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... it is not dead, that eternity protects,

Death with eternity sometimes dies.
Part I
I. The Covenant of the Ancient Gods
II. Testament of the Elder Gods
III. Generations of the Great Races
IV. Secret Talisman
V. The Third Great Birth
VI. Tribes of the Great Beast
VII. Tribes of abominations
VIII. On the Magic of the Ancient
IX. About the magic of the great Ras
X. About the Hosts of the Elder Gods
XI. About the Necromancer Tribe
Part II
XII. Magic Items
XIII. Cthulhu awakening ceremonies
XIV. Hastur's Summoning Ritual
XV. The Hypnosis Appeal Ritual
I Covenant of the Ancient Gods
Until the beginning of time, when the stars were not yet born and
the time flowed in other spheres, in those times, in
Impregnable black citadel in the middle of the abyss of chaos,
where he eternally and infinitely reigns
The great sultan of demons Azagh-Toth, before his throne the
damned absolute gods, whose master
Hypnos, to the sounds of the damned flutes and the thunder of
diabolical drums, twisted pervertedly
In Bogomerzkom dance and prayed Azag-Toth to remove from them
the curse that was laid upon them
Hypnos. Cursed absolute gods, whose names are the insane sultan
of demons Azagh-Toth erased from
Books of spheres and times, prayed to him:
A mad master, you were no wiser, there will be no one, and there is
no one! Power is you
Subdued all known spheres! According to your desire, the stars turn
their light
From white to black! And only your damned flutes break the silence
of chaos! You own
A book of spheres and times! Remove from our names the curse of
Hypnos, what lies on us, so be
Gracious to us!
Azagh-Tot laughed in response, and from his laughter the Universe
was born, the furious laugh of Azag-Toth
He gave birth to the myriads of luminaries, the myriards of the
worlds of the worlds, he put the milky way into place, and
The devilish Aldebaran lit and the Black Sirius in the firmament
remembers his laughter.
And Azag-Toth said to the damned absolute gods:
Here, from fire and water, from the earth and the air come those
who eclipse Me with their deeds.
And he cursed them three times, and said to them:
Here you will be my slaves from the beginning to the end of time.
Here you will find
Among the stones, water, air, fire and life of those who curse you,
here you will find your
The fourth curse from those who are wiser than me, who are more
powerful than me, on whose names
My citadel will shudder, and the damned flutes will cease. But know
that by chance,
Damn it, it can turn into luck.
Billions of epochs cursed absolute gods, whose names from the
book of spheres and times have erased
The insane sultan of the demons of Azagh-Toth, wandered among
the stars. Living among the shadows, they met
Amazing worlds, where the unknown great Races were born. Some
were like
Huge wolves, others to the inhabitants of the depths, others were
similar to giant birds, and
Others lived only in the darkness of the caves in the mountains,
which made their skin purple, and their eyes
Red. And each of the great Ras for the fourth time cursed the
absolute gods.
And then the absolute gods resorted to cunning and stole from the
spheres that lie in the Outside
Magic weapon and wanted to subordinate all great Races with these
weapons, convert them into
Like slaves of nameless.
Upon learning about this, the great Yog-Sottot established the Gate
to the Beyond, sealed them by the ancient
Spells and sent guards to guard them. And from now on is known to
the Ancientest through the Gate
Having learned about this, the great Nyarlatotep sent servants of his
shoggots to all the distant and
The near ends of the universe, in order to return the stolen.
Having learned about this, the great Hastur was at the head of the
Having learned about this, the great Hypnos gave the great Cthulhu
a cup, having drunk from which he died,
But fell asleep at the bottom of the bottomless ocean Rlaykh, in
order to show his way to Hastur and
Shoggotam Nyarlatotepa, where to find the stolen.
Having learned about this, the great Shub-Niggurat now reliably
watches over the covenant, reliably watches over
Death and birth of the great Ras - in justice, he gives death and
Upon learning about this, the great Dagon vowed to follow the
palace of Cthulhu. To
No one disturbed the dream of the great Cthulhu! He swore,
Eye, that on the highest tower, from the water, fallen from the cliff,
get it. And Dagon knows where
The palace of the great Cthulhu at the bottom of the bottomless
Mi-Go with Yoggoth ...................
The epoch was replaced by an epoch, Nyarlatotep's messengers
returned the stolen to their place, but not
All they managed to return. Absolute gods cunningly stolen stolen
from the Outside inside
The great Ras, and so they deceived the dream of the great Cthulhu.
And the absolute gods rejoiced,
Realizing that they are now capable of great Races in themselves
like to draw, and the curse that
Lies on them to destroy. And they gave birth to tribes of
abominations, that evil magic is endowed,
Which makes the great Races unfree.
And then the Oldest covenant was given to the great Races:

Having learned the secret of the magic of the Ancient Ones, Gipnos
gives them eternal sleep. Then Dagon will take them to
The bottom of the bottomless ocean, Rlaykh, and awakened by the
magic of the Oldest Cthulhu will crush all
The tribes of abominations and the great Races will find freedom.
Then, Hastur will bring the servants
Nyarlatotepa through the Gate of Yog-Sottot to the great Races, and
they must return what is
The oldest belongs. After that, the great Shub-Niggurath will
perform the third great
From now on, the nameless damned absolute gods fear only the
awakening of the great
Cthulhu, for, awakened, the most ancient will be devoured by their
offspring, the seven tribes of abominations.
Here are the signs of the Ancients. Fuck them correctly, without
changing a single dash!
The first sign is the sign of Hypnos (I). The second sign is the sign of
Dagon (II).
The third sign is the sign of Shub-Niggurat (III). The fourth sign is
the sign of Hastur (IV).
The fifth sign is the sign of Azag-Toth (V). The sixth sign is the sign
of Yog-Sottot (VI).
The seventh sign is the sign of Nyarlatotep (VII). The eighth sign is
the sign of Cthulhu (VIII).
This is the covenant of the Most Ancient Gods.
II Testament of the Elder Gods
Cursed absolute gods, who had no names ever, gave birth to seven
tribes of abominations,
That swarming and bubbling flow quickly filled all free spaces and
Evil magic makes the great Races unfree.
Appearing the abomination of abomination, the Elder Gods left their
great and richly decorated
Precious stones and expensive metals of the monastery and the
spheres and went to the rescue
To the great Races, and took up a battle against abominations. And
there were great battles, and there are great
Battle, and will continue to be.
In the heights, when the stars fall from heaven, know that the Elder
Gods return the slave slave.
In the black depths of the ocean, when the cities go under the
water, know that the Elder Gods return
Slave slave.
During downpours, when the rivers emerge from the shores of the
eastern valleys, know that the Elder Gods
They return the slave slave.
In a dark, restless night, when you hear a raging howl on the
western gray plains, know
- The Old Gods return the slave slave.
During the strongest winds that originate in the north, know that the
Elder Gods
They return the slave slave.
During hot days, when the sun ruthlessly falls high over the ridges,
know something
The older gods return the slave slave.
Every time life appears, every time death occurs, know that the
The gods return the slave slave.
Every time, when due to the clouds appears a flawed moon, know
that the Elder Gods
They return the slave slave.
The elder gods are countless armies, and the armor is bestowed
upon them by the Ancients, decorated
Expensive stones and ennobled with beautiful metals. Their swords
are forged
The oldest, and endowed with great power. Their chariots are
harnessed by the best horses,
That faster than the stellar wind crosses the space. And the Elder
Gods do not fear death,
Because the word is given to them by the Ancients.
The names of the Elder Gods are known, the names of those who
are gone forever, who are forever
Here, and who will come.
But the great Races, who broke the covenant of the Ancients, are
capable of the abomination that fell in the battles,
Back to life to resurrect - this is a tribe of Necromancers. And
destined to the Elder Gods and
The great Races and abominations endlessly and eternally return.
But only great Cthulhu is able to overcome abomination, awakened
by the great Race, for
Abomination is the product of the creations of the Ancients. And no
one except him can not be abomination
To crush.
This is the covenant of the Elder Gods.
III Generations of the Great Races
In the heavenly fragment is hidden the spirit of the
In a frozen drop, the spirit of the Ancients is hidden,
In the starry wind, the spirit of the Ancients is hidden,
In every star, the spirit of the Ancients is hidden,
The number five is the sign of the great Ras.
Five great Births.
From the stone, the great Races were born and acquired a
secret knowledge of the Ancient,
From the water to the earth came the great Races and
found the deep wisdom of the Ancient,
The air gave birth to the great Races and they acquired
the boundless power of the Ancient,
The fire has kindled in the great Races a desire for great
deeds that shook the palaces of the Ancient
The number four is the sign of the first great Birth.
This is the first great Birth.
In the heights that are higher than the mountains, the
wings of the membranous birds with their grooved beaks
dissect the sky,
Then the great Races gain sight,
In the black depths of the ocean, where squid with their
spiked tentacles prey on fish,
The great Races acquire sensations,
In the sunny valleys where on the succulent meadows
quick fast deer are grazed, the great Races acquire
On the gray plains of the west, when the rodents flee from
the nameless creatures, the great Races
Gain hearing,
In the far north, where the smell of prey is felt by huge
white wolves, the great Races
Gain sense of smell,
In the hot south, where giant red scorpions dig burrows
and catacombs, the great Races
Acquire mind.
The number six is the sign of the second great Birth
This is the second great Birth.
........................ on the outskirts .................. .. Cyclopean
............................... The universe .................. memory
The damned ............... quieter. ............ diabolical drums ....
............... .. ...... .. The gods desire ..................... ..
The number eight is the sign of the third great Birth
This is the third great Birth.
Cthulhu remembers the sign of the great Ras
Azag-Toth remembers the sign of the great Ras
Yog-Sottot remembers the sign of the great Ras
Nyarlatotep remembers the sign of the great Ras
Gate ..................... ..
Universes ................................................ ...
..................... .. The Oldest ..................... .. The Elder Gods
The number seven is the sign of the fourth great birth
This is the fourth great Birth
...................... The covenant of the great Ras
............................ The covenant of the great Ras
......... .. curse ..............................
This is the fifth great Birth
IV Secret Talisman
Here is the sign of the great Ras (I) - The oldest remember
it, remember the precept of the Ancients !.
Here is the sign of the Elder Gods (II) - they are
irreconcilable enemies of abomination. Call them, and
Remember the covenant and vow to protect the sorcerer
from the tribes of abominations!
Here is the sign of the guard of the Gate (III), which
reliably protects the way to the Outside and no
abomination can not
To disturb the sorcerer in times of traveling to external
Here is the secret Talisman, that help and luck will bring
the sorcerer in any of his endeavors to
Ways. It should be made of precious metal, sanctified with
fertile land, mountainous
Clean water, fresh night air, and a bright flame, and only
then will it
Great Power.
V Third Great Birth
The number eight is the sign of the third great Birth.
From the heights that are above the mountains, birds with
membranous wings and hunchbacked beaks descend,
Then the great beast that was born gained sight,
From the black depths of the ocean float squid spiked
tentacles, then the born
The great Beast gained a sensation,
From the sunny valleys fast fries return, then the great
beast that was born
From the gray plains of the west the rodents have
returned, then the great beast born has found hearing,
From the far north, huge white wolves returned, then the
great Beast was born
Sense of smell,
From the hot south returned the giant red scorpions, then
the born great Beast
Has regained his mind.
Foul maze, from the abducted in the Ancients, damned
absolute gods
Erected, and seven tribes of abominations are cultivated
there, that evil magic is endowed. The magic of the one,
Turn the great beast born into the unfree, and lay the
larvae within him,
In order to turn it into an abomination. But Mi-Go can turn
the Frown Maze into a
Emerald, they are .........................
But the great Beast recognizes the mystery of the magic
of the Ancients and awakens Cthulhu. Seven of them!
Seven Tribes
Abominations! Awakened great Cthulhu abomination will
devour and find the great Beast
Freedom! And the great beast should fulfill the covenant of
the Ancients!
But the exit from the labyrinth is guided only by Azag-Toth.
The labyrinth of the endless corridors,
More confusing than the most boundless catacombs, that
huge red scorpions dig in the south, and
High and strong walls, only six walls. Confused endless
corridors of the labyrinth!
Strong and high six walls of the maze!
O born, great Beast, human race, whose number and sign
are six! Know that magic
The oldest you can not find a way out of the maze. By your
number you can not
Crush the six walls of the stinking labyrinth.
Remember! Remember that the number and sign of the
third great birth is eight! Know that the number and
The sign of the magic of the great Ras is eight. Know that
with the help of the magic of the great Race, you can
Destroy the tangled endless corridors and six walls of the
stinking labyrinth. Before
Times, until the great Beast reveals the mystery of the
magic of the great Ras, it is necessary for him to wander
Stinky labyrinth.
Through a multitude of births and deaths, it is necessary
to pass through to the great Beast, until
Will reveal to him the mystery of the magic of the great
Ras, In the cycle of rebirths he
Will find a life,
Die and rise again,
Build a house,
Find brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers,
Love will know,
Awake a dead-but-sleeping heart,
................ All ............ ..
.............................. .time.
- 10 -
VI Tribes of the Great Beast
O born great Beast, human race, whose number and sign
are six! Know, on the way, that
From the labyrinth to the Outside leads, you will meet five
tribes of a kind:
The tribe of those great Beasts who are chained to the
walls of the labyrinth and can not
Move neither to the right, nor to the left, neither forward
nor back. Know, these are the seven tribes of
They used evil magic, and deprived the born of freedom.
Know, the seven tribes of abomination,
Lay the larvae within the great Beast, and by the end of
life, he himself can turn into
It is an abomination and it will be devoured by the great
Cthulhu! But the magic of the Ancient Great Beast will
Cthulhu and he devoured the abomination and will find the
great Beast freedom!
The tribe of those great Beasts who used the magic of the
Ancient Ones gained freedom and
They broke the covenant of the Ancients. And they took
away what the Most Ancient belongs to. Now, they
In horror running from the messengers of Nyarlatotep, and
hide in the depths of caves, and nourish illusions, and
They think they have gained the power of the Gods. Know
that they will turn to the slaves of the seven tribes
Abominations! And cursed absolute gods will rejoice that
they built a stinking labyrinth, and
Whose names have been erased from the book of spheres
and times by the insane sultan of demons Azagh-Toth.
Tragically can
To break off the life of the descendant of the great Ras.
Know, that for the sorcerer this tribe of Necromancers
It is dangerous as well as abomination.
The tribe of those great Beasts who used the magic of the
Ancient Ones gained freedom and
Returned the most ancient of the stolen, and fulfilled the
covenant of the Ancients! From now on, on their side
All the armies of the Elder Gods. The origins of the
Ancients are cursed absolute gods, that
Masters of abomination are, in horror bypass them for the
myriad of infinities! But magic
The oldest, only liberates the great Beast from unfreedom,
but the way out of the stinking
A labyrinth, he himself must find, for only Azag-Tt knows
where the way is! But never Azagh-Toth
He will not show the way, for, pointing the way, he
immediately subordinates the great Beasts to his will, and
will become
They are slaves, and cursed absolute gods will rejoice and
the curse will fall from them. Know that
All demons and devils of the black abyss of chaos grieve
for this tragedy that fell into the Ancient
Times to the great Races!
Tribe of those great Beasts who used the magic of the
Ancient and destroyed the evil
The magic of abomination, and fulfilled the covenant of
the Ancients. The magic that belongs to their great race,
They destroyed a foul maze, the product of the damned
absolute gods, whose names
From the book of spheres and times erased the insane
sultan of demons Azagh-Toth. How much courage and
It is necessary to destroy the labyrinth!
The tribe of those who left the labyrinth - it is forbidden to
write about them, for this can be brought to
Yourself Terrible Evil!
- eleven -
VII. The tribes of abominations
Seven of them! Seven tribes of abominations, the offspring
of the damned absolute gods, whose names from the book
Spheres and times erased the insane sultan of demons
Azagh-Toth. Seven damned tribes who
They are able to convert the great Races into slavery!
- 12 -

The first tribe is in the dark, after midnight, tears the flesh
and steals health and
Devours life forces! The abomination of the first tribe lays
the larvae inside the great
Beasts and poison poisons the magic of the Ancients.
From the poison of the first tribe of magic
The oldest are made new intricate corridors of the
stinking labyrinth, the way out of it
Is guided only by Azag-Toth. Here is the secret talisman,
which is capable of the first tribe of abominations
Reverse draw!
It should be made of precious metal, consecrated with
fertile soil, mountain clean
Water, fresh night air, and a bright flame, and consecrate
with your own blood and only then
It will gain strength.
The threefold tribe is before dawn and makes the great
Races act recklessly and
Shortsighted, why grief appears in any matter. The
abomination of the second tribe
Lays the larvae inside the great Beasts and poison poison
the magic of the Ancient. Of
Poisoned by the second tribe of magic The most ancient is
the first wall of the stinking
The labyrinth is higher and higher, and the exit from the
labyrinth is guided only by Azag-Toth. Here is the secret
A talisman that is capable of reversing the second tribe of
It should be made of precious metal, consecrated with
fertile soil, mountain clean
Water, fresh night air, and a bright flame, and sanctify him
with victory in any
Beginning and only then it will gain strength.
The third tribe is with the first rays of the sun and brings
many misfortunes.
The abomination of the third tribe lays the larvae inside
the great Beasts and poison poisons
Magic of the Ancient. From poisoned by the third tribe of
magic of the Ancient, the second
The wall of the stinking labyrinth is higher and higher, and
only Azag-Totu is able to get out of the labyrinth.
Here is a secret talisman that the third tribe of
abominations can reverse!
- 13 -
It should be made of precious metal, consecrated with
fertile soil, mountain clean
Water, fresh night air, and a bright flame, and consecrate
it with good luck in
Any endeavor and only then it will gain strength.
The fourth tribe is at noon and poisons the food, why the
great Races acquire the image
Ugly and god-fearing and become like an abomination. The
Abomination of the Fourth Tribe
Lays the larvae inside the great Beasts and poison poison
the magic of the Ancient. Of
Poisoned by the fourth tribe of magic of the Ancient, the
third wall of the stinking
The labyrinth is higher and higher, and the exit from the
labyrinth is guided only by Azag-Toth. Here is the secret
A talisman that the fourth tribe of abominations can
It should be made of precious metal, consecrated with
fertile soil, mountain clean
Water, fresh night air, and a bright flame, and consecrate
it with freshly prepared
Food and only then it will gain strength.
The fifth tribe is in the evening and turns the speech of the
great Ras into a bizarre talk,
Anger is born in the hearts of the great Ras. The
abomination of the fifth tribe lays the larvae inside
Great beasts and poison poisons the magic of the
Ancients. From the poisoned by the fifth tribe
Magic of the Ancient is made the fourth wall of the foul
maze ever higher and higher, and the output
From the labyrinth only Azag-Totu is guided. Here is a
secret talisman, which is capable of the fifth tribe
The abominations are reversed!
- 14 -
It should be made of precious metal, consecrated with
fertile soil, mountain clean
Water, fresh night air, and a bright flame, and sanctify it
with a fair speech and
Only then will it gain strength.
The sixth tribe is at sunset and guides the evil miracles
around, why envy is born in
The hearts of the great Ras. The abomination of the sixth
tribe lays the larvae inside the great
Beasts and poison poisons the magic of the Ancients.
From the poison of the sixth tribe of magic
The oldest is the fifth wall of the foul maze ever higher
and higher, and the way out
The labyrinth is guided only by Azag-Toth. Here is a secret
talisman, which is capable of the sixth tribe
The abominations are reversed!
It should be made of precious metal, consecrated with
fertile soil, mountain clean
Water, fresh night air, and a bright flame, and consecrate
good in any endeavor
And only then will it gain strength.
The seventh tribe comes after sunset, and sings the false,
why pride is born in
The hearts of the great Ras. The abomination of the
seventh tribe lays the larvae inside the great
Beasts and poison poisons the magic of the Ancients.
From the poison of the seventh tribe of magic
The oldest is the sixth wall of the foul maze ever higher
and higher, and the way out
The labyrinth is guided only by Azag-Toth. Here is a secret
talisman, which is capable of the seventh tribe
The abominations are reversed!
- 15 -

It should be made of precious metal, consecrated with

fertile soil, mountain clean
Water, fresh night air, and a bright flame, and sanctify the
truth in any endeavor
And only then will it gain strength.
- 16 -
VIII On the Magic of the Ancient
Know that with the magic of the Ancients the great Beast
will awaken Cthulhu and gain freedom!
Remember that the number and sign of the first great Birth
is four.
In a fertile land, the great Beast will find the magic of the
In mountain pure water the great Beast will find the magic
of the Ancient,
In the fresh night air the great Beast will find the magic of
the Ancient
In a bright night flame the great Beast will find the magic
of the Ancient,
Remember that the number and sign of the second great
Birth are six
Look sharply at the stellar heights, for so great a Beast
will acquire the magic of the Ancient
Feelings will not fail the great Beast, for so he will obtain
the magic of the Ancient
The sense of touch will not fail the great Beast, for thus it
will acquire the magic of the Ancient
Hears a great beast in the whisper of salty winds that
blossom over Rlaykh, the call of the great Cthulhu
The great Beast feels secret places, for thus it will
acquire the magic of the Ancient
The mind will not fail the great Beast, for thus it will
acquire the magic of the Ancient.
Know that the number and sign of the Magic of the
Ancients is ten.
- 17 -
At that moment,
When the air becomes fresh,
When the fire becomes bright,
When the water will wash the earth,
The earth will be rewarded,
In fairness,
For works of good,
What beauty will be given to the world,
Luck will turn into happiness,
And a holiday in the house will come
And the blood will become pure
At that moment, the great Beast will acquire the magic of
the Ancient Ones that is inside him
And then the great Cthulhu will awaken and devour the
seven tribes of abomination, and they will not be able to
Lay the larvae inside the great Beast. And then the great
beast must fulfill the covenant.
Remember the Old Testament! Know that from all illusions
get rid of the great Beast. From
Good and evil, from the best and the worst, from simple
and complex, kind and cruel and
A lot of illusions, like stars in the sky. All the illusions of
the Ancient Great Beast return
must. For they were abducted by the damned absolute
gods of the spheres, that on the outside
- 18 -
IX On the Magic of the Great Races
Know that the number and sign of the magic of the great
Ras are eight. The magic of the great Ras crushes the
A foul maze that the damned absolute gods erected,
whose names are erased from the book
Spheres and times the insane sultan of demons Azagh-
But no one can tell about the mystery of the magic of the
great races to the Great Beast, no one can
To indicate the path that leads from the labyrinth to the
Outside, for:
There are no two identical lives,
There are no two identical deaths,
There are no two identical houses,
There are no two identical families,
Each love is unlike another
Every dead-but-sleeping heart beats in a different way
........................ your .......
........................ ... of his .........
Only Azag-Toth is guided by the path that leads to the exit,
but he swore he was silent! Remember that the number
The sign of the second great birth is six. Know that there
are no two great Beasts, for each
Is great. Know, the descendant of the great Ras, that the
number and sign of your magic is eight.
- 19 -
Х About the Hosts of the Elder Gods
In their wanderings the great Beast will meet the Elder
Gods. They remember the covenant and
Vowed to protect the great Beast from the tribes of
The deceitful Satan, the great Lucifer, the Inferno legions
remember the covenant of the Elder Gods
Shining Michael, vindictive Jehovah, Heavenly cohorts
remember the covenant of the Elder Gods
Fearless One, sneaky Loki, Northern berserks remember
the covenant of the Elder Gods
Horrible Velez, fiery Perun, White squads remember the
covenant of the Elder Gods
Black Set, the beautiful Isis, the Keepers of Egypt
remember the covenant of the Elder Gods
Zeus the Thunderer, the evil sorceress Hecate, the
Keepers of Olympus remember the covenant of the Elder
The abominable Tiamat, the brave Marduk, the Keepers of
Babylon remember the covenant of the Elder Gods
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the Western Lands, Great
Mages of Asia Remember the Covenant of the Elder Gods
Among the armies there are those who came from the
sphere of IGIGI,
Among the armies there will be found those who came
from the sphere of Indura,
Among the armies there are those who descended from
the mountains of MASH.
The Old Gods remember the covenant! Lats are bestowed
on them by the Ancient, decorated with expensive
Stones and ennobled with beautiful metals. Their swords
are forged by the Ancients, and
Endowed with great power. Chariots are harnessed by the
best horses, which is faster
The stellar wind crosses the space. And the Elder Gods do
not fear the death, for the word
They are given by the Ancients.

- 20 -
XI About the Necromancer Tribe
Among the tribes of the great Beast Necromancers live,
they cause ghouls and nauseating
Creatures to inflict evil upon the great Races! And
abomination produces its offspring in them.
Among them are the Necromancers, who pray to the dead
stone. The appearance of their worship and their magic -
Magic of abomination.
Among them are the Necromancers, who pray to the dead
tree. The appearance of their worship and their magic -
Magic of abomination.
Among them is the Necromancers, who pray to the dead
golden cow. Appearance of their pilgrims and
Their magic is the magic of abomination.
Among them are the Necromancers, who pray for a dead
life. The appearance of their worship and their magic -
Magic of abomination.
Among them are the Necromancers, who pray to the
energy and the egregors. The appearance of their worship
and magic
Them - the magic of abomination.
Know that their strength is in death and corruption. Know
that the places of their worship are fetid
Crypts and poisoned swamps. Know that their magic is
the magic of the dead. Know that Necromancers
they. Know that the number and sign of their magic is
unknown to anyone, but most of all Necromancers under
Number and sign three and one. Know that all
Necromancers worship Nameless
Cursed absolute gods, whose names have erased from the
book of spheres and times the insane Sultan
Demons of Azagh-Toth.
Necromancers are intolerant of everything that is alive,
alive in the dead they are turning. So they are told
Their masters, the seven tribes of abominations, so their
masters, damned absolute
The gods whose names have erased from the book of
spheres and times the insane sultan of demons Azagh-
Toth. So
Cursed absolute gods are commanded by their master, the
insane sultan of demons Azagh-Toth. This is
The will of Azag-Toth in the universe, that his laugh was
Come on! Make an abomination, get the necromancers!
- 21 -
XII Magic objects
A sorcerer or priestess should be made:
Witch's wand and consecrate it with fire.
Wizard candles that under the waters of R`lah can burn.
A sorcerous dagger with which a sorcerer can handle.
Sorcerous tiara of beautiful metals, with mysterious
- 22 -
XIII Ceremony
Higher Sorcerers are able to conduct any ceremonies and
rituals, except for the ceremony
The worship of Shub-Niggurat and Hypnos. Lower wizards
are able to conduct all
Ceremonies and rituals, except the ceremony of
awakening the great Cthulhu and the ceremony
The worship of Shub-Niggurat and Hypnos. Wizards can
only perform rituals
Worship of Hypnos.
High Priestesses are able to conduct any ceremonies and
rituals. Lower Priestesses
They are able to conduct all ceremonies and rituals,
except for the great awakening ceremony
Cthulhu and the ceremony of worship of Shub-Niggurat
and Hypnos. Witches are able to conduct
Only a ritual to the worship of Hypnos.
1. Ceremony of worshiping Dagon
When the sun is low, you should hold a ceremony of
worship to Dagon. Sorcerer or Priestess
Should collect and prepare food for the deep-sea, whose
god Dagon knows the way to the palace
Great Cthulhu, that at the bottom of the bottomless ocean
he died-but-sleeps after drinking from the cup of Hypnos.
Should be prepared with clean hands: burning water, salt
fried fish, salted ...
With Yuggot, freshly brewed ......... .c K-Nyana, And a
special cup to cook the best
The masters of the tribe need, for from another bowl
Dagon refuses to eat the offering!
- 23 -
After the food is cooked, the sorcerer or priestess should
go to the edge of the world,
Alternately passing through eight gates. Then it is
necessary to ascend to the high enormous
An unfathomable cliff in the misty skies, that at the edge
of the world, where in the center rises an impregnable
The Black Citadel that inspires fear and horror. She spins
her stars, and
A fiery eye from the tallest tower looks vigilantly at the
arrivals! Sorcerer or Priestess
One must bypass that citadel by a side, in no case join
four poisonous rivers,
That in the Black Citadel the source is taken, and not to
drink from the rivers for the poison it! The banks of rivers
are endless!
Almost the entire cliff is occupied by rivers, then stinking
swamps, where the dead are their refuge
Found where the nameless black creatures are flying over
the swamps on the black dragons! Long
It is necessary to wander the sorcerer or priestess until he
comes to the edge of the cliff. Then, it follows that
Throw in the water of the bottomless ocean Rlaykh freshly
cooked food: salted fish,
Salty .... ... with Yuggota, freshly brewed ......... .. with K-
nyana, drink some of the burning water, and
Part of pour into R`Layh.
- 24 -
Further, it is necessary to make a sign of Vour and say a
prayer to Dagon:
Great Dagon!
Take the gifts of our tribe!
We remember you, remember you, too, about us!
Lift the wave, and let the waters of Rlaykh wash our land!
Then the land of our tribe will become fertile and will be
cleansed of abomination!
Next, make a sign of Kof, bow and return through the eight
gates, passing them
- 25 -
2. The ceremony of worship Shub-Niggurat and Hypnos.
Only High Priestesses are capable of carrying out.
Wizards are not allowed to enter the ceremony at all.
When the moon is more than the sun, the High Priests
should gather and go to the forest,
Alternately passing through eight gates. When they come
to the Night Forest, one should get to
Shub-Niggurat and Hypnos met in this Dark Hour.
Remember the tribe of beasts. At that place, you should
stop and hold the ceremony, for
In this hour the sun became equal to the moon.
The High Priests should make a sign of Vour and say a
Shub-Nigguratu and Hypnos:
Great Shub-Niggurath! Great Hypnos!
We met in this Dark Hour by your will and our will and the
will of the earth,
That the forest has brought up, and we remember the fiery
oceans that watchfully look from the highest tower
The black citadel, whose spiers of stars permeate, that
fear and horror induce that wolves on
At night, on that fiery eye, where in the dungeons can be
heard the frantic wails of exhausted and
Torn apart souls, where shoggoty shelter found their
where on the dragons of the nameless
- 26 -
Black creatures fly, where the poisonous four great rivers
that flow in the Rlaykh take the source
Its name, the rivers Death, Nightmare, Chaos, Plague! In
those rivers, drowned people swim,
Torn to pieces by bloodthirsty beagles dogs of eight
heads, sixteen legs and
One hundred and twenty-eight teeth in each and four jaws!
Ghouls and gnoli scour in the ass and in
Before, and if, there at the wrong time the great Beast
appears, then about the mountain to him! Will devour him
Bloodthirsty beasts are nameless, and the creeping chaos
will break into the land of that tribe from which he
Who came there not to be called! We welcome you!
Welcome and you have us!
Remember the Shub-Niggurat about the children of our
Dari Hypnos to them sweet dreams, every night that they
spend in R`Layh.
Then bow to Shub-Niggurat and Hypnos, make a sign of
Kof, wait until the sun
Becomes more of the moon and return through the eight
gates, passing them alternately.
- 27 -
3. The ceremony of worship of Hastur.
When the sun is high, you should hold a ceremony of
worship to Hastur. For this, the Sorcerer
Or the priestess, passing alternately through eight gates,
should rise to the mountain, where not
Comes the light of a fiery eye that on the highest of the
towers of the Black Citadel,
Inspiring fear and horror that spiers stitch stars, for the
sun is higher and poisonous
The rivers dried up and the way to the mountain opened,
and on the other side of that highest mountain,
A fiery eye can not see a traveler. Do not know the
nameless black beasts that
Dragons fly, where to fly and whom to devour! But
carefully traveler must sneak and nothing
From those dead fields not to take, for if he takes, then on
the way back the eye will notice him, and
Devour the nameless things of the traveler and the creepy
chaos escapes from the Black
The Citadel and the Great Grief will fall upon the family of
those who created the thief! Nothing can be taken from
That rock!
- 28 -
It is on this side that Hastur will be visible. For the light of
the fiery eye, that on the very
High of the towers of the Black Citadel, which inspires
fear and horror, that spiers stitch
Stars, this side does not reach.
Then the sorcerer or priestess should be inscribed on the
ground with the following signs and symbols,
Sign Woor, enter the star and say a prayer to Hastur:
Prayer to Hastur:
Great Hastur!
Your flame bears warmth and joy for all tribes!
Grant him and our tribe!
For we honor you!
Our fire, like luck, is a double-edged sword. I was told that
the divers
It is considered luck if Polyps bite off a diver's arm or leg,
not his head! Let our
Fire will fortune our luck in happiness, and our houses will
not burn!
Next, the Sorcerer or Priestess, can ask Hastur to fulfill
any desire.
- 29 -
After the desire is enigmatic, you should say the magic
Doing sometimes good luck can turn around - that's the
will of the case.
Do what you want - that's the whole law. Love is the law.
Love by misfortune can turn, easily,
The house of love was honored, easy,
So can all houses burn,
But when the blood is pure -
The flame will light up,
Success will turn into happiness,
Merry joy in the house came,
And Hastur fulfilled my desire.
Next, you should bow to Hastur and get out of the star.
After leaving, it is necessary to make a sign of Kof,
Erase signs and without looking back, that there is a spirit
to run from that mountain, through eight gates, running
Them in turn. For if it does not erase, then the Terrible
Ancient Sorcerer that lives in
The Black Citadel will rise to that mountain, go around it,
look at the signs and understand who and
Where, that thief and spy was! Immediately he will send a
creeping chaos so that he destroys
The family of that spy and thief!
- thirty -
4. The ceremony of awakening the great Cthulhu
Remember! Only High Sorcerers and High Priestesses,
mutated into hybrids, capable of
Breathe under the waters of R`Lykh, and the already
familiar eyes, only they are able to hold
Ceremony. When the sun is greater than the moon, one
should hold the ceremony of awakening the great
It should be carefully prepared, cleaned, eat well, because
there is no way to go
Close, take the way of burning water, salted fried fish,
salted .... .. Yuggota, freshly
Cooked ... .. ...... .. with K-Nyana.
After that, you should go to the edge of the world, to the
cliff, opening and closing one by one
All the gates. Then you should ascend to a high cliff in a
misty skies above the edge of the world, where
The imposing fear and horror of the Black Citadel, its
Strings of stars, and a fiery eye from the highest tower
looks sharp! Higher
Wizards and High Priestesses should wait until the fiery
eye sees them.
Then the gates of the Black Citadel will open, for at this
time the moon became equal to the sun, and enter into the
The citadel of High Sorcerers and High Priestesses
- 31 -
In the Black impregnable Citadel, what fear and horror
inspires, whose tower stars string,
And on the highest tower, a fiery eye is watching vigilantly
over those places where
Shub-Niggurat and Hypnos and the travelers are following,
it is necessary to find a room where it will stand
Table with the following sign:

In the fireplace, that in the room, you should build a fire.

Next, sit around the table, get
Burning water, salted fried fish, salted .. ...... with
Yuggota, fresh cooked
.. ......... .. with K-nyana, lay out on the table. Then, by lot,
the leader of the ceremony is chosen.
After the lot falls, He must get up, raise the cup with the
burning water and say
Witch formula in the western window of the Tower, so that
Dagon would hear it:
Let's remember those who fell from a high cliff, frightened
of a fiery eye,
For the black citadel is inaccessible, it inspires fear and
horror, sharp towers!
The Great Sorcerer of the past bewitched these walls with
a terrible Witchcraft!
This is the sign of this terrible Black Almighty Mad Mad
- 32 -
Amnem, fell from these ancient walls, precious stones to
the bottom of Rlaykh.
Let's remember those who drowned in Rlaykh, remember
those who were devoured by polyps.
Remained from them only memory, and memory will live
But when Cthulhu wakes up, he can revitalize the stone!
And Dagon will return it to the surface, come up about
And drown the citadel, so that the fiery eye soon faded.
Then all the people will come out with their fire to the
And we take those lights with us to the bottom of Rlaykh!
From the light of those fires the great Cthulhu
Wake up and water fires the lights.
And the halls of the Citadel will be flooded
Black waters R`lyh!
Then the sorcerer or the priestess must drink the burning
water. Then everyone else should
To drink burning water. Further, (if it is a sorcerer, then
the priestess should add, if it's a priestess, then
The sorcerer must be topped up) he must be topped off
with still burning water and say one more
The witch formula should:
Making light bears!
Making happiness bears!
Making joy brings!
Doing immortality gives!
After that, all sorcerers and priestesses should honor the
silence of the fallen, falling, and those to whom
Will fall from the walls of the impregnable Black Citadel,
where the highest tower
A fiery eye is burning, a secret sees the light. They should
sit silently - to speak
It is forbidden, only to laugh and make faces to each
other. If anyone first says goodbye,
By chance or just so, then he will serve the rest of the
ceremony to the rest.
It can also happen that someone falls asleep faster than
someone will say a word. But how
The rule, the one who will serve the rest, is found out even
before the first falls asleep.
After that, everyone begins to talk, and tell each other
amazing stories about
Amazing worlds that exist only in their minds. A friend will
give a secret whisper
Friend that sometimes, when the great Cthulhu awakens,
the amazing ceases to be simple
Desire, but becomes quite a purely concrete thing that
can be seen and even
All wizards and priestesses, regardless of whether he is
leading or an employee, should at least once, but
To support the fire in the fireplace. Keep the fire in the
fireplace until they all are
Fall asleep forever, except the last. The last, create
another witchcraft
The formula should. After that, he must extinguish the
fireplace so that the citadel is not burnt and that
The sleeping did not burn in the citadel. When the latter
falls asleep, then the great Cthulhu, again
Awakened by the remaining burning water, will wake up,
and extinguish that burning water that near
With the sleepers remained. And he will call Dagon to
make the citadel on the surface to
- 33 -
The fire in the flaming light again ignited, so that he did
not interfere with sleep. When everyone wakes up
Sleep, one of them must say the magic formula:
That is not dead, that eternity protects, death with
eternity sometimes dies.
Further, all sorcerers and priestesses must leave the
citadel, make a sign of Kof, bow
A fiery eye that entered the citadel, and returned in turn,
each to his own gate.
- 34 -
XIV Rituals
I. The ritual of Hastur's summoning to destroy the enemy
Remember that only by becoming the Lower Sorcerer or
the Lower Priestess, can one summon Hastur,
So that he would fulfill any reasonable desire of a sorcerer
or priestess.
I Opening and passing through eight gates and climbing a
The first gate. Passing through the first gate, it is
necessary to create a sign of Vour and pronounce
Witch formula:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gate, that in the east beyond the valley of light,
for I know the place, I have the key and
sign. I'm alive and nothing will stop me at this hour!
- 35 -
The second gate. Passing through the second gate, it is
necessary to create the sign of Wur and follows
Utter the magic formula:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gates, that beyond the horizon of the gray plains
in the west, for I know the place,
And a sign is placed. I remember death, let my death be
- 36 -
Third gate. Passing through the third gate, it is necessary
to create a sign of Vour and pronounce
Witch formula:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gates, that is deeper than the black abyss of the
ocean, for I know the place,
sign. May the elder Gods protect my house securely!
The fourth gate. Passing through the fourth gate, it is
necessary to create a sign of Vour and pronounce
Witch formula:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gate that is higher than the stars, because I
know the place, I have a key and have a sign. Let
The elder Gods reliably protect my brothers and sisters,
fathers and mothers!
- 37 -
Fifth Gate. Passing through the fifth gate, it is necessary
to create the sign of Wur and to utter the witch formula:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gate, that in the far north, at the end of the
world, for I know the place, I have the key and the sign.
May the elder Gods grant my house, my brothers and
sisters, fathers and mothers love!
The sixth gate. Passing through the sixth gate, it is
necessary to create the sign of Wur and utter the magic
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gates in the south, that behind the ridges of
insanity are buried, for I know the place, have a key and
have a sign. May the elder Gods not let fall asleep to my
dead-but-sleeping heart!
- 38 -
II The Creation of Signs on the Earth
Sign I
- 39 -
Sign II
The Creation of the Woor Sign, the Entry into the Star, the
Call of Hastur and
Prayer of annihilation of the enemy
Great Hastur! Come, listen to me, listen and fulfill my
Happiness in my house turned into ............. Through
fault ......
In my house ......... .. through fault ...................
Do what ......... - that's the whole ..........
Let him have luck ............... ..
Let his house ..................
This is my desire.
I remember the covenant!
When the blood is pure, you see in your own, remember
and you are a covenant!
And make my luck fortune, luck fortunately turned,
And the joy in the house ................
And my desire was fulfilled.
Then it is necessary to leave the star and make the sign of
IV Destroying signs from the ground
V Descent from the mountain and exit from the eight gates
in turn, closing them with the sign of Kof.
VI The completion of the ritual with the sign of Kof-40 -
- 40 -
I. The Hypnosis Appeal Ritual
I Descent into the abyss
In the stellar heights where my spirit sleeps, the Most
ancient live,
In the black abysses of the ocean, where my spirit sleeps,
the Ancient Ones live,
In the east, where my spirit sleeps, the Most ancient live,
In the west, where my spirit is asleep, the Ancient Ones
In the far north, where my spirit sleeps, the Ancient Ones
In the red south, where my spirit sleeps, the Ancient Ones
......... ..
......... ..
Hear the Most Ancient Gods! Hear Hypnos!
II Creation of a sign on the earth for seven days.
- 41 -
III Prayer to Hypnos with a request to grant sleep on the
eighth day.
Around me there are shadows, that the servants of your
servants, O Hypnos,
O most gracious Hypnos! Grant me .....................!
Almighty Hypnos! By thy mercy let there be no more
death, no more pain,
There will be no getting rid of them!
I find a life where there is no lie or truth,
I am dead, and my crypt is empty,
I build a house where holiness and sin settled,
I find a family where all strangers and relatives,
I know love, which is only hatred,
I awake my dead-but-sleeping heart,
Where are the secrets that I do not know,
Where are the paths that I have not been through,
Remained only in memory
IV Destroying the sign from the ground.
- 42 -
... whose hand gathers souls in death?
That the gate is locked below the eye of the snake?
I. Carter's Certificate
II. Open the gate spell
III. The Ritual of the Blessing of the Mortal
IV. Ritual of the curse of the mortal
V. The ritual of blessing the gathering of mortals
VI. Ritual of the curse of mortal gathering
VII. The Rite of the Blessing of the Place
VIII. Ritual of the curse of the place
I. Carter's Certificate
March 29, 1879
... the search for a forgotten city after a few weeks ended
in success. According to legend, books and scrolls of
cultists were kept here, who worshiped a gloomy deity, no
Azag-Toth. Closer to the evening of March 29, in a remote,
deserted area, we saw strange stone monoliths with
mysterious letters and images of god-bitten beasts. In
height, they were little more than a meter, and in terms of
the entire complex of monoliths looked like an eight-
pointed star, with a beam span of four to five meters.
According to our considerations, it had to be one of the
venues for the terrible and wicked rituals that are
mentioned in the sketchy forbidden manuscripts of the
Middle Ages magicians. Here, in any case, we should not
have to find documents and evidence that would confirm
or refute our assumptions.
Witches' books and scrolls, as far as we knew, were
written in times before the Sumerians by cultists who
worshiped some of the most ancient Gods. Among them,
the cultists especially distinguished Azag-Toth. The
forbidden manuscripts of the Middle Ages, this deity is
referred to, in particular, in a wicked treatise «Seven
souls for Father Devil» Warlock Di Terreks speaks about
some "absolutely mad god", literally, absolutely mad,
angry god black chaos of the abyss, which in a fit of rage
kills and It creates infinite worlds and bleeding teeth
gnawing the granite foundations of the world created by
the Almighty Creator who gives life a different (?) those
who took the chaos of darkness in his soul. It's hard to
believe that there would be someone who decides to
commit such eerie rituals. Even Dee Terrex himself, just
as his soul was not black with sins, never dared to call
If we are here we find the promised forbidden manuscripts
books and scrolls, it can be a serious argument in favor of
the fact whether in fact those warlocks darkness
messengers (and whether or not to give them such a fair
attention in the search for the truth of the Christian God),
or else they were Obscurant scoundrels, earning their
thirty silver pieces by fooling the man in the street. And at
the expense of our peace of mind, I and other members of
the expedition in no way did not worry, because we have
all been blessed with a cardinal in St. Peter's in the
Vatican. We were sure that no reptile or other creature of
darkness would dare to touch us.
April 8, 1879
After several days of excavation, we found a dome of a
structure, completely covered with sand on the outside.
We had to punch a hole in the dome to get on the ropes
inside the structure. Inside the building was large, the
height from floor to ceiling was about ten meters and a
width of about fifteen meters. Inside there was a large
number of columns with inscriptions in an unknown
language. We assumed that this should be a kind of cult
structure. Before continuing the study, the priest from our
expedition sprinkled the room with holy water and read
great prayers for - 3 -
Exorcism. The next day we decided to spend for a detailed
study of the room.
April 9, 1879
Descending the ropes down, we proceeded to inspect the
premises. The first Cho was struck by the huge columns
that rested on the ceiling, only 24 columns. The columns
in the plan formed three circles, one inside the other,
eight columns in each. But not the columns and the godly
drawings on them plunged us into horror, but the
absolutely unimaginable sculpture of the snake that stood
in the center of this whole structure. The sculpture was
made entirely of black onyx, with such stunning precision
and attention to detail that it began to seem like a living
being. But this absolutely surely could not be a living
being, for even the devil would never dare to take on such
a face. The snake had two heads. The body of the serpent
was intertwined around the tree, and its two terrible
muzzles stared at each other above the tree's edge. We
felt uneasy, and we decided to finish today with an
inspection, none of us was ready to face such a dark,
ancient evil.
April 10, 1879
In the morning, after praying and receiving communion,
we again went downstairs and became confused. The
point was that at the place where yesterday there was a
statue of a two-headed snake, today there was nothing.
More precisely, in place of the statue was some kind of
entrance even deeper into the ground, where it was cold
and demonic horror. Looking back, we saw something
completely inexplicable. Columns around the circle were
entwined with the same snake from the statue. It so
happens that we seem to have appeared in the
environment, like a snake trying to strangle us in their
rings, and if not for a column, swear all the saints, tyk
have happened.
Suddenly huge
The first gate. Opening the first gate, it is necessary to
create the sign of Woor and to pronounce the witch's
formula, after that you should light the corresponding cup:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gate, that in the east beyond the valley of light,
for I know the place, I have the key and the sign. I'm alive
and nothing will stop me at this hour!
The second gate. Opening the first gate, it is necessary to
create the sign of Woor and to pronounce the witch's
formula, after that you should light the corresponding cup:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gates, that beyond the horizon of gray plains in
the west, for I know the place, I have a key and a sign. I
remember death, let my death be easy!
Third gate. Opening the first gate, it is necessary to create
the sign of Woor and to pronounce the witch's formula,
after that you should light the corresponding cup:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gates, that is deeper than the black abyss of the
ocean, for I know the place, is guided by the key and is
guided by the sign. May the elder Gods protect my house
The fourth gate. Opening the first gate, it is necessary to
create the sign of Woor and to pronounce the witch's
formula, after that you should light the corresponding cup:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gate that is higher than the stars, because I
know the place, I have a key and have a sign. May the
elder Gods securely protect my brothers and sisters,
fathers and mothers!
Fifth Gate. Opening the first gate, it is necessary to create
the sign of Woor and to pronounce the witch's formula,
after that you should light the corresponding cup:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gate, that in the far north, at the end of the
world, for I know the place, I have the key and the sign.
May the elder Gods grant my house, my brothers and
sisters, fathers and mothers love!
The sixth gate. Opening the first gate, it is necessary to
create the sign of Woor and to pronounce the witch's
formula, after that you should light the corresponding cup:
Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
guardians of the gates subordinate,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Open the Gates in the south, that behind the ridges of
insanity are buried, for I know the place, have a key and
have a sign. May the elder Gods not let fall asleep to my
dead-but-sleeping heart!
... ..
... ..
After, you should light the central bowl
III. The ritual of the blessing of the mortal.
I. The call of the great Wirma J'iga.
Great Wyrm Y'ig!
You are the one who knows about the past, the present
and the future.
Your eyes are written the book of spheres and times,
Which is owned by the insane sultan of demons Azagh-
Hear me and fulfill my desire!
II. Open the gate spell
III. A spell of blessing the mortal.
Great Wyrm Y'ig!
Turn over the pages of mortal ......... from the book of
spheres and times.
The book of spheres and times keeps his past.
Good and bad, light and darkness
Bright days
Dark nights
Heat and cold at home
Joy and sorrow of loved ones and relatives
Meetings and partings with loved ones
Beautiful and terrible dreams of a dead-but-sleeping heart.
The book of spheres and times knows the grief of his
Good and bad, light and darkness
Short, bright days
Long dark nights
Cold at home
Sorrow of loved ones and relatives
Parting with your loved ones
Scary dreams of a dead-but-sleeping heart.
The phantom past and the foggy future are mixed in the
frenzied laughter of Azagh-Toth and fit into the real book
of spheres and times, where everyone's destiny is
determined by the insane sultan of demons Azagh-To.
Great Wyrm Y'ig!
You are the one who knows about the past, the present
and the future.
You are the one who flips through the pages of the book of
spheres and times
You can change destiny .......... I wish him:
Long, bright days, full of joy
Short dark nights
Warm light house
Merry joys of loved ones and relatives
Long meetings with loved ones
Beautiful endless dreams to a dead-but-sleeping heart.
- 10 -

This is my will,
The book of spheres and times has changed
And fate .......... Has blossomed.
After the spell is read, you should burn the scroll with the
sign of the mortal.

IV. Close the gates spell.

Yog-Sottot knows where the Gateway is to the Outside,
Yog-Sottot is aware of the ancient keys that the Gate is
The Yog-Sottot is aware of the secret signs that the
Guardians of the Gate are subjugated,
Yog-Sottot is aware of those who pass through the Gate,
Yog-Sottot is the Gate and the Key and the Guardian and
the Traveler.
Yog-Sottot! Close the Gates in this hour!
- eleven -
V. The end of the ritual.
Great Wyrm Y'ig!
You are the one who knows about the past, the present
and the future.
Your eyes are written the book of spheres and times,
Which is owned by the insane sultan of demons Azagh-
- 12 -
IV. Ritual of the curse of the mortal.
I. The call of the great Wirma J'iga.
II. Open the gate spell
III. Spell the curse of a mortal.
Great Wyrm Y'ig!
Turn over the pages of mortal ......... from the book of
spheres and times.
The book of spheres and times keeps his past.
Good and bad, light and darkness
Bright days
Dark nights
Heat and cold at home
Joy and sorrow of loved ones and relatives
Meetings and partings with loved ones
Beautiful and terrible dreams of a dead-but-sleeping heart.
The book of spheres and times knows the dreams of his
Good and bad, light and darkness
Long, bright days
Short dark nights
Heat at Home
Joy of loved ones and relatives
Meetings with loved ones
Beautiful dreams of a dead-but-sleeping heart.
The phantom past and the foggy future are mixed in the
frenzied laughter of Azagh-Toth and fit into the real book
of spheres and times, where everyone's destiny is
determined by the insane sultan of demons Azagh-To.
Great Wyrm Y'ig!
You are the one who knows about the past, the present
and the future.
You are the one who flips through the pages of the book of
spheres and times
You can change destiny .......... I wish him:
Short, bright days full of grief
Long dark nights full of terror
Cold empty house,
Mournful sorrow of loved ones and relatives
Long partings with loved ones
Scary endless dreams to a dead-but-sleeping heart.
This is my will,
The book of spheres and times has changed
And fate .......... Broke.
- 13 -
After the spell is read, you should burn the scroll with the
sign of the mortal.
IV. Close the gates spell.
V. The end of the ritual.
- 14 -
V. The ritual of blessing the gathering of mortals
I The call of the great Wyrm J'iga.
II The spell of opening the gates
III spell curse
Great Wyrm Y'ig!
Turn over the pages from the book of spheres and mortal
times ..........
The book of spheres and times keeps their past:
Strength and disease surrounded them,
Success and failure,
Happiness and sorrow,
Beauty and ugliness surrounded them,
Anger and prudence,
Envy and goodness,
Truth and lies surrounded them.
The book of spheres and times knows their future:
Their life could be surrounded by fierce illnesses
Failure could be in any case
The misfortune could be in any case
Their life could be surrounded by a frantic horror
Anger could poison their minds
Envy could poison their minds
Their fate could be surrounded by evil lies
Great Wyrm Y'ig!
You are the one who knows about the past, the present
and the future.
You are the one who flips through the pages of the book of
spheres and times
You can change destiny ............ .. I wish them:
A life full of good health,
Fulfilled good luck,
Happy happiness in any business
A life full of bright beauty,
The prudence of the shining and
Full bowl of goodness
A life full of clear truth
This is my will,
The book of spheres and times has changed,
And the spirits-protectors surrounded with
care ..................
- 15 -
After the spell is read, you should burn the scroll with the
sign of the mortal.
IV. Close the gates spell.
V. The end of the ritual.
- 16 -
VI. Ritual of the curse of mortal gathering
I The call of the great Wyrm J'iga.
II The spell of opening the gates
III spell curse
Two-faced god of serpents J'ig! Turn your gaze into the
terrestrial realm to my desire, and turn your gaze to the
book of spheres and times that the insane sultan of
demons Azagh-Toth owns.
Great Wyrm Y'ig!
Turn over pages from the book of the spheres and times of
mortals ............... ..
The book of spheres and times knows their past:
Strength and disease surrounded them,
Success and failure,
Happiness and sorrow,
Beauty and ugliness surrounded them,
Anger and prudence,
Envy and goodness,
Truth and lies surrounded them.
The book of spheres and times knows their future:
Their life could be surrounded by force
Luck could be in any case
Happiness could be in any case
Their life could be surrounded by beauty
Prudence could be in any case
Good could be in any case
Their fate could be a full cup with life-giving fruits
Great Wyrm Y'ig!
You are the one who knows about the past, the present
and the future.
You are the one who flips through the pages of the book of
spheres and times
You can change destiny ............ .. I wish them:
A life full of rattlesnakes
A life in which marsh failure grows its bastards
Life, when any business ends in bitter misfortune
A life full of god-fearing ugliness
A life in which anger tears tendons and breaks bones
Their life is a full cup
Their life is a full bowl of poisonous lies and a broken
This is my will,
The book of spheres and times has changed,
And to ............... came demons and hungry ghosts, ghouls
with empty eye sockets and angry ghouls.
- 17 -
After the spell is read, you should burn the scroll with the
sign of the mortal.

IV. Close the gates spell.

V. The end of the ritual.
- 18 -

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