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Maturity indicators and citrus fruit quality

Article  in  Stewart Postharvest Review · September 2014

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3 authors:

Joanna Lado Maria Jesus Rodrigo

National Institute of Agricultural Research of Uruguay Spanish National Research Council


Lorenzo Zacarías
Spanish National Research Council


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Stewart Postharvest Review 2014, 2:2
ISSN: 1745-9656

Maturity indicators and citrus fruit quality

Joanna Lado1,2 María Jesús Rodrigo1 and Lorenzo Zacarías1*

Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Valencia, Spain
Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA), Camino a la Represa s/n Salto, Uruguay

Purpose of review: Citrus fruit are widely consumed and commercialized worldwide. Different destination markets vary in
their fruit quality requirements which are also highly influenced by climatic conditions and agronomical and postharvest prac-
tices. Therefore, harvest decision is not always easy. The aim of this work is to provide an update of objective information about
relevant citrus fruit commercial maturity indices, which are part of quality fruit standards worldwide.

Findings: Commercial maturity indices in citrus fruit are highly variable and dependent on citrus species and varieties, growing
regions and destination markets. Coloration, soluble solids, acidity and juice content are relevant parameters considered for
harvest decision; however, relative importance depends on the citrus variety considered and the distance to the market destina-
tion. Maturity indices are an important part of quality standards but not sufficient by themselves to fulfill quality requirements
where fruit are classified into different categories (Extra, Category I and Category II). Quality categories are also defined by fruit
shape, coloration, peel disorders (shriveling and dehydration, chilling injury or sun burn), pest damages, wind or hail scars, and
peel roughness.

Directions for future research Since citrus fruit marketability is also determined by consumer acceptance of the product, the
consideration of nutritional or sensorial indexes for pre- and postharvest management should be considered. The availability of
new technologies that allow the quantification of different metabolites in a non-destructive way could also help to apply this
kind of approach commercially.

Keywords: acidity; citrus; coloration; maturation indexes; soluble solids

Abbreviations Determination of the criteria for citrus fruit maturation is com-

plex as it involves two quite different tissues and systems: internal
CCI Citrus Color Index changes occurring in the fruit flesh and external color modifica-
EU European Union tions taking place in the fruit peel. Therefore, ordinary citrus
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization fruits such as sweet oranges, mandarins, lemons and grapefruits
TSS Total Soluble Solids are considered to be mature when their external coloration, juice
content and soluble solids:acidity ratio and other internal constit-
WHO World Health Organization
uents have reached a minimum level of visual acceptance or pal-
atability. Moreover, citrus fruit show a non-climacteric ripening
behavior and should be harvested when the internal maturity has
been achieved since no further relevant changes occur in fruit
flesh composition after harvest [2**]. In the EU, the main maturi-
ty indices considered as minimum standards for citrus quality are
Introduction juice content (%), total soluble solids (TSS; ºBrix), TSS:acid ratio
The citrus fruit crop is represented by different species and varie- and proportion of the fruit surface that present typical coloration
ties that display unique aesthetic, organoleptic and nutritional [3, 4**].
characteristics. However, fruits of the different varieties share
common mechanisms and many biochemical pathways during The main indicators of maturity in citrus fruits
growth, development and ripening, that are critical factors for
determining the maturation indexes and harvest time for each Coloration
variety. Harvest time determination is challenging and dependent Regarding external fruit quality, peel color has been found to be
on citrus growing areas and market requirements. According to highly correlated with fruit palatability [5, 6**]. Color is an im-
the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), China, Brazil, the portant attribute in citrus fruit quality which influences consum-
USA, India, Mexico and Spain are the world’s leading citrus fruit- er perception and acceptation. The great diversity of fruit colora-
producing countries, representing nearly two-thirds of global tion among citrus varieties is directly correlated with carotenoid
production [1], whereas the European Union (EU), the USA, Rus- composition [7*, 8]. Carotenoids are a broad family of C40 isopre-
sia, Canada, China and Japan are the main destination markets noid pigments which impart color to many fruits and vegetables,
[1]. Therefore, the decision of fruit harvesting to provide highly including citrus fruits [9]. Carotenoid content and composition
quality fruits into the markets is a compromise between the cli- are responsible for the wide range of color tones displayed by
matic conditions, agricultural and postharvest practices of the fruits of the different species, from the pale yellow to the red in
producing countries and the standards established by the de- the case of white and red grapefruits, to dark yellow in lemons,
manding countries or custumers. orange in sweet oranges and an intense orange coloration in some

*Corresponding author: L. Zacarías , Email:

© 2014 SPS (UK) Ltd.

Lado et al. / Stewart Postharvest Review 2014, 2:2

mandarins and hybrids. Mature oranges preferably accumulate bility in coloration, where in early ripening varieties like Satsuma
xanthophylls, mainly 9-cis-violaxanthin (up to 80% of total carote- or Clementine, internal quality indexes for commercial maturity
noids), a yellow-orange xanthophyll, while a proportion of the are reached before completing external coloration changes. Data
orange β-cryptoxanthin is also relevant in the peel of mandarins indicate that maturation in the peel and pulp are not coordinated
and hybrids [8**, 10]. Interestingly, a direct correlation between and that physiologically both tissues ripen autonomously and in-
the carotenoid-derived apocarotenoids, C30 β-citraurin and 8-β- dependently [30].
apocarotenal, and external coloration has been established in or-
ange and mandarin fruits [11–13]. Recently, it has been demonstrat- Sugars and acidity
ed that these apocarotenoids are exclusive of this genus and their During citrus fruit growth and development sugar and pigments
content is regulated by a novel enzymatic activity which specifical- are accumulated while acid content decreases in the flesh, deter-
ly directs the accumulation in the peel of fruits in different propor- mining different sugar/acid ratios during ripening which is often
tions, imparting an intense orange-reddish coloration to some used as a main relevant maturity index. If the fruit remains in the
varieties of oranges, mandarins and hybrids [14–16]. On the other plant longer, acids concentration decrease markedly concomitant-
hand, white grapefruits accumulate very small amounts of carote- ly with progressive sugars accumulation and then the typical flavor
noids, mainly phytoene and violaxanthin, while red grapefruits are and taste of the fruit are lost, becoming insipid and more suscepti-
able to accumulate higher amounts of the linear colorless caro- ble to decay [2**]. As total soluble solids (TSS) content increases
tenes phytoene and phytofluene, but also the red lycopene in both during ripening, this parameter is a very practical index of internal
peel and pulp [17*, 18]. Mature lemon fruit is characterized by its fruit quality and an accurate criterion for the decision of harvest in
yellow color, which varies from the green-yellowish to the intense the field, where growers do not usually have other equipment
yellow depending on the cultivar. Total carotenoid content in the available to objectively measure maturity. This measurement has
peel of some lemon varieties can reach relative high values but it been long used for maturity index among citrus growers since a
mainly accumulates colorless carotenes, phytoene and phytofluene portable refractometer can be easily used and provides an accurate
[19–21] and extremely low content of colored carotenoids, such as measurement of fruit maturity in the field. TSS represent about
xanthophylls, in agreement with their yellow pigmentation. Lime 80% of sugars (mainly glucose, fructose and sucrose), 10% acids
fruits are the only citrus fruit in which the marketable color is pref- (mainly citric, malic and oxalic acids) and 10% nitrogenous com-
erably green, in such case the predominant pigments imparting pounds (amino acids). An increase in sugars is usually accompa-
color are chlorophylls [17*]. nied by an increment in TSS value, which is normally expressed as
ºBrix or percentage. Concomitant with the increment in sugar
In order to evaluate coloration of citrus fruit, semi-objective scores concentration, organic acids decrease; citric acid is the major con-
have been developed by using a color chart, where 0=dark-green, stituent (70–90%) followed by malic and oxalic acids [31]. Acids are
7=orange, 12=deep reddish orange [22]. In the search for more ob- usually quantified by titrating of a known volume of juice (10 or 25
jective determination of coloration, colorimetric parameters mL) with standard NaOH solution until the phenophtalein indica-
(CIELAB or Hunter L, a and b units) have been used to follow and tor endpoint of pH 8.1, then converting the quantity (mL) of alkali
measure color evolution; as the a/b relationship or the CCI (Citrus used to neutralize acids to the percentage of citric acid [32]. More-
Color Index, 1000*a/L*b), determined with a colorimeter, that has over, a high correlation between juice TSS and acidity has been
become an objective and reliable parameter widely applied to eval- described [33]. Due to the relatively simple quantification of both
uate color changes in the peel of citrus fruit during ripening or parameters, the TSS/acidity ratio has been used worldwide as the
after postharvest treatments [23*]. Postharvest ethylene treatment main commercial maturity indicator of citrus fruit internal quality.
is the method applied worldwide to stimulate uniform external A 10:1 TSS:acidity ratio means 10% of TSS and 1% acidity or 8% of
peel coloration [24*]. According to the external coloration at the TSS and 0.8% of acidity. In general, a TSS:acidity ratio of at least 6
harvest time and the citrus variety considered, different ethylene or higher is acceptable for commercial marketability, however
treatments are recommended. In general, for early harvested man- important differences may exist depending on the citrus species
darins that require postharvest ethylene treatment, it is assumed and varieties, as well as also on the growing regions. Ratios ac-
that the CCI should be between –13 and +3 for acceptable peel de- ceptable for commercialization usually range from 7–9:1 for orang-
greening and the duration and concentration of ethylene depend es and mandarins to 5–7:1 for grapefruits while this index is not
on initial fruit coloration and market destinations. For middle or applied in lemon fruit, where juice content and essential oils play a
late-harvesting varieties, CCI values ranged between +5 and +7, major role on harvest decision [31]. In Australia, for example, inter-
and no further ethylene treatment is needed. In orange fruits, CCI nal maturity standards are based on juiciness, sweetness and the
requirements for degreening are between –5 and +3 [23*, 25]. balance between sweetness and tartness [34]. In Morocco, TSS:acid
ratio should be at least 7:1 for oranges, while mandarins destined to
Although peel color has been widely used as a maturity index, export to Europe and North America, should have a TSS of 9.5
important variation exists between growing regions and countries, [2**]. In California, the ratio should be at least 8:1 for oranges while
since color development is notably affected by climatic conditions mandarins can be only harvested with a TSS above 9% and a ratio
such as light and temperature [8**, 17*, 26, 27]. In warmer regions, higher than 7.5 [35**]. Other studies recommended a different way
where night temperature remains high, citrus peel coloration is of evaluating internal quality instead of TSS:acid ratio and a BrimA
usually paler than in regions where thermal amplitude is wider, index was proposed, where BrimA= TSS-k(TA), with the constant k
and color changes are also related to soil temperature variations being a given characteristic of each fruit product [36].
[28]. For these reasons, citrus fruit growing in the tropics show an
inability to develop their characteristic color, acquiring a greenish- Juiciness
pale peel coloration [29]. Therefore, commercial color indexes for Fruit juice content is also related to the ripening process, as it in-
harvest depend on the citrus variety and also on the environmental creases as fruit matures to reach a maximum value at full maturity
conditions of the different growing regions. Despite the fact that and decreases afterwards. The criterion to use this quality parame-
external coloration is related to internal changes, it is not always a ter as a commercial standard index is dependent on the citrus spe-
good indicator of citrus fruit maturity and for that reason the index cie and the market destination. Since juice content may vary dur-
of coloration is measured in the EU by the proportion of the fruit ing fruit transportation, and export from countries of the Southern
surface which presents typical varietal color instead of the CCI Hemisphere (Argentina, Uruguay, South Africa) to other major
values [4**]. Mandarin fruits are good examples of the great varia- markets (EU and USA) takes longer, their requirements for juice

Lado et al. / Stewart Postharvest Review 2014, 2:2

Table 1. Variations in the main maturity indices required in EU ously perceived [42]. Macromolecules such as pectins create a
countries and the USA for fruits of the more important commercial mouth-feel sensation, while they interact with volatiles and phe-
citrus varieties. nolic compounds to create a certain flavor perception [43*]. There-
fore, sensory trials based on trained panels or consumer accepta-
Citrus TSS Minimum TSS:Ac Juice Surface bility are nowadays a valuable alternative for maturity indices and
species (%) acidity (%) ratio (%) coloration fruit quality determination that are being explored in different
fruits; hopefully some of these criteria may be progressively intro-
ORANGES 8 0.4-0.7 8–10 >33 >4/5
duced into commercial protocols [36, 41, 44].
Navel oranges 8-8.5 >33
Since ‘classical’ commercial maturity indices must be easy to meas-
Blood oranges 7 >30
ure and highly reproducible in different growing regions, the de-
Others >35 velopment of new easily applied colorimetrical kits, rays-based
technologies like Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy-NIRS [45,
MANDARINS >8.5 0.3-0.5 6.5-7.5 >1/3 46*, 47] multipoint spectroscopic measurements for rapid carote-
Satsumas 6.5 >33 noid determination in orange juice [48] or image-based multi-
fractal spectra [49] and other non-destructive methods [50] could
Clementines 7 >40 be considered as near-future methods for assessing ‘nutritional’
citrus fruit maturity on a commercial scale.
Hybrids/others 7.5

LEMONS >20 The Citrus genus exhibits high variability and is composed of a
very large number of species and varieties. However, commercial
GRAPEFRUITS 6–7 5.5-7 >35 >2/3 fruits are concentrated to a much lower number of varieties.
Hence, the physiology of the processes used for maturity standards
Sources: Based on EU [3, 4**], California [51] and Florida [32] standards.
is relatively similar among the varieties and probably major dis-
crepancies in these parameters are likely due or influenced by the
environmental and growing conditions. Apart from this natural
variability and recommendation from a physiological and nutri-
tional perspective, it should be considered that the different mar-
content range from 35–36% for lemons, 40–45% for oranges, 40% kets have specific preferences and timetables, making harvest deci-
for grapefruits and 35–48% for mandarins [37, 38]. Similarly, in sions even more challenging.
Morocco, a minimum of 35% of juice for oranges and 40% for
Clementines is required for export. In the EU, juice percentage is Mandarin (Citrus reticulata, C. unshiu, C. clementina)
the only fruit maturity standard applied for lemons which must be Maturity indices for mandarin can vary considerably according to
at least 20–25%, while in California it must be at least 30% [3, 4**, the growing regions, markets and varieties. In California, maturity
35**]. indices for mandarins are set at a TSS:acid ratio of 6.5 or higher,
with yellow, orange or red color on at least 75% of the fruit surface
Other ripening parameters [51]. In India, mandarins are considered mature when at least 75%
Other easy-measurable parameters like size or weight are not usu- of fruit surface presents a yellow-orange coloration and internal
ally good indicators of fruit maturity; however, they are very im- TSS is at least 8.5%, acidity around 0.3–0.4% and the TSS:acid ratio
portant quality parameters in fruit trade and marketability. For a of 6.5 or higher [52]. A TSS:acid ratio of 14 was considered as a
given variety, the characteristic fruit size and weight are more minimum for good eating quality in this country, where sweeter
influenced by the nutritional status of the plant and agronomical fruits are preferred, while a ratio higher than 20–22 was suggested
practices and therefore, cannot be directly related to fruit maturity as cause of a flat taste [53]. In the case of ‘Nagpur’ mandarin, for
[31]. Similarly, it has been suggested that days after fruit set may be example, harvesting time has been suggested when 8.3% TSS and
a way of determining ripening in citrus fruit, however, this param- 0.8% acidity are achieved [54]. Usually, variations between 10–14
eter is not reproducible since growth and development, as well as units can be found in the TSS/acidity ratios depending on the
maturation process, are widely influenced by climatic conditions, mandarin variety considered in this country [55]. In Australia,
agronomical practices and also by the rootstock selected, and mandarins are considered mature when the TSS:acid ratio is above
therefore it doesn’t provide a uniform system that can be com- 8, with a minimum of 8º Brix and 28% juice content [34]. In Spain
pared in the different countries [2**]. It is important to consider and the rest of Europe, a minimum maturity index of 6.5 is re-
that usually, and depending on the market, commercial maturity quired for Satsuma while Clementine must reach a ratio of 7 and
may widely differ from physiological maturity being the latter some hybrids like Fortune or Ortanique should be 7.5 [4**]. A min-
stage when nutritional and bioactive compounds (ascorbic acid, imum of 40% juice content is required for Clementine mandarins
flavonoids, carotenoids, volatile compounds, pectins, cellulose and in OCDE and European countries, while 33% is accepted for Satsu-
hemicellulose, among others) are highly represented and typical mas and hybrids, depending on the variety and growing regions
varietal flavor is expressed as a whole. A recent important revalori- [4**, 32]. Coloration of typical mature fruit should be present in at
zation of nutritional benefits of citrus fruit constituents in the diet least one third of the fruit surface for all mandarins commercial-
could be driving relevant changes in the way that maturity is meas- ized [4**] (Table 1). In Uruguay, Satsuma mandarin should reach a
ured in order to improve fruit nutritional value and sensorial at- minimum of 9º Brix with a ratio of 7:1 and at least 40% juice con-
tributes [36, 39]. Therefore, today we could introduce the concept tent while for Clementines, the ratio should be 8:1 with the same
of ‘nutritional’ and ‘sensorial’ harvest indexes, where the content of juice and Brix contents [38]. In South Africa, the minimum ratio
different bioactive compounds related to flavor and health should for Satsuma is 7.5:1 with a Brix content of 8.5º and at least 48%
be considered as important attributes for marketability and differ- juice content and for Clementine should be 8:1 and 9º Brix with the
ential quality in fruits [36, 40*, 41]. Flavor is a combination of a same juice requirements [37] (Table 2).
basic taste (due to sugars, acids, bitter components, phenolics and
limonoids in citrus fruits) with aroma and mouth-feel sensations Early-harvested mandarins like Satsuma and some Clementine
(volatiles, pectins, cellulose and hemicellulose) that are simultane- varieties are harvested with a large percentage of the peel surface

Lado et al. / Stewart Postharvest Review 2014, 2:2

Table 2. Variations in the main maturity indices required in ex- mum ratio of 6.5 is required for all orange varieties while juice
porter countries for Southern Hemisphere (Argentina, South Africa content should be at least 30% in blood oranges, 33% in Navel
and Uruguay) for fruits of more important commercial citrus varie- oranges and 35% in other varieties. Concerning the external ap-
ties. pearance, the typical orange coloration should be present in 4/5 of
Minimum TSS:Ac
the fruit surface [4**] (Table 1). In Uruguay, a minimum of 9 ºBrix
Citrus species TSS Juice (%) is required for Valencia and Navel oranges for UE markets with a
acidity (%) ratio
ratio of 9:1 and at least 40% of juice [38] while in South Africa
ORANGES 8.5–9 0.6–1.4 6–9:1a >40–45 8.5 ºBrix and 7:1 ratio are acceptable while juice content must be
Navel oranges 8-8.5 >40–45 42% (Valencia) and 45% (Navel) [37] (Table 2).

Blood oranges 7
Lemon (Citrus limon)
Others Differing from oranges and mandarins, TSS:acid ratio is not con-
MANDARINS >8–9 0.65–1.2 7-8 35–48b
sidered to be a suitable maturity index in lemons. Therefore, time
after fruit set and mainly total juice content are widely used as
Satsumas 8 7 >40 maturity indicators in fruits of this specie. In India, a ripening peri-
Clementines 9 8 >40 od of 165 to 195 days with more than 50% juice content and a total
acidity of 9%, are considered as good indicators of a mature fruit
Hybrids/others 7–8 [55**]. In Australia and Morocco, 25% of minimum juice content is
LEMONS >35–36 required for commercial maturity of lemons [2**, 34] while a mini-
c d mum of 28–30% is desirable at harvest in California [51]. In Europe-
GRAPEFRUITS 7–9 0.6–1.4 5.5–7 >40–45
an countries, a minimum of 20% juice is required for lemon fruits
Sources: Based on [37, 38, 65] while coloration should be the typical from each variety [4**]
In Argentina minimum orange ratio is 6:1, 7:1 in South Africa and 9.1 in (Table 1). In Uruguay and South Africa, a minimum juice content
Uruguay. of 35–36% is required for export to the EU [37, 38] (Table 2).
A minimum juice content of 35% is required for mandarins in Argenti-
na, 40% in Uruguay and 48% in South Africa. Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)
A minimum of 7 ºBrix is required for yellow grapefruits in South Africa
Grapefruit maturity standards vary with the growing regions and
and 8 for yellow and 9 for pink and red grapefruits in Uruguay.
d among red, pink and white varieties. In California, the yellow color
The ratio should be at least 5.5:1 in South Africa, 6:1 for yellow and 7:1
for pink and red grapefruits in Uruguay. should be present in two-thirds of the fruit surface with a mini-
mum TSS of 6–7 º Brix and a ratio around 5.5–6, depending on the
production area [32, 51]. A minimum ratio of 7 is required for
Marsh grapefruit in Florida (with minimum TSS of 7.5) while lower
ratios (5.5–6) are allowed for the same variety in California [62].
Juice content is acceptable above 35% in most markets [3] (Table
of green coloration, and afterwards submitted to ethylene posthar- 1). In India, maturity index for white Marsh grapefruit is reported
vest degreening treatments. For Clemenules, a typical mid-season as a minimum TSS/acidity ratio of 7 [63] while 11.8 was recom-
variety highly appreciated for local and foreign markets, ethylene mended for Red Blush grapefruit [64]. In South Africa, a minimum
treatment (1–5 ppm) depends on pre-harvest coloration and for an Brix content of 7 is required in grapefruit and the ratio should be
CCI range from –9 to –1, 72 to 24 h of ethylene degreening is rec- at least 5.5:1 with a juice content of 40% [37] (Table 2).
ommended, respectively [56]. Therefore, internal commercial qual-
ity is achieved in these mandarins before external degreening is
completed being a good example of the differences between com-
Determining the best maturity stage in citrus fruit is a challenging
mercial and physiological maturity.
practice due to the high variability found in this this crop. Based
on technologies available nowadays, the more relevant maturity
Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) indices are coloration, sugars and acids content (evaluated as the
In sweet oranges, the TSS:acid ratio has been considered a more ratio between both, TSS:acid ratio) and juice content (as percent-
reliable index than peel coloration, since important changes occur age). Maturity indices also depend on the destination markets and
in external color development depending on temperature and the growing regions, therefore, there are no universal or absolute
humidity conditions [55**]. In Florida, at the beginning of the sea- values, and the different producer countries may apply variable
son, TSS/acidity must reach values of 8% with a ratio of 9 or 10.5, maturity standards. The distance to the market and consequently,
whereas at the end of the season this ratio may exceed 20. Moreo- transportation time is one of the more important parameters to
ver, acidity should not be below 0.4–0.5% to avoid insipid tasting consider when taking harvest decisions.
[32, 55**]. In California, a minimum ratio of 8–10 with yellow-
orange color on at least 25% of the fruit surface is desirable in or- Commercial indexes based on accurate determination of fruit ma-
anges at the harvest time [51]. In India, TSS contents for an ac- turity are the most important characteristics established for citrus
ceptable harvest have been set at a minimum of 12–13 ºBrix with a fruit quality standards worldwide. However other parameters as
ratio of 10–14 for the majority of the orange varieties [57]. Higher fruit size, shape, absence of blemishes, defects, as well as patho-
ratios have been also described in Indian varieties for later seasons gens and pests, physiological disorders and off-flavors are part of
ranging from 13 to 22 [58, 59] with a minimum acidity content of quality standards norms for citrus commercialization [4**]. There-
0.4–0.7% for a better taste [60]. In Cuba, a ratio of 8 is commercial- fore, other factors in addition to those related to fruit maturity
ly accepted in early harvested Valencia oranges while a ratio of 12 is may also be crucial for the determination of citrus fruit quality and
desirable for late harvested fruits [61]. Navel oranges in Australia product acceptance. Maturity indices are important parameters for
are considered mature when the ratio TSS:acid is above 8 and solu- quality standards but not sufficient by themselves to fulfill quality
ble solids reach 8 ºBrix with a minimum 33% of juice content. In requirements where fruit is classified into different categories
other oranges of the Navel group, a ratio of 7 is accepted but TSS (Extra, Category I and Category II). Quality categories are defined
should be always above 8 ºBrix [34]. In European countries a mini- also by fruit shape, coloration, peel disorders (shriveling and dehy-

Lado et al. / Stewart Postharvest Review 2014, 2:2

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