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Common muscles in the Upper limbs


Trapezius Superior nuchal line of Superior fibers uward Occipital bone (located
occipital bone, rotate scapula; middle at the base of the skull)
ligamentum nuchae, fibers adduct scapula; to the middle of the
and spines of C7-T12 inferior fibers depress back
and upward rotate
scapula; superior and
inferior fibers together
rotate scapula upward;
stabilizes scapula.
Serratus Anterior Ribs 1-8 or 1-9 Abducts scapula and Located on each side of
rotates it upward. the chest
Known as “boxer’s
muscle” beause it is
important in
horizaontal arm
movemnets such as
punching and pushing.
Pectoralis Major Clavicle (clavicular Adducts and medially In the upper chest,
head), sternum, and rotates arm at shoulder fanning across the chest
costal cartilages of ribs joint; clavicular head from the shoulder to the
2-6 and sometimes ribs flexes arm, and breastbone
1-7 (sternocostal head) sternocostal head
extends flexed arm to
side of trunk
Latissimus dorsi Spines of T7-L5, Extends, adducts and Located at each side of
lumbar vertebrae, crests medially rotates arm at the back, under the
of sacrum and ilium, shoulder joint; draws arms.
ribs 9-12 via arm inferiorly and
thoracolumbar fascia. posteriorly
Deltoid Acromial extremity of Lateral fibers abduct Uppermost part of the
clavicle (anterioir arm at shoulder joint; arm and the top of the
fibers), acromion of anterioir fibers flex and shoulder
scapula (lateral fibers), medially rotate arm at
and spine of scapula shoulder joint; posterior
(posterior fibers) fibers extend and
laterally rotate arm at
shoulder joint.
Triceps brachii Long head originates Extends forearm at Humerus
from the infraglenoid elbow joint and extends (the mainbone of the
tubercle, a projection arm at shoulder joint upper arm) between the
inferior to glenoid shoulder and the elbow
cavity of scapula
Lateral head originates
from lateral and
posterior surface of
Medial head originates
from entire posterior
surface of humerus
inferior to a groove for
the radial nerve
Brachialis Distal, anterior surface Flexes forearm at In the upper arm,
of humerus elbow joint. directly underneath the
biceps brachii muscle
Brachioradialis Lateral border of distal Flexes forearm at forearms
end of humerus elbow joint; supinates
and pronates forearm at
radioulnar joints to
neutral position.
Biceps Brachii Long head originates Flexes forearm at Front side of the upper
from the tubercle above elbow joint, supinates arm
glenoid activity of forearm at radioulnar
scapula (supraglenoid joints, and flexes arm at
tubercle) shoulder joint
Short head originates
from coracoid process
of scapula
Lower Extremities


Gluteus maximus Iliac crest, sacrum, Extends thigh at hip In the buttocks
coccyx and aponeurosis joint and laterally
of sacrospinalis rotates thigh; helps lock
knee in extension
Iliopsoas Transverse processes Psoas major and iliacus Lower abdomen but
and bodies of lumbar muscles acting together goes up to the upper
vertebrae flex thigh at hip joint, inner thigh.
rotate thigh laterally,
and flex trunk on hip as
in sitting up from
supine position
Sartorius Anterior superior of Weakly flexes leg at Anterior region of the
iliac spine knee joint; weakly thigh
flexes, abducts and
laterally rotates thigh at
hip joint
Rectus femoris Anterior inferior iliac Extend leg at knee Middle of the front of
spine joint; rectus femoris the thigh
muscle acting alone
also flexes thigh at hip
Vastus lateralis Greater trochanter and Extend leg at knee Side of the thigh
linea aspera of femur joint; rectus femoris
muscle acting alone
also flexes thigh at hip
Vastus medialis Linea aspera of femur Extend leg at knee Located on the front of
joint; rectus femoris the thigh
muscle acting alone
also flexes thigh at hip
Gastrocnemius Lateral and medial Plantar flexes foot at Located on the back
condyles of femur and ankle joint and flexes portion of the lower
capsule of knee leg at knee joint leg, being one of the
two major muscles that
make up the calf.
Tibialis anterior Lateral condyle and Dorsiflexes foot at Upper lateral (outer)
body of tubia and ankle joint and inverts surface of the tibia, or
interosseous membrane (supinates) foot at shinbone, and from the
(sheet of fibrous tissue intertarsal joints interosseous membrane
that holds shafts of tibia
and fibula together)
Soleus Plantar flexes foot at Beneath the
ankle joint gastrocnemius muscle

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