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10 Idioms To Use For Speaking & Writing

1) Raining cats and dogs

Speaking Example: People say it's always raining cats and dogs
in London, but the weather isn't too bad.

Writing Example: Moving overseas can be challenging. When it's

raining cats and dogs outside - people could feel more homesick
due to the weather.

2) The grass isn't always greener on the other side

Speaking Example: Nowadays, with social media we see lots of

wealth, but the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

Writing Example: Changing jobs or having two jobs can be

arduous. Sometimes people have one job, but a person with two
jobs could have a better life. We may think something about
someone due to their job, but the grass isn't always greener on
the other side.

3) Best of both worlds

Speaking Example: When I travel to some places they have all

the same things back home. This gives people the best of both
worlds, as you can experience a new culture, but also enjoy
familiar things you have in your own country.

Writing Example: Technology nowadays gives us the best of both

worlds, as we can live without it if we choose to do so or we can
immerse ourselves using it as part of our daily lives.

4) Blessing in disguise

Speaking Example: I would like to discuss a time when I got lost

when I visited China. I actually stumbled across an ancient
temple and really beautiful forest. I realised that getting lost was
actually a blessing in disguise.
Writing Example: Technology can be a blessing in disguise for
some people, but also a bad thing, as it could be used in an
improper way.

5) Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Speaking Example: If I need to give someone the best possible

advice. It would be to not put all your eggs in one basket.

Writing Example: It's essential the government doesn't put its

eggs all in one basket when it comes to climate change, as it will
require many different aspects to make the world a cleaner

6) Far cry from

Speaking Example: When I visited China. The first thing I thought

was that it was a far cry from my hometown, but that's what it
made so special.

Writing Example: We are a far cry from solving freedom of

speech using social media, but we are slowly progressing.

7) In the heat of the moment

Speaking Example: Some important advice given to me was that

to not make a decision in the heat of the moment, especially
when it comes to money.

Writing Example: We need a drastic improvement when it comes

to the environment rather than changing or reacting in the heat
of the moment. The government needs a better strategy

8) Make a long story short

Speaking Example: To cut a long story short/to make a long story

short I will not discuss the full details, but I would like to tell about
my wedding day. It was the best day of my life because....
Writing Example: Talent is born within some people, but to make
a long story short - there are indeed some people who are not
very talented in some respects. For example, I am really not good
at drawing. While both my siblings are both artists.

9) Kill two birds with one stone

Speaking Example: When I went on holiday we decided to kill

two birds with one stone and go to Dubai, as my uncle lives there
and he really wanted me to visit.

Writing Example: To improve technology all over the world and

the safety. Technological companies need to kill two birds with
one stone to come up with a safer way to use technology without
all the negative issues we face today - for example - hacking.

10) Last straw

Speaking Example: The story I would like to talk about is when I

was lost. I lost my way in the forest and for me I thought it was
the last straw, but luckily I found a friendly cabin owner who
helped me find my way back home.

Writing Example: Social media has evolved, but for some people
the new developments have been the last straw. Meaning they
have stopped using certain websites altogether.

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