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FS3: Technology in the Learning Environment

Observing and reading about appropriate and relevant teaching aids

List down the specific teaching aids found/observed in the classroom, other
classroom: as well as learning resources under media center. Classify them.

Specific Teaching Aids Found/Observed Classification

Print Illustrations


Books (textbooks, stories, dictionaries,

encyclopedia, etc.)

Non-Print Films

Models Globe

Computer Hardware Computer and Projector (

Go to the library and read or surf the internet on the availability of teaching aids
and their appropriate use of these in the classroom. After your reading, what
important insights have you gained on the importance of the teacher, using
appropriate and relevant teaching aids. List down your insights.

After reading articles, I gained the following insights:

Teaching aids can support student learning and can increase student's success. These aids are
usually tailored to the content in which they're being used. Teaching materials may come in
many forms but what they all have in common is their purpose- to assist the teachers in their
instruction and to help the students be successful in learning.

Using relevant teaching aids can also contribute to the smooth flow of discussion as. If the
teacher knows how and what particular part she will be using the instructional material, there is
a big possibility that she will not go to the wrong direction as she discussess the lesson. In just a
short period of time, she can also achieve the objectives the lesson requires.

Teaching aids help to make the learning environment interesting and engaging. Nowadays,
students are constantly seeking for exciting things and have low tolerance for boredom. They
are always on the quest of finding things that could kindle their interest. Therefore, it is
imperative to hand them with teaching aids that couldn't only assist them in learning but could
provide them with entertainment as well.
FS3: Technology in the Learning Environment

Observing classes on teacher’s use of teaching aids

Observe a number of classes across different subject areas (ex: Science,

Mathematics, Communication Arts, Civics). What similarities, as well as
differences did you observe in terms of the part/s of the lesson where teaching
aids are used?


In the classes that I have observed, teaching aids are oftenly used during the
discussion. May it be in English, Mathematics, History or any other subjects, teachers
usually utilize different materials in supplementing their lesson. They used these "aids"
to catch the attention of students and to keep their minds from wandering off to things
which might hinder them from acquiring the ideas and concepts they ought to learn.
Another reason for using these aids during the discussion was its usefulness in
assisting the delivery of instruction. If these materials are used correctly and the teacher
has the expertise in its utilization, learning can be maximized.


In the Science subject, the teacher used the teaching aid (a model) as a form of

Using the same observations above, what similarities, as well as difference did
you observe in terms of the kind of teaching aid used by the teacher throughout
the lesson?


Most of the subjects used a projector to flash the key terms of their lesson
It seems that this is the common practice today across different schools. I think one of the
reasons why teachers utilize this is that it is very efficient and it saves up a lot of resources (e.g.
paper, marker).

In Science, the teacher oftenly used models during the discussion. Models are replicas
or copies of real object with a considerable change in size, complexity, safety and cost
factors. Since in this subject, students deal with much more complicated concepts which
are hard to visualize, replicas of real objects are really necessary. Most teachers rely on
these models since the real ones can be really costly.
FS3: Technology in the Learning Environment

Providing best opportunities on appropriate use of instructional materials

Do class observations and focus on the teacher’s use of teaching aids. How did
the teacher use teaching aids?

Teaching Aids Used How

Laptop The teacher used it together with the
projector to flash the slides that contains the
key terms and concepts of her lesson.

The teacher used it project the slides. The

Projector projector is a great help to students who have
eye problems or those seated in the last row.
It enlarges the texts and pictures to make it
more visible.

Used by the teacher to highlight important

Chalkboard terms or those concepts omitted on the slides

Do class observations focusing on the teaching aids used by the teacher while
teaching. Look for indicators of students’ kind of responses toward the
instructional materials, as well as indicators of the effects of these materials on
their learning. (see examples. Add other behaviors observed.

Teaching Aids Used Indicators of Positive Indicators of Negative

Response Response
Laptop and Projector Paying attention to teacher Non-attention (does other
and the flashed slides things and chats with
Focusing on what the
Chalkboard teacher is saying Does not participate in class
Following instructions actively (appears bore and
Teaching Aids Used Indicators of Positive Indicators of Negative
Response Response
Paying attention
Models Active Participation
Does not move or does
other things

Advance your reasons why the responses of the students are such. Cite what
may be the reasons (based on your observations) for any of the above
response/behaviors of the students to the teaching aids used by the teacher.

When same form of instructional materials are used multiple times, the delivery of lesson
becomes bland and monotonous and students might lose interest in the disscussion. In an effort
of the teacher to save up money and resources, he might also be sacrificing the quality of
his/her instructional material. Nowadays, students prefer "variety" in almost everything- and
that includes the instructional materials that will be utilized in teaching. Across different
schools, using the projector to "project" the slides that contain the concepts of the lesson, is the
trend. Since it is the "in thing", some teachers use this material excessively. Others seem to
forgot that there are a lot of ways to choose from. There are more novel forms of delivering a
lesson and students might appreciate it if they can see an instructional material that is tngible
and hand-crafted. Students are now wearied in using the usual " laptop and projector" way of
presenting. It is good sometimes if they can have a break from this.


Planning for the appropriate use of instructional materials in the teaching-learning


When I become a teacher what will I do to ensure the availability of teaching aids
for teaching? What will I do to ensure that the teaching aid I will be using are
appropriate and relevant to the learning tasks given to the students?
If I will become a full- pledged teacher, I will utilize different kinds of teaching aids to prevent a
monotonous delivery of instruction. We are promoting diversity inside the school and it should
also be reflected in the teaching aids we want to employ in our discussion.


Preparing video/powerpoint presentation of the class you observed where the teacher uses visual aids
in teaching. Share it with your peers and lead discussions. Focus on types of visual aids, parts of the lesson
where these aids are used, and students’ responses to the use of such aids.

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