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Batch No: 2016-2018

Student I.D:F2016084001

Supervisor Name: Assistant Professor Rahat Bashir






Respected Sir,

I would like to recommend this thesis titled “Transitivity Analysis of Nawaz Sharif’s” by

Tayyaba Jabeen for approval of Final Defence.

Assistant Professor

Mam Rahat Bashir



I, Tayyaba Jabeen student of University of Management and Technology hereby declare that this

thesis titled as “Transitivity Analysis of Nawaz Sharif’s” is the product of my personal efforts

under the supervision of kind and esteemed Assistant Professor Mam Rahat Bashir.

This study has not been submitted for any degree programme or diploma. It is offered for the

partial fulfillment for the degree of M.Phil. Applied Linguistics. I have mentioned all the sources

that I have consulted.

Signature of Candidate

Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Selection of Ousted Pakistani Prime Minister within Specified Time Period 3

1.3 Statement of Research Area 4

1.4 Research Objectives 4

1.5 Research Questions 5

1.6 Theoretical Underpinning 5

1.7 Rationale for Applying Transitivity 6

1.8 Research Approach 6

1.9 Significance of the Study 7

1.10 Limitation of the study 7

1.11 Organization of the Thesis 7

1.12 Chapter Summary 8

Chapter 2: Literature Review 9

2.1 Introduction 9

2.2 A Detailed View of Systemic Functional Linguistics 9

2.2.1 Metafunction. 13

2.2.2 Ideational Metafunction. 13

2.2.3 Transitivity Model. 14

2.2.4 Processes. 18 Material Process......................................................................................................18

TRANSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF NAWAZ SHARIF’S SPEECHES v Relational Process...................................................................................................18 Mental Process........................................................................................................19

2.3 Review of Earlier Studies Based on Transitivity in the Field of Political Discourse19

2.3.1 An Overview of Transitivity in Different Fields. 22

2.4 Rationale for Applying Transitivity on Present Study23

2.5 Chapter Summary 24

Chapter 3: Research Methodology 26

3.1 Introduction 26

3.2 Nature of the Research 26

3.3 Transitivity System as Theoretical Framework 27

3.4 Delimitation of the study 28

3.5 Research Procedure 28

3.5 Type of Sampling29

3.6 Selection of Selected Speeches 30

3.7 Data Description 31

3.8 Research Techniques 32

3.8.1 Step One: Distribution of Selected Speeches into Sentences. 33

3.8.2 Step Two: Isolation of the Process Types and Actors. 33

3.8.3 Step three: Examination of the Varieties of Process and Actors to Realize the

Experiential Meaning. 33

3.8.4 Step Four: Quantitative Analysis of Material, Relational and Mental Process. 33

3.9 Chapter Summary 34

Chapter 4: Data Representation 34

4.1 Examples of Three Major Processes in Speech 1 35

4.1.1 Examples of Material Process in Speech 1. 35

4.1.2 Examples of Relational Process in Speech 1.38

4.1.3 Examples of Mental Process in Speech 1. 40

4.2 Examples of Three Major Processes in Speech 2 41

4.2.1 Examples of Material Process in Speech 2. 41

4.2.2 Examples of Relational Process in Speech 2.43

4.2.3 Examples of Mental Process in Speech 2. 45

4.3 Examples of Three Major Processes in Speech 3 45

4.3.1 Examples of Material Process in Speech 3. 45

4.3.2 Examples of Relational Process in Speech 3.48

4.3.3 Examples of Mental Process in Speech 3. 49

4.4 Examples of Three Major Processes in Speech 4 50

4.4.1 Examples of Material Process in Speech 4. 50

4.4.2 Examples of Relational Process in Speech 4.54

4.4.3 Examples of Mental Process in Speech 4. 55

4.5 Quantitative Analysis 56

4.6 Conclusion 57

Chapter 5: Data Analysis and Discussion 58

5.1 Introduction 58

5.2 Analysis of Material Process in All the Four Selected Speeches. 58

5.2.1 Analysis of Material Process in Speech 1. 58

5.2.2 Analysis of Material Process in Speech 2. 61

5.2.3 Analysis of Material Process in Speech 3. 63

5.2.4 Analysis of Material Process in Speech 4. 66

5.3 Analysis of Relational Process in All the Four Selected Speeches. 68

5.3.1 Analysis of Relational Process in Speech 1. 68

5.3.2 Analysis of Relational Process in Speech 2. 71

5.3.3 Analysis of Relational Process in Speech 3. 72

5.3.4 Analysis of Relational Process in Speech 4. 73

5.4 Analysis of Mental Processes in all Speeches 74

5.4.1 Analysis of Mental Process in Speech 1. 74

5.4.2 Analysis of Mental Process in Speech 2. 77

5.4.3 Analysis of Mental Process in Speech 3. 78

5.4.4 Analysis of Mental Process in Speech 4. 80

5.5 In what way the experiential meaning are recognized in the selected speeches of ousted

PM Nawaz Sharif? 81

5.6 Types of Participants in the Selected Speeches 83

5.7. Communicative functions of material, relational and mental processes 84


5.8 Conclusion 85

References 87
Appendices 90
Appendix A 90
Appendix B 100
Appendix C 105
Appendix D 115


The study attempts to analyze the transitivity choices in selected speeches of ousted Prime

Minister Nawaz Sharif. The main focus is to know how Nawaz Sharif employs language for

representing the experience and reality of world around him and in what way the experiential

meaning can be recognized. Moreover, it also attempts to investigate the distribution of material,

relational and mental process with special reference to their communicative functions. The study

is based on Halliday Transitivity Framework. The experiential aspect under ideational

metafunction is realized by taking account of the material, relational and mental processes. Both

quantitative and qualitative method is applied. The quantitative analysis is used to investigate the

distribution of material, relational and mental process and qualitative analysis is used to explore

types of participants and communicative functions of the three major processes (material,

relational and mental).The text of selected speeches is parsed into sentences and are coded. It is

concluded that the experiential meaning can be recognized by three major processes (material,

relational and mental).It is also estimated that the material process hold up the highest percentage

followed by relational and mental processes as represented in Table 3.The study revealed that

Processes or specified syntactic patterns are preferred in Nawaz Sharif discourse to fulfill the

persuasive function.

Keywords: Transitivity Analysis, Experiential meaning, Process Types.


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Language plays an important part in politics. Politicians use language in a very unique

way for argumentation and persuasive strategies. For politicians, language is a tool that is used to

outline the political thoughts and can be identified in their political discourse. It expresses their

point of view clearer and to earn the popularity among masses.

Political addresses can be studied from two perspective one for the linguistic and

secondly from political point of view of expressing his political belief and thoughts. From the

perspective of linguistics, language of political text is examined for investigating the linguistic

choices made by the addresser to express political ideology. It also attempts to explore

persuasive strategies and to investigate their ideology and political perspective and for sustaining

his government. Every politician uses language that is unique and differs in style and in linguistic

pattern. It expresses the perception and intention of the person and has serves its political


Many linguists applied transitivity model on the political discourses of remarkable and

striking political figures. These studies concluded that politicians use certain kinds of

grammatical choices to fulfill their purpose i.e. to embolden the voters for accepting their

political point of view. This can be effectively done through transitivity choices that they

frequently expressed during political speeches or addresses.


As it is also accepted that “A central insight of Halliday’s model is that transitivity is the

foundation of representation: it is the way the clause is used to analyze events and situations as

being of certain types “(Fowler, 1991).

By applying Halliday’s Transitivity framework, the paper attempts to reveal how the use

of certain kinds of processes (material, relational and mental) can unveil the features and

techniques employed in political speeches of Ex -Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. In particular, the

paper focuses on the analysis of the verbs according to different process types in the experiential


This study is intended to analyze the transitivity choices within the political discourse of

ousted Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef during his third time in public office. It is an

attempt to recognize how the Ex- Prime Minister discussed the issues and political activities

during his government from the perspective of experiential meaning. The main focus is on

distribution of three major processes i.e. material, relational and mental in the selected speeches

of influential political figure from the year 2013 to 2017.

In order to reveal the function performed by language employed in the Sharif’s speeches

in political setup in Pakistan .Applying transitivity analysis on the political text to investigate the

speaker representation or reflection of experiences and realities of outer and inner world.

In the present study, the focus is on exploring the language employed in Ex-Prime

Minister Nawaz Sharif’s speeches. For this transitivity model is used in which types of processes

and participants are scrutinized. It takes account of transitivity choices and linguistic patterns to

reveal the three major processes frequently used.


Though it is a political discourse, it does not aim to make political conclusions nor does it

inherit any administrative quality to talk about the success or failure of the regime of Nawaz

Sharif. The main prominence is to recognize the experiential meaning in the political discourse

of ousted Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif by using transitivity Model. This can be done

by taking account of processes frequently used in political discourse. It also investigates the

types of processes and participants in political discourse of Sharif’s speeches. Furthermore; it

explores the communicative functions of material, relational and mental processes in Sharif’s

political text.

1.2 Selection of Ousted Pakistani Prime Minister within Specified Time Period

Among many other striking and influential political figures of Pakistan, I selected ousted

PM Mian Nawaz Sharif for present study. This is because of various reasons. Originally, in the

last few years Mian Nawaz Sharif has been facing various challenges especially after General

Election 2013.Throughout his previous government he became controversial personality in

Pakistani politics. So, he constructed his political discourse for persuasive strategy by preferring

experiential aspect i.e. to representing the experiences and ongoing events around him.

During his third time in public office he faced many corruption cases especially Panama

Paper case. He also encountered strong opposition from his political contenders. During all this

time one of the fascinating entity is the language employed in the political speeches of ousted

Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif.

.In this critical circumstances he constructed his political discourse very sensibly by

preferring the experiential aspect of ideational metafunction which refer as the world of

representation. So, in this study the experiential function in Sharif’s speeches will be explored

which is used as a persuasive strategy to influence peoples mind and to make his speeches more

convincing ,vivid and acceptable.

1.3 Statement of Research Area

Language used in political speeches is significantly important .In political speeches,

every politician manipulate language in his own way to achieve his political aims and to express

his ideologies and to control the minds of people with the use of language.

Other than political significance the political speeches contain a lot of linguistic resources

for analysis which are valuable in the domain of linguistic. The discourse of politicians has been

given less attention in Pakistani context especially in the field of Functional Linguistics. This

study seeks to explore Sharif’s speeches in terms of transitivity and gives the impression of

reality of world.

1.4 Research Objectives

The main objective of this study is to realize the experiential aspect of ideational

metafunction under the transitivity process. The experiential aspect reflects the representation of

reality of speaker’s experience of world around him. It can be recognized by exploring the three

major processes that is material, relational and mental process in terms of participants and

process. The following are the objectives of this study.

 To recognize the experiential meaning in the selected speeches of ousted Pakistani

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

 To find out the types of participant roles used in selected speeches of ousted

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.


 To evaluate the communicative functions of material, relational and mental

processes in Sharif’s speeches.

1.5 Research Questions

The paper attempts to examine linguistic choices of selected political speeches. It also

interprets meanings by considering clause structure which is responsible for recognizing

functions of language used in different contexts as constructed within the text of Ex-Prime

Minister Nawaz Sharif. This can be better analyzed and explained through the following

questions: `

Q1. How the experiential meanings are recognized in the selected speeches of ousted

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif?

Q2. What type of participant roles are used in selected speeches of ousted Pakistani Prime

Minister Nawaz Sharif?

Q3. What are the communicative functions of material, relational and mental processes in

Sharif’s speeches?

1.6 Theoretical Underpinning

The current study is assembled on transitivity model which is the main concept in

Systemic Functional Grammar. SFL theory is a linguistic model developed by Michael Halliday

in 1976 which language is taken from the functional viewpoint.

According to Halliday & Matthiessen, (2004) stated “metafunction of language are

interpersonal, textual and ideational”. This study planned on experiential metafunction.

Experiential meaning is identified by taking into account of process and participants with in the

clauses on which the language is built in any discourse. It reflects the representation or construal

of world. It can be easily detected by reviewing the structure of the sentences within any


1.7 Rationale for Applying Transitivity

In political discourse, the syntactic structures are built up in a unique way for making

meaning and are used for persuasive purposes. In the analysis of political discourse, Halliday’s

transitivity model can be effectively used as a means of uncovering the hidden meanings coded

under the linguistic constructions by the speaker.

Transitivity enables the language user to express the numerous ways to state an

experience and is signified by the processes and by various kinds of participants and

circumstances involved in each process.

Transitivity process within Systemic Functional Linguistics especially beneficial to

present analysis as it not only attempts to focus on grammar but also permits to cogitate through

the ways in which experiential meanings can be realized by considering processes or in simpler

way to examine the grammatical patterns of the political text and in the long run explore the

experiential meaning in the political discourse of ousted Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

1.8 Research Approach

The current study take into account the written text selected from four speeches delivered

by ousted PM Nawaz Shareef after winning the election. The speeches which are included for

considerations are related to different issues. These speeches were delivered after general

elections to address different issues. The speeches are selected from different situation. Some of

the addresses to the nation and few others are the speeches delivered during Jalsa or public rally.

Some of the speeches were taken from their official pages and then transcript into English.

The text of the speeches was parsed into simpler sentences and is inspected to isolate the

processes with its appropriate constituent that is participants, goal and circumstances. The

process types were first recognized and then categorized into three major types of process that is

material, mental and relational. Subsequently, the processes are taken to achieve outgoing

inferences. The study emphasis on the most important process types that is material, mental and


1.9 Significance of the Study

The present study would be significantly beneficial in the field of linguistics as it

provides useful source for exploring the function of language employed in political discourse of

Ex-Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. It also provides clear interpretation of processes employed in

political text of Nawaz Sharif’s speeches.

This study is also important from the linguistic point of view as it explores the transitivity

choices of Sharif’s speeches to recognize the experiential aspect of ideation metafunction. Three

major processes i.e. material, relational and mental employed in the political speech reflected the

impression of experiences and ongoing events and happening to influence the minds of people.

The conclusions of the study are also useful for students of linguistics who are concerned

in understanding political discourse of politician by using transitivity analysis. It is significant for

society by providing clear view about how politicians construct the text of their speeches to get

political views of speaker or addresser.

1.10 Limitation of the study

The limitation of this study is only limited to political discourse of ousted Pakistani Prime

Minister Nawaz Sharif. In this whole study the focus is only on Sharif’s speeches.

1.11 Organization of the Thesis

This study comprises of five chapters. Chapter one deals with the basic introduction of

the topic. It also provides the aims of the research, the theoretical underpinning, research

questions and methodology. It also states importance and constraint of the study. In the end, the

outline of the study is given.

Chapter two provides the review of previous studies related to existing study. It includes

comprehensive account of Systemic Functional Linguistics and explains its various components.

In addition to this; it attempts to analyze previous studies grounded on transitivity in the field of

political discourse. It also demonstrates the rationale for transitivity in exploring experiential


Chapter three will comprehend the procedures and conceptual outline acquired in this

study. Following clarification of research outline, detailed description of methodological process

is discussed in this chapter.

Chapter four will display the instances of all the three kinds of process take out from the

selected political speeches. Tables and graph will be representing in the statistical analysis for

quantitative analysis of process types. Chapter five illustrates the study detailed analysis of the

material, relational and mental process and also provides the answers of the research questions.

1.12 Chapter Summary

This chapter illustrates the basic concepts about the relevant topic and purpose of the

study. It explains the theoretical framework and aims and research questions of the current study.

Along with the significance, this part also provides the limitation and delimitation of the study.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This section reviews the analysis of previous literary work and is subdivided into various

sections. Section 2.2 consists of a meticulous view of Systemic Functional Linguistics and

comprises of various sub headings. Section 2.3 provides the assessment of previous studies

grounded on transitivity in the field of political discourse. Section 2.4 demonstrates the rationale

for transitivity in exploring experiential process.

2.2 A Detailed View of Systemic Functional Linguistics

In the beginning of 20th century, significant number of linguistic theories emerged but

only few of them gained acceptance from scholars. One of them was Halliday's SFL that has

gained the attention of linguistics and scholars and employed in applied linguistics.

It was first established by Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday in 1960. SFL is

constructed on previous works of some noticeable linguists such as Bronislaw Malinowski and

J.R. Firth. Over the period of time, it is widely used in various disciplines as in linguistics and

sociology. Nowadays, it is useful in discourse analysis as it is as great source of inquiring about

the function performed by the language.

The theory is named systemic because it provides regular set of choices that users of

language utter certain kinds of linguistic pattern in their general talks. These patterns in text and

conversation can be constructed keeping in mind the situation and circumstances which is

commonly termed as context .These patterns can produce meaning and can be used to perform

various functions.

The term “functional” denotes that language carry out boundless convenient purposes in a

variety of situations and are integral in every language. These functions are ideational,

interpersonal and textual.

SFL treated language as significant in construing the reality of the world around it. In this

regard social context seems to have a great influence on it which is gained by means of social

environment and functional organization of language. One can deduce the meaning by

investigating the linguistic choices. SFG is apprehensive with realizing meanings. Thus,

Systemic functional grammar (SFG) deals with a system of social semiotic and generally centers

of function that the language performs while exchanging information or during conversation.

Functional Grammar looks on language in terms of its functions and these are influenced

by different situations. Usually it is assumed that language has established to fulfill the social

requirements of the individual. From so many reasons three main needs of humans to produce

language is to represent the event and to share new experiences around us. It also communicate

and interact with social world and exploring social outlooks and roles .In broader perspective it

interact and to express what we mean to say or try to explain our point of view or perception.

SFL basically refer to the function of language, inner organization, semantic and context.

It not only depends on use of language but also considering the internal organization (structure)

of language. It explains internal structure of the clause is responsible for exploring function of

language in relation to context. Therefore, SFL is the most inclusive theory of language. The

unique feature of this theory is that it enables the linguist to realize the meaning within the

discourse by analyzing the clauses at syntactic and semantic level.


In SFL the one of the significant idea is that the language serves to perform a specific

function relative to its context that is of social, political and philosophical. Fundamentally

functions can be realized by taking into account the form of the text or spoken interactions.

The assortment of linguistic and syntactic units which built up the discourse is clarified as

recognition the hierarchy in development of meaning to serve specific function in particular


Martin (2016) claimed that “the description of grammar as a meaning making resources

most the distinctive feature of SFL and this distinguishes SFL from the rest of the theories of

language.” SFG is evolved as an inspiration of meaning making in SFL.This approach is one of

the expansion of the prevailing concept.

Furthermore, the context refers to the environment or situation in language is utilized by

the speaker or precisely it is the societal setting in which the language.

This approach is considered language as Systemic and functional. The internal

organization of language is elementary to signify the meaning and in the long run, it can serve

various functions. These functions can be determined by investigating the basic constituents

within the clause .The meanings can be conveyed by constructing a unique set of internal

structure that serves the specific function in the social setup. The language has gone forward to

serve subsequent functions such as ‘Interpersonal’, ‘Ideational’, and ‘Textual’. These are

designated as Metafunction of language. Three metafunction are organized into different systems

which are realized simultaneously through the system in the structural organization of the clause.

The system is an intangible description of the alternative choices available for the

performance of different functions. The system is the paradigmatic axis, termed as the axis of

choice, clarifies the choice of what can be used as an alternative of what and the linear or

horizontal axis is the syntagmatic axis of the structure called chain which describes what can be

used with what.

SFL declares that this system is based on the choices which one can make during the

communication processes and are considered as paradigmatic axis. SFL keep up the dimension

of paradigmatic axis which deals with the selections of linguistic patterns to express meaning and

in order to illustrate what linguistic items associate with the specific set of item to convey

particular function. It is declared that paradigmatic axis plays a vital part in imparting the

meaning by the use of specific set of lexico-grammatical choice in conversation by the speaker

or individuals.

The second essential concept is “stratification”. It deals with the level of grading from

simpler to higher level of semiotic. In this process text is created in which meanings could be

systematized according to need and requirements and characterized as entirely abstract complex

of interrelations. Therefore, the key concepts of SFL are: stratification, system and metafunction.

SFL upholds that the inner structural arrangements of lexical and grammatical units are

not arbitrary. It stands for a progressive reflection of the functions that language has evolved to

serve in political text. The structure of clauses in the selected speeches is analyzed for the study

of experiential strands in the ‘Ideational Metafunction’.

Fowler (1979) asserts that SFL is the best applicable linguistics; especially its system of

transitivity can be used for the study literature through language. SFL offers the most

comprehensive theory of language which explains not only the internal organization of language,

but also the context of its use which is an external level/stratum in SFG.

Actually, for Halliday the texts is not merely the joining together of words and sentences

but is scrutinizing the meaning. Many linguists anticipated that function of language is

responsible for discovering the meaning that not only is comprehensible by grammar but also

with the social circumstances.

It takes into account two views simultaneously i.e. text as product as well as process. A

text is considered as a product when it deals with the internal structure of language. Concurrently

text stated as process when considering the semantic components of the given text.

SFL‘s accentuates on the social feature of language does not overlooks the systemic

nature of language. Actually SFL is an outlook for relating language to socio-cultural point of

view and also for conveying meanings.

2.2.1 Metafunction. The term metafunction appeared in Systemic Functional Linguistics

and is associated with all languages. Metafunction refer as systemic clusters which consisted of

semantic systems structured to create meanings of a related kind. Halliday SFL mapped out three

metafunction that is the ideational, interpersonal, and textual. Halliday claims that the notion of

metafunction is prescribed by the principles that elaborate how the language is used effectively.

This can serve as its function in given context. This concept of function in language is necessary

to explain the organization of the semantic system of language.

Halliday contends that the functional organization of language "regulates the form

occupied by grammatical structure" .He elucidates that function of language as metafunction. He

put forward three functions: the ideational, the interpersonal and the textual. This study only

deals with ideational metafunction.

2.2.2 Ideational Metafunction. The principal metafunction that the language brings

about is the Ideational function. This metafunction is accountable for representing the reality of

world or to construe human experience. By deep insight of this metafunction one can get the

sense of reality and can be detected by transitivity. It is sub divided into two metafunction logic

and experiential. The first one deals with the combination of syntactic items to form complex

structure and later one deals with syntactic resources used for maintaining and developing the

entire experience by the unit of clauses.

The ideational function is analyzed by investigating the selection of grammatical system

of transitivity which includes process participant and circumstances.

 Experiential Function: It expresses the events, happenings and real experiences of

the existing world and is revealed by three aspects that is the processes, the

participants and circumstances and can be initially understood by taking into

account the deep look on the experience. Its structural analysis is done in terms of

transitivity system.

 Logical Function: expresses the way clauses are linked to each other i.e.

interdependency between clauses and type of meaning and connection between


2.2.3 Transitivity Model. In this study, the analytical tool is Transitivity system of SFG.

The basic orientation of SFG is meaning which enables this system to be capable of being used

as coding, exploration and interpretation.

In the analysis of political discourse, Halliday’s transitivity model can be used as a means

of uncovering the hidden meanings coded under the linguistic constructions by the speaker. Van

Leeuwen (2012) argues that in the analysis of political discourse, relatively small attention is

paid to grammatical phenomena.

Halliday (1994) stated that “The main argument of the transitivity system is that our most

powerful conception of reality consists of “goings-on “of doing, happening, feeling, being”.

These actions and realities are encoded in the semantic organization of discourses that take

between people in their social set of connections and signified by the syntactic units. The simpler

section within the communicative event can be investigated to decode the actual recognition of

the meanings.

Eggins (2004) asserted that “transitivity analysis as the organization of the clause to

realize ideational meanings, meanings about how we represent reality in language”. Transitivity

takes into account the lexico-grammatical concept to view how the speaker represents his/her

experience of the outer world or his own world of consciousness”. Transitivity can be analyzed

by investigating the structure of sentence or clause with the communicative event.

It is also avers that “transitivity is the name given to a network of system whose point of

origin is the ‘major’ clause, the clause containing a predication” and “the transitivity systems are

concerned with the types of process expressed in the clause, with the participants in this process,

animate or inanimate, and with various attributes and circumstances of the process and

participants” (Halliday, 1967)

Transitivity is helpful in understanding the social, political and philosophical factors

influencing the choice of particular process in a discourse. Transitivity enables the language user

to express the numerous ways to state an experience and is signified by the processes and by

various kinds of participants and circumstances involved in each process.

By using transitivity process one can achieve the evidence about how one can perceive or

visualize the world by exploring the process of doing, being and inner consciousness. It assigns

semantic roles and indicates actors on the basis of the nature of the processes.

The system of transitivity in SFG looks at clause instead of a verb and its object only. It

takes account of the role of the subject in a clause which is not considered in the traditional

notion. So, it can be asserted that this is the most comprehensive form of the traditional transitive

and intransitive concept.

SFG transitivity takes into its account the whole clause by examining subject, verb,

object, and adjuncts from the functional point of view. The functional perspective explains all

these elements with regards to the meanings they express in the clause. The both labeling and

functional perspectives make this system a powerful analytical tool for the study of any text.

In this system the names of the terms are different from the traditional grammar. The

subject who remains same regardless of the verb types in the traditional grammar. SFG has fairly

a wide range of labels with respect to the verb types in the system. The subject/object is

‘participant’, the verb is ‘process’ and adjuncts are termed ‘circumstance’ in this system.

Transitivity consist of six processes types and participant has different labels

corresponding to these six process types. Therefore, it is more extensive study and analysis of

clauses in a text. It is related to the representation of the world around and inside us in language.

Our experiences, realities and happenings around us, relations between experiences,

concepts, things, identification and evaluation, and possessions and beings are construed in

language through this system Therefore, the scope and the depth are much wider due to the

varied forms of representations. The verb which is termed as process in the system is the core

and decisive element in both traditional and functional grammar. Process type selects the labels

of all other elements except the adjuncts (circumstance) which remain same across the different

types of process.

The process (verb) is distributed into six types. SFG orientation is semantics so all this

division of process types is functional. All other elements of the clause are termed along these

process types. So, the process is the essential element in the system of transitivity and the major

point of entry is a clause for coding, analysis and interpretation. Only circumstantial elements

(adjuncts) remained constant irrespective of process types.

SFG is functional in its analysis and description of language as it refers to the language in

use and the ways and techniques of expressing meaning in a wide variety of different contexts.

Meanings are recognized through form or structure depending on the context of use and purpose

of the use. In language form and function are interconnected. But their relation is complex, not

linear or one to one. Function is realized through form. The language has evolved internally to

perform different functions. The inner organization which is lexicogrammar has a dialogic

relation to context through the strata of semantics.

Language has a social function to serve so it is organized in this way to get these

functions. The system comprises of set of options available to the user of language to choose for

the purpose and the context of the situation. These functions are termed Metafunction by

Halliday. There are three metafunction in SFG. Functions and structures are related through

different systems in SFG. Transitivity is utilized to recognize the experiential metafunction.

Transitivity system is also identified as process-type system because it is presented in

terms of process types and circumstance. The process (verb) is the core element in the analysis of

the clause. Halliday and Matthiessen (2014, p. 220) affirms that this system comprises of three

main components that is Process, Participants, Circumstances. Process within the sentence can

be recognized by a verbal group and participants realized by the nominal group involved in the

process. Circumstances are realized by the prepositional phrases or adverbs and attendant in the


Transitivity system isolates three constituents of the grammar of the clause. The first is

the Process, which is illustrative of the experiential mode of the clause and is typically realized

by the verb phrase. The second is the participant(s) who take part in the process and is normally

recognized by noun phrases. The third element is the circumstances, which are associated with

the process and thus not directly involved in it. The circumstances explored by the adjunct

element in the clause and are typically acknowledged by prepositional and adverb phrase.

2.2.4 Processes. Six processes are used in transitivity. The word ‘process’ provides a

widespread system to cover all occurrences that is indicated by a verb. The demonstration of

reality is realized by three main pillars which include processes with participants and the

circumstances. First one is also recognized as process of doing. It represents the impression that

some entity “does” something which may be done to some other entities It can be detected by the

action verbs which is responsible for describing an event or action. This process represents the

actions and tells you what happened. It consisted of two aspects one is the actor or the

participant. Actor is the one who carry out the action and the goal is the one to whom the action

is done.

Second is Relational process as the name specified refers to the relations between two

entities or things. Most commonly an abstract relationship that shows some kind of association

that is present between two entities. Thompson (2004) describes that “relational processes as the

process of being in the world of abstract relations.”

In order to make it more understandable it is sub divided into two modes i.e. “Attributive

and Identifying”. The first one is for the purpose of identifying and has two component “carrier”

and “attribute” and the other one applies for assigning qualities between two things or entities.

Attributive relational process is more concern toward identifying the attribute that one

thing has over the other. Whenever the two concepts or things have some kind of relation they

can be expressed by two ways either by ascribing any attribute or characteristic or by assigning

qualities two specified things.

Thirdly is Mental process deals with the inner feelings of humans and can feel through

our senses. It includes the perceptive, cognitive, emotive and desiderative sense. Sharififar and

Rahimi (2015) stated that “this process includes perception, cognition, affection and desire verbs

such as know, think, feel, hear, see, like, hate, please, and etc.”

This type of process refer to something that can be sense through the consciousness .It

deals with the feeling, perception and cognition that is inside the mind and signify the thinking

and perception of our understanding of the world inside one’s mind. This is internalized

processes, in contrast to the externalized processes of doing and speaking.

As quoted by Kondowe (2014) and stated by Halliday, and Matthiessen, (2004) observe

that, “unlike material processes, mental processes always involve at least one human participant

who has the mind in which the process occurs.” The mental process consisted of two components

one is the sensor who is a human who feel something and the Phenomenon is the condition

which is perceived and sensed by the sensor that in most of the cases are the humans and may

also sometimes inanimate.

2.3 Review of Earlier Studies Based on Transitivity in the Field of Political Discourse

Many studies have been conducted on political statement by Bitz (1981), Chaffee (1975),

Garber(1981), Swanson and Nimmo (1990), and Thompson (1978).Some of the prominent

linguists of political discourse analysis are Chilton, 2004, Wilson, 1990 and Wodak who

delivered great work on political discourses.

PDA has activated much intrigued among investigators and analysts for being the device

politician use in their political views and the way they can communicate and interconnect with

the masses. The given below are some of the previous studies conducted on political speeches of

great politicians by using transitivity.

Wang (2010) based his study on the political speeches of Obama on the basis of

Transitivity and modality. In order to recognize the ideational process .The six different types of

processes were identified and then categorized into specified process and similarly modality was

taken into account.

From the transitivity analysis, it was predicted that material processes made up to highest

percentage. It was investigated that Obama used modal verbs, simple tense and first person

pronoun to make his speech easily comprehensible for masses and also to influence people. This

study represented the detailed analysis of participants in the process and each result was sensibly

represented in table.

Adjei and Mensa (2016) analyze the use of language in farewell address of President J. A.

Kufuor’s. By using transitivity model it is revealed that the material processes are used

maximally in the address and the existential processes are used minimally. Further, it explored

that pronoun “I” was employed as the major actor in the material process and suggested that

Kufuor’s construed the world by representing his past records by communicating his bitter

political ordeals and atrocities.

Liping (2014) designed his study on Winston S. Churchill’s Speech to analyze

experiential metafunction by using transitivity model. The findings revealed that Churchill

address contained 37.5% material and 26.1% of relational processes .It also indicated that main

purpose of Churchill’s Speech was to encourage British people to support his choice of assisting

Russia and struggling against Hitler.


Zhang (2017) applied transitivity model on inaugural speech of American President

Donald J. Trump’s. He applied quantitative and qualitative method to discover the distribution

and purpose of process in political discourse of President Donald J. Trump’s. One of the

important features of this research is that it provided the function of the six processes in

comprehensive and meticulous style.

Like other researches it also revealed the highest percentage of material processes in the

address. He illustrated that the function for which process of doing was employed is used to refer

to the unappealing affairs of the States and the plans and strategies. It reflected the determination

and ambition of new leader. He also revealed the functions of all other processes in the address.

Duran (2008) conducted study on the analysis of political discourse of President George

W. Bush and Senator John Kerry. It is a contrastive study based on the acceptance speeches of

both the political personalities before the 2004 Presidential Election in the United States. The

specified study determined that the Bush’s speech contained 45% of material processes which is

higher than in Kerry’s which constituted 38%.The percentage of relational processes displays a

reversed pattern: 29% in Bush’s discourse and 39% in Kerry’s. The quantitative analysis was

done to give statistics of the choice of both the participants in subject position and the processes

in the pre-election speeches of both the candidates.

Dickinson (2009) conducted a research to investigate the comparisons and dissimilarities

in communicative style of two speeches through two inspiring politicians Kevin Rudd and Paul

Keating, the two promising Prime Ministers in Australia. Both the selected speeches were related

to the same topic. Taking into consideration of contextual and linguistic analysis, the results

clarified that the similarities were due to the same context and differences were identified in the

interactive style and also in representing the use of linguistic patterns according to the social and

political context.

Alvi and Baser (2011) conducted transitivity analysis on one of the speech of Benazir

Bhutto. The study explored that she could employ linguistic choices quiet impeccably according

to the situation. The material process is used more frequently than mental and relational process.

It revealed that the semantic function of each process type varies according to the context. The

analysis discloses that she is more fretful about the emotional and physical involvement of


2.3.1 An Overview of Transitivity in Different Fields. In order to perform transitivity

analysis on literary work Cunanan (2011) conducted a study on stylistic analysis of one of the

literary essay by of Virginia Woolf .The study was intended to explore the main actors and

processes within the text. It intentions was to provide wakefulness on language structures in a

prose writing. The results were shown by percentages to show different types of process

distributed in the literary work.

Babaii and Ansary (2005) piloted a study on transitivity analysis on academic journals.

The actual purpose was to explore the variation of printed genre in academics. They investigated

to study the reviews of academic book randomly selected from the field of English, physics and

sociology from the period of 1998-1999.It was investigated that journal of physics contained

much higher percentage of participants which are non-human as compared to the journals of

literature and sociology

Mahdawi and Al- Marrar (2012) conducted study on functionality of transitivity process

in the field of discourse. For this purpose the corpus included the letters written to the newspaper

to explore the function of Transitivity in letters to-the editor of “The Times”.


The study established that act of communication in the letter text was mostly employed

by material and relational processes. Actions and events were been expressed by using process of

doing (material) processes. In the literally work they were used with the intention to inspire the

reader and were showing physical actions performed by the varieties of participants. The mental

process reminds the internal experiences of influence the viewer’s sense. The verbal process

shows the thought of the writer. It also makes readers attentive and to remind him about the ideas

mention in the text.

Sriniwass (2003) applied Transitivity process in the field of sciences especially

Chemistry. It was discovered that the processes varied from theoretical segment to practical

segment since experimental procedures occupied material process more frequently used.

Cheikh (2017) figured out the transitivity patterns used in both Algerian and United State

newspapers articles. The corpus of the study included four selected newspaper namely Ennahar

online, The Washington post and The New York Times dealing with two Algerian events.

2.5 Chapter Summary

This chapter covered review of earlier studies and conceptual understanding of key term

related to the present study. It has demonstrated a literature on discourse analysis and political

discourse. It also provided comprehensive understanding on systemic functional linguistics as the

basic scheme of study. Few of the previous studies on transitivity analysis and distribution of

processes in political address have been demarcated also. The subsequent chapter will discuss the

outline the conceptual framework and organization of procedure and methods employed in it.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

This section explains the theoretical framework and methodology of this study. Section

3.2 discusses the type of research and how it is useful in this regard. Section 3.3 explains

theoretical framework applied in the current study. Section 3.4 illustrates the research

methodology and sub divided into four subsections which includes Research Procedure, Data

Collection, Data Description and Research Technique. Sub division 3.4.2 explicates the

procedure for collection of sample. Sub-section 3.4.4 describes the four stages that are involved

for analysis of data. Section 3.5 includes the conclusion of the chapter.

3.2 Nature of the Research

The design of the study involved combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Qualitative method was adopted to provide description of the whole process type within the

sample speeches. It also investigated the active participants that take the main role in occurrence

of sensing, being and doing .Qualitative analysis was used for the purpose to recognize the

experiential meaning in Sharif’s speeches when he acted as the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Quantitative analysis was used to look at the statistics and investigate the distribution of

various types of processes. It is also useful for considering the occurrence of participants and

processes within selected political text. First the total number of clauses was calculated and then

frequencies and percentages were calculated.

Quantitative method was used to provide the detailed view of information about the

distribution of three processes .The quantitative results were summarized in tables and also

represented in the form of graphical representation and was shown in given graph. The

distribution of material, relational and mental process in all the four speeches was represented in

graphical way in Figure 1.

3.3 Transitivity System as Theoretical Framework

The main analytical tool concepts are derived from the system of transitivity. For

identifying the experiential aspect of the ideational metafunction that is the representation of

experience and can be explored by transitivity and serves as an investigative using

transitivity choices

The transitivity is a basic tool for the analysis, interpretation and explanation of the

political speeches of ousted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. The theoretical framework is helpful

in the recognition of the Ideational metafunction which has two aspects i.e. experiential and

logical. In this study, experiential aspect of the ideational metafunction which construe clause as

the representation of experience is used as an investigative tool.

According to Halliday language has three metafunction which are ideational,

interpersonal and textual. While dealing with transitivity in SFL we actually explore one feature

of ideational metafunction which is experiential meaning. Transitivity refers to the way of

representing our experience or system for construal of our experience.Experiencial meaning can

be expressed by the components of clause or sentence.

Actually in transitivity process, clause serves to explore the experiential meaning that

represents the ongoing event and actions of the surrounding .This can be reflected by semantic

constructions of the language. The process are realized and indicated by specific types of verbs

to identify the specific processes. The circumstantial elements are realized by adverbial and

prepositional phrases

Experiential function is directed through the system of transitivity. This system displays

the activities, happenings, sensing, beings, saying and existence. Hence, preferences or choice of

certain syntactic structure in political discourse provide the representation of on-going

happenings which influence people thought. Transitivity choices attempts to represent experience

of world, doings and goings-on, in their talk and way of behaving, being and having, and in

sensing the world around the speaker.

3.4 Rationale for Applying Transitivity on Present Study

Halliday transitivity process is used as the device to explore the language to reflect

speaker way of representing the reality of world around him. This process focuses on the

transmission of ideas, so it has greatly related with the experiential function of language. The

manner in which transitivity explores experiential function is expressed by processes.

Transitivity refers to a system for describing the whole clause, rather than just the Verb

and it’s Object in traditional grammar (Thompson, 1996, 2000, p. 78). It shows how speakers

reflect the experience and reality of world around him. It actually relies on kind of linguistic

patterns preferred over the other in the political speeches to persuade public and in order to gain

their support.

Halliday speaks out language as a ‘social semiotic system’ so that functions of language

determine by its uses. Halliday and Matthiessen (2014) affirm that this system comprises of three

main components that is Process, Participants, and Circumstances. Process within the sentence

can be recognized by a verbal group and participants realized by the nominal group involved in

the process.

Among the linguists of recent times Farhat (2016) and Adjei, Mensah & Okoh (2015)

applied transitivity on the discourse of political figures is of significant importance for present


On the basis of above discussion transitivity process within Systemic Functional

Linguistics especially valuable to our analysis as it permits to cogitate through the ways in which

experiential meanings can be realized by considering processes or in simpler way to investigate

the grammatical patterns of the political text and in the long run explore the experiential meaning

in the political discourse of ousted Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Further, the processes which will be frequently employed in the corpus are discovered.

The percentages of the material, relational and mental processes will be calculated. In the end,

the communicative function of the above mentioned processes will be discussed

3.4 Delimitation of the study

One of the delimitation of this study is that it only focuses Nawaz Sharif political

discourse. Second delimitation is the time duration selected for this thesis that is from 2013 to


This study entirely focuses on one of the metafunction of language that is the ideational

metafunction with special reference on experiential aspects. According to Halliday, there are

three metafunction that is ideational, interpersonal and textual .This paper seeks to investigate

only on one aspect of ideational metafunction that is experiential .So that, researcher can

thoroughly scrutinize this particular aspect and the comprehensive understand about the

experiential meaning employed in Sharif’s speeches.


3.5 Research Procedure

First, the identification of all the material, relational and mental clauses was done, followed by

the calculation of three different types of processes. Second, the author will identify the process

types of the chosen clauses by adopting the criteria set by Halliday. Third, the number of each

process type was calculated, and then the percentage of each type of process was assessed.

Qualitative analysis was implemented to read between the lines and explain the functions

of three most important process types. The descriptive analysis was done by taking examples

from the source text and discussed the components especially participants and processes type. In

the end the communicative functions of three major processes were explained.

3.5 Type of Sampling

The method used for studying the political discourse in this paper was Purposive

Sampling. Purposive sampling is based on judgments of the researcher. It is significant in

reviewing the particular features and concentrate only on the very specific aspect of the text .It

equipped the research with valuable information for studying selected characteristics

The main objective of purposive sampling is to concentrate particularly on the process

and participants role frequently distributed in the speeches of ousted Pakistani Prime Minister

Nawaz Shareef to recognize the experiential meaning expressed in political text of Sharif.

Numerous speeches were selected and were analyzed for the present study. The

judgments were made by exploring the linguistic pattern and types of processes employed in the

political discourse. Only four speeches were selected for sample of this study. The selected

speeches were considered as an appropriate source for present study.


The text of Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef was taken from two different sources i-e

downloaded from official website of Pakistan Muslim League - and speeches taken from You Tube videos. Few other

speeches were downloaded from You Tube through Internet Download Manager (IDM) .The

speeches were translated by using Transcribewreally

Four of the speeches are as follows.

 Mian Nawaz Shareef address to National Assembly 29.01.2014.

 Address of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif at International

Cooperation, Beijing, China, 14.05. 2017.

 Mian Nawaz Shareef Address To Nation 22.4.16.
 Address of Nawaz Sharif to Public Rally at Layyah in 02.05. 2017.

3.6 Selection of Selected Speeches

The data for this study included four speeches from the political discourse of ousted

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from the year 2013 to 2017. Many speeches delivered by

Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan during the specified time period had been reviewed in order to

identify what types of processes are used in political addresses.

During the process of selecting the speeches for present study, the preferences was given

to the text of sentences structure for transitivity analysis and also considering the processes used

in the selected speeches or addresses. The chosen corpus contained appropriate amount of

processes for present study. The personal judgments were made by reviewing the sentence

structure of various speeches. After keenly observing the text a number of speeches were

selected and from these only four speeches were included for analysis.

In this way, it was decided that these speeches would be suitable source for the data

required as text of these speeches consist of sufficient amount of processes. Moreover, the

speeches were selected by taking into account of their location and addressees as to cover all

political situations in which language is employed by Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Each of the selected speeches addresses different processes; the focus is only on

material, relational and mental as it is generally observed that these three processes are

frequently employed in political speeches.

These four selected speeches were taken from various political backgrounds which

stretch from National Assembly, Public Rally, International Conference and address to the

Nation. The selected speeches occurred in different political set up and discussed different issues

and try to reveal construal of reality in terms of happening in the world around or within him.

3.7 Data Description

The focus of the existing study was to realize the experiential meaning expressed in

political speeches of Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif .Speeches were delivered

by the Ex-PM Nawaz Sharif during his third reign that is the period after General Election

2013.It explores the way of representing the events and going on around the inner and outer

world. For this purpose four speeches were reviewed to identify the process and participant role

for exploring experiential meaning.

The selected speeches were taken during the ruling period of ousted Prime Minister

Nawaz Sharif. In order to achieve the overall representation of the political discourse different

scopes were analyzed by selecting text from different time of the year and also from various

aspects or field of discourse. Speeches were selected from various periods and took place in

different situations. The audience was different in all the four speeches. The speeches were

systematically summarized with their title, occurrence and with specific time period in the below

given Table 1.

It was found that four of these speeches revealed the political discourse on four different

political backgrounds. These speeches provided a broad view as it take account of the speeches

made in four different backgrounds. From this, it was decided that these speeches would be right

choice to explore process by applying transitivity analysis.

Table 1: Themes in the Selected Speeches of Nawaz Sharif Speeches

Themes Occasion Date Of Delivering

Mian Nawaz Shareef address
Speech 1 to National Assembly. 29.01.2014

Address of Prime Minister

Muhammad Nawaz Sharif at
Speech 2 International Cooperation,
Beijing, China.

Mian Nawaz Shareef Address

Speech 3 To Nation.

Speech by Prime Minister

Muhammad Nawaz Sharif at
Speech 4 02.05.2017

3.8 Research Techniques

The study focused on the principal types of processes that are three in number and are

material, relational, and mental processes. Firstly the speeches are thoroughly reviewed and

parsed into segments. Each clause of the speech is investigated and processes along with the

circumstances and main participants are marked. Consequently, the processes were interpreted to

acquire descriptive analysis.

The analysis was also done in line with the three steps used by Kondowe (2014) and this

method is based on the various phase. First the text was analyzed and is divided into its

constituent’s clauses. Secondly the processes will be identified and marked by assigning different

code. Further the participants are analyzed and then there frequencies will be calculated.

3.8.1 Step One: Distribution of Selected Speeches into Sentences. Firstly, the speeches

were given label with the capital letter “S” and were assigned number as S1, S2, S3 and S4.The

text of the speeches were divided into sentences and assigned numbered in sequential manner.

All the sentences within the speeches were coded as C1, C2, and C3.The code was assigned to

show the speech number and then clause of this speech for example S1C12 represented that

clause 12 of speech 1.In the similar way all the clauses of four speeches were assigned for the

convenience of identifying code

3.8.2 Step Two: Isolation of the Process Types and Actors. In this step the recognition

and isolation of the actors in the process types along with the circumstances and goals were

acknowledged. The recognition and identification of each process types was done in the selected

four speeches one after the other.

3.8.3 Step three: Examination of the Varieties of Process and Actors to Realize the

Experiential Meaning. This phase play noteworthy part in providing the explanations for the

leading question in this study: In what way the experiential meaning is realized through process

and actors are documented in the carefully chosen speeches of Nawaz Sharif?

In order to explore the experiential significance in the discourse of ousted Pakistani

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, descriptive analysis was done. The detailed analysis of all the

material, relational and mental process was presented in the start of Chapter 5.The qualitative

part comprises of comprehensive description of process, participants along with the


3.8.4 Step Four: Quantitative Analysis of Material, Relational and Mental Process.

Quantitative analysis was used with the intention of investigating the percentages making

the clear view quantitative analysis was done. The frequencies of material, relational and mental

process were counted by taking into consideration each sentence .Process types and participants

(Actors) were predicted by exploring verb type and nominal group. The sentences were

categorized into material, relation and mental processes. The percentage of each of three

processes in each speech was calculated and represented in the table 3.

Frequencies and percentages of each process were calculated and quantitative results

were tabulated. The graphical representations provide the crystal clear view of the distribution of

the three major processes.

3.9 Chapter Summary

This section goes through the design of the research and includes set of techniques that

are being used in progress research. Succeeding section will display of instances of three major

processes in the selected speeches and further statistical analysis will be presented in the last

section of next chapter.

Chapter 4: Data Representation

This chapter consists of all the examples of all material, relational and mental process

identified from the selected speeches of Nawaz Sharif. Section 4.1 take accounts of identified

material, relational and mental process in selected Speech 1.From section 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 enlist

the examples of three major processes in Speech 2, 3 and 4 respectively. All the examples of

three major processes are marked or signified with their specific Actors or Sensors along with the

Process. All the examples in Section 4.5 displays the Quantitative analysis and statistical analysis

is shown in tables and graph for providing clear view of distribution of material ,relational and

mental processes.

4.1. Analyzing The Specific Themes Of The Four Speeches

This section is dedicated to analyze the three major processes i.e. material, relational, and

mental processes from the selected speeches with specified themes. Each speech is selected on

the basis of various significant issues.

As it was mentioned earlier, the text of four selected speeches are parsed in the different clauses

and sentences . These speeches were made by Nawaz Sharif on different occasions and in

different places . These speeches tap on some of crucial issues exist within the specified time

frame for this study i.e. from 2013 to 2017.

The selection then is based on the recurring themes conveyed through the six speeches. It is

found that the speeches seem to touch on recurring throughout the speeches. In this study, the

term recurring themes is used to describe these common issues found in the speeches. Therefore,

the analysis of processes and participant role will be contextualized among the four selected

speeches with special reference to the themes. In subsection 4.1.1 the data taken from the

four speeches are described.


The material process occupied up to 40% as compared to relational and mental process.

“We” and “I” as actors are frequently used to express the goal and circumstances in the process

of doing. The mental process employed least in this political text and holds up to 20.8%.

4.1.1 Examples of Material Process in Speech 1.

S1C2. Mr. Speaker, I (Actor) will gain (Material Process) the confidence of members of the

Assembly on the governments struggle over the issues and challenges that the country is


S1C3. Currently, I (Actor) restrict (Material Process) myself to the issue of terrorism.

S1C7. We (Actor) consulted (Material Process) all the interested party on the issue of terrorism

and gained the views of all politically aware parties in All Parties Conference (APC).

S1C8. I (Actor) remained (Material Process) in constant contact with the state-owned agencies

and consulted philosophers along with scholars.

S1C23. Religious intellectuals of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (Actor) showed (Material Process)

their consensus that Islam has no relation with terrorism.

S1C24. As far the human life and property is concerned, Islam (Actor) does not allow or tolerate

(Material Process) any religious difference but teach us to have respect for all mankind.

S1C26. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Actor) put emphasis (Material Process) on this in

his last sermon.

S1C41. We (Actor) emphatically disagreed (Material Process) on the given judgments and

assessments while in opposition, and sustained that interest in affairs of should be our first


S1C43. At present, we (Actor) are earning (Material Process) which was propagated in the

existences of dictatorship.

S1C45. Mr. Speaker, until now we (Actor) offered (Material Process) the extremists to initiate

peace talks and give open invitation that you must come to initiate peace talk.

S1C46. The conference for all joint session (Actor) also certified (Material Process) the

administration to hold discussions with the militants.

S1C47. We (Actor) invited (Material Process) the militant to come and hold discussion in order

to stop them to not murder innocent citizens and abstain from disquieting peace, and in addition

to this it is also alleged that they must respect the constitution of the country.

S1C48. Unluckily, they (Actor) did not positively comeback (Material Process) to our

suggestion and persistently targeted Pakistan Army and our civilians.

S1C55. A massive extent of terrorist’s instances (Actor) took place (Material Process) in which

great masses of citizens, including ladies, teenagers, young people and the elderly were murdered

and injured.

S1C56. No religion of the world including Islam (Actor) accepts or put up (Material Process)

with this brutality.

S1C57. The government (Actor) however did not be able (Material Process) to find endurance.

S1C65. On the other hand we (Actor) cannot overlook (Material Process) those who are

assassinating the innocent citizen of our land on this premise.

S1C70. We (Actor) cannot allow (Material Process) the bloodbath of impeccable citizens


S1C73. We (Actor) cannot permit (Material Process) the extremists to hold hostage or to

strengthen their foot on our homeland and on are Nation.

S1C82. We (Actor) have to put (Material Process) effort on it with full sincerity.

S1C84. We (Actor) can no more uplift (Material Process) the bodies of deceased personnel as I

had already informed in my address to the State.

S1C85. But we (Actor) continuously facing (Material Process) it from the past seven months,

still we are trying to pave the way for peace.

S1C88. Committee (Actor) will be assisted (Material Process) by Interior Minister Chaudhry


S1C89. I (Actor) will administer (Material Process) the proceedings.

S1C90. I (Actor) am doing (Material Process) all this in moral faith.

S1C92. It was contracted in the joint committee conference in which all the parties participated

that we (Actor) will not put (Material Process) on the agenda the issue of terrorism.

S1C94. I have the equivalent emotional state as those of a common citizen and I assure you that I

(Actor) will keep moving (Material Process) ahead with full honesty and sincerity.

S1C96. You (Actor) will be going (Material Process) to suggest us.

S1C102. Despite of all criticism from the people, I am certain that they (Actor) have prepared

(Material Process) and have achieved good faith and determined in the near future.

4.1.2 Examples of Relational Process in Speech 1.

S1C6. Democracy is (Relational Process) about providing protection and safeguards the welfare

of the people.

S1C11. Power is (Relational Process) the trust of the people and gift of Allah.

S1C13. The protection of the innocent citizen along with valuable possessions of the people and

guaranteeing law and order is (Relational Process) the primary obligation of government and a

legitimate obligation.

S1C14. This is (Relational Process) also taught in our religion.


S1C15. The government is (Relational Process) responsible to release the people from fear and

to make sure that their existence and integrity are completely safeguarded.

S1C16. Nowadays, the citizen of Pakistan and also public organizations and government sector

institutions are (Relational Process) at the sufferers of violence and extremism.

S1C17. Innocent people are (Relational Process) being attacked and young children are


S1C26. So it is (Relational Process) the responsibility of the State to provide justice to the

unlawfully murdered.

S1C35. At another occasion the similar subject was (Relational Process) discussed in these

words, “the sanctity of human life is greater than the sanctity of Biat al- Allah (the Kaaba).

S1C38. The protection of people and their property is (Relational Process) religious and

constitutional responsibility of the government, which it cannot watch over.

S1C40. It is (Relational Process) principally a consequence of the resolutions of an

undemocratic rule and an authoritarian who shaped this mayhem.

S1C42. For autocracy, every time the main precedence is (Relational Process) to reserve power,

and in achieving this forcefulness was permissible to carry the day.

S1C51. A church was (Relational Process) attacked in Peshawar city and our innocent Christian

brothers and sisters were killed.

S1C52. Impeccable people and Pak Army warriors were (Relational Process) under fire in

Bannu and Rawalpindi.

S1C53. Countless impeccable people were (Relational Process) assassinated in the Qisa

Khwani Bazaar, Peshawar and in Hangu.


S1C54. Polio employees are (Relational Process) being attacked and broadcasting personnel are

being killed.

S1C62. For me the pain of every mother is (Relational Process) alike irrespective of the fact

that she is mother child attacked by drone in FATA or a mother of the victim of bomb blast in

Peshawar and Rawalpindi.

S1C63. Their discomfort is (Relational Process) my own and I feel it alike.

S1C64. Mr. Speaker, The government is (Relational Process) doing what it can to stop drone


S1C68. PM Nawaz Sharif clarified that “This standpoint is (Relational Process) not accepted

and are no more tolerable by law, morality and by government.

S1C69. Mr. Speaker, These circumstances are (Relational Process) not tolerable to any further


S1C71. The repute of our homeland Pakistan is (Relational Process) being interrogated.

S1C72. Our existence is (Relational Process) at stake.

S1C74. Peace is (Relational Process) our ultimate aim and is not our option and it will be

attained by all means and the whole nation is unified on this topic.

S1C80. State agencies and the entire Nation are (Relational Process) united on this stance.

S1C81. This is (Relational Process) our joint mission.

S1C95. But it is (Relational Process) your right to point them out and suggest their remedies.

S1C97. Mistakes are (Relational Process) likely to occur.

4.1.3 Examples of Mental Process in Speech 1.

S1C1. I (Sensor) am thankful (Mental Process) to you and the House for providing me this

opportunity to express myself.


S1C5. At the moment I (Sensor) want (Mental Process) to gain confidence of the Nation and

also want to achieve through your joint - conciliation.

S1C10. At present, I (Sensor) want (Mental Process) to share with the state the deductions that I

attained as the end result of combined wisdom.

S1C19. I (Sensor) consider (Mental Process) it as my obligation.

SIC21. Every single Muslim (Sensor) knows (Mental Process) the directions that murder of

single person is considered equivalent as unlawful death of the entire mankind o protect the life

and secure the property of the people at any cost.

S1C22. All humans (Sensor) know (Mental Process) that this kind of attitude is contrary to the

instructions of Islam and no divine and spiritual scholar will ever canonize it.

S1C39. As you (Sensor) all know (Mental Process) (aware of the fact) that the country is

fronting the rage of extremism for the previous 14 years.

S1C59. I (Sensor) can sense (Mental Process) the suffering of a mourning mom when she hugs

her departed son’s body.

S1C60. I (Sensor) can feel (Mental Process) the sorrow of the father who takes down the dead

body of his beloved son in grave

S1C61. I (Sensor) have seen (Mental Process) the impeccable children immersed in blood.

S1C77. We (Sensor) do not want (Mental Process) to remember the hostile past and give one

more chance to peaceable dialogs.

S1C91. I (Sensor) am thankful (Mental Process) to the leader of opponent parties, political

friends and all those who gave their big hand to direct us with their high opinion.

S1C93. I (Sensor) believe (Mental Process) the opposition participants admire this perspective.

S1C99.I (Sensor) am grateful (Mental Process) to those opponent party leader gave

constructive comment on our course of action.

S1C101. I (Sensor) am thankful (Mental Process) to them also.

4.2 Examples of Three Major Processes in Speech 2

Speech 2 was delivered by PM at International Cooperation, Beijing, China on 14 May

2017 .It mainly engrossed on the project of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).This

speech consisted of relatively higher proportion of material process as it employed 56.09% and

relational process consisted of 31.7% and mental process hold up 12.19 %.

4.2.1 Examples of Material Process in Speech 2.

S2C4. OBOR (Actor) will construct (Material Process) critical paths in coming years in the

field of economic as well as in commercial and financial collaboration; it also accelerates

collaboration among businesses and also among people.

S2C6. Ladies and Gentlemen, I (Actor) pay (Material Process) to President Xi and Chinese

leadership, my deepest tributes for their dynamic and creative leadership.

S2C8. And above all, in launching China Railway Express trains (Actor) that constructs

(Material Process) a new bridge on the Eurasian landmass.

S2C11. We (Actor) stand (Material Process) at the cusp of a geo-economic revolution. In fact,

this is the dawn of a truly new era of synergetic intercontinental cooperation.

S2C14. It (Actor) covers (Material Process) half of the world population, half of its resources

and 65 countries.

S2C16. It (Actor) makes (Material Process) win-win enterprises promising for all the members.

S2C17.It (Actor) will speed up (Material Process) economic development of developing

countries; yield dividends for international investors.

S2C19. Most prominently, it (Actor) will support, renovate and reform (Material Process)

global trade and industry supremacy.

S2C22. Ladies and Gentlemen, Peace and development (Actor) go (Material Process) side by

side, and not anything can overlay the pathway for peacetime and safety other than cooperation

between regions.

S2C28. It (Actor) would help (Material Process) in eradicating poverty and achieving

sustainable development, leaving no one behind.

S2C31. Project of CPEC (Actor) marks (Material Process) Pakistan a passage and destination

in regional trade and for investment.

S2C34. In carry out this Corridor, we (Actor) are not striving (Material Process) to merely

leverage geography for economic prosperity.

S2C35. We (Actor) are also trying (Material Process) to build peaceable, joined and caring


S2C37. Ladies and Gentlemen, It is with a sense of pride that I (Actor) avail (Material Process)

this opportunity to inform this forum.

S2C41. We (Actor) have shaped (Material Process) an enabling environment for the CPEC to

take off.

S2C44. In pursuance of this vision, we (Actor) are also bridging (Material Process) the gap

between economic growth and social development by focusing on poverty alleviation, education,

health, and gender mainstreaming.

S2C45. We (Actor) would tap (Material Process) the full potential of our youth, who constitute

more than 60 per cent of our population.


S2C48. Today, I (Actor) give (Material Process) you a rising, confident and secure Pakistan – a

Pakistan that is now increasingly perceived as a turnaround story, and a winner.

S2C50. Before I (Actor) conclude (Material Process), I must emphasize that OBOR has gained

wide traction.

S2C51.It (Actor) negates (Material Process) the logic of polarization and rejects the

encirclement of any country.

S2C54. It (Actor) moves (Material Process) us out of silos into shared space.
S2C58. Let OBOR (Actor) develops (Material Process) into a metaphor for a new, mature,

resilient and cooperative world.

S2C59. We (Actor) all must keep (Material Process) alive the spirit of “One Belt One Road

4.2.2 Examples of Relational Process in Speech 2.

S2C3. This is (Relational Process) a historic event.

S2C9. Ladies and Gentlemen, “One Belt-One Road” is (Relational Process) an inter-continental

mega-project that integrates infrastructure, energy, trade, telecommunications, investment and

industrial development.

S2C10. Such a broad sweep and scale of interlocking economic partnerships and investments is

(Relational Process) unprecedented in history.

S2C15. International investors from all over the world are (Relational Process) pouring their

resources into it.

S2C32. Let me make it very simple and understandable that CPEC is (Relational Process) an

economic undertaking open to all countries in the region.

S2C38. Our infrastructure, energy and industrial projects are (Relational Process) moving just

as envisaged and many will be completed by or even before their timelines.


S2C42. It is (Relational Process) producing new entrepreneurs, creating new jobs and

businesses, and attracting international investment.

S2C46. Moreover, our economy is (Relational Process) attaining good results, macroeconomic

indicators are stable; the economic outlook is bright.

S2C47. Our growth rate is (Relational Process) rising; and the Pakistan Stock Exchange is one

of the five best performing stock exchanges in the world.

S2C49. It is (Relational Process) now an emerging economy, with even greater capacity to

absorb new investments and equities.

S2C52. It is (Relational Process) about connectivity.

S2C53. It is (Relational Process) about emancipation.
S2C55. The fact is (Relational Process) that now OBOR belongs to us all –those who are

participating in it and those who are not as yet.

4.2.3 Examples of Mental Process in Speech 2.

S2C5. At present I (Sensor) am here to celebrate (Mental Process) the remarkable success of

the seminal initiative of the “One Belt, One Road”, shoulder to shoulder with our close friend

and trusted ally, China, and the other world leaders present here.

S2C7. We (Sensor) admire (Mental Process) and commend China’s vision and ingenuity in

developing corridors across regions; in building supportive financial institutions such as the Silk

Road Fund and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

S2C24. As OBOR unfolds across continents, we (Sensor) see (Mental Process) it fostering

inclusion, creating tolerance, and promoting acceptance of cultural diversity.

S2C26. We (Sensor) see (Mental Process) it as a powerful tool for overcoming terrorism and


S2C27. Pakistan (Sensor) believes (Mental Process) that the most powerful impact of OBOR

will be on the lives of poor and marginalized people.

4.3 Examples of Three Major Processes in Speech 3

This speech was made to address the nation to clarify and defend the allegations of

corruption and Panama Cases. In this speech Sharif referred back to experiences of his past

government and then later announces the willingness for accountability and to take initiatives to

clear all the allegations of opponents.

The highest percentage of material process represented in this Speech and occupied up to

49.1%. Actor “I” as an actor is prominently used to convince that Nawaz Sharif as a main

participant to take actions and developmental strategies.

4.3.1 Examples of Material Process in Speech 3.

S3C2. At this time I (Actor) want to gain (Material Process) your trust.

S3C5. Alhamdulillah I (Actor) stand up (Material Process) from this earth and one day will

return back to same soil.

S3C9. But in all these, the hardest time was that when I (Actor) was deported (Material

Process) and forced to stay away from Pakistan.

S3C12. Then not only I (Actor) came (Material Process) back but win elections.

S3C20. Nor they(Actor) proved (Material Process) any kind of corruption, kickback or

commission and made any case .

S3C21.But after all this once again I (Actor) presented (Material Process) myself and my

whole family For the accountability because it’s the tradition in democratic and civilized country

S3C24. By the Grace of Allah, me and my family (Actor) and my business have been giving

(Material Process) tax from the time when some people did not know the meaning of this word.

S3C26. We (Actor) for the first time published (Material Process) directory of tax paper.

S3C27. We (Actor) placed (Material Process) it on website of FBR.

S3C29. We (Actor) displayed (Material Process) on FBR Website so that people know that who

is paying how much tax.

S3C42. I (Actor) challenge (Material Process) that if they have any proof, they would brought

forwarded in front of Commission.

S3C44. I (Actor) will state away go back (Material Process) to home without any delay if

investigation of the commission proved any blame against me.

S3C58. When we (Actor) were deported (Material Process) from the country why not someone

awake Supreme Court.

S3C65. Even a single penny was questionable from us and we (Actor) will face (Material

Process) it in future.

S3C73. In spite of all these things we (Actor) are ready (Material Process) to form a

commission for investigation.

S3C76. You are the witness of that abuse language which was used and Commission (Actor)

fully researched (Material Process) all blames and rejected them.

S3C81. We (Actor) had (Material Process) not even a single penny; we will be accountable for

billion dollar loss during sit-in who will be accountable for giving bad picture of our national

institution to young generation.

S3C89. When our government (Actor) by the grace of Allah will complete (Material Process)

the five years then they know it.

S3C90. Then according to our promise we (Actor) will be succeeded (Material Process) in

providing the fruit of economic development.


S3C93. You (Actor) have to demand (Material Process) the accountability of actually those

people wanted that instead of solving the problems of people.

S3C94. I (Actor) spent (Material Process) all the time in answering their false allegations

through which the loss is only and only of Pakistan and unluckily this is their vision.

S3C96. We (Actor) ourselves decided (Material Process) to make inquiry commission but at

the public level there is no demand of it.

S3C97. After this, from that day to today they (Actor) created (Material Process) problems in

the way of Commission.

S3C100. Alhummudullah, I (Actor) never do (Material Process) politics with fear.

S3C103. I (Actor) have been selected (Material Process) by sensible people of Pakistan and

after God I will be only answerable to people of Pakistan.

S3C105. I (Actor) have decided (Material Process) that I will write letter to chief justice of


S3C106. That he (Actor) will make (Material Process) Commission for investigation on this


S3C110. I (Actor) leave (Material Process) the answer of this question on you.

4.3.2 Examples of Relational Process in Speech 3.

S3C6. And why not? First and foremost being Pakistani my everything is (Relational Process)

with Pakistan.

S3C23. The details of our all assets are (Relational Process) cleared in the form of income Tax

Bank Return.

S3C25. This is (Relational Process) also the great act of our government.

S3C34. But people of Pakistan are (Relational Process) sensible.


S3C41. Because this is (Relational Process) the basic right of the people to know about it but

those people who blame us without thinking.

S3C45. My dear country fellow, Pakistani media is (Relational Process) an independent media.

S3C46. Examples of such media are (Relational Process) very rare in the world this media has

released itself from the clutches of dictatorship.

S3C48. Most of you are (Relational Process) the victim of such blames (allegations) and false

accusation in this regard.

S3C59. When our business and personal residence were (Relational Process) sealed except from

conscious people, they remain silent, who are the symbol of goodness today.

S3C69. This is (Relational Process) why those international bodies confess our good governess

and transparency.

S3C71. It is (Relational Process) impossible that people attacking on parliament say that they

are putting rope around the prime minister neck and drag him.

S3C74. A commission was (Relational Process) constituted in 2014 whose job was to checkout

organized corruption in election.

S3C75. This commission was (Relational Process) jointly made and it checks all blames which

were imposed while on standing on container.

S3C84. During sit back who anticipated that government is (Relational Process) being

dissolved but could not prove, who will make them accountable.

S3C88. So my dear country fellows, in reality it is (Relational Process) the fastest behavior

through which some people are in continuous effort for the destruction of country.

S3C91. This is (Relational Process) the reason that people lust for iqtadar is seeing failure.

S3C95. Although our vision is (Relational Process) to make Pakistan save, prosper and bright


S3C98. Respectable judges characters are (Relational Process) assassinated and dishonored so

that no one can accept the supervision of the commission and this they provided the justification

of sit back.

4.3.3 Examples of Mental Process in Speech 3.

S3C2. At this time I (Sensor) want (Mental Process) to gain your trust.

S3C3. As you (Sensor) know (Mental Process) that my whole life is like an open book.

S3C8. I (Sensor) have seen (Mental Process) many ups and downs in life.

S3C10. Me and my Allah (Sensor) know (Mental Process) that how I spent these 8 years in the

memory of my country. Then Allah brought that time.

S3C13. Rather you (Sensor) express (Mental Process) your confidence and gave me the

responsibility to serve the country for third time.

S3C28. So that people (Sensor) themselves know (Mental Process) who is giving how much


S3C47. I (Sensor) request (Mental Process) my media related sister and brothers.

S3C48. I (Sensor) request (Mental Process) you that before publishing or putting on-air any

allegations against any Pakistani first put yourself on his place and think about it and after that

you should decide

S3C62.The people (Sensor) who understand (Mental Process) the definition of democracy who

were standing behind the dictator who put the country into terrorism and they were standing

behind the dictator to get Prime Minister Ship order.


S3C92. I (Sensor) am not grief (Mental Process) on this but on the issue that nation precious

time has been wasted and was faced inexcusable loss

S3C99. But I (Sensor) want (Mental Process) to tell all these people that I am not afraid of

these jackals.

4.4 Examples of Three Major Processes in Speech 4

Speech 4 as previously discussed in Chapter 3 was speech made by Nawaz Sharif on the

occasion of inauguration of electricity and gas provision in Thal region. From the Table 2, it was

observed that in this speech the material processes were used at its highest among all the selected

speeches. Examples are given below.

4.4.1 Examples of Material Process in Speech 4.

S4C6. When I (Actor) enlarged (Material Process) the picture chairs were vacant under light

today mash Allah people of Layyah delighted me.

S4C22. You (Actor) have voted (Material Process) Muslim League on my request and enable

my friend and brother to win the election.

S4C24. The passion that I (Actor) brought (Material Process) back with me in 2013 is still

alive, that passion of me is not faded

S4C26. Today by the grace of Allah we (Actor) will bring (Material Process) new programme

for you.

S4C27. All members of national assembly, members of provincial assembly and local

government representative (Actor) had (Material Process) development plan for you people.

S4C28. They (Actor) will inshallah develop (Material Process) this area.

S4C29. They (Actor) will bring (Material Process) inshallah prosperity here.

S4C30. In our era, we (Actor) will decrease (Material Process) (paucity) Shortage of electricity

and End the curse of Load shedding.

S4C31. We (Actor) started (Material Process) working on the factories (industrial units) of


S4C33. I (Actor) went (Material Process) to Bhaikki and inaugurated Plant.

S4C34. We (Actor) plan (Material Process) inauguration ceremony of Haweili Bahadur Shah

Plant in near future.

S4C37. All these projects (Actor) will provide (Material Process) electricity in the beginning of

next year, electricity will come it will never off.

S4C40. For farmers and grower, we (Actor) are trying (Material Process) to provide cheap


S4C41. We (Actor) ourselves made (Material Process) urea cheap.

S4C42. Insha’Allah we (Actor) will provide (Material Process) it on cheaper rate in near


S4C44. We (Actor) Insha’Allah do (Material Process) this job for them.

S4C45. We (Actor) started (Material Process) construction of motorways throughout Pakistan.

S4C46. We (Actor) constructed (Material Process) roads in this area.

S4C47. We (Actor) planned (Material Process) to reduce Distances

S4C49. You (Actor) came (Material Process) here for the purpose that by the grace of God

S4C51. You (Actor) will reach (Material Process) from Layyah to Indus highway just in half an


S4C54. I (Actor) do not only inaugurate (Material Process) a project but also complete it.

S4C60. My friend Saqlain (Actor) worked (Material Process) day and night on this project.

S4C61. He (Actor) had presented (Material Process) your emotions to me in this regard.

S4C62. Sahibzada Faisal (Actor) has tried (Material Process) his best for this project.

S4C74. We (Actor) devoted (Material Process) 7 million rupees for the people of Layyah.

S4C76. I (Actor) decide (Material Process) to facilitate the people by providing gas to for

Chowk Azam-Wao-Wao!

S4C79. We (Actor) will install (Material Process) gas connection and here I announce the

provision of gas to Kharor and Fatah Pur also.

S4C99. It is my hearty desire that I (Actor) would come (Material Process) here again before

elections and kiss your forehead and face. The love, you are giving to me is good luck for me.

S4C108. Government of Pakistan (Actor) provides (Material Process) him free treatments.

S4C112. We (Actor) will afford (Material Process) the treatment and expenditures of poor

patient, for those who do not afford treatment.

S4C113. I (Actor) will arrange (Material Process) Health Card for you.

S4C116. I (Actor) have done (Material Process) my politics like prayer and not to blame others.

S4C117. I (Actor) don’t make (Material Process) my tongue dirty.

S4C121. You (Actor) have got (Material Process) government of one province.

S4C123.But you (Actor) have made (Material Process) old Pakistan older but the worst thing

this is new Pakistan.

S4C124. We (Actor) have made (Material Process) six lanes the motorway.

S4C126. We (Actor) extended (Material Process) motorways from Karachi to Lahore and then

Multan, Hyderabad and Sakkhar.

S4C129. When you (Actor) will go (Material Process) to Multan and further to Karachi you

will reach Karachi in few hours.


S4C131. We (Actor) are doing (Material Process) all this for you people.

S4C136. We (Actor) have built (Material Process) school, universities and also hospitals.

S4C137. We (Actor) plan (Material Process) to serve you.

S4C138. We (Actor) are providing (Material Process) facilities to industrialists.

S4C139. We (Actor) provide (Material Process) our services to the nation and to all citizens.

S4C140. We (Actor) have done (Material Process) this for Allah.

S4C141. Allah (Actor) will give (Material Process) reward of this either in this world or on the

other world.

S4C142. I will pray for you and Allah (Actor) will help (Material Process) you and guide you.

S4C143. I (Actor) will launch (Material Process) a strategy for remanding of Thal canal on

unanimous decisions of my brothers and sisters sitting here.

S4C144. I (Actor) will work (Material Process) hard for the development program that will

take place in coming years.

S4C145. I (Actor) decide (Material Process) to come here before election.

S4C146. I (Actor) gave (Material Process) instruction to construct these roads as soon as

possible and to start working on it enthusiastically ( Josh- o Jazba).

S4C147. On completion we (Actor) will travel (Material Process) on this bridge in caravan.

S4C148. We (Actor) will travel (Material Process) to Indus Bypass. Will you come with me?

4.4.2 Examples of Relational Process in Speech 4.

S4C9. Today this rally is (Relational Process) giving me the good news of 2018.

S4C11. This was (Relational Process) not visible somewhere else.

S4C12. Today Layyah is (Relational Process) being appreciated throughout Pakistan.


S4C49. Bridge is (Relational Process) being constructed from Layyah to Taunsa and the roads

are also being constructed.

S4C50.180 km distance is being (Relational Process) shortened up to only 24 kilometers about

150 kilometers distance will be reduced.

S4C52. This is (Relational Process) called the service of people.

S4C80. Today is (Relational Process) a good day for Layyah.

S4C81. Fate of Layyah is (Relational Process) on.

S4C85. Their agenda is (Relational Process) to create terrorism.

S4C86. Their job is (Relational Process) to blame others.

S4C101. You are (Relational Process) my assets and it is my utmost desire to serve you from

night to day and from night till morning.

S4C111. It is (Relational Process) unbearable for me I announce that teams will visit here and

make a survey to ensure to provide Health Card to the poor people.

S4C114. It is (Relational Process) not a gift or a favor it is my duty to provide entitlement.

S4C125. Motorway is (Relational Process) being constructed up to Peshawar.

S4C132. All these projects are (Relational Process) for your welfare and for your betterment

and prosperity.

S4C133. China Pakistan corridor project is (Relational Process) in full swing and inshallah

unemployment will be eradicated in Pakistan.

4.4.3 Examples of Mental Process in Speech 4.

S4C3. You (Sensor) have seen (Mental Process) small rallies of opponent; I (Sensor) was also

watching (Mental Process) a day before yesterday.


S4C4. I (Sensor) have also seen (Mental Process) smaller rallies of Islamabad on social media

that were bulbs that were lighting so bright.

S4C25. I (Sensor) appreciate (Mental Process) in my heart during election that passion is still


S4C43. We (Sensor) want (Mental Process) to provide cheap electricity to farmers, brothers.

S4C64. I (Sensor) am very thankful (Mental Process) to Saqlain Bukhari who keeps devotion

for you people and talk about the development of the constituency.

S4C67. Nawaz Shareef (Sensor) never forgets (Mental Process) his friend.

S4C88. I (Sensor) don't know (Mental Process) what kind of language they use.

S4C103. I (Sensor) can’t see (Mental Process) your faces but your hands are visible to me.

S4C135. They (Sensor) do not want (Mental Process) Pakistan to become prosper and

unemployment did not finish these people are making noise again us and do propaganda.

4.5 Quantitative Analysis

From Table 3, it is observed that material processes occupy the highest percentage in all

the four speeches of Nawaz Sharif. In Speech 1, the material processes occupied 40% .Relational

processes hold up to 38% and mental 20.8%. In Speech 2, the material process hold up 56.09%,

relational processes 31.7% and mental process 12.19 %.In Speech 3, the occurrence of material

process was 49.1%, relational processes 31.57% and mental processes were insignificant with

19.29 % .In Speech 4, the material, relational and mental processes occupied 67.94%, 20.51%

and 11.53% respectively.

Table 2 represented the frequencies of material, relational and mental processes in all the

four speeches. Figure 1 expressed clear view of all three processes in four different political

speeches and express that the material processes are at higher level than relational and mental


Table 2:

Showing Frequencies of Material, Relational and Mental Process.

Speeches Clauses Material Relational Mental
Speech 1 72 29 28 15
Speech 2 41 23 13 05
Speech 3 57 28 18 11
Speech 4 78 53 16 09

Table 3:

Showing Percentages of Material, Relational and Mental Process.

Speech No Material Relational Mental
Speech 1 40% 38% 20.8%
Speech 2 56.09% 31.7% 12.19%
Speech 3 49.1% 31.57% 19.29%
Speech 4 67.94% 20.51% 11.53%

Figure 1: Graphical representation showing distribution of material, relational and mental

process in four selected speeches.

4.6 Conclusion

This chapter provides all the examples of three major processes identified in the

speeches. The last section deals with the quantitative analysis which provides the statistical

representation of the three processes in detail.


Chapter 5: Data Analysis and Discussion

5.1 Introduction

This chapter deals with the detailed discussion on the processes and participants occupied

in three major processes. It is significant as it explores the new ways for interpreting the process

and participants and also provides description on the persuasive functions for which material,

relational and mental process is used in ousted Pakistani Prime Minister Sharif political

discourse. Section 5.2 provides the analysis of all material process employed in the selected

speeches. Likewise 5.3 and 5.4 attempts to analyze all the examples of relational and mental

process employed in the selected speeches respectively. The answers of research questions are

explained under the heading 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7.

5.2 Types of Participants in the Selected Speeches

While discussing the answer of the first question I briefly talk over participants. In this

question the detail overview of the participants used in all the sample speeches are discussed.

The different types of participants applied in the sample speeches are explained systematically

are given below.

In Speech 1, the material process occupied 11 different types of participants which are I,

we, you, they”, the government, Islam, Religious Scholar, Prophet Muhammad, APC (all parties

conference). “We” followed by “I” is used at its highest number. This speech gives out the

impression that Sharif has shown great concern to make Pakistan a peaceful country and to

provide security to its citizen.


5.3. Communicative functions of material, relational and mental processes.

The three processes that are taken into account in the present study is the great source of

communicative act and perform specified communicative purposes.

The material processes were used to explain the doing and events of the government of

Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif. As mentioned in Chapter 4 ,the examples of material

processes predicted and clearly reflected the projects and plans of actions which the

administration of Pakistan Muslim League (N) take during that specified time period or is taking

place at present or will be occurring in near future.

In all the four selected speeches, the material processes were sensibly used to highlight

the positive image of Sharif government and to build good image of Sharif by displaying the

strategies, developments and projects in their political speeches.

In Speech 1, (see Appendix A) the communicative purpose is to emphasize on the

government efforts on the issue of terrorism and to bring peace in the country. In Speech 2, the

main stand is to highlight the significance of CPEC in the region. In Speech 3, Sharif addressing

the nation to clarify all the efforts taken to show his accountability in front of the public (see

Appendix C).In the speech 4,Sharif predominantly talks about the developmental projects of

electricity and gas to the people of Layyah and other districts of that region.

In the similar way the relational processes are used in four speeches for the specific

purposes. The relational process is used in Sharif discourse to identifying the two identities and

or to show relationship between two things. It enhances the relationship between two entities as

in Speech 2, the relational process is used to explain the significance of CPEC and OBOR.

In Speech 3 and 4, the relational process is used to elaborate the impact of government

efforts to show their accountability and their commitment and concern toward the citizens of

5.4 Conclusion

In this current study, four selected speeches of ousted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif are

investigated by considering the transitivity choices. Few of the main outcomes of the study are

abridged as follows.

The experiential meanings can be realized by three major process types i.e. material,

relational and mental. These three major were explored from the political text with quite diverse

frequency. Material processes take up the largest proportion in all the clauses. Relational

processes used in second highest and mental clauses have least employed in text.

Most of the unpleasant political experiences and encounters are represented in material

processes. These events are concrete, physical and tangible, and action is passed on from the

actor to the goal. The process of doing is also employed to describe Sharif’s past political

experience and to describe the developmental accomplishment done by government. This act of

experience and knowledge sharing is indicative of the fact that Sharif organized his political text

from the perspective of influencing the mind of the people and to gain popularity among masses.

It is concluded that former PM Nawaz Sharif organized his political text by preferring

process of doing which explains that verbs and nominal group are frequently used to give the

impression of reality and discussing the ongoing events and happenings around him. Process of

doing is most repeatedly used to describe the actions that the Sharif administration take, which

shows the determination and ambition of him and his administration. He also practices relational

processes to plan a new dream for Pakistan. The third highest process employed in the speech

indicates the attitudes of the ousted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to the situations and his belief,

intention and plan for future prosperity and progress of Pakistan for the purpose of influencing

the mind of the people and convince the audience to accept his perception.

The extensive use of Actors “I” and “We” in material process reflects that former Prime

Minister Nawaz Sharif preferred these actors he expresses himself as an active actor as language

of politicians influence the way we think about the events happening around us and the words

they choose are crucial part of their persuasive process.

The use of these kinds of syntactic and grammatical pattern perform specific function

and used for making meaning.

On the whole, through the transitivity analysis Sharif political text, it is concluded that

process of doing is used consciously and preferred over the relational and mental processes .The

two processes (relational and mental) hold second and third highest percentages in all the

speeches. It is concluded that Nawaz Sharif constructed political discourse by employing

material, relational and mental process which reflects the experiential function. It is consciously

used for persuasive strategy to gain political aims and to make his speech convincing and vivid.


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Appendix A

Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Speech at the National Assembly

S1C1. Mr. Speaker I am thankful to you and house for providing me this opportunity to express


S1C2. Mr. Speaker, I will gain the confidence of members of the Assembly on the government

struggle over the issues and challenges that the country is fronting.

S1C3. Currently, I want to restrict myself to the issue of terrorism.

S1C4. The government has reached a clear stand and strategy to eradicate the menace of


S1C5. At the moment I want to gain confidence of the Nation and also want to achieve through

your joint conciliation.

S1C6. Democracy is about providing protection and also to safeguards the welfare of the people.

S1C7. We consulted all the interested party on the issue of terrorism and gained the views of all

politically aware parties in All Parties Conference (APC).

S1C8. I remained in constant contact with the state owned agencies and consulted philosophers

along with scholars

S1C9. I also spoke to the elected representatives.

S1C10. At present, I want to share with the State the deductions that I attained as the end result

of combined wisdom.

S1C11. Power is the trust of the people and the gift of Allah.

S1C12. We are answerable for our performance to Allah and to the people of Pakistan.

S1C13. The protection of the innocent citizen along with the valuable possessions of the people

and guaranteeing law and order is the primary obligation of government and a legitimate


S1C14. This is also taught in our religion.

S1C15. The government is responsible to release the people from fear to make sure that their

existence and integrity are completely safeguarded.

S1C16. Nowadays, the citizens of Pakistan and also public organizations and government sector

institutions are at the sufferers of violence and extremism.

S1C17. Innocent peoples are being attacked and young children are disappearing.

S1C18. The whole society has been subjected to extreme fear.

S1C19. I consider it as my obligation to protect the life and secure the property of the people at

any cost.

SIC20. Mr. Speaker, You know very well as to how far these terrorists are following religious

teachings when they are playing with the life and property of innocent people

SIC21. Every single Muslim knows the directions that murder of single person is considered

equivalent as unlawful death of the entire mankind o protect the life and secure the property of

the people at any cost.” Every single Muslim is acquainted with the directions that murder of

single person is considered equivalent as unlawful death of the entire mankind.

SIC22. All human know that this kind of attitude is contrary to the instructions of Islam and no

divine and spiritual scholar will ever canonize it.

SIC23. All religious intellectuals of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia showed their consensus that Islam

has no relation with terrorism.


SIC24. As far the human life and property is concerned, Islam does not allow or tolerate any

religious differences but teach us to have respect for all mankind.

S1C25.The Holy Quran ordains life for life.

S1C26. So it is the responsibility of the state to provide justice to the unlawfully murdered.

S1C27. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) put emphasis on this in his last sermons.

S1C28. He asked his followers, “Is this not the month of Hajj?

S1C29. All replied, “Yes it is”.

S1C30. Then he asked again, “What day is today? Is it not the day of sacrifice?”

S1C31. Every one replied, “Yes it is”.

S1C32. Then he asked,

S1C33. Which city is this? Is it not the city of peace? Every one said, “Yes it is.”

S1C34. The Holy Prophet said, “Your blood, your property and your honor are as sacred as this

day, this month and this city of Makah.

S1C35. At another occasion the similar subject was discussed in these words, “the sanctity of

human life is greater than the sanctity of Biat al- Allah (the Kaaba).

S1C36. Mr. Speaker, No greater words can be uttered in the respect of human life than what our

Holy Prophet has said.

S1C37. Our constitution also says the same.


S1C38. The protection of people and their property is a religious and constitutional responsibility

of the government which cannot watch over.

S1C39. As you all know (aware of the fact) that the country is fronting the rage of extremism for

the previous 14 years.

S1C40. It is principally a consequence of the resolution of an undemocratic rule and an

authoritarian who shaped this mayhem.

S1C41. We emphatically disagreed on the given judgments and assessments while in opposition,

and sustained that interest in affairs of should be our first priority.

S1C42. For autocracy, every time the main precedence is to reserve power, and in achieving this

forcefulness was permissible to carry the day.

S1C43. At present, we are earning that was propagated in the existence of dictatorship.

S1C44. Terrorism has claimed thousands of precious lives of citizens, religious leaders, scholars,

army and police personnel, women and children as well as members of minorities.

S1C45. Mr. Speaker, until now we offered the extremists to initiate peace talks and give open

invitation that you must come to initiate peace talk.

S1C46.The conference for the joint session also certified the administration to hold talks with the


S1C47. We invited the militants to come and hold discussions in order to stop them to not

murder innocent citizens and abstain from disquieting peace and in addition to this it is also

alleged that they must respect the constitution of the country.


S1C48.Unluckily, they did not positively reply to our suggestions and persistently targeted

Pakistan Army and our civilians.

S1C49.Let me tell you what happened after the APC.

S1C50. Major General Sanaullah Niazi and soldiers of the Pak Army were assassinated and this

was proudly admitted (by the terrorists).

S1C51.A church was attacked in Peshawar city and our innocent Christian brothers and sisters

were killed.

S1C52. Impeccable people and Pak Army warriors were under fire in Bannu and Rawalpindi.

S1C53. Countless impeccable people were assassinated in the Qisa Khwani Bazaar, Peshawar

and in Hangu.

S1C54. Polio employees are being attacked and broadcasting personnel are being killed.

Innocent citizens and Pak Army soldiers were targeted in Bannu and R.A. Bazaar Rawalpindi.

S1C55. A massive extent of terrorist’s incidences took place in which great masses of citizens

including ladies, teenagers, young people and the elderly were murdered and injured.

S1C56. No religion of the world including Islam accepts or put up with this brutality.

S1C57. The government however did not able to find endurance.

S1C58. Every single terrorist incident was extremely painful for me.

S1C59. I can sense the suffering of the mourning mom when she hugs her departed son body.

S1C60. I can realize the sorrow of the father who takes down the dead body of his beloved son in


S1C61. I have seen the impeccable children bathed in blood.

S1C62. For me the pain of every mother is alike irrespective of the fact that she is the mother of

a child attacked by drone in FATA or a mother of the victim of bomb blast in Peshawar and


S1C63. Their discomfort is my own and I feel it alike.

S1C64. PM Nawaz Sharif stated that “Mr. Speaker, The government is doing what it can to stop

drone attacks.

S1C65. We cannot overlook those who are assassinating the innocent citizen of our land on this


S1C66. Are Pakistanis behind drone attacks?

S1C67. Is the impeccable school youngsters killed in suicide violence answerable for these?

S1C68. PM Nawaz Sharif clarified that “This standpoint is not accepted and are no more

tolerable by law, morality and by government.

S1C69. Mr. Speaker, These circumstances are not tolerable to any further extent

S1C70. We cannot allow the bloodbath of impeccable citizen anymore.

S1C71. The repute of our homeland Pakistan is being interrogated.

S1C72. Our existence is at stake.


S1C73. We cannot permit the extremists to hold hostage or to strengthen their foot on our

homeland and on are Nation.

We cannot allow the terrorists to take hostage of the country and the nation.

S1C74. PM Nawaz Sharif stated that “Peace is our ultimate aim and is not our option and it will

be attained by all means and the whole nation is unified on this topic.

S1C75. Mr. Speaker, I know that if today the State decides on the use of force to eliminate the

terrorists, the whole nation will stand behind it.

S1C76. However, as the desire for peace has been expressed on the other side,

S1C77. We do not want to remember the hostile past and give one more chance to peaceable


S1C78.In order, for the talks to succeed it is, however, necessary that these should be carried out

in good faith, which as a first step requires complete stoppage of terrorist activities?

S1C79. Talks and terrorism cannot go hand-in-hand.

S1C80. State agencies and the entire Nation are united on this stance

S1C81. This is our joint mission.

S1C82. We have to put effort on it with full sincerity.

S1C83. Mr. Speaker, As I already said, the protection of life and property is the state’s prime


S1C84. We can no more uplift the bodies of deceased personnel as I had already informed in my

address to the State.

S1C85. But we continuously facing it from the past seven months, still we are trying to pave the

way for peace.

S1C86. For this purpose, I am announcing a four-member committee comprising of Mr. Irfan

Siddiqi, Major Aamir, Mr. Rahimullah Yousafzai and Mr. Rustam Shah Mohmand to carry

forward the peace talks.

S1C87. Committee will be assisted by Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar.

S1C88. I will administer the proceedings.

S1C89. I am doing all this in good faith.

S1C90. This play of fire and explosives should come to an end now.

S1C91. I am thankful to the leader of opponent parties, political friends and all those who gave

their big hand to direct us with their high opinion.

S1C92. It was contracted in the joint committee conference in which all the parties participated

that we will not put on the agenda the issue of terrorism.

S1C93. I believe that the opposition participants admire this perspective member to respect this


S1C94. I have the equivalent emotional state as those of a common citizen and I assure you that I

will keep moving ahead with full honesty and sincerity.

S1C95. But it is your right to point them out and suggest their remedies.

S1C96. You will be going to suggest us.

S1C97. Mistakes are likely to occur.

S1C98. But it is your right to point them out and suggest their remedies.

S1C99. I am grateful to those opposition leaders who have positively commented on our policy.

S1C100. Despite of all criticism from the people, I am certain that they will prepare and will

achieve good faith and will more determine in near future.

S1C101. I am thankful to them also.

S1C102. Despite of all criticism from the people, I am certain that they have prepared and have

achieved good faith and determined in the near future.Pakistan Paindabad.


Appendix B

Speech Delivered by Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif at the

Plenary Session of the Belt and Road Forum (BRF) International

Cooperation, Beijing, China, 14 May 2017

S2C1.Mr. Zhang Gaoli, Distinguished world leaders, Ladies and Gentlemen,

S2C2.It gives me great pleasure to congratulate China for hosting this spectacular “Belt and

Road Forum for International Cooperation” and for choosing a very apt theme for this Summit:

“Cooperation for Common Prosperity”

S2C3. This is a historic event.

S2C4. OBOR will construct critical paths in coming years in the field of economic as well as in

commercial and financial collaboration; it also accelerates collaboration among businesses and

also among people.

S2C5. At present I am here to celebrate the remarkable success of the seminal initiative of the

“One Belt, One Road”, shoulder to shoulder with our close friend and trusted ally, China, and the

other world leaders present here

S2C6.Ladies and Gentlemen, I pay to President Xi and Chinese leadership, my deepest tributes

for their dynamic and creative leadership.

S2C7.We admire and commend China’s vision and ingenuity in developing corridors across

regions; in building supportive financial institutions such as the Silk Road Fund and the Asian

Infrastructure Investment Bank;


S2C8. And above all, in launching China Railway Express trains that construct a new bridge on

the Eurasian landmass.

S2C9. Ladies and Gentlemen, “One Belt-One Road” is an inter-continental mega-project that

integrates infrastructure, energy, trade, telecommunications, investment and industrial


S2C10. Such a broad sweep and scale of interlocking economic partnerships and investments is

unprecedented in history.

S2C11. We stand at the cusp of a geo-economic revolution.

S2C12. In fact, this is the dawn of a truly new era of synergetic intercontinental cooperation.

S2C13. OBOR embraces three continents - Asia, Africa and Europe.

S2C14. It covers half of the world population, half of its resources and 65 countries.

S2C15.International investors from all over the world are pouring their resources

into it.

S2C16. It makes win-win enterprises promising for all the members.

S2C17. It will speed up economic development of developing countries; yield dividends for

international investors.

S2C18. And tear down the barriers to trade .

S2C19. Most prominently, it will support renovate and reform global trade and industry


S2C21. It will speed up economic development of developing countries; yield dividends for

international investors.

S2C22. Ladies and Gentlemen, Peace and development go side by side, and not anything can

overlay the pathway for peacetime and safety other than cooperation between regions.

S2C23. OBOR signifies that geo-economics must take precedence over geo-politics, and that the

center of gravity should shift from

conflict to cooperation.

S2C24. As OBOR unfolds across continents, we see it fostering inclusion, creating tolerance,

and promoting acceptance of cultural diversity.”

S2C25. We see it fostering inclusion, creating tolerance, and promoting acceptance of cultural


S2C26 We see it as a powerful tool for overcoming terrorism and extremism.

S2C27. Pakistan believes that the most powerful impact of OBOR will be on the lives of poor

and marginalized people, who would have higher incomes, better education and more health


S2C28. It would help in eradicating poverty and achieving Sustainable Development, leaving no

one behind.

S2C29. Ladies and Gentlemen, The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a core project of


S2C30. In fact, it has been rightly called its flagship because it aims to connect the

neighborhoods of East and West Asia.

S2C31. Project of CPEC marks Pakistan a passage and destination in regional trade and for


S2C32. Let me make it very clear that CPEC is an economic undertaking open to all countries in

the region.

S2C33. It has no geographical boundaries. It must not be politicized.

S2C34. In carry out this Corridor, we are not striving to merely leverage geography for


S2C35. We are also trying to build peaceable, joined and caring regions.”

S2C36. It is time we transcend our differences, resolve conflicts through dialogue and

diplomacy, and leave a legacy of peace for future generations.

S2C37. Ladies and Gentlemen, It is with a sense of pride that I avail this opportunity to inform

this forum.

S2C38 Our infrastructure, energy and industrial projects are moving just as envisaged and many

will be completed by or even before their timelines.

S2C39. Unprecedented economic, social and cultural benefits will accrue from the CPEC – not

just for the people of Pakistan, but also for the people of the entire region.

S2C40. Through a firm will and sound planning, as well as the steadfast support of our Chinese


S2C41. We have shaped an enabling environment for the CPEC to take off.

S2C42. It is producing new entrepreneurs, creating new jobs and businesses, and attracting

international investment.

S2C43. Ladies and Gentlemen, The CPEC is a project owned and nurtured by all citizens of


S2C44. In pursuance of this vision, we are also bridging the gap between economic growth and

social development by focusing on poverty alleviation, education, health, and gender


S2C45. We would tap the full potential of our youth, who constitute more than 60 per cent of our


S2C46. Moreover, our economy is attaining good result and macroeconomic indicators are

stable; the economic outlook is bright.

S2C47. Our growth rate is rising and the Pakistan Stock Exchange is one of the five best

performing stock exchanges in the world.

S2C48. Today, I give you a rising, confident and secure Pakistan – a Pakistan that is now

increasingly perceived as a turnaround story, and a winner.

S2C49. It is now an emerging economy, with even greater capacity to absorb new investments

and equities.

S2C50. Before I conclude, I must emphasize that OBOR has gained wide traction.

S2C51. It negates the logic of polarization and rejects the encirclement of any country.

S2C52. It is about connectivity.

S2C53. It is about emancipation.

S2C54. It moves us out of silos into shared space.

S2C55. The fact is that now OBOR belongs to us all –those who are participating in it and those

who are not as yet.

S2C56. OBOR has truly become a global commons.

S2C57. Let us sustain it with full vigour and robust political will.

S2C58. Let OBOR become a metaphor for a new, mature, resilient and cooperative world.

S2C59. We all must keep alive the spirit of “One Belt One Road.

S2C60. With this, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you all.

Appendix C

Mian Nawaz Shareef Address To Nation (22-4-16)

S3C1.Dear Nation dear Country Fellow, Today once again I am addressing to you and

S3C2. At this time I want to gain your trust


S3C3.As you know that

S3C4. My whole life is like an open book, I born in this Pakistan.

S3C5.Alhamdulillah I am proud that I stand up from this earth and one day will return back to

same soil. I am in love with my land soil.

S3C6. And why not? First and foremost being Pakistani my everything is with Pakistan.

S3C7. It’s being 30 years i have in the thistly valley of these 30 decades

S3C8. I have seen many ups and downs in life.

S3C9. But in all these, the most hard time was that when I was deported and forced to stay away

from Pakistan.

S3C10. Me and my Allah know that how I spent these 8 years in the memory of my country

S3C11. Then Allah brought that time.

S3C12.When not only I came back but won Elections.

S3C13.Rather you express your confidence and gave me the responsibility to serve the country

for third time.

S3C14. may khuda k ihsanat or Pakistani awam ka jitna bhi shukia ada krn kam hy

S3C15.My dear country fellow, on the behalf of panama leaks.

S3C16. Allegation was made which were 22 years old.

S3C17. And these are same cases which had been investigated in the years of 90

S3C18. After this Musharraf government very carefully investigated about it by the grace of


S3C19. Corruption tou dor ki bat no one could prove illegal transaction of even a single penny.

S3C20. Nor they proved any kind of corruption, kickback or commission and made any case

S3C21. But after all this once again I presented myself and my whole family for the


S3C22. Because it’s the tradition in democratic and civilized country

S3C23. The details of our all assets are cleared in the form of income Tax Bank Return

S3C24. By the grace of Allah me and my family and my business have been giving tax from the

time when some people did not know the meaning of this word.

S3C25. This is also the great act of our government.

S3C26. We for the first time published directory of tax paper.

S3C27. We placed it on website of FBR.

S3C28. So that people themselves know who is giving how much tax.

S3C29. And we displayed on FBR Website

S3C30. So that people know that who is paying how much tax.

S3C31. Blame and blamer also said that they are paying more tax than Nawaz Shareef

S3C32. I say to those people that check our tax with their own eyes and after this seek

forgiveness for their lie.

S3C33. These people without fear of god tell lie in such a people consider it as truth.

S3C34. But people of Pakistan are sensible.

S3C35. I want to tell them that people of Pakistan are sensible because they always defeated the

lies with the power of their vote.

S3C36. For this I pay salute to people of Pakistan

S3C37. When I came to know that details of assets of members of Parliament has been removed

from website of election commission.

S3C38. I immediately told finance minister Ishaq Dar that for assurance for transparency the

details of assets of Member of Parliament should be published.

S3C39. Those who put this matter in front of election reforms committee,

S340. Now you can see that all details of public representation once again displayed on the

website of election commission of Pakistan

S3C41.Because this is the basic right of the people to know about it but those people who

blamed us without thinking.

S3C42. I challenge that if they have any proof, they would brought forwarded in front of


S3C43.It is my firm promise with myself that if investigation of the commission proved any

blame against me.

S3C44. I will state away go back to home without any delay.

S3C45.My dear country fellow, Pakistani media is an independent media.

S3C46. Examples of such media are very rare in the world this media has released itself from the

clutches of dictatorship.

S3C47. I request my media related sister and brothers.

S3C48. That most of you are the victim of such blames (allegations) and false accusation, in this


S3C49. I request you that before publishing or putting on air way allegations against any

Pakistani first put yourself on his place and think about it and after that you should decide what

to do-

S3C50. Still commission did not establish .it proceeding did not start and some people have

imposed decision through their own country.

S3C51. Would they want such justice in their dialogue but this is the one aspect of this has another aspect.

S3C52. It is very important which I want to present in front of you.

S3C53. Because we think that it is the right of the people to ask question from selected

representation of diplomatic parliament.


S3C54. It is the duty of the ruler to give answer.

S3C55. But there are some questions from our side which answers should be given to us.

S3C56. People who ask question about factory in Saudi Arabia from us.

S3C57. Who and why sent us to Saudi, claiming law and reinforcement tell that under what

circumstances selected prime minister was hand cup and put in the jail.

S3C58. When we were deported from the country why not someone awake Supreme Court.

S3C59. When our business and personal residence were sealed except from conscious people,

S3C60. They remain silent, who are the symbol of goodness today

S3C61. So the people who teach us the lesson of morality tell us where were their courage at that


S3C62. The people who understand the definition of democracy who were standing behind the

dictator who put the country into terrorism and they were standing behind the dictator to get

Prime Minister Ship order.

S3C63. The people who refer law and morality tell us that under what section of law and book of

democracy they were followers of military dictator.

S3C64. We faced imprisonment, deport and hardship and tried to face undo sin.

S3C65. Even a single penny was questionable from us and we will face it in future.

S3C66. My dear countrymen, they should also accountable who are demanding accountability

from us from breaking the law to 1774 amendment Bill,-from supreme court judges on

gunpoint,72 judges at home and fake ease of high jacking on me.

S3C67. My dear countrymen, all these events have close relation.

S3C68. Our government believes in elimination of corruption, good government and


S3C69. This is why that international body confesses our good governess and transparency

S3C70. But my countrymen law enforcement, transparent government and responsibility all

these things come from supreme of democracy.

S3C71.It is impossible that people attacking on parliament say that they are putting rope around

the prime minister neck and drag him.

S3C72. Today they are talking about supreme of law and against them foreign courts had given

decisions; they came to teach us the lesson of morality.

S3C73. In spite of all these things we ar ready to form a commission for investigation.

S3C74. A commission was constituted in 2014whose job was to checkout organized corruption

in election.

S3C75. This commission was jointly made and it checks all blames which was imposed while

standing on container.

S3C76. You are the witness of that abuse language which was said ,Commission fully researched

all blames and rejected them.


S3C77.All these events were in front of you.

S3C78. Did blamer show moral courage and apologized from the Nation.

S3C79. Our family member will reply all accusation and we are giving since1972.

S3C80. When all our industries nationalized in 1972

S3C81.We had not even a single penny; we will be accountable for billion dollar loss during sit

back, which will be accountable for giving bad picture of our national institution to young


S3C82. My dear countrymen, I am ready to accountable for that pay I have never drawn as PM

S3C83.But those people who has no business and they are roaming on planes that will make

them accountable.

S3C84. During sit back who anticipated that government is being dissolved but could not prove,

who will make them accountable.

S3C85.Who will accountable for those who put tradition of blame game and telling lie?

S3C86. God says in the holy Quran, “oh Muslims! If some (bdkardar) came to you then

investigated thoroughly.

S3C87. (Mubada) that any nation can destroy and then you felt regret on your deeds, it is written

in the Quran.

S3C88. So my dear country fellows, in reality it is the fastest behavior through which some

people are in continuous effort for the destruction of country.


S3C89. When our government by the grace of Allah will complete five years than they know it.

S3C90. Then according to our promise we will be succeeded in providing the fruit of economic


S3C91.This is the reason that people lust for iqtadar is seeing failure.

S3C92.I am not grief on this but on the issue that nation precious time has been wasted and was

faced inexcusable loss.

S3C93. You have to ask for accountability actually these people wanted that instead of solving

the problems of people.

S3C94. I spent all the time in answering their false allegations through which the loss is only and

only of Pakistan.

S3C95. Although our vision is to make Pakistan save, prosper and bright country.

S3C96. We ourselves decided to make inquiry commission but at the public level there is no

demand of it.

S3C97. After this from that day to today they created problems in the way of Commission.

S3C98. Respectable judge’s characters are assassinated and dishonored so that no one can accept

the supervision of the commission and this they provided the justification of sit back.

S3C99. But I want to tell all these people that I am not afraid of these jackals.

S3C100. Alhummudullah, I never do politics with fear.

S3C101. In life, I am not afraid of anyone except my Allah.


S3C102. I have firm believe on Allah through which I got the chance for the third time to serve

my Nation.

S3C103. I have been selected by sensible people of Pakistan and after God I will be only

answerable to people of Pakistan.

S3C104. I have decided that I will write letter to chief justice of Pakistan that

S3C105. He will make commission for investigation of this matter.

S3C106. So that those people who is cross the limits of allegations

S3C107. They can see our transpiracy with this act

S3C108.I will accept the recommendations but my fellow,

S3C109. If these allegations’ were not proved then those who put these allegations they will ask

for sorry and would you accept their apology.

S3C110. I leave the answer of this question on you.


Appendix D

Nawaz Shareef Address To Public Rally in Layyah

S4C1.What great today one mile long rally?

S4C2. 10 rallies of opponents then this rally.

S4C3.You have seen small rallies of opponent, I was also watching a day before yesterday.

S4C4. I have also seen smaller rallies of Islamabad on social media. that was bulb that was

lighting so bright .

S4C5. It seemed that there below how many people were sitting there.

S4C6. When I enlarged the picture chairs were vacant under light today Masha Allah people of

Layyah delighted me.

S4C7. Be happy people of Layyah.. be happy my friend my workers my brother and my elder.

S4C8. You rejected in general election 2013 and voted Muslim League N Alhummudullah.

S4C9. Today this rally is giving me the good news of 2018.

S4C10. If some in misunderstood they could see the emotions (jazba) of the people of Layyah.

S4C11. This was not visible somewhere else.

S4C12. Today layyah is being appreciated throughout Pakistan.

S4C13. It is not clearly understandable for me to observe where the last person is sitting at the


S4C14. I was just saying to my brother Saqlain, Peer Sahib and other brothers, why they have

install tents today.

S4C15. If tents were not here, your opponents were just sitting beheaded;

S4C16. They looked that Mashallah Rally(Jalsa) of Layyah was large(bigger) and now our small

jalsia will not work.

S4C17. They are sitting desperately. if there were no tents people see the devotion of the people

of Layyah.

S4C18. Par hai it is in your mind or not that I had visited layyah previously.

S4C19. Are you remember that or not?

S4C20. 20 crore citizen see that today in Pakistan, in layyah what is the emotions of people

S4C21. I came to Layyah. You remember that.

S4C22. You have voted Muslim Leaque on my request and enable my friend and brother to win

the election.

S4C23. Today by grace of Allah we have a new program for you people.

S4C24. The passion that I brought back with me in 2013 is still alive, that passion of me is not


S4C25. I appreciate in my heart during election that passion is still alive.

S4C26. Today by the grace of Allah we will bring new programme for you.

S4C27. All members of national assembly, members of provincial assembly and local

government representative had development plan for you people.

S4C28. They will inshallah develop this area.

S4C29. They will bring inshallah prosperity here.

S4C30. I have promise with you .i said to you in our era we will decrease (paucity) Shortage of

electricity and End the curse of Load shedding.

S4C31. We started working on the factories of electricity.

S4C32. And all factories provide electricity now.

S4C33. Now I went to Bhaikki and inaugurated Plant and

S4C34. We plan inauguration ceremony of Haweili Bahadur Shah Plant in near future.

S4C35. After this inauguration of this we will soon built Balloki plant .

S4C36. And in the same way, Qadir Abad, Sahiwal, Karachi Port Qasim,Neelam, Jhelum and

Terbella project will be Inaugurated..

S4C37.All this project will provide electricity in the beginning of next year, electricity will come

it will never off.

S4C38. my brothers, once the electricity which will come in our home.

S4C39. We will try to provide on cheap rate.

S4C40. For farmers and grower we are trying to provide cheap electricity.

S4C41. We ourself made urea cheap

S4C42. inshallah we will provide it on cheaper rate in near future.

S4C43. We want to provide cheap electricity to farmers, brothers.

S4C44. We inshallah do this job for them.

S4C45. We started construction of motorways throughout Pakistan.

S4C46. We constructed roads in this area.

S4C47. We planned to reduce Distances.

S4C48. You came here for the purpose that by the grace of God.

S4C49. Bridge is being constructed from Layyah to Taunsa and the roads are also being


S4C50. 180 km distance is being shortened up to only 24 kilometer. about 150Kilometre distance

will be reduced .

S4C51. You will reach from Layyah to Indus highway just in half an hour.

S4C52. This is called the service of people.

S4C53. We are doing this service from heart. When Nawaz Shareef promise he always acted

upon it.

S4C54. I do not only inaugurate a project but also complete it

S4C55. I have said that project should start instantly and at it earliest.

S4C56.Tell me that you people are happy on the construction of this bridge.

S4C57. How many people belong to layyah are sitting here.

S4C58. Please raise your hand. People from layyah raise your hands.

S4C59. Now people from Taunsa raise your hand, thank you very much take you’re hands down.

S4C60. My friends Saqlain work day and night on this project.

S4C61. He had presented your emotions to me in this regard.

S4C62. Sahibzada Faisal has tried his best for this project.

S4C63. My old friend Amjad Farooq Khoosa took part in this project.

S4C64. I am very thankful to Saqlain Bukhari who keeps devotion for you people and talk about

the development of the constituency.

S4C65. Sahib Zada Faisal talk about your development.

S4C66 .He is your friend and still our friendship stand together.

S4C67. Nawaz Shareef never forget his friend.

S4C68. Then about Farooq Khoosa,-Malik Ahmad Ali olaak where's my old friend and brother.

S4C69. He is very honest I respect him. I am very happy to see here Gulam Haider Malik.

S4C70. He’s my all friend he was away from me for time being. now he is with us.

S4C71. People who left came back off and thanks my brother and friend and Mehr

Sherashagwana ,Qaisar Magsi is my friend and brother.


S4C72. Abdul Shukoor is also my best friend.

S4C73. Do you know how much it cost on Layyah to Taunsa Bridge.

S4C74. We devoted 7 millions rupees for the people of Layyah.

S4C75. How many people belong to Chowk Azam. God has listened the voice of people of

Chowk Azam. Allah accepts their prayer.

S4C76. I decide to facilitate the people by gas to for Chowk Azam wao-wa0

S4C77. Chuadry Ashfaq sorry I have forgotten your name he thought friend he is a true worker.

S4C78. I was talking about Chowk Azam.

S4C79. We will install gas connection and here I announce the provision of gas to Kharor and

Fatah pur also.

S4C80. Today is a good day for Layyah.

S4C81. Fate of Layyah is on.

S4C82. By the grace of God, inshallah youth, my brother sons, daughters and sister will become


S4C83. Result of development will be seen here there is our enemy and enemy of Pakistan who

are against CEPEC and for want that it would not built. China did not make corridor and not

custom motorway not be constructed IN Pakistan.

S4C84. Further people of Pakistan did not prosper and unemployment did not finish. These

people are making for the last 4 years.


S4C85. Their agenda is to create terrorism.

S4C86. Their job is to blamed other and Saqlain Sahib and Shahzada Sahib call them look at

Dam and by god they will run away from politics.

S4C87. I am dead sure.

S4C88. I don't know what kind of language they use.

S4C89. We do not respond there curse. We do not response with same curse.

S4C90. We talk about the development of Pakistan.

S4C91. They daily cursed us, tell a lie ,do backbiting and blame us.

S4C92. There this negative campaign will never succeed .brought forward your candidate in


S4C93. These all are lion here.they are like lion here.they are like jackalis there any competition

between jackal and lion

S4C94. If 100 jackals come one lion remain stand still today

S4C95. I have announced provision of gas in Kharor and Fateh Pur.

S4C96. Inshallah i am announcing 50 km road from Chak 128 to Somra Najeeb,

S4C97. Please listen to me silently.

S4C98. I am not fed up to visit here.


S4C99.It is my hearty desire that I would come here again before elections and kiss your

forehead and face.

S4C100. The love, you are giving to me is good luck for me.

S4C101. You are my assets and it is my utmost desire to serve you from night to day and from

night till morning.

S4C102. Are people sitting in the last seeing my hand? You are about one mile away from me.

S4C103. I can’t see your faces but your hands are visible to me.

S4C104. One mile away but this distance cannot away from our hearts from each other.

S4C105. You are living in my heart

S4C106.I want to tell that I have brought health card for the people of Layyah.

S4C107. If the child of poor man became seriously ill or father, sister or mother of poor man

become ill.

S4C108. Government of Pakistan provides him free treatments.

S4C109. People become ill. They don’t have sufficient money for cure and there properties were

sold for cure in chronic disease like cancer, liver disease.

S4C110.House are sold, business are closed. Poor people borrowed money for treatment.

S4C111. It is unbearable for me I announce that teams will visit here and make a survey to

ensure to provide health card to the poor people.


S4C112. We will afford treatment and expenditures of poor patient, for those who do not afford


S4C113. I will arrange Health card for you.

S4C114. It is not a gift or a favor it is my duty to provide entitlement.

S4C115. My brothers and sisters believe in truth and principle AP politics.

S4C116. I have done my politics like prayer and not to blame others.

S4C117. I don’t make my tongue dirty.

S4C118. Do not insult others the people, who insult others without any without any cause,

S4C119. Are they deserve to be your leader tongue is not under their control

S4C120. Do they ever talk about the project based on national interest?

S4C121. You have got government of 1 province..

S4C122. You talked about naya Pakistan

S4C123. But you have made old Pakistan more older but the worst thing this is new Pakistan

S4C124. We have made six lane the motorway.

S4C125. Motorway is being constructed up to Peshawar.

S4C126.We extended motorways from Karachi to Lahore and then Multan, Hyderabad and


S4C127. And to Karachi motorways has been completed.


S4C128. You will enjoy up to Multan and roads will be constructed

S4C129. When you will go to Multan and further to Karachi you will reach Karachi in few


S4C130. Similarly you will reach Islamabad in few hours.

S4C131. We are doing all this for you people.

S4C132. All these projects are for your welfare and for your betterment and prosperity

S4C133. China Pakistan corridor project is in full swing and inshallah unemployment will be

eradicated in Pakistan

S4C134. Those who want that Pakistan will not develop and motorways not be constructed in


S4C135. They do not want Pakistan to become prosper and unemployment did not finish these

people are making noise again us and do propaganda.

S4C136. We have built school, universities and also hospitals.

S4C137. We plan to serve you.

S4C138. We are providing facilities to industrialists,

S4C139. We provide our services to the nation, to all citizens.

S4C140. We have done this for Allah.

S4C141. Allah will give reward of this either in this world or on the other world.

S4C142. I will pray for you. And Allah will help you and guide you.

S4C143. I will launch a strategy for remanding of Thal canal on unanimous decisions of my

brothers and sisters sitting here.

S4C144. I will work hard for the development program that will take place in coming years.

S4C145. I decide to come here before election

S4C146. I gave instruction to construct these roads as soon as possible and to start working on it

enthusiastically ( Josh- o Jazba)

S4C147. On completion we will travel on this bridge in caravan and

S4C148. We will travel to Indus Bypass. Will you come with me?

S4C149. My prayers are with you. (Allah Apka Hameo Nasir Ho)

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