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Arrieta 1

Luis Arrieta


14 November 2018

Block 2

Personal Statement

I watched as the counselor walked around the classroom during Advisory, handing out

summer school applications. Some students were in shock and others unconcerned about

receiving a summer school application to retake a class they failed that semester. From the corner

of my eye, I can see the counselor walking toward me. I already knew what was coming. This

was the biggest failure of my high school career. This affected me in many ways and made me

learn from my experiences. In 10th grade, I experienced the biggest setback from failing three

classes that year.

My sophomore year was the worst year of my high school career. The reason for this is

that I failed Geometry, World History, and English. These unfortunate events hindered me from

being graduation eligible because they were part of the A-G requirements. I failed these classes

because I would procrastinate or sometimes even forget about homework and other assignments.

Another reason is that I got really low test scores and never attended tutoring sessions after

school. What I learned from this is that procrastinating is my biggest weakness, and many other

students can say the same. This is why sophomore year was my worst year in highschool.

Doing badly in 10th grade brought me many repercussions that made me regret not trying

and giving it my all in school. The effects of this setback caused me to have a very low GPA and

not achieve a place on the school honor roll. This also made my parents disappointed in me
Arrieta 2

because I always told them I was exceeding in school. I learned that I was held back by a lot, for

not doing well in high school . These experiences showed me the negative consequences of

lacking success in school.

In order to resolve this failure, I had to attend summer school. The summer of 2017 came

along and I had to go to school to get my classes. When I got there, there were a lot of students

from different schools taking the same classes as me. The first couple of days were easy, but

after the first week the classes were getting difficult. Students were beginning to drop or get

kicked out of class. I kept attending summer school and trying my best, therefore I ended up

passing both my classes that year because I did my homework and studied for quizzes. I passed

two out of three classes that year, so I had to take the third class the following year. I passed this

class the following year with the highest grade out of all the students.

What I learned from this failure is to not procrastinate and that time management is an

important skill to learn. Although I still procrastinate at times, I have gotten a lot better at

managing my time. Now I can do school work while still having time for other things like

hanging out with family and friends.

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