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Grade IX – PET buster test 1 – Units 1-4

1. Complete each sentence by choosing the correct form:

1) Most mornings my husband is leaving / leaves for work at 7.30.
2) I am leaving / leave for work earlier this week as I have some important jobs to get done.
3) Steve is playing / plays guitar for a local group.
4) Sshh, I am listening / listen to the news.
5) I am going / go to the gym whenever I get the chance.
6) I am reading / read a good book at the moment.
7) My youngest daughter is knowing / knows all the words to that song.
8) I am hating / hate getting up for school on cold winter mornings.
2. Read the text below.

For each question choose the correct answer.

How are you? I A) hope / am hoping you are well. You wanted me to tell you about my job.
Well, I B) work / am working in an office in London just for the summer holidays. It's a
magazine publishing company and usually I C) spend / am spending my time answering
customers questions on the phone but as there are some people off sick I D) write / am
writing letters at the moment. I really E) like / am liking the people here. They always F)
help / am helping each other out when there are any problems. Unfortunately, this week we G)
do / am doing a course in health and safety, which is a bit boring but it will soon be over. The
good news is I H) learn / am learning Spanish as well during my lunchtime! I J) do not
understand / am not uderstanding much at the moment but I K) am getting / get better.
Write back soon!
3. Decide if the position of the adverbs in the following sentences is correct or incorrect:

1) I always go swimming in the morning. (correct / incorrect)

2) Their mum makes usually sandwiches for their school lunch. (correct / incorrect)
3) We have to always wait ages for a bus in the morning. (correct / incorrect)
4) Sam often is the first person to offer people help if they need it. (correct / incorrect)
5) I can usually get my homework done in time. (correct / incorrect)

SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION -For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as
the first.
Use no more than three words.
Tim rarely goes to a football match.
Tim does........................................ to a football match.
I meet my friend for lunch most Saturdays.
I ........................................ my friend for lunch on Saturday.
Every time I call Mark he's out.
Mark ........................................ in when I call.
This is the first time I have travelled by plane.
I ........................................ by plane before.
On most days Sarah cycles to work.
Sarah ........................................ work by bike.
The children never tidy their room unless I tell them to.
I ........................................ tell the children to tidy their room.
Look at the text in each question. What does it say?
Mark the correct answer A, B or C

Won ______
42-45=5 GOOD LUCK !!!!
10 /

Won ______
42-45=5 GOOD LUCK !!!!

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