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Posted on 28/03/2019 (Last updated 26/03/2020) by Tischa Kent

Have you ever wondered what the best diet for singers is, or what foods and drinks are best for singers?
What you eat or drink can actually have an affect your performance. There are certain foods that help
enhance your vocal health and some that are bad for your singing voice. Understanding how to structure a
singer’s diet for a healthy voice is paramount if you want to enjoy peak performance.

While the singer’s diet is individual and will not always suit everybody, there are certain foods and
drinks that can help clear the voice such as green leafy vegetables and fruits. However, some that can
irritate vocal cords like dairy and spicy foods. 

As in sports, nutrition plays an important role in a singer’s lifestyle, as a healthy body is vital for performance
and endurance. In this article, we will provide you with guidance on what the best singer’s diet should look
like. What should singers eat and drink before singing? Are there any specific snacks or herbal teas that can
help your voice before your performance? 

Read on to see what type of diet for singers we recommend. We’ve also recently updated this guide to
includes notes for those who are on a vegan diet. Scroll down to the bottom for advice on a vegan diet for

What foods are good for your singing voice?

Prioritize foods in your singer’s diet that are rich in antioxidants and that are anti-
inflammatory. Antioxidants contribute to repairing cells and help prevent damage caused by free radicals
which are most precisely an unstable molecule with an unpaired electron. 

Antioxidants are found in vitamin C but also Vitamin E (leafy greens, nuts, and seeds) and vitamin A (carrots,
Cantaloupe, Apricots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, winter squash, dark leafy vegetables, and broccoli). 
Consuming a plant-based diet rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods can help protect vocal
cords. Some good examples of a singer’s diet include

Green tea
Oolong teas
Ginger (excellent to prevent sore throat and clear the voice)
Dark leafy greens (spinach, collard greens, kale, Swiss chard) 

Food and Drink Tips for Singers | Tips For Musicians & Singers

Beetroots are also an excellent source of antioxidant, but they are best consumed during a non-singing
performance day as their high nitrate content can tighten vocal cords. 

Singers should focus primarily on an alkaline diet, especially on the day of a performance. Too much acidity
in food can hinder vocal cords health and the immune system. 

Foods that are alkaline are considered to have a PH above 7. An alkaline diet is mostly based on fruits,
vegetables, and plant-based nutrients such as:

Alkaline water
Coconut water
Herbal teas
Sweet potatoes

The best ways to increase alkaline levels in the body is to consume a predominantly plant-based diet and
green juices. You should invest in a juicer (even a basic non-expensive one will do) and make your own
juices with carrots, celeries, spinach, green apple, and kale. 
Green juices are ideal to consume before a performance if you want to feel energetic but light. It is also best
to consume water that has a high PH of 6.5 and above.

What do singers drink before they sing?

What you drink is as important as what you eat so staying well-hydrated is essential for vocal health and the
energy to perform over time.

The number one best drink for a singer to keep hydrated is water. The quality of the water matters as much
as the quality of the foods you consume. Tap water contains a lot of fluoride and other heavy metals
that research shows can be detrimental to health in the long term. 

The best types of water are filtered water or mineral water. Slowly sipping water throughout the day is the
best way to drink water rather than huge gulps.

The next best drinks would be herbal teas such as:

Green tea
Ginger tea
Chamomile tea
Peppermint tea

Best Tea for Singers - Is Tea Good or Bad For Singers?

These are all great teas for lubricating the vocal cords. Another great alternative is lemon or other fruits
infused with water and Manuka or Thyme honey, which is extremely good for clearing the throat. 

Finally, coconut water could be a fantastic source of potassium and is another great method for staying

For some people, it is good to prioritise foods that are hydrating, especially the day leading up to a
performance such as:


These foods are not only hydrating but also rich in essential vitamins and minerals.
What should a singer’s diet for a healthy
voice look like?

To maximize performance and vocal health, an optimal diet should provide all the right macronutrients and

Macronutrients refer to the nutritional composition of food and how it delivers energy and contribute to
the functioning of the body. There are three different types of macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and

Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair and can provide the essential energy for stamina. 

Vegan foods that are high in protein include:

Protein powders (pea, rice and hemp choose 100% isolate)
Chia seeds

Top 10 Vegetarian Protein Sources

Here’s a great article on plant–based diets which are gaining popularity today.

If you’re opting for non-vegan sources of protein, then choose lean grass-fed meat; fish; or organic free-
range eggs 

Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy and help support our immune system.

The best sources of carbohydrates include


Today it is widely preferred to avoid wheat-containing foods as they can have inflammatory effects on the
body and vocal cords. If you want to have pasta or bread, choose wheat-free alternatives such as spelt,
buckwheat or lentils.

What kind of vitamins and minerals should

you add to a diet for singers?

Micronutrients are the essential elements needed for good functioning of the body, they include minerals
and vitamins.

What types of minerals and vitamins can support singing health and performance?

Magnesium (women: 320 mg; men: 420 mg)

Magnesium is responsible for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It supports every muscle
function essential for singing performance. It is highly present in leafy green vegetables such as kale,
spinach, swiss chard, parsley, fruits, nuts, hemp seeds. 

Because our soils are more depleted in magnesium than 50 years ago it is very difficult to get the mineral
from food. Therefore, you can get your magnesium by supplementing in magnesium citrate (the most
absorbable and bioavailable form of magnesium) or use magnesium chloride spray.

Potassium (4700 mg)
Potassium also regulates fluid, nerve and muscle function. It is greatly available in food such as coconuts, 
sweet potatoes, and fruits. 

Vitamin B complex (Vitamin B12: 3μg; vitamin

B6: 1.2- 1.8 mg)
Vitamin B complex is known to boost energy and decrease stress.

Most Vitamin B rich foods include Nuts, sweet potatoes, eggs (rich in vitamin b12 but always best to choose
free-range and organic for ethical and health benefits), avocado, broccoli, chickpeas, and wholegrains.

Vitamin D (10 μg)
Vitamin D is important to maintain energy, immunity and mineral absorption. The most natural source of
vitamin D is exposure to the sun as it is synthesized through the skin so the best is to get outside, go for a
walk, run or cycle. Alternatively, you can get the vitamins from eggs (free range and organic), mushrooms,
almond milk, tofu, flaxseeds, salmon (wild organic).

Vitamin C (Females: 75 mg/day; Males: 90

mg/ day)
Vitamin C is important for tissue repair and regeneration. It supports immune function and prevents
fatigue The best sources of Vitamin C are fruits such as kiwi apples mangoes citrus fruits melons
fatigue. The best sources of Vitamin C are fruits such as kiwi, apples, mangoes, citrus fruits, melons,

vegetables such as dark leafy green (spinach, kale, and parsley), wheatgrass. 

Healthy Fats
If you are going to consume fatty food, it is preferable to consume plant-based fats, especially for singers as
they are more alkaline. Food that is too acidic can hinder vocal cords and compromise performance. 

The best source of fats includes

Coconut oil
Hemp oil
Olive oil

What foods and drinks help vocal cords and

clearing the throat?

Ginger a brilliant remedy for sore throat and is great to prevent infection. The best way to consume it is to
make an herbal tea concoction. Ginger won’t directly help the vocal cords as it doesn’t touch them, but it
has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property that support the immune system. Ginger helps to
decrease the mucus around the vocal cords which will contribute to a clearer voice.

Lemon and water:

Lemon is known as a natural disinfectant and helps get rid of toxins. It is also a rich source of Vitamin C and
potassium both beneficial to keep the voice healthy. The steam from the warm water can also help clear the
mucus of the vocal cords and soothe the voice. 

Manuka honey
Manuka honey is a natural antibiotic and can help prevent infections. It is also known for its antioxidant,
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Echinacea is a great immune system booster and can help prevent infections.

Slippery Elm
Slippery elm help soothe a sore or irritated throat. It also is great for calming stomachs and healing lungs
helps with stress and anxiety as well as containing immune boosting properties.

What are the best snacks for singers?

We’ve put together a great list of snacks for singers and simple meal ideas.

Hummus and raw vegetables (carrots, celery, cucumber, red bell pepper)
Fruits and almond butter
Raw fruits and nut bars
Fresh fruits

Meal idea 1: Green smoothie 

1 mango
1 handful of spinach
Half an avocado or almond butter
Coconut water or almond milk

Meal idea 2: Acai berry smoothie bowl 

A cup of frozen mixed berries

1 class of almond milk or coconut water
1 scoop of vegan protein powder
1 tsp of shredded unsweetened coconut
1 tsp of chia seeds

Topping: granola, fruits, almond butter

ACAI BOWL WITH MIXED BERRIES | healthy smoothie bowl goodness

Meal idea 3: Quinoa salad 

1 cup of quinoa (soak overnight)

1 avocado
1 tomato
¼ cup of fresh parsley
1 squeezed lemon
1 tbs of olive oil
sea salt
Meal idea 4: Spring rolls 

3-4 rice sheets or green collards

2 medium carrots
1 red bell pepper
¼ cup of fresh parsley
Tofu or prawns
¼ of avocado
1 squeezed lemon
soya sauce
¼ cup of sweet potatoes
1 handful f spinach or kale
1 courgette
1 handful of fresh salad
¼ cup of fresh parsley 
¼ cup of chickpeas or hummus 
1 tsp of olive oil

What are the worst foods for a singer? What

should you avoid consuming on a
performance day?

Now we have listed all the foods that are beneficial for singers, let us look at the ones to avoid. 

Acidic foods, though they don’t directly touch the vocal cords, are best being avoided especially before a
show as they can cause the vocal cords to be irritated and also aggravate acid reflux. 

Milk and dairy

Dairy especially milk is not only inflammatory but also can cause acid reflux and mucus to be formed which
can irritate the vocal cords.

We are talking about processed sugar, not the natural fructose found in fruits. The same as milk, processed
sugar is inflammatory and can cause the appearance of phlegm also decreases energy and compromises
the immune system.

Fried foods
Fried foods are heavy on the digestion so also can trigger heartburn and which will cause the vocal cords to
not sound as clear.

Caffeine interferes with mucus production and dehydrates the vocal cords. It also tightens the muscles
which may have a negative effect on the vocal cords
which may have a negative effect on the vocal cords. 

Soda is both full of sugar and acidic and therefore may cause heartburn which will irritate the throat.

Alcohol is dehydrating and also contains a lot of sugar it is best to avoid it especially before a performance.

Spicy food 
Spicy food may again cause heartburn and cause discomfort during a performance.

Good foods but avoid before performing 

Beetroot: Beetroots are very healthy and are known to boost stamina. However, one of its side effects is that
they can temporally tighten vocal cords. 

Dark chocolate: Dark chocolate is an excellent source of antioxidants and also prevents free radicals.
However, it also may trigger acid reflux and contains a lot of caffeine which can dry the vocal cords.

Although they are best not being consumed on performance day, feel free to enjoy beetroots and dark
chocolate or raw cacao on the days off from performing as they are amazing superfoods. 

What about a vegan diet for singers?

There are some very famous vegan singers including Beyonce, Jason Mraz, Ellie Goulding,  Ariana Grande,
Miley Cyrus, Sia, Leona Lewis, Joss Stone, Bryan Adams, Pink, Richard Marx, and Erykah Badu.

Notice a theme here?

That’s right, they are all amazing singers, and there’s no way you could ever claim that a vegan diet could
affect their singing performance.

Following a vegan diet as a singer could have have some benefits, particularly from a health perspective.

For example, we’ve previously spoken about how milk and dairy can be bad for singing voice. Dairy is
strictly off the vegan menu, so by simply eliminating milk and cheese from your diet, you could improve
your performance. Similarly, chocolate has milk in it, and this can result in acid reflux, so you will eliminate
that too if following a vegan diet.

Just make sure that you eat plenty of foods that are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as these will help keep your
mucus membranes in good shape, and therefore, your singing voice.

The bottom line is; if you have adopted a vegan diet as singer for ethical and health reasons, there’s no
reason why it will have any negative affect on your singing performance.

Singer’s Diet
Although we’ve given you some recommendation for the best and worst foods for singers, it is best to find
what works for you. We are all different and react to changes in diet differently. It is always best to keep the
foods you want to try after your performance day. 

The singer‘s diet is no different than any other healthy diet, but there are just certain types of food to be
careful of such as acidic foods, caffeine, and dairy. Overall, consuming an anti-inflammatory plant-based
diet rich in antioxidants and vitamin will definitely help you feel at your best and enhance vocal cords

What singing diet tips have you found that have made your voice better? Let us know in the comments

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