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Please note: This is a sample report only. It is not the report of any one
individual and the names and places have been changed.


Mountain Electronics is an electronics manufacturing service provider

headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario - providing a full range of services including
design, prototyping, assembly, testing, product assurance, worldwide
distribution and after sales service to customers in computer,
telecommunications and networking. During my term, Mountain Electronics
expanded from a single facility to a multitude of manufacturing and
development facilities located across North America and Europe.


My position as an internship employee in the Test Engineering Department

involved a variety of test-related tasks in automation, process optimization
and troubleshooting, with exposure to Quality Assurance as well as the
business side of an engineering role. More specifically, test automation
involves developing code to control and monitor test fixtures and store test
data so that minimum human intervention is required. Process optimization
involves coming up with solutions to improve failure screening, minimize false
failures and reduce test time. A major element in all of the test programs was
the troubleshooting of the test fixtures to minimize downtime and improve
test output. My role was often changed with Mountain Electronics. A variety
of the tasks I performed are described below.

I began employment on a test program with a new customer. This provided

the opportunity to assist in the development of test fixturing. Design
requirements included: ease of operation; accessibility to critical circuitry for
failure analysis (FA); and proper air flow for maintaining operational

Next I moved to a project with a larger team of engineers where we were

under extreme time constraints to bring several test thermal cycling
chambers into production. We were required to wire-up an intricate mass of
cabling for: serial communications to external computers; ethernet
connections to test servers; power supply; data storage; and control circuitry.
Once this was completed, the knowledge gained was put to use in supporting
the operation of these chambers during production to minimize downtime and
ensure maximum product throughput. This involved shift work and on call
duty 24 hours a day.

I was subsequently moved to a leadership position for some of the FA teams.

I would provide technical support to assist in debugging failures, which the
teams could not fix. Failing this, I would seek assistance from our customer
product designers. I developed a software tool, with C, to be used by the FA
technicians to query the test database for a history of any cards they were
working with. At times when failing product amounted to unmanageable
quantities, the program could be used to divide cards into categories
according to failure type so that they could be worked on more strategically.


Aside from my daily responsibilities, I had the opportunity to get involved in

other projects and activities at Mountain Electronics.

One of the ongoing team based projects I was involved in was developing new
manufacturing training manuals for all operator sectors site wide. This was a
large task, which required major restructuring of the training process across
the entire plant. We focused on improving the training process in order to
improve operator performance and efficiency, thus achieving better quality

I also participated in developing courses for the new internship students that
were to come at the end of my work term. Since I had taken a number of
courses geared towards new Quality Engineers, I was able to provide input on
developing and improving these courses for the new interns. I was involved
in modifying the content of the courses and teaching a section of the courses
as well.

As a result of a quality issue with an adhesive used on one of my products, we

formalized a small team to tackle this problem. Numerous experiments were
performed resulting in a major discovery. This discovery affected not only my
product and my business unit but Mountain Electronics as a whole; it allowed
for significant process changes. It increased production flexibility and
responsiveness, which resulted in significant reductions in cycle time and
appreciable cost savings. This contributed to Mountain Electronics
competitive advantage and overall customer satisfaction.

One major achievement during my work term directly involved the work I was
doing on a specific product. At the start of my term, this particular product
had a high defect density rate; however, after working with the product for a
year and developing processes to improve quality, the defect rate was
considerably reduced. This product was then chosen by a site wide team to
be used as the ideal model in order to set quality targets across the company.

Aside from projects, I also took several courses throughout my internship to

further develop my skills, some of which included - quality management
courses, root cause analysis and training the trainer courses. I also got
involved in the social aspects of the company, being the Chief Organizer of IIP
social events and gatherings throughout the year.


The past year and a half at Mountain Electronics was an excellent opportunity
for me to gain some hands on experience in the engineering field. It gave me
an opportunity to work as an engineer and not just a student. I acquired
many new skills and developed many already existing skills including
innovativeness and creativity in design, working in a team based
environment, dealing with management and customers, and presentation and
communication skills.

Although these skills were developed in the work force, I have found that
they could easily be applied at school. I have found that my ability to absorb
and learn material has drastically improved, as well as my time management
ability. My experience at Mountain Electronics has been invaluable. I
thoroughly enjoyed my position and learned a great deal about all the various
aspects of a major manufacturing corporation. I strongly recommend the
internship program to all students contemplating the idea. Work experience
while in school significantly increases the chances of employment after
graduation. After all, when an employer compares two résumés, one student
with work experience against another student with none, it is quite evident
which student they would most likely choose.

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