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Scientific Background

The Brain’s Navigational Place and Grid Cell System

The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Introduction

Medicine is awarded to Dr. John M. O’Keefe, The sense of place and the ability to navigate
Dr. May-Britt Moser and Dr. Edvard I. are some of the most fundamental brain
Moser for their discoveries of nerve cells in functions. The sense of place gives a
the brain that enable a sense of place and perception of the position of the body in the
navigation. These discoveries are ground environment and in relation to surrounding
breaking and provide insights into how objects. During navigation, it is interlinked
mental functions are represented in the with a sense of distance and direction that is
brain and how the brain can compute based on the integration of motion and
complex cognitive functions and behaviour. knowledge of previous positions. We
An internal map of the environment and a depend on these spatial functions for
sense of place are needed for recognizing
recognizing and remembering the
and remembering our environment and for
environment to find our way.
navigation. This navigational ability, which
requires integration of multi-modal sensory
information, movement execution and Questions about these fundamental brain
memory capacities, is one of the most functions have engaged philosophers and
complex of brain functions. The work of the scientists for a long time. During the 18th
2014 Laureates has radically altered our century the German philosopher Immanuel
understanding of these functions. John Kant (1724-1804) argued that some mental
O’Keefe discovered place cells in the abilities exist independent of experience. He
hippocampus that signal position and considered perception of place as one of
provide the brain with spatial memory these innate abilities through which the
capacity. May-Britt Moser and Edvard I. external world had to be organized and
Moser discovered in the medial entorhinal perceived.
cortex, a region of the brain next to
hippocampus, grid cells that provide the A concept of a map-like representation of
brain with an internal coordinate system place in the brain was advocated for by the
essential for navigation. Together, the American experimental psychologist Edward
hippocampal place cells and the entorhinal Tolman, who studied how animals learn to
grid cells form interconnected nerve cell navigate (Tolman, 1948). He proposed that
networks that are critical for the animals could experience relationships
computation of spatial maps and between places and events and that the
navigational tasks. The work by John exploration of the environment gradually
O’Keefe, May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser resulted in the formation of a cognitive map
has dramatically changed our that enabled animals to navigate and find
understanding of how fundamental
the optimal path through the environment.
cognitive functions are performed by neural
In this view, cognitive maps represent the
circuits in the brain and shed new light onto
environment as a gestalt that allows the
how spatial memory might be created.
subject to experience the room and navigate.
Tolman’s theory opposed the prevailing view The firing pattern of these cells was
among behaviourists that complex completely unexpected. Place cells were
behaviours are achieved by chains of active in a way that had not been seen for
sensory-motor response relationships. But it any cells in the brain before. Individual place
did not address where in the brain these cells were only active when the animal was
functions may be localized and how the in a particular place in the environment,
brain computes such complex behaviours. namely their place field. By systematically
The advent of techniques to record from changing the environment and testing
cells in the brain of animals that were freely different theoretical possibilities for the
moving in the environment, using chronically creation of the place fields O’Keefe showed
implanted micro wires (Sturmwasser, 1958), that place cell firing did not merely reflect
made it possible to approach these activity in sensory neurons, but that it
questions. represented a complex gestalt of the
Finding the place cells
John O’Keefe had a background in Different place cells could be active in
physiological psychology, working with different places and the combination of
Ronald Melzack at McGill University before activity in many place cells created an
he moved to the laboratory of the pain internal neural map representing a particular
researcher Patrick Wall at University College environment (O'Keefe, 1976; O'Keefe and
in London, where he started his work on Conway, 1978). O’Keefe concluded together
behaving animals in the late 1960s. There he with Nadel that place cells provide the brain
discovered the place cells, when recording with a spatial reference map system, or a
from neurons in the dorsal partition of sense of place (O'Keefe and Nadel, 1978). He
hippocampus, called CA1, together with showed that the hippocampus can contain
Dostrovsky, in rats moving freely in a multiple maps represented by combinations
bounded area (O'Keefe and Dostrovsky, of activity in different place cells that were
1971) (Figure 1). active at different times in different
environments. A specific serial combination
of active place cells may therefore represent
a unique environment, while other
combinations represent other environments.
Through O’Keefe’s discoveries, the cognitive
map theory had found its representation in
the brain.

A prerequisite for O’Keefe’s experiments

was the development of appropriate
recording techniques to be used in freely
Figure 1. Place cells. To the right is a schematic of the
moving animals. Although O’Keefe was an
rat. The hippocampus, where the place cells are
located is highlighted. The grey square depicts the early user of these techniques, he was not
open field the rat is moving over. Place cells fire when the first to record from hippocampal or
the animal reaches a particular location in the other nerve cells in intact animals (see
environment. The dots indicate the rat’s location in O’Keefe and Nadel 1978). However,
the arena when the place cell is active. Different place
researchers mostly used restricted
cells in the hippocampus fire at different places in the
arena. behavioural task or strict stimulus-response
protocols. In contrast, O’Keefe recorded the

cellular activity during natural behaviour, May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser, who
which allowed him to observe the unique were studying the hippocampus, both during
place fields and relate the neural activity in their PhD work in Per Andersen’s laboratory
the place cells to represent the sense of in Oslo and afterwards both as visiting
place. scientists in Richard Morris’ laboratory in
Edinburgh and John O’Keefe’s laboratory in
In subsequent experiments, O’Keefe showed London, asked whether the place cell firing
that the place cells might have memory can be generated from activity outside
functions (O'Keefe and Conway, 1978; hippocampus. The major input to the
O'Keefe and Speakman, 1987). The hippocampus comes from a structure on the
simultaneous rearrangement in many place dorsal edge of the rat’s brain, the entorhinal
cells in different environments was called cortex. A large part of the output from the
remapping and O’Keefe showed that entorhinal cortex projects to the dentate
remapping is learned, and once it is gurus in hippocampus, which in turn connect
established, it can be stable over time (Lever to the region in the hippocampus called CA3,
et al., 2002). The place cells may therefore and further to CA1 in the dorsal
provide a cellular substrate for memory hippocampus. Interestingly, this is the same
processes, where a memory of an the part of the brain in which John O’Keefe
environment can be stored as specific first found the place cells. In 2002, the
combinations of place cells. Mosers found that disconnecting projections
from the entorhinal cortex through CA3 did
At first, the proposition that the not abolish the CA1 place fields (Brun et al.,
hippocampus was involved in spatial 2002). These findings, and the knowledge
navigation was met with some scepticism. that medial entorhinal cortex is also directly
However, it was later appreciated that the and reciprocally connected to the CA1
discovery of place cells, the meticulous region, prompted May-Britt Moser and
demonstration that these cells represent a Edvard Moser to look in the medial
mental map far from primary sensory input, entorhinal cortex for place coding cells. In a
and the proposal that hippocampus contains first study they established, similar to what
an inner map that can store information others had shown, that the medial
about the environment, were seminal. entorhinal cortex contained cells that shared
O’Keefe’s discovery sparked a large number characteristics with the place cells in
of experimental and theoretical studies on hippocampus (Fyhn et al., 2004). However,
how place cells are engaged in generating in a later study using larger encounters for
spatial information and in spatial memory the animals to move in, they discovered a
processes. The general notion from these novel cell type, the grid cells, that had
studies is that the key function of the place unusual properties, (Hafting et al., 2005).
cells are to create a map of the environment,
although they may also be involved in The grid cells showed an astonishing firing
measuring distance under some pattern. They were active in multiple places
circumstances (Ravassard et al., 2013). in the open box that together formed nodes
of an extended hexagonal grid (Figure 2),
From hippocampus to grid cells in the similar to the hexagonal arrangements of
holes in a beehive.
entorhinal cortex
Through the 1980s and 1990s the prevailing
Grid cells in the same area of the medial
theory was that the formation of place fields
enthorinal cortex fire with the same spacing
originated within the hippocampus itself.

and orientation of the grid, but different al. 2008). The existence of border cells was
phasing, so that together they cover every predicted by theoretical modelling by
point in the environment. O’Keefe and colleagues (Hartley, et al. 2000).
The Mosers showed that the grid cells, the
head direction cells, and the border cells,
projected to hippocampal place cells (Zhang
et al. 2013). Using recordings from multiple
grid cells in different parts of the entorhinal
cortex, the Mosers also showed that the grid
cells are organized in functional modules
with different grid spacing ranging in
distance from a few centimetres to meters,
thereby covering small to large
Figure 2. Grid cells. The grid cells are located in the environments.
entorhinal cortex depicted in blue. A single grid cell
fires when the animal reaches particular locations in The Mosers further explored the
the arena. These locations are arranged in a relationship between grid cells and place
hexagonal pattern. cells in theoretical models (Solstad et al.,
2006), lesion experiments (Bonnevie et al.,
The Mosers found that the distance of the 2013; Hafting et al., 2008), and in remapping
grid fields varies in the medial entorhinal experiments (Fyhn et al. 2007). These and
cortex with the largest fields in the ventral other studies by Mosers and O’Keefe, as well
part of the cortex. They also showed that the as by others, have shown that there is a
grid formation did not arise out of a simple reciprocal influence between grid cells in the
transformation of sensory or motor signals, medial entorhinal cortex and place cells in
but out of complex network activity. the hippocampus and that other spatially-
tuned cells in the entorhinal cortex, in
The grid pattern had not been seen in any particular the border cells (Figure 3), may
brain cells before! The Mosers concluded contribute in the generation of the firing
that the grid cells were part of a navigation pattern of the place cells (Brandon et al.,
or path integration system. The grid system 2011; Koenig et al., 2011; Bush, Berry and
provided a solution to measuring movement Burgess, 2014, Bjerkness et al. 2014).
distances and added a metric to the spatial
maps in hippocampus.

The Mosers further showed that grid cells

were embedded in a network in the medial
entorhinal cortex of head direction cells and
border cells, and in many cases, cells with a
combined function (Solstad et al., 2008).
Head-direction cells were first described by
James Ranck (1985) in another part of the
brain, the subiculum. They act like a
compass and are active when the head of an Figure 3. A schematic showing grid cells (blue) and
animal points in a certain direction. Border place cells (yellow) in the entorhinal cortex and
cells are active in reference to walls that the hippocampus, respectively.
animal encounters when moving in a closed
environment (Solstad et al., 2008; Savelli, et

The Mosers’ discovery of the grid cells, a The importance of the discovery of
spatial metric coordination system, and their place cells and grid cells for research
identification of the medial entorhinal cortex
in cognitive neuroscience
as a computational centre for spatial
It is an emergent theme that place-coding
representation, is a break-through that
cells in the hippocampal structures are
opens up new avenues to advance the
involved in storing and/or retrieving spatial
understanding of the neural mechanisms
memories. In the 1950s Scoville and Milner
underlying spatial cognitive functions.
(1957) published their report on the patient
Henry Molaison (HM), who had his two
The grid and place cell systems are hippocampi surgically removed for
found in many mammalian species treatment of epilepsy. The loss of
including humans hippocampi caused severe memory deficits,
Since the initial description of place and grid as evident by the clinical observation that
cells in rat and mice, these cell types have HM was unable to encode new memories,
also been found in other mammals (Killian et while he could still retrieve old memories.
al., 2012; Ulanovsky et al., 2007; Yartsev et HM had lost what has later been named
al., 2011, 2013;). Humans have large episodic memory (Tulving and Markowitch
hippocampal-entorhinal brain structures and 1998), referring to our ability to remember
these structures have long been implicated self-experienced events. There is no direct
in spatial learning and episodic memory evidence that place cells are coding episodic
(Squire, 2004). A number of studies support memory. However, place cells can encode
the idea that the human brain has a spatial- not only for the current spatial location, but
coding system that is similar to that found in also where the animal has just been and
non-human mammals. Thus, researchers where it is going next (Ferbinteanu and
have found place-like cells in the Shapiro, 2003). The past and present may
hippocampus (Ekstrom et al., 2003; Jacobs also be overlapping in time in place cells
et al., 2010) and grid-like cells in the when animals are rapidly tele-transported
entorhinal cortex (Jacobs et al., 2013) when between two physical different
directly recording from nerve cells in the environments (Jezek et al., 2011). An
human brain of patients with epilepsy encoding of places in the past and present
undergoing pre-surgical investigation. Using might allow the brain to remember
functional imaging (fMRI). Doeller et al. temporally ordered representations of
(2010) have also provided support for the events, like in the episodic memory.
existence of grid cells in the human
entorhinal cortex. After a memory has been encoded, the
memory undergoes further consolidation,
The similarity of the hippocampal-entorhinal e.g. during sleep. Ensemble recording with
structure in all mammals and the presence multi-electrodes in sleeping animals has
of hippocampal-like structures in non- made possible the study of how memories
mammalian vertebrates with navigational of spatial routes achieved during active
capacity suggest that the grid-place cells navigation are consolidated. Groups of place
system is a functional and robust system cells that are activated in a particular
that may be conserved in vertebrate sequence during the behaviour display the
evolution. same sequence of activation in episodes
during the subsequent sleep (Wilson and
McNaughton, 1994). This replay of place cell
activity during sleep may be a memory

consolidation mechanism, where the workers have showed in a mouse model of
memory is eventually stored in cortical Alzheimer’s disease that the degradation of
structures. place fields correlated with the deterioration
of the animals’ spatial memory (Cacucci et
Together the activity of place cells may be al., 2008). There is no immediate translation
used both to define the position in the of such results to clinical research or practice.
environment at any given time, and also to However, the hippocampal formation is one
remember past experiences of the of the first structures to be affected in
environment. Maybe related to this notion is Alzheimer’s disease and knowledge about
the findings that the hippocampus of London the brain’s navigational system might help
taxi drivers, which undergoes extensive understand the cognitive decline seen in
training to learn how to navigate between patients with this diseases.
thousands of places in the city without a
map, grew during the year long training Conclusions
period and that the taxi drivers after this The discoveries of place and grid cells by
training had significantly larger hippocampal John O’Keefe, May-Britt Moser and Edvard I.
volume than control subjects (Magurie et al. Moser present a paradigm shift in our
2000, Woollett and Maguire, 2011). understanding of how ensembles of
specialized cells work together to execute
Relevance for humans and medicine higher cognitive functions. The discoveries
Brain disorders are the most common cause have profoundly promoted new research
of disability and despite the major impact on with grid and place cell systems now found
people’s life and on the society, there is no in many mammals, including humans.
effective way to prevent or cure most of Studies of the navigation system have
these disorders. The episodic memory is opened new avenues for studying how
affected in several brain disorders, including cognitive processes are computed in the
dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. A better brain.
understanding of neural mechanisms
underlying spatial memory is therefore
important, and the discoveries of place and
Ole Kiehn and Hans Forssberg
grid cells have been a major leap forward to
Karolinska Institutet
advance this endeavour. O’Keefe and co-

Ole Kiehn, MD, PhD

Professor of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet
Member of the Nobel Committee
Member of the Nobel Assembly

Hans Forssberg, MD, PhD

Professor of Neuroscience , Karolinska Institutet
Adjunct Member of the Nobel Committee
Member of the Nobel Assembly

Illustrations: Mattias Karlen

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