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Brian Mbeere

Sgt Steve Anderson

United States Marine Corp
1759 4700 S, Taylorsville, UT 84129
(801) 967-9776

Dear Anderson,

I am looking forward for the opportunity to working with you through this job shadow. I am really
eager to seeing the experience in this type of environment. This is the career I am leaning onto
and I would greatly appreciate it if you would give me this opportunity and will make the most
advantage out of it. I am really interested in the opportunity and learning the best I can from this

I have personally invested time and researched all branches and have had more personal
interest in this branch thus far. Through this opportunity I look to learn more and figured that you
are the best personnel to take me under your wing for a day to achieve this. I have read about
you and have talked to other sergeants and have accumulated information about you and your
experience in this career field. I like the motto that you strive for maintaining discipline. This is
something that everyone should strive for as it helps attain success. As well as the benefits of
education and work experience that are accompanied it, I feel that you guys are really interested
in helping all individuals attain a proper stature in life.

I like this idea and I am really interested in working with you to see a glimpse of what life is like
in this type of environment. I realize that it will take time off your part as I do the job shadow but
trust me when I say I will make the most advantage of the opportunity and will try to benefit both
of us. Given this opportunity I will try and gain further knowledge and try to quench my thirst of
pursuing this career in the near future. I am really interested in striving with your branch’s motto
of gaining and maintaining discipline.

I am really looking forward to gaining this job shadow and would like to thank you for
considering me by reading this. I would also like to get further in touch soon as possible and
start forward a prosperous relation into this career.

Yours sincerely,

Brian Mbeere

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