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Gold Experience B1 Progress test 8

Name Class

1 Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1 I was really excited about seeing the lions which/who live in the zoo.
2 The book which/who I bought on holiday is my favourite.
3 Will the student who/which is talking please be quiet?
4 My favourite singer is the small one who/which wears glasses.
5 The bus which/who has just arrived is going to the beach.
6 New York is a city who/which has lots of great restaurants.

2 Rewrite the two sentences as one. Use which or who.

1 There’s the beach. We went there last summer.

There’s the beach which we went to last summer.

2 Hip hop is a kind of music. It is very popular with teenagers.


3 Rupert Grint is an actor. He was in the Harry Potter films.


4 Shakespeare is a writer. He wrote Romeo and Juliet.


5 Do you know the man? He said ‘hello’ to you.


6 There’s the English teacher. She taught me last year.


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3 Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1 We’re going abroad tomorrow. You mustn’t/you’ll have to forget your passport.
2 You have to/don’t have to take a lot of luggage with you. We’re only going away for one night!
3 It will be really cold in Iceland. You will have to/had to wear warm clothes there.
4 My bag was too heavy. I had to/must ask someone to help me with it.
5 You mustn’t/don’t have to forget to call me when you get there.
6 The flight was delayed. I must/had to wait for ages.

4 Complete each gap with one word only.

When you arrive at the airport you 1) mustn’t forget to go and get your luggage. Then go to the taxi

rank 2) _________ is in front of the airport. That might take a while. Last time I was at the airport I

3) _________ to wait for thirty minutes for a taxi! Ask the driver to take you to 11 Brompton Road. I’ll

be waiting for you. You 4) _________ have to bring a lot of stuff with you. I have everything you need.

Your mum will worry about you travelling alone. You’ll have 5) _________ call her when you get to

my house. Oh, and you 6) __________ worry about eating new or different food. Mum cooks great
Italian food.

5 Complete the sentences with these words.
abroad border flight landed taking off motorway
1 Mum says we might go abroad next year for the first time. I’m really excited!

2 There was a really big traffic jam on the _____________ and we didn’t move for hours.

3 Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy your _____________ !

4 We were really excited when the plane _____________ . We were finally in Australia!

5 I love looking out the window when the plane is _____________ .

6 We live in the south of France, very near the Spanish _____________ .

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6 Choose the correct option for each sentence.
1 Our journey/travel to Kenya took about four hours by plane.
2 Mum’s just back from a business journey/trip to London.
3 I got back to France two days ago. I had a great travel/trip!
4 My best friend is going to travel/trip to Japan next week.
5 The plane was delayed so the journey/trip home took ages.
6 My brother loves travel/travels. He’s been to lots of interesting places.

7 Complete the travel story with these words and phrases.

abroad check-in checked in delay delayed destination journey
passport sightseeing traffic jam trip
It was a cool morning in August when my family and I set off on our holidays. Our 1) destination?

Sunny Greece! I couldn’t wait to swim in the sea and go 2) _______________. Unfortunately, we had a

few problems on the (3) _______________ . We were nearly at the airport, when my dad realised he

didn’t have his 4) _______________ and we had to go home and get it. On the way back to the airport

we got stuck in a huge 5) _______________ and Mum and Dad had a big fight. When we got to the

6) _______________ , we were a bit late, but this wasn’t a big problem because our plane was

7) _______________ by six hours! Well anyway, we 8) _______________ and sat in the airport for

ages. I read two novels while we waited! In the end we were able to leave. We arrived in Crete late at

night because of the 9) _______________, but we found our hotel without any problems and had a

10) _______________ . I’m looking forward to my next holiday 11) _______________ !


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8 Listen to a conversation about a journey. Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
1 How many times has Bob been to Canada before?
A never
B once
C twice
2 The weather in Canada is
A very cold.
B very warm.
C warm during the day and cold at night.
3 Tom tells Bob to bring
A lots of warm clothes.
B a present for his mum.
C his passport.
4 Tom thinks the flight will be
A long and boring.
B comfortable.
C frightening.
5 Tom won’t be able to meet Bob because
A he’s playing basketball.
B he’s playing football.
C he’s playing tennis.
6 Who is going to meet Bob?
A Tom’s mum
B Tom’s brother
C Tom

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9 Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences.
1 I’m really excited about my trip!

2 I’ve got lots of jackets and sweatshirts you can _________ .

3 You _________ play computer games during take-off.

4 I _________ be able to meet you off your flight.

5 You’ll _________ him when you see him. He’s really tall.

6 What do you think she _________ like?

10 Match the sentences (1–6) with the responses (a–f).
1 We went to Spain on holiday last year. b

2 I lost my passport when I was in Paris on the school trip last year. ____

3 My parents went to London last weekend. ____

4 I met my favourite singer at the music festival last summer. ____

5 My sister’s broken her leg. ____

6 My brother’s in hospital at the moment. ____

a How did that happen? Was she playing football?

b Really? That’s nice. Did you have a good time?
c Did they go on the London Eye?
d That’s awful. What’s the matter with him?
e What happened next? Did you go to the police station?
f Really? So did you ask for his autograph?

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11 Reorder the pairs of sentences to make a conversation about a holiday disaster (1–6).
____ A He couldn’t stop being sick.
B Oh dear! Was it something he ate?
____ A The first day was nice, but then my brother got ill.
B That’s awful! What was the matter with him?
1 A I went on holiday to Malta last year. 1
B That’s nice!
____ A Well, we didn’t want to go and have fun without him so we stayed in the hospital too.
B Oh dear!
____ A Yes, I think so. He ate some meat which wasn’t cooked.
B Did he go to hospital?
____ A Yes, he was in hospital for two days.
B What did you do?

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Dream holidays for all

1 I like a holiday destination where you learn new things. I don’t want to go on holiday with my
family. I like to be with people my own age. Maya, 15
2 I really don’t like hot weather. I like places which are quiet and not too busy. Rafael, 14
3 My ideal holiday is a big busy city with lots of shops, museums and interesting buildings. I
don’t like to be bored! Gloria, 14
4 I like to be lazy on holiday. I don’t like sightseeing but I love hot weather and beaches!
Roberto, 16

a Last year I went to England to learn English at a summer camp. I studied at Cambridge, which
is famous for its beautiful university and lovely old buildings. I met some really great people
who I am efriends with now. I had a great teacher who was good fun. I had to speak English all
the time and I understand so much more now. On the way home my flight was delayed but that
was OK. I could spend longer in England!
b My best holiday was when my family and I went to Croatia. We stayed on Hvar Island, which is
really beautiful. It was amazing! We all just relaxed and enjoyed spending time together! It was
my first time abroad, so I will never forget it.
c A trip to Amsterdam was my best ever holiday. We saw so many interesting things: shops,
museums and galleries. We visited the Van Gogh Museum, which has the most beautiful
paintings I’ve ever seen in my life. Amsterdam is a city which doesn’t have many traffic jams.
Why? Everybody travels by bicycle!
d Last year my Mum and I went to Tromsø, which is the capital of the Arctic. It’s a really cool
city in Norway. Every day we travelled to quiet places near Tromsø and went walking in the
beautiful countryside. After a week in Norway we crossed the border into Russia to visit my
cousins who live there.

12 Match the people (1–4) with their dream holidays (a–d).

1 a

2 ____

3 ____

4 ____

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13 Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Where did Maya study English?

in Cambridge

2 Why is Cambridge famous?


3 Did Maya like her teacher?


4 Why was she happy when her flight was delayed?


5 Who did Roberto go on holiday with?


6 Why will he never forget this holiday?


7 Did he do a lot of sightseeing?


8 What can you see in the Van Gogh Museum?


9 Why doesn’t Amsterdam have a lot of traffic jams?


10 Which country is Tromsø in?


11 Why did Rafael and his mum cross the border?



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14 Match the bold words in the text with their meanings.
1 late delayed

2 the line which divides two countries _____________

3 a different country _____________

4 when there is too much traffic on the road _____________

5 the place you are travelling to _____________

6 a journey by plane _____________

7 visiting famous and interesting places on holiday _____________

8 short holiday or visit _____________

15 Complete the blog post with these words and phrases.
all the time had an amazing time Let me know what you think
my top tip What do you think of this photo Yawn
1) What do you think of this photo? This is me with my new friends on holiday in the Seychelles. The

funny thing is that my friends didn’t speak very much English and I don’t speak any French – not

before this holiday anyway!

When my mum told me we were going abroad, I was happy until I realised that this meant two weeks

without my school friends and only my parents and ten-year-old brother for company.

2) ______________________________ ! I didn’t want to be with my family

3) ______________________________ so before going on holiday I bought a dictionary and some

French books and started to learn some words. I wanted to make friends my own age on holiday. And

guess what? On the first day I met Cedric and Dominique. Well, I couldn’t say very much but I knew

enough to have a chat and to have fun! It was fantastic and I 4) ______________________________ .

So what’s 5) ______________________________ for family holidays? If you want to make friends and

have fun, learn the language before you go. Is this a good idea? 6) _____________________________ .

Sasha, 15

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16 Read the blog post again and answer the questions.
1 Where did Sasha go on holiday?

the Seychelles

2 Who did she go with?


3 What did she do before she went on holiday?


4 Who did she meet on holiday?


5 Did she have a good time?


6 What is her top tip for a good holiday?


17 Write a blog entry about a holiday you have been on. Write about 100 words. Use the
questions in Exercise 16 to help you. Remember to include your top tip.


Total: 100

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