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Case Assignment

“Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO)”

by: Jesica B. Galve
Student, MAEd- SSt

Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), regional-defense organization

from 1955 to 1977, created by the Southeast Asia Collective Defence Treaty, signed
at Manila on Sept. 8, 1954, by the representatives of Australia, France, New
Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The treaty came into force on Feb. 19, 1955. The roots of SEATO can be found in one of
the main events of the Cold War: communist victory in the civil war in China, leading to
the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in October 1949. The struggle
to contain communism in Vietnam defined SEATO from start to finish; massive
American military intervention sidelined SEATO in 1965.
The formation of SEATO was a response to the demand that the Southeast Asian
area be protected against communist expansionism, especially as manifested through
military aggression in Korea and Indochina and through subversion backed by organized
armed forces in Malaysia and the Philippines. Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos (the
successor states of Indochina) were not considered for membership in SEATO for
reasons that related to the Geneva agreements of 1954 on Vietnam. These states were,
however, accorded military protection by a protocol. Other nations of South and
Southeast Asia preferred to retain their foreign policies of nonalignment.
This organization has played a big part in maintaining peace around the corners of
the region and nations associated in the organization. This prevents the outgrowing power
of communism in the region. As the communist threat appeared to change from one of
outright attack to one of internal subversion, SEATO worked to strengthen the economic
foundations and living standards of the Southeast Asian States. It maintained no military
forces of its own, but the organization hosted joint military exercises for member states
each year.
As for the formation of this organization, I believe the Rimland theory
applied. After the war, there were two major world powers left standing: the United
States and the Soviet Union. These two countries became locked in a global battle for
ideological dominance, leading to the state of political tension known as the Cold War.
The United States believed in spreading democracy, while the Soviet Union did its best to
spread communism. The formation of SEATO was a response to the demand that the
Southeast Asian area be protected against communist expansionism. From the history of
the organization, it is created with the cooperation of alliances to prevent the outgrowing

power of communism in the region. Due to this member states, which is the Rimland (the
land around the Heartland) - the “heartland” is maintained and kept powerful, making it
impossible for one country (USA) to control it. The nation states including France,
Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Pakistan, Thailand, and the
United States, pledged themselves to “act to meet the common danger” in the
event of aggression against any signatory state. A separate protocol to SEATO
designated Laos, Cambodia, and “the free territory under the jurisdiction of the
State of Vietnam [South Vietnam]” as also being areas subject to the provisions of
the treaty. SEATO is an international organization that maintains the security and
peace in the region.

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