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Jaargang / Volume 2 Uitgave / Edition 12

APRIL 2019

E60 WDR-3 Lüdenscheid met de zenderdia (DEU).

E60 WDR-3 Lüdenscheid with the ID Slide (DEU).
Gösta van der Linden, ~ 1972.

De RTV toren Bucegi / Costila (ROU). E25 IBA Central Independent TV, Ridge Hill (GBR).
The RTV tower Bucegi / Costila (ROU). E25 IBA Central Independent TV, Ridge Hill (GBR).
Frosat, via Gösta van der Linden. Rijn Muntjewerff, 02-12-1983.


Hoofdredacteur/ Editor-in-chief: Gösta van der Linden
Noorderhavenkade 21 B
NL - 3039 RD Rotterdam
Nederland / the Netherlands
E-mail / email:

Redacteuren / Editors: Pascal Colaers

E-mail / email:

Niels van der Linden

E-mail / email:

Wesley Colaers
E-mail / email:
Red. / Ed.: Gösta van der Linden, Rotterdam, NLD.
Niels van der Linden, Épinal, FRA.
Wesley Colaers, Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, BC, CDN.

Beste lezers, TV-DX'ers / dear readers, TV DXers,

Allereerst volgt er een huishoudelijke mededeling. Zoals U ook aan het bovenstaande kopje kunt zien, hebben we er nu een extra
redacteur bij. Het is een oude bekende van ons en wel nader bepaald Wesley Colaers. Het samenstellen van de DXR magazines
neemt namelijk steeds meer tijd in beslag. Wesley zal zo nodig assistentie verlenen bij het afronden van elke rubriek in alle DXR
magazines. Het “illustere” viertal is nu weer compleet, hi ! Zijn E-mail adres is: Zo gaat het DXR ma-
gazine het nog steeds goed voor de wind, zodat we allemaal uiteraard zeer in onze nopjes zijn, hi !
Vol spanning kijken we uit naar het komende Sp.E seizoen. In Rusland zijn er al vele analoge TV zenders aan de deur gezet. In het
TRN Magazine 235 (via GSM) kunnen wij hierover het volgende lezen: De data en de betreffende zenders zijn * 3 december 2018:
de zenders in de Tver oblast, * 11 februari 2019: Ryazan, Tula, Yaroslavl, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Magadan en Chechnya, * 15 april
2019: Kabardino, Balkariya, Karachayevo, Cherkesiya, Mordoviya, Udmurtiya, Chuvashiya, de regio Moskou, Sakhalin, Stavropol,
Yamal, Amur, Ivanovo, Kemerovo, Kirov, Kostroma, Kurgan, Lipetsk, Novgorod en Tyumen.
In dit DXR magazine hebben we weer het gebruikelijke nieuws, enz. gepubliceerd. In de vierde aflevering van de serie “De DVB-T2
zenders (in Duitsland)” hebben Niels en ik informatie verzameld over de nieuwe digitale TV zenders in de deelstaat Rijnland - Palts
(RP). Ook zijn er wat meer details vermeld over de DVB-T zenders in de Poolse provincie Lubusz / Lubuskie, (LBS).
Pascal heeft de vakantiegangers echt niet vergeten, hi ! Want in de laatste aflevering van de serie "De DAB(+) zenders in Dene-
merken" heeft hij twee zenderkaartjes (map 1 & map 2) gepubliceerd met alle DAB(+) zenders. Na wat speurtochten heb ik eindelijk
de oorsprong van het voor mij onbekende logo "8" gevonden, zie de rubriek "Jachtschotel".
In dit DXR magazine gaan we eveneens overduidelijk naar hogere sferen met niet minder dan twee Special Contributions over het
ISS ruimtetuig ! Vorig jaar hebben we ook al diverse SSTV beelden van dit ISS ruimtetuig gepubliceerd, welke toen ontvangen zijn
door Kevin Hewitt (KHE), zie de DXR magazines van juni en juli 2018. Om dit DXR magazine niet al te veel te doen uitpuilen heb-
ben we o.a. veel nieuws verschoven naar een volgende uitgave !
First of all, we have a general notice. As you can see from the above heading, we now have an extra editor. It is an old acquaintance
of us and more specified Wesley Colaers. Compiling the DXR magazines takes more and more time for us. Wesley will assist with
the completion of each section in all the DXR magazines if necessary. Thus the illustrious foursome is now complete again, hi ! His
E-mail address is:
With a lot of excitement we are looking to the coming Sp.E season. In Russia, many analogue TV transmitters already have been ta-
ken out of service. In the TRN Magazine 235 (via GSM) we can read the following bad news: The dates and the transmitters are * 3rd
December 2018: the transmitters in the Tver oblast, * 11 th February 2019: Ryazan, Tula, Yaroslavl, Ulyanovsk, Penza , Magadan and
Chechnya, * 15th April 2019: Kabardino, Balkariya, Karachayevo, Cherkesiya, Mordoviya, Udmurtiya, Chuvashiya, the transmitters in
the Moscow region, Sakhalin, Stavropol, Yamal, Amur, Ivanovo, Kemerovo, Kirov, Kostroma, Kurgan, Lipetsk, Novgorod and Tyu-
In this DXR magazine the usual news, and so on. is published. In the fourth part of the series 'The DVB-T2 stations (in Germany)',
Niels and I have compiled a lot of information about the new digital TV transmitters in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate (RP).
Also some further detaials are mentioned about the DVB-T transmitters in the Polish province Lubusz / Lubuskie, (LBS).
Pascal has not forgotten the holiday makers, hi ! Because in the last part of the series 'The DAB(+) transmitters in Denmark' he has
published the two transmitter maps (map 1 & map 2) with all the DAB(+) transmitters. After some research work I, Gösta, finally have
found the origin of the unknown logo "8*, see the column "Jachtschotel”.
In this DXR magazine we also obviously go to higher spheres with no less than two Special Contributions about the ISS spacecraft !
Last year we also have published a lot of SSTV images as aired from the ISS spacecraft, which were received by Kevin Hewitt
(KHE), see the DXR magazines of June and July 2018. We have shifted some news to the upcoming DXR Magazine to prevent a
too thick magazine.
☞ De DVB-T2 zenders (HEVC / H.265), [deel 4].

In deze vierde aflevering hebben we de gegevens verzameld van de DVB-T2 zenders in de deelstaat
Rijnland-Palts (RP).

a) De DVB-T2 zenders, (ND: rondstraler & D: gerichte zender).

kanaal H/V MHz. multiplex zender coordinates D/ND kW. ERP opmerking
D23 H 490 SWR1 HD Koblenz / Kühkopf 07E34 50N18 ND 50
D28 H 530 ZDF HD Koblenz / Kühkopf 07E34 50N18 ND 50
D30 H 546 SWR1 HD Donnersberg 07E55 49N37 ND 50
D30 H 546 SWR1 HD Kaiserslautern / Dansenberg 07E44 49N24 D 20
D31 H 554 Freenet TV1 Rhein-Main Koblenz / Kühkopf 07E34 50N18 ND 20
D33 H 570 SWR2 HD Koblenz / Kühkopf 07E34 50N18 ND 50
D37 H 602 ZDF HD Scharteberg 06E45 50N13 ND 50 Eifel
D37 H 602 ZDF HD Trier / Petrisberg 07E44 49N24 D 10
D37 H 602 ZDF HD Donnersberg 07E55 49N37 ND 50
D37 H 602 ZDF HD Kaiserslautern / Dansenberg 07E44 49N24 D 20
D40 H 626 Freenet TV3 Trier / Petrisberg 07E44 49N24 D 10


kanaal H/V MHz. multiplex zender coordinates D/ND kW. ERP opmerking
D40 H 626 Freenet TV3 Kaiserslautern / Dansenberg 07E44 49N24 D 20
D44 H 658 Freenet TV2-riphes Trier / Petrisberg 07E44 49N24 D 10
D44 H 658 Freenet TV2-riphes Kaiserslautern / Dansenberg 07E44 49N24 D 20
D46 H 674 SWR2 HD Scharteberg 06E45 50N13 ND 50 Eifel
D46 H 674 SWR2 HD Trier / Petrisberg 07E44 49N24 D 10
D46 H 674 SWR2 HD Donnersberg 07E55 49N37 ND 50
D46 H 674 SWR2 HD Kaiserslautern / Dansenberg 07E44 49N24 D 20
D47 H 682 Freenet TV3 Koblenz / Kühkopf 07E34 50N18 ND 20
D48 H 690 SWR1 HD Scharteberg 06E45 50N13 ND 50 Eifel
D48 H 690 SWR1 HD Trier / Petrisberg 07E44 49N24 D 10

☞ Alle DVB-T zenders zijn inmiddels ook in deze deelstaat aan de deur gezet !

b) Een zenderkaartje.

c) De parameters.
Freenet TV1 Rhein-Main: Modulation: 64-QAM, Guard Interval: 1/16, FEC: 2/3 & data: 27,6 Mbit/s.
Freenet TV2-rlphes: Modulation: 64-QAM, Guard Interval: 1/16, FEC: 2/3 & data: 27,6 Mbit/s
Freenet TV3: Modulation: 64-QAM, Guard Interval: 1/16, FEC: 2/3 & data: 27,6 Mbit/s.


SWR1 HD: Modulation: 64-QAM, Guard Interval: 19/256, FEC: 3/5 & data: 22,86 Mbit/s.
SWR2 HD: Modulation: 64-QAM, Guard Interval: 19/256, FEC: 3/5 & data: 22,86 Mbit/s.
ZDF HD: Modulation: 64-QAM, Guardintervall: 19/128, FEC: 3/5 & data: 22 Mbit/s.

d) Multiplexen / programma's.
Freenet TV1 Rhein-Main: RTL HD Hessen, RTL II HD, VOX HD, SUPER RTL HD, NITRO HD, n-tv HD & Tele 5 HD.
Freenet TV2-rlphes: SAT.1 HD RhlPf / Hessen, ProSieben HD, kabel eins HD, SIXX HD, Pro7 MAXX HD, SAT.1 Gold HD &
Sport1 HD.
Freenet TV3: Disney Channel HD, WELT HD, DMAX HD, Eurosport 1 HD, NICK HD, QVC HD, HSE24 HD, Bibel TV
HD, HD & freenet Shopping.
SWR1 HD: Das Erste HD, ONE HD, PHOENIX HD, arte HD & tagesschau24 HD.
SWR2 HD: SWR BW HD, SWR RP HD, hr-fernsehen HD, WDR HD Köln & BR Fernsehen Süd HD.
ZDF HD: ZDF HD, 3sat HD, ZDFinfo HD, zdf_neo HD & KiKA HD
>to be continued< (SWR, IRT, UKW-TVA, DVB-T2 HD, DMS, via NLS).

☞ Het “mysterie” van het onbekende logo “8” is onlangs ontrafeld !
Wie wat bewaard, heeft wat, hi ! Tijdens het ordenen van mijn digitale foto archief
kwam ik enkele foto's tegen met rechtsboven een dubbel logo en wel van Omroep
Gelderland en een onbekend logo “8”. Ik zou later wel gaan speuren naar de oor-
sprong van dat logo “8 “. Maar deze foto's zijn wat in de vergetelheid geraakt. De
ontvangst dateerd van 15 juli 2018. Onlangs ben ik er tóch achtergekoman waar
dat logo “8“ voor staat. Het is namelijk het logo van de streekomroep “Regionaal
Mediacentrum REGIO8”. REGIO8 is gevestigd op het DRU Industriepark in Ulft.
Hier is wat nadere informatie over deze omroep. Het Regionaal Mediacentrum
REGIO8 is de streekomroep van de Achterhoek! Het medium zendt zeven dagen
per week uit via radiozender Optimaal FM, televisie en verschillende onlinekana-
len in de Achterhoek en Liemers. REGIO8 brengt dagelijks regionaal nieuws op
alle kanalen en informeert inwoners over gebeurtenissen in de streek. Foto A: De studio van / the studio of Regio8.
REGIO8 is een multimediaal platform met een professionele nieuwsredactie van
jonge en ambitieuze journalisten en programmamakers. De nieuwsredactie wil Achterhoekers informeren en betrekken bij actua-
liteiten die spelen in de samenleving. REGIO8 richt zich echter niet alleen op het op journalistieke wijze verslaan van regionaal
nieuws, maar biedt ook graag ruimte aan positieve ontwikkelingen in de Achterhoek. Zo maakt het programma Expeditie Achterhoek
tweewekelijks een reis langs bijzondere initiatieven en ontwikkelingen van inwoners, verenigingen en het bedrijfsleven. Ook worden
Achterhoekse talenten in verschillende disciplines, van wielrenners tot muzikanten, gevolgd op hun weg naar de top en zijn
wedstrijden van De Graafschap iedere week integraal te beluisteren via Optimaal FM.
Regionaal Mediacentrum REGIO8 is in maart 2015 opgericht vanuit radiozender Optimaal FM. Sindsdien verzorgt REGIO8 ieder
uur reportages en nieuwsbulletins op de radio, zeven dagen per week audiovisuele nieuwscontent op meerdere onlinekanalen zoals en de REGIO8-App en iedere dag een televisie-uitzending van REGIO8 Actueel, waarin de actualiteiten uit de regio
worden belicht. Op 9 september 2017 werd het mediacentrum door de koepelorganisatie OLON uitgeroepen tot Omroep van het
Soms wordt er een programma uitgezonden via de zenders”van Omroep Gelderland, zoals de Zwarte Cross. Deze samenwerking is
ook te zien aan het dubbele logo rechtsboven in het beeld ! Zie de foto's 28 - 31. (Regio8, via GLi).
☞ Finally I have found the origin of the UNID logo “8”, as received on July 15 th, 2018 via a DTV transmitter of Omroep Gelderland,
see the photos 28 - 31. This logo is used by the regional broadcaster “Regionaal Mediacentrum REGIO8”. This regional broadcaster
serves the Achterhoek. The Achterhoek is a region in the eastern part of the Netherlands. Its name (meaning "rear-corner") is geo-
graphically appropriate because the area lies in the easternmost part of Gelderland, and therefore in the east of the Netherlands,
protruding into Germany.
Regional Media Center REGIO8 was founded in March 2015 via the radio broadcaster 'Optimaal FM'. Since then, REGIO8 provides
hourly reports and news bulletins on the radio, seven days a week audiovisual news content on several online channels such as and the REGIO8 App and every day a television broadcast of REGIO8 Actueel, in which the current events from the
region are highlighted.
Sometimes a Regio8 programme is aired via the DTV transmitters of Omroep Gelderland, such as the 'Zwarte Cross' (Black Cross)..
The double logo is used as a result of this cooperation. (Regio8, via GLi).


☞ 30 years VTM.
VTM or Vlaamse Televisie Maatschappij (English: Flemish Television Company) is the main
commercial television station in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking north of Belgium and forms part
of a network of channels owned by MEDIALAAN (formerly VMMa).
It was launched on February 1st, 1989 as the second private television channel in Belgium after
RTL-TVI, and quickly became the most popular TV channel in the Flemish part of Belgium.
See also the photos 25 - 27. (GLi).

☞ The DVB-T transmitters in western Poland, [part 4].
In this DXR Magazine we give you some further information about the DVB-T transmitters in the province
of Lubusz (Lubuskie), LBS.

a) The DVB-T transmitters (≥ 1 kW. ERP).

ch. H/V MHz. multiplex transmitter kW.ERP coordinates
D08 V 198.5 MUX-8 Zielona Góra / Jemiołów 22 15E17 52N21
D08 V 198.5 MUX-8 Żagań / Wichów 20 15E29 51N55
D29 H 538 MUX-4 - TV Mobilna Kłodawa / Różanki 8 15E00 52N00
D29 V 538 MUX-4 - TV Mobilna Santok / Lipki Wielkie 5 15E31 52N43


ch. H/V MHz. multiplex transmitter kW.ERP coordinates
D29 V 538 MUX-4 - TV Mobilna Gorzów Wielkopolski / Podmiejska 3.1 15E14 52N44
D32 H 562 MUX-3 (Gorzów Wielkopolski) Zielona Góra / Jemiołów 100 15E17 52N21
D32 H 562 MUX-3 (Gorzów Wielkopolski) Żagań / Wichów 50 15E29 51N55
D32 H 562 MUX-3 (Gorzów Wielkopolski) Dobiegniew / ul. Leśna 5 15E45 52N58
D32 H 562 MUX-3 (Gorzów Wielkopolski) Gorzów Wielkopolski / Podmiejska 4 15E14 52N44
D32 H 562 MUX-3 (Gorzów Wielkopolski) Zielona Góra / Ptasia 2.5 15E30 51N55
D41 H 634 MUX-2 Żagań / Wichów 50 15E29 51N55
D45 H 666 MUX-1 Zielona Góra / Jemiołów 80 15E17 52N21
D45 H 666 MUX-1 Żagań / Wichów 50 15E29 51N55
D46 H 674 MUX-2 Zielona Góra / Jemiołów 80 15E17 52N21
D48 H 690 MUX-4 - TV Mobilna Żagań / Wichów 50 15E29 51N55
D48 V 690 MUX-4 - TV Mobilna Zielona Góra / Góra Wilkanowska 15 15E27 51N55

b) A transmitter map.

c) The multiplexes / programmes.

MUX-1: TVP ABC, TV Trwam, Stopkiatka TV, Fokus TV, TTV, ATM Rozrywka, Eska TV & Polo TV.
MUX-2: Polsat, TVN, TV4, TV Puls, TVN 7, Super Polsat, TV6 & TV Puls 2.
MUX-3 (Gorzów Wielkopolski): TVP1 HD, TVP2 HD, TVP3 Gorzów Wielkopolski Gdańsk, TVP INFO, TVPKultura, TVP Historia &


TVP Sport.
MUX-4 - TV Mobilna: Polsat Sport, Polsat Sport Extra, Polsat News, Polsat Play, Polsat Film, Polsat Cafe, TVN Style, TVP
Seriale, Kino Polska, Comedy Central, Comedy Central Family & Nickelodeon.
Radio: Radio RMF FM, Radio RMF MAXXX, Radio ZET, Antyradio, Radio Plus, Radio TOK FM,
Radio Złote Przeboje, Radio Eska Rock, Radio MUZO.FM, Radio VOX FM & Rock Radio
103,7 FM.
MUX-8: Nowa TV, Metro, WP, ZOOM TV, TVP Rozrywka & TVP Sport HD.

d) The parameters.
MUX-1: Modulation: 64-QAM, Guard Interval: 1/4, FEC: 5/6 & data: 24.88 Mbit/s.
MUX-2: Modulation: 64-QAM, Guard Interval: 1/8, FEC: 3/4 & data: 24.88 Mbit/s.
MUX-3 (Gorzów Wielkopolski): Modulation: 64-QAM, Guard Interval: 1/4, FEC: 5/6 & data: 24.88 Mbit/s.
MUX-4 - TV Mobilna: Modulation: 64-QAM, Guard Interval: 1/8, FEC: 2/3 & data: 22.12 Mbit/s.
MUX-8: Modulation: 64-QAM, Guard Interval: 1/4, FEC: 5/6 & data: 21.77 Mbit/s.
>to be continued< (PR, ETL, DMS, via NLS, GLi).


☞ Some TV anniversaries.
The World’s first regular, public, high-definition Television Service began on November 2nd, 1936 using both the Marconi / EMI 405-
line and the Baird 240 line systems. Colour transmissions on BBC-1 625 Lines UHF officially began on November 15th, 1969. On the
same day, ITV blossomed into colour. Many programmes were still recorded in monochrome and some regions did not have the
luxury of colour (and the higher quality 625-line broadcasts) until 1973. Digital terrestrial TV began on November 15th, 1998.
ONdigital was a part-subscription service intended to rival Sky.

Photo B: BBC 1936. Photo C: Ondigital 1998. (TRN-234, GSM, via GLi).

☞ The new DVB-T2 transmitters [part 19].
The following transmitters will be taken into service (including some channel changes) on 3rd lApril 2018.
All transmitters are using the High Efficiency Video Coding mode (HEVC), also known as H.265 !

ch. H/V MHz. multiplex transmitter coordinates D/ND kW. ERP old channel
a) Bayern / Bavaria, BY, [BR].
D25 V 506 Freenet TV3 Nürnberg / Schweinau 11E02 49N25 ND 50 D54V
D29 H 538 BR2 HD Büttelberg 10E23 49N25 ND 50 D47
D29 V 538 BR2 HD Dillberg 11E23 49N19 ND 50 D47V
D29 V 538 BR2 HD Nürnberg / Schweinau 11E02 49N25 ND 50 D47V
D35 V 586 Freenet TV1-bay Nürnberg-Schweinau 11E02 49N25 ND 50 D49V
D42 H 642 BR1 HD Büttelberg 10E23 49N25 ND 50 D55
D42 V 642 BR1 HD Dillberg 11E23 49N19 ND 50 D55V
D42 V 642 BR1 HD Nürnberg / Schweinau 11E02 49N25 ND 50 D55V
b) Berlin-Brandenburg, BB, [RBB].
D23 H 490 ARD-RBB HD Cottbus / Calau 13E56 51N44 ND 100
D36 H 594 ZDF HD Cottbus / Calau 13E56 51N44 ND 100
D44 H 658 RBB HD Cottbus / Calau 13E56 51N44 ND 100
c) Bremen, HB, [RB].
D30 H 546 NDR-NDS HD Schiffdorf / Bremerhaven 08E39 53N31 ND 10 D55
D30 H 546 NDR-NDS HD Bremen / Walle 08E47 53N08 ND 79 D55
d) Hamburg, HH, [NDR].
D27 H 522 Freenet TV1 Hamburg / Heinrich-Hertz-Turm 09E58 53N34 ND 50 D30
D27 H 522 Freenet TV1 Hamburg / Rahlstedt 10E06 53N31 D 20 D30
D41 H 634 NDR SH HD Hamburg / Heinrich-Hertz-Turm 09E58 53N34 ND 50 D40
D41 H 634 NDR SH HD Hamburg / Rahlstedt 10E06 53N31 D 32 D40
e) Niedersachsen / Lower-Saxony, NS, [NDR].
D23 H 490 ARD-NDR HD Alfeld (Leine) 09E49 51N59 ND 1
D41 V 634 NDR SH ND Lüneburg / Neu Wendhausen 10E30 53N15 ND 5 D40V
D30 H 546 NDR-NDS HD Steinkimmen 08E27 53N02 ND 79 D55
D36 H 594 ZDF HD Alfeld (Leine) 09E49 51N59 ND 1
D40 H 626 NDR-NDS HD Alfeld (Leine) 09E49 51N59 ND 1
g) Sachsen / Saxonia, SN, [MDR].
D36 V 594 ZDF HD Dresden / Wachwitz 13E50 51N02 ND 100 D56V
D36 V 594 ZDF HD Löbau / Schafberg 14E42 51N05 ND 50 D56V


h) Schleswig-Holstein, SH, [NDR]. .
D27 H 522 Freenet TV1 Kiel / Fernsehturm 10E07 54N18 ND 20 D30
D27 H 522 Freenet TV1 Lübeck / Berkenthin 10E42 53N44 ND 20 D30
D27 V 522 Freenet TV1 Lübeck / Stockelsdorf 10E38 53N54 D 20 D30V
D41 H 634 NDR SH HD Lübeck / Berkenthin 10E42 53N44 ND 20 D40
D41 V 634 NDR SH HD Lübeck / Stockelsdorf 10E38 53N54 D 20 D40V
D41 H 634 NDR SH HD Wedel (Elbe) / Holm 09E43 53N37 ND 10 D40
>to be continued< (IRT, UKW-TVA, DVB-T2 HD, via NLS).

☞ The CBC North news, [part 2].
There are two versions of the CBC North news:

i) CBC News: Northbeat - weeknights at 06:00PM. An experienced news team

tell the stories that matter to Northerners, giving them the information they need
to know to navigate life in the North. Every weeknight, we go beyond the head-
lines, take the pulse of the north, and reflect its diversity. From news and speci-
al series, to weather and entertainment, CBC News: Northbeat is your guide to
life in the Yukon, NWT and Nunavut - across Canada and around the world.
See also the photos 7 - 11.
ii) CBC News: Igalaaq - weeknights at 06:00 PM. CBC News: Igalaaq brings you
the day's news in the Inuktitut language every weeknight at 06:00 PM ET (04:00
PM MT). Viewers from Nunavut and the Northwest Territories are kept up to da-
te by daily current events and news from the Inuit world.
See also the photos 12 - 18.

On these photos you can see a kind of hieroglyphs, hi ! But this is the written
Inuktitut language [ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ, inuktitut].
It is recognised as an official language in Nunavut alongside Inuinnaqtun, and
both languages are known collectively as Inuktut. Further, it is recognized as The Inuktitut alphabet.
one of eight official native tongues in the Northwest Territories. (RDW).


☞ Some more history ! The first VHF Band 3 TV and FM transmitters (the situation in 1955).

i) The TV transmitters in VHF Band 3.


ii) The FM transmitters in VHF Band 2.

(DRE, via GLi).

☞ The new DVB-T2 transmitters, (HEVC, H-265).

c h a n n el s (all vertically polarised). kW.

Transmitter NTS1 NTS2 NTS3 NTS4 RTS ERP note
i) Since February 12th, 2019.
Groningen D46 D21 D33 D25 D40 20 Gr.
Leeuwarden D46 D21 D33 D25 D40 20 Fr.
ii) Since February 23rd, 2019.
Hoogersmilde D46 D21 D33 D25 D22 40 Dr.
iii) Since March 12th, 2019.
Breda D60* D31 D30 D32 D33 20 NB.
Den Bosch D60* D31 D30 D56* D33 10 NB.
Eindhoven D60* D31 D30 D56* D33 15 NB.
Goes D48* D29 D35* D32* D54* 10 Zld.
Helmond D60* D31 D30 D56* D33 20 NB.
Loon op Zand D60* D31 D30 D56* D33 15 NB.
Nijmegen D60* D31 D30 D56* D42* 10 Gld.
Oss D60* D31 D30 D56* D33 10 NB.
Roosendaal D48* D29 D35* D32* D33 5 NB.
Venlo D21 D31 D30 D56* D54* 20 Lb.
iv) Since March 19th, 2019.
Deventer D36 D23 D47 D44 D22 10 Ov.
Enschede D36 D23 D47 D44 D22 10 Ov.
Hengelo D36 D23 D47 D44 D22 40 Ov.
Zwolle D36 D23 D47 D44 D22 20 Ov.
The channels, which are shown in bold red, are new channels.
Because of the release of the 700 MHz. Band for the 5G network, the chan-
nels marked with an '*' will change in the near future (before 2020 ?).
MUX NTS: National Transportstream (= Pay TV !) &
MUX RTS: Regional Transportstream (= FTA !), @ NPO 1, NPO 2, NPO 3
and a regional broadcaster.
Dr: province Drenthe regional RTV Drenthe.
Fr: province Friesland regional Omrop Fryslân.
Gld: province Gelderland regional Omroep Gelderland.
Gr: province Groningen regional RTV Noord.
NB: province Noord-Brabant regional Omroep Brabant.
Ov: province Overijssel regional RTV Oost.
Lb: province Limburg regional L1 Limburg.
Zld: province Zeeland regional Omroep Zeeland. (KPN, via GLi).


☞ And... again some history !
At the right side photo D shows a studio camera stick on plastic logo, this
being of Southern Television when in colour from 1969. They were in 405
lines mono from August 1958 through to summer 1969. Once in colour all
programme production was in 626 lines colour, in a room however we had
a standards down-converter to provide 405 lines output fed to Chillerton
Down and other VHF transmitters until System A 405 lines closed down in
the 80s. This plastic camera logo was removed from a camera so there is Photo D: The Southern Television camera logo.
a little damage to the rear of the plastic and some of the paint has come off. (RBY).

**** DE O.I.R.T. FM ZENDERS [deel 5] ****

☞ Volgens de meest recente gegevens zijn de onderstaande O.I.R.T. FM stations nog steeds op antenne in:
RUSLAND (vervolg) kW. kW.
MHz. proramma zender ERP MHz. programma zender ERP
69,02 Jam FM Yekaterinenburg 0,5 69,53 Radio Rossii Stavropol 20
69,17 Radio Mayak Elista 10 69,53 Radio Serpukhova Serpoechov 0,5
69,23V Avtoradio Gubkin 0,1 70,07 Radio Mayak Tula 20
69,23V Radio Rossii Kropotkin 0,5 70,07 Radio Mayak Sochi 8
69,29 Radio Chanson Ivanovo 1 70,13V Militseiskaya Volna Tver 0,4
69,47 Radio Petersburg Saint Petersburg 20 70,22V Radio Rossii Temrjoek / Krasnodar 1
69,47 Radio Rossii Vladimir 1 70,28 Radio Rossii Kamensk-Sjachtinskiy 20
69,47 Radio Rossii Batovo 0,1 70,31 Radio Mayak Tsjerkessk 20
69,65 Radio Rossii Serov 20 70,34 Radio Mayak Yaroslavl 20
69,65 Radio Rossii Ufa 10 70,34 Radio Rossii Kirovsk 20
69,68 Radio N Novotsjerkassk 0,2 70,43 Radio Rossii Labinsk 0,1
69,74V Militseiskaya Volna Oeljanovsk 4 70,46V Radio Lik Likino-Doeljovo 0,4
69,92 Radio Orphei Yekaterinenburg 4 70,46 Radio Rossii Tuapse 0,1
wordt vervolgd< (Frosat, via GLi, NLS).

**** ONZE FOTOHOEK / OUR PHOTO CORNER, № 11, deel / part 1. ****

1). Gösta van der Linden. 2). Gösta van der Linden. 3). Gösta van der Linden.

4). Gösta van der Linden. 5). Gösta van der Linden. 6). Gösta van der Linden.

7). Rick Dewilde. 8). Rick Dewilde. 9). Rick Dewilde.


10). Rick Dewilde. 11). Rick Dewilde. 12). Rick Dewilde.

13). Rick Dewilde. 14). Rick Dewilde. 15). Rick Dewilde.

16). Rick Dewilde. 17). Rick Dewilde. 18). Rick Dewilde.

19). Rini de Weijze. 20). Rini de Weijze. 21). Rini de Weijze.

22). Rini de Weijze. 23). Rini de Weijze. 24). Gösta van der Linden.


25). Gösta van der Linden. 26). Gösta van der Linden. 27). Gösta van der Linden.

**** WE READ FOR YOU ****

☞ In the DVB Scene of September 2016, @ Some recent history.

African Progress, Digital Switchover, by Mr. Marcello Lombardo, [part 1].

The Digital Broadcasting Africa Forum 2016 was organised by the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) and
held 11-13 May 2016 in Lagos, Nigeria. The central theme of the three day conference was the switch-off of analogue terrestrial
television and the full roll-out of digital terrestrial television (DTT) in Africa, where many countries missed the initial deadline of 17
June 2015 set by the ITU. The event was officially opened by the Nigerian Minister of Information and Culture. The forum was an oc-
casion to share knowledge and expertise on the topic and the EBU contributed by giving insights on the public service
broadcasters'perspective as well as the benefits that African countries can get by investing in this broadcast distribution platform.
The event was very well attended by national spectrum regulators who recognized the critical importance of a timely DTT imple-
mentation for both economic and social reasons. Digital Terrestrial Television rollout requires a lenghty process and the collaboration
of several stakeholders. The experience in Europe shows that it is essential that the governments set a nationwide strategy and lead
the process to the end. They of course need to include all relevant stakeholders. Without a clear plan and the buy-in of all the actors
involved it is easy to fail.
As explained by delegates from Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya, the major roadblocks for the project
were the lack mof funding and the lack of clarity on how to subsidize set-top boxes to smooth the transition for the population. Once
these problems are overcome it will probably be easier to kick off a public awareness campaign to prepare the switch-off of
analogue television that is now supposeds to happen in June 2017.
>to be continued< (FG).

Vervolgens wat meer details van de: / We continue with some further details about the:

**** FOTO'S / PHOTOS ****

Photos 1 - 6: GLi @ My first years of TV DX, 1969 - 1975 [part 4].
☞ Coming October I will celebrate my anniversary of 50 years TV DX. All the published photos have been taken from my early
receptions via Sp.E and tropo DX !
1) Channel R01 TVP Bydgoszcz [100 kW. ERP], with the clock, 1971..
2) Channel R01 TVP Bydgoszcz [100 kW. ERP], with the electronic G-203 test card, 1974.
3) Channel R02 TVP Warszawa [10 kW. ERP], with the ID Slide, 1970.
4) Channel R25 TVP-2 Wrocklaw [1000 kW. ERP], with an electronic test card, 1974.
5) Channel E42 RB-3 Bremen [500 kW. ERP], with the old ID Slide, 1968..
6) Channel B08 ITA Tyne Tees Television Burnhope [100 kW. ERP], with test card 'D', 1st july 1971.
Photos 7 - 18: RDW, via WCO @ TV in Yellowknife, NT, CDN, [part 2].
☞ DTV, a local reception of CBC North on channel A08, Yellowknife, [2.4 kW.], 24th December 2018.
7) The weather, @ the ID Slide.
8) The weather in the Yukon Territory.
9) The weather in the NortWest Territory.
10) The weather in Nunavuk.
11) The weather in Yellowknife.
☞ As received via the local cable system: the news and weather in the Inuktitut language for the local people in Nunavuk, 24 th De-
cember 2018.
12 & 13) The news, called “IGALAAQ“, the ID Slide.
14 & 15) The female newsreader.
16 - 18) Christmas time !
Foto's 19 - 22: RdW @ enige (nieuws)feeds.
☞ Zoals ontvangen via de satelliet Eutelsat 10A, 10° oost.
19) Een nieuwsfeed. Meer details: 10,978 GHz., V, SR: 4166, > jeCor, 8 maart 2019.
20) Een onbekende nieuwsfeed. Meer details: 10,996 GHz., H, SR: 7120, > ID Nameless, 8 maart 2019.
☞ Zoals ontvangen via de satelliet SES 4, 22° west., Reuters TV News_3380.
21) Trump gaat weer eens op stap, hi ! Meer details: 11,127 GHz., H, SR: 17250, 8 maart 2019.
22) De Brexit 1, meer details: 1,127 GHz., H, SR: 17250, 6 maart 2019.
23) De Brexit 2, meer details zie foto 22.
Photo 24: GLi @ NH with a new logo (1).
24) Channel D39V MUX1 / NH Hilversum [15 kW. ERP], with the new logo “NH RADIO”, as received for the first time on January
26th, 2019.,
Photos 25 - 27: GLi @ 30 years VTM.
☞ As received via the MUX ÉÉN HD on the cable in Rotterdam on February 1 st, 2019. The VRT logo was showed at the right top of
the screen.


25) 30 years VTM.
26) 'Happy birthday VTM'.
27) Some music during the celebration of this jubileum.
Photos 28 - 31: GLi @ A programme of Regio8 aired via the DTV transmitters of Omroep Gelderland.
☞ The programme 'de Zwarte Cross' (the Black Cross) as received on July 15th, 2018 channel D42V via the
MUX RTS, Veenendaal [20 kW. ERP]. A combined logo was used at the right top of the screen.
28 & 29) Two ID Slides.
30 & 31) Two fragments of the programme.
Photos 32 & 33: GLi @ Good tropo during the morning of January 18th, 2019 !, [part 2].
☞ MUX WDR1-Münster HD with the WDR Münster HD programme @ a regional WDR-3 px: 'Lokalzeit Münsterland'.
32) Channel D43V WDR1-Münster HD, Münster, 50 kW.], with the ID Slide.
☞ MUX WDR1-Ost HD, with the WDR Siegen HD programme @ a regional WDR-3 px: 'Lokalzeit Südwestfalen'.
33) Channel D44V WDR1-Ost HD, Siegen [20 kW], with the programme.
See also the column 'TV loggings' in the DXR Magazine of March 2019, page 59.
Photo 34: GLi @ A new logo.
34) Channel D57V, MUX1 TV West, Delft [1 kW. ERP], with a new logo 'W' with an additional text '' at the left top of
the screen.
Photos 35 - 40: RBY @ Some newsfeeds.
☞ As received vis the satellite Eutelsat 10A, 10° East.
35) A satellite news truck test card with the ID. 'ORACLE', Nairobi, Kenya, during a terrorist attck.
36) ORTM 'Office de Radio et Television des Comoros' @ A morning radio/TV combined broadcast for a week.
☞ As received vis the satellite Intelsat 10-02, 1° West.
37) A test card of the UK OB facility company.
☞ As received vis the satellite BADR4 / BADR5, 26° East.
38) The SSBC 'South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation' with the Channel logo.
39) The SSBC: Channel logo + scrolling local news bottom of frame.
40) The SSBC: The news programme includes extensive military content.
The South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) is a national public service broadcaster in South Sudan, and provides radio
stations (AM/FM) as well as television broadcasts through its VHF/UHF transmitters in Juba. It broadcasts its radio and tele-
vision services via satellite and can be viewed from many places in the world through the Badr 4, Intelsat 19 and Galaxy 19
satellites. SSBC's headquarters are in central Juba
Photo 41: TDa @ A teletext page of the RTBF.
41) Channel E42 RTBF-2 Liège / Bol d'Air [1000 kW. ERP], with a test of the teletext (Antiope - Perceval), mid 1980s.
Photo 42: ESW @ A reception from the past.
42) Channel E55 BR-1 Hoher Bogen [250 kW. ERP], with the FuBK test card and the Identification 'HOHER BOGEN', 2nd No-
vember 1984.
Photos 43 - 45: DRE @ Again some old(er) test cards.
43) Channel E24, RTL - TVI with the PM5544 t.c. and the identifications 'CH 24' (top) and 'RTL-TVI' (below).
44) The PM5544 t.c. of TDF / FRANCE3 with the identifications 'TDF' (top) and 'FRANCE3 / RES3' (below).
45) Channel E63V BRTF La2 Tournai [20 kW. ERP], with the PM5544 t.c. and the identifications 'TOURNAI CANAL 63' (top) and
'LA DEUX' (below).
This photo was taken on the day of the opening of the World Football Championship cup in June 98.
☞ Some additional information @ DXR Magazine March 2019, photos 46, 48 and 49 of DRE.
Photo 46: 'Javel' is a district in Paris. More specified it is a dock in an edge of the river Seine. At this location André Citroën has built
a large factory of automobiles in 1920.
Photo 48: 'CENACO' is the abbreviation of the National Coordination Centre.
'RMV' is the abbreviation of the city Romainville. It is located NE of Paris in the departement Seine Saint Denis (93).
There also a mast for micro wave links was built.
Photo 49: 'CENEX' is the abbreviation of the National Exploitation Center.
'BCH' is the abbreviation of Buttes de Chaumont, another district of Paris (19th district), also located NE of the capital.
The Buttes de Chaumont is a small wooded hill, the location of the new TV studios after the demolishion of the old
studios at Cognac Jay in 1989. (DRE).
Photos 46 - 54: SRO @ Some (news)feeds.
☞ As received via the satellite Hispasat, 30° West, [11.851 GHz., V, SR: 30000].
Recently some Slovakian TV stations are using this satellite, [part 3].
46) TV-Pozavie with the news 'NOVINY'.
47) TV-Pozavie with an information programme.
48) TV-Vega with an ID Slide.
49) TV-Vega with another ID Slide.
☞ As received via the satellite Hot Bird, 13° East, @ Sout Africa: COMMEC-TV, [11.373 GHz., H, SR: 27500].
50 - 54) An advertising broadcast of Commec-TV, (FTA).
Foto 55: RMu @ Uit de hoogtijdagen van de analoge TV-DX, [Aflevering 78].
55) Kanaal E25 BRT Waver, [1000 kW. ERP], met een vergaloppering ! De tekstgenerator van de PM5544 geeft bovenin duidelijk
weer "BRP" in plaats van "BRT", een ontvangst op 6 december 1978 !
Foto 56: HBr, via GLi @ Gevonden in mijn (Gösta) digitale fotoarchieven: De BBC met het PM5544 testbeeld.
56) Kanaal E64, BBC 2 Waltham, [500 kW. ERP], met het PM5544 testbeeld en de identificatie “BBC 2” (onder), een ontvangst in
Rotterdam in juli 1985.
Photo 57: Scelta TV Group, via DPi @ The ID Slide of TVR-2 (ROU).
☞ This photo was originally published in a test card magazine of Scelta TV. Some more information: Since 1976, Scelta TV has
been distinguished by the peculiarity of collecting and preserving the most representative images of television stations: the Test
Cards, which in Italian are often called "monoscopes".

Vervolgens een aanbieding voor verzamelaars:

**** AANGEBODEN ****
Enige dozen met oude j QSL-kaarten, bij elkaar zo'n 16 kg, hi !
Meer informatie: (FG).


Gevolgd door een overzichtje van de ontvangsten / followed by the loggings:

TV - L O G G I N G S
Red. / Ed.: Gösta van der Linden, Rotterdam, NLD.
Niels van der Linden, Épinal, FRA.
Wesley Colaers, Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, BC, CDN.

Beste lezers, TV-DX'ers / dear readers, TV DXers,

In het NW van Canada is de koude teruggekeerd ! 's Ochtends op 24 februari jl. was het in Eureka -45C. Op dezelfde ochtend bij
zonsopgang was het slechts 1C hier in Port Hardy, maar we hadden een complete heldere lucht en dat komt echt niet vaak voor.
Meestal staan hier de hemelsluizen dagenlang wijd open, hi ! Op een radarbeeld was te zien, dat Vancouver Island (bijna) geheel
wolkenvrij was. En het hogedruk gebied begon zich toen eveneens op te bouwen. Naarmate de zon hoger kwam te staan, is er een

De laagvermogen AM- en FM zenders in het noorden van Vancouver Island.

The low power AM- and FM transmitters in the northern part of Vancouver Island.

duct ontstaan naar het ZO met als gevolg enkekele nieuwe DTV “firsts” voor ons ! Ook op de FM was het weer eens raak met de
ontvangst van vele (HD Radio) FM zenders. Dit rustige en zéér heldere weer heeft een paar dagen aangehouden.
Ik heb al eens eerder geschreven, dat Port Hardy een “DX paradijs” is. In het analoge tijdperk zijn er enkele TV zenders op antenne
geweest in het noorden van Vancouver Island, waarvan twee in Port Hardy en wel op de kanalen A03 & A06. Hiervoor zijn er ner-
gens digitale TV zenders voor in de plaats gekomen. De dichtstbijzijnde “aardse” digitale TV zenders bevinden zich op een afstand
van meer dan 400 km., (Mount Seymour / Vancouver en Victoria). Dus de ganse VHF en UHF Banden zijn hier, wat TV betreft,
“leeg”. Ook de FM Band is vrijwel “leeg”. In Port Hardy zijn er twee laagvermogen FM zenders en wel: 95.5FM CBUY - CBC Radio 1
met 182 Watt & 103.7FM CBPD Weatherradio Canada met 26 Watt. In onze regio zijn er verder nog twee andere laagvermogen
FM-zendertjes: Alert Bay 105.1FM CBRY - CBC Radio 1 met 77 Watt. & Port Alice 100.3FM CFPA Coast Radio met 20 Watt.
Voor de middengolf geldt hetzelfde. In Port Hardy is er één zendertje op antenne: 1240AM The Port 1240 met 1 kW. De overige
middengolfzendertjes in de buurt zijn: Coal Harbour 540AM CBKO - CBC Radio 1 met 40 Watt. * Holberg 1490AM CFHG - CBC
Radio 1 met 40 Watt. & Port Alice 1170AM CBUX - CBC Radio 1 met 40 Watt, zie het bovenstaande zenderkaartje.
Het lichtnet is ook nog eens vrijwel geheel schoon. Vrijwel iedereen hier kijkt TV en luistert naar de radio via de kabel en/of de satel-
liet @ Sirius XM satellite Radio:
Al jaren zijn hier ook alle nieuwe auto's uitgerust met een radio met satellietontvangst.
Helaas kan Rick in Yellowknife de bouw van zijn DX mastje voorlopig wel weer vergeten... Want bij -35C met een gevoelstempera-
tuur van -45C vanwege een stijf briesje uit de poolstreken kan je beter binnen blijven. Gelukkig is het nu, een paar dagen voor de


sluitingsdatum van dit DXR magazine, warmer geworden en wel gemiddeld rond het vriespunt !
Nu Wesley eindelijk is uitgepraat, nemen wij weer even het woord over, hi ! Ook in Europa zijn in deze periode relatief vaak ducts
voorgekomen vanwege de grotere temperatuursverschillen. En deze ducts waren meestal ook nog eens plaatsgebonden. Na dit uit-
gebreide weerpraatje openen we nu gelijk het TV Logboek. We hebben de bijdragen kunnen verwerken van NLS, LLU, JON, PCO,
WCO en GLi, waarvoor onze hartelijke dank !
In the NW part of Canada the cold has returned ! In the morning of February 24 th, it was in Eureka -45C. On the same morning du-
ring sunrise it was only 1C here in Port Hardy, but we have had a completely clear sky and that is not very common. Usually it is
always raining... On a radar image Vancouver Island was (almost) completely cloud-free. And the high-pressure area also began to
build up. As the sun rose higher, a duct was created to the SE, resulting in some more DTV "firsts" for us ! Also on FM it was a 'party'
whit the reception of many (HD Radio) stations from the same regions. This quiet and very clear weather has been held for a few
I already have written in the recent past, that Port Hardy is a "DX paradise". In the analogue era there have been some TV channels
on the air in the northern part of Vancouver Island, two of which were operational in Port Hardy on channel A03 and A06. They have
not replaced by DTV ones. The nearest "terrestrial" DTV transmitters are located at a distance of more than 400 km., (Vancouver /
Mount Seymour & Victoria). So the whole VHF and UHF Bands are "empty" here, as far as TV is concerned. But the FM Band is
also virtually "empty". In Port Hardy there are two low-power FM transmitters: 95.5FM CBUY - CBC Radio 1 with 182 Watt &
103.7FM CBPD Weatherradio Canada with 26 Watt. In our region there are also two other low-power FM-transmitters: Alert Bay
105.1FM CBRY - CBC Radio 1 with 77 Watt. & Port Alice 100.3FM CFPA Coast Radio with 20 Watt.
The same applies to the medium wave. In Port Hardy there is one transmitter: 1240AM The Port 1240 with 1 kW. The other medium
wave transmitters in the area are: Coal Harbor 540AM CBKO - CBC Radio 1 with 40 Watt. * Holberg 1490AM CFHG - CBC Radio 1
with 40 Watt. & Port Alice 1170AM CBUX - CBC Radio 1 with 40 Watt, see the transmitter map above.
The mains is also almost completely clean. Almost everyone here watches TV and listens to the radio via cable and / or satellite @
Sirius XM satellite Radio:
For years, all new cars have been equipped with a radio with satellite reception.
Unfortunately, in Yellowknife Rick can again forget the construction of his new DX mast ... Because at -35C with a wind chill of -45C,
due to a stiff breeze from the polar regions, you better stay inside. Fortunately now, a few days before the deadline of this DXR ma-
gazine, it has become warmer and on average the temperatures are now around 0C !
Now that Wesley finished talking, we take the floor. In Europe too, ducts have occurred relatively often during this period because of
the larger temperature differences. And these ducts were usually also site-bound. After this extensive weather report we immediately
start with the TV Logbook. We have been able to compile the contributions of NLS, LLU, JON, PTR, PCO, WCO and GLi, for which
we would like to express our sincere thanks !

**** TROPOSFERISCHE DX @ analoog: NTSC (525) ****

☞ Periode: februari – maart 2019. Tijd: GMT / UTC.
kW. afst.
kan. ITU call zender ERP tijd km. opmerking(en). ctbr.
27 februari 2019.
A02 CDN CITM 100 Mile House, BC. 1,5 1405-1440 445 S2 - S3. JDW
A03 CDN CFTK / CTV Terrace, BC. 14 1405-1440 430 S2 JDW
9 maart 2019.
A06 CDN CFTK TV1 Prince Rupert, BC. 2,5 1335-1430 440 S5 ! JDW
14 maart 2019.
A02 CDN CITM 100 Mile House, BC. 1,5 1640 445 S2 JDW, WCO
A06 CDN CFTK TV1 Prince Rupert, BC. 2,5 1645 440 S4 JDW, WCO
22 maart 2019.
A03 CDN CITM 100 Mile House, BC. 1,5 1325 445 S3, CTV Network. JDW
A05 CDN CFJC-6 100 Mile House, BC. 1 1325 445 S3, City TV Kamloops. JDW

**** TROPOSFERISCHE DX @ digitaal: ATSC / DVB-T(2) ****

☞ Periode: - maart. Tijd: GMT / UTC.
kW. afst.
kan. ITU multiplex zender ERP tijd km. opmerking(en). Ctbr.
23 februari 2019.
D50V HOL 1, RTV Utrecht Lopik / IJsselstein 15 0750 41 GLi
D42V HOL 1, Omr. Gelderland Veenendaal 20 0755 75 GLl
A21 CDN CHNU-DT-1 Victoria, BC. 5 1400-1845 390 Joy TV JDW, WCO
A23 CDN CIVI-DT Victoria, BC. 10 1400-1845 390 CTV Two Vancouver Island JDW, WCO
A26 CDN CBUFT-DT Mount Seymour, BC. 28 1400-1845 360 CBC French JDW, WCO
A27 CDN CKVU-DT-2 Victoria, BC. 3 1400-1845 390 City TV JDW, WCO
D23 F Reseau 6 Rouen / Grand-Couronne 40 1645-1740 415 NLS
D26 F Reseau 1 Rouen / Grand-Couronne 40 1645-1740 415 R1 regionaal Rouen. NLS
D33 F Reseau 3 Rouen / Grand-Couronne 10 1645-1740 415 NLS
D25 F Reseau 2 Paris / Tour Eiffel 50 1655-1745 310 NLS
D35 F Reseau 1 Paris / Tour Eiffel 50 1655-1745 310 R1 regionaal Paris. NLS
D42 F Reseau 1 Tours / Chissay 50 1655-1745 440 R1 regionaal Tours NLS
D45 F Reseau 3 Tours / Chissay 50 1655-1750 440 NLS
D21 F Reseau 2 Troyes / les Riceys 100 1705-1750 175 NLS
24 februari 2019.
A08 USA KGW8 Portland, OR. 40 0650-0735 680 JDW, WCO
A13 USA KVAL-TV Eugene, OR. 30 0650-0735 810 CBS13 JDW, WCO
A15 USA KMQ Q6 Spokane, WA. 1000 0650-0735 805 JDW, WCO
A20 USA KREM2 Spokane, WA. 890 0650-0735 805 JDW, WCO
A25 USA KOIN6 Portland, OR. 1000 0650-0735 680 CBS JDW, WCO
A43 USA KATU / CBS2 Portland, OR. 1000 0650-0735 680 JDW, WCO
☞ We hebben ook veel FM zenders gecapteerd uit dezelfde regio's. De beste ontvangsten waren / We also have noticed a lot of
FM transmitters from the same regions. The best signals originated from:


Eugene, OR.: 89.7 KLCC - 81 kW. & 93.3 KKNU - 100 kW.,
Portland, OR.: 92.3 KGON - 100 kW. * 95.5 KBFF - 100 kW. * 100.3 KKRZ - 100 kW. * 101.1 KXL-FM - 29 kW. & 101.9
KINK - 100 kW.;
Lake Oswego, OR.: 106.7 KLTH - 80 kW.,
Spokane, WA.: 91.1 KPBX-FM - 56 kW. * 93.7 KDRK-FM - 64 kW. * 98.1 KISC - 94 kW. & 105.7 KZBD - 100 kW..
Later op dezelfde ochtend hebben we gedurende 10 minuten enkele zwakke communicatie met veel fading gecapteerd, welke
afkomstig waren van de Highway Patrol en enkele takelwagens op de Coquilla Highway tussen Hope en Merritt (NO van Vancou-
ver, BC), @ ~ 42 MHz en ~ 154 MHz.. / Later on the same morning we have noticed some weak and fading communications du-
ring 10 minutes, originating from the Highway Patrol and some Towing trucks on the Coquilla Highway between Hope and Merritt,
(NE of Vancouver, BC), @ ~ 42 MHz. and ~ 154 MHz.
D42V HOL 1, Omr. Gelderland Veenendaal 20 0740 75 GLi
D50V HOL 1, RTV Utrecht Lopik / IJsselstein 15 0800 41 GLi
D22V HOL 1, RTV Oost Hengelo ? 40 0805 160 GLi
D25V D WDR1-Mitte HD Langenberg ? 50 0810 190 . GLi
D46V D WDR1-West HD Langenberg ? 100 0810 190 GLi
D34V D WDR1-Münster HD Münster / Baumberge 50 0920 215 GLi
D45V D ZDF HD Münster / Baumberge 50 0920 215
25 februari 2019.
D42V HOL 1, Omr. Gelderland Veenendaal 20 0750 75 GLi
D50V HOL 1, RTV Utrecht Lopik / IJsselstein 15 0755 41 GLi
D22V HOL 1, RTV Oost Hengelo ? 40 0805 160 GLi
D25V D WDR1-Mitte HD Langenberg ? 50 0815 190 . GLi
D46V D WDR1-West HD Langenberg ? 100 0815 190 GLi
A21 CDN CHNU-DT-1 Victoria, BC. 5 1410 390 Joy TV JDW
A23 CDN CIVI-DT Victoria, BC. 10 1410 390 CTV Two Vancouver Island JDW
A26 CDN CBUFT-DT Mount Seymour, BC. 28 1410 360 CBC French JDW
A27 CDN CKVU-DT-2 Victoria, BC. 3 1410 390 City TV JDW
A09 USA KCTS-TV Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 22 1430 520 PBS JDW
A11 USA KSTW / CW11 Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 100 1430 520 JDW
A13 USA KCPO Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 30 1430 520 Fox JDW
26 februari 2019.
D30V HOL 1, Omroep Brabant Breda 20 0835 40 GLi
D54V HOL 1, Omroep Zeeland Goes 10 0835 60 GLi
A15 USA KMQ Q6 Spokane, WA. 1000 1025-1135 PM 805 = PST ! JDW, WCO
A20 USA KREM2 Spokane, WA. 890 1025-1135 PM 805 = PST ! JDW, WCO
28 februari 2019.
A21 CDN CHNU-DT-1 Victoria, BC. 5 1250-1500 390 Joy TV JDW
A23 CDN CIVI-DT Victoria, BC. 10 1250-1500 390 CTV Two Vancouver Island JDW
A43 USA KATU / CBS2 Portland, OR. 1000 1250-1500 680 JDW
1 maart 2019.
D21 F Reseau 2 Troyes / Les Riceys 100 0730 175 NLS
D24 F Reseau 4 Troyes / Les Riceys 100 0730 175 NLS
D25 F Reseau 6 Troyes / Les Riceys 100 0730 175 NLS
A09 USA KCTS-TV Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 22 1610 520 PBS JDW, WCO
A11 USA KSTW / CW11 Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 100 1610 520 JDW, WCO
A13 USA KCPO Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 30 1610 520 Fox JDW, WCO
3 maart 2019.
D21 LUX RTL-Group F/NL Dudelange 200 0810 145 JON, LLU
D24 LUX RTL-Group BEL/NL Dudelange 45 0810 145 JON, LLU
D27 LUX RTL-Group LUX Dudelange 145 0810 145 JON, LLU
D32V D SR1 HD Göttelborner Höhe 50 0825 135 JON, LLU
D45 BEL RTBF MUX Liège / Bol d'Air 100 0835 280 ` JON, LLU
A17 CDN CIVI-DT2 Mount Seymour, BC. 35 1230 360 CTV two Vancouver Island JDW
A22 CDN CHAN-DT Mount Seymour, BC. 40 1230 360 Global JDW
A26 CDN CBUF-DT Mount Seymour, BC. 28 1230 360 Franstalig programma JDW
6 maart 2019.
A02 USA KHIZ-LD Los Angeles 3 1630 175 Escape PCO
A33 USA KTBN-TV Santa Ana 1000 1630 120 Trinity Broadcasting PCO
A34 MEX XHBM-TDT Mexicali, Baja California 180 1650 170 A, Las Estrellas TV PCO
A15 MEX XHMEE-TDT Mexicali, Baja California 200 1650 170 Gala TV PCO
8 maart 2019.
D50V HOL 1, RTV Utrecht Lopik / IJsselstein 15 0940 41 GLi
D42V HOL 1, Omr. Gelderland Veenendaal 20 0950 75 GLl
A22 USA KVYE El Centro, CA. 100 1615 160 Univision PCO
A33 USA KTBN-TV Santa Ana, CA. 1000 1625 120 Trinity Broadcasting PCO
A36 USA KNBC Los Angeles, CA. 665 1630 165 NBC4 PCO
A42 USA KWHY-TV Los Angeles, CA. 486 1630 165 Independent, Spanish PCO
A44 USA KILM Barstow, CA. 1000 1655 230 Independant PCO
10 maart 2019.
D29 F Reseau 6 Metz / Luttange 86 0745 110 LLU
D36 F Reseau 1 Metz / Luttange 100 0745 110 R1 regionaal Metz. LLU
D39 F Reseau 7 Metz / Luttange 90 0745 110 LLU
D47 F Reseau 3 Metz / Luttange 80 0745 110 LLU
16 maart 2019.
D21 LUX RTL-Group F/NL Dudelange 200 1015 145 JON, LLU
D24 LUX RTL-Group BEL/NL Dudelange 45 1015 145 JON, LLU


D27 LUX RTL-Group LUX Dudelange 145 1015 145 JON, LLU
D32V D SR1 HD Göttelborner Höhe 50 1015 135 JON, LLU
D21 F Reseau 2 Troyes / Les Riceys 100 1035 175 JON, LLU
D24 F Reseau 4 Troyes / Les Riceys 100 1035 175 JON, LLU
D25 F Reseau 6 Troyes / Les Riceys 100 1035 175 JON, LLU
19 maart 2019.
D54V HOL 1, Omr. Zeeland Goes 10 0930 60 Nu in DVB-T2 ! GLi
A09 USA KCTS-TV Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 22 1330-1645 520 PBS JDW, WCO
A11 USA KSTW / CW11 Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 100 1330-1645 520 JDW, WCO
A13 USA KCPO Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 30 1330-1645 520 Fox JDW, WCO
A19 USA KBCB Bellingham, WA 165 1330-1645 420 B JDW, WCO
A21 CDN CHNU-DT-1 Victoria, BC. 5 1330-1645 390 C JDW, WCO
A23 CDN CIVI-DT Victoria, BC. 10 1330-1645 390 CTV Two JDW, WCO
A27 CDN CKVU-DT-2 Victoria, BC. 3 1330-1645 390 D JDW, WCO
A29 CDN CHNM-DT-1 Victoria, BC. 3 1330-1645 390 E JDW, WCO
A35 USA KVOS-TV Bellingham, WA. 580 1330-1645 420 Heroes & Icons network JDW, WCO
A38 USA KOMO-TV Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 1000 1330-1645 520 ABC JDW, WCO
A39 USA KIRO-TV Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 1000 1330-1645 520 CBS JDW, WCO
A48 USA KING-TV Seattle / Tacoma, WA. 960 1330-1645 520 NBC JDW, WCO
20 maart 2019.
A22 USA KVYE El Centro, CA. 100 1710 160 Univision PCO
A33 USA KTBN-TV Santa Ana 1000 1720 120 Trinity Broadcasting PCO
A36 USA KNBC / NBC4 Los Angeles, CA. 665 1725 165 PCO
A42 USA KWHY-TV Los Angeles, CA. 486 1725 165 Independent, Spanish PCO
21 maart 2019.
A17 CDN CIVI-DT-2 Mount Seymour, BC 35 1355-1710 360 F JDW, WCO
A20 CDN CHNM-DT Mount Seymour, BC. 10 1355-1710 360 Omni JDW, WCO
A22 CDN CHAN-DT Mount Seymour, BC. 40 1355-1710 360 Global JDW, WCO
A26 CDN CBUFT-DT Mount Seymour, BC. 28 1355-1710 360 CBC French JDW, WCO
22 augustus 2018.
D50V HOL 1, RTV Utrecht Lopik / IJsselstein 15 0810 41 GLi
D42V HOL 1, Omr. Gelderland Veenendaal 20 0820 75 GLi
D22V HOL 1, RTV Oost Hengelo ? 40 0820 160 GLi
A: De zender op hetzelfde kanaal en wel A34 Tijuana XHAS-TDT / Azteca America [200 kW.] gooide geen roet in het eten. Alle
zenders in Tijuana zijn zo'n 50 km verwijderd van mijn kot in La Jolla. Én in de loop van de tijd heb ik al heel vaak gemerkt, dat
digitale DX zich gans anders gedraagt dan analoge DX !
The transmitter on the same channel A34 Tijuana XHAS-TDT / Azteca America [200 kW.] was not a problem for this recep-
tion. All transmitters in Tijuana are about 50 km away from my home in La Jolla. And in the course of time I have noticed quite
often that digital DX is behaving differently than analogue DX !
B: Venture Technologies Group, LLC.
C: Joytv, een relais van CHNU-DT Fraser Valley, BC / a translator of CHNU-DT Fraser Valley, BC.
D: City, een relais van VKVU-DT Vancouver, BC / a translator of CKVU-DT Vancouver, BC..
E: Omni, een relais van CHNM-DT Vancouver, BC / a translator of CHNM-DT Vancouver, BC.
F: CTV Two, een relais van of CIVI-DT Victoria, BC / a translator of CIVI-DT Victoria, BC.

**** ONZE FOTOHOEK / OUR PHOTO CORNER, № 11, deel / part 2. ****

28). Gösta van der Linden. 29). Gösta van der Linden. 30). Gösta van der Linden.

31). Gösta van der Linden. 32). Gösta van der Linden. 33). Gösta van der Linden.


34). Gösta van der Linden. 35). Roger Bunney. 36). Roger Bunney.

37). Roger Bunney. 38). Roger Bunney. 39). Roger Bunney.

40). Roger Bunney. 41). Ton van Dalen. 42). Erhard Schwarz.

43). Jean-Pierre Drouffe. 44). Jean-Pierre Drouffe. 45). Jean-Pierre Drouffe.

46). Sándor Rottenbacher. 47). Sándor Rottenbacher. 48). Sándor Rottenbacher.


49). Sándor Rottenbacher. 50). Sándor Rottenbacher. 51). Sándor Rottenbacher.

52). Sándor Rottenbacher. 53). Sándor Rottenbacher. 54). Sándor Rottenbacher.

55). Rijn Muntjewerff. 56). Hans Baard. 57). Scelta TV Group (via DPi).



Red. / Ed.: Pascal Colaers, La Jolla, San Diego County, CA, USA.
Wesley Colaers, Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, BC, CDN.

Beste lezers, DAB(+)-DX'ers / dear readers, DAB(+) DXers,

In deze rubriek is o.a. de eerste aflevering gepubliceerd met informatie over de DAB(+) zenders in Beieren. Verder kunt U de twee
DAB(+) zenderkaartjes van Denemarken aantreffen. Vanaf volgende maand zullen er een relatief groot aantal DAB(+) zenders in
Oostenrijk op antenne komen. In het volgende DXR magazine zal er een uitgebreid overzicht gepubliceerd worden van deze nieuwe
zenders. En..., wanneer de nood aan de man komt, dan kan ik nu op mijn broer rekenen, hi !
In this column, the first part is published with some information about the DAB(+) transmitters in Bavaria. Together with some other
news. You now also can find the two DAB(+) transmitter maps of Denmark. From next month relatively a large number of DAB(+)
transmitters in Austria will be taken into service. In the next DXR magazine an extensive overview of these new transmitters will be
published. And..., if the worst come to the worst, then I can now count on my brother, hi !


☞ De DAB(+) zenders in Duitsland [deel 8A] @ Deelstaat Beieren (BY).

a) Ensemble / blok.
Ensemble DR Deutschland: Blok 5C [178,352 MHz.]. Ensemble Sobb / Schw: Blok 10A [208,064 MHz.].


Ensemble Like_IIS: Blok 6A [181,936 MHz.]. Ensemble Unterfranken: Blok 10A [208,064 MHz.].
Ensemble IRT: Blok 7A [188,928 MHz.]. Ensemble Oberfranken: Blok 10B [211,648 MHz.].
Ensemble IRT-Radio-Test: Blok 7B [190,640 MHz.]. Ensemble Nürnberg: Blok 10C [213,360 MHz.].
Ensemble Niederbayern: Blok 7D [194,064 MHz.]. Ensemble Ingolstadt: Blok 11A [216,928 MHz.].
Ensemble Allgau: Blok 8B [197,648 MHz.]. Ensemble München: Blok 11C [220,352 MHz.].
Ensemble Mittelfranken: Blok 8C [199,360 MHz.]. Ensemble Bayern: Blok 11D [218,640 MHz.].
Ensemble Augsburg: Blok 9C [206,352 MHz.]. Ensemble Oberpfalz: Blok 12D [229,072 MHz.].

b1) Een zenderlijstje, blokken 5C t/m 9C.

b l o k k e n - kW. ERP
zender coördinaten 5C 6A 7A 7B 7D 8B 8C 9C H/V
Amberg Hirschau / Rotbühl 10E12 49N30 10 V
Augsburg / Hotelturm 10E53 48N21 10 V
Bamberg / Geisberg 11E04 49N53 10 V
Brotjacklriegel 13E13 48N49 4 2,5 V
Büttelberg / Frankenhöhe 10E22 49N24 10 25 V
Deggendorf / Aletsberg 12E56 48N51 1 V
Dingolfing 12E30 48N38 1 V
Dillberg 11E23 49N19 25 V
Einödriegel 13E02 48N55 2 V
Erlangen / Tennenlohe (Fraunhofer) 11E00 49N36 0,6 H
Gelbelsee 11E26 48N57 10 V
Grünten (Allgäu) 10E19 47N33 . 4 10 V
Herzogstand / Fahrenbergkopf 11E18 47N37 5 V
Hesselberg / Wassertrüdingen 10E31 49N04 10 V
Hohe Linie 12E10 49N02 10 V
Kreuzberg (Rhön) 09E59 50N22 10 V
Landshut / Altdorf 12E10 48N31 10 10 V
Mainburg 11E47 48N39 1 V
Memmingen / Niederrieden 10E11 48N03 2 V
München / Freimann 11E36 48N12 0,1 V
München / Funkhaus 11E33 48N08 0,1 V
München / Olympiaturm 11E33 48N10 10 V
Nürnberg / Schweinau 11E02 49N25 10 10 V
Ochsenkopf 11E48 50N01 10 V
Passau / Dommelstadl 13E24 48N32 5 V
Passau / Kühberg 13E27 48N33 6,3 V
Pfaffenberg 09E14 49N56 10 V
Pfarrkirchen / Postmünster 12E53 48N24 10 V
Rattenberg 12E45 49N05 1 V
Rothenburg ob der Tauber 10E11 49N23 1 V
Treuchtlingen 10E55 48N57 1 V
Wendelstein 12E01 47N42 4 V
Würzburg / Frankenwarte 09E54 49N47 10 V

b2) Een zenderlijstje, blokken 10A t/m 12D.

b l o k k e n - kW. ERP
Sobb UF
zender coördinaten 10A 10A 10B 10C 11A 11C 11D 12D H/V
Altenstadt (Oberpfalz) 12E10 49N43 1 V
Alzenau / Hahnenkamm 09E06 50N05 10 6,5 V
Amberg Hirschau / Rotbühl 10E12 49N30 10 V
Augsburg / Hotelturm 10E53 48N21 10 10 V
Augsburg-Welden / Staufersberg 10E43 48N27 25 25 V
Bad Tölz / Gaißach 11E33 47N46 1 1 V
Bamberg / Geisberg 11E04 49N53 25 10 25 V
Berchtesgaden / Jenner 13E00 47N38 1 1 V
Brotjacklriegel 13E13 48N49 4 V
Burgsinn 09E39 50N09 10 1 V
Büttelberg / Frankenhöhe 10E22 49N24 4 8 V
Coburg / Eckardtsberg 10E59 50N15 10 12 10 V
Deggendorf / Aletsberg 12E56 48N51 1 V
Dillberg 11E23 49N19 6 V
Dingolfing 12E30 48N38 1 V
Eichstätt / Schönblick 11E10 48N54 1 1 V
Einödriegel 13E02 48N55 2 V
Gelbelsee 11E26 48N57 10 10 10 V
Grünten (Allgäu) 10E19 47N33 4 4 V
Herzogstand / Fahrenbergkopf 11E18 47N37 5 5 V
Hesselberg / Wassertrüdingen 10E31 49N04 10 V
Hochberg (Traunstein) 12E39 47N50 10 10 V
Hof / Labyrinthberg 11E55 50N19 10 10 10 V
Hohenpeißenberg 11E01 47N48 10 10 V
Hohe Linie 12E10 49N02 12 V
Hoher Bogen 12E53 49N15 4 V
Hühnerberg 10E40 48N47 10 6,5 V


b l o k k e n - kW. ERP
Sobb UF
zender coördinaten 10A 10A 10B 10C 11A 11C 11D 12D H/V
Kreuzberg (Rhön) 09E59 50N22 25 10 V
Landshut / Altdorf 12E10 48N31 10 V
Ludwigsstadt / Ebersdorf 11E23 50N29 1 1 1 V
Mainburg 11E47 48N39 1 V
Markt Wald (Mittelneufnach) 10E36 48N11 10 V
Memmingen / Niederrieden 10E11 48N03 2 2 V
Miltenberg / Wenschdorf 09E17 49N41 10 1 V
München / Ismaning 11E40 48N14 10 7,9 6,3 V
München / Olympiaturm 11E33 48N10 10 4 10 V
Neuötting 12E41 48N13 10 V
Nürnberg / Schweinau 11E02 49N25 5 10 V
Oberammergau / Laber 11E04 47N36 5 5 V
Ochsenkopf 11E48 50N01 10 10 10 V
Passau / Kühberg 13E27 48N33 6,3 V
Pfaffenberg 09E14 49N56 25 2 V
Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm / Wolfsberg 11E26 48N32 25 10 25 V
Pfarrkirchen / Postmünster 12E53 48N24 10 V
Pfronten 10E33 47N35 2 2 V
Rattenberg 12E45 49N05 1 V
Regen 13E08 48N58 1 V
Reit im Winkl 12E28 47N41 1 2 V
Rothenburg ob der Tauber 10E11 49N23 1 V
Tegernseer Tal / Wallberg 11E48 47N40 1 1 V
Treuchtlingen 10E55 48N57 1 V
Wasserburg / Kobl 12E12 48N04 1 1 V
Wendelstein 12E01 47N42 4 4 V
Würzburg / Frankenwarte 09E54 49N47 25 10 V

c) De zenderidentificaties (tx ID).

zender tx. ID zender tx. ID
Alzenau / Hahnenkamm blok 10A: 0608 Kreuzberg (Rhön) blok 5C: 1214
blok 11D: 0608 blok 10A: 0606
Altenstadt (Oberpfalz) blok 11D: blok 11C: 0606
blok 12D: Landshut / Altdorf blok 5C: 1215
Amberg Hirschau / Rotbühl blok 5C: blok 7D: 0411
blok 11D: 0702 blok 7D: 0411
blok 12D: 0702 blok 11D: 0411
Augsburg / Hotelturm blok 5C: 1204 Ludwigsstadt / Ebersdorf blok 10B:
blok 9C: 0109 blok 11D:
blok 10A: 0306 Mainburg blok 7D: 0408
blok 11D: 0306 blok 11D: 0408
Augsburg Welden / Staufersberg blok 10A: Markt Wald (Mittelneufnach) blok 10A:
blok 11D: blok 11D:
Bad Tölz / Gaißach blok 10A: 0122 Memmingen / Niederrieden blok 8B:
blok 11D: 0122 blok 10A:
Bamberg / Geisberg blok 5C: blok 11D:
blok 10B: 0818 Miltenberg / Wenschdorf blok 10A: 0602
blok 11D: 0818 blok 11D: 0602
Berchtesgaden / Jenner blok 10A: München / Freimann blok 7A: 0209
blok 11D: 0109 München / Funkhaus blok 7B:
Brotjacklriegel blok 5C: 1210 München / Ismaning blok 10A: 0207
blok 7D: 0420 blok 11C: 1402
blok 11D: 0420 blok 11D: 0207
Burgsinn blok 10A: München / Olympiaturm blok 5C: 1201
blok 11D: 0604 blok 11C: 1403
Büttelberg blok 5C: 1212 blok 11D: 0208
blok 8C: 0515 Neuötting blok 10A:
blok 10C: blok 11D
blok 11D: 0515 Nürnberg-Schweinau blok 5C: 1203 :
Coburg / Eckardtsberg blok 10B: 0807 blok 8C: 0514
blok 11D: 0807 blok 10C: 0701
Deggendorf / Aletsberg blok 7D: 0417 blok 11D: 0514
blok 11D: 0417 Oberammergau / Laber blok 10A: 0117
Dingolfing blok 7D: blok 11D: 0117
blok 11D: 0405 Ochsenkopf blok 5C: 1206
Dillberg blok 8C: 0513 blok 10B: 0801
blok 11D: 0513 blok 11D: 0801
blok 12D: 0513 blok 12D: 0801
Eichstätt / Schönblick blok 10A: 0104 Passau / Dommelstadl blok 5C: 1217
blok 11D: 0104 Passau / Kühberg blok 7D: 0406
Einödriegel blok 7D: blok 11D: 0406
blok 11D: Pfaffenberg blok 5C: 1209
Erlangen / Tennenlohe (Fraunhofer) blok 6A: blok 10A: 0620


zender tx. ID zender tx. ID
Gelbelsee blok 5C: 1202 blok 11D: 0620
blok 10A: 0105 Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm / Wolfsberg blok 10A: 0112
blok 11A: 1002 blok 11A: 1003
blok 11D: 0105 blok 11A: 1003
Grünten (Allgäu) blok 5C: 1213 blok 11D: 0112
blok 8B: Pfarrkirchen / Postmünster blok 7D: 0419
blok 10A: 0316 blok 11D: 0419
blok 11D: 0316 Pfronten blok 10A: 0313
Hesselberg / Wassertrüdingen blok 8C: 0711 blok 11D: 0313
blok 11D: 0511 Rattenberg blok 7D: 0403
Herzogstand / Fahrenbergkopf blok 5C: blok 11D: 0403
blok 10A: 0115 Regen bloo 11D: 0409
blok 11D: 0115 Reit im Winkl blok 10A: 0114
Hochberg (Traunstein) blok 10A: 0102 blok 11D: 0114
blok 11D: 0102 Rothenburg ob der Tauber blok 8C:
Hof / Labyrinthberg blok 10B: 0817 blok 11D:
blok 11D: 0809 Tegernseer Tal / Wallberg blok 10A: 0119
Hohe Linie blok 5C: 1205 blad 11D: 0119
blok 11D: 0712 Treuchtlingen blok 8C
blok 12D: 0712 : blok 11D: 0506
Hohenpeißenberg blok 10A: 0103 Wasserburg / Kobl blok 10A: 0116
blok 11D: 0103 blok 11D: 0116
Hoher Bogen blok 11D: 0721 Wendelstein blok 5C: 1207
blok 12D: 0721 blok 10A: 0101
Hühnerberg blok 9C: blok 11D: 0101
blok 10A: 0310 Würzburg / Frankenwarte blok 5C: 1208
blok 11D: 0310 blok 10A: 0619
blok 10A: 0208 blok 11D: 0619

d1) De programma's van DR Deutschland @ blok 5C.

Naam service ID bitrate bijzonderheden
publieke omroepen.
Dlf D210 104 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo informatie
DlfTXT 32 kpbs. Packet Data data
DlfkTXT 32 kpbs. Packet Data data
Dlf Kultur D220 112 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo cultuur
Dlf Nova D230 104 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo informatie
DlfnTXT 32 kpbs. Packet Data data
DDokDeb Text 32 kpbs. Packet Data data
DRadio DokDeb D240 48 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo data
DRadio BWS 32 kpbs. Packet Data data
DRadio Daten E0D0D250 32 kpbs. Packet Data data
EPG Deutschland E0D110BC 16 kpbs. Packet Data data
TPEG E0D010BC 16 kpbs. Packet Data data
privé / commerciële omroepen.
ERF Plus 1A64 72 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo religieus
Absolut relax 17FA 72 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo pop
ENERGY DIGITAL 1A45 72 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo pop
SCHLAGERPARADIES 10C3 64 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo volksmuziek
Schwarzwaldradio 100D 64 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo muziek
sunshine live 15DC 72 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo pop
RADIO BOB! 15DD 72 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo rock
KLASSIK RADIO D25B 72 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo licht klassiek
Radio Horeb D01C 48 kpbs. DAB+/HE-AAC v1 Stereo religieus
TPEG_MM E0310BC 16 kpbs. Packet Data data
>wordt vervolgd< (BR, WorldDAB, EBU, UKW-TVA, DMS, via PCO).


☞ All Italian national broadcasters on DAB+.
Virgin Radio and Radio Monte Carlo (RMC) will now be broadcast on DAB+ by the Italian network operator EuroDAB Italia - which
has been operating since 2001 and now covers approximately 80% of the Italian population - meaning all national broadcasters
available on analogue radio will now be available on DAB+. (WorldDAB, via NLS).

☞ Radio Network Netherlands starts tests on DAB+.
Operator Radio Network Netherlands has started a non-commercial DAB+ experiment, the aim of which is to experiment as an
operator with a DAB+ network in layer 6 for non-national commercial broadcasters.The operator wants to see how portable indoor
coverage can be improved at several low installation points with low power, test different equipment and look at the costs of such a
DAB network. (WorldDAB, via NLS).

☞ The introduction of DAB+.
DAB+ was officially launched in Belgium across both French and Flemish-speaking parts of the country in November 2018, as part
of Digital Radio Week. DAB+ coverage across the country currently stands at 95%, while the number of new cars equipped with


DAB+ in the country is 30%, a figure which is expected to grow significantly following the European Parliament’s vote to adopt a
directive requiring all new cars sold in the European Union to be equipped with digital radio receivers. The number of regional DAB+
stations in the country, and the number of receiver devices sold, accounting for 33 and 500,000+ respectively, is also expected to
increase in coming years as interest in DAB+ in Belgium continues to grow. (WorldDAB, via NLS).

☞ All Radio France stations turn to DAB+.
As announced by the French minister of culture Frank Riester, France Inter, Franceinfo, France Culture, France Musique, Fip and
Mouv’ will all be available on DAB+. According to the minister, this will provide listeners with more content, as well as improving
overall sound quality. (WorldDAB, via NLS).

☞ Belarus to launch DAB+ pilot test in April.
According to the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of Belarus, a DAB+ pilot test is set to take place in Belarus
between this April. The test, which will be carried out by the network operator Giprosvyaz, is set to take place between 1-19 April
2019. (WorldDAB, via NLS).

☞ The DAB(+) transmitters in this country, including all LP outlets, [part 4].

d1) A transmitter map @ map 1, channels: 6A, 6D, 7A, 7C, 8A, 8B, 8C, 9B & 9D.


d2) A transmitter map @ map 2, channels: 11A, 11B, 11C, 11D, 12A, 12C & 13B.

>end< (WorldDAB, EBU, UKW-TVA, DR, via PCO).

The following DAB(+) transmitters [block 11D, 222.064 MHz., Radio fuer NRW] in the federal state of North Rhine Westphalia are
planned with an ERP power of 10 kW.: Aachen / Stolberg (now 2 kW.) * Ederkopf (now 1.5 kW.) * Kleve / Bresserberg (now 1 kW.)
and Nordhelle (now 1.5 kW.). (IRT, UKW-TVA, via GLi).

☞ Czech Radio to increase DAB+ coverage in the country to 80 percent in 2019
According to Czech Radio director Rene Zavoral, DAB+ coverage in the country, which currently stands at 60 percent, will reach 80
percent this year. The expansion will primarily concern the Brno, Central and Northern Moravia and South Bohemia regions.
(WorldDAB, via NLS).
☞ Slovenia to switch to DAB+ by February 2022.
The National Broadcasting Council of Slovenia (SRDF) has decided to switch from VHF to DAB + in Ljubljana, with the most
important radio stations to stop their FM broadcasting on 22 February 2022 and distribute their programs exclusively via DAB+.
(WorldDAB, via NLS).
☞ 9 additional nationwide radio stations to be available in Austria in May 2019.
The new DAB+ stations - which include Klassik Radio, Radio Energy, Arabella Plus and Rock Antenne - will be launched as part of


the nationwide launch of DAB+ in Austria on 28 May 2019. By 2020, it is estimated that 83 percent of the Austrian population will be
covered by DAB+. (WorldDAB, via NLS).

☞ Polish broadcaster BCAST begins DAB+ testing in Warsaw
Polish broadcaster has recently obtained permission to launch an experimental broadcast of digital radio in Warsaw, with testing ex-
pected to last one year. The broadcast is conducted on channel 10A (center frequency: 209.936 MHz), with two antennas expected
to pick up signals from local FM and interest radio stations. BCAST expects further tests to follow in the cities of Gdańsk and
Wrocław, and is interested in taking part in the National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television's (KRRiT) tender of three na-
tional and 34 urban DAB+ multiplexes. (WorldDAB, via NLS).

Gevolgd door de / followed by the:

Red. / Ed.: Pascal Colaers, La Jolla, San Diego County, CA, USA.
Wesley Colaers, Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, BC, CDN.

Beste lezers, DAB(+)-DX'ers / dear readers, DAB(+) DXers,

Deze maand hebben wij weer de bijdragen kunnen verwerken van NLS, LLU, JON, PTR en GLi, tnx ! Soms zijn er goede ontvang-
sten geweest, meestal dankzij ducts. Deze ducts waren meestal plaatsgebonden, zie ook de rubriek "TV loggings". We steken nu
meteen van wal met het DAB(+) logboek !
This month we have again compiled the receptions of NLS, LLU, JON, PTR and GLi, tnx ! Sometimes there have been good recep-
tions, mostly thanks to ducts. These ducts were site-specific, see also the column "TV loggings". Now we will start immediately with
the DAB (+) logbook !
☞ Periode: februari - maart 2019. Tijd: GMT / UTC.
kW. afst.
blok MHz. H/V ITU ensemble zender opm. ERP km. tijd ctbr.
23 februari 2019..
5C 178,352 V D DR Deutschland Saarbrücken 5 125 1650 NLS
9A 202,928 V D DR Saarland Saarbrücken 10 125 1650 NLS
6D 187,072 H F Paris3 Paris 10 310 1700 NLS
7D 194,064 H F Lille lokaal Lille 2 4 365 1700 NLS
8A 195,936 H F Lille Lille 4 365 1700 NLS
11D 222,064 H F Lens-Douai lokaal Lens-Douai 2,5 360 1705 NLS
8D 195,936 H F Dunkerque lokaal Dunkerque 4 430 1705 NLS
5B 176,640 H F Calais lokaal Calais 4 450 1705 NLS
5B 176,640 V BEL NAM-LUX 1 Léglise / Anlier ID: 0307 4,2 190 1715 NLS
6C 185,360 V BEL NAM-LUX 2 Léglise / Anlier ID: 0407 4,8 190 1715 NLS
24 februari 2019.
7A 188,928 V HOL 7A Zuid NL Loon op Zand ID: 0705 7,2 90 0635 PTR
9C 206.362 V HOL MTVNL Loon op Zand ID: 1315 4,3 90 0635 PTR
5C 178,352 V D DR Deutschland Aachen / Karlshöhe ID: 2012 5 90 0635 PTR
7A 188,928 V HOL 7A Zuid NL Roosendaal 6,3 43 0655 GLi
9D 208,064 V HOL 9D Zuidwest NL Roosendaal 40 43 0655 GLi
2 maart 2019.
5C 178,352 V D DR Deutschland Saarbrücken 5 125 0715 JON, LLU
9A 202,928 V D DR Saarland Saarbrücken 10 125 0715 JON, LLU
8B 197,648 V SUI SMC D03 BE-FR Chasseral 12,9 125 0810 JON. LLU
12A 223,926 V SUI SRG SSR F01 La Dôle ? 38 190 0810 JON, LLU
12C 227,360 V SUI SRG SSR D01 Gebidem 32 240 0810 JON, LLU
3 maart 2019.
7B 190,640 V HOL Feel Good Radio Rijswijk 0,1 17 0805 GLi
10D 215,072 V HOL Den Haag 10D Rijswijk 0,1 17 0805 GLi
6 maart 2019.
7A 188,928 V HOL 7A Zuid NL Roosendaal 6,3 43 0710 GLi
9D 208,064 V HOL 9D Zuidwest NL Roosendaal 40 43 0710 GLi
11C 220,352 V HOL NPO Gemert ID: 2116 8 100 0730 PTR
12C 227,360 V HOL DAB+ Gemert ID: 0202 8 100 0730 PTR
5C 178,352 V D DR Deutschland Aachen / Karlshöhe ID: 2012 5 90 0745 PTR
7A 188,928 V HOL 7A Zuid NL Maastricht ID: 0706 3,2 70 0745 PTR
7D 194,064 H F Lille lokaal Lille 4 120 1945 PTR
8A 195,936 H F Lille Lille 4 120 1945 PTR
11D 222,064 H F Lens-Douai lokaal Lens-Douai 2,5 130 1945 PTR
8 maart 2019.
7B 190,640 V HOL Feel Good Radio Rijswijk 0,1 17 0710 GLi


10D 215,072 V HOL Den Haag 10D Rijswijk 0,1 17 0710 GLi
5B 176,640 V BEL NAM-LUX 1 Léglise/ Anlier ID: 0307 4,2 190 0730 NLS
5C 178,352 V BEL HAINAUT 1 Anderluès ID: 0101 2,7 290 0730 NLS
6C 185,360 V BEL NAM-LUX 2 Léglise / Anlier ID: 0407 4,8 190 0730 NLS
11 maart 2019.
5C 178,352 V D DR Deutschland Aachen / Karlshöhe ID: 2012 5 90 0735 PTR
7A 188,928 V HOL 7A Zuid NL Maastricht ID: 0706 3,2 70 0735 PTR
16 maart 2019.
6D 187,072 H F Paris3 Paris 10 310 1305-1335 NLS
7D 194,064 H F Lille lokaal Lille 2 4 365 1305-1335 NLS
8A 195,936 H F Lille Lille 4 365 1305-1335 NLS
11D 222,064 H F Lens-Douai lokaal Lens-Douai 2,5 360 1305-1335 NLS
8D 195,936 H F Dunkerque lokaal Dunkerque 4 430 1305-1335 NLS
5B 176,640 H F Calais lokaal Calais 4 450 1305-1335 NLS
11A 216,928 V G SDL National Wrotham ID: 0107 25 1315-1340 NLS
11C 220,352 V G Kent Bluebell Hill ID: 1118 2 1320-1335 NLS
11D 222,064 V G D1 National Bluebell Hill ID: 1104 8,2 1320-1335 NLS
12B 225,648 V G BBC National DAB Bluebell Hill ID: 1104 6,3 1320-1335 NLS
12C 227,360 V IRL DAB Ireland Mux1 Three Rock Mountain ? Een first ! 20 1330-1340. NLS
18 maart 2019.
9D 208,064 V HOL 9D Zuidwest NL Roosendaal 40 43 0930 GLi
7A 188,928 V HOL 7A Zuid NL Roosendaal 6,3 43 0930 GLi
11A 216,928 V BEL Norkring DAB+ Sint-Pieters-Leeuw 6 130 0940 GLi
20 maart 2019.
7B 190,640 V HOL Feel Good Radio Rijswijk 0,1 17 0655 GLi
10D 215,072 V HOL Den Haag 10D Rijswijk 0,1 17 0655 GLi
9D 208,064 V F Nice5 local Nice 12 295 0745-0830 NLS
11A 216,928 V I Nice1 Nice 12 295 0745-0830 NLS
12A 223,936 V ITA EuroDAB Italia Monte Corio (Piemonte) ID: 0101 25 330 0750-0825 NLS
12C 227,360 V ITA DAB Italia Monte Corio (Piemonte) ID: 0116 40 330 0750-0825 NLS
5C 178,352 V D DR Deutschland Aachen / Karlshöhe ID: 2012 5 90 1745 PTR
7A 188,928 V HOL 7A Zuid NL Maastricht ID: 0706 3,2 70 1745 PTR
11C 220,352 V HOL NPO Gemert ID: 2116 8 100 1745 PTR
12C 227,360 V HOL DAB+ Gemert ID: 0202 8 100 1745 PTR
22 maart 2019.
7D 194,064 H F Lille lokaal Lille 4 120 1830 PTR
8A 195,936 H F Lille Lille 4 120 1830 PTR
11D 222,064 H F Lens-Douai lokaal Lens-Douai 2,5 130 1840 PTR
7A 188,928 V HOL 7A Zuid NL Loon op Zand ID: 0705 7,2 90 1845 PTR
9C 206.362 V HOL MTVNL Loon op Zand ID: 1315 4,3 90 1845 PTR
5C 178,352 V D DR Deutschland Aachen / Karlshöhe ID: 2012 5 90 1855 PTR

Vervolgens gaan we naar hogere sferen, hi ! / Now we are going to higher spheres, hi !


by Hans Baard.


Currently the ISS spacecraft has SSTV broadcasts in the 2 meter Band at 145,800 MHz. at regular intervals. And if ISS flies favo-
rably over Europe, these signals can be received and decoded. No special equipment is needed. It can already done with a scanner
and a simple groundplane antenna. See the photos E - M. below. ☞ Het ISS ruimtetuig heeft op het moment op gezette tijden SSTV
uitzendingen in de 2 meter Band op 145,800 MHz. En als ISS gunstig over Europa vliegt, kunnen deze signalen ontvangen en
gedecodeerd worden. Er is geen speciale apparatuur nodig het kan al met een scanner en een simpele groundplane antenne. Zie
de onderstaande foto's E tot en met M.

E). 09-02-2019 1657. F). 09-02-2019 1833. G). 16-02-2019 1100.


H). 16-02-2019 1237. I). 16-02-2019 1410. J). 16-02-2019 1547.

K). 17-02-2019 1144. L). 17-02-2019 1318. M). 17-02-2019 1454.

(HBr – PE1KPN).


by Kevin Hewitt.


The ARISS transmitted SSTV images at the beginning of February using PD120 on 145.800 MHz. The set of twelve commemorate
images comprised of eight NOTA (NASA On The Air) images and four RS0ISS images. I used a Yaesu FT817 connected via a data
interface to a Win7 Notebook PC running MMSSTV and a manually tracked 2m / 70cm Log Periodic. The ISS was clearly visible
arching across the sky during the evening passes.
Here is the EXP 58 ARISS series 12 @ February 2019:

N). 1 of 12. O). 2 of 12. P). 3 of 12.

Q). 4 of 12. R). 5 of 12. S). 6 of 12.


T). 7 of 12. U). 8 of 12. V). 9 of 12.

W). 10 of 12. X). 11 of 12. Y). 12 of 12. (KHE- ZB2GI).

☞ A space walk from ISS by Russian Cosmonauts with the ISS base station in speech contact with the remote [space floating]
cosmonauts: The ISS base to 'mobile' speech in Russian could be heard on a scanner [I used the Icom ICR 7000] but reverse from
the 'mobile' space suit to ISS only the carrier could just be heard with no audible speech, straight from a discone aerial and no pre-
amp here in Romsey. (RBY).
☞ Sluitingsdatum / deadline: 23 april / 23rd April.
**** AND FINALLY ****
Some DX receptions from the (recent) past.
Here are some videos that I recorded of KVZK 2 Pago Pago SMA via E's back on 23/12/97.

And F2 DX reception of the Cyprus Pager on 32.325 MHz.

Here are two TV DX reception videos from the late Kazonori Ushigomi in Tokyo Japan. (KSU, RCO).
RdW: Rini de Weijze, Monnickendam, NLD * RMu: Rijn Muntjewerff, Midden-Beemster,
NLD (†) * FG: Frans Gesquière, Westouter, BEL * TDa: Ton van Dalen, Geldermalsen,
NLD * HBr: Hans Baard, [PE1KPN], Ede, NLD * GLi: Gösta van der Linden, Rotterdam,
NLD * RBY: Roger Bunney, Romsey, GBR * GSM: Garry Smith, Derby, GBR * KHE: Kevin
Hewitt, [ZB2GI], Gibraltar, GIB * RCO: Robert Copeman, Mt. Waverley, Vic., AUS * KSU:
Kazonori Ushigomi, Tokyo, JPN (†) * DMS:, Daniel Dalet, Marcoux, FRA *
DRE: Jean-Pierre Drouffe, Forest-sur-Marque, FRA * ESW: Erhard Schwarz, Salzwedel,
DEU (†) * DPi: David B.C. Piccolino, Bobbio (PC), ITA * RDW: Rick Dewilde, Yellowknife,
NT, CDN * JDW: Jordan Dewilde, Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, BC, CDN * WCO: Wesley
Colaers, Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, BC, CDN * PCO: Pascal Colaers, La Jolla, San
Diego County, CA, USA * JON: Jonathan van der Linden, Épinal, FRA * LLU: Lars-Luciën
van der Linden, Épinal, FRA * PTR: Patrick van der Linden, Leuven, BEL * NLS: Niels van
der Linden, Épinal, FRA.
IRT: Institut für Rundfunktechnik, München, DEU * DVB-T2 HD, DEU * UKW-TVA: UKW /
TV Arbeitskreis e.V., Griesheim, DEU * TV Arbeitskreis e.V., Griesheim, DEU * BR: Bayerischer Rundfunk, München, DEU * SWR:
Südwestrundfunk, Stuttgart, DEU * EBU, Geneve, SUI * WorldDAB, Geneve, SUI * DR:
Danmarks Radio, København / Ørestad, DNK * PR: Polskie Radio, Warszawa, POL * ETL:
Emitel, Warszawa, POL * Scelta TV Group Group, ITA * DMA: Davenport Maps Ltd., [Maps
since 1912 !], Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC, CDN * Regionaal Mediacentrum REGIO8,
Ulft, NLD * KPN, Den Haag, NLD * Frosat, RUS.
☞ Aan de linkerkant is een foto gepubliceerd van het RTV relais Bydgoszcz / Osielsko in
Polen. / At the left side a photo is published of the RTV relay Bydgoszcz / Osielsko in
(Polskie Radio). Goede DX en tot de volgende maand ! / Good DX and until next month !
Gösta, Niels, Wesley & Pascal.


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