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Food that cures


By Enrique López Delfín and Erick Pérez Sanchez

How much do you know about ginger???

Ginger is part of a plant belonging to the Zingiberaceae family, and is widely used in traditional
medicine due to its many beneficial properties.

In addition to its health benefits, its aroma and flavor is also protagonist especially in Chinese and
Thai cuisine.

What is it for?

Among the medicinal uses of ginger we can highlight that it is used to relieve nausea, colic, pain,
inflammation, heartburn, gas and digestive problems in general, headache or headache, and even
to stimulate the production of breast milk .

What properties do they have?

Ginger contains acids: alfalinilénico, linoleic, ascorbic, aspartic, caprico, caprylic, gadoléico,
myristic, oleic, oxalic (root). shoagoles (root), gingerol (root), fiber (root). volatile oils: citral,
citronellal, limenene, canfeno, beta-bisolobeno, beta-cariofiteno, gama-eudesmol , amino acids:
arginine, asparagine, histidine, isoleucine, glutamic, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine,
tryptophan, tyrosine, valine (root). vitamins: niacin. minerals: aluminum, boron, chromium, cobalt,
manganese, phosphorus, silicon, zinc. Contains 1-4% of volatile oils, whose composition varies
considerably according to the origin

How people can consume much better?

The best to consume it is naturally, wash the root well and cut into small pieces or grind to flavor
the meals.

Ginger should be kept whole, in a dry place and free from heat or sun. Also, you can mix with the
following and prepare different types of tea: Flaxseed, Cedar, Arnica, Cayenne, Aloe Vera,
Passionflower, Rosemary, Oats, Garlic, Lemon

Apart from this, ginger can be eaten at meals. It is known as one of the most popular and exquisite
spices for seasoning.

Ginger is ideal to add an extra touch of flavor in desserts, be it a simple vanilla cream or
strawberry ice cream, do not hesitate to try to grate a little of the root of this spice to give it a
particular touch.

Contrast the passive life with the active life.

If you do not do any type of exercise at least twice a week, you should consider doing it. We often
spend a lot of time watching television, on the internet or in video games, but nevertheless it is
healthier to watch a television program dancing and practicing some steps, going for a run or
walking around the neighborhood, or better yet; practice sports with friends. Whatever your
attitude, you have to change to be more active than you are now. Remember that healthy food
does not work miracles if you do not have a constant exercise routine at least twice a week
Food that cures
By Enrique López Delfín and Erick Pérez Sanchez

How much do you know about avocado?

Avocado is fruit and vegetables at the same time. An exquisite and soft hazelnut flavor and
a tender and creamy consistency allow its combination with any food.
It is a pear-shaped fruit, although it can also have a cucumber or apple shape. Its skin is
green, the tone and texture change from one variety to another. It has a creamy pulp and
green color that covers a large brown inedible seed.
What is it for?
Generally, the avocado keeps the heart healthy, reduces cholesterol levels, controls blood
pressure, contains anti-inflammatory properties, regulates blood sugar levels, prevents
birth defects, reduces the risk of strokes, protects against cancer, It is a good anti-aging
method, it removes bad breath by cleaning the intestine, increases the absorption of
nutrients, takes care of the skin and helps to gain weight.
What properties do they have?
Avocado contains magnesium and potassium. These elements favor the good functioning
of the nervous and muscular system and are of great importance for the immune system.
They are also important for the health of the small intestine and to prevent fluid retention.
It has vitamins of groups A, C, D, K and B. This makes it a good antioxidant for its content of
vitamins C and E, which are also essential for the neurological levels of the body and
cardiovascular health. It is beneficial for bone health thanks to its vitamin D content.
How people can consume much better
It can be considered a ripe avocado and suitable for consumption if shaking it shows that
the bone inside moves or yields slightly when pressing with our fingers.
Food that cures
By Enrique López Delfín and Erick Perez Sanchez

How do you know about banana?

Banana is a yellow fruit, elongated, that we find in the market in groups of three to twenty,
similar to a triangular cucumber, oblong and usually yellow. Its flavor is more or less sweet
according to the variety.
The banana is one of the most common crops in all countries with tropical climate. Mexico
ranks eleventh in the world and the states with the highest banana production are: Chiapas,
Tabasco and Veracruz. The consumption of plantain in Mexico is around 16 kilos per person
per year.
What is it for?
The banana is also a source of fiber, mainly fiber of soluble type, the most present is inulin.
This works as a food for the beneficial bacteria found in the intestine, favoring the digestive
system, as well as the immune system, and has even seen a protective role against diabetes
and cardiovascular diseases. Similarly, it promotes the reduction of cholesterol. The sugars
and starch of the ripe banana provide immediate and short-term energy.
What properties do they have?
Banana is well known to be an important source of potassium. A medium tabasco banana
contains around 16% of the potassium that is required per day. It also contains other
minerals, such as phosphorus, zinc, calcium and magnesium, necessary to maintain the
health of various systems, such as bone and muscle. This fruit is also rich in vitamins B6,
folic acid and vitamin C.
How people can consume much better
It is recommended to consume banana in a state of optimal maturation, that is, not very
green, because it is not very digestible, nor very mature, because it has already lost some
vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. It is recommended to place the bananas in a fruit
bowl at room temperature.

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