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Inorganic Chemistry Communications 9 (2006) 208–211

A new facile high yield preparative route for mixed-trinuclear

acetate clusters
Heron Vrubel a, Tai Hasegawa b, Elisabeth de Oliveira c, Fábio S. Nunes a,*

Departamento de Quı́mica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Centro Politécnico – C.P. 19081, 81531-990 Curitiba, Parana, PR, Brasil
Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5080, USA
Instituto de Quı́mica, Universidade de São Paulo, C.P. 26077, 05599-970 São Paulo, SP, Brasil

Received 15 September 2005; accepted 20 October 2005

Available online 13 December 2005


The cluster compounds [FeIII3O(CH3CO2)6(H2O)3]CH3COO, [FeIII2FeIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3], [FeIII2CoIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3],

[FeIII2NiIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3], [VIII2FeIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3] and [VIII2CoIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3 were prepared by new synthetic
routes. Homometallic clusters can be isolated from a clean reaction between the metal hydroxide and acetic acid. The heterobimetallic
compounds were obtained by the reaction of the iron(III) or vanadium(III)-homometallic cluster, in water, with an excess of iron(II),
cobalt(II) and nickel(II) acetates. The new route give pure products with much higher yields when compared with the classical methods.
The compounds were characterized by atomic absorption and elemental analysis, electrochemistry and IR spectroscopy.
 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mixed-trinuclear acetate clusters; New synthetic routes; Infrared; Electrochemistry

Trinuclear oxo-centered acetate complexes have been solution. The method gives yields around 30% and the
extensively investigated as models of electronic and mag- product is not always pure, mostly contaminated with
netic extended interactions [1–4], as homogeneous catalysts sodium salts.
[5] and as important building blocks to supramolecular Herein we present new facile, high yield synthetic routes
chemistry [6]. to obtain homometallic and heterometallic acetate trinu-
The iron acetate cluster was first isolated in 1909 by clear clusters like [FeIII3O(CH3CO2)6(H2O)3]CH3COO,
Weinland and Gussmann [7] although at the time they were [FeIII2FeIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3], [FeIII2CoIIO(CH3COO)6
not able to propose the correct formula. The first examples (H2O)3], [FeIII2NiIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3], [VIII2FeIIO(CH3
of mixed metal trinuclear clusters were synthesized by COO)6(H2O)3] and [VIII2CoIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3.
Weinland and Holtmeier [8], but were not recognized at Glossary of compounds: [FeIII3O(CH3CO2)6(H2O)3]CH3
the time. Later, Blake and co-workers [9] showed by X- COO (1); [FeIII2FeIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3] (2); [FeIII2CoIIO
ray studies that the products from Weinlands procedures (CH3COO)6(H2O)3] (3); [FeIII2NiIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3]
were in fact trinuclear [FeIII2MIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3] spe- (4); [VIII2FeIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3] (5); [VIII2CoIIO(CH3
cies (M = Co or Ni). COO)6(H2O)3 (6).
The classical method to obtain the trinuclear mixed All reagents were used as supplied by Aldrich Chemical
metal FeIII2MII (M = transition metal ion) clusters consists Co. When necessary, the operations were carried out under
in the reaction of a mixture of an iron(III) salt and a diva- an inert atmosphere with the use of standard Schlenk tech-
lent metal salt with sodium acetate in aqueous or alcoholic niques or inside a Vacuum Atmosphere glove box equip-
ment. Infrared spectra were obtained with a Biorad
Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 41 33613180; fax: +55 41 33613186. Excalibur series spectrophotometer in the region 4000–
E-mail address: (F.S. Nunes). 400 cm1 in KBr pellets. Cyclic voltammetry experiments

1387-7003/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Vrubel et al. / Inorganic Chemistry Communications 9 (2006) 208–211 209

were carried out with a Microquı́mica Potentiostat model was recovered after two weeks, washed with methanol and
MQPG-01. A platinum disc electrode was employed for dried under vacuum. Yield was 0.91 g (32%). [VIII2CoIIO
the measurements at I = 0.1 mol L1 kept constant with (CH3COO)6 (H2O)3] (6). To a solution of [V3O(CH3
KCl. A Ag/AgCl (KCl 1 mol L1) and a platinum wire COO)6(CH3OH)3] CH3COO was added Co(CH3COO)2 Æ
were used as reference and auxiliary electrodes, respec- 4H2O (3.0 g–12 mmol) dissolved in 30 mL of water. In a
tively. Typical experiments were conducted with 3.0 · few minutes, a large amount of a green solid appeared
103 mol L1 aqueous solutions of the complexes at ambi- and was filtered, washed with water, then methanol and
ent temperature. Microanalyses were done under nitrogen dried under vacuum. Yield was 91% (2.61 g).
by Desert Analytics Laboratories, USA. Metal content The classic procedure current being used to prepare tri-
were determined by atomic absorption. nuclear-acetate-homometallic clusters [MIII3O(CH3CO2)6
The complexes were prepared as follows: [Fe3O(CH3 (L)3]+ (L = solvent or a neutral ligand, such as pyridine
CO2)6(H2O)3]CH3COO (1). Equimolar amounts of iro- or pyrazine) is to mix a M(III) salt, usually nitrate or chlo-
n(III) chloride and ammonium hydroxide were mixed. A ride in the presence of sodium acetate and acetic acid in
brown solid (Fe(OH)3) was filtered, thoroughly washed water/ethanol or water/methanol solutions [7–9]. Mixed-
with water and dried at 76 C under vacuum with an Abder- trinuclear acetate clusters [M2M 0 O(CH3COO)6L3] have
halden pistol. Fe(OH)3 (5.0 g–47 mmol) was suspended in a been isolated from a similar reaction between M(III) and
mixture of 25 mL acetic acid and 10 mL of water. It was M 0 (II) nitrates and sodium acetate. After workup the solid
kept under stirring and mild heating until complete dissolu- is frequently isolated with sodium salts impurities, decreas-
tion of the solid. After, the solution was filtered while still ing the yields to as low as 30%.
hot and the solvent removed to dryness under vacuum, Our new approach (Scheme 1) for the homo and hetero-
recovering a light-orange solid. The yield was 9.8 g (96%). metallic trinuclear compounds were successful showing
[FeIII2FeIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3] (2). This mixed valence yields as high as 96%, much higher when compared with
complex was prepared by the reaction between compound the classic method that gives several products (a mixture
1 (5.0 g–7.7 mmol, dissolved in 30 mL of nitrogen-saturated of M2M 0 , MM 0 2, M3 and M 0 3 complexes) and requires long
water) and 6.5 g (31 mmol) of Fe(CH3COO)2 Æ 2H2O dis- chromatographic separation procedures. The synthetic
solved in 20 mL of deaerated water. A brown-reddish solid pathway for the homometallic is a clean one-step acid–base
precipitated after 10 min, collected by filtration, washed reaction, producing only water and salt. The exchange
with water and dried under vacuum.Yield was 7.1 g reaction between the homometallic cluster [MIII3O(CH3
(89%). [FeIII2CoIIO(CH3OO)6(H2O)3] (3). This heterome- CO2)6(L)3]+ and the MII-acetate to produce the mixed
tallic cluster was prepared dissolving 2.0 g (3.1 mmol) of metal cluster is an innovative approach that minimizes
complex 1 in 15 mL of hot water and mixing it with 2.0 g the formation of by-products and in some way contributes
(7 mmol) of Co(CH3COO)2 Æ 4H2O dissolved in 15 mL of to a better understanding of self-assembly mechanisms.
water. The mixture was heated and stirred for 10 min while The elemental analysis (C, H, N and metal content) seen
most of the product precipitated. After reaching the room in Table 1 as well as spectroscopic and electrochemical
temperature a brown-reddish solid was recovered, washed (see below) behavior support the trinuclear formulation.
with ethanol and dried under vacuum. Yield was 2.3 g Infrared spectra of complexes 1–6 exhibited the same
(84%). [FeIII2NiIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3] (4). This light- pattern. A typical spectrum is shown in Fig. 1, with main
brown solid was isolated as described for complex 3. Yield bands at cm1: 1590 (masym COO), 1423 (msymCOO), 1350
was 2.1 g (77%). [VIII2FeIIO(CH3COO)6(H2O)3] (5). (sym bend CH3), 1034 (rock CH3), 662 and 618 (in plane
[V3O(CH3COO)6(CH3OH)3]CH3COO was prepared as and out-of-plane bend COO, respectively) and at 563
complex 1 in a mixture of 20 mL of acetic acid and 10 mL (mas M3O). The frequency difference between the antisym-
of methanol under dinitrogen atmosphere. After, it was metric and symmetric stretching modes of the carboxylate
mixed with a solution of Fe(CH3COO)2 Æ 2H2O (2 g– group is typical of acetate ligand bridging two metal ions
10 mmol) dissolved in 20 mL of methanol. A dark blue solid [10–12]. The redox behavior of the most soluble clusters

Scheme 1. New routes for homo and heterometallic acetate clusters.

210 H. Vrubel et al. / Inorganic Chemistry Communications 9 (2006) 208–211

Table 1
Elemental analysis data for compounds 1-6
Complex %C %H %N %Fe %V %M
1 25.36 (25.83) 3.68 (4.18) 0.23 (0.0) 25.0 (25.74) – –
2 24.11 (24.35) 3.86 (4.10) 0.05 (0.0) 29.0 (28.3) – –
3 23.72 (24.22) 3.71 (4.06) 0.26 (0.0) 18.55 (18.77) – 9.80 (9.90)a
4 23.15 (24.23) 3.98 (4.01) 0.28 (0.0) 18.20 (18.78) – 9.67 (9.87)b
5 28.03 (28.87) 3.88 (4.85) 0.13 (0.0) 9.0 (9.87) 17.40 (18.00) –
6 25.34 (25.32) 3.82 (4.25) <0.05 (0.0) – 17.24 (17.90) 10.12 (10.35)a
Calculated values in parenthesis.

Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammogram of [FeIII2CoII(CH3COO)6(H2O)3] (3) in

Fig. 1. Infrared spectrum of [FeIII2CoII(CH3COO)6(H2O)3] (3) in KBr aqueous solution. Initial cathodic scan.

was studied. The cyclic voltammograms of the The route is currently being tested in our laboratory with
heterometallic complexes FeCo and FeNi showed a two- second-row transition metals and it was successfully car-
electron reduction wave at 0.32 versus Ag/AgCl with the ried out with ruthenium acetate clusters.
probable breakage of the cluster structure (step (a) below)
and two irreversible mono-electronic oxidations of the Acknowledgments
resulting fragments at 0.06 and 0.51 V (steps (b) and (c))
(Fig. 2). A similar electrochemical behavior was observed Fundação Araucária and CNPq supported this work.
for the all-iron mixed valence complex [FeIII2FeIIO(CH3 H.V. and F.S.N. thanks the Brazilian Research Council
COO)6(H2O)3], suggesting that the electron-transfer pro- (CNPq) for research fellowships.
cesses is formally centered at the iron ion.
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