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Recruitment of employees

Recruitment Development Process

Our company has 3 steps for the recruitment development process which is
recruitment, selection and hiring.

1. Recruitment.
 In order to meet the employees that match the skills that our company
needs, during the process of recruitment employees our company has
involve posting the job recruitment on job websites, searching social
network like Linkedin, Jobstreet for eligible potential applicants, and also
encourage current employees to recommend or suggest people they know
that might suitable for our company.

2. Selection
 When our company has contact with a staff of eligible applicants, we will
conduct interviews and skills evaluation to look and determine for the best
fit of our company.
 For the phase of interviews, we will use a set of 10 or 12 questions to
maintain a configuration interviews and offer a reasonable basis for
comparing the applicants.
 As for the phase of skills evaluation, we have prepared the performance
measure for the applicants.

3. Hiring
 After the interview our company will select the best applicant that matched
to the profiled job description.
 Our company will also run a background check on the applicant to uncover
any potential problems that not revealed during the previous testing and
 After checking, our company will run a last phase which is makes the offer
to the applicants.
Table performance measure


Sales and Financial Operation Event Logistic Human

marketing Resource

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