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Recollection Module for Grade 10/12 Students

07:30 – 07:34 - Opening Prayer
07:35 – 07:59 - Introduction
08:00 – 08:59 - Session 1
09:00 – 09:44 - Ice Breaker & Session 2
09:45 – 10:14 - Break
10:15 - Session 3
01:00 – 01:49 - Ice Breaker & Session 4a
01:50 – 02:34 - Session 4b
02:35 - Session 5
I. Introduction
- Opening Prayer – (MV “The God of Silence”)
- Orientation
- What is recollection?
- explain what it is all about
- Rules and Regulations
1. You are having a recollection, silence is observed.
2. The place is a Seminary, super silence is observed.
3. We are in the Chapel, super-duper silence is observed.
4. Garbage
5. Allowed Places and the Off-limits Locations
- Introducing One’s Self
- Nickname, Age, Ambitions in Life (10 years from now), Gift from God
(Talent/Skills/What Are You Good At?)
- Setting up of expectation and time schedule
II. Session 1: Self
a. Activity 1: ME, MYSELF AND I
- Facilitator introduces himself by explaining the meanings/history behind his
- Facilitator asks the student to reflect on why their parents gave that kind of name.
1. Why are you named like that? What is the meaning of your name?
2. Who named you?
3. What are your strengths? Cite 5 at the back of the bondpaper and draw a
symbol of your greatest strength above your name.
4. What are your weaknesses? Cite 5 at the back of the bondpaper and draw
a symbol of your greatest weakness below your name.

- The students are asked to draw and decorate with colors their names (first name
or nickname) on a bond paper.
- The students are also asked to write down the meaning and the history of their
name on the same bond paper.
- SHARING (to be presented individually)
- Name is the first gift from our parents. We don’t earn our name but
somebody gave it to us – may it be our Mother, Father, Aunt, Uncle,
- God commanded us to name the creations (Gen 2:18). Naming is very
powerful act. We are free to use this power to destroy others (naming others
with bad names, e.g. Teasing) and give life to others, e.g. Encouraging.
- Sometimes we can’t see many of our strengths because we focus much on
our weaknesses or we compare ourselves to others. What we should do is
to be focused on our uniqueness because it is a gift from God and nobody
can have that uniqueness within us. Without that uniqueness, we are
III. Session 2: Friends
a. Activity 2: WHO ARE YOU?
- The students are grouped by two, preferably close friends. They are asked to draw
the face of their friend and narrate the story of their friend.
1. Draw the face of your friend, color it however you want.
2. Draw a symbol that reminds you of her/him in a good way.
3. Draw a symbol that reminds you of her/him in a bad way.
4. What do you think are his/her strengths?
5. What do you think are his/her weaknesses?
- SHARING (to be presented by the diad)
- We are created in the image and likeness of God. We cannot live without
other people. Thus we are created as social being and cannot live without
- We are incomplete and God created an equal helpmate to discover who
we really are.
- We don’t impose our own image/ideas to our friends but rather let them
grown in their own identity.
III. Session 3: Family
a. Activity 3: MY FAMILY BOX
- The students are asked to draw and color a family box in a sheet of bond paper.
- The students are to identify and fill up “one box” in the time line with the
information on family members (e.g. Name, Place/Date of Birth, Favorites, Works,
Special Memory with the Family Member, how the student relate with the Family
- SHARING (to be presented by a representative of the group)
- Divide the participants into groups with a maximum number of 10.
1. What is an ideal family for you?
2. Who is your favorite? Why?
3. Who is your least favorite? Why?
4. What is your unforgettable memory/special event with your family?
5. What is your unforgettable painful memory/event with your family?
6. How are you in your family now?
7. What is your unique role in your family?
- Everyone has a special place in the family.
- Each family is unique and everyone has a unique role in a family.
- Everyone has a special story to share with others and as we narrate our
story, we also shape other people’s stories.
- How important it is to trust our friends as we discover ourselves.
IV. Session 4: God
a. Activity 4: OUR STORY IN GOD
- The facilitator shares his vocation story to set the mood and offer inspiration.
- The facilitator gives questions to ponder on.
1. Who do people say about me?
2. Who am I actually?
3. What was the great experience that changed my life and greatly shaped
my identity?
4. How do I see God working in this experience?
- SHARING (to be presented by a representative of the group)
- The participants will go back to their own group and have the group
b. Activity 5: LETTER TO GOD (no presentation)
- The participants are going to write a letter to God in a piece of bondpaper, he/she
can design it with the use of crayons.
- His/her letter will be based on the outcome of the things he/she shared and learned
in the whole activity.
- When it is done, the burning of letter will follow. (Needed: Empty Flower Pot &
Lighted Candle).
V. Session 5: Expressing One’s Self
a. Activity 6: THANKS/SORRY/I LOVE YOU (no presentation)
- The participants are going to form a big circle and bring their own candles.
- A candle will be lighted by a participant and this participant will pass the light to
another person’s candle with his/her expression (Thanks, Sorry, I Love You).
- When the light of the candle is passed on to the other participant, the previous
candle’s light must be extinguished.
- The next participant will choose another participant whom he/she wants to express
something with.
- Ample of time will be given in this ritual.
- If a participant has many people to express to, he/she can light another candle as
long has already expressed their selves.
- When all is done, a greeting of peace will be shared to all through a hug or a
handshake. An appropriate music can be used at this certain time.
V. Closing Prayer and Preparation for the Holy Eucharist.

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