has changed (such as from fear to
anger, and so on) and repeat the process.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Using Kinesiology

Kinesiology (muscle testing) is a powerful way to access information from the unconscious
mind and the body’s innate intelligence. It works by testing how the strength of a muscle,
such as the arm, is affected by focusing on an external stimulus or a part of the body. With
Kinesiology, you can test how the body is affected by the introduction of specific foods, vita-
mins, scents, music, environmental factors, and verbal statements, like the ones in Figure
4.1, the Manifestation Checklist. You can use Kinesiology alone or with another person. We
will describe ways to do both.
Receiving accurate results requires focused awareness, some practice, and an ability to be
neutral about the results. Both the provider and receiver need to be open to the information
that is coming up from the unconscious without drawing any premature conclusions about the
results. If you think you already know the outcome, your bias may influence the results.
For those who are inexperienced with Kinesiology, we recommend doing EFT to clear any
doubts you may have about your ability to use muscle testing successfully. EFT can help to
overcome any fear or anxiety you may have related to kinesiology.

Before testing with Kinesiology, we suggest the following:
1. Be sure the environment is neutral with no distracting music, scents, and so on.
2. If possible, have the person receiving the Kinesiology drink some water. This opti-
mizes brain functioning. Also deep, diaphragmatic breathing can help oxygenate the
3. Be in a neutral emotional state and centered. If you are working on another person, be
sure that he or she is also in a centered state. You may know ways to center. If not,
we described the Soul Centering Process we use in Chapter Two.
4. If you are testing another person, only do so with his or her permission and under-
standing of the importance of being neutral.

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APPENDIX B: USING KINESIOLOGY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 126


When you are centered, you are ready to start muscle testing. One of the easiest ways to use
Kinesiology is with a partner. We suggest the following arm testing method:
1. Position the Receiver: Have the receiver of the testing stand erect, holding one arm
out straight to the side. The elbow and hand should be extended, so they form a
straight line that is parallel with the floor, with the palm of the hand facing down. Ei-
ther arm may be used for the testing, as long as it is in healthy condition. You should
not perform this type of muscle testing on an area of the body that’s sore or hurt.
2. Position the Provider: The person who is to perform the testing then stands either in
front of or behind the receiver, facing the extended arm. The provider places one hand
on the receiver’s shoulder for stability and the other hand on top of the extended arm,
at the wrist, so the provider’s hand is touching the wrist lightly, but not exerting any
pressure. Placing the hand on the wrist before starting the testing allows the receiver
to become accustomed to the touch.
3. Review the Testing Procedure: To test, the provider says a phrase for the receiver to
repeat aloud, starting with “My name is ________.” When the receiver has completed
the statement, the provider pushes straight down on the extended arm, at the wrist.
Here are a few tips.
• Allow the receiver to complete the statement and push on the arm itself, not on
the hand. If you push on the hand, you are actually testing the wrist, which is
generally not strong enough for this type of test.
• To be sure the receiver is paying attention, the provider should say “resist” or
“hold” just before exerting pressure on the arm.
• Hold the hand that will be pushing flat, and push straight down with the palm,
gradually increasing the pressure to test the resistance.
• Avoid any jerky or chopping movements or gripping the receiver’s arm.
4. Test for accuracy: The first few tests should be designed to determine the strength of
the receiver’s arm and the accuracy of the results. Start with the receiver’s name, then
test for another name and a few other easy questions, like the date, the location you
are in, and so on. A true statement should generate a strong response and a false
statement should generate a weak response. In addition to testing the accuracy of the
results, the first few questions provide base data on the difference between a positive
and negative response.
If the receiver does not provide accurate results to the first few tests, do not pro-
ceed further until you have corrected the problem. There are a couple of easily cor-
rectable things that may be happening:
• The receiver may be dehydrated. Have him or her drink at least a full glass of wa-
ter and try a few deep breaths. Retest and proceed if the results are accurate.
• The receiver may not be centered and grounded. Use centering to bring him or her

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
APPENDIX B: USING KINESIOLOGY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 127

into the present moment. Retest and proceed if the results are accurate.
• You can ask something similar to the magic question described earlier. In this case
Here you want to know if there is any reason why the receiver would not test accu-
rately. Here you are looking for the presence of anxiety, fear of appearing weak,
fear of the response, or fear of addressing a traumatic issue. The question might
be something like “Do you notice any feelings that might interfere with this proc-
ess?” If so, you can do EFT on the feelings and return to the muscle testing.
• With a holistic approach, we acknowledge that everything is seen as being con-
nected. If fear, anxiety and/or other feelings are affecting your ability to effectively
address the issue at hand, clearing them is a positive and necessary step in the
healing process.
If you are new to muscle testing, we recommend starting with a partner and practicing
arm testing until you feel competent. This is one of the easiest forms of muscle testing. Then
you can move on to self-testing.

If no one else is around, you can test yourself. We offer two methods here.

The One-Hand Method

There are several ways to perform self-testing. We prefer the One-Hand Method, because it
leaves the other hand free if you want to test a substance. Here is our technique:
1. Hold one hand with the middle finger extended straight out from the hand. We gener-
ally recommend using your non-dominant hand, because this leaves your dominant
hand free to hold a substance you want to test, if desired.
2. With this method of self-testing, the middle finger serves the same purpose as the ex-
tended arm in arm testing, and the index finger corresponds to the hand of the pro-
vider who is exerting pressure on the arm. Hold the index finger over the middle fin-
ger, touching lightly.
3. Proceed with questions statements just as you would with arm testing, resisting with
the middle finger and exerting pressure with the end of the index finger. This may take
a bit of practice, but you can confirm the reliability of your results by testing a series
of questions to which you know the answers and testing the responses you receive.
As a note: some people prefer to use the index finger as the “extended arm” and the mid-
dle finger to exert pressure. You can experiment with both and decide if either one feels com-
fortable to you. If not, you may prefer using two hands.

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APPENDIX B: USING KINESIOLOGY Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 128

The Two-Hand Method

This is one of a number of ways to muscle test with two hands.

1. Hold the first hand out and form a loop with your thumb and index finger. This hand
will be the equivalent to the extended arm. You can use either hand, but may prefer
your non-dominant hand. With this method, you will test your ability to hold the
thumb and finger of the first hand together.
2. Hold the thumb and index finger of your second hand together, and extend the fingers
so that you can place them inside of the loop you have formed with the thumb and
finger of the first hand. You have created two interlocking rings with the thumb and
index finger of each hand.
3. Proceed with questions statements just as you would with arm testing, resisting with
the thumb and finger loop while you try to pull the loop apart with the thumb and fin-
ger of your second hand.


Once you have completed the testing, you need to interpret the results. You are drawing in-
formation from the unconscious mind and the body’s innate intelligence, so the results may
not match the receiver’s conscious intent, thoughts, or desires. A strong response to a ques-
tion indicates that the statement is true to the receiver or that the condition described is un-
derstood as beneficial in the mind of the receiver. A weak response indicates that the state-
ment is untrue to the receiver or that the condition described is not understood as beneficial
to the receiver.
Responses to statements like “I want to be successful in life,” “I want to get over this
fear,” or “I want to be my ideal weight” are easy to understand. A strong response means this
statement is true, and a weak response means this statement is false. Responses to other
statements may be less obvious. The key is to remember that you are testing the response to
whatever you are instructing the person to focus on.
Once you’ve encountered a blockage using Kinesiology, you need to decide what to do
next. In some cases, the response to the muscle test may trigger new understanding in the
receiver that will provide a direction for EFT. In other cases, the recipient may not have any
conscious understanding of the response. This is fine, too, as it can provide valuable insight
that can be evaluated and acted upon when the time is right.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

SK Reframing and Anchoring

The Spiritual Kinesiology Reframing and Anchoring (R&A) Process is wonderful healing
method that we use interchangeably with EFT, which was described in Appendix A. Its power
is derived from the fact that it heals at the spiritual level, which we regard as the deepest and
most complete level of healing. We describe R&A in detail in our Getting Thru to Your Soul
book, along with the other SK (Spiritual Kinesiology) Techniques. The abbreviated description
provided here is drawn from that material.
The general process for Reframing and Anchoring (R&A) is similar to EFT in that you de-
termine a specific issue to clear, measure its intensity, and perform rounds of the healing
process. Each round of R&A takes about as much time as a round of EFT tapping, so it is
equally quick and easy. The healing process is slightly different and may even seem to be too
simple to work, but based on our experience with thousands of individuals and on extensive
feedback from others who use it, we have found it to be just as effective as EFT.

SK (Spiritual Kinesiology) is a set of healing tools developed by Phillip and Jane Mountrose
that can help anyone to transcend the unresolved emotions, limiting beliefs, and judgments
we all encounter on the journey through life. Kinesiology (muscle testing) can detect the
blockages that you are ready to release as you progress. SK adds powerful healing tech-
niques, focusing on the Reframing and Anchoring Technique described here, to clear these
imbalances quickly and easily by accessing the power of the soul's energy. In addition to pro-
viding deep and lasting healings, this approach also connects you with your soul's wisdom,
which can also bring higher understanding of any issue you choose to address.
One of the benefits of these techniques is that they are quick and non-invasive. You do
not generally have to know the source of a problem or relive a traumatic experience for SK to
be effective. Of course, this defies the common belief that progress has to be slow and pain-
ful, but aligns with our approach. You need to understand yourself to move forward, but you
do not need to dwell on our difficulties. The goal is to transcend them easily, so that you can
experience more joy, love, and freedom in all aspects of your life.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
APPENDIX C: SK REFRAMING AND ANCHORING Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 130


Before starting this process, it is necessary to establish a soul connection, such as with the
Soul Centering Process presented in Chapter Two.
1. Setup: Decide on a specific issue to clear. As with EFT, you want to be as specific as pos-
sible and stay with one issue at a time.
2. Evaluation: The purpose of this step, which directly corresponds to the Evaluation in EFT,
is to measure the intensity of the issue you want to address between one and ten, with
one being the least intense and ten being the most intense.
3. Balancing: The Reframing and Anchoring Technique (R&A) shifts an unbalanced energy
pattern, which is anchored physically in one place on the body, to a balanced one, which
is anchored physically in another place on the body. With a client, we usually use the
shoulder and the arm. When doing it on yourself, you can anchor on your left and right
knees and this is the way we will describe it here.
A. Anchor the Issue: Think of the issue and place your left hand on your left knee for
about five to ten seconds to anchor it in the body. Then remove your left hand.
B. Anchor Your Soul’s Energy: Shift your focus to your heart and open to the soul’s en-
ergy there. As you feel it radiating out, filling your body and surrounding yourself with
its radiance, you can also ask the light above you to send down the perfect energy to
clear the issue. As you focus on this higher energy, place your right hand on your right
knee for about five to ten seconds to anchor it. Then remove your right hand.
C. Release the Imbalance: Think of nothing at all for a moment while you place both
hands on both knees at the same time. After about five to ten seconds, remove the left
hand, releasing the imbalance, and keep your right hand on your right knee for an-
other five seconds. Then remove your right hand.
4. Re-Evaluation: When you have finished balancing, take a deep breath to allow the energy
to reconfigure. You may feel the energy shift over a period of a seconds or minutes. Then
focus again on the issue and measure its intensity again from one to ten to bring any dif-
ference in your experience into your awareness. If some intensity remains, evaluate the
emotion again to notice if it has changed (such as from fear to anger, and so on) and re-
peat the process.

With a little practice, R&A is easy to do and amazingly effective. As one client commented, “It
is deceptively simple, but profoundly effective in obtaining real shifts with lasting results.”

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.

Using a Pendulum

A pendulum is a dowsing tool composed of a chain or string that is attached to a lightly

weighted object, like a crystal. One end of the chain is held in the hand, so the weighted ob-
ject can swing freely. Many objects may be used as pendulums, with the consideration that a
pendulum that is aligned with your energy will produce the best results. We also use pendu-
lums with short chains, about 3” long. Pendulums with longer chains are less responsive.
Dowsing opens lines of communication with expanded consciousness. The pendulum
moves in response to your energy and your intent. You can ask it to respond to a yes-no ques-
tion, measure frequencies of energy, and more. It can even be used for clearing blockages. To
be effective, you need to focus your intent on what you want the pendulum to show you and
open to the response.
For our purposes here, we want to share how we use a pendulum to measure vibrations.
If you know how to use a pendulum or have a desire to learn to use one, it can be a wonder-
ful practical tool for understanding vibrations.


As Sheila Hollingshead mentions in her book Energy Therapy, “Positive thoughts create posi-
tive body energy and negative thoughts create negative body energy. With the pendulum you
are able to ‘see’ which energy you are expressing because the pendulum makes your energy
visible. The direction, height, and speed of the swing of your pendulum can tell you how your
energy is.”
With the system we use, a clockwise circling movement represents positive vibrations: the
more positive the vibrations, the higher the clockwise swing. A counter-clockwise circling
movement represents negative energy: the more negative the vibrations, the lower the counter
counter-clockwise swing.

The pendulum provides a variety of ways to measure positive and negative vibrations, in-
cluding the following:
• Measure your body energy while thinking different thoughts, noting the direction and
height of the swing. This is a wonderful way to verify the power of your thoughts and
the value of consistently keeping your vibrations as high as possible.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
APPENDIX D: USING A PENDULUM Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 132

• Measure how well you are aligned with high vibrations. Focus on any of the phrases
in Figure 1.2, the Commitment Checklist or Figure 2.1, the Manifestation Checklist.
The higher the clockwise swing, the more you are aligned with these vibrations. A
lower clockwise swing or no swing at all indicates that there is a blockage that needs
to be released. Once you clear the blockage, the pendulum should swing more freely.
When you get a high, straight out swing, which shows that the blockage is completely
• Measure the vibrations of different words or phrases. Once you have a feel for using
the pendulum in this way, you can measure the vibrations in words like love, joy,
peace, and gratitude. You can even measure the vibrations in your goals, which can
tell you how well they are aligned with your true joy and divine purpose.
• Measure the quality of the energy in this book or any book or anything around you by
holding the pendulum over it and allowing it to swing.


You can choose swings of the pendulum to represent “yes” and “no.” With the system we
use, yes is a vertical, forward and back swing. No is a horizontal, side-to-side swing. If using
a pendulum is new to you, we highly recommend Sheila Hollingshead’s book Energy Therapy
to learn to measure vibrations, answer yes-no questions, clear blockages, and more. She also
sells beautiful pendulums that she can hand pick to align them with your vibrations.

To find out more and to obtain a pendulum, you can reach Sheila Hollingshead at and order her book at

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.


Herbert Benson, The Break Out Principle

Deepak Chopra, Creating Affluence

Dalai Lama, How to See Yourself as Your Really Are

John Diamond. Your Body Doesn’t Lie

Wayne Dyer, Being in Balance

Sheila Hollingshead, Energy Therapy

Lazaris, Expanding Success Exponentially (audio)

Lynne McTaggart, The Intention Experiment

Barbara Mohr, Cosmic Ordering

Robert Perala, The Divine Blueprint

James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

Tony Robbins, Awakening the Giant Within

Bob Scheinfeld, The 11th Element (audio)

Susan Taylor-Shier, Soul Mastery

Jeanne Slatter, Hiring the Heavens

Vianna Stibal, Go Up and Work with God

Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
APPENDIX E: RESOURCES Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 134


Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT
Two DVDs with Phillip and Jane Mountrose
$21.95 each, DVD 1 & 2 $39.95

These professionally produced DVDs present the processes described in the book through real
examples, demonstrations, and commentary. Seeing the techniques in action will help with
your timing, precision, and presentation.
• DVD One presents the EFT processes.
• DVD Two presents the GTT (Getting Thru Techniques) processes to address deeper is-

Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT

Two CDs with Phillip and Jane Mountrose, $24.95

This audio program provides guided versions of the deeper GTT Processes presented in the
book, with background music. The tapes allow you to relax, while you are guided through
each of the processes. Great for self-healing! It also has a section describing how to do EFT
and some tips for success.

Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT

Paperback Book by Phillip and Jane Mountrose, $13.95

The book includes parts of this e-book: the basic EFT information plus some of the informa-
tion about the impediments to EFT. In addition, the hard-copy book details four other Getting
Thru Techniques besides the Holistic Process.
The paperback version also describes a variety of ways to apply EFT to common prob-
lems. Individual chapters include eliminating stress, overcoming insomnia, relieving pain, cre-
ating physical well-being, stopping smoking and other habits, reaching your ideal weight, in-
creasing physical activity and performance, and achieving genuine freedom. As one reviewer
said, the book contains “a goldmine of information that I keep handy as a database of infor-

The Heart and Soul of EFT and Beyond

A Soulful Approach to EFT and Holistic Healing
Book and E-Book by Phillip and Jane Mountrose
$16.95 downloadable e-book

Building on the Mountroses' popular paperback Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT, this
book has hundreds of practical and transformational tips and strategies for using EFT and ho-
listic healing for creating the life you truly desire. As Phillip Friedman, PhD states in the Fore-
word, "It is a kind of encyclopedia of knowledge in EFT and energy and spiritual healing, writ-
ten in an easy-to-understand manner. Moreover, the tables and diagrams alone convey many

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
APPENDIX E: RESOURCES Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 135

wonderful ideas, methods, and approaches.” Included are 11 leading EFT Experts' proven tips
and strategies for making EFT even easier and more effective in all aspects of your life.

WEBSITES This is the Mountroses’ website, which has a wealth of information on EFT
and other healing modalities; EFT, Spiritual Kinesiology (SK), and Spiritual Counseling Certifi-
cation Courses; BA, MA and PhD Degree Programs offering degrees in EFT and other holistic
subjects; free Soul News email newsletters; and ordering for their publications at Gary Craig, the originator of EFT, has developed this site. It contains extensive
information and support for EFT users.


Getting Thru to Your Soul Books, Audios, and DVDs

Getting Thru to Your Soul
Book by Phillip and Jane Mountrose, $14.95

Learn the four keys to living your divine purpose and Spiritual Kinesiology, a healing tool de-
veloped by the Mountroses that is as powerful as EFT to clear issues that stand between you
and the fulfillment of your true purpose. Getting Thru to Your Soul is a follow-up to Getting
Thru to Your Emotions with EFT and includes effective ways to use both EFT and Spiritual
Kinesiology to help with your spiritual development.

Getting Thru to Your Soul

DVDs with Phillip and Jane Mountrose
$21.95 each; $59.95 for a set of all three DVDs

These three professionally-produced DVDs present the Spiritual Kinesiology (SK) processes
described in the book through real-life examples, many demonstrations, and insightful com-
mentary. Seeing the techniques in action will help with your timing and precision. The clear
visual presentation of these tapes will help you master these techniques.
• DVD presents an overview of SK and the Basic Techniques.
• DVD Two focuses on using SK with inner child issues and relationships.
• DVD Three presents SK and GTT techniques with archetypes and subpersonalities.

Getting Thru to Your Soul

Two CDs with Phillip and Jane Mountrose, $24.95
This two-CD set provides guided versions of the SK and GTT processes presented in the book,
with background music. The audios are great for self-healing as you are guided through each
of the processes.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
APPENDIX E: RESOURCES Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 136

Intuitive Techniques for Getting Thru to Your Soul

Four CDs with a Workbook, by Phillip and Jane Mountrose, $64.95; also available as a
workbook $24.95, which includes scripts of the audios along with the material in
the manual.

This spiritual development program, which is a companion to the Getting Thru to Your Soul
book, will help you open to your intuition as an integral part of your spiritual journey. The ma-
terial presents a whole toolbox of techniques that allow you to understand yourself and others
in a more profound way.

Awaken to Your True Purpose:

More Pieces to the Puzzle of Getting Thru to Your Soul
Five CDs and Study Guide, narrated by Phillip Mountrose, $44.95; also available as a
workbook, $24.95

This works draws from the ideas of Gurdjieff and the Michael Teachings, which is invaluable
for understanding one’s essential nature. The program describes your personality traits (over-
leaves) that your soul chose, including your role, goal, attitude, body type, center of gravity,
as well as your chief weakness. Also detailed are 10 specific obstacles and opportunities for
living your purpose.

The Heart and Soul of Being Therapeutic:
7 Keys for Getting Thru to Clients in Healing Environments
E-Book by Phillip and Jane Mountrose
$16.95 downloadable e-book, $24.95 spiral-bound copy

Learn the keys to becoming a great healing practitioner. A concise guide for anyone in the
helping professions, it is based on extensive research combined with the Mountroses decades
of working with clients and teaching healing classes. Receive dozens of tips and tools for fos-
tering therapeutic relationships. A unique resource that you will refer to time and again.

The Heart and Soul of Teaching:

5 Keys for Getting Thru to Others in Learning Environments
E-Book by Phillip and Jane Mountrose
$16.95 downloadable e-book, $24.95 spiral-bound copy

Learn the keys to becoming a great teacher, presenter, facilitator, and leader, and have fun
teaching the classes you’ve always longed to teach. You will find countless tips and tech-
niques in this unique resource, which comes out of extensive research and the Mountroses’
decades of teaching classes. Take your classes and presentations to the next level.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
APPENDIX E: RESOURCES Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 137

The Holistic Approach to Eating
by Jane Mountrose, $12.95 booklet

Learn the keys to losing extra weight and keeping it off for life. Find out the reasons tradi-
tional diets fail and techniques that really work. Make real progress and feel good about your-
Holistic Healing Training Manual
by Phillip and Jane Mountrose, $75 in 3-ring binder

This is the manual used in the Mountroses’ Holistic Healing Certification Course, which can
serve as a comprehensive model for healers in the development of their holistic practices and
training programs. If you are interested in developing a program in your area based on this
approach, support materials including course outlines are also available, on request.

Getting Thru to Kids: The Five Steps to Problem Solving with Children Ages 6 to 18
Book by Phillip Mountrose

In an easy-to-read format, learn the 5 steps to communicating with kids. Empower yourself
and kids with more trust, honesty, and improved relationships and school attitude. A Best
Book Award by Sacramento Publishers Association and a Parent Council Selection.


The Soul News includes practical, leading-edge holistic healing information to help you de-
velop your life purpose and your spiritual well being.
Specific tips and techniques for soul development are shared. The types of subjects cov-
ered in this newsletter include:
• Moving through the stages of the spiritual journey
• Experiencing healing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels
• Enhancing and enriching your life through your soul's development
• Moving towards manifesting your soul's true purpose in all aspects of your life
• Helping in the transformation that all of humanity is experiencing as we move into a
new way of being
To subscribe or review Soul News archives articles, go to www/
Awakenings E-News monthly email newsletter is devoted to building a worldwide spiritual
community based on holistic healing and soul awareness. Go to
To order any of the materials, call toll-free 866-304-4325 or order online at You can purchase materials from Awakenings using the order form at
the end of this book or by placing a secure internet order at the website. Your
purchase supports Awakenings in its mission of helping people fulfill their true purpose.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
APPENDIX E: RESOURCES Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 138

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
About the Authors

Phillip and Jane Mountrose have studied and developed self-help, personal growth, and spiri-
tual growth techniques for nearly thirty years. Together, they lead the Awakenings Institute, a
non-profit religious organization located in California.
DR. PHILLIP MOUNTROSE is an author, holistic teacher, Holistic Hypnotherapist, NLP
(Neurolinguistic Programming) Practitioner, Spiritual Life Coach and Counselor, Reiki Master,
and Intuitive Counselor serving others as a Minister of Holistic Healing.
In addition to his diverse training in different aspects of holistic healing and spirituality,
Phillip has a Masters in Education from University of Massachusetts, a Special Education Cer-
tification from Sacramento State College, and a Masters in Fine Arts from UCLA. He is a vet-
eran educator and innovative instructional video creator who has taught children of all ages
for over twenty years. His hands-on books Getting Thru To Kids and Tips and Tools for Get-
ting Thru to Kids were developed from his many years experience in teaching regular and
special education. The books also incorporate his explorations into NLP and Cognitive Ther-
apy. Phillip's wide range of experience has made him a popular radio and TV guest.
Phillip now teaches a certification course in Holistic Healing. He also teaches personal
and spiritual growth classes, and works with people individually to help them achieve their
goals. Phillip enjoys helping to identify and release their blockages, so they can experience
more joy, love and freedom in their lives. He also draws on his teaching experience to help
children and families.
DR. JANE MOUNTROSE is an author, Holistic Therapist, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Mas-
ter, and Intuitive Counselor, serving others as a Minister of Holistic Healing. In addition to her
diversified experience helping people to realize their highest potential, Jane has a Bachelor's
Degree from Rhode Island School of Design in Art and more than 25 years of experience as
an artist and an architect. She remains actively involved in the arts. Based on her own weight
problems, she also wrote the book The Holistic Approach to Eating, which presents a pro-
gram for reaching your ideal weight and maintaining it for life.
You can find more information about the authors at

Awakenings offers a high-quality, affordable Independent Home Study Program for those who
want to develop skills in Spiritual Healing and Counseling. This Spiritual Counseling Certifica-

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 140

tion Program includes four transformational courses, or modules, for certification in the
following areas:
• EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner
• SK (Spiritual Kinesiology) Practitioner
• Intuitive Techniques Practitioner
• Soul Purpose Advisor
Any of the modules may be taken individually or as part of the overall program. Each
module qualifies as 36 hours of independent study toward the 150-hour Spiritual Counselor

The Life Learning Experience

Awakenings regards education as a lifelong experience of growth and expansion that benefits
both the learner and those with whom he or she interacts personally and professionally. Inde-
pendent study programs provide an opportunity for certification candidates to participate ac-
tively in the life learning experience as a way to fulfill their full potential on their chosen path
of self-development. From this perspective, any learning opportunity has the goal of enhanc-
ing one’s life and of offering the skills one develops to others. This spirit of lifelong learning
and growth is the essence of this program.
Along with studying the materials, emphasis is placed on practicing the techniques in
each course. Practice is one of the main keys to your success. It helps you to build confi-
dence, refine your approach and timing, and understand what your client is experiencing un-
der a variety of circumstances.

Benefits of Certification
The underlying benefit of these courses is the opportunity for focused study as a part of your
life learning process to help you to fulfill your purpose and to likewise help others to fulfill
theirs. Certification provides confirmation of your experience, which is beneficial for those
seeking your services. Successful completion of any of the four certification courses also pro-
vides the following:
• A Certificate of Completion, suitable for display.
• An opportunity to be listed as a certified practitioner on Awakening’s “”
• Hours of credit toward the Spiritual Counselor Certification and/or Ministerial Program.
You can find more information on these transformational courses on the Internet at Please contact Phillip or Jane Mountrose at the number
provided at the end of this appendix if you have questions or to receive a certification package
if you do not have internet access.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 141


Phillip and Jane Mountrose teach classes and seminars in Holistic Hypnotherapy, EFT, Spiri-
tual Kinesiology, the Getting Thru Techniques, and spiritual development. They also offer a
comprehensive Holistic Healing Certification Program. This course is a powerful and enlight-
ening way to integrate the body, emotions, mind, and spirit for self-healing, for building a ho-
listic practice serving others, or as an addition to your current practice.
Find more information about classes at

Phillip and Jane Mountrose offer in person or phone personal consultations to help people to
connect more deeply with their evolutionary journey and true purpose.
Many people think that reaching out to others for assistance is a sign of weakness. This is
far from the truth. Along with developing a relationship with our true divine selves, we can all
benefit from the loving input of others as we progress on the spiritual journey. Phillip and
Jane focus on making a life filled with joy, love, and freedom a reality for those who come
into contact with them. They also will save you time and energy by helping you to move more
directly and easily on your path.
Find out more about the consultations at


Information about Awakenings, its Worldwide Master Spirit Community and all of its other
offerings is available on the internet. To find out more about personal consultations, speaking
engagements, courses, seminars, and publications, contact:
Phillip and Jane Mountrose
P.O. Box 279, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Phone: (805)473-0732

Phillip and Jane also welcome your communication, especially your experiences, insights,
challenges, and successes with the interactive tools in this book.

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS Manifesting Your Dreams With EFT, SK, and More 142

Copyright © 2007 Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose. Do not copy without permission.
Order Form

Manifesting Your Dreams with EFT, SK, and More

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The Heart and Soul of Teaching
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The Heart and Soul of Being Therapeutic
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The Heart and Soul of Teaching $24.95
Getting Thru to Your Emotions
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• 2-CD Set $24.95
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• DVD Part 2: The GTT Techniques: $21.95
• DVD Part 1 and Part 2 together $39.95
Getting Thru to Your Soul
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• 2-CD Set $24.95
• DVD Part 1: SK & the Basic Techniques $21.95
• DVD Part 2: Inner Child & Relationships $21.95
• DVD Part 3: Archetypes & Subpersonalites $21.95
• DVD Parts 1, 2, 3 together $59.95
Intuitive Techniques for Getting Thru to Your Soul
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• Workbook $24.95
Awaken to Your True Purpose:
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• Workbook $24.95
Tips & Tools for Getting Thru to Kids
• 2-Tape AudioBook $ 16.95
Getting Thru to Kids
• Book $11.95
• 2-Tape AudioBook $16.95
Holistic Approach to Eating: Booklet $12.95
Holistic Healing Training Manual: Workbook $75.00
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