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Casa dei Patiño Montessori School

Atimonan, Quezon
Q3-C Examination

Mathematics SCORE
Preschool (Senior Casa)
Topics: Addition and Subtraction (Finding the sums through 10)

Name: _____________________________________________________

Teacher: Anne Marie B. Cal

I. Write and add the following numbers through fingerplay.

II. Lets count and add the following objects. Encircle the
correct number.
Casa dei Patiño Montessori School
Atimonan, Quezon
Q3-C Examination

Mathematics SCORE
Preschool (Senior Casa)
Topics: Addition and Subtraction (Finding the sums through 10)

III. Let’s count the butterflies. Cross out the number of butterflies
you need to subtract. Write your answers on the line.

IV. Subtract the following:

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