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In current study explain the effect of conflict handling

style upon academic achievement of S. C. S College puri. It

also emphasizes the conflict handing style of higher and lower

achievers. Purposive sampling was chosen for study. In this

research 5 male and 5 females were taken up for the study.

Questionnaire on the conflict handing style scale were

distributed the scale is developed Rabim scale it contains 25

items. The avoidance competing, compromising of conflict

handing style among high and high and low academic achievers

shows low in avoidance and compromising and high in

competing. And avoidance and Co promising and low in

Any situation that consists of more than one person may lead to

conflict. Conflict is the in which one person or a group of perceive that

their interests are being 0pposed or negatively affected by another

person or group. Conflict is a process in which people disagree over

significant issues, thereby creating friction among them. Conflict arises

when people have opposing interests, perceptions and feelings.

Although conflict can be destructive, it can also be beneficial when

used as a source of renewal and creativity. The causes of conflict range

from philosophical differences and divergent goals to power

imbalances. Unmanaged or poorly managed conflicts create problems

for the person or the group and generate a breakdown in trust. Hence,

conflict management is one of the significant life skills. In other words,

Conflict management or conflict-handling is the practice of being able

to identify and handle conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently. Since

conflicts are a natural part of the social life processes, it is important

that people should understand conflicts and know how to resolve them.

There are five significant ways to handle conflict namely

accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, compromising, and


(i) Accommodating

The acccomodating style of conflict-handling is called ' lose, you

win' strategy. The fundamental premise of this strategy is that working

important than any of the peripheral goals and to appease others thus

protecting the fragile relationships. The accommodating strategy

essentially entails the opposing side what it wants. The use of

accommodation often occurs when one of the parties wishes to keep

the peace or perceives the issue as mirror.Accomodating style of

conflict-handling is best used other.when an issue is not as important

to the person known that he cannot win,and when harmony is extremely


(ii) Avoiding

The avoidance Strategy seeks to put off conflict indefinitely. It is also

called the No strategy. The fundamental premise of this strategy is, this

isn't the right time or place to address this issue'. The strategic

philosophy of this style is to avoid conflict withdrawing, sidestepping,

or postponing By delaying or ignoring the conflict, the avoider hopes

that the problem gets resolved itself without a confrontation. Those

who actively avoid conflict, frequently have low self-esteem or hold a

position of low power. Avoiding strategy when the conflict is small and

don't hence can serve as a profitable conflict manage relationships are

at stake, when more important issues are pressing and you feel you have

time to deal with this particular one, when you have no power and you

see no chance of getting your goal achieved, and when you are too

emotionally involved and others are solve the conflict more

successfully. The drawbacks of this strategy are that sometimes

important decisions may be made by default and sometimes postponing

may make matters worse.

(ii) Collaborating

The collaborating style of conflict handling is also called the 'I win, you

win' style. The fundamental premise of this style is that teamwork and

cooperation helps everyone achieve their goals while also maintaining

relationships. The philosophy of this approach is that the process of

working through differences leads to creative solutions which will

satisfy both parties condemns. This strategy is most productive, when

there is a high level of trust Amon the parties, when you don't want to

have full responsibility, when you want others to also have ownership

of solutions, and when the people involved are willing to change their

thin as more information is found are that the process takes people's

trust and openness

iv) Compromising

The compromising strategy typically calls for both of conflict give up

element of their position in order to establish an acceptable, if not

agreetable,solution. It also called the 'You bend, I bend' strategy. The

fundamental premise of this strategy is winning something while losing

a little is OK. This strategy prevails most often in conflicts where the

parties hold approximately equivalent power. This strategy is useful

when people of equal status are equally committed to goals, when time

can be saved by reaching intermediate settlements of complex issues

and when goals are moderately important for both the parties. The

drawbacks of the strategy are that important values and long-term

objectives may be compromised in the process, may not work if

demands are too great and can spawn cynicism, if there's no

commitment to honour the compromise solutions

(v) Competing

Competition operates as a zero-sum game, in which one side wins and

other loses. Hence, the competing strategy is also called the 'I win, you

lose' strategy. The strategic philosophy of this approach is that when

goals are extreme, one must use power to win. Highly assertive

personalities often fall back on competition as a confict management

strategy The competitive strategy works best in situations when you

know you are right, when time is short and a quick decision is needed,

when a strong personality is trying to overpower you and you don't

want to be taken advantage of and when you need to stand up for your

rights, when time is short and quick Desecion is needed when a strong

personality is trying to over power you want and you don’t want to be

taken advantage of an when you need to stand up for your rights.The

drawbacks of this style are that sometimes it can escalate conflict and

sometimes retaliated. Arising from the above discussion,the present

practicum is designed to referred conflict-handling styles of boys and


To access the effect of conflict handling style often academic

achievement of the college going student.


i. There would be difference bet high and low achievers on the

avoidance handling style.

ii. There would be difference between high and low achievers on the

competing conflict handling style.

iii. There would be difference between high and low achievers on the

comprising conflict handling style.


In the present student there and sample selected with purposive

sampling method. Age range of sample age 18 to 25. All samples

selected from S. C S (A) College, puri. All are belonging to socio

economic student.

Subject No of subject Xlame of test Xlature of the


10 going 10 Rabims scale for Individual

students 5 girl interpersonal

and 5 boys scale


For this research 10 college students including 5 male and 5 females

were selected from puri district S. C. S (A) college, They were coming

from middle-class socio-economic student. The subject was within 18

to 25 year of age, who all are student of +2, +3, P. G classes.


The Rahim's Scale for Interpersonal Conflict-handling style (Rahim

&magner 2011) was used for the assessment of interpersonal conflict -

handling style of college student scale consists of 25 items in the form

of statement which are to be respond by the students. In the scale, there

are 3 items each for assessing, avoidance,conpromising,style of

handling conflict Subjects are required to respond to each item on a 5-

poi t scale.the scale points are about the degree of agreeability of the

Subject with the statement indicated by never seldom sometimes, often

and always which are scored as 1,2 l,3,4 and 5 respectively depending
on the extent to which the Subject disagrees or agrees with the

statement, he or she assigns a score value between 1 and 5 to each

statement. The items for assessing different conflict handling styles are

the evenly distributed among scale.The maximum score for each

conflict-handling style is 25. High re of the Subject in a particular

conflict-handling style indicates his or her preference for style. The

questionnaire is presented in Appendix-P.

8. Instruction

After properly interacting with the Subjects, the Investigator said

to them, “Here is an opportunity for you to test your interpersonal-

conflict handling style, which in turn will be very useful in

understanding your relationship with people. There are 25 items in the

scale. Each item is in the form of statement relating to some aspect of

your behavior in dealing with your friends and significant people when

you are in conflict with them. As you read a statement, you have to

think to what extent you agree with the statement. If you 'never agree

with the statement, then tick under '1' in the left side column of the
statement. If you ‘seldom' agree with the statement, tick (under "2'; if

you 'sometimes' agree tick under '3'; if you 'often' agree, tick under 4';

and if you 'always' agree tick under '5'in the left side column of the

statement. Although, there is no time limit to complete the test, you try

to finish it in 30 to 40 minutes.


The Investigator selected 10 college students that included & 5

boys and & 6 girls .who all Subjects were within ears of are students of

+2 P.G classes. Then, each Subject was invited to the testing room and

support was established. After that, the test was administered

individually. The testing room was free from any disturbance. It was

calm and noise free. Each Subject was told to go through the items in

the scale and understand the statements clearly. Depending on the

extent to which he or she agrees with the statement, she selected a score

from 1 to 5 and put a tick mark on the chosen number. Likewise, all the
four Subjects completed their test one after another The Investigator

had some informal conversation with the Subjects to help them feel

relaxed and easy. After the Subjects felt comfortable in the presence of

the Investigator in the testing laboratory, they were given the test.

During preliminary conversation, demographic particulars of the

Subjects like name, age, sex etc. were recorded.


The score of all the subject of the item of avoidance, competing

and conpromising conflict handling style are presented Table-1. The

mean score of high achievers and low achievers for each of there

conflict handling style are presented in the table-2. The mean score of

high and low achievers in avoidance conflict handling style 15.2 and

16 for competing style 16 and 14.4 and for compromising style 12.6

and 15.8 respectively.

Dimension Avoidance Competing Compromising

High achievers 76 80 63

Low achievers 80 72 79


Dimension Avoidance Competing Compromising

High achievers 15.2 16 12.6

Low achievers 16 14.4 15.8


Bar graph showing the academic achievement difference in each of the

conflict handling style and also plotted and present in following figure








High achiever low achiever







high achiever low achiever

Series 1






high achievers low achievers

Series 1

14.General discussion and conclusion

It is that observed from the results that all 10 student have score

less than 21 in all of the three conflict handling style. Hence non of

them issuing any of conflict handling style very strong. However, it is

observed that academic achievement difference of high and low

achievers further high achievers are low in avoidance and comprising

conflict handing style and high in competing conflict handling style.

Hence low achiever are low in competing conflict handling style and

high in avoidance and comprising conflict handling style. Hence it may

be concluded that high achievers are better performing competing

conflict handling style than the low achievers. Similarly, low achievers

performing better in avoidance and conparing conflict handling style.

Because they do not face any difficult situation so they are straiting to

avoiding and compromise with the situation.

Concept of achievements

Achievement was the first social motive to be studied in detain

(mc Cleland) , Attkison, darkand well 1953) The strength of the

achievements needs 15 usually measured with projective technique.

Need achievement is measured on two Criteria that is high

achievers and low achievers. A few of main Charactecterics on which

the high and low achievers seemed to defer clearly as stated below.


Most of the high achievers seem to come from urban homes, where the

father is generally educated. In some cases, though not very commonly,

they also have educated mothers.

In generally most of the high achievers are intelligent are their

grades are “superior”. In the thinking they seem to place greater

reliance on themselves rather than limit or dependent on other. Greater

self reliance is expressed in solving their problem devising plan and

solution. They manifest a market degree of interest in the theoretical

and abstract. They have been interest in their subject of study besides

general interest like literature and other rating hubbies originality in

idea novelty in expressed and presentation in idea are underlying

features of high achievers.

High achievers have a satisfactory generally adjustment. They have

better home adjustments, emotional adjustment than the low achievers.

However, in their social relationship they are often so we what with

drawn they have few close friends in stand of lot of friends.


Low achievers seem to come from rural home, whether the father

often have little educated (Matriculation or less) mother education is

not so common either they lack efficiency and loving atmosphere at

home during childhood. During early schooling they show mischievous

behaviour and quarrel with classmates.

Usually on intelligence most of the low achiever’s grade as

average with respect to their thinking they do not seem to depart from

the usually Exhibition unlike the high achievers lack of conscious

striving for originally on novelty in expression and presentation of idea.

They mostly tent to imitate on depend on other, embracing idea,

principals and idea with are widely prevalent. They show the interest

in abstract idea and principals. Which indicate more a fantasy

orientation rather than a genuine Intellectual ambition fantasy activity

occupies a significant place in their think8bg which is indicated by

perusing there career aspiration and choose of models which are often

drawn from fiction.


Conflict is risk factor and lower academic, accruement suggestion

that family interaction a play a significant role in how growth perform

in the academic setting. Interpretable characterise as the risk factor

conflict that is hostile, intense, unresolved has been associated with

maladaptive out cones such as increased with problem behaviour and

diminished closeness in parent child and sibling relationship (buehler

intellectual 19997; Grych etal 2004) previous research suggested that

concentrated on academic our comes has suggests that adolescents who

experience interpretable conflict are more l9kely to demonstrate lower

academic achievement(Long et al 1987 ;Unger et al 2000)


i. Rahim, R and Magner, N (2011). Styles of handling interpersonal

conflict and it’s gravedance across groups.

ii. Kadir, Ashraful (2011 March 11) , five conflict management style

at a Glance.
iii. Boris off, D, And victors, D. A (1989) conflict management. A

communication skills and approach


Here is used Rahim’s conflict handling style scale.

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