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Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 277–285

Review Paper

Ethanol–diesel fuel blends––a review

Alan C. Hansen , Qin Zhang a, Peter W.L. Lyne b

Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, University of Illinois, 1304 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA
School of Bioresources Engineering and Environmental Hydrology, University of Natal, Private Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, South Africa
Received 8 July 2002; received in revised form 30 March 2004; accepted 6 April 2004
Available online 15 June 2004

Ethanol is an attractive alternative fuel because it is a renewable bio-based resource and it is oxygenated, thereby providing the
potential to reduce particulate emissions in compression–ignition engines. In this review the properties and specifications of ethanol
blended with diesel fuel are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on the factors critical to the potential commercial use of these
blends. These factors include blend properties such as stability, viscosity and lubricity, safety and materials compatibility. The effect
of the fuel on engine performance, durability and emissions is also considered. The formulation of additives to correct certain key
properties and maintain blend stability is suggested as a critical factor in ensuring fuel compatibility with engines. However,
maintaining vehicle safety with these blends may entail fuel tank modifications. Further work is required in specifying acceptable
fuel characteristics, confirming the long-term effects on engine durability, and ensuring safety in handling and storing ethanol–diesel
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Alcohol; Ethanol; Blend; Biofuel; Diesel engines

1. Introduction An additional factor that makes ethanol attractive as

a fuel extender or substitute is that it is a renewable
The global fuel crises in the 1970s triggered awareness resource. The dwindling fossil fuel sources and the
amongst many countries of their vulnerability to oil increasing dependency of the USA on imported crude
embargoes and shortages. Considerable attention was oil have led to a major interest in expanding the use of
focused on the development of alternative fuel sources, bioenergy. The recent commitment by the USA govern-
with particular reference to the alcohols. A blend of 10% ment to increase bioenergy three-fold in 10 years has
dry ethanol and unleaded gasoline (E10) was commer- added impetus to the search for viable biofuels. The
cially introduced into the US and continues to be mar- European Union (EU) have also adopted a proposal for
keted mainly in the Midwestern states. The use of a directive on the promotion of the use of biofuels with
ethanol blended with diesel was a subject of research in measures ensuring that biofuels account for at least 2%
the 1980s and it was shown that ethanol–diesel blends of the market for gasoline and diesel sold as transport
were technically acceptable for existing diesel engines. fuel by the end of 2005, increasing in stages to a mini-
The relatively high cost of ethanol production at that mum of 5.75% by the end of 2010.
time meant that the fuel could only be considered in In the last two decades of the 20th century, major
cases of fuel shortages. Recently the economics have advances in engine technology have occurred, leading to
become much more favorable in the production of greater fuel economy in vehicles. The reduction of
ethanol and it is able to compete with standard diesel. emissions from engines has become a major factor in the
Consequently there has been renewed interest in the development of new engines and manufacturers are
ethanol–diesel blends with particular emphasis on focusing considerable energy and resources in order to
emissions reductions. meet emissions standards specified by the US Environ-
mental Protection Agency (EPA) and by the EU. As a
result the use of non-conventional fuels as a means of
meeting these requirements has generated much atten-
Corresponding author. tion.

0960-8524/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
278 A.C. Hansen et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 277–285

When considering an alternative fuel for use in diesel stable with no separation even after several months.
engines, a number of issues are important. These issues Approximately 2% surfactant was required for each 5%
include supply and distribution, integrity of the fuel aqueous ethanol added to diesel fuel. Boruff et al. (1982)
being delivered to the engine, emissions and engine developed formulations for two micro-emulsion surfac-
durability. The purpose of this review is to discuss the tants, one ionic and the other detergentless. Blends of
properties and specifications of ethanol blended with these surfactants with aqueous ethanol and diesel were
diesel fuel with special emphasis on the factors critical to transparent and stable at temperatures as low as )15.5
the potential commercial use of these blends. These C. Researchers in Sweden tested a blend of 15%
factors include blend properties such as stability, vis- aqueous ethanol (5% water) with diesel containing
cosity and lubricity, safety and materials compatibility. DALCO, an emulsifying agent developed in Australia.
The effect of the fuel on engine performance, durability In early studies, Letcher (1980), Meiring et al. (1981)
and emissions is also considered. and Letcher (1983) identified as effective co-solvents
tetrahydrofuran, obtained at low cost from agricultural
waste materials, and ethyl acetate that could be made
2. Blend properties inexpensively from ethanol. Ternary liquid–liquid phase
diagrams illustrating the relative effects of moisture
There are a number of fuel properties that are content and temperature on blend stability and also the
essential to the proper operation of a diesel engine. The increasing amounts of co-solvent required with increas-
addition of ethanol to diesel fuel affects certain key ing moisture and temperature to maintain a single phase
properties with particular reference to blend stability, liquid are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Letcher (1983) con-
viscosity and lubricity, energy content and cetane cluded that the ratio of ethyl acetate to ethanol to
number. Materials compatibility and corrosiveness are ensure complete miscibility down to 0 C was consis-
also important factors that need to be considered. tently 1:2.
Properties that affect safety should be foremost in any The aromatic content of diesel fuel also affects the
fuel evaluation. These include flashpoint and flam- solubility of ethanol in diesel (Gerdes and Suppes, 2001)
mability. Finally fuel biodegradability has become a and therefore the effectiveness of emulsifiers and co-
significant factor with respect to ground water contam- solvents. The polar nature of ethanol induces a dipole in
ination. the aromatic molecule allowing them to interact rea-
sonably strongly, while the aromatics remain compatible
2.1. Blend stability with other hydrocarbons in diesel fuel. Hence aromatics
act to some degree as bridging agents and co-solvents.
Ethanol solubility in diesel is affected mainly by two Reducing the aromatic content of diesel fuels will
factors, temperature and water content of the blend. At influence the miscibility of ethanol in diesel fuel and will
warm ambient temperatures dry ethanol blends readily affect the amount of additive required to achieve a stable
with diesel fuel. However, below about 10 C the two blend.
fuels separate, a temperature limit that is easily exceeded
in many parts of the world for a large portion of the
year. Prevention of this separation can be accomplished
in two ways: by adding an emulsifier which acts to
suspend small droplets of ethanol within the diesel fuel,
or by adding a co-solvent that acts as a bridging agent
through molecular compatibility and bonding to pro-
duce a homogeneous blend (Letcher, 1983). Emulsifi-
cation usually requires heating and blending steps to
generate the final blend, whereas co-solvents allow fuels
to be ‘‘splash-blended’’, thus simplifying the blending
Both emulsifiers and co-solvents have been evaluated
with ethanol and diesel fuel. Moses et al. (1980) inves-
tigated micro-emulsions of aqueous ethanol (5% water)
and diesel fuel using a commercial surfactant. They re-
ported that the blends formed spontaneously and re-
quired only minor stirring. They also appeared
transparent indicating that the dispersion sizes were less Fig. 1. Liquid–liquid ternary phase diagram for diesel fuel, tetrahydro-
than a quarter of a wavelength of light and were re- furan and ethanol or ethanol water mixtures with the temperature
garded as ‘‘infinitely’’ stable, i.e. thermodynamically controlled at 0 C (after Letcher, 1980).
A.C. Hansen et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 277–285 279

2.2. Viscosity and lubricity

Fuel viscosity and lubricity play significant roles in

the lubrication of fuel injection systems, particularly
those incorporating rotary distributor injection pumps
that rely fully on the fuel for lubrication within the high
pressure pumping mechanism. In the common rail
accumulator fuel-injection system, the high-pressure
pump that delivers fuel to the rail also relies on the fuel
for lubrication. In in-line pumps and unit injectors, there
is less reliance on the fuel for lubrication, however, there
are still some metal interfaces that require lubrication by
the fuel such as between plunger and barrel. Injector
lubrication also is affected, particularly at the needle
guide-nozzle body interface.
Lower fuel viscosities lead to greater pump and
injector leakage reducing maximum fuel delivery and
Fig. 2. Liquid–liquid ternary phase diagram for diesel fuel, ethyl ultimately power output. Hot restart problems also may
acetate and dry ethanol mixtures (after Letcher, 1983).
be encountered as insufficient fuel may be injected at
cranking speed when fuel leakage in the high-pressure
Recent studies in the US have made use of additives pump is amplified because of the reduced viscosity of the
from three different manufacturers. Pure Energy Cor- hot fuel.
poration (PEC) of New York was the first manufacturer The addition of ethanol to diesel lowers fuel viscosity
to develop an additive package that allowed ethanol to and lubricity. Wrage and Goering (1980) investigated
be splash-blended with diesel fuel using a 2–5% dosage the variation of kinematic viscosity with percentage of
with 15% anhydrous ethanol and proportionately less ethanol present and generated the graph shown in Fig.
for 10% blends (Marek and Evanoff, 2001). A small 3. They concluded that a blend of 18.5% dry ethanol (1.1
amount of commercially available cetane improver mm2 /s viscosity) with No. 2 diesel (2.46 mm2 /s viscosity)
(<0.33% by volume) also was added to restore the cetane would equal the ASTM minimum viscosity of 2.0 mm2 /s
value of the blend. The second additive manufacturer at 37.8 C and would be well above the minimum for
was AAE Technologies of the United Kingdom, who No. 1 diesel as shown in Fig. 1. Speidel and Ahmed
have been testing 7.7% and 10% ethanol–diesel blends (1999) reported a viscosity of 2.25 mm2 /s for a blend
containing 1% and 1.25% AAE proprietary additive containing 15% dry ethanol, 5% PEC additive and 80%
in different states in the USA (Marek and Evanoff, diesel. It should be noted that the final blend viscosity is
2001). The third manufacturer was GE Betz, a divi- dependent on the viscosity of the diesel fuel. Blending
sion of General Electric, Inc., who has developed a ethanol with a diesel fuel that has a viscosity close to the
proprietary additive derived purely from petroleum minimum is likely to yield an overall viscosity lower
products, compared to the previous two, which are than the ASTM minimum.
produced from renewable resources. This additive has Two ASTM lubricity tests are commonly used to
been used in a number of tests, especially with 10% characterize the lubricity of fuels, the Scuffing Load Ball-
ethanol–diesel blends (Hansen et al., 2001; Marek and on-Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator (SBOCLE), D6078-99
Evanoff, 2001). and the High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR),
The percentage of additive required is affected by the D6079-99. Relatively few lubricity tests have been carried
lower limit of temperature to which the blend must be out on ethanol–diesel blends. Speidel and Ahmed (1999)
stable (Letcher, 1980). Accordingly ethanol–diesel reported a SBOCLE test value of 5200 g for the blend
blends require less additive in summer conditions as containing 15% dry ethanol, 5% PEC additive and 80%
compared to winter. PEC specified 5% additive for diesel, as compared to the minimum of 3100 g specified
stability at temperatures well below )18 C, making it for No. 2 diesel. Bio-based oils have been effective in
suitable for winter fuel formulation. Marek and Evanoff increasing fuel lubricity and are commercially available.
(2001) stated that an added benefit was that the fuel Hardenberg and Schaefer (1981) included 1% castor oil in
remained a liquid at these temperatures, allowing it to be a 95% ethanol fuel that was used successfully in a fleet of
pumped through the fuel injection system, as opposed to trucks and buses in Brazil. Minimum specifications for
No. 2 diesel fuel, which tended to gel. In the summer, the viscosity and lubricity of ethanol–diesel blends are re-
additive requirement dropped to 2.35% with spring and quired in order to ensure that fuel injection system
fall concentrations being 3.85% by volume (Marek and durability is not compromised relative to diesel fuel usage
Evanoff, 2001). and that engines are able to start reliably when hot.
280 A.C. Hansen et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 277–285

corrosion was attributed to the ethanol molecule and its

polarity. de la Harpe (1988) reviewed reports of dry
corrosion of metals by ethanol and found that magne-
sium, lead and aluminum were susceptible to chemical
attack by dry ethanol.
Wet corrosion is caused by azeotropic water, which
oxidizes most metals (Brink et al., 1986). Freshly for-
mulated blends containing pH neutral dry ethanol
would be expected to have relatively little corrosive ef-
fect. However, if a blend has been standing in a tank for
sufficient time to allow the ethanol to absorb moisture
from the atmosphere, it may tend to be more corrosive
as it passes through the fuel injection system (de la
Harpe, 1988). In addition, the fuel may stand in the fuel
injection pump for a number of months, for example in
a combine harvester engine, thus allowing the fuel time
to corrode parts of the pump internally. Corrosion
inhibitors have been incorporated in some additive
packages used with ethanol–diesel blends (de la Harpe,
Non-metallic components have also been affected by
ethanol with particular reference to elastomeric com-
ponents such as seals and O-rings in the fuel injection
system. These seals tend to swell and stiffen. Resin-
bonded or resin-sealed components also are susceptible
to swelling and seals may be compromised (Bosch,
Fig. 3. Effect of ethanol content on fuel viscosity (after Wrage and 2001).
Goering, 1980).
2.4. Energy content
Fuel viscosity also affects the atomization and spray
The energy content of a fuel has a direct influence on
characteristics in the combustion chamber. Lower vis-
the power output of the engine. Wrage and Goering
cosities typically result in smaller Sauter mean droplet
(1980) stated that it would be desirable for ethanol–
diameters, thereby increasing the surface area of drop-
diesel blends to have gross energy contents at least 90–
lets and significantly influencing the evaporation char-
95% of that for No. 2 diesel to permit existing engines to
acteristic time (Heywood, 1988; Desantes et al., 1998).
deliver adequate power for the loads for which the
The lack of reports of specific measurements to cor-
vehicle is designed. The energy content of ethanol–diesel
roborate these trends with ethanol–diesel blends indi-
blends decreases by approximately 2% for each 5% of
cates a need to investigate their atomization and spray
ethanol added, by volume, assuming that any additive
characteristics, as these parameters have a significant
included in the blend has the same energy content as
effect on the combustion process.
diesel fuel.

2.3. Materials compatibility 2.5. Cetane number

The use of ethanol in gasoline engines in the early The minimum cetane number specified by ASTM
1980s resulted in numerous materials compatibility Standard D 975-02 for No. 2 diesel is 40. Typical No. 2
studies, many of which are also applicable to the effect diesel fuels have cetane numbers of 45–50. With the
of ethanol–diesel blends in diesel engines and particu- inverse relationship of octane number and cetane num-
larly in the fuel injection system. The quality of the ber, ethanol exhibits a low cetane rating. Hence,
ethanol has a strong influence on its corrosive effects increasing concentrations of ethanol in diesel lower the
(Hardenberg and Schaefer, 1981). In addressing the cetane number proportionately. Hardenberg and Ehnert
problems of ethanol corrosion associated with gasoline (1981) stated that using cetane numbers to describe the
blends, Brink et al. (1986) divided ethanol corrosion into ignition characteristics of ethanol–diesel blends was
three categories: general corrosion, dry corrosion and unreliable, because of discrepancies in the determination
wet corrosion. General corrosion was caused by ionic of cetane numbers below 30. However, they estimated
impurities, mainly chloride ions and acetic acid. Dry that the cetane number of ethanol was between 5 and 15.
A.C. Hansen et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 277–285 281

Lower cetane numbers mean longer ignition delays, flashpoint and flammability temperature limits. How-
allowing more time for fuel to vaporize before com- ever, both the minimum and maximum concentration
bustion starts. Initial burn rates are higher causing more limits were higher than those for diesel fuel and gasoline.
heat release at constant volume, which is a more efficient Battelle (1998) conducted flammability tests on neat
conversion process of heat to work. Nevertheless, it is diesel; neat ethanol; and 10%, 15% and 20% ethanol–
preferable to add an ignition improver to raise the ce- diesel blends and obtained the results illustrated in Fig.
tane number of ethanol–diesel blends so that they fall 4. They found the data for the three blends to be almost
within an acceptable range equivalent to that expected identical to those of neat ethanol. They concluded that
of No. 2 diesel fuel. for tank-storage purposes, 10–20% ethanol blends with
Schaefer and Hardenberg (1981) evaluated a number No. 2 diesel fuel had similar flashpoints (approximately
of ignition improvers for ethanol fuel with special 12 C) and upper flammability limit temperatures (42
emphasis on biomass-derived nitrates. They noted a C), making fire-safety independent of the amount of
significant dependence of the energy release per equiv- ethanol in the blend. Also, the flammability character-
alent nitrate on the molecular weight of the ignition istics of ethanol–diesel blends were more like those of
improving nitrate. Hardenberg and Schaefer (1981) ethanol than diesel fuel with headspace vapors of these
found triethylene glycol dinitrate (TEGDN) to be the blends being flammable within storage tanks at
most satisfactory ignition improver in tests performed in approximately 12–42 C compared to diesel fuel at 64–
Brazil, especially since it could be manufactured from 150 C. Temperatures of fuel in the tank of diesel-fueled
ethanol. Meiring et al. (1983b) added 4.5% octyl nitrate vehicles are raised because of fuel recirculation needed
ignition improver to a 30% ethanol–diesel blend to to cool the fuel injection system. Temperatures as high
achieve the same ignition delay as for diesel fuel. as 93 C may be expected (Battelle, 1998).
Moses et al. (1980) found differences in cetane num- A key hazard of the higher flammability limits is
bers between ethanol–diesel emulsions and stable blends ignition of the plume of vapor leaving the tank during
of aqueous ethanol and diesel containing no additive. refueling as a result of external sparks, static discharge
The emulsified ethanol had less effect on cetane than the or smoking materials (Vaivads et al., 1995). In the case
ethanol in solution. They speculated that this was due to
a shielding effect of the emulsion structure delaying Table 1
evaporation of the alcohol from the fuel droplets, while Approximate fuel characteristics related to flammability of neat diesel
in the solution the ethanol molecules were free to fuel, ethanol and gasoline (after Battelle, 1998)
evaporate immediately. Fuel characteristic Neat Neat Neat
diesel fuel ethanol gasoline
2.6. Safety and biodegradability Vapor pressure at 37.8 C 0.3 17 65
Flashpoint (C) 64 13 )40
The flammability of alternative fuels during handling Auto-ignition temperature (C) 230 366 300
and storage is of particular concern when considering Flammability limits (%) 0.6–5.6 3.3–19.0 1.4–7.6
their introduction into existing facilities. The vapor Flammability limits (C) 64–150 13–42 )40 to 18
produced by the evaporation of motor fuels can create
flammable conditions in partially filled fuel tanks during
refueling, and when damage or leakage occurs in tanks or
other fuel system components (Vaivads et al., 1995). In
the fuel tank headspace, rising temperatures will produce
fuel vapors, which progress from too-lean-to-burn, to
combustible, to too-rich-to-burn (Boruff et al., 1982).
Flammability of a fuel is typically described in terms
of its flammability limits and its flashpoint (Battelle,
1998). Flammability limits are the minimum and maxi-
mum concentrations of combustible vapor in air, and
the temperatures at which the vapor occurs, that will
propagate a flame after sufficient ignition energy is
provided (Battelle, 1998). Flashpoint is the lowest tem-
perature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid is suf-
ficient to produce a flammable mixture in the air above
the liquid surface within a vessel. Battelle (1998) pro-
vided a comparison of these variables for neat diesel
fuel, ethanol and gasoline (Table 1), which showed that Fig. 4. Flammability characteristics of ethanol–diesel fuel blends (after
ethanol fell between diesel fuel and gasoline in terms of Battelle, 1998).
282 A.C. Hansen et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 277–285

of ethanol–diesel blends, static discharge may not be as In recent studies, Hansen et al. (2000) measured a 7–
much of an issue because of the higher conductivity of 10% decrease in power at rated speed with a 15% dry
ethanol. In guidelines established by the National Fire ethanol, 2.35% PEC additive and 82.65% No. 2 diesel
Protection Agency (NFPA) in the US for safe storage fuel blend run in a Cummins 5.9 L engine. Kass et al.
and handling of flammable liquids, the discriminating (2001) checked the torque output from the same model
fuel property was the flashpoint (Battelle, 1998). Liquids engine with two blends containing 10% and 15% dry
such as gasoline and ethanol are Class I liquids as they ethanol, respectively, and 2% GE Betz additive, and
have flashpoints below 37.8 C, whereas diesel fuel is reported an approximate 8% reduction for both fuel
Class II with a flashpoint above 37.8 C. Hence, the blends.
addition of ethanol to diesel would change the NFPA In-field studies of a tractor and combine running on
classification from Class II to Class I, thus requiring 10% dry ethanol, 1.3% GE Betz additive and 88.7% No.
more stringent storage requirements such as greater 2 diesel fuel yielded increases in fuel consumed of 4–5%
distance in location of storage tanks from property lines, compared to the same model tractor and combine
buildings and other tanks. Flame arrestors should be operating on No. 2 diesel fuel, which was approximately
installed in filler necks (Battelle, 1998). equivalent to the reduction in energy content (Hansen
A further source of ignition is the use of in-tank et al., 2001). The operators of these vehicles indicated
electrical fuel pumps (Vaivads et al., 1995). It has been that they did not notice any significant differences when
shown that the typical energy in a spark caused by a operating their machines in the field.
break in the inductive circuit at the current levels typical As would be expected, the specific fuel consumption
of these pumps is sufficiently strong to ignite a flam- (SFC) in kg/kW h increases with increasing concentra-
mable mixture (Vaivads et al., 1995). tions of ethanol in the blend because of the reduced
In tests conducted so far, no specific evaluations have energy content. However, specific energy consumption
been carried out to establish conclusively that co-sol- (SEC) in MJ/kW h is approximately the same as for
vents used in ethanol–diesel blends have no effect on diesel fuel or has been shown to be slightly better. Moses
flammability limits. Further work is required in this et al. (1980) stated that the improvements in SEC were
area. In tests carried out in the field on ethanol–diesel small but consistent for the ethanol–diesel blends tested
blends in Illinois in the US, no problems or accidents and they were assumed to be the result of an improve-
have occurred through handling, storing or dispensing ment in the thermal cycle efficiency. Hansen et al. (2001)
the blends (Marek and Evanoff, 2001). reported similar trends for a combine harvester operat-
Speidel and Ahmed (1999) evaluated the biodegrad- ing under field conditions on 10% ethanol, in which the
ability of alternative fuels, including a diesel blend with combine on the blend ran consistently with a 2–3%
15% ethanol and 5% PEC additive. They found that this higher brake thermal efficiency.
blend was 70% more biodegradable than diesel fuel. The
impact of sunlight and heat exposure on long term
storage stability of this blend also was investigated.
Diesel fuel formed a dark irreversible residue under such 4. Engine durability
conditions, while the blend coloration deepened but no
residual matter was detected (Ahmed and Marek, 1999). A limited range of durability tests have been con-
ducted on ethanol–diesel blends both in the laboratory
and in the field. In early studies, tests with blends con-
3. Engine performance with blends taining approximately 10% and 15% dry ethanol indi-
cated no abnormal wear in engines correctly adjusted
Comparisons of engine performance between etha- for injection timing (Hansen et al., 1982; Hashimoto
nol–diesel blends and standard diesel in unmodified et al., 1982; Meiring et al., 1983a). Some engines in-
engines generally show reductions in power that are cluded in these tests were more sensitive to a lowering of
approximately the same as the reductions in energy the cetane number and accordingly an increased ignition
content of the blends relative to diesel fuel. Increased delay causing piston erosion from severe localized tem-
leakage in the fuel injection pump with the lower vis- peratures and pressures. However, a small retardation of
cosity fuels also contributes to reduced power in the injection timing was recommended so as to reduce rates
load control range of the engine. Meiring et al. (1983b) of pressure rise. In the durability tests conducted by
reported a 5% drop in maximum fuel delivery when Meiring et al. (1983b) no abnormal deterioration of the
evaluating a 30% ethanol–diesel blend in a tractor en- engine or fuel injection system was detected after 1000 h
gine fitted with a rotary distributor pump. They adjusted of operation on a blend containing 30% dry ethanol,
the maximum fuel delivery setting on the pump to par- small amounts of octyl nitrate ignition improver and
tially restore the power lost from reduced energy content ethyl acetate phase separation inhibitor, and the
and fuel pump leakage. remainder diesel fuel.
A.C. Hansen et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 277–285 283

Recent over-the-road tests by Archer Daniels Mid- output in the exhaust with a smoke-meter (Wrage and
land (ADM), Bloomington, IL, US on two trucks Goering, 1980; Meiring et al., 1983a). Substantial
operating on 15% ethanol blend of E diesel have resulted reductions in particulate matter (PM) were observed in
in an accumulation of over 400,000 km on each vehicle these tests. Recent studies have shown that the
with no abnormal deterioration in condition (Marek improvement in exhaust emissions provided by oxy-
and Evanoff, 2001). The Chicago Transit Authority genate fuels depended almost entirely on the oxygen
(CTA) in the US monitored the condition and overall content of the fuels, regardless of the oxygenate to diesel
performance of a fleet of 30 buses, of which 15 were fuel blend ratios or the type of oxygenate (Miyamoto
operated on the 15% ethanol blend and 15 were the et al., 1998). In their study of the effect of oxygen
control and were run on No. 1 diesel. After 434,500 km enhancement on emissions from a direct injection diesel
accumulated by the 15 buses running on the blend, no engine, Donahue and Foster (2000) found that the
abnormal maintenance or fuel-related problems were improvement in emissions depended on the local oxygen
encountered (Marek and Evanoff, 2001). concentration in the fuel plume regardless of the method
Hansen et al. (2001) conducted a farm demonstration of oxygen enhancement.
project with two John Deere 9400 tractors manufac- Emissions tests conducted specifically on ethanol–
tured by Deere & Company, East Moline, IL, US, two diesel blends confirm the effect of substantially reducing
Caterpillar Challenger 95E tractors manufactured by PM (Spreen, 1999; Schaus et al., 2000; Kass et al., 2001;
Caterpillar, Inc., Peoria, IL, US and two John Deere Satge de Caro et al., 2001). The effect on carbon mon-
9650 combines also manufactured by Deere and Com- oxide (CO), total hydrocarbon (THC) and oxides of
pany, US, one of each vehicle type running on a 10% nitrogen (NOx ) are less clear (Kass et al., 2001). In
ethanol blend of ‘‘E diesel’’ using the GE Betz additive, addition, comparative emissions data are influenced by a
and the other on No. 2 diesel. One of the objectives was number of factors that may have caused greater differ-
to monitor the durability of the vehicles. The John ences than those brought about by the fuel (Sinor and
Deere tractors operated for two Spring seasons and one Bailey, 1993). These factors include engine fuel metering
Fall season accumulating approximately 700 h with no technology, exhaust control technology, age of the
abnormal deterioration in engine condition, based on oil vehicle, maintenance history, test procedure, and test
analyses. The Caterpillar tractors and combines com- conditions. Nevertheless, these tests provide a means of
pleted two seasons with approximately 380 and 600 h gauging the relative benefits of introducing these blends
accumulated, respectively, again with no abnormal wear as a substitute for traditional diesel fuel.
patterns according to oil analysis. A summary of the emissions tests performed by
A laboratory-based 500 h durability test was per- Spreen (1999), Schaus et al. (2000) and Kass et al. (2001)
formed by Hansen et al. (2000) on a Cummins ISB 235 is provided in Table 2. The test engines, test procedures
engine running on a 15% dry ethanol, 2.35% PEC and base fuels varied considerably. The results of Spreen
additive and 82.65% diesel fuel. The engine operated at (1999) and Kass et al. (2001) showed a consistent
rated speed and maximum load in order to maximize the reduction in PM of 20–27% and 30–41% for 10% and
fuel throughput in the fuel injection system. With the 15% ethanol blends respectively. Reductions in NOx
exception of the fuel injection system, no abnormal varied from zero to 4–5%. Both decreases and increases
deterioration in engine condition was detected based on in CO emissions occurred, while THC increased sub-
detailed engine component measurements and exami- stantially, but both were still well below the regulated
nation. Calibration checks of both the injection pump emissions limit. The measurements reported by Schaus
and injectors showed that they were within normal et al. (2000) vary considerably for both PM and NOx
tolerances. However, one resin-sealed sensor in the with both decreases and increases in emissions being
injection pump failed because of possible chemical dependent on speed and load of the engine. Both Schaus
interaction with the fuel and the injectors exhibited et al. (2000) and Kass et al. (2001) emphasize the po-
heavy wear from the needle valve action. Further tests tential to optimize injection characteristics, so as to min-
are required to verify these results. Long-term durability imize emissions over the complete performance map of
tests of at least 1000 h are necessary to provide confir- the engine. The major variations in emissions measured
mation that ethanol–diesel blends do not adversely affect by Schaus et al. (2000) are an indication of the reductions
engine wear compared to the norms established for in emissions that could be obtained with ethanol–diesel
diesel fuel usage. blends. Further factors that need to be considered are the
influence of ethanol–diesel blends on exhaust gas recir-
culation systems (EGR). Kass et al. (2001) stated that the
5. Emissions higher CO and THC emissions suggested that fuel blends
might offer a means to enhance advanced emission con-
Early studies of the effect of ethanol–diesel blends on trol systems that require regeneration, such as NOx ad-
engine performance included measurements of soot sorbers, by supplying a reducing agent.
284 A.C. Hansen et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 277–285

Table 2
Summary of emissions test results from 10% and 15% ethanol–diesel blends
Reference Spreen (1999) Schaus et al. (2000) Kass et al. (2001)
Test engine 1991 DDC series 60 6-cyl, 12.7 L DI 1997 VW TDI 4-cyl, 1.9 L DI with 1999 Cummins ISB 6-cyl, 5.9 L DI with
with turbocharger and intercooler turbocharger, EGR and oxidation turbocharger and intercooler
Test procedure Hot-start transient tests based on EPA Steady-state 5 · 5 speed–torque test Steady-state AVL 8-mode test cycle
Federal Test Procedure (CFR 40-86N) matrix (SAE J1003)
Reference fuel Emissions grade fuel meeting 1998 EPA Standard No. 2 diesel Phillips Petroleum certification fuel
specifications containing 350-ppm sulfur
Test fuel (%vol.)
Ethanol 10 15 10 15 10 15
Additive 2.35 PECa 2.35 PECa 2 GEb 2 GEb 2 GEb 2 GEb
Diesel 87.65 82.65 88 83 88 83
Ave. emissions (blend/ref. fuel ratio %)
PM 73 59 27–159 25–157 80 70
NOx 96 95 80–125 40–125 100 100
CO 80 73 NPc NPc 160 140
HC 171 210 NPc NPc 200 175
PEC––Pure Energy Corporation additive.
GE––GE Betz additive.
NP––Data were not published.

Kass et al. (2001) concluded from their tests that It is accepted that the addition of ethanol to diesel
ethanol–diesel blends could be applicable as low emis- fuel will have a beneficial effect in reducing the PM
sion fuels for current and older model vehicles that are emissions at least. The amount of improvement varies
not required to meet future EPA emission standards. from engine to engine and also within the working range
However, extensive testing of these fuel types in older of the engine itself. While there is considerable value in
and late model diesel engines, need to be performed in being able to use the fuel directly in an unmodified en-
order to accurately assess performance. gine, small adjustments to fuel injection characteristics
The addition of ethanol to diesel naturally reduces may result in further gains in reducing emissions.
the content of sulfur in the fuel in proportion to the The flammability of ethanol–diesel blends indicates
amount added, including any sulfur-free additive. As that, according to the NFPA in the USA they should be
much as a 20% volumetric reduction in sulfur may be treated as Class I liquids as they have flashpoints below
provided, thus significantly reducing SO2 emissions 37.8 C, in contrast to diesel fuel, which is a Class II
(Marek and Evanoff, 2001). liquid. Therefore, appropriate measures need to be
implemented to meet the storage, handling and dis-
pensing requirements that are stipulated for Class I
6. Conclusions
liquids. These measures may include the fitting of flame
The properties of ethanol–diesel blends have a signif- arresters on fuel tanks.
icant effect on safety, engine performance and durability, The rapidly increasing use of ethanol as a fuel addi-
and emissions. A set of specifications that define key fuel tive for gasoline provides an opportunity to expand its
further use as an oxygenate for diesel fuel, with the
characteristics pertaining to ethanol–diesel blends and
beneficial effects of reducing US dependence on im-
additives should be established in collaboration with fuel
ported petroleum, and substituting diesel fuel with a
and additive manufacturers and with engine manufac-
renewable resource that will expand markets for agri-
turers before these blends can be commercialized.
cultural commodities used to produce ethanol. The
An increase in fuel consumption approximately
equivalent to the reduction in energy content of the fuel more stringent emissions regulations and government
can be expected when using ethanol–diesel blends. With proclamations to increase biofuel usage should increase
ethanol percentages of 10% or less, operators have re- the urgency to address the remaining barriers to the
adoption of ethanol–diesel blends as a commercial fuel.
ported no noticeable differences in performance com-
pared to running on diesel fuel.
Long-term durability tests in a range of engines with
different fuel injection system configurations will help to Acknowledgements
confirm that diesel oxygenated with diesel does not ad-
versely affect engine wear compared to diesel fuel. Such This paper was prepared with the support of the
tests should be performed in collaboration with engine Council of Great Lakes Governors, Inc. and the US
manufacturers. Department of Energy (DOE) Grant Number DE-
A.C. Hansen et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 277–285 285

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