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in many countries children are engaged in diff kinds of paid work.

some people regard this as completely wrong,while others consider it a

valuable work experience, imp for learning na d taking responsib

working at young age can always be profitable in terms of praticial gaining

and being independent. Nowadays there are many sources of external incomes
and the best part is any age group can avail profit of that, however in many
people are against working at young age so the topic is been into debate since
but i consent with the positive aspects of working at young age which
will be illustrated in this eassy.

Childrens are the future of a country so their growth is directly propotional to a

country growth. So some people state their veiws in accordance with the children
can start earning which might be important for their future learning or gaining
knowledge, in addition to this they can be independent and afford some of the
expenses by their own or support their needy family.

If children start working at early age they can keep themselves engaged in gaining
some knoledge and it may happen that they stay away from negative diversion which
can be pushed by their surrounding, not only this childrens love reading and
they are more interested to state their views upfrontly with thwe world with use
of this children might earn by writting blogs,content writting and many more.

To sumup, i would insist that there should be some fix age conditions for the
children who are willing to work and proper work conditions must be checked
before signing up and this would be consider safe step and assurance to their
respective family members.

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