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Conceptual Framework

- [ ] Purpose
- [ ] Primary Users
- [ ] Chapter title
- [ ] Qualitative characteristics and its description
- [ ] The most efficient and effective process for applying the fundamental qualitative characteristics
- [ ] Unit of account
- [ ] Definition of the elements
- [ ] Concept of capital and capital maintenance

PAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements

- [ ] all those included in the discussion (nothing to memorize)

Statement of Cash Flows

- [ ] Be able to identify if its a cash flow from operating or investing or financing

PAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors

- [ ] all those included in the discussion (nothing to memorize)

PAS 34
Interim Financial Reporting

- [ ] all those included in the discussion (nothing to memorize)

PAS 33
Earnings per Share

- [ ] when required and when to report

Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors

- [ ] scope
- [ ] definition
- [ ] quantitative thresholds/ test
- [ ] chief decision maker

- [ ] definition
- [ ] recognition
- [ ] measurement
- [ ] product vs period
- [ ] be able to identify if is part of the cost of the inventory (examples in the standard)
- [ ] recognition as expense

PAS 16
Property, Plant and Equipment

- [ ] SCOPE
- [ ] definition
- [ ] Examples of Directly attributable costs
- [ ] bearer plant
- [ ] revaluation surplus recognition
- [ ] depreciation expense

PAS 36
Impairment of Assets

- [ ] when an asset is impaired

- [ ] recognition and presentation of impairment loss

Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations

- [ ] definition
- [ ] classification criteria
- [ ] presentation
- [ ] measurement

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