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My question today is: should children share housework with their parents

and here is my answer. In this day and age youngsters are not generally
help their parents with housework due to their being incognizant of its
advantages. From my point of view, the young should share household
chores with their family and my reasons will be mentioned in this
speaking. Firstly, adults have much work to do. Therefore, their children
should help them by doing housework. In addition, handling chores teaches
teenagers different, useful life skills such as time management, prioritizing
tasks and organizational abilities. That is partly because to do the
housework effectively, they need to take into consideration some questions
such as how much time should be spent on doing a task, what to do first,
what to do next, what to avoid, and so on. These skills will be useful in the
ever-changing world where these soft skills are highly appreciated. Last
but not least, performing chores may teach teenagers a sense of
responsibilty. By sharing housework with parents, teenagers may feel a
sense of belonging to the community, namely their family, and see the
chores in pursuance of running the community efficiently. In conclusion,
adolescents might improve their social skills and responsibility in the long
run by sharing chores with their relatives. That’s all I wanna share with
you about this topic. Thank you for your attention.

In this day and age, youngsters do not generally help their parents with
housework due to their being incognizant of its advantages. From my point
of view, the young should share household chores with their family and my
reasons will be mentioned in this paragraph. Firstly, adults have much
work to do, therefore, their children should help them by doing housework.
In addition, handling chores teaches teenagers different, useful life skills
such as time management, prioritizing tasks and organizational abilities.
That is partly because to do the housework effectively, they need to take
into consideration some questions such as how much time should be spent
on doing a task, what to do first, what to do next, what to avoid, and so on.
These skills will be useful in the ever-changing world where these soft
skills are highly appreciated. Last but not least, performing chores may
teach teenagers a sense of responsibilty. By sharing housework with
parents, teenagers may feel a sense of belonging to their family. In
conclusion, adolescents might improve their social skills and responsibility
in the long run by sharing chores with their relatives.

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